14 ... --‘, Well, another extremely successful field hockey season has come to an end at Bayview. The team was tremendously effective in all the games they played throughout the past season, which led them tothe York County Championships and the Ontario Field Hockey Conference Champion- ships; :ps. Throughout the regular season the team was undefeated as they came up against such compe- tition as Langstaff, Markham, Woodbridge, Thorn- hill, and Thornlea. Because of this fantastic record of being unâ€" defeated, they were declared the York South Champ- ions. This title led them to the York County Champ- ionships. which were staged at Bayview Secondary on October 23. Other teams competing in this round robin tournament were Aurora, Langstaff and Newmarket. Bayview put up a sustained effort during the entire tournament, and came out with wins against Newmarket and Langstaff, but could only manage a tie against Aurora. 1 11.4. Ll..-“ ~..nnan"11arl undo- me against, nuLULa. Because of the, fact that they remained unde- feated, they were honored as being the official York County Champions. The previous weekend (October 16 and 17), the team participated in the Ontario Field Hockey Con- ference Championships, in which six other schools were also in attendance.“ 1 ,13 A; C‘..v..-.yv1nxonn1r u v- v u.-- -_, This round robin affair was held at Sunnybroox Park, in which schools from the Toronto area did battle against each other and Bayview as well. Bayview did very well, as they tied Strathaller 1-1, beat Medway 1-0. lost to Port Credit 2-0, tied Mayfield 0-0, knocked off Eastern 4-0, and tied Applewood 0-0. Their final record was two wins. one loss, and three ties, with them outscoring their opponents 6-3. This showing was very good, but unfortunately it was not good enough to win the whole thing. During the weekend there were three all-star teams picked to play against some Senior teams, with Bayview’s Linda Fraser being selected to one of them. Throughout the entire season the team seemed +n kn Aaf‘onsivnlv m-iented. with the three halfbacks, Throughout the entire season the team seemed to be defensively oriented. with the three halfbacks, Muriel Mortson, Danielle Pilotte, and Donna Walker, forming the backbone of the team. But, it was and had to be an entire team effort if they were to do as well as they did. As Coach Diane Martyn put it, “Bayview has the best combin- ation of experienced players and new enthusiasts to the game.†Top scorers during the season were left wing Linda Fraser, and centre forward Jan Baxter. Again, congratulations must be extended to these girls who put up a fine performance through- out the entire season, and once again proved that Bayview is indeed a field hockey power. Bag/view Well, an RICHMOND HILL CURLING CLUB The curling activities openedw for the season with a very suc- cessful German theme mixed‘ bonspiel. Gay costumes, Ger- man food, Oktoberfest Beer, steaks for prizes and an Oom Pah Pah band all added to the festivities. Incidental to the gaiety there wene two full draws for curling. The first draw was won by Ian MacDonald skip, Eileen Garrett vice, ’I‘ed Kerr second. and Frank Luka lead. The second winner was a rink skip- ped by Gord Brown assisted by Audrey Louden, Bruce Steven‘ son and Barbara Grimshaw. yu uan uuv ‘vâ€"NO -__-V.e-r In the semi-finals they faced Markham in a best-three-out-of-five situation, with Bayview com- ing out on top three games to two. This win moved them into the league champion- ship against Woodbridge. The Bayview team were outclassed 1n this game, as a powerful Woodbridge unit defeated them three games _to on_e. . ~v n I 11 VOLLEYBALL Last week the girls’ junior volleyball team entered the playoffs and performed well enough to get into >1_:he leagpgiï¬r‘lalss‘ .- ,AJ n/r-..1.1_.‘.... .‘n n The Winning rink in the 590‘ Thwaites, Bev Major and J0) 0nd draw was Bert Vance skip Davidson. With Peg Macpherson' ROSS 0n the second draw them W905 and Fran Andersm‘ help' were two winners, the first be in! out- second prize went ‘0 ing Pat Thomson with Moll: Herb Thomson- Kathy BT33" Waite, Marie Kaye and C1311 Sim“? Tom Harman“ and Wood. Second prize went :( Helen Greer. Best German cos. Eileen peck with Joyce Davey tumes were Erika Weber and Marj Sahr and Lil Williams. Tom Hardcastle- The ladies all agreed it was : Thig‘lg‘t‘hzauï¬gétvgl‘fgrta1336Eéï¬ieW’s Volleyball Team has come up with in quite a few years, thanks at least partially to the coaching of Miss Kathy Duncan. It looks like 'another great very successful bohspiel with a year with many new memâ€" large number of new members hers stimulating ’the club participating. NERVOUS? THE L We would like to send you, free of charge, with no strings attached, the book “Good News For Modern Man†This book will help you gain confidence and strength of mind Just write to: Thornhill Presbyterian Church E LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, German Theme Opening Mixed Bonspiel Wins Field Hockey Laurels 271 Centre Street. Thornhill or phone 889-5391 High School Sports By BOB CARTON Mvu lously effective in all the ghout the past season, ‘k County Championships ey Conference Champion- with their enthusiasm. Men’s and ladies’ schedules are now underway with the business girls and juniors commencing theirs this week. The ladies of the curling club held their opening bonspiel October 20. It was a great success with the first prize winner of the first draw being Irma Ferris and her rink of Sylvia Brown, Myrtle McEwen and Blanche Leslie. Second prize went to Mildred Ross with Terris lPowell, Marlene Turner and Vi- vian Steffan. Third prize went to Jean Coneybeare with Gladys Thwaites, Bev Major and Joy Davidson. 0n the second draw ther: were two winners, the first be- ing Pat Thomson with Molly Waite, Marie Kaye and Clare “This is something new for{ “We‘re me," he was saying the other'crease th day as he prepared to replace a room do burnt out bulb with a new one. and othe "I figure the best way to find duced out out about a job is to do it it more ; yourself first. Then when you It’s Sa give orders you know more what crease ac you’re talking about.†ing the s ,_A_ P..-‘ Appointed Richmond Hill Arenas Administrator Starts In With Hammer, Nails, Mop Ed may be new to the parti- cular function of arena adminis- trator but he certainly is fami- liar with the hockey scene 1n Richmond Hill. He‘s a resident of 272 Rich-j mond Street and has been con- nected with minor hockey in‘ Richmond Hill in one capacity or another for the past 14 years. He is married and has four children â€"- Robbie 17, Ricky 15, twins Wendy and Beth, ages 11. His wife’s name is Edith. His positions have included‘ being a board of director, man- ager and coach of the Rich- mond Hill Lions Peewees, pre- sently treasurer of the Rich- mond Hill Arena Board and ‘Richmond Hm Junior “B†Rams. He was also peewee con- venor for a couple of years. The ‘past three years he has been ‘co-coach with Gary Smith of ‘the Peewee Lions. AIM IS SERVICE “The idea behind hiring a full time administrator,†said Sackfield, “is to provide better service, a more coâ€"ordinated service. It’s an attempt to put the arenas to their best usage in order to increase revenue." T0 Yet another reason is the de- cision made recently to con- struct a new arena in Oak Ridges and Sackfield will have this particular building under his wing also. “At the present time we’ve been concentrating on improv- ing the appearance of the facili- ties here," he said. This has included putting in a tile floor in the old arena, paint- ing the outsides of the By FRED SIMPSON Ed Sackfield is the new full time administrator for the Richmond Hill Arenas. But don’t expect to see him running around in suitcoat, shirt and tie. Not right now, anyway. You’re more likely to see him armed with a hammer in one hand, some nails in his mouth. His other hand might even be carrying a paint brush, a light bulb. 0r heavens! Maybe a mop! (Continued from Page 13) There is a seven-man executive but that could only mean seven different viewpoints on how to operate: urcau ac v val u1;4.\n. yuu v n. u rv..- v.4 gleague. You need a boss man, one boss mizin: If you don’t like the way he does things, vote him out next year. ‘ v u Secondly, you have the executive members also coaching and/or refereeing' in the league. That’s good for a minor revolution any time in my humble opinion. _ â€" .n‘ - :1 1 P,JA£__'I “rm-Xngood example, or horrible one, is that fateful game that was called off and which started all the upset. All three persons involved are on the seven-man executive. Namely Referee Bob Thompson who called the game, and Coaches Kyte and Bo_r_k; uaucu but galuc, anu uvuuuvn LLJ uv u...» "v..-" Can you imagine the problems arising if Referee Thompson takes the problem to Executives Kyte or Bork? Or if Coaches Kyte and Bork take the matter to Executive Thompson? I don’t need to. go on.‘ I realize that any non-profit minor league has to get by with a minimum amount of people for a maximum amount of jobs. These people are sincere, very isincere, and contyibute a heck of a lot: 1.! Spar! Spots... v v...’ ~--.--- ., But they are only human. They get too involved and that’s when explosions start occurring. We all think we’re mature even though the other guy may not be. Maybe we are. But we’re also human and, dear me, humans disagree with one another on occaswns. I’ve no real conclusions. I just want to con- gratulate the seven men who got together this year and made sure that we do have minor league foot- ball. I want to see them stay together, I want to see the league stay together. At the same time I’m sure they will. They are all undoubtedly reasonable men. This is but a temp- est in a tea pot. The time to stop it is now before emotions take over and it’s too late. Everyone should make a point of stressing that the whole idea, after all, is to have fun. This means the executive, coaches, players, and the parents. Maylze even the parents should stay out of it. men. STAG TIME It looks like it’s going to be one of those winters that you’ll have to talk about Dynes Jewellers through snowstorms and bitter winds. Like right now the Jewellers are readying to throw a “stag†November 12 at the Richmond Hill Lions Hall on Centre Street East to help dredge up some funds for their trip to Manila in February. ‘ In case. you don’t know, that’s where the ’ World’s Softball Tournament will be held. This “stag†will feature some film (softball films, dear sir) on the Jewellers’ triumph at Hali- fax. If you’re interested in tickets contact Russell “Casey†Cripps at 78843681. Speaking of the Jewellers. the team had a victory party Saturday night at Sponsor Vern Dynes’ house and had a bang-up time. I know I enjoyed myself because I felt so ill the next day. Those ginger ale bubbles are hard on the nose. NOT ALL WORK Just to prove it’s not all work and no play. The men-inâ€"blue of the York Regional Police Force are entering a team in the Southern Ontario Police Hocâ€" key League this season which opens N0\'en_1be_f_ The league will be made up of the Oak Ridges area OPP (Division 5), and other men-inâ€"blue fi‘om Kitchener, Mississauga, RCMP Toronto, and Chmgâ€" uacousy. York Region opened its series October 26 with an 8-4 win over Downsview (I think it was Downs- view) at Woodbridge Arena. Will keep you posted on the team’s doings, etc. Nov. 4, 1971 GET TOGETHER “We‘re also hoping to in- crease the use' of our banquet room downstairs for banquets and other meetings. We've re duced our original rates to make it more appealing.†It’s Sackfield’s hope to in- crease activity in the arena dur- ing the summer months to get away from the impression “that we’re just here for winter hoc- key. “We‘d like to try roller skat- ing but. unfortunately, we don’t have the proper type of concrete floor. It’s too dusty and we haven’t found out how to combat this problem yet.†Sackfield said yet another reason for hiring a full time administrator was to take “some of the load off Arena Manager Dick Verbeek who was putting in a 60 to 70 hour a week shift which was proving to be too much. “Now I help him and he helps \me. It should work out quite \well," he said. M'i‘his "helping" includes the “get in there and work out" routine explained earlier in the story. This involves grabbing a mop and washing out the dressing rooms, putting a little paint here and a little there. A good part of the jdb is replacing light bulbs that are needlessly broken by youngsters. “It’s amazing just how many bulbs you have to replace in the wake of people whacking them with hockey sticks. It keeps you going steadily some- times." Washrooms are another pr - blem with a number of users seeming to be uneasy unless they do some kind of damage to them every time they use them. “Soap dispensers are one ex- ample of what they do," ex- plained Sackfield. “We’Ve given up putting the dispensers on the walls. Someone tears them down as quickly as you put them uApJ’ With the absorbtion of Oak Ridges into .Richmond Hill, the TYKES Barrow’s Insurance 3 Bob’s Boys 1 Scoring for the winners were Steven' Davis, Ben Howe and Don Earl on a pass from Howe. Bob’s only tally was sunk byDavid Allen. Gormlcy Sand 8; Gravel 3 ‘ Charlton Hardware 0 ‘ Gormley‘s scorers were Blair Abbott, Del Fabro and Russell Thornhill, with Michael O’Don- nell earning an assist. Fred’s Towing 2 Kinnear Pontiac 0 Matt Knights and Peter Mills netted the puck for Fred’s with Troy Mitchell coming up with a helper. ATOMS BAIF Bruins 4 Kent's Black Hawks 3 It was Burnett Day for BAIF as Jim and John both click-ed for a goal and an assist each. Sean Rockarts and Steve Shad- off aiso hit the scoring column. Peter Halliday came up with two counters and a helper for Kent’s, with Harry Lewandow- ski being the marksman on the third goal. John Tuck got two assist points. Rice’s Flowers 3 Hans Gulf l Rice’s scoring power was ex- hibited by Scott Taylor, Mark Bruhn and Doug Anderson with Rod Graham awarded an assist. IYhiInMcLaughlin potted the Hans’ goal aided by Martin Bacci. ' ‘ Sheppard & Gill 8 York Simone 0 A rampaging Chris Bedford accounted for four of the win- nel's' goals with Brad O’Hara, Scott Crawford, Mike Flood and ‘Ken Woods adding single ones and Stan Norman, Mike Smith, O’Hara, Crawford and Mark Robson being active in the as- sist department. PEEWEES 1 i Dynes Jewellers 4 Hodgins Hardware 3 ‘ Flipping the puck in the net for Dynes were Glen Doyle, ‘Diego Minchello, Rick Gh‘ard and Dave Marshall with Steve ‘Bowers earning an assist, point. Price and receive your 2nd. Tire for I CENT SILENT TRACTION CW44 4-PLY or BELTED Sinking the Hodgins’ tallies were Wayne McCartney, Bobby Horton, and Bobbie Frater with a helper from McCartney. Eric’s Cycle 5 Tony’s Essa 1 Jim Dunkley bagged a hat itrick and Steve White a pair of ‘Eric’s, with assist points going \to Brian Smith and White. Doug Lewis, with the help of Mark Reynolds, slipped one past the goalie for Tony’s. ‘ Shields Footwear 4 ‘ I Street Construction 3 Two unassisted goals by Ron Abernethy plus singletons by More Sports Page 23 If 1 you own an RCA product that requires service, call the people who know RCA best. [REE SERVICE ED SACKFIELD Major Appointment 16 MARTIN ROSS AVE. 638-6040 color specialists‘ [arena board has to provide ice time for children in that area. ICE TIME SHORT “It‘s meant we’ve had to cut off some people from outside areas who have been using the rink in past years. This is un- fortunate," said Sackfield, "but we're certainly glad to have the Oak Ridges people using our \facilities. “Ice time is still a problem in the area but this should be solved when the new rink 15 built at Oak Ridges. “It’s still in the early stages,†he said, “but there’s plenty of work to be done initially. It keeps me going." Sackfield is a former local businessman having operated North End Cleaners for some 23 years. He was appointed to his newly created position by the arena board th0 weeks ago. "Right now this is a new type to hire a desig; of job for me.†he said. “But told council it I’m feeling my way and it's go- time to hire a ing good so far.†cause many of With that he was off 10 re- place that broken bulb. Craig Clarke and Gerry Legere and assists to Craig Bumfield and Clark, added up to a win for Shields. Street’s goals came from the sticks of Stevie Young, Dave Collins and Mark Wilson. MINOR. BANTAMS \ Simms Construction 7 Richmond Hill TV 1 Zenio Ferrone and Bob Put- nam led Simms’ scoring spree ‘with two goals each. Singletons were netted by Dan Powell, Rob Dynes and Mark Hegenauer. Dynes, Powell and Putnam each collected an assist point also. Gord Sinfield put the TV lads on the score sheet. BANTAMS Reliable Mower and Marine 12 Surf Marine 1 Almost every member of the team figured in the scoring re- ‘cord of Reliable as they ramped ‘to-a 12-1 win over Surf Marine. -v‘.._. -_=. cord of Reliable as they ramped For CFGM, the sharpshooter to-a 12-1 win over Surf Marine. was Allan Basinger, who was Leading the scoring proces- aided'lby Jay Amodeo and Ro- sion was Glenn Jarvis with three bert Rosendale. DON LITTLE FORD SALES Ltd. - --â€"-â€" By BOB ROSS JR. "TOP '1'] SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES FRIDAY NOON T0 MONDAY MORNING PINTOS MAVERICKS MUSTANGS $10.50 $11.95 $13.95 plus 8c mile Open Thurs. 8: Fri. to For the Finest in Car. Boat 168 Yonge St., Richmond Hill 59 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill 889-0260 - 773-4022 EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY : mile plus 10c mile plus 1] (Insurance Included) Also Available â€" Full Size Fords WHO’S NEXT . 8: Fri. to 9 â€"â€" Sat. to 6 pm. Car. Boat and Home Stereo See {'53 S. We buy old tapes: ROD STEWART IMAGINE JOHN LENNON ISAAC HAYES SHAFT THE WHO RAM “Know Thyself" Theme ; Human Relations Lab: York University is conduct- ing a HumaniRelations Lab at a aliJe-ih week at Terra Cotta Inn in Peel County November 14 to 20. Sponsored by the university's centre for continuing education, the sessions will focus on learn- ing through experience. Regis- tration is limited to 20 people (two groups of 10) to ensure maximum contact with in- structors. Participants will concentrate on understanding of self, un- derstanding of others and how to relate more effectively with other people. Information and brochures are available through the cen- tre of continuing studies at York U, telephone 635-2525. PEFFERLAW: Georgina Town- ship is to have an engineering department. Council has ap- proved a request by its engin- eer administrator Gerry Mintz, to hire a design draftsman. He told council it was the right time to hire a draftsman be- cause many of the maps and diagrams could be worked on over the winter months. goals and an assist, Wayne Hen- derson with three goals, Neil Milligan with a goal and three assists. Doug Whitting and Randy Hughes-Guest with a goal and two assists each, David Bourque with two goals, Bob McCullough with a goal, Jonn ‘Petronski, Terry Surtees, Wayne ‘Points with We assists each, and Chris Patterson with one assist. r Surf’s lone entry on the score sheet was potted \by Robert Ster- nats with help from Tom Mes- ley. Stephenson Construction 3 CFGM 1 Mike Palmer, Neil Clack and Arnold Van Der Weyde shared the scoring honors for Stephen- sons with Bill Vennard and David Mann in the role of helper. Thomas Hook, who lived in London in the early 1800’s. is said to have been ableAto read a page of plassified Ads in the London Times, then repeat them from memory. Even if you‘re not a memory expert. it pays to read every ad in “The Liberal†classified section regularly. Many do, which is why a Classified Ad will get quick action for you. Simply phone 884-1105 or 884-1983 for fast, courteous service MEMORIZED PAGE OF WANT ADS Improved stability, more and larger e1& ments in tread pat;- tern and a more rigid construction, tire sway is elimin- ated. Low profile, flatter tread means better road-hugging. Quiet running â€"- the design and ar- rangement of sipes reduces “noise fac. tor†& “road hum". Buy the first tire at manufacturer's list price. get sec- E“ 0nd tire for . 1:1 SALE lubrication WITH EVERY OIL & FILTER CHANGE Your FAMILY TIRE CENTRE Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 889-7714 889-7715 DUNLOP GOLD SEAL 4-PLY SPORTS This offer expires Saturday, Nov. 6th, 1971 303 Yonge S NOW 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 280 Speers Oakville 844-0833 844-0834 Low-profile design with patented “Saf- ety Shoulder" for safer cornering. Tread is wide, flat and road-hugging, with five extra-wide ribs. Buy the first tire at manufactur- er’s list price. Get second tire for . ¢ Notice STUDS REMOVED $3.88 (at Bermondsey) 757-1805 757-9480 1165 O’Connor Dr.