During their stay. Mr. Hill visited the House of Commons while in session Friday after- noon and attended the Ottawa Rough Riders â€"â€" Montreal Alou- ettes football game at Lans- downe Park Saturday after- noon. WWII“lllllmllllllllllllllllllmlllllilllllllllllml“llllilllllillllllllml Mr and Mrs. Albert Hill of Church Street North visited their son and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hill in Ottawa last week. Tickets will not be avail- able at the door but may be purchased in advance from the orchestra through Les Stanley at 884- 3411. mm“\lll“ll“lll“INN\lllllllllllllllllll“!“\“l“\llll“\“llllllllllllllll' mummummumunmmxmmInmmmmmmmxmmuummmm Friends and neighbors drop- ped in during the afternoon to convey their good wishes and in the evening, with members of her family. she enjoyed wat- ching the election returns. She had cast her vote earlier in the day and was most interested in the outcome. CARS Campaign Chair- man Miss Elizabeth Flood says the society extends a sincere thank you to all those who contributed and to the canvassers. She makes particular mention of the younger ones who can- vassed so diligently and the business people who dis- played posters and coin boxes. Congratulations to Mrs. Kath- arine Carter of Church Street South who celebrated her 95th birthday on October 21. A total of $2.800 was col- lected by York Central Committee of the Arthritis and Rheumatism Society during the month of Sep- tember. Still the goal for Richmond Hill this year was $4.500. Arthritis Society Collects 32,800 The concert is being sponsored by the Newman'- ket Business and Profes- sional Women's Club and all proceeds wil! be used for the club’s bursaries and music scholarships. The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Branch 375. Royal Canadian Le- gion, held its monthly general eeting with President Joan ickson in the chair. All committees reported Work completed for the month. .The auxiliary will b? assisting the branch (hmughouf the week on‘ ihe poppy campaign and will be joining in the Fir-mem- brance Day Parade this Sunday. The work to be, presented will be "Music For A Young Prince" which the. (‘BC commissioned in 1959. The composer told orchestra members that he produced the work in one month when it was decided that a C a n a d t a n composition should be Included in the music arranged for the royal visit to open the St. Lawrence Seaway. Professor Ridout will conduct one of his own works at the concert to be held November 15 at 8pm in Greenacres, Eagle Street, Newmarket. It will feature a boutique, at-‘supervised activities for the tic treasures. country kitchenichildren are provided New and many other interesting Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 booths. Don't miss this popular am. annual event and surprise the * * * family with some unusual gift The Richmond Hill Chapter items this Christmas. IODE held its monthly general * * * meeting at the home of Mrs. F. V The Ladies' Auxiliary to Catlin with Mrs. Catlin in the Branch 375, Royal Canadian Le- chair. The renowned composer- conductor. Godfrey Ridout was in Richmond Hill Sun- day night to conduct a re- hearsal of York Regional Symphony Orchestra. St. Matthew‘s UCW is hold- Ing its Fall Flower Fantasy Baz- aar from 6:30 to 9:30 this Fri- day at. the church. Mi‘s. Kate Skillet“. who re- AMO. an ecumenical morning cently suffered a fall, is recup- out program for mothers and erating at her home on Eliza- preschoolers. will meet on Wed- beth Street South following a nesday next. November 10. at short. stay in York Central 9:30 am at Richmond Hill Un- Hospltal. ited Church. Godfrey Ridout Conducts YRSO The service is free. so why not call the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884- 1105/6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street Sou"! â€"â€" we'll be pleased to hear from you. NeWS of your social or club activities make inter- esting reading for “Life in the Hill" columns â€" also for relatives and friends. Encenalninz at a lunch- eon‘ family get-together or shower? Expecting guests from nut-of-town or maybe planning a trip to faraway places? An interesting guest speaker or unusual program arranged for your next club meeting? 1t may ' "W'ï¬" * t c l _ She then flew by United Air- ldvance Installation of the executive hues to Honolulu and enjoyed estra of St. Mary Immacuhu’ CWL the‘dehghts of the surf on Wal- ‘t 834‘ was held at a dessert and coffee klk‘ BeaCh'.Her message to 990' party on October 25. Father me Of thls .aFeav Who“ h“? “W‘Wmmm‘ul Clement Schwalm. Spiritual dir- yOOkeq t1? Vé‘gt Hawau Inns ‘ ector for the council. conducteddear' ‘5 t at eaUt-V and P 935' . ' ' 't them and that the t Hill of the ceremomes. then opened the "19 3““ , , l visited m e at i n g with the ‘9 a g u e’sunset on October 19 “as abme nily. Mr. prayer. Mrs. Margaret Illathew's.{descrjpti°"' 9‘15“ in Travel Talk- , - L71â€; ha- _ The letter was. mailed from n Ottav’a Egefï¬ergeefgg “3th a “.elccmgenhe Island of Tahm. whlch was Mr. Hilllto former and new members. “he “"9?†Stop one MFS' 600d": Parish on November 17 -â€" when Mrs. Mathews. 2nd vice-presi- dent on the national level, will address members of that coun- cil. ‘ _..~ - “nay. The megting adjourned with the league prayer. She urged as many members as passible to attend the fall regional meeting to be held in St. John's Church, Newmarket on November 11 at 8pm. and also to attend the meeting at Our Lady Queen of the World The last Monday of each month has been designated as thg_evening for CWL meetings. Reports were read and dis- cussion followed on ensuing meetings for the season. Mrs. Claire Wood. organization and membership convenor. spoke of her desire to amplify the league and asked the co-operation of all members. She spoke of an interesting guest Speaker for the next meeting and this was agreed upon. Father Schwalm addressed the members and urged all to do their utmost in furthering the work of the league. particâ€" ularly in spiritual and Christ- ian works of mercy. There will be a minimum am- ount of business and a maxi- mum amount of fun and enter- tainment, On this occasion the spot- light will be on the activities of the junior volunteers (Candy- strlpers). who have planned a special program. The auxiliary extend a cord- ial invitation to all parents of junior volunteers to go along and see them in action. Attention all members of the YCHA -â€" an open general meet- ing is being held at 8pm on Tuesday next. November 9. at Don Head School Auditorium. just east of York Central Hos- pital. Three new Cub mothers were welcomed into the auxiliary -â€" Mrs. Helen Redemeier, Mrs. Lenora Large and Mrs. Anne Thorpe. These are. a Gini ltableu‘are Htemsl party on November 9 a! [the home of Mrs. Carol Hase- man, 413 Balkan Road, an aux- ‘iliary meeting on November 17 with Mrs. Helen Todd as guest speaker and a fall dance on November 19 at St.Gabrie1's church hall, sponsored by the group committee. The 3rd Richmond Hill Lad- ies‘ Auxiliary has resumed aci- ivities for the season with three events planned for November. Lorna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffiths. Ashlar Road. is a staff member of Rich- mond Hill Centennial Swim- ming Pool. The support and em ment of many local r who sponsored her eff gratefully acknowledged " Congratulations to 16-year-old Lorna Griffiths who won the three mile swimathon last Sun- day in aid of the East York Synchronized Swimming Club in the excelient time of one hour and 33 minutes. The services are to be held November 21 and 28, with a youth rally November 20. As an added attraction on November 28. Sam Carser and the Kipling? Avenue Baptist Choir are bring-' ing special music. 3 At their regular montth meeting. the Deacons of St. John's Baptist Church finalized .plans for their “Good News Ser- vices†when Rev. Bud Coe from the Department of Canadian Missions of the Baptist Conven- tion of Ontario and Quebec, will be the guest speaker. Final plans were made for the entertainment of the Richmond Hill Senior Citizens on ‘Novem- ber 17 at Legion Court. For the past five years the chapter has joined the Ladies‘ Auxiliary to Branch 375 in (his project and once again. this year. they will be combining forces. ‘ Mrs. Lin Johnson. a public health nurse. will talk on the values of pro-school education. Programs for the women are held on alternate Wednesdays. supervised activities {or the children are provided new Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 AMO. an ccufnenica‘l' morning >_ The regular gpllectiop day for| Bill and encourage- local residents her efforts, is The other member of the staff of the local travel agency, Miss Sue Simpson, plans a trip to Great Britain in the near fu- ture to learn more about the new taxes there. so she will be able to give clients advice based on firsthand knowledge. The letter was mailed from the Island of Tahiti. which was the next stop on Mrs. Good- hood‘s journey to the antipodes. Anyone interested in seeing this island paradise is referred to Mrs. Toni Van Ravenzwaay who is in charge of Globe TraVel Agency, during Mrs. Good- hoofd's absence. She has been there and knows the accommod- ation available. “Island In The Sun,“ Hawaii, af- ter- spending Thanksgiving in Vancouver and visiting San Francisco. In Ripon. California. she visited friends who have in their garden lemon. grapefruit and orange trees and also raise almonds and grapes. In Victoria they spent some time with Hugh and Jessie Yer- ex who sent kindest regards to all their friends in Richmond Hill. Dy or ralsmg show cattle on the The Library Club of Rich. Raycroft Ayrshire Farm. mond Hill High School and the t * * Finns for Children Committee Last Week we received a let. present their second offering of ter from Mrs. Joan Goodhoofd the season on Saturday mm the of Globe Travel Agency. who showing of “Johnny on the was on her way to attend the Run.†world travel congress in Sydney. This ï¬lm. tells the story of an Australia. At the time of writ-‘orphan boy who lives with an ing. Mrs. Goodhoofd was en-)aunt in Edinburgh. Scotland. joying the beauties of the-{but is unhappy there and runs Of particular interest to Mr. Ramer were visits to eight mod- ern Ayrshire dairy farms in A1- berta and British Columbia, some of the high-producing cat‘â€" tle of Canada being in these herds. Mr. Ramer makes a hob- by of raising show cattle on the Raycroft Ayrshire Farm. They continued their tour by driving up the island to Nan- aimo where they took the ferry back to the mainland for a three-day stay in Vancouver. As they journeyed eastward through the Rogers Pass. they visited Fairmont Hot Springs and revisited Banff and Cal- gary. returning home by air. em journey took them through the Okanagan Valley to the coast and the BC ferry to Vict- oria. Highlight of their visit there was the marvellous But- chardt Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ramer recently enjoyed a very pleas- ant three-week holiday in West.- ern Canada. flying to Calgary and picking up a car there. They spent a few days in Banff,‘ andl drove through the mountains admiring the beautiful lakes and rivers to Jasper. The south- When the house is in turmoil. the trip will stand you in good stead â€" you'll he possessed of an inner peace and serenity and just rise above it! suggestions for Jaded Home. ond found the weekend activit- makers_,_1f you have two 1es. which included group dis- hours and wheels drive up to FU$5i0n5~ films Md handiwork the Thornton Bales Conserva- Interesting and informative. tion Area, left on Muloek Side- * * * road above Aurora. or right up There “’35 a good turnout 0f beautiful Bathurst, Street and mothers at the October 26 meet- walk through the woods carpet- mg 0f the 5th RiChmond Hi“ ed in 19mm. Scout Ladjes‘ Auxiliary. Presi- From the lookout see eight miles down the Holland River Valley and wonder anew at the beauty of Canada. [ Your help with this project is very much appreciated but please note the following re- quests â€" do not include glossy magazines â€" papers to be col- lected to be bundled securely with string or placed in brown paper bags with the bottoms cut. off â€" papers should be put out with regular garbage‘ but clearly separate. l the paper recycling project beingL undertaken by studean of Richmond Hill High School will be held the first Friday of each month, starting this week. November 5. "I didn't know she was pregnant." “She isn't." “011. there‘s posh for you!“ Two Welsh womenJalk- ing over the garden fence ..."Did you know Blod- wen is to be married Sat- urday William Wegman 884-6690 OILS Little Rembrandt Studio FIRST HOME SHOW ' WATER COLORS ' DRAWINGS .â€" DAILY FROM 10 AM. TO 10 PM. â€" Showtime is 2pm and the place. Richmond Hill High School Auditorium, 51 Wright Street. The new serial "Raiders of the River,†part 2. will also be shown. Part 1 will be repeated for the benefit of those who missed last month‘s Show. V This film. tells the story of an ‘orphan boy who lives with an ‘aunt in Edinburgh. Scotland. but is unhappy there and runs ‘away in the hope of reaching his native land, Poland. He gets mixed up with a diamond thief who plants the diamonds on him. The boy runs away and finds shelter in an International Children's Village. His aunt and the thief trace him. but finally the children bring the police. The aunt does not want the boy back, so he stays with his new found friends where he feels secure and happy. 1 ‘ Plans were finaliied for the showing of the movie “The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes†which the auxiliary is sponsor~ ing on November 20. It will be shown in Richmond Hill United Church Auditorium at 10 am and 1:30pm. Admission is 50 cents a person and tickets may be purchased at the door. 1 Mrs. Joan Robertson, Mrs. Sara Bruels and Mrs. Jayce Wells attended a pmvincial con~ ference held recently at Barrie. Mrs. Shirley Fifield. president of York Summit Ladies‘ Auxil- iary. gave an enthusiastic talk on the role of the auxiliary and ansxvered questions raised by members on this subject. dent Mrs. Jone Wells conduc- ted the meeting and welcomed new mothers. The girls enjoyed seeing many familiar and new faces and found the weekend activit- ies. which included group dis- cussions. films and handiwork, interesting and informative. If you can help in any way, please pick up the phone and call Help-Mate at 884-4161 â€" your interest is the best encouragement you can give this very worthwhile community or- ganization. Val Firman and J a c k l e Waugh. members of the GA of St. Gabriel‘s Anglican Church. attended a leadership confer- ence held last weekend at Five Oaks. Paris. Right now. high as: the priority list, are bunk beds. but furniture and applian- ces are also needed as is good used clothing for chil- dren and adults. Bill and Judy Bunker enter- Ontario branch of the Canadian tained on Saturday evening at a Guild of Crafts in the Great Hallowe‘en party for friends and Hall of the Ontario Science relatives at their home on May Centre. Avenue. Mr. Boyd is a director of the The guests. in a variety of Guild. and he. along with other costumes. had an absolute ball. members of the board. enter- wining. dining. and dancing un- tained last night at a dinner in til the early hours of the mom- the Heritage Room of the cen- ing. tre for prizewinners. the show * * * committee and out-ofâ€"town dig- Val Firman and J a c k l egnitaries. This is Just one of the problems that invariably beset Help~Mate. which is doing a fabulous job in Richmond Hill and area, helping individuals over emotional and financial hurdles. which are just too difficult for them to cope with. and at the present time. due to lack of beds, are sleeping on couches and chairs. Things we take for gran- ted often become a desper- ate commodity for some families. as in the wise of a local family who are sete ting up housekeeping again Although the December 4 and g -10 performances for “Joe Egg†u are sold out, tickets are avail- g able for the remainder of the I run. Ann Cook is ticket conven- g or and between the hours of 1[!! to 5pm and 7 to 9pm. Monday}: through Friday. will be happy to]! reserve tickets in your name at: a cost of $2. Her number is": 884â€"8664. W ‘ As the critic for “The Wo- men†put it...Theatre is alive and well in Richmond Hill." What a tremendous waste if local and area residents do not make the very best use of, and giVe their whole-hearted sup‘ port to this hard working talen- ted group. Tony Miller is directing "Joe Egg†and regular patrons of the club will remember the poig~ nant scenes in "The Loves of. Cass McGuire" (1970) and the! drama of “Devils Advocate" last? year. Tony will no doubt please[ the audiences once again with! the production. The next production "Joe Egg,†currently in rehearsal, op- ens November 27 and although it may seem a little early to re- mind theatregoers to reserve ‘their tickets, once done, their seat is secure. Some five hund- red patrons have assured them- selves of seats for the rest of the season by purchasing sea- son tickets, which is an excel- lent idea in view of the fact that many were disappointed during the run of “The Women" as they Were unable to obtain tickets. After the hilarious success of the Curtain Club's last prod- uction “The Women." thc club intends to do its best to retain the high standard set. For questions or comments call Mrs. Wood at 884-3754. The Baha’i Community met again November 2 at the Cut- tain Club when Mrs. Frost gave an informal public talk centered around the newly published book The Prisoner and the Kings. Following Mrs. Frosts talk. Messrs. Steve and George Por- ter of Uxbridge entertained with music and song highlighted by selections from the works of Seals and Croft. Mrs. Frost's skillful narration of the turbulent period.'marked by barbaric persecutions and acts of outstanding bravery. car- iried her listeners'through the life of 'Ali Muhammad, known to His followers and European contemporaries as The Bab. to His martyrdom and the em- ergence of the Baha'i Revelan tion in the person of Baha‘u‘l- lah, Founder of the Baha‘i‘ Faith. 1 The Baha‘i: of Richmond Hill recently commemorated the Birth of the Bab. an annual Baha‘i Holy Day. at the home of Mrs. Mary Wood. Trench Street. Members of the Baha'i com- munities of Uxbridge. Newmarâ€" ket. Aurora. and Shelburne jo- ined the celebration which be- gan with a pot luck supper. Later. with everyone comfort- ably seated. the group listened to Mrs. Betty Frost as she un- folded the early history of the Baha‘i Faith. The Canadian Guild of Crafts was founded 65 years ago and the Ontario branch which was incorporated in 1931 now has 750 members â€" craftsmen and those interested in crafts. Any- one may join for $5 a year. As a member you'll be kept posted on exhibitions. events at the Guild Shop at 140 Cumber- land and a 10 percent discount when buying there. Knitted articles. baking. Christmas decorations and a draw for a hand crocheted table cloth are featured. The Women's Auxiliary of the York Central Association for the Mentally Retarded is holding its annual Treasure Sale from 1 to 4 pm on Saturday. November 13. at ARC Industries, Industrial Road‘ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Boyd of Centre Street West attended the opening of Make. a month-long exhibition being held by the Ontario branch of the Canadian Guild of Crafts in the Great Friday night winners were NS â€"- Stewart and Marie Cole. EW â€" Murray and Evelyn Sinclair. For further information on the club phone 773-4280. Winners on Monday night -â€" Howell movement â€"- were John Bunker and Peter Molevelt. Duplicate Bridge 574 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill "‘57 The main event of the even- ing was a tour of the hospital is; laboratory. led by Mrs. Klpps was Montgomery and Bill van der Zande. This was of great inter- and est to the girls giving them an my. opportunity to get a really close A: look at one of the many facets has rear of St. Mary’s Anglican Church g 101 “Insurance†will be the topic for the November meeting. Any- one interested in joining the group is asked to call Mrs. Urs- ula Shepherd at 887-5627. Mrs. Elizabeth Beadle and Mrs. Cindy Reycraft presented a program on safe and suitable toys for Christmas. Using a sel< ection of toys. loaned through the courtesy of Arnie Haworth of The Playpen on Levendale Road, they gave many useful sug- gestions on buyingleducational and sturdy toys and craft mater- ial for all ages. Mrs. Maureen Stephenson from the Richmond Hill Public Library gave a short talk on lib- rary services and children's groups. She also brought a dis- play of suitable bo ks for chil- dren of various ag s to be ex- amined by members. A new branch of the library will be opening soon in the grounds of [Lake Wilcox School. I Mrs. Ellen Smith of "Infor- mation Please" explained a new lservice available at the library. This service is coâ€"ordinating in- ‘formation on all serVices, clubs ‘and agencies in the area. They need volunteers to type and file information and help to raise funds to continue the service. Anyone wishing to vol- unteer is asked to call Mrs. Rob- ert Smith at 884â€"1675. The num- ber to call for "Information Please“ is 884-9288 â€"â€" ask for the reference desk. The Consumers’ Assaciation of Canada held its monthly meeting on October 25 at the home of Mrs. Liz Beadle in Gormley. Stop ’N Shop of the hospital in which they work. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross on Centre Street, West were her] \brother and his wife. Mr. and Inks. Keith Aitchison of Locke- ,port. Nova Scotia. IHE BHR by members of the old executive during the past summer. The girls also made Hallowe'en tray favors for the hospital. â€"â€" DEW business included the presentation of the Junior Vol- unteers constitution. drawn up One of THE LARGEST SELECTXONS in the Metro area This was the first meeting of the season and after the introd- uction of the executiveâ€"Chair- man Barbara Lennox. Viceâ€" Chairman Brenda do Forest. Secretary Susan Halli Treasurer Susan Houshton. Press and Publicity Barbara Neale and Mailing Convenor Janet Burns‘ A meeting of Junior Volun- teers «Candystriperm of York Central Hospital was held Octo- ber 20 in the hospital cafeteria. with Junior Auxiliary Advisory Chairman Mrs. George Fenwick. Co-Advisory Chairman Mrs. Helen .King and 40 Candy- stripers. including eight. new members. in attendance. On Friday evening they en- tertained at a family dinner party and Ajtchison reunion, attended by 19 guests. Kevin Joseph is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dunn, 441 Elmwood Aven- ue, Richmond Hill. Kevin is the first Krandw nhild of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Dunn of 361 Neal Drive. Richmond Hill. and his grandmother has been a registered nursing assistant on the maternity floor ever since the hospital opened. The birth of Kevin Geo- rge Dunn at York Central Hospital October 20 was a very special event for at least one member of the staff of the maternity floor. SMOKING ACCESSORIES O TOBACCOS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Richmond Heights Centre - Richmond Hill 884~6423 Mon. to Sat. 9 am, to 10 pm. h Sundays 9 am. to 6 pm. ANNUAL ACW BAZAAR WRIXON HALL SIMAS SHOPPE 4 pm Members please note change of date due to the evening open general meeting of the YCHA being held on the 9th at Don Head Secondary School. { Prizewinners at the bridge and euchre held October 5 were. ‘euchre. lst. Mrs. Eleanor Cook and Norm Stephenson. 2nd. Lenore Rumble and Jess Dews- bury. Bridge. Barbara First. Mrs. M. Flook. Mrs. Hodgson and Grace Sanderson. Lucky door prizes, Jess Dewsbury, Bes- sie Alford, Gayle Brillinger, Al- bert Pattenden, Marion Carter, Marion West, Pat Kafarowski,‘ and Zeta Milne. Winners of the lucky draw were, Ruby Uren. handmade af- ghan, Mrs. Stephenson, money tree and Winnie Pearson, tow- els. A meeting of the East Cen- tral Branch of the YCHA will be held November 8 at the home of Helen Gater, 194 Dris- coll Road. PIPES & ACCESSORIES. TOYS, TAPE RECORD- ERS, RADIOS, GIFTS, ETC. ‘ DISCOUNT MARTS Single Parent: Have Swinging Party Coming up are the general meeting November 10. family bowling at Allencourt Lanes at 1:45 pm November 14 and 28, and another danco at the Masonic Hall November 19 with bar. disc jockey. buffet and prizes. Pictured above at the Hallowe’en Dance are Mary-Anne Assman of Baldwin and Bill Greenhead of Richmond Hill, winners of first prize for best costumes. A non-profit, non-sectarian organization, PWP is open to all single parents and their children. The chapter, which meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 8:30 pm in Emmanuel Anglican Church in Richvale, had a busy fall season. In September there was a pot luck supper attended by about 50 adults and children, and on Thanksgiving Day more than 80 turned out for a family dinner at the church. The recently formed Richmond Hill Chapter of Parents Without Partners had its first Hallowe'en Dance in the Masonic Hall on October 23 and pany of the 100 guests arrived in costume. To ALL MAKES . 0F PIPES THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 4. 1971 CALL us AT 884-8191-2 GLOBETRAVEL SERVICE 85 Yonge Street North COME IN NOW to book your new low fare to anywhere in Britain. Effective 131: February, 1972. DON’T DELAY. OFF SEASON FROM TORONTO $207.00 0N SEASON $253.00 Also many other attractive ski packages available to many destinations Open Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. & Fri. 9 am - 9pm Saturday 9 am - 4 pm PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS Firâ€".35, ' GLASSES '5 ' CONTACT LENSES "FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR‘S PRESCRIPTION" PIANO FUN FOR EVERYONE We need 3, 4 or 5 year olds to work together on three pianos . . . Bring your youngster for a tryout and have a coffee on us. No obligation. “WIND JAMMER" A person includes flight breakfast and accommodation ESTELLE MARKHAM ARCT RMT 884=3787 6m .5. $9an THE CRUISE WHICH YOU ALWAYS WANTED Now available for as low as 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 884-1955 Phone (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) $279. Richmond Hill