Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Nov 1971, p. 20

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The Thornhill Public Lib- raiy acquires school faciliiies for the Saturday morning lib- rary program. Due to the unâ€" precedented I'eSponse to the program. a change in location from Heimzman House 10 Roy- ‘al Orchard Public School (gym- nasium) has been arranged. It is to commence with the Nov- ‘ember 6 program, “On Safari In Africa." P] , Guest William Bartalotta ac-’Berne and Paris, travelling by [quired his interest'and knowâ€"rbus or train. I'ledge of things African while: They enjoyed gourmet rest- ],on a two-year foreign aid pro-iaurants! Both Mr. and Mis. :gram in Uganda. When there Smith have a great interest in ;he went on safari. and became gardens and they made a point interested in the living habitsiof visiting as many public gar- :of the people. He studied anddens as possible. The Europ- lphotographed the many anim-lean gardens are more formal his. He will have films and,and have beautiful grass and artifacts to show the childrenltrees. and often statuary. There and stories of life on the Dark are always some borders of Continent. flowers and often little beds Pre-school story hour regis-isurrounded by boxwood hedges. Pre-school story hour regis-'surrounded by boxwood hedges. lrations will be taken now for It had been very dry and the New Year. Volunteer story-‘the flowers had suffered to tellers MiSS Margaret Govan‘some extent, although the ros- and Mrs. Florence Bell have es on a mountain park near .attentive and well-mannered‘Berne were magnificent. So audiences for the first two were some peace roses in the sessions. (Mirabelle Garden at Salzburg. lege where I am teaching i55collection of Alpine plants. mid-October. The pack held a sponsored by the United Cliui‘cliTOnly this was not the seasonihobo Cookout this Weekend. of Jamaica and Grand Caymen. there. Each Cub had to cook his own “It ls“ located in the town of Mr. Smith took many phot- meal in a 48 oz. orange juice Chapelton (population about ographs and Mrs. Smith went tin! . 1500). The college is perched to see dried flower arrange- Scoutmaster A1 Carswell was onfiop of a hill and the view ments whenever possible. Itahost to 21 Scouts at his sum- is tremendous. The weather was a wonderful trip and the trier cottage at Warl‘IWOI‘tl‘lv the is the icing on the cake and weather was perfect, they say. weekend of October 22. Under makes the island a lovely place Mrs. Smith. a trained nurse, the direction of counsellors to work in. was called into action when‘Phil Lapp, Dave Yielding and u...\.n.z .v.u.bu.\.~ “V”... 4v...» x...“....., u....-..°. __ _-~ and Mrs/Florence Bell have es on a mountain neari The 6th Thornhill Scouts and attentive and well-mannered‘Berne were magnificent. So Cubs, BBSVEW Glen. have be- audiences for the first two were some peace roses in theigun an active year With 33 sessions. Mirabelle Garden at Salzburg.‘SCOuts and 43 Cubs. * * * * - Dahlias were very popu1a1~.4 Cubmaster Frank Daly and West Indies Letter ‘especially in the small gardens Assistant Cubmasler Wally Michael Ball is working imthey noticed frOm the bus. lanfl-‘IWEILViC BI‘OWI‘I, Rlls G60fâ€" the West Indies under CUSOEBasel there is a Royal Botanâ€" HE)". 3013 Hanson, and T01n and writes: “Clarendon Col-{ical Garden with a “'onderfuIIWelsl}. investede new_C‘ubs in "I was rather shocked at the conditions in which the stud- ents have to learn and the tea- chers to work. If it wasn‘t for the good character of many of the students. teaching would ,be very difficult. I teach 25 forty-minute periods in one week and see about 200 stud- :ents from forms 1, 2, 3, 4 and “Students pass or fail on three sets of exams, not on term work. Uniforms are worn which is a good thing as oth- erwise many students couldn't Married In love/ y Autumn Ceremony A lovely fall wedding took place September 4 ‘when Susan Linda Keffer became the bride of Rodrick Vaughn Huggins 1n Thornhiil ‘L‘nited Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ixetterpf Idleswift Drive and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huggins of Parkway Avenue. Kolke, Mrs. the groom's jarry THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 4, 1971 Thornhill and District News Mike Bridesmaids were the MR. AND MRS. RODRECK HUGGINS CUT THEIR CAKE Bard The 1 The “ sitx’ 1 \V ( Socialbr Speaking In Thorn/will “Sheila Partridge. Kathy McDowell and the flower girl was s niece, Michelle Huggins. Huggins was his brother’s best man and the ushers were I, Paul Forsey and Rick Hislop. reception was held at the Bayview Golf and Country Club. bride is completing her final year in physiotherapy at the of Toronto. The groom is a graduate of Seneca College and King in research at the Connaught Laboratories. Mrs. Smith. a trained nurse, the direction of counsellorsi was called into action when Phil Lapp, Dave Yielding and! one of the tourists sprained Ron Chadwick, the boys took1 an ankle. She bound it upnpart in Scout crafts such as But the patient and she sentlcamp site, menu, first aid, esti- for the doctor in Vienna. Heimatingt POPE Clilllbing: fire iarrived in striped trousers andflighting‘, and camp fire skits. .‘morning coat accompanied by; Joining with them were two ‘an attendant They both foundfpatrols of lst Warkworth Scout ithis very different! Troop with leaders and district Church News commissioners Jim Robinson The women of Holy Trinity'and Doug Harpur. One of the Anglican held an Opportunity Warkworth patrols tied with Sale Saturday. Mrs. Lucie the 6th Thornhill patrol for Trow was convenor and Mrs. top points in the activities. All Doris Dunnett co-convenor. were awarded camping badges. The Trinity Teens spent Oc- Venturers Jeff Davis and tober 24th weekend at Norval. Paul Meddick have been ap- afford enough clothes to at-.Bob Priestman is the adult ad- tend. Students get into schoollvisor. Thirty-two boys and} by writing a common exam at girls went on the camping ex- the age of 11. lpedition. They had a Friday eve- “lf they are in the top 10‘ning of games and singing. Some percent, they get free educa- brought musical instruments tion. But as ability goes down, and there was a piano. On Sat- the amount of pay increasesiurday morning and afternoon I have 30 in my home form there were discussion groups who must pay the full $100 on religious topics. Saturday fee per term. Today I read a evening was games and sing- list of 20 names out of 41'ing again. On Sunday they whose fees were not paid and prepared and carried out their who could not continue in'own church service. Then it school until paid. In most caâ€"‘was home after dinner. ses. these students will be fin-‘ * * * * ished with school as their par-i The Men's Club of Thorn- ents cannot pay the money. Itihill United held its monthly is very disturbing to me after‘meeting October 25. Dinner having free education right was prepared and served by through high school. ‘Unit Three of the UCW, Mrs. “There is an Anglican Church Marian Brain president. called St. Peter’s in the villagei The speaker of the evening centre. It is 400 years old andlwas Roger Jay of the Union of it is very interesting to read‘Ontario Indians. He also had the gravestones of the earlyga film. settlers." Mrs. Tannis Coutts reports European Tour the numbers and enthusiasm Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith;of the pilot project After Fourito appear in a costume. The demonstrations 01 no just returned from a fiveâ€"\veek-are certainly holding up. The;usual witches were replacedlarts are given by this trip to Central Europe. Mrfcooking group is working outlthis time by such original crea- each year. Anyone who Smith worked out the tour splendidly. Mrs. Vi Johnson‘tions as a horse .with independ-,terested is invited to attl most carefully so they could has an overf10w in her house. ent front and rear, a Chinese‘meetings which usuall visit the places which particu- “We made cupcakes for Hal- mandarin. a tube of toothpaste,;place on the first Wedne larly interested them. They lowe’en and decorated thema double popsicle, a forest. althe month. This month‘: went to Vienna first, and from We made pastry and it turned gypsy fortune teller and heriing “'ill be November 19 there they visited Salzburg. out well. We are going tolhusband. a wounded soldier. a‘ The rally for the Chll Heidelberg. Stuttgart, Basel,,make and serve dinner one of harem dancer. a baby and athe Bible SOCiety Walka Berne and Paris, travelling bylthese days,” she says. football player. Richmond Hill and for bus or train. Mrs. Coutts is delighted with Besides bobbing for apples,1SCh00l mem‘berls of ti , , . l.. . . .. 1 . . Al.....,.‘... "4] In. A an ant: bride's sister Lynn Keffer. Mrs. Barbara Kathy McDowell and the flower girl was " ImMrs.HCoutts is delighted with met rest-‘the volunteer help from the and Mrs, community. .The Thornhill UCW (which iterest in. e a pointEiS made up of four individual iblic gar-lgl‘oupsl held a joint luncheon .e Europ-;October 26. Mrs. Dorothy Cole -e formalwas convenor. The women set grass and;up the tables and looked after 1-57, Therelthe serving. An organization to rdel‘s ofiintroduce food products pro- tle beds vided the meal and afterwards d hedges. showed a film demonstrating dry and the foods used. Mrs. Barbara Eered to Maunder was in charge. the res. Scouts And Cubs rm”. (wk mhnrn‘\;l‘ ammo:- and 5 Besides bobbing for applesJ ‘the girls consulted a fortune! iteller, played pin the hat on the lwitch and. competed in a hat making contest. The room was ibedecked with pumpkins, dim blue lights. small skulls and} flarge insects. A feast includedi potato chips. cookies, cakes and "candies bringing the evening to 'a close. Guides 0f 2nd Thornhill have recently been awarded badges as follows: child care, Cathy Buchanan and Susan Deane; homemaker, Neila Poscente; mncin nnhrprlinfinn Nail: Pns- school members of the rim churches will take place Novem- ber 14. and not on November 7 because of the RemembranCe services at the Cenotaph. The members of the Emman- uel Church ACW met on Tues- day to work together on gifts for the Poinsettia Tea and Bazâ€" aar which will be held in the Parish Hall November 20. Mrs. Mary Jane Warner collected the items that have been com- pleted and encouraged the lad- ies to finish their current proâ€" jects, as there is not much time left. “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please call Miss Margaret Conn, 14 Deanbank Drive. 889-5372 Mrs. Tannis Couth reports the numbers and enthusiasm of the pilot project After Four are certainly holding up. The cooking group is working out splendidly. Mrs. Vi Johnson n these daVs, she says. Mrs. Coutts is delighted with the volunteer help from the community. mid-October. The pack held a hobo cookout this weekend. Each Cub had to cook his own meal in a 48 oz. orange juice enlng was games and sinéâ€"‘at Kapuskasing with advisor I , again. On Sunday they’ epared and carried out their 'n church service. Then it is home after dinner. 5 * * >r a The Men's Club of Thorn-‘ 1 United held its monthly :eting October 25. Dinner ,5 prepared and served by; lit Three of the UCW, Mrs. irian Brain president. The speaker of the evening 5 Roger Jay of the Union ot‘l itario Indians. He also had“ film. Mrs. Tannis Coutts reports 3 numbers and enthusiasm‘ the pilot project After Four; 3 certainly holding up. The: oking group is working Otlti lendidiy. Mrs. Vi Johnson! 5 an overflow in her house. "We made cupcakes for Hal- we’en and decorated them. Davis. They have turned over most of their assets. including three canoes. to Doug Hamm of the rest of the funds will be given to a cerebral palsy organization. On Monday evening. October 25. the 2nd Thornhill Guides held a Hallowe’en Party. CathyJ Buchanan. Katherine Neun. Jennifer Lea and Susan Deane planned the party and made all arrangements as part of their hostess badge work. Invitations issued to Guides and guests required each to appear in a costume. The usual witches were replaced this time by such original crea- tions as a horse .with independâ€" ent front and rear, a Chinese mandarin. a tube of toothpaste, a double popsicle. a forest. a all‘ Early in October home econo- lmists from the Department of ‘Agriculture held a teaching sesâ€" Tsion at Victoria Square for members of the Women's Instiâ€" lBayview Glen association. Thetutes of this area. Mrs. Stella iWilkins and Mrs. Vi Drew from the Markham-Vaughan Branch attended the two - day class. The subject was sewing and 1 working with knitted fabrics such as crimplene. Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Drew ‘then gave a demonstration of tthe things they had learned to members and friends of the WI ‘at the home of Mrs, Anne Maier October 26 and 27. Several demonstrations of household arts are given by this group each year. Anyone who is in- terested is invited to attend the meetings which usually take place on the first Wednesday of the month. This month's meet- (Photo by CorneS) Buchanan and Susan Deahe; homemaker. Neila Poscente; *music appreciation, Neila Pos- icente. The 151 Venturer group pre- sented the Cub pack with an inâ€" scribed paddle plaque to be awarded annually to the out- standing boy at summer camp. The Venturer group has dis- banded after two successful years. Their final activity was a fishing and hunting weekend at Kapuskasing with advisor Ed Davis. pointed counsellors They have turned over most of their assets, including three canoes. to Doug Hamm of the Bayview Glen association. The rest of the funds “in be given to a cerebral palsy organization. BOYS AND GIRLS Make regular pocket money on a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished routes may be available in your area. Phone Carrier Circulation, 884-1105. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY of YORK 1. The widening of Don Mills Road (Regional Road 1'2": 8) in the Town of Markham from approx- imately 850 feet north to approximately 850 feet south of its intersection with Maple Road (Reg- ional Road 7+: 25); and the widening of Maple Road (Regional Road if: 25) in the Town of Mark- ham from approximately 850 feet east to approx- imately 850 feet west of its intersection with Don Mills Road (Regional Road # 8) ; both of such widenings being to a basic width of 120 feet; the grading, gravelling and paving of such roads to provide a basic four-lane roadway with additional turning: lanes at the intersection and the con- struction of all related works and undertakings, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands. 2. The widening of Don Mills Road (Regional Road I; 8) in the Town of Markham between Steeles Avenue and Highway No.- 7 to a basic width of 120 feet with additional widenings at intersections, cuts and fills: the grading, gravel- ling and paving thereof to provide a basic five- lane roadway. being four lanes for the movement of traffic and a centre lane for left turns only, and the construction of all related works and undertakings, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands. 3. The construction of a grade separation be- tween Maple Road (Regional Road .j:' '25) and the , L1_- tracks of the Canadian National Railway in the Town of Vaughan and all related works and undertakings, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands. 4. The widening of Maple Road (Regional Road 2;: ‘25) in the Town of Vaughan and the Town of Richmond Hill to a basic width of 120 feet from approximately 800 feet east of Keele Street (Regional Road 4-: 6) to approximately 300 feet west of Yonge Street with additional widenings at intersections, cuts and fills: the grading, gravelling and paving thereof to provide a basic four-lane roadway with additional lanes at inter- sections, together with the construction of all related works and undertakings and the acquisi- tion of the necessary lands and interests in lands. The Engineering Committee of the Regional Council will. at its meeting to be held at 2:00 pm. on the 14th of December. 1971, at the Engin- eering Building on the west side of Don Mills Road one and one-quarter miles north of the Aurora Side Road, hear in person or by his counsel. solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. Plans showing the proposed works may he inâ€" spected at the office of David Hill. Director of Property, at the Enginering Building (Tel.: 895-2303). THE COUNCIL OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PROPOSES TO PASS A BY-LAW AUTHORIZING: DATED at Newmarket this 27th day of October, 1971. . -, a! The rally for the children in [ a‘the Bible Society Walkathon in Richmond Hill and for Sunday les,‘school members of the Hill unelchurches will take place Novem- thelber 14. and not on November 7 hatibecause of the Remembrance was services at the Cenotaph. 11m The members of the Emman- andluel Church ACW met on Tues- dpdiday to work together on gifts More $10 Wins, Club 400 Draw Edward Cakes 62 Bayview Avenue Newmarket Ontario Solicitor for The Regional Municipality of York Five more lucky people re- ceived $10 when their tickets were drawn in the weekly Club 400 draw Saturday. This club 15 sponsored by Thornhill Minor Hockey Association and will run throughout the season. This week‘s winners were: '7 Peter Lamontia. 19 Bob 81055. 49 Dorothy Herbert, 296 Robert McIntosh and 369 Dr. Carl Kaye Neighborhood Notes Mrs. Mary White will have a large selection of small items for the parcel post for the youngsters. The social conven- ors discussed arrangements for the tea. The tea tickets include a chance for a beautiful door prize Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 CORRESPONDENT LANGSTAFF NEWS aph. e Emman- Vaughan Trustee Ross Jolliffe brought greetings from York t on Tues-County Board of Education, and r on gifts 1 and Baz- eld in the r 20. Mrs. llected the een com- ‘d the lad- lrrent proâ€" not much vill have a nall items t for the a] conven- graduation diplomas for the 128 secondary school graduates were presented by Richmond Hill Trustee Warren Bailie. Enthusiastic applause follow- ed the orchestra’s lively rendi- tion of "Kentucky. 1800” by Clare Grundman. E d u c atio n Director Sam Chapman presen- ted diplomas for the school’s 40 honor graduates. HIGHEST STANDING Board of Education prizes for :3? Education is a continuing VI‘process. It does not end with 1.iformal learning. At university .a1;or college. or on the job. just ‘ld living is learning, This was the Jp‘message delivered by Principal n_iRobert Krol to graduates at fhc heannual commencement exer- kelcises at Langstaff Secondary of School on October 22. at- Music for the processiona] and throughout the program in‘was provided by the school or- in chestra led by Music Teacher av Victoria Fraser. The prayer of invocation was delivered by Canon Reginald Howden of Holy Trinity Anglican Church m Thornhill. [ea diplomas 101‘ me SCHOOL 5 au Dépaftment of Education On_ honor gmduatem tario Scholarship awards were HIGHEST STANDING presented by Area Superinten- Board of Education prizes forgdent Douglas Adams to Marion highest standing at each level‘Boyd. Nevine Elibrachy, Erika went to nine students â€" eight‘Martin (nee Gattingerl, Mar- of them girls. They were Dre-'garet Harper, John Michell, sented by Trustee Jolliffe. Douglas Ne-ttleton. Peter Reiss, Winners in Year 1 were Robert Vincent, Betty Walsh. Winners in Year 1 were Karen Butler and Cathy Parker, Year 2 Barbara Moser and Carl Shearer, Year 3 Laurie Ander- Valedictorian and top student at Langstaff Secondary School. Peter Reiss. second from left above. chats with Education Director Sam Chapman at left. Principal Robert Km] and School Board Vice-Chairman and Vaughan Trustee Ross Jollil’fe at right, as they wait for commence- ment exercises to begin. langstaff Honors Scholars At C dmmemement You're invited . . It's OPEN HOUSE Nov. 7 at Seneca's new King Campus Sunday, Nov. 7. is Open House Day at Seneca College’s new King Campus. Bring your family and friends . . . see the famed Eaton Hall Farm, the TO-rOOm main building soon to be converted into classrooms. the beautiful lake, farm build- ings. fall colors, as well as college films and displays . . . Share with Seneca faculty members the exciting prospect of Canada’s newest col- lege campus and the educational programs <00n to be available to the people of York Region. There's a good deal to be done to make things ready before classes start at King, but why not plan to have a look Peter now a student at the University of Toronto. was sec- ond highest in the Region of York with an average of 93.3 in his top seven grade 13 examina- tions. He was recipient of the Fontbonne Scholarship [01' out- standing achievement in Latin and French. son and Carol Parker. Year 4‘and grade 13 class of 84. there Arlene Rciss and Ingrid Matc- \\‘ere nine Ontario Scholars. kars, and Year 5 Peter Reiss. >(Ontario Scholars must achieve Other university scholarship winners were Robert Vincent,- winner of the Charles Pinhey Scholarship for most outstand- ing student entering forestry. and Nevine Elibrachy, winner of a scholarship to the American University of Cairo. The L. H. Sims award for progress in typing was presenL- ed to Dale Hodgins by Teacher Margaret Anderson, head of the commercial department at Lang- staff.» Principal Krol said the school was justifiably proud that, out of a student population of 700 The $200 Thornhill Lion's' language award was shared by Douglas Nettleton and Nevine Elibrachy. It was presented by Language Teacher Kay Boomer. Ring Funeral Home BYRON E. RING 7783 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 889-7783 an average of 80 percent or better on seven grade 13 paperst CLASS VALEDICTORIAN CLASS VALEDICTORIA‘N Peter Reiss. who was editor of the school yearbook last year and was active in music and sports at school. was vale- dictoriau for his class. He de- scribed commencement as “he most important milestone of our lives“. From this milestone, he said. “We look back and we look forward." They'had come to Langstaff, Peter continued, as eager young students. They had learned to think, to evaluate. They had learned that with greater free- dom there comes greater rev sponsibility. “A paradox that fits ‘us for society." He endorsed the principal's at this unique facility -â€"â€" now the new King Campus of Seneca College. Take a drive out our way this Sunday. It‘s Open House between 2 and 5 pm. Meet Seneca staff . . . tour the property . . . see Seneca College films and displays . . . think about taking a course at Seneca in 1972! How to get there: Easy â€" it‘s 2.7 miles west of Yonge Street along the King Side Road. and 2 miles north on Dufferin. Look for the Seneca sign on 'the west side. Open House, King Sunday. Nov. 7, 2 OF APPUED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY SENECA COLLEGE 41 SNUPAID A\ [N Campus to 5 11.111 way this Sunday. aen 2 and 5 pm. tour the property films and displays a course at Seneca observation that education does not end with school, that those who have gone out to work are also learning through living. “There are many opportuni. ties ahead about which we must make a choice. School promotes logic and reason which we must have to prepare us [or life." said Rciss. In conclusion he thanked the teachers, the‘ school, and in particular the parents. for their help and encouragement through the years. Principal Krol also thanked the parents and offered the huge basket of autumn flowers that adorned the platform to Peter's mother. He invited parâ€" ents and friends to join the students and teachers for re- freshments. The program ended with the school song. The Queen. and ‘reccssional by the orchestra. (Photo by [M1 y Stuart's Studio)

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