ers and nine secretarial st cnncerned st Mr. Murch also told the capa-i city audience gathered in the. school's auditorium that this[ year there were 69 graduates of grade 13 and 207 graduates at the end of the four year course.l Bayview has a registration of' 1.538 students with 84 teach-1 ers and nine members of thei secretarial staff. “We have a cnncerned staff." he stated.‘ “who are here to assist your“ snns and daughters and to as-i “who sons sist 1 them the annual KAP campaign, overtaward was set up by the stu- and above the $1.500 committed‘dent body in memory of Hugo to the support of seven Korean Schenk who was killed during orphans. a student-sponsored activity two Mr. Murch also told the capa- years 33“ It “as presented by city audience gathered in the.his Sister Pia SChenk‘ 5‘ mem' school's auditorium that this'her 0f the Canada Forces “0“' year there were 69 graduates of Stationed at Camp Borden and grade 13 and 207 graduates at 500“ be Posted overseai the end of the four year course.l The york county Bnard 0f Ba‘wicw has a registration 0“Education General Proficiency 1 SRR ï¬nderâ€: with R4 tAnthand hock a‘Yard 1“ year 5 went Catholic invocatio Simpson the York cation. who Karen by H( had h of 80’ of he] In 1191 ieved an ex way. v ved 0| Approximately $3,000, raised presented by Area 4 Superin- by students of Bayriew Secon- tendent Russell MacDonald“ (lary School. was distributednvent to Michael Tamhosso in to four local c h a ritie s‘rear one. Kathryn Firse in year: last, spring. P r i n c i p al Ar-‘tu'o. Sara Graziani in year three thur Martin a n n o u n c e drand Michael Sale in year four. at the school's 11th annual com-( The IODE (Richmond Rose mencernent. exercises held Oct-lChapterl for excellence in Enz- oher 22. The henefitting groupsllish in year four went to Kath- were Blue Hills Academy. York11een Troy. Central Hospital, York County} The L. H. Sims Award fox“ Big Brothers Association and year 4 excellence in typing Daybreak. These gifts repres- went to Leah MacDonald entcd the money the energetic[ The Hugo Schenk Memorial and imaginative students of therAward in computer science was school had raised this year inlwon by Christina Hillar. This sustained and loud applause at‘ tested to the enjoyment of all, The junior commencement exercises were held in the after- 0- You‘re mile: In voicing a farewell and thank you to Bayview. on be- half of all thisyear’s graduates, Miss Perry paid tribute to the staff of the school who "taught us not only facts but concern and a desire to change the world for all mankind. This in- stitution gives the student a useful and continuing educa- tion. Graduates leave here well equipped to compete in the world." Main feature of the evening was presentation of awards. was presentation of awards. [ The Mathematical Association York County Board of Educa-‘nf America Society of Actuaries tlon Awards were presented by;Award was claimed by Law- Mrs. Simpson to Michael Tam-lrence Facer. bosso and Lindsey Jay for year! Student Leadership Awards one. Scott Merritt and Kathryniwere presented to Bruce Crofts. Frise for year two. Fernando Brian Gentles and Margaret Coppola and Sara Graziani for‘Peterkin. year three and Michael Sale andl Delightful additions to the ev- Susan Pclletier for year‘4‘ These awards are specially bound books. Students‘ Council Awards 5th ANNl'AL CHRISTMAS CAR 3 B L I T Z “" in aid of York Central Association fl“ For The Mentally Retarded 'aledictorian \\‘ introduced by STUDENTS OF TEN AREA All areas will be canvassed one evening between October 26. 1971 and November 5. 1971 Please support, this project of these en was Heights had an Help the Mentally Retarded to help themselves in our communih INQUIRIES - 884-8401 ) are here to and daughters you. Don't hes I questions." SECONDARY SCHOC_S I It}; Commencement At Bayview Secondary School ? her Clement Sch \Iary Immaculate )lic Church pronou ation and Truste. son brought greetil ork County Board told As the guests of honor gathered in the school library for the 11th commencement exer- cises of Bayview Secondary School, (left to right) Principal Arthur Martin and York County Board of Education Trustee Deena Simpson. of Richmond Hill, took time to chat with Karen Perry, top student and valedictorian of the graduating class. the student leadership * association participant musicals." the STUENT COUNCILS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday the m was Karen Per- 1 by the principal 1e audience than graduate of Cros- ’ublic School anc average in excess 19 first four year: dary school work ale year, she ach~ hesitate 1tv Schwalm of aculate Roman pronounced the Trustee Deena greetings from Board of Edu- ent in 1 athletics : council in the She in u 19 W the she ‘She teach- of the have a stated. st your I to as- to ask “C‘Palv‘great leadership abi ‘ tl'lz‘ltéefforts designed t cms'icommunity. He wil )1 and,bered particularly excesslzing the first blood 5'95â€an the school. This Work‘ leadership. e ach- Richmond Hill 1 19 “513500 Dr. me‘an M everygard was presented 35‘ 591“ Harms. ilv andl Karen Perry recc ‘ girls'loria College Admi: NaS an‘nvchin and Ainn Ti The York County Education General P and book award in ye; to Karen Perry. The Students' Count for general pmficiency Karen Perry received a Vict- oria College Admissions Schol- arship and Aina Liepins receiv- ed the T. C. Taylor Memorial Award at Victoria College. Both are for $500 per year with acaâ€" demic standing required for their continuance for the four years of university study. for general pmf zenship in yea Brian Gentles. Winners of dents’ Council 1 averages in year and history, R( languages. Ain‘ mathematics. ; and two science $500 I are! \x' Hanns The school‘s seven Ontario Scholars were presented with certificates and cheques for $150. ‘They are Karen Perry, Aina Liepins. John Minchella. John Jakob. Gordon Derry. Rosa Iafrate and Ronald Mock. Ontario Scholars must achieve a standing of 80"? or better on seven grade 13 subjects. The IODE (Richmond Rose Chapter! for excellence in Eng- lish in year four went to Kath- leen Troy. Ross rick ( Delightful additions to the ev- 'ening were musical selections by the school's band. Both were stirring numbers which had the audience’s toes tapping. The atB leade ‘I‘K'J' ‘1â€? 1‘41?“ ‘1'â€). I’me men Ull, yuu pay Ullly IUI um unuu Lie-pins. .lolm Mincholla.‘ - '- A \Cu use. Ask for all the details at your f " ’ Firestone Store. You'll be convinced that these Retreads really are a terrific bargain! Jakob, Gordon Dm‘r)‘. afrale and Ronald Mock. n Scholars must achieve a 1;! of 80'"; or better on grade 13 subiccls. ‘ Mathematical Association Erica Socir‘ty of Actuaries “as claimed by Law- Facori lent Loadm'dnp Awards )resenlod lo Brucc Crofts, Gentles and Margaret in. glitful additions to the ew- u bra Iniicinal cnlnrfinn< “1‘ ) sciences Allison re illis Mel :ciences. John Jak( .Iison received the is Memorial Aw Zillis was also a Bayview and she year Rosa Aina 1 received the Pat- Memorial Award. was also a stu- diew and showed ip ability in group ned to help the Te will be remem- llarly for organir blood donor clinic This award is for v received Admissions John the Awa) Lions C Memorial five nuncil 'ards for \vere: E1 Iafrate IJeipins; y Board of Proficiency year 5 went Staff-Stu Minchella 1 Jakob. and ( went for high : English ‘ial Aw- Stephen remem- organir Ir clinic d is for Aw Club's vard citi- NEWER two two NOW AT FIRESTONE STORES or participating Dealers â€" Nov. 4. 1971 WMWPES 21nd have fl1em mounmd mg _ _ INSTALLE ‘ F For many models of FM? €l/EV ' ' 7.75-14/1 '5 can mph“ : F78-14/15 B'acxwa'l 4 , . ' ‘ ‘ '- wnh raucadablo trade-1n. To learn how grcat th‘: bargain is, just listen to “Ms! To learn how great this bargain is, just listen to this! These Retreads are backed by the same NO-GIMMICK GUARANTEE *na? stands behind our brand new tires! There's no time limit. .‘In mileage limit. No double talk. Tires will be replaced {*FE'E within the first 20% of tread life if a defect in workmanship or material occurs. From then on, you pay only for the tread A you use. Ask for all the details at your Firestone Store. You'll be convinced that ._.‘ _ , -‘ 4‘ these Retreads really are a terrific bargain! . MdW You're mulesAahead at: 567â€th MC RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL STRES 567/1 for (Photo by Photique Studio) noon Ian Henderson acted as es- cort at the afternoon event and Blair Hurren for the evening. SNOW TIRES LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 884-6666 889:3366 RICHMOND HILL T. V. 28 Leverrdale Rd, â€" South Richmond Heights Shopping Centre 884-7456 24 HRS. TELEVISIQNS 26" ELECTROHOME C99“ 55693? STEREOS & RADIOS Authorized Dealer â€" Zenith. RCA & Electl'ohome REGIQNAL TAXI York Regional Area AIRPORT SERVICE "TOWN & COUNTRY" W.T. RETREAD IF BUSY CALL ANYWHERE South Block with trade 88424401 Wculd you like to go to Seneca College this yearâ€. mfg? YOU MAY QUALIFYâ€"if you are 19 years of age or overâ€"through the Seneca College Preparatory Program this fall. but your secondary schooling is Incomplete? OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY For further information Contact: The Occupational Training Division Telephone 223-9661 Extension 28-29 SENECA COLLEGE Programs commence: NOVEMER 8 43 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE 441 ONTARIO Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings F7 8‘ 223-9661