Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Nov 1971, p. 4

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Neighborhood Notes Panel discussions about fam- ily and people will be held at Bayvlew Secondary School (Bay- view Avenue at Markham Road) in Richmond Hill from 8 to 9:30 pm on Thursday nights for a five-Week period. The first dis- cussion. on “Family Relation- ships," was held last Thursday. Tonight’s theme will be “Marriage Relationships": Nov- ember 11, "Teenagers"; Novem- ber ’25, “Fighting Fairly”: and December 2, “Sexual Relation- ships: Sex Education at Home and at‘School." Moderator will be Fred Bo- den, BA, MSW, director of Blue Hills Academy and CMHA. Pan- elists will be professionals from York Region especially chosen for each evening. Admission is free. Anyone can come to share views and concerns in an infor- mal, .friendly atmosphere. The discussions are sponsored by the Canadian Mental Health Association, York C o u n t y Branbh. in co-operation with the York Central and York County Hospitals' M e n t al Health Services. Church News The King City Community. Concert and Tea, a Centennial project of the United Church, will be held November 7, bet- ween 2 and 4pm in the audi- torium of the secondary school. The concert will feature the Metropolitan Silver Band plus local talent, with George Wilson of CFRB radio station as guest master of ceremonies. 9°” 1 Oak Rid es - Lake Wilcox nnnnnnn Reserved seats are $2 each, with children 12 years old and younger only 25c, if accompan- ied by an adult. For tickets ask any member of the church or call John Davidse at 833-5170. Senior citizen groups, the mentally retarded and residents of nursing homes will be guests and transportation for them can be arranged on request. All Saints Anglican Church on Keele Street will hold its annual Fall Fair Saturday, bet- ween 11am and 3pm. Knitted goods, preserves, aprons, Christ- mas decorations, teen creations, handicrafts, attic treasures, hats, wigs, books, records and baking will be waiting for you. Lunch will be served between 11:30 am and 2 pm. My wife and I had the pleasure of joining 18 young people at a Baha’i fireside gathering at the home of Brian and Margaret East in King City October 22. The guest speaker, Husaxn Banâ€" ani, spoke on the Baha’i Faith. He spoke at the King Township Public Library several weeks ago. The evening began with sev- eral young people reading a1- 0le a prayer while others meditated on the words and meaning. Banani, a new resident of Aurora. was accompanied by his wife Anne and 3-month-old daughter, Sarah. His talk was an informal one aimed at involving listeners in a relaxed conversation. Banani spoke on the “Quality Of Life.” Margaret East, the hostess, ser- Perceptually Handicapped Learn Skills They Lack At Oak Ridges Our Lady of the~Annuncia- and become emotionally dis-i tion Roman Catholic School in turbed. ‘ Oak Ridges has ‘implemented a MUST BE TAUGHT special education program The tendency in education which will teach the skills has been to consider perceptual needed by pupils suffering from development as part of the perceptual handicap. readiness skills brought to Perceptual handicap means|school by the child. However, the pupil suffers from an in- it is now realized that where ability to make sense out of the difficulties exist, time alone A150 firing environment in. which he lives. will not solve the problem. The taggalvt’s am If he has visual imperception school must be prepared to Britneu but normal vision, he does not teach the skills which are lack- She asked v £36," she said perceive the things he sees the way we do. He may be unable to distinguish foreground from background. He may have dou‘- ble vision or be unable to judge distance. But the main difficulty is} that he has no conception of: the relationship between his' own body and the space around it. Consequently he will oftenl have poor motor control, peork eye-hand co-ordination and be “accident-prone”. * ' I If he sufferslfrom- auditory“ imperception but has perfect; hearing, he may not_be able to grasp the meaning of speech as early as others. Or he may have short auditory memory and although understanding what is said, forget it almost immediately. Often he will have reading difficulty. He may lack the ability to organize or integrate information and have difficulty in learning. All children born with per- ceptual handicaps are disturbed to a certain degree, because they realize they are different and can do nothing about it. They are made to feel. inferior Community Life In King City Area * KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal“ is always pleased to publish interest regarding people and events in the Oak Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new pendent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is M: Battaglia. Aida Place, 773-4295; in King City n._AAL_â€"_ can 1 {an THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 4, 1971 The Oak Ridges and District Minor Hockey Association will be holding a dance November 20 at 8pm in the Lions Hall. Tickets are $5 a couple. Mrs. Yvonne Putzer, resident of Oak Ridges and a graduate of the Willy Blok Hanson Studio is holding dancing clas- ses in the Oak Ridges Lions Hall for children, teenagers and adults. Her Monday afternoon classes are gymnastic sessions designed to stretch and streng- then the muscles, to improve posture, to relieve tension and to teach the fine art of move- ment. All this is aimed at mak- ing a stronger, healthier, more beautiful body. For more infor- mation call her at 773-4254. Oak Ridges and District Min- or Ball Association held its el- ection October 28 for the 1972 season. New president is Al Bestard. who will be assisted by Secretary Mrs. Irene Grif- fith, Treasurer Bert Wallace, Equipment Manager Carl Grif- fith and Publicity Convenor Mrs. Connie Bestard. The job of umpire-inâ€"chief is still open. The Lions’ turkey shoot Octo- ber 23 was considered a success, with a profitof $116.52 for com- munity work. Mrs. Lydia Find- iesen and Mrs. Gwen Motter- shall and several Lions helped with the events and selling cof- ved a lunch of cheese, crackers, cake, orange juice, tea and coffee afterwards. Brian just re- turned home after a trek to the woods on a moose hunt. Book Review At King Township Public Lib- rary you will find “The Compv lete Snowmobiler” by Clarke Wallace, published by Peter Martin Associates Limited, Tor- onto, Ontario, 1971. There are 180 pages .in this guide to snow- mobiling which begins with a preamble by the author. Wallace starts by saying “No other sport has ever caught the public’s imagination like snow- mobiling...and no other sport has been more damned by it." Starting with the early attempts of Joseph-Armand Bombardier and evolving to today’s 10 or so ‘major manufacturers, the book explains the workings of the machine, its capabilities, and the repairs an amateur can do. Fibreglass body repairs, safety, warm clothes, and survival all make for very good reading for anyone who has, or is contem- ‘plating buying a snowmobile. Clarke Wallace is a racing snowmobiler, a skier and skin- diver, and resides in nearby Woodbridge. The book is library reference number 796.95 WAL. “To Be A Dancer” by Gloriaand Peter Varley, published by Peter Martin Associates Limi- ted, Toronto, 1971, with the as-. sistance of the Canada Coun- cil. Hard work and drudgery are weighed against the pleasure and satisfaction of learning to be a ballet dancer in this book about the Na t i o n a1 Ballet School. One hundred pages written in a form of document- ary tour are enhanced by 67 photographs of aspiring pupils ‘and teachers of this demanding form of art. Library reference ‘number 792.8 VAR. \Donna’s Bits and Pieces The “battle of the bulge” is on each Thursday night at 7:30 when the weight watchers hold h ‘ The program at the local school consists of assessment, programming prevention, rem- ediation and evaluation. The assessment and program- ming are done through tests and observation by qualified and experienced personnel. This is followed by the pre- vention program carried‘ out by classroom teachers. ' yvoiuvu "gun. .nuv- ._-__, Specific training is providedl - W in bow image, eye tracking, already had someone in form perception, motor skills, - eye-hand co-ordination, spatial SECRET MEETINGS relationships, and auditory per- The‘mayor was also criticized caption and memory. Remediallfrom several sources about his work goes on in the special ed-‘council‘s continued closed door ucation centre and is carried Policy. on by the remedial teacher on‘ MIT» COHOVCI' mm "The Lib- an individual basis. A11 train- eral” it "was pointed out to ing is presented in game form. Mayor Mactaggal't that there The effectiveness of the pro- was dissatisfaction at the recent gram is measured through daily'holding of private meetings by iobservation and further testing.|certain committees so that ready Involved in the program are all teachers on the school's staff, one teacher helper. par- ent volunteers on a regular basis and several persons em- ployed by the York County Ro- man Catholic School Board. fee and hot dogs. At their last dinner meeting, October 26 the Lions had two guests. Ken Woolley and Ted Rowe. President Bob McColl is looking forward to enrolling them as members. The presi- dent presented a cheque for $125 to President Don Cook of the Oak Ridges and District Minor Ball Association. President Mrs. Helen Hunter is asking mothers who have sons in Scouting to come out to help on that occasion and to contrib- ute articles for the bazaar. Any homemade articles. such as knitwear, baked goods, aprons, etc. are needed. Contact Mrs. Hunter at 773-4606 if you have articles or time to donate. Helping Mrs. Helen Hunter was Mrs. Terry Ortiz in serving hot chocolate and cookies to the Scouts on Apple Day at St. Paul’s United. The Scouts Ladies Auxiliary met October 26 to "plan a baz- aar scheduled for December 4 from 1 to 4 pm in St. Paul’s Un- ited. Team standings for the Thur- sday Rollers are: Tee Cees 5, Misfits 5. Pin Busters 5. Dumb Belles 5, Ha Has 2, Wild Cats 2, Spare Tires 2, DO Its 2. 'Romng 200 singles (flat) were: Ev Dunn 216, Claudia Wood 248, Ginny Abrahams '204, sessions at King City United. Under the direction of Adelaide Daniels, they advertise “learn how to lose weight and keep it off." For information regard- ing this call 833-5176. Happy birthday greetings to Mrs. Lloyd Boyle of Hambly Avenue who celebrates on Nov- ember 9; to Jeff Cotter, son of Dennis and Marion Cotter of Dew Street, King, who is 12 years old today; and to Simon Duller‘of Humber Crescent who celebrated on October 25. Ernst and Heather Wanner of Laskay have just returned from a trip to Germany and Scotland. A remind-er that each week-end in rNovember at Black Creek Pioneer Village will be old-fashioned “Preparations For Christmas” with puddings, mincemeat, hot mulled cider, decorations and Christmas car- ols. (The Village is located at }Steeles Avenue and Jane Street, \southwest of Maple). In King Township “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Diana Baiiaglia. Aida Place, 773-4295; in King City Norman Matthews, 832-1579. Women Roast Mayor Mactaggart Mayor Mactaggart was ap- pearing on a panel discussion with former Councillor Marâ€" garet Bl‘itnell and Mrs. Gerald Woods. The two women panelists ran unsuccesfully for the posi- tions of mayor and councillor in last year’s elections. Both have been openly critical of council's conduct of municipal affairs. The gamut of questions ran from criticism of the township’s decision to hire a‘full time en- gineer, to its handling of muni- cipal business in committee be- hind closed doors. One of the housewives at thel meeting, Mrs. Dora Conover of Kettleby, told “The Liberal’f that one result of the meeting with Mayor Mactaggart was “a ‘realization some of the residents should become more knowledge- able about their council. More of us should attend and see how the meetings are being conduc- ~Mayor Mactaggart replied the engineer would have several duties and the present engineer- ing consultants, Totten, Sims and Hubecki. would still be used Ion an occasional basis. Also firing questions in Mac- taggart’s direction was Mrs. Britnell. She asked why council felt it was necessary to hire a full time engineer since the munici- pality relinquished 38 miles of road under regional government. King Township Mayor Ken Mactaggart was forced to run a gauntlet of critical questions recently when he faced 24 housewives at a “World Around Us” discussion at York Pines United .Church. The women meet every Wednesday at York Pines United Church from 10 am to noon and tackle every subject from Vietnam to local politics. Young housewives have baby sitters supplied. He said that, although the position would be advertised, council already had someone in mind _____ a --v, . --- Mrs._Conover told “The Lib-fservice’ member}; 0} 'the eral" it “was painted out tolsewed refreshments Ther Mayor Mactaggart that there}a social hour was dissatisfaction at the recent! ' holding of private meetings byINeighborbood Notes certain committees so that ready Mrs. Lance Beath of T1 made decisions were brought to spent Sunday with the Vi and forced through the pub- James Family. lic council meetings. Complaintsl Congratulations to Mr have also been made about let-ers. Robert Beynon on the ters supposed to have been readiof a baby daughter on 0 but which were ignored.” v24. She is a new granddai Mrs. Conover said Mactaggartlfor Mrs. Clayton Beynon. Inger ‘Bloomquist 203, Kay Gamble 205, Addie Lund 219, Marilyn Earl 210, Flo O'Leary 242, Marion Richardson 219, Irene Leonard 202, Jean Clarke 246. Flat: 600 games were rec- orded by: Claudia Wood 657. Jean Clarke 627. Betty Evison 622, Mirium Heintzman 619, Helen Reid 639. Pat Bahen 221, Betty Evison 237. Joan Scriv- er 208, Mirium Heintzman 221, Helen Reid 264, Linda Nicols 214. Church News The board of stewards will be holding a card party at St. Paul‘s United November 16 at 8pm. Euchre, cribbage and bridge will be played. Tickets are $1. Lunch will be served and there will be prizes. The Tudor Art Club will pres- ent show and sale at St. Paul’s United, South Road, November 20 from 3 to 8 pm. There will be over 200 paintings by 30 artists, on display and for sale at rea- sonable prices. Admission tick- ets will include a coffee and des- ‘sert buffet and a draw on a framed oil painting. The UCW will hold its month- ly meeting November 9 at St. Paul's. The junior young people of St. John’s Anglican, Jefferson, held a Hallowe’en Costume Party at the regular meeting Our sympathy is extended to John Heenan on the death of his father, Joseph Heenan on October 24, in his 88th year. In addition to his wife Elizabeth, five daughters and three sons, he is survived by 30 grand- children and two great-grand- children. Interment was at St. James Cemetery, Colgan. October 29. Jane Street between Maple Sideroad and King Sideroad ap- pears to be open now after be- ing closed for pav'ing. A lot of cars can bypass King' City en- route to and from Highway 400 now that there’s an alternate route. Anyone wanting two brightly colored and healthy bantam roosters can have them free by calling us at 832-1579. They're something to “crow” about! And All Saints Fair is Saturday. felt any, such letters were better discussed privately. Mrs. Britneil was also criti- cal of council’s “closed door” policy which, she said, differed from that of previous councils. “Certainly we did get our ears pinned back on occasion, but that‘s what your're there Church News Well over 300 persons en- joyed the annual turkey supper October 27. Convenors were Mrs. Bessie Hare, Mrs. Marie Cole. and Mrs. Grace Jennings. They had help from many church members and friends, especially the Charlie Henshaws and Mrs. Mae Thompson. Robertson Masonic Lodge, King City, held its annual divine service in Temperanceville United October 24. Guest speaker was Rev. William Reid «of Teston United Church. Guest organist was Mrs. Lorne Whet- stone, along with a quartette, James Sueath, Percy Rowe, Lorne Whetstone, and Ken Mac- ‘taggart. Members of True Blue ‘Masonic Lodge, Bolton, made a icontribution to the service. Lessons were read by Gerald: Jennings, worshipful master of iRobertson Lodge and Fred Har- rison, PDDGM of Toronto Dis- trict 7. Members and friends 'were present from Bolton, iMaple. Toronto, Aurora and ,King City. At the close of the service, members of the UCW lserved refreshments. There was a social hour. Temperanceville News Mrs. Lance Beath of Toronto spent Sunday with the Wilfred James Family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beynon on the birth of a baby daughter on October 24. She is a new granddaughter Correspondent: Mrs. W. G. Jennings Phone 773-5892 SELL YOUR UNWANTABLES PHONE 884-1105 R:\uumm“mumummmnunuunnmmnmmnumumum“mmummun“n\\\mm\\mum\\mmmumlnumummun“munummunumum\muumnml\mm“ulmmnmum :1]ll\\lll\l\\\1l\lllll\\M“m“\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\l\l\\\\l\ll“lulll!llIl1““mmll\\\\\\|\\\\\l\l\\\\\\l\l\\\\l\\\\\\1lm“\\\\l\\l\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\l\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\lll\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\|\\\\N{ Region Vetoes King Subdivision â€"Mayor Protests A York Regional Planning Department recommendation that a subdivision proposed for King Township be re- jected brought cries of pro- test at region council in New- market from King and Rich- mond Hill representatives. The proposed subdivision occupies about 98 acres. The plan, which has been approv- ed by King Township Coun- cil, is for 42 lots for single family estate homes on an average lot of two acres. l\1\“ll“1111““\l\l\lllllllll“Mll1m“l\l(\l\\\\\\l\\1\\l\l\l\u\l\l\\Mull[W An earlier plan for the same site on the east side of Jane Street in Concession 4 was for 55 lots of less than two acres. Regional Councillor Gor- don Rowe, of Richmond Hill, formerly a councillor for the old Township of King, ob- jected to all five arguments put forward by the planning department in opposition to the plan. “It was approved twice in King, and I think every effort should be expended to help municipalities c a 1‘ r y out plans approved by the muniâ€" cipality within its vboun< daries.” he said. I'\“\ullll“llllllll\\lll\1m“\\\llll\\“\Mml“!\ll“\\llll\ll\\\\\llllll\“\\\llll“um“I“mum\l\l\\\\ll\l\llll\lll\\“\\ll\l“lllll\\l\llll\lllH“\“lll|“MINIu“N\R“u\\\\“Nlllumu“\l\lll“\llll|\\ll\l\\\\lll\\\lllll|ll“!“\llll“lllllfll“l\\\\\l\\ll\l\Il\lll\l\lllll“lll“mmlll\l[\ll“\lllHll\l‘l“MNMW““Ilmum“!ll\l\“WWl\ll“ll“ll\\N\lll“\\l\\\\l\\l\l\\i\ll\l\\\\lÂ¥ Mrs. Conover said Mayor Mactaggart was also “quite un- able to explain why a certain King Township bylaw on gravel pits was being openly flouted. for," she said. “If you can’t stand the flack, you have no business running for public of- fice.” “Or why long overdue zoning bylaws in regard to the Official Plan were being ignored. Or why it was so difficult for any interested member of the tax- paying public to'get any infor- mation as to what was being done by council.” LIST OF QUESTIONS Mrs. Conover said a list of questions asked at the discus- sion was prepared for Mayor Mactaggart who proceeded to forget to take it with him when ‘he left. “Our chairman had to run af~ er him with the list,” she said. “Our regret," said Mrs. Con- over, “was that we had not in- vited the whole council so as to get the whole picture. A 26-year-old King Town- ship man, Lieut. Mike Davis of Schomberg, received back injuries and was treat- ed for burns when the Canadian Starfighter jet he was in crashed near Gruenstadt, West Germany on October 27. Mr. Davis and a compan- ion ejected themselves from their CF-104 before it plunged to earth about a mile from one of the big highways which abound in West Germany, a Can- adian spokesman said. The two Canadians were taken to a US. military hospital at Landstuhl, West Germany. Mr. Davis was born and brought up in Schomberg where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Davis presently reside on Main Street. He attended Schomberg Public School and Aurora High School. Following graduation from school, he joined the air force and was posted to Vancouver where he spent about five years. He has been stationed in Germany for the last year and a half. Mr. Davis is married. He and his wife, Pat, have a six-weeksâ€"old baby. His mother. Pearl, works in the Schomberg Past 0f- fice. There have been tales of TURN SPARE ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS King Flyer Injured Air Crash, For years, doing the dishes has been one of life‘s necessary evils. But now, because of automatic electric dishwashers, more and more people are finding out it‘s an unnecessary eviL Consider some of the things an automatic electric dishwasher can save wives from. Things like: the dreary routine ofwashing and drying pots and dishes day after day; the worry of dishpan hands, the d is h es"; woe about what will happen to region finances when tran- sitional grants from the De- partment of Municipal Af- fairs are cut off, Rowe con~ tinued. “We should welcome this type of assessment.” The development is stra- tegically located on Jane Street close to Highway 400, a commercial skiing area, the prestigeous Kingcross Estates and the new Seneca College Campus, Rowe told council. "It would be an asset to the region.” It would also pro- vide many jobs, he pointed out, and help to relieve un- employment. MACTAGGART UPSET King Mayor Kenneth Mac- taggart took exception to the planning department’s conâ€" tention that “The land is moderately good farmland presently in agricultunal use.” “If this is agricultural land, God help the poor man who has to make a living on it,” the mayor expostulated.. The planning report was critical of the design and the length of the cul-de-sac. ap- proximately :1 mile long, your hydro GRAND OPENING A limited number of Par- sonaliud Figure lmprovo- menf programs offaer at low cost Grand 'Opening rates. i AFTER 30 DAYS BEFORE after-party aftermath; and ihe hours spent doing dishes that could be spent in a hundred happier ways. Consider this, too. A lot of dirty dishes come with the joys of Christmas. 80 what could make a more timely gift than an automatic electric dishwasher? See your appliance dealer soon about the new automatic electric dishwashers. They’re not called The Wifesavers for nothing, you know. 884-9297 884-9298 889-1033 Phone 85 YONGE ST. SOUTH, RICHMOND HILL which was the only means of getting in and out of the sub- division. This, it was pointed out, would create problems for police and fire vehicles, for ambulances and for snow re« moval. LAZENBY IN FAVOR Richmond Hill Mayor Wi1< liam Lazenby felt this was no reason for rejecting the plan completely. In most munici- palities. he said, plans auto- matically go back to the sub‘ divider if there are objec- tions to the design of the plan. Councillor Rowe agreed. The owner, he said, would be willing to arrange the road pattern to conform to standards set by the regional engineers. The comment that the pro- posed development was “un- desirable” brought indignant protest from Mayor Mactag- gart. “We don’t build shacks in King. We build good homes. These ave two acre lots, they will have their own wells and septic tanks. Development is controlled in King." SIZE 14 - you can be a 10 in 3] days SIZE 18 - you can be a 14 in 36rdays SIZE 22 - you can be a 16 in 51 days 6 MONTHS FREE IF WE FAIL CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE TOUR. AND RESULTS GUARANTEED 6 MONTHS FREE IF we FAIL If You Are A @eilimi ENROL NOW FOR ONLY A final/2r! fa @gufe g @mufngare Copyright Figurmaglc International 1970 m NOW COMPLETING The wifesavers The planning» department report objected that “The site is lacking any physical attributes which would justi- fy its development In the manner proposed." Mayor Lazenby refused to “buy” this. Landscaping and design in such :3 develop- ment, he said could make It very attractive. ROLLINGS OPPOSED East Gwillimbury Mayor Gladys Rolling a member of the planning committee, told the dissenters that all mem- bers of the committee had visited the site, adding, “It the owner is willing to ac- cept another plan, we will look at it." She said. how- ever, that in the opinion of the committee there were other properties in King that were more suitable for estate type plans. The planning department’s report said the plan was not in keeping with the Toronto- Centred Plan for developâ€" ment. “With the exception of the northern corridor of cities up to Newmarket . . . our policy is to maintain land use essentially in its present .50* PHASE NO. I PER WEEK FIGURE ANALYSIS Another Figure Magic Hammad (NEXT . PHAEE .‘s'désfiml. COST INCREASE form, that is mainly agricul- tural, recreational and open space. The modest natural growth that takes place will be encouraged into the exist- ing urban communities," said the regional planning office report. DEVELOPMENT POLICY “The policy is to retain land use up to Newmarket in its present form. Only de- velopment that does not re- quire additional services is acceptable," Planning Com- missioner Murray Pound told council. “We must consider the quality of the site rela- tive to others proposed in the same general area." Councillor Rowe protested. "If the region is to make the decisions, what justification is there for municipal plan- ning committees?” The region does not select areas for development, Pound replied. It makes recommenâ€" dations. and the province makes the final decisions. A motion by Rowe second- ed by Mactaggart that the plan be deferred for further study was approved by coun- cil.

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