Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News I, “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgeley and Kleinburz. Maple, please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole. 889-4379; in Kleinburg. Mrs. Shirley Gloster. 893-1 .or i n). "Church Street. entertained at a dinner party of 17 of their jtriends on the occasion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary. October 23. The same evening. they were surprised at a party of nearly 40 friends and rela- ttivcs in tlle hall of the Maple [United They had received a 'Hath Joined Together." ll Mrs. Gladys Maginn was hap- ,pily surprised when she res- ponded to an invitation to a Tupperware Party. and turned out to be the guest of honor at an “apartment warming party“ at tlle home of Mrs. Florence Marwood. Mrs. Maginn received ers. bth we should point out that it is open to all members of the community. Since there is no Lions Dance planned for the fall, it is an economical outing of dancing. buffet and bar with fun and friends. For tickets call Mrs. Eleanor Brown at 832-2364. IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE From the George BalIC‘ School. .\Ilss Patricta Chumko‘s ‘6â€"B class spent last Monday at Burlington Outdoor Resources Centre. after haying their picâ€" ‘IllI‘OS taken for the second time after the first attempt had probâ€" lcms. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Nov. 21. 1971 17' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Darling of Kenmore, near Ottawa, visi- ted recently with Mr. Darilng‘s sister, Mrs. Jean Downing and son Raymond. While here, they host of cards and had visitors lovely household items from her from as far away as Orangeville, :Creemore. Cooksville. Brampton, rHornings Mills and Kettleby as ‘well as from Richmond Hill, ful in her new apartment in Woodbridge. Friday's Dance The dance being held Friday friends that will be most use-. is It xi 1! ‘ Mr. and Mrs. James Martin of Major Mackenzie Drive. recent- ‘ly enjoyed a short visit from .Mrs. Martin's nephew and his ‘wife. Mr. and Mrs. William Hen- Scouts and Cubs ‘ A good representatlon ol‘ ,Scouts and Cubs. Guides and ‘Brownies. were on hand for the, annual church parade to the' United Church last. Sunday. A turnout of spent October 25 with the sen-IWoodbridge and Maple. ‘ ior citizens, who enjoyed their: A lovely buffet lunch was ser- evening at the community hall. company. Ived, including an anniversaryiis being sponsored by the home * * * ‘ Icake in the shape of a book onland school association and is a Kay and Harry Lightheart of which was written "Whom Godldance for the parents and teach- Iderson of Ruthel‘glcn. Lanark- shire in Scotland. While visiting ‘with friends and relatives in .Canada. they spent four days K I ' b K I ' Church News [subjects Dress-up day wastVermere. Willem is the bro-Imo high scores of 47. Mrs. Ethel Kleinburg United ChurchtOctober 28. If more than 80% titer of Annie Vermere. She Kerswii] and yirs‘Ei'elyn Hamil. will be marking Remembrancejof the school came dressed in said they had a lovely family ton_ Mrs, Pearl Brow-n playing Day with Rev. Arthur Hamilton'their Sunday best, then on Oc- Visit. Ion a white card came up with speaking on “Going a Little‘tober 29 the student council ,53. and Jack Kyle had the other Further" November 7. Thewould sponsor a Halloween, Dirk and Annie \‘ei'mere of men's high score. service is at 9:45 aln and theIDance. lNashville visited the Nether- Two birthdays were honored. school for kindergarten‘ To make the deal even more‘Iands this summer Cornelia1Mrs. Cora Magee. in absentia and primary Is at the same exciting that day would be Vermere flew to the Nether-Vand to Mrs. Marlon Bowes. time. The junior and intcrâ€" called grub day. the opposite of lands the first part of July andfl‘happy birthday" was sung. mediate. school is at It am.‘dress-up day. The dance \\‘OLlId_‘\V.'lS joined later by her family.‘ A Halloween program Central United service is at take place from 2:05 to 3:15'Annie and Dirk took their planned for November 1. ‘of their visit. Senior Citizens The seniors enjoyed an after- tnoon of euchre October 25_ with **x‘«>l< was with t } 2:45 pm and the church schoolfand to top this refreshmentslother two children, Marlina and games and 1314799 31161 gamer t j. ‘ Gary. leaving Nashville in earlyagain for November 8. . Nobleton United Church ser-I Highlight of their tripI Names are fasl 60min: In for vice is at 11:15 am and theIdance there would be a gamewas return to Katwoude,‘the mystery trip planned for school at 10 am. Botll choirsiroom and a film. Iwhich is about eight milesiNhVémbEI‘ 23~ SO that those will be singing this Sunday un-I Well! As it would be toolnorth of Amsterdam. The cit- “'lShlng ‘0 g0 Should contact der the direction of Mrs. Vernamuch to miss by not getting allizens were recogniZing the town’Mis' Lomse cooper 832-2408 Mrs. Vel._:tllls weekend. would be available. For any who did not want to August. a is at 1:45 pm. :IIE‘I‘P and enjoyed every minuth wondeflul young Ipeople enjoyed the message ol“ ,Rev. Stanley Snowdon. gearch to the children. but timely as‘ well for the adults. The leaders of the packs ,marching from the community hall to the church and back bcâ€"1 hind their colors and under the. leadership of Scoutmaslcr Ian; iFerguson were an impressich ‘sight. , Bowling Ladies v After the bowling October 25. Maverick's have 27‘ points Mustangs 27. Firebirds 26. Falcons 22, Barracudas 19. tImpalas I9. Cougars l4 and IWildcats 14. High single went to I’lo New. Iman with 287. who also had high triple with 696 High average is still hold by Lori'aincl Leonard with 211. Pioneer â€" Pete Craibe's men, took five points from Orlaan1 Downey who were left with 2. Jack Gooderham‘s team trim- med Len Weeks team. taking all‘ 1. may be Old. it (Photo by Stuart's Studio) The Old Rabbit In The Hat Trick! It} Magic! but it is still entertaining. as witness the expressions on the faces in the above picture taken at the “Magic Night†at the Joseph Gibson Public School in Maple October twoâ€"fold result. a fascinating evening Of entertainment for the children and their parents and a substantial contribution for the arthritis and rheumatism campaign. The auditorium was jammed to its doors and it is estimated that substantially more than $200 with some Maple children is Harry Douglas. past president and entertain- He produced a pure white bunny for the entertainment oi’jherry Wilcox 9, Richard Sharples 7, Corinne Colvin 8 and Raymond Sharples 6. Patton. Rev. Arthur Hamilton’dolled up, it really turned outlwas 550 Wars Old. .. _ 7 points. ‘ is minister for botll churches. Iwell. Grub day was a real suc- mel‘e said it “‘35 50 Rice 10 be: The complete m“?â€"-", is This leaves Goodcrham‘s with! 23- The eVeht had 3 * * * * .‘cess with the grubbiest girl be-Iback and attend the school re-Te‘idy for the “1.3mm. mm?“ 16 points. Craibe's with 15. Nashville UCW will meetling Karol Visagie and the grub- union with all the people she 31;†“Xi .dep‘ailts a}: rbeing Weeks with seven and Downcy‘s November at C?“t"al' Theme“ boy William. Fem" They “9“ gm“? Up .‘VIth' TherelciloIiid corgiiilgt MfsseCdrdpeeres 6 With. four: I was raised for this worthy cause. president is Annie Vermere were really quite handsome “85 a lot of excitement fnl‘tbhu'h Ne ' ‘ High triple went to Clarence Pictured above D and program convenor Beatriceithe day before. three days. Mrs. Vermel‘e said‘ 5'? . l t k . . d Brown with a good night of .. . . . , , - Longdon. She is going to Speakl The kids carried UNICEF‘me “1,019 family had a wonder- _ t? 61a «2 (is 0 can “Edit 585 and high Single went to Len‘ ment chaliman oi the SOCIety of Canadian Magicians. on stewardship and will pre- boxes Hallowe'en night. Iilll time but it “'85 g00d to get}; 1:88? fugre‘g?‘ I: 1.6 Weeks with 265. sent a movie. Devotions will a * it i Iback home to Nashville. Eneca‘n hokï¬ng tim‘ï¬egazeagi Sat: â€"““’" " ’ be by Stella Goodfellow. Re-} I * * ’7‘ * s ' ' t Aspcak on “Love Does Not Pay" a w . . . .- . excellent teachers tllev have. . - . . . . . “iiilmhe: hzifriflfgz?“ The open class will be hav Egilitilm 10312203521133 MAPLE HOUSE LEAGUE as superior finally 100k on dogor lcllmc ll: leil‘nhlui l . ~ 7 - - ,~ . ' . - C'rmro “e (e t ‘ '. this Remembrance Sunday as mg a bake Sale on the morning Kay. IBAXTAA‘IS T221: by,ilsiiitfdflfofoï¬fldgigs; presednted the: Slcltib 3:111:13 the Legion will be parading to,"f November 4- All parents 01'. "‘ * "‘ * ‘Mapk Lions 2' contracmrs l 4' ‘t't ‘St v VBOl‘neman Dave Truman then introduced V ’ the church and will be present.this 01355 are 35k“ for dona“ The bowling has been SOiDEI Tms “as -a Closely fougm’“eg e eBI-k 1 '11‘ d the charter members White im- the 11 am Service. Rev_ltions of home baking to be Soldivery well and all teams areIgame .“It‘h neither team haI'mgIDH itiiylonerdï¬th 131m l§e-Ipl‘esenled the certificates and Warren ilchinnon will be The bake sale 15 to help “'lthgnow filled up. The girls bowl 3 declsne edge at am tlme' Long assisting~ IRutledge presented the pins. Winners of the regular ser-_ ‘ ‘ ~ : .F - .' “CShmE‘hls “I†be served by ies of girls‘ football were: The ‘mday at 130 pm or “11mm and Mrs' .details see the Coming Events Mr. Lester Nunez Mildred Storey and Annie Ver- Road Runners: Captain Karen ‘Cnele "I'm: W119" forme‘gl-Vh OffColumn. mero- . . Snider, Joanne Johnston. Wen- 0913"†_“e‘e g“‘{5t5 ° 0‘“ The ladies of the ucw The UCW is sponsoring aldy Colton. Nancy Whetstone-tor at a bridal shower and tea‘of Maple United are busy plam IOctober 24. It was given by ithe bride’s aunts. Laura Miller and Jean Thomson. Jackie Chefero has been pro- Variety night with the BoltoniLynda Jones, Corinna Ammos_ community ChOh‘ in the alldl'er. Venecia Colton. Heather torium of the Castlemore Pub-mill and Diane Decaire. lic School November 12 at 8:20 Ining their Frosty Gift Sale to ‘be held November 13 at 2pm. For details see Coming Events Winners of the playoffs were Column. pm. The Hi-C group is about to work on a project you wouldn't want to miss. They are going to need a director, a producer. moted to a full time job with on November 25 at 7:30 pm M Vaughan Torvn Interact Club ; Holds Charter Night At Concord, By CAROL COLE Jim Rutledge of Vaughan Rot-. Our Concord Correspondent lai‘y, President Ken Kimball of1 At the House of Concord Oc-iVaughan Interact, Chairmani mania/1 _ The Giant Egors: Captain LoriI iSmithers. Lorna McMillan,l jBarb Copithorn. Ann Hustis. .Janet Steenhof, Mary Beth Viv- Avon and is in training in To- ronto and Montreal. She will Ithen become district manager iin Willowdale. Vactors, actresses. etc. Yes! as}? [112 Donovan' Heathef‘ Murray Carrick is in Bramp- Th _ . . . tBii cl. Minneke Jorens and Cathy I . ey ale gomg into the mOVIelBlachau The season i ï¬n 1011 hospital- business. There is to be a ished ' 5 ’I Janet Robinson is still recup- cllaracters. If you do not be- long there is still time to join. at 7:30 pm in the church. The; group also meets every Friday" at 7:15 in the Junior School. I The Hi-C group went to King City Sunday with other groupsl from this area for Ha110\ve'en.t story, a plot and some exciting! l was absolutely marvelous. There crating after her accident. Gerry Thomson is home from the hospital and Carl Toll of Nashville is in Humber Mem- orial. Last week Rotarians visited there from the Weston - Mt. ’Dennis Club. Norn Garriock ***>I I John Martin. principal of the junior school and his teachers decided to have a Hallowe'en Parade with all the children. It were ghosts, gypsies, witches, cowboys, clowns. even a couple ETeston United will hold it's an- .nual Christmas Bazaar. Songs Of Christmas. A feature this year iwill be the bake booth on the t"12 Days Of Christmas" theme. Teston United will observe ‘their 99th Anniversary. Novem- Iber 14 with Rev. Douglas Da\'lSl of Stouffville a past minister. lspeaking at the 11 am service} The church choir will provide Ithe music. The Young People of 1Teston United, under the able leadership of Dave and Amy ‘Darker sponsored a Halloween gunera/ flame LIMITED tober 27 a total of 22 youngtDave Truman ol‘ Vaughan In-‘ people became charter mem- teract. Kimberley Truman. Mrs. bers of the Interact Club OfiPeggy Truman. Mrs. Don White Vaughan. Interact Chairinang‘and Chairman of District 707 Dave Truman of Vaughan Ro-i‘Interact Don White. tary Club opened the meeting, Club presidents of Interact with Major Alex MacCorquo-‘present. included: from Mississ- dale calling the invocation andyauga Nora Fry. Scarboro Bruce the singing of the national an-‘ICoultor Scarboro North Judy them. Dinner was enjoyed byICrockett. Forest Hill Bruce the members and guests. :Trigg. The members of the Dave Truman welcomed aIIEScarboro Club who helped set present and expressed his grat- up the Vaughan Interact were itude to the members of tlleIPeter Massey, Susan Miller and Scarboro Interact Club for aS-‘Lyn Tomkins. They were hon- 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill 884-1062 Serving the Community under the Wright & Taylor and Pipher Chapels since 1876 of spidermen. a couple of prin- who lives between KleinburgiPal-ty last weekend. with all sistance in forming the newlored guests. ANovember 14 at 7:30 pm. v1Baptist Church. Sarnia. recent- A Writer Mar 81 It i r .. spoke on “Fixendslznd Esseglilcesses. fairies and many more. with It * It is IThe hall “'35 decorated ,oullined some background work eryone enjoyed themselves to Rev. Warren McKinnon will large posters made for Hallo-Ithat .iS necessary bEfOI‘E‘ filmSZthe hilt. with all ages costumed. we’en by the children and the, . 1 . . . r. . . . ,. staff room was busy with f(“male se ected fOI the CBC. Jim ploylding the chlldlen wlth and Pine Grove and is. images represented from 3 to 73. Icharge of CBC pl'ogramnnng.,A good crowd attended and ev- at Nashville Presbyterian . d a . Maw said it was a good meet-tproof that the adults are peo- Chui‘ch on Sunday_ The i~ead-,°°mmg an eomg‘ , ling and they had a fun night ple too, who can join in the ers for this Sunday will be There “'9â€? Teal Pumpkinstoa Ifun and hilarity. Rick Zimmerman and Lois evfly‘l'here' some 0f the“ * â€â€˜ * â€â€˜ I Brownlee. The organist hirssrï¬sliinn 3:18: atre‘gclltzlï¬s Irene Train here in Klein- Rita Burbidge will be bringing ‘ 7. ° special music for this Remem-I£10m me pumpkin _ no Store‘bel‘i‘ies from her PatCh this brance Sunday. The sacrament mnes or cans' . . Open house at the junior of Holy Communion Will be . served and grades 5 and 6 will SChool is scheduled for Novem- take part in the church servicelber 8' 10 and 12' The hours week. She figures the October picking was well over 100 quarts. Another neighbor Mrs. ‘ ‘ . lLuena Thompson still has beau- me more Important because OfItiful red roses blooming so perâ€" “jith a “Show and Ten." 'tlle buses coming and doing I i'.‘ " ' v‘ '~ 5 â€"1 r . ,- . . \asllyllle Session “III meets:15 to 12 noon and 1:15 tonaps “Intel “111 stay away for 3:15. Wednesday the school will; I .burg picked beautiful red rasp-l a while yet. Cavcn Presbyterian Church, be . u I . a f M Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKay are; Bolton. will be holding aunt-“,0â€??? "} t‘eff‘eglflgt OS'PI‘OUd grandparents of a new versary service November 21 "‘5 pawns '0'“ “’ ° granddaughter Margaret Ann.I pm. This is an excellent oppor- born October 28- TheV are verw‘ tunlty to see what and how your ‘ ' _ ha I to have Kathv stavin I Children are taught and “‘hativvifhnthem till her mother ccimegs:l at l1 aln. The guest speaker for this occasion will be Gordon Alcott from Erin. Scoring for the winners were IKeir Todd and Ron Guidolin. highlAssists went to Peter Pflug and ° Bill Lamont. Ron Davis scored speaking. The chair will bring the “35‘ 0f the t.“'0 trips Diem-levery Thursday afternoon and special music under the dimeâ€"ï¬le:d by the class. The baking now have some results. High tion of Ken Graydon. I‘m“ be for 5319 to a†the chim-score. Jean Adamson: the pastor will speak on “Man ents are under no Obligation Shaw. Kelly Maw and Creation“. continuing from,whatsoever to purchase them. Hossack. last week. Russel Jenkins fl‘onlehere will be a note comingI Cub Pack 2 had a really RiChVale Lions 0 chillburg will be guest soloist.lhome as to the prices. ‘great time with a Halloween This was a cleanly Plal't’d- Rev. and Mrs. William Par-l November 11 will be a school party Wednesday night of last ding-dong contest and it was (ice are off for some llolidays.‘holiday. Remembrance Day week. The Monday night pack anyone'S game “mil 30h Feh‘ They will be gone three weeks. will be observed in the school is filled. but there is still room ton scored for Rival assisted by I‘lle convention of the Fel- on November 10. ,in the Wednesday night pack. Mark Tl'ndail- Both D'dVe COOK lowship of Evangical Baptist Neighborhood Notes If any boys are interested in for Rival and Dave Yates for Church was held in Temple Hilt and Ei‘la Calder of Klein- learning new and interesting Lions Played “911 in goal- burg recently marked their things as well as having a good‘ Superior ProDane " and Judy PEEWEES Rival Appliances 1 l l l I t ly. Dr. and Mrs. William Par- wedding anniversary along time, join the Cubs now â€"> DH 85 A 1 anal and two assists. Dave the meeting by striking their -' deé‘ and Mrs. Sadie Barker atâ€" with Stu and Nancy JacksonuWedne-sday at 7 pm in the Another closely-fought battle 3,100â€, one 003] and an assist_ gavels on the Rotary bell. tended as representatives of Leo Cannon and Jim Renwick junior scllool. _____ . - _ Per Neilsonc one goal. Other Interact Is an orflanizatlon ' tlle_local church. of Kleinbui‘g recently had Nashville Cubs are up and assists went to Dave Slltlicr. for teenagers. Members must \Ollng Teens are gomg to birthdays. g0lng again. On November land, two. and Bruce West be attending high school. Each Emery for a swimming party he 1:: MapIe GraVEI company A surprise birthday party was and 14 they will off November 5 at 7 pnl. then back held for Mrs. Bill Boyd Octo- Guelph to what is being called name 3. King City 3 parent Rotary club Each year to the cllllrell for goodies. There ber ‘23 at the home of her the Guelph-Nash Bash. They Has Prosperous Reid Warner garnered two memch work on two I)I‘0.l(‘(‘t<_ ls \‘llII time for new members daughter and son-in-law. Mr. will be going with their lead goals for Maple vitll .leff Shaw one in the community and one . 1" t0 lord. and Mrs. John Naylor. The parâ€" 91‘s Jimmy and Ornla Maw and Quizzlng is the excitement of ty was given by Bill Boyd Jun- Mark Banks. he Senior Teens. They will be ior and the Naylors‘. Guests 20mg illto battle when they go came from Brampton. Toronto. are looking forward to are a - ~ - - against the. Downsview group. and Rexdale. The evening was tour of Guelph. swimming. ifï¬doggliliZfée‘fgfllï¬eagilï¬gai the paint .15 to see who can spent dancing and a cold buffet 3811165. handicrafts arid POSSIh' period ended August 3‘] comâ€" come up with an answer in the was served. 13' a mOVie- ThiS is h€ld at the pared with 3120:906 or 221 7 shortest time. The date is Nov- Klaas Bakker from the Neth- Boy Scout camp in Guelph. tcems a share for {he éorresponâ€" ember 7 and all senior teens erlands is a guest of Dirk and The Scouts and Cubs 0f dino peiiod last year. are welcome. ‘Annie Vermere in Nashville.‘Nashville will be around Nova 5216.5 totalled 54.783512 com. School News vHe will be staying for approx-‘ember 6 to doors in Kleinburg pared with 54.056244. McKenzie Senior Public imately a year. ‘and Nashville to pick up old The company savs that sales School has beenov‘ei'y exciting This past September brought newspapers. This is a way 0f in September and ‘October con- thls past week with Halloween Willem and Ann Honingh from disposing of the papers as well tinued at a satisfactory level. activities alld a lot of fun. along Depurmer. Netherlands to visit as helping a good cause. N0\- and a successful year is anticip- {with the hard work on school at the home of Dirk and Annie ember 6 Is the date. aled. I Profit of 5140.858 or 213.2 . V cents a share is reported by Jllbt 3 ft,“ or the thmgs the} Crawford Allied Industries Lim- CIUb. ' H I The committee for Interact . NeXt Raymond hel‘l"lay10r recognized the contribution mtl'OdUCed the head table “I†made by the Scarboro Club. gUE‘StS‘ incmding Pas‘ DISIHCI particularly that of Peter Mas~1 'Governor Ken Miller and Dis-L593. who h‘ad been of great as. trict 707 Interact C0-Chall'man:Sistance in forming this new Mrs. Margaret Miller. l\'Irs.:Interac1 Club it was said. Maureen Rutledge, Presidehtl District 707 Interact Past ,‘District Governor Miller pre- sented the charter to Ken Kim- ‘ball and a telegram of congrat- ulations from Rotary Interna- tional. Rotary President Rut- ledge presented the President Ken Kimball and re- minded him it is a symbol to be respected and not abused. The new charter president I l I Etalkcd of what Interact means Ito him and to his peers ing home at Christmas to sing- As each member was intro- OMHA GAMES lduced Truman gave a (October 30) NOVICES s s is a: jren and parents of the school. m le J 3 ~ ‘or -'- ‘ - - ' ‘ The morning service of Cal- H911) is headed plep ‘witehn thliarihle an unassisted goal for me con' maple/“Egg? opal 8 32%!)IEOIIIIITEULIITICIiii‘ljgsIE: vary Baptist Cllurch is at 11‘ The school was a bevy of Smith: high single. Sandrairacmrs‘ _ 1 Blah- Sut‘herland fed the “3‘ ally retarded. teaching law and am. Rev William Pardee will pretty dresses and handsome Shane, and team with most “'8ԠShe" 8 ‘ror Honey Pot with four goal; working in commercial fields speak on “The Image of the In- outfits as the girls and boys points The Jets with Captain Vaughan Disposal 0 _ Greg “linshaw had two with Charter members are: Presi- v ‘visible God." There will be a prepared for color pictures to;Ev See. Aioul'goal effort. by “13"‘0l30bb\-ilguchemmr and Joey Ba- dent Kimball. Vice-President reception of new members withlbe taken. These class picturestGuides And Scouts Deplt‘l‘o plus an assist was theltista "getting the other one As- Sandy VDaVIdt Fraser. Secre- the pastor and church peopleiare always something mom and, The Guides are in full swing blg SP?“ for the “lhhelst Deh‘ 5355 Mint 10 [{uchcl'awy with tary Kimberley Truman. Treas- '. welcoming Mr. and Mrs. David'dad appreCIate. Principal John this year with a full program “15.Rlle.\' had two goals, two three and one amocc «‘0 Jeff Ill-or Debra Kerr-Taylor. Interâ€" "5 Brock and Mrs. Barbara Blox- Martin says these pictures willlahead. Five girls have earned 35515“: and S‘e‘e House 500‘“ Bi-ookes Ricky Haas. Del-rick national Director Lisa Cadigan, am to the congregation. The be available to all parents in their naturalist badges: Cheryl “3195†Other 355‘s†“'em to Hoax-e. Brian Hobbs. Russ Hor. Community Director Irene -. evening service is at 7 pin and about three weeks. The par-‘Donneral. Lynda Jones. Yvonne R’Cky Dora“ and Dem“ sema- ner and Ray )londolo, Brown Club Director Janice .' PEEWEES Maple Lions 13. Kill: City 0 A complete rout, Maple rid- dled King City's defence in easy fashion. Colin Mummery scored three goals alld an ass sist. Robb Hudson had two. goals and two assists. Steve Sherman two goals and three assists. Bill Cromb one goal and three asists, Denis Limoges one up. Colleen Bishop. (lard. Debra Sweeney. Sweeney. Sean Sweeney. Cindy Carleton. Gord Bruce McConnell. Major .VlacCorquoclalc Monro and then those assembled. under the of a BANTAMS group is win: cha l'act cr. Rotary done of Inlernatlonal the some :l:l,Ila‘.€ traditionally lntetatl ls nor a world \‘ICIC Ol';til’ll££ll.l0ll with 2985 clubs In 66 countries and 60.000 memâ€" Eelting the other onc \sslsls went to Brian \ILll'c‘IllSOn. 1'10. an’l Billy \Vl'ight MIDGETS Maple ‘2. King City 3 Maple showed some Improve. Li S ment over the pl‘e\ious effort bers. Vaughan Interact is the and exhibited potential. but filth such club In the Toronto stiLl missed a number of opporâ€" area. tunities. King City played an For people after high school. Including students In univers. ity. Rotary has another club or- :anlzatlon called Rotaracl Vaughan Interact meets re:- IIICI‘I‘. at the Home of (‘on- ford. Duffcvln Street aggressive. close checking game and deserved the win. Alex Bittner and Don Prid- ham each netted a goal for \Iaple \ssists went to Dlgbv Bourke and Ricky Brooker. gavel to . ltllen gave his thanks to all and “ I'le f_' outlined some of the plans of the club such as visiting a nurs- , - ‘carols and assisting at the blood J. resume. on the life styles of the young v Best. Marnie Fraser, Jack Bish- Ann God- (f Kevin Lamont. Pezgy DOrland. Danny '1 pronounced the bencdictlon on Kimball and Rutledge closed ' in club~ " in: 735% Iiiliiltllllllllfl % __ _ FORMICA & ARBORITE $15.95 . R to It) colors to choose from â€" 4'x8’ Reg. $19.95 POSTFORMED COUNTERTOPS 52.93 p... it ill 5-6 colors 4 - 5 - 6 â€" 7 - 8 ft. lengths â€" Your Choice of Color Top SIII’IIIIIIS 2 "' VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34.95 3 " VANITY â€"- COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.95 36" VANITY -â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44.95 WALL PANELLING SALE GOLDEN-RED ANTIQUE ELM, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 â€"- Reg. $ 8.95 MAHOGANY SELECTED. i'xS‘ . . . . . s 3.50 WALNUT RUSTIC. I‘xs’ . . . . . . . . . . . . s 0.70 ‘ ROSEWOOD RUSTIC. 4'x8' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.70 l2“x12†VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ldl/zc Each t5 Different Colors: SOLID VINYL 12"x 2†REG. 97c noon 'I'ILE 9,1 on While They Last BONANZA SALE P R E GARAG ES In FINISHED SHELVING TEAI§ â€" WALNUT â€" OAK 8“x3 Ft. $133 eac: 10.x20, fl _______________ _ $395.00 10"x4 I’t. $2.; eac i2"x 3 Ft. 53.20 each iï¬lz‘x20’ m â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ~â€"â€" 3425-00 SEE OUR COMPLETELY FINISHED KITCHEN CABINET DISPLAY LESS THAN HALF OF MARKET PRICE $184.00 9 ft. base and wall cabinet completely finished with counter top (your choice of color) SEE CS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS CADILLAC BUILDING PRODUCTS co. PHONE 852-2271 KEELE ST., MAPLE North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. 30 a m in 9 pm - Sat 8:30 am. to 5 pm A n O Rllrlam â€" Friday ‘ 2...... _; .f. ,. . . Hours in 330 pm )