‘Tublic Library, 24 wri ht 3t., 0 Richrwnl l-llll. " 1 Jan 3-2 ~ , VOL. 95, N0. 19. f b y Antique Fire Truc/r Highlights Fund Drive This 1930 vintage antique hose and ladder truck and Richmond Hill's 1971 vintage fire: fighters were combined on a recent weekend at the Richmond Heights Centre in a drive for Altogether $2,003 was collected for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, an organization supported for the past 11 years by the town fire department. A voluntary toll was tried for the first time at the shopping ‘centre and yielded a record amount this year. Fire Chief Alfred Stong says the department is very thankful to all the good citizens who contributed their very generous help. The antique fire truck used to highlight the voluntary toll will have been seen quite often around the town and must have aroused the curiosity of many. year by Firefighters .Larry Price of 34 Cartier Crescent and Don Kerr of 96 Wright Street. and This 1930 Bickle also has a pump but isn‘t consid~ funds. was originally used by Toronto City firemen. ered to have been mainly for that purpose. in Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity†RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1971 / l 1 Avenue v John Street area Town C‘ounCil on Tuesday :of Bayview and John. I . Hospital Adminstrator and ‘School Trustee John MacKay quickly deputized the property owners to speak on behalf of the hospital. MacKay said the develop- ment. which would include two ‘is a matter of great concern toi ,lhe hospital. The hospital has been there for 19 years. he con- ‘linued. and has recently invest- ied $2 million in new buildings HOSPITAL PLANS l For future development it plans to erect a $2 million nursing and retirement home for senior citizens. He referred in the large acreage. the trees. valley land and open spaces on. ilhe property. "It is a very nice; environment," he said. . The large volume of traffici and noise pollution from such; ‘a high density development of apartments and townhouses lwould be a serious detriment to the area. MacKay continued. There is already a shortage of water in the area. and the prop- osed development would use a lot of water. “As a hospital we are very concerned about a water shortage and fire dan- ger.†he said. (Photo by Pholique Studiol it was purchased earlier this l A large and very unhappy Thornhill determined. dice Hospital aware of what was going on,"1 he said. Minister of Municipal .19-siorey apartment huildingsdof the day lDarcy lvlclieoughl for apprm'al. tinned. “Now we are faced with. the same problem as in 1968." ed that in future the regional treasurers office provide a more hot. December 1 Since then the fire committee of councu 3-3 engineering department percent, Markham lh'dro 14 “We don'v even have a fireball yet," Bonner pomted uould have to be a oualified person. a person who knew made an unscheduled a night of last week. ago and densities and usages "I am sure Shoul- very much . was The municipality went. to the the maym‘ Con- ‘MacKay admitted the hospital was remiss in not. fighting the plan more vigorously. He was aware. he said, that. there had been public meetings. was so much opposition we were sure the plan would have tot come back to the people before' it was sent to the Minister." he. said. “There UNKNOWN PLANS People “he do not. have the time to follow all the processes were not aware the plan was being approved piecemeal. said MacKay. would be more meetings. {hall the whole plan would be sent down." "We expected there Councillor Adams said, Bonner snorted. “Have ~vou (Continued on Page ll: Affairs Ill" live in the area and I did not know about this plan until I got on council." (Adams was elected, liberal HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 M lProtest 19 - Storey ‘ Thornhill Delegations Jam Markham Council Room delegation ppearance before illarkhanrx i Council was scheduled to hear a representative of Shouldice Hospital lspeak in opposition to a proposed BO-acre hi gh density development on the.“ southeast. corner of Bayview and John. The hospital is at the northwest corner i When more than 20 ratepayers from Bayview Glen and Bayview Golf Club Estates made their presence known. Thornhill Councillors Robert Adams and Roy Muldrew admitted they had made “a few phone calls" when they learned the proposed development was on the agenda. 7 l l problem. Postal .get out of their driveways. (4 WHEEL DRIVE‘! THE TOUGHEST 4=LETTER WORD 0N WHEELS. A K E R ’S SALES & SERVICE (1968) LTD. 9144 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 889-1189 I) I; PRICE 15c PER COPY uildings from the Bayview' Canadian Film Festival Aids Mentally Retarded Richmond Hill will be the scene of two simultan- eous openings November 8 in what is billed as Can- ada‘s first Cable TV Film Festival. One opening uill be at the Richmond Hill Odeon Theatre and the other over Channel 10. the local cable television chan- he). The Odeon will feature the award-winning “Going Down The Road" starving Paul Bradley and Douglas McGarth. They were .iud. ged the 1910 best Canadian film actors. The story is of the Hope Haven Nursery. ARC Industries and the proposed residential comâ€" plex in Markham. A limited number of complimentary seats are available by call- ing Joseph Dwyer at 884- 840]. For subscribers of Cable TV. the film festival will be delivered right to their home screens for four suc- cessive Mondays. Two sup- porting shorts on the open- ing night will be "Ski de Fond" and “Essal a la Mill." The former won the 1971 Canadian Film Award the area development. There. was a meeting in December. 1969, he said and no objections; were raised. ' No one present at, last week's meeting was aware of the Dec- ember meeting. including a man who said he lived right across the road from the propeny in. question. ‘ l“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllhllilllllll\\\llll\ll\l\llllllll\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\l\\ Read additional story on Thommn High-Rise_ see two young Nova Scotlans for sports and recreation. It page 21_ who come to Toronto seek- is a beautiful visual study Editorial comment “a ing fame and fortune. of four men enjoying cross- page 2, The theatre audience of country skiing in Quebec. 408 invited guests will hear The second by Jean lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll a commentary by Geram Claude LagrequE deals with his unusual vision of the “Apocalypse.†Guests at the Odeon will hear a short talk by former YCAMR President Wentu'orth Dowell. After- wards they will attend a sherry reception. courtesy of local businessmen. Invit- ations to the film festival have gone to Stouffville. Kleinburg. Woodbridge. Pratley. one of Canada's best known film critics. Arrangements were made to stage the theatre open- ing as a fund-raising pro- ject for the York Central Association for the Mental- ly Retarded. The associa- tion serves Richmond Hill. Stouffville. Markham and Vaughan. FINANCIAL DIFFICULTY Jongeneel admitted communi! cations with the public pose a‘ rates make itf too costly to send out newslet-ll ters to all ratepayers. Metro; newspapers are not interested in Markham. he said. He ad- vised the people to subscribe to a local weekly newspaper. These. said Jongeneel. are ob out the only means for council to communicate with the pub-i lic. i It has encountered sec- Markham. Unionville. John Esau-z 7175 Bayview Av-i ious financial difficulty in Maple. Thornhill and Rich- enue. protested that the roadl supporting the program at mond Hill. is not adequate to handle pres-l ent traffic. that during morning , , . . rush hour and summer week: ends it is almost impossible for.King City Resulent Charged With Fraud People “Virus in the BT98 10‘ A 40-year-old King City errâ€"{four brokerage houses in Toron- lEineer and gE‘OlOElSL Hugh‘to and Montreal. Police would- PEOPLE AWAKENING iSutherland Jr. is one of six‘n‘t name the brokerage firms. DEfendinS “16 betated (lb-’men facing Metro police chart. Police said the charges stern lections 10 the Plan. CounCillOriges of conspiracy involvingifrom trading in shares of San- Adams said people- are only be-‘$600.000. lack Mines Limited between. ginning to realize the SOCi0103i~ The arrests were made by 15 October 1969 and April 1971. cal aspects 0f high-1‘15? living fraud squad detectives and Price of the stock rose from and alien?†denSitl’ PFOblemS- members of the investigation $1.20 to $5.50 before it c01- The proposed develwment staff of the Ontario Securities lapsed. would bring in 50 acres of high Commission who made simultan-I The mining company prov denSity hOUSlng. eous early morning raids ommoted property in Glen Town: "NO One realized the mag-,October 29. Iship near Schreiber in northern nitudc 0f $119 D1311 This is the. Sutherland and the other five;0ntario. Trading on the unlisted last Chance for these People tolare alleged to have defrauded market was suspended June 3. have a say." iihe Canadian Imperial Bank of Hall for Sutherland was set at Former York County School-Commerce and the Bank of Len-ismnoo. The five others charged Continued on Page 3i Ising in Lansing. Michigan. and are all from the Toronto area. ‘ facedom was won 9 The two fireï¬ghters formed an equal partnership to buy the out-ofâ€"service truck. planning Mam}. Anthonv Roman said E9 fogtndl 3‘ year ago f°r the . ‘ . y _ . _ _ . . . . ' .' . “'5. me. . ttoemuse it for parades and conventions. The) ale also interested in preserving it as an antique the North Bamqm Secondary Others in the audience who: - iPlan was debated several years had opposed the project in, y, . r 1 _ 1968. agreed they‘did not know} I971 York Reglon Welfare Budget 1w“ WWW ’ “it’llé‘nl‘tsé‘illé‘lnm lame; Anniversaries 0 _ I e angeeeel- magma“ .3; . “lift panning commi ee. sai .ec - Al d o t B November 1 was a meme inically the municipality is reâ€" y y ’ orable day in the. lives of qllired only to. notify0 people , - - - r \n' General Welfare assistance expenditures in the tï¬ï¬ï¬eï¬oï¬cï¬tï¬ntï¬ l e “.lth property mm 40 feet Of Begum of York are. overgpent by 5227227 for the the date of a regular mum iiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuumiim(“mummunmiiiiiuuiimuuiiiiii first nine months With still three months to go. cu meeting. but that. was m, MARY DAWSON t f M - - I A“ - u [Move Apartments This was revealed Thursday afternoon of last “0‘54" {Dr “‘9 Pit"- , I R. h d H.†,u h. men {’moflï¬ï¬â€™imgï¬rs' week at the York Regional Council meeting in New-‘ “,Elf;$i:htc‘;:}’t°‘ltm la ï¬,l°m‘;}°§onsum‘ms £2“... Rimon went on to say that it Further East market. This caused Markham Councillor James m at 9.30 to celebrate his la retail market survey. 1., was should be a general survey. con- Jongeneel to term the increase “staggering especially 30th wedding anniversary idecided unanimously at Monday “med “‘“th W" mat" 916' n-Ahtt a .“leil‘â€.‘eel.h"iï¬i‘lii , ‘ if you prolect it over the next few months.†with his wife. An hour lat- lnieht’s council meeting. "ï¬nish Tï¬â€˜e ill“ I‘vgl'tld be, 3 hi“ gaunt}! i; planning . I _ tor RegionalCouncillor Don- . Terms of reference for thelSIalg L,S 09m.“ la] sun-ye), co mmc a reed to ask Estimated total expenditurelcompicle breakdown of the un- aid plaxton also made his igtudv will b d'awn u hv Of the “hole “83 to determine. m e g for the first nine months had emplovm ntï¬t t‘ - - .- ' l ’ - we ~p ’1th {0‘31 area from “'thh Shop“ the developers to change _ _ - .9 3' “310". r excuses so he and his wife ‘Plannmg DIIGClOl Hessie Ri- . I -“ l l the“. [3,, for subdivsio,‘ in been set at $1.209.400 with the The discussmn concluded with mum celebrate their 19th amen as “m also be ‘nakinv thwpers “time to Rlclmm‘d. HI ‘ a ' ' ' p , actual amount hittin 31.486 627 one coun if m b r " ' ‘ ' - ' l ' -‘ b . '0†“1th the populatm" fore' “38 Jon" Street and Ba). 5 v t C em 9 5331â€; Wedding ananelsar) to- necessan contacts with seveial for the $227 227 deficit Total'ther i l rt r 1 h f r ‘ -- - - “5‘5 ‘0? that “"3 and the ap‘ “9“ “ea‘ budget forweifare generaia smgpeopeiessgon slgntag: 10$ 5 or gether. linms {to obtain cost estimates-proximate timing of additional. Chief objection of the wee in York for 1971 wa set ' iiiuimiiiiuumiiiumminnmiuunuiiiiunimuiiiunumuiiiiuiiii3mag} ï¬fth“: 53:52), Continued on Page 3) grcï¬mrtatlepaï¬rsinflgnngg atilégflllftooé Tr a . J h w .d .- icost. The survey was recom- C '" K' k Rggio.:aleecoun:iuora James Hiynskipiolamgd in: iiéfiasfoï¬ mum“ Planning Jotrgienetél,t waist; 31;: _, ‘. u cainowo -o _ _ gazpizztsg‘igl if}: continuingt 3t . l The council move was .promp- h T artment buildings close to p Th Ev ._ 7 (“R an MIDI-3.6 led by two recent applications the intersection. a was gig; 33339“ 1 “T9 at J“ l 31‘ p q V y ifor shopping plazas on adjoining ‘ If the apartments were It Was’ poi-Med out that one T I ‘ {properties Both would require Vaughan Town has appomted moved further east. Jgngen- of the reasons for be.†ut , I‘ “O hooded men made offiopen the safe. He told policefamendments to the Official a former deputy-reeve .of the eel told “The Liberal after the t. td b 1 $1.0 Omnith $1,200 'ln cash eaily sat-.he was unable to get a good Plan. mumcrpality. Robert Kirk, to the meeting. they would . $351!?“ 8 Udget “as the'urday morning after Jumping look at the men because both! The development proposed by fill out the term left vacant by not encroach to the same antmpation that the economiciihe manager of the Woodbridge wore hoods over their faces. - ‘Joseph Patterson is for a 20-‘the death September 16 of Reâ€" extent on neighboring resi- sutuation \vould‘see an Upiurn. liquor store as he came in to He said they appeared to he acre shopping centre on thegional Councillor Albert Bother-i dential properties. thereby alleviating the numberwork. ‘holh around 5'10“, slimly built northeast corner of Yongc‘ford. The subdivision. he said. of persons on the unemployment Vaughan Town Division of and both shabbilv dressed. One Street and Elgin Mills Road! Kirk was appointed at a reg~ is in keeping with the Of- rDlls. ,‘i’ork Regional Police said the has nearing brown corduroyiwith frontage on the. latterff‘he‘ular council meeting Monday ficial Plan for Markham. Georgina Mayor Dr. George manager. Elliott German of Tor-jflared pants. the other blue den- other proposed by Frank Bediniiaiternoon of last week. He willl It. was approved by two pre- “ Burma's said. “There may stilljonto. was bound to a steel lad-’iin flared pants. Both were cow- of Tankoos Yarman Limited. islfill the vacancy until the end of vious councils. by planning - be hope for optimism in thejder in the storeroom of the boy type boots. Ifor a 23-acre shopping centre’l972. consultants and by the final figures if we get a good}bu11ding. The thieves then took some on the east side of Yongei At the same time. council ap~ town‘s planning staff. mater works program underway; The two men then fled the cord and bound German to the‘Street, north of Elgin Mills'pointed Councillor John Gilbert “A lot of work has gone by Way of pr0vincial subsidiesJS'EEne in German's Caf- laddel‘ by his ankles They alsoiRoad. to Rutherford‘s former position Into it.†said Jongencel. We may be in better shape Lhanl Vaughan Police recounted (JV-lied his wrists and stuck a roll; Planning Director Rimon ex-.on the York Regional Council. “I am always in favor is anticipated at the moment." gnis leading up to the rob-30f tissue lpaper under his chin. planned to council Monday nighthouncil held meetings prior to of keeping density down. , , cry. . i, They llen left the scene initiat “In general. a market suruthe appointment of Kirk and and this is just half of what He :ï¬ï¬ygginï¬lii‘fgkg f f Sometime during'Friday nightlhis car with the $1,200. lvey would refer to an addition considered a number of other would be allowed in North Work is available mvost :4 l1 gthe two men brokemto the rear. FREED HIMSELF 'of 100 acres of commercial out~ possible candidates. York in such 3 develop- are willing to work l) OP 9 of‘the liquor store via a southwest} German managed to snap thelets to the town 5 shopping facy He was deputy~reeve of Vaugwl ment." ‘ This sparked a- . I {\vindow. They gained entry bricords around his ankle by rub-lilities in the next two or‘three‘han Township in the years wall He was critical of Thorn- versation amon H genela tonyre‘movmg the screen. broke thegbmg them up and down against‘vears. There are 46 acres in the‘and 1958. He also was a counc1l hill Councillors Robert Ad- on the and, g: 1; councillors window and then replaced the the steel rungs of the ladder. BAIF‘ Subdivision slated for a member in 1956. . ams and Roy Muldrew for L the atmud 159%“, qtleSUOHVof‘screen to conceal the bmken He then crawled out 'of the major plaza development and Councillor Kirk was also 3’ opposing the density on em‘s “Ad h:\v° “Ruffle I'ECIDIâ€" panes. ' storcroom, into. the office and other proposed plazas in the member of the Vaughan T0\\-n~. John Street. while support.- m work andminl',leal1)' _\\'ant\' They then obtained LCBO phoned the police. 'Elgin Mills) ongc Street area. ship Planning Board for nine ing a much higher denSItY h Id ' ‘ ow FPSU’ICUVE‘JaCkGlS which were in the build-' German s carpwas found ab- fins 15 a major addition and fora-ears and chairman of the board in four l3-storey apartment 5 0“ lequn‘ements he. ling and waited for the arrival andoned 20 minutes later a the pOpulation indicated for this for three years. He also served.‘ buildings 10 he erected at “nAul'Ol? Mayor Dick llâ€" 'of German. short distance away on Highwai town in the Toronto-Centred as the townships representaf Yonge Street and Royal 0r- EWOI' hair! a number of ; He arrived at 8:20 am. walked '7 West, Plan I could not justify a re- live on the Metro Planning chard Boulevard. He des- municlpallties are refusing .in. and was jumped by the men» Police art= controlling their zoning before the Community Board for the same nineâ€"year cribed their stand as “in- :holosfï¬zale young people 3 German was then forced to investigation. Planning Branch of the Depart- period from 1960 to 1969. consistent." W . jobs in hue 1:335:11; cl.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllilullllllllllm“l\ll\\lll\\l\\\ll\l\\\\l\l\\\\\\\\\l\\\l\\\\\l\\\\\‘\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\ll\\\\\\liittilill\\\\\\\\\\\\t\\\ll\l\\\\\\\\\\lll‘lli\\\\\tll’t\\\\lllilll\ll\\\\\\l\\ltllllllll\lllllllllllll\lllll\ll\\lllll\llllllllll\lllll\llll‘llllllllllllllll“'1a cases. without shirts." ‘ ' ' m Markham Central F "'9 DIS atch To Serve T hornhlll off welfare." he said. He wondered if similar rules 9 ggnbelll'llgnappllcd In York fleâ€"1 BY MARGARET LADE has been studying alterna- percent. York Region 14 per- out. Unionville. he said. has the area and could direct emâ€" coman't u Iciigutorth said he) . There'is more to .dispatch- fives. _ _ cent. and lhelremaining two 20 volunteers_in addition to ergencl' "wide-5 1“ 0359 at time on}. It]! ers and that in a‘ ing emergency serviccs than C o m m l t t e 9 Chairman percent be paid by the muni- the two full time staff mem- fire. break in water mains or is al 0 1g unemployment there. answering a telcplione._0rso Councillor Bud Bonner said cipality. beâ€. hydro service or m an), I 56 a great demand for peo-‘ Markham Town CounCil was it would cost "an arm and a Regional Councillor James ‘ * "' ‘ other emergency. _ pe. come industries are crying told last week. Members ae- leg" to have a dispatching Jongencel put forward var- Jotlgené’C‘l lNSiSlEd his 55'5- Fire Chief Myrl Smith Out for Pimple but can‘t get reed to pay $15.2ï¬n-aâ€"i'ear to service in each fire hall. He ions alternatives. but was 519m would be cheaper. The told council he tried to on- them- Yet we have all this un- Drm'ide emergency and fire recommended lun more full “shot down.“ He suggested municipality’s answering ser- list volunteers in the Thorn- emplol'menf." . i ansuerin: and dispatch ser- time firefighters he added in present switchboard service vice could be extended as an hi1] area without success. THEY SEED "v t \‘ice at Unionville fire hall, the present staff of inn at in the municipal building he interim measure for two or “it. is \‘6‘1‘5‘ hard to DiCk Dr. Burrows said the York‘ Meeting in committee Oct- l'nionville hall to provide extended. or the central three months until the them up." said the chlcl. ’ Region has been following a “he? 25.. council was cnnsid- 24-hour dispatching. service, switchboard he installed in Thnmhill hall “'8‘ ready At "ThPY 3r? 8 “PW bl‘PE‘d. 0‘ strict line of refusing welfare Prmg a central dispatching Cost. he said. would be the new John Street station. that time volunteefï¬i COUld people and they are JUSf where it is clearly eVidem the SEFVICE for the fire depariv 56.200 a year per man plus Bonner pointed out the he enlisted to sit in the hall not doing it." He visited a people have no desire for work ment. engineering dopan- cost of telephone and radio munic1pal Switchboard could and answer the telephone. number 0f Indusmes in ill" or are undeserving. ment. hydro and other emer- equipment and installation. not cope with fire calls. “It “In the daytime women vicinity of‘ the new fll‘s‘hall He said it was mu a fact that gency services for all the This would total 815.260. ln- has cost us 51,000 this year could do it. They would love site. he said. and found the most of the people on welfare new town including Thornâ€" eluded would be an alarm for the police service," he to get away from the house majority of workers did not are in need of it. "They have hm' . _ _ Signal for all stations. The said. ‘ and the kids, it would be an live-m the area and were a seed reason. ms onlv a minor. Councrl was told earlierin service could be used for A central dispatch at John adventure." sald_Jongeneel. not interested. ' u _ Damon of the overal’l picture; October the regional police other emergency calls on a Street. he continued. would “We are not interested in Jongeneel DerSIStEd. Aht‘ which ï¬nds people taking “PIA Will not be taking fire calls shared cost basis. cost 526.120. Twelve fire- building an adventure. We tle girl can BMW.“ the fare who have no desire to b after the central Switchboard * r * * fighters would be needed want to build a fire depart- phones as well as a 131% brute employed" he said - 6 is installed in the new \ork The committee recommen» there to provide around-the- ment'. said Bonner. of a fireman. We could get Councillor Jnnzenefl re Reglonal pom? llt‘ddqllall (led the fire department bear clock firefighting and dlS' Councillor Murray I-len- four women for the price of 3‘ r Clues“ ers due to open In \eumaiw 33 percent of the cost. the patching sernce. derson said the dispatcher two men." he told cnunctl. l t liERE yesrendAy Remembrance Ceremony Sunday At Cenotaph Those who gave their lives in the cause of freedom in two world wars will be remembered by the people of Richmond Hill at a service at 3 pm Sunday. The service is scheduled for the traditional site â€"â€" the cenotaph in front of McConaghy Public School. In case of inclement weatherï¬t will be held in the Legion Court, 41A Yonge Street North. . Those sons of the town whose names are engraved on the memorial and on the hearts of their loved ones. as well as all those other young and valiant men and women who made the supreme sacrifice. Will be remem- bered by a grateful people at this seI‘Vice. Every citizen is invited to join in recognizing the debt we owe and can never repay. Guest speaker will be Right Rev. Henry Hunt, MA. DD. Suffragan Bishop Retired of the Diocese of Toronto. Anglican (‘hurch offanada. a most effective speaker who is “‘0†known in this area. Alsn participating in the service will he Rev. William Wallace of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. He will read the lesson. Rev. John Air-lavish of St. Matthew's L'nited f‘hurch will lead in prayer and Rev. Father Clement Schwalm of St. Mary immaculate Roman Catholic Church Wlll pronounce the bene- diction. Councillor Shaun Beggs will conduct the depositing of memorial wreaths. Woods. Last Post and Reveille will be sounded by Trumpeter Frank The Richmond Hill High School Band will accompany the singing of hymns with former Councillor Wesley Middleton leading the singing. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375 and other groups will parade to the cenotaph to take part in the ceremonies. Major Robert McMeekin will take the salute during the March Past following the service. The committee in charge of the arrangements for the afternoon is headed by Legion Zone Commander Frank Barrott and includes Legion President Doug Hopson. Mayor William Lazenby, John Brown and Tom Robertson.