Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Nov 1971, p. 6

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LAZY-BOY lounger chair. good conditlon, $39. Also TV, needs repair, $10. 884- background, $203imported sueae jacket, natural color. size 34, $20. 884-5010 A-l condition", my Eé'cdziait'iBEI ed. 773-5332. clw19 M: 12 STRING guitar $40. electrlc guitar. 2 pick ups‘ new. $150. sell $70. After 6 884-3721. DRAPES 12' by 95 Loam â€" manure â€"â€" top soll -â€" mushroom compost - peat moss, etc. C. L. Knappett Land- scaping and Supplies, 884-3089. tfc43i WASHER, dryer and stove parts, gears. belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowez‘s and small ap- pliances. Math’s TV. 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfcll‘ PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets. fit 12" special $5.35 per sheet. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6263. tfc19 19" PORTABLE TV with stand $55. girl’s wooden vanity dres~ ser. six drawars, $15. good con- dition. 222-2314. chle THIS guitar is made in Western Germany. IMS made by Fra- muse. Paid $149., will sell foi‘ $90. or best offer. 884-8557. 18" ELECTRIC snowblower and gas stove. 773-4560. c1w19 SQUASH, Williams and hose pears $3.90 a busheI with own containers. Walnut dining room table, seats eight. 384-6367. ONE Warden King, used. C.I.,l H.W. boiler. 500 foot with circu- 1 lating pump. $50, Call 889-9948. c2w19n Living, dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 454-1388 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfclo ONE high chair. one mattress and one play 884-1119, after 6 pm Ask for Mrs. Seybold. For all makes. Repairs to elec- Used sewing machines $14.95. tric lawnmowers and small ap-‘New sewing machines $59.95 pliances. Math’s TV. 49 Indus-‘and up. Bernina Sewing Centre. t_rial Road. 884-7903. tfcll Richmond Heights Centre. 884- ADDING machines. typewriters, 3775‘ , “€13 cash registers. Office furniture ANTIéfiE couch, one single new and used. 889-2270. tfcll brass bed, 9-piece dining room RAlfvfifiv TIES suite. rocking chairs. wash Holland Park Garden centreylstand, dressers, and quanitity of 51 Keele Street N., Maple. 832- 99d chairs. 773-5445; M 7:431} H FIâ€"LTIFG cabinet. legal size. good PARTS for 283 and radio for condition, color grey, 884-3163 1968 Ford. 884â€"6743~ “c14’or 884-7379 evenings. c1w19 " ’n'anEWAY ’ GRAVEI; '7’ Crushed stone, sand. concrete gravel, etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett, 884-3089 tfc37 PATIO walks, factory rejects. All sizes and colors. at greatly reduced prices. 832-2455. ple. fox fur trim. sizeflll: 3354‘ 2963. clw19 {TIRES 6â€"50 x 13 4~p1y. Eb? less. like new. 884â€"5856 after 6 pm. clw19 GENDRON fiby carriage. ex- cellent condition. 884-4624. Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884.1745 tic: Awnings. patio canopies and en- closures. do - it - yourself dis- count 30%. drop in, phone or write for special measuring kit at Fire-G10 Centre. 46 Steeles Ave. West. 889-3133. clw19 SNOWMOBILE boots $10 a pai? g84-9748 after 6 pm. c2w19 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows. doors, awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832-1319 COA'_1‘. la_dies. {Angst new, pur- Maple ALfJMINUM Doors, windows, awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 'SED sewing machine for sale c KNAPPETT FOR Loni CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .81: per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word: min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS OF THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in~ sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be In as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays, Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 8844983 and you will receive an invoice. 'rfi’EmeERs ADDING MACHINES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 4. 1971 TEAKWOOD ALUMINUM' crib and pen, $15. 884-6086. nclw19 7 h_p special} World tfc19 clwls . gold. 0 21" l-ZISS. c1\\‘19 c1w19 c1w19|1 clw19 bei e Complete line of Snowmobiles 2w19 clothing and snowblowers -v-- Excellent for Christmas 33):: Lay-a~\vay Plan 2163 I Yes We Have CHARGEX ‘ ' REID LAWNMOWER =1W19l 210 Markham Road tfcl‘) tfc14 t1c28 SNOW t’irés.’520'£13711§e new $15. 884-4690. c1w19 [NUMEROUS storm windows. 1884:2822. c1w19 STORM windows, hand made, suitable for permanent cottage windows. Approximately size 6 (36 x 60) and 2 (28%" x 60"). 889-0244. clw19 7 hp. recoil start, 32“ riding mower 559.95 450‘ 8 hp. elec. start. auto. trans. 36" cut 1099.95 9251 5 h.p. recoil start, stand. trans. 25" cut 499.95 4251 ALL ROTARY MOWERS 19 AT COST JOHN DEERE DRUMS, complete set, one-year- old 833-5486. 889~9353. clw19 :ESTATE to be sold. Quantity of bed-chesterfields, regular ches- terfields, continental beds, kit- chen suites, bunk beds. baby furniture. 15 pool tables. Best cash and carry offer. Liquida- tors 488-7911, 3368 Yonge St. Toronto. c4w17 ORGANS. 1-stop shopping. See and hear Hammonds, Lowreys and Farfisas. Organs all sizes and types from $49.50 up. Bank terms. Enjoy the weatherproof year-round hobby. Toronto Or- gan Centre, 5254 Yonge St., Willowdale, 222-6517 and Sher- avay Gardens. Hwy. 27 and 1Q.E.Way. 621-1871. Open even- Iing. c2w18 6 DRAWER Maple dresser, 2 years old $20. 884-3547. c1w19 CRIB, car seat. high chair, and clothing, etc. $25 complete. 833â€" 5719. clwlg NEW Bulloch's oil fired farnace with burner and controls. $299. Call 832-8967. c2le BARTLETT pears. McIntosh and Wealthy apples. Manning Orchards, Dufferln Street, 1 mile south of Maple Sideroad, 3 miles north of N0. 7 Highway. 832-1274. Open. Mon. to Fri. after 5 pm, Sat. and Sun. all day. tfc13 SLATE SNOOKER TABLE with accessories. must selL Sacrifice 226-3366. c4w18 hill. 297-1371 CAR racing set. Stromhecker two car, two level. 884-3273. NEW GE toaster $14, used toas- ter $5, carving board $4. good bathroom sink $5, 884-3190. ALADDIN lamp parts. shades. chimneys. 7729 Yonge S., Thom- HONEY Local Basswood trees have again this year yielded heavily of your favorite flavor, come and get it at 30c bulk pound. Comb also. By appointment only. 889-2724. tfcll BABY carriage excellent condi- tion. $40 or best offer. 8896172. c1w19 Piano‘s and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 PHONE THE RESULTS NUMBERS 884-1105-6 884-1983 only 19" rotary mowe c/w bagging 140.00 Model 19 chain saw 234.95 Model 17 chain saw 204.95 Mode] 5 6 h.p. riding mower, 28“ cutter Model 110 tractor, 8 11.1) electric start. NW 39“ cutter 1265.00 1] Model 80 dump YEAR END CLEARANCE Open 8.30 - 9.00 Daily Sat. till 4 pm. CHRISTMAS IDEAS TORO FOR SALE BIG SALE! (Continued) WANTED 1265.001160.00'DOG. small 547.00 450.00 Reg. Sale mowers 140.00 109.00 Reg. 925.00 450.00 425.00 187.00 163.00 clwls c1w19 c1w19 tfclB Sale ILABRADOR Retriever, Rich- ’mond Hill area. Reward. Please iphone 884~1859. clw19 HUMIDIFIER, $30.. fern stand‘"""' 515., bar and weights, $15., CLASS A ' power mower, needs repairs $15. LICENSED MECHAth 884-1855 after 5:30 pm. c1w19|Fulg timenplosit‘ion Lavailable in 11.,4.‘ FUN fur coat. white rabbit. 1 yr. old, size 12. $125. 8815434 or 889-7549. c1w19 DRYER. 4 burner stove, anleECEPTIONI§T typist, must television. 66 South Road, Oak have pleasant phone manner Ridges. 01W19 and initiative to work with a 12mm; minimum of instruction. Assoc- phone 399.0321 01mg iation of Kinsmen Clubs. 889- 0450. ClWl9 PING-PONG table. 884-2246 CABBAGE, good for sauerkraut pepper squash, beets. 8846507 TRAINER amp.. Kent guitar. mike and case. excellent con- dition. $150. 4994160 after 5 pm. c2u'19 BOY‘S skis, poles and harness, spare time into spare money. boots size 5, man‘s ski boots size Work in your own neighbor- 7, sleeping bag 30" x 75“, and‘hood, absolutely no selling in- hot wheels sizzler set. 884-8873.lvolved. Call collect Mrs. Ferns. c1w19£ 1 - 284-5484. c1w19 BOY‘S / man’s bicycle. 26“ Raleigh, good condition with lamp. carrier. 884-4639. FULL set of drums, two cym- bals, excellent condition, $110, ideal Christmas gift. 499â€"1160 after 4 pm. c2w19 EATSUN 1200 snow tires, on rims. $25. pair. 884-2436. *1w19 Three-brush floor polisher. 884- 8263. c1w19 AUTOMATIC washer, excellent condition. 884-7197. clwlS ADDING machine $50, small WASHER, Viking square tub wringer, as new, $50. 887-5994. c1w19 ELECTROHOME two ~ manual organ. Call after 6 pm. 884-2583. c1w19 SNOW tires. 650 x 13, $30. 884- 2563 after 6 pm. c1w19 metal desk $8, 2 blonde wigs $10 and $15. 889-3303. c1w19 MOFFAT stove, 30”, good con- dition; wringer washer: brand new kitchen suite, arborite Rosewood finish, padded swivel chairs: matching Chesterfield and chair, orlon pile covering, both used one month. 889-5821. c1w19 2 BUFFETS, arborite kitchen table, odd chairs, 3 end tables, antique organ in perfect con- dition. 832-1434. c1w19 INDIAN rug 9 x 12. 1 yr. old. $170. 884-6983. c1w19 USED, French-provincial ches- terfield. best offer. 884~8240. AQUARIUM 30 gal. including canopy. light, silent giant pump. supreme heater, 2 filters, gang valves. gravel. artificial plants $50. $115 new. 1 pair of Volksâ€" wagen snow tires 685x15, used one winter $20. 884-4659. Chesterfields in various styles and colors, Tables. lamps. bed- room suites, and odds and ends. No appliances. No dining room. Everything is like new and rea- sonable. Call Parkcrest Con- struction. 889-4960. c4w19 LARGE Lloyd baby pram, 1970 Empress model, marimo hood and storm cover, excellent con- dition. $60. 884-7203. clw19 TARPAULINS, heavy duty. best offer. 889-3729. c1w19 9 PIECE dining room suite about 40 years old very good condition, call 8844554. $185. of stock from mid-west Ontario Antique Centre. Pine cupboards, 1889 pump organ. beds, wash- stands. clocks, 150 year old blanket box, buffet. china cabi- net combination. Everything to be cleared. 5 Maple Avenue. Maple Village. *lwlg BINKS compressor, as new. 889-0841. *1w19 ELECTRIC guitar and amplifier moving, must sell. 889-3662. Finish removed for easy home refinishing. Refinishing products and In- struction available. SEASONED firewood. mixed. oak, beech. birch and maple, 12" and 16" cords. Holland Park Garden Centre. 832-2455. tfc14 BAR stools, assorted colors BIX FURNITURE STRIPPING ANTIQUE CLEAR OUT BALANCE BUILDERS MODEL FURNITURE SELL YOUR UNWAVTABLES PHONE 884-1105 FOR SALE (Continued) LOST 889-4422 nclw19 c1w19 c2w18' Hi1] c1w19 c1w19 *3w13 c1w19 c1w19 c4w16 CONCESSION managers re- quired to manage our conces- sions in various conservation areas in north and east Metro. Refreshment or snack bar ex- perience required. Weekends .only. Must have own transpor- tation. For further informa- tion call 481-5233, ext. 25. 1A Train to be a market research interviewer and turn your spare time into spare money. Work in your own neighbor- Typing essential. shorthand an asset, clerical ability required. Call Pacific Finance, 889-7626. c1w19 modern. flat rate shop. Excel- lent company benefits. Apply to the service manager, Mr. Cy Datema at Canadian Tire, 7O Yonge Street North, Richmond GIRL to babysit, one baby, five days a week while mother works, live in or out. Mrs. King, 889-9327, after 5 pm call 889- 9889. chle EXPERIENCED kitchen cabin- et installer. 832-2271 or 889- 4973. c1w19 Experienced temporary Short- hand Dicta and Invoice Typists, Comptometer and Posting Ma- chine Operators, list with Mona Robertson Temporary Placeâ€" ment Service, 884â€"6944. c1w19 CLEANING and ironing two days weekly, Thomhill near Yonge. 889-8899. c1w19 LEGAL secretary needed. for Richmond Hill law firm, 884- 9257. clw19 SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST to your convenience between 9 am. and 6 pm. One girl of- fice in private home. Call La- 591‘s and Medical Diagnostic In- strumentation. 889-9441. $80.00 monthly allowance for caretaking small modern apart- ment building. One or two bedroom apartment available. 62 Hunt. Adults. no pets. soft water, quiet balcony. 488-0802. tfc19 PART time cab drivers want- ed. 889-3366. c1w19 PART time. female office help. must be experienced in pay- roll, good typist, 2 or 3 days per week. Write Box 3, “The Liberal”. c1w19 REGISTERED nurse for nurs- ing home, outskirts of Toron- to, live in or out. 640-3061. c1w19 PART-TIME SECRETARY WANTED Experienced dicta~typist for part~time work. Approximate~ 1y 4 hours per day scheduled CLERK~typist required for in- teresting position in cable TV office. Experience in accounts receivable an asset. Call Mr. Jeffery. 884-8111. clw19 GM DEALER REQUIRES Salesman new and used cars. excellent pay plan and company benefits, new car supplied. Apply Sales Department ~â€" PETER BOYD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. King City 833-5301 c1w19 l CARRIER “The Liberal" has an opening for responsible boy or girl for an established paper route ianAVE the North Thornhill area. ForlFULL further details please phone plugs] Dinah Darlington at 884-1105. FIVE nc2w18‘nn w Experienced typist for Bank of Nova Scotia. Thornhill. Phone Mr. Hooton, 889-4961. c1w19 RELIABLE woman to clean motel rooms. Call 889-1611. Lotman permanent position for the right man. Apply Sales De- partment â€"â€" PETER BOYD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. King City 833-5301 cth HELP WANTED GM DEALER REQUIRES APARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT INTERVIEWERS clw19 c1w19 c1w19 c1w19 c1w19 c1w19 BOOKKEEPER part-time, fami- liar with bank reconciliation, laccounts receivable and payroll. ‘Reply to Box 2 “The Liberal." c1w19 LA\VLO an... yuan-nu». vuu .ou‘ FULLY experienced appliance 884'3790' “Wig service man, good wages and WORINKG mother, one child medical benefits. Leslie Appli- has apartment to share with ance Service, Aurora 727-4681 same or single girl. Yonge or 727-8311. c1w19;Street. 889-0733. c1w19 553‘5545‘49'QD' “w” TV, radio, air conditioning. daily GIRL FRIDAY maid service. Reasonable week- Mature person, must have goodily rates Richmond Inn. 384- experience in all phases of 1101. c4w18 office routine. Shorthand and WWII-ch typing essential, salary open. st 1e 3 b dr 5 3 w hmoms (avg-9 9 Â¥irgnlsnge f'u,'n_n:af any-259' URGENTLY needed â€" Counter man for motor parts business In Thornhill. Also drivers for de- livery and pick-up. Simplex Motor Parts. Call Mr. Grant 889~8444-45-46. c1w19 EXPERIENCED Show ponies for sale or lease. 884-2756. c2w19 GIRL wanted for work in egg grading station. King City ar- ea. 833-5282. c1w19 PERSON for cleaning of build- ing‘ one hour a night, six nights a week. Phone 483- 3808. clw19 FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT EXTRA MONEY An excellent opportunity for all ages to earn instant cash. Now that the Christmas season is beginning you can make yourself from $10 - $25 per day part-time, or more fullâ€" time. Simply sell Christmas gift wrap to your friends, fel‘ low workers. or even busines- ses. Instant sales, no sales talk needed as the gift wrap sells itself, both in looks and quantity. You buy wholesale then re-sell at your own prices. You can start earning right now by calling Mrs. Smith at 884-7669 to see the gift wrap for yourself. c1w19 Mature man required for gen- eral office duties. bookkeeping, typing. etc. in small office. Must be capable of working with minimum supervision. Send full resume and salary required to Box 1 “The Liberal’.’ SHIPPER-Receiver for steel plant. Shift work, typing essen- tial. Phone 889-4877. c1w19 MAN to learn arborcultural trade. chauffeur's licence esâ€" sential. For appointment call Richmond Hill Tree Service. 884-7774. c1w19 NORTH WILLOWDALE telephone answering. Call Mrs. Stubbs 884-8173. clw19 CLEANING lady. experienced, references required. 889~0503. URGENT Experienced sitters and home- makers. part time or full time for busy Richmond Hill Agen- cy. 8845286. clw18 JUNIOR CLERK FOR TYPING, FILING AND GENERAL OF- FICE DUTIES. EXPERIENCE WITH DIRECT CUSTOMER RELATIONS HELPFUL. AP- PLY SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD.. 889-1145, 8470 KEELE ST.v CONCORD (KEELE AND LANGSTAFF). c2w19 WE NEED FAST, ACCURATE TYPISTS AND STENOGRA- PHERS FOR PERMANENT AND PART~TIME POSITIONS ARE you interested in part-time FULL POTENTIAL IN YOUR PRESENT JOB? WE HAVE FIVE OPENINGS FOR MEN 0R WOMEN DUE TO EXPAN- SION: EXCELLENT WORK- ING CONDITIONS IN NEW MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN WITH OUR EXCEL- LENT TRAINING PRO- GRAMME. FOR INTERVIEWS CALL MR. NURGITZ AT NORM BLACK REALTY LTD» 223-0322. tfclll DRIVER required for city de- liveries. Must have good ref~ erences. Apply at 65 Duncan Road. Thornhill. cZw18 LIGHT factory work suitable for women. For information apply at 65 Duncan Road, Thornhill. clw19 EARN $3 to $4 per hour serv- icing established Fuller Brush routes. Full-time or partâ€" time. Phone 889-0827. clw19 SALESLKfiYT'mature, nights, Bayview Variety, Bayview Pla- za, 884-3417. c1w19 APPRENTICE hairdresser, fe- male. 884-6811. (:1le HI-CORP PERSONNEL 18 YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL 884-6782 clw19 HAVE YOU REACHED YOUR HELP WANTED FEEL TRAPPED? (Continued) Enced, FULLY furnished apartment. 503, Your own four piece bathroom clwlgiand side entrance. One lady. c1w19 OFFICE SPACE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Premises suitable for Dental or Medical clinic on ground floor, centrally located. ample storage and parking, with option of liv- ing accommodation, broadloom throughout. For further details call 884-2442. c2w18 RICHMOND H e i g h t s ranch style, 3 bedrooms. 3 washrooms, 2 fireplaces. bar, two-car garage. $350. 884-3787. tfc18 AT Richmond Hill, 1,500, 3,~ 000. 4,500 square feet. New building reasonable rent. 749- 4520, 7-9 pm. tfc15 FURNISHED room central Rich- mond Hill. close to Yonge and transportation. 884-8312. ONE bedroom apartment. 884- 8588. c1w19 TWO bedroom apartment $35 weekly. and bungalow 555 week- ly. 636-6837. ifch 2 BEDROOM apartment, Octo-l We her 1. Children. Phone after; 6 pm. 884-9723 daytime, week- 889-7024 end. tfchJ FURNISHED room. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884-6084 for appointment. STORE, east of Yonge and Highway 7B. fine location, suit any type of business. 223-9944. c1w19 THREE-bedroom t o w n h o u s e FURNISHED room, $15. a week. 884-3160 before 5 pm. c1w19 ONE bedroom apartment, cen- tral. 884-5552. c1w19 HOUSE to share with others, own room provided. 884-6743. c1w19 FURNISHED room to rent in scenic area near Maple $15. Phone 83243848 after 6 pm. ROOM. Yonge-Centre area. 884~ 2427 after 4 pm. clw19 ROOM to rent. Suit gentleman. 884-1629. tfc19 THORNHILL â€"â€" 2 and 3 bed- room bungalows. garage. close to Yonge and shopping. After 5 889-0743. clw19 ULTRA modern bachelor apart- ment in a wood land setting, immediate occupancy. 884-5206. c1w19 FURNISHED basement apart- ment, business couple only. re- ferences required. 884-1421. apartment, Benson Avenue. 226- 4719. c1w19 HOUSE for rent. very good area woodland setting. adults only, immediate possession. 884-5206. c1w19 AVAILABLE immediately two- bedroom apartment $150 witn parkmg. 884-7223, 486-8233. SEVERAL country homes for rent or sale. Call 488-4386. FOR lease. 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space. Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16’6" clear. immediate posses~ sion. $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. I 1 l PLANT and office space to rent. 2.000 square ft. Goodwill Fabricating Company. 167 Cen- tre Street East. Richmond Hill. 884-8981. tfc38 OFFICE space: also storage space. Goodwill Fabricating Company, 167 Centre Street East. 884-8981. tfc39 TWO bedroom apartment $78.00 or one bedrom $60.00 tenant to do caretaking for small modern apartment building. No experi- ence needed. Adults. no pets. soft water. belcony, central. 62 Hunt 488-0802. tfc19 HOUSE, Richmond Hill. bright six rooms, $165. Central. 486- 8578. c1w19 2 BEDROOM apartment, Rich- Vale area, 889-6344. clw19 ONE and two bedroom ments. 884-5670. FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FURNISHED room. 884-9427 APARTMENT, 3 bedroom, pri- vate paved drive and garage 165 Ruggles Avenue. 221-1275. c1w19 TWO bedroom apartment for rent. 889-5562. clw19 T0 RENT THE FRIENDLIEST VOICES IN TOWN WILL HELP YOU TO PLACE YOUR “LIBERAL” WANT ADS TODAY clw19 *1w1‘9 c1w19 apart- clw19 c1w19 c1w19 clw19 tfclO tfc50 1967 R A M B L E R. automatic, good shape, 68,000 miles. 889- 2545. c1w19 TREES. shrubs garden supplies, complete landscape service. En- dean Nurseries Ltd.. 542 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill. 88-!- 5996. c8w12 1968 VOLVO. good condition, snow tires. 889-3727. c1w19 FOR SCRAP â€" 1962 Dodge Dart. 1964 Falcon, good body. 1962 Envoy, with good motor. 884-5303. c1w19 1967 G.T.0., good condition, best offer. 889-7118. *lw19 1969 ACADIAN V8.three-speed1 standard. radio. rear defroster. Call Armando, 884-6811 or ev- enings 221-1744. c1w19 {965’CHEVY Super Sport, con-l Doors and Windows vertible, bucket seats automatic. For free estimates can your 56,000 original miles, certified. Local Contractor $795. 832-1416. Vclw19 HANS BUTT 889-4106 1964 VALIANT convertible â€" “33 extra motor â€"â€" 45 Clearview BRICK AND STONE WORK Heights. King city. $450. clwls'Fireplacgs â€" chimngys â€"- cus- 1966 CHRYSLER, 4 door hardâ€" tom bum - Pam’s: Walls: flower boxes, garages, etc. Guar- . ' , b k t‘, . mp V8 automatlc uc Et sea 5 anteed workmanship. For free radio, snow tires. new paint, ‘. . runs excellent and winterizedlggggge can M' H' ConStmglfi $695. 884-8766. clw191.____4‘ _,_°_ ____\ - . _._..-Aâ€".-- 1962 0LD§ '1785, vs automatic power steering. very good con- dition. Must sell $195. 884-5108. c1w19 ONE two-bedroom apartment wth fridge and stove, $145 a month. One threeâ€"bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. $180 a month. 884-4334. c1w19 CEDAR Hill, one bedroom apartments in Richmond Hill now renting. 884-7098. 2 BEDROOM apartment. avail- able December 1. Parking. swimming pool. Apply superin- tendent, 441 Elmwood, 834-6148. c2w19 2 tone, tape deck. $900. 884- 7324. c1w19 1966 MUSTANG, blue‘ and white, standard. good condition. $600. 884-8862, Nelson. c1w19 1966 VW 1300 dune buggy with complete roll cage for off the road use. Complete with tow- ing equipment. 832-1023 after 6 pm. c1w19 1y powered, bucket seats. 884- 9688. c1w19 1961 tible, good condition, best offer.{7 CHIMNEYS 384‘6045- c1W19'Chimneys and fireplaces built 1961IMPALAAdom-sedanfvfij‘and repaired. Frey estimates. automatic, radio. runs well, Expert workmanship. 20 years xperience. Phone 88442882. $150. as is. 833-5060 after 6 pm.‘e cw”! WALKER CONSTRUCTION '69 Impalaillke new, best offer. 884-3152. tfc15 1â€"9‘66AAVALIANT, 2 door auth matic. $350. 889-7900. c1w13 1965 AUSTIN. good condition. $450. no deals. Carol. 884- 3489. *1w19 DATSUN 2000. sport, at mint condition with five-speed trans- mission. Phone 833-5801 1965 PONTIAC. V8 automatic. Please phone 884-4545. *1w19 1968 FORD Cortina. 1600 de- luxe, four-speed transmission, radio. $6000 Must sell. Phone John, 884.6126 after 6 pm. Each car carries 100% warranty for 30 days and one year war- ranty at 15% labor and 10% parts. , l 1971 Datsun, 1600, Deluxe, AM- FM radio $2095. 1970 Datsun, 1600, 4 door, radio, one owner $1895. 1970 Toyota Mk II. automatic, fully equipped $2095. ‘ 1969 Datsun, 1600, radio $1495. 7 day money back guarantee on each car. Others to choose from. hurry for best selection. Neill Datsun Ltd.. Yonge SL. 1 mi. N. of Richmond Hill 889-0972 1965 METEOR auto, good con- dition. 884-7197. (-1le 1966 CORONET. radio. good condition, $500. 884-1638. 1965 MGfifssoo. 334-9503 1967 PONTIAC wagon, $600 884-6113 after 6:30 pm. 1966"F0RD Galaxie XL. excel- lent condition. $1200, certified. Must sen. 884-3798. *1w19 1964 GALAXIE XL, complete- 1966 MUSTANG 289 4-speed GARDENING USED CARS SMALL CAR SALE _A U “£103 Trenching, sewer & water lines, VALIANT, 2 door auto- footings; 889-3604. m2 35350. 389‘7900- CEE‘PAINTING and decorating. in- AUSTIN. good condition. terior and exterior. Carpentry no deals. Carol, 884~ work, rec. rooms and altera~ *1w19 tions. No job too big or small. mm omn_;r:3;+ sfmifir 884'5009- “040 TO RENT (Continued) 294-0791 tic18 *1w19 *1w19 clwlngrains, septic tanks 1:17:01? concrete work. c1w19 C1W19 clw19 tfclB Interior â€" Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. GENERAL CARPENTRY Licence Rec, Rooms. kitchens, floor tile, counter tops, repair and re- finishing of furniture. Free estimates. FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. tfc14 NORTH END AUTO REPAIRS Mechanical repairs to all vehi- cles. Licenced mechanic. 884- 3045. c2w19 GENERAL carpentry. recreation room, kitchen and repair. 884- 2505. c2w19 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"-inc1uding Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884~ 1105. 'W’EE’IITLEWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snpw- GENERAL contracting. altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 Kitchen units, alterations, rec rooms, etc.‘ ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"- siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor SHAMPOOING FALL SPECIAL Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfclS BooKK'E’E'PiN‘G and accbifit: ing services for small businesses. 889-5683. tfc33 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPEIT Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 8844245 tch NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 mER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Custom built homes, renova- tions. additions) and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs 3 Speciality Free Estimates 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING MISCELLANEOUS Highly recommended even by friends Excavating. Trenching, Footings and Concrete Work 884-7008 m‘ofififimg‘ L EXECUTIVE MAINTENANCE A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 GENERAL CARPENTRY 488-7521 PERRI-STYLE (custom) HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY PAINTING 8: PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 GORD ROWLAND 889-3437 PLUMBING E. W. PAYNE Upholstering 889-9475 R. TOBIEN 889-1922 & HEATING 889-3185 All types » 7.1tfc35 Thomhill tfc50 tfc44 tchO ticlS “:48 tfc18 tfc50 tfc3 tfc9 MiAT‘URiE ’I’ady to babysit even- ,ings. 884-2685. _c1w19 EXPERIENCED cleaning lady? ‘would like housework 9-3. $14 la day. 889-0879. c1w19 TROUBLE plowing your 13nd,? Call 832-2218 for custom plow} ling or combining. c2w19 POODLES, miniitoy. two choco- late, two black, very healthy and adorable. 889-6738. c1w19 KITTENS freeâ€"ta good home. 884-3279. Cl'w19 PUPPIES, free to good honie‘. mother Boarder Collie. 889- 6513. c1w19 PUPPIES, freE to good homes. 3 months old. 832-8707. c1w19 PUPPIES fér' sale German Shepherd and Irish Setter mix- ture. black. $30. 488-1490. clwm FREE, healthy: fitter-trained kittens. 832-8810. (:1le MERfAND KENNELS (REG'D) Shetland Sheepdogs (min. col- lies) Boarding, also dog obedi- ence classes. 895-8281. MASSEY-fEnGUSON Ski Whiz Sales and Service New 300 Ski Whiz, 18.5 h.p. $650.00 New 350 Ski Whiz. 22 hp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750.00 New double trailer: with Ski Whiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 New single trailers with Ski Whiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5125,00 Rumble Tractor and Equipment Gormley, 887-5886 SKIROULE snowmobiles and equipment. Triple “EEE” travel trailers. truck campers and caps. hardtop trailers, Otto. Woods, Lionel. Open daily to 5 pm. Thursday and Friday ev- enings to 9.30 pm. MCKENZIE CAMPING TRAILERS Hwy. 7 East at Bayview GERMAN Shgbherd pup, reas- enable. 833-5633. CZWIK 1970 ARIENS. 293. 20 11.9. sell. 884-2594 after 5 pm PAINTING and Décorating, in- terior and exterior. Free esti- mates. 884-5410. fies CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms. additions, renovations, tile floors, and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. Acch’A'fE’lypist, 55-60 wpm. desires full time, part time or home typing. 884-1794. c1w1? Long established. For appoint- ment 727-6669. Top quality pup- pies, Merrylegs. Poodles reg; _ PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx -- Telephone â€"- 884-1650. tfc24 New owner Betty Fofiyth. Dog grooming â€"- poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfclB MISCELLANEOUS RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paperhanging. interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 8876153. GENERAL cleanups - base- ments, yards and garage. 884« 1346. (:1le WINTER tire studs removed $3.00 per pair. 889-2175. c1w19 FAMILY man seeks steady pos- ition as working foreman and compositor. Eighteen years exâ€" perience in calendar house (firm going cut of business). Also experienced in magazine make-up â€"- cloth advertising. Phone 889-3221. tfc15 F’INN’I’SH \voman looking for house cleaning. 881-1342. TWO young menivflishing to do odd jobs. Will do anything. 884- 4379 01' 384-3689. *lw19 TYPING done in my office. ciu' Mona Robertson. 884-6944. TREE CUTTING Pruning fruit trees and hedge trimming. E. C. DOAK ’Bés‘sinnuvmy SERVICE PETS FOR SALE SN OWMOBILES EMPLOYMENT WANTED CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING PROFESSIONAL POODLE CLIPPING RUG SHAMPOOING FLOOR CLEANING Reasonab'ie rates (Continued) 884-1311 889-5221 859-4428 *2w18 c1w19 c1w19 tfclB tfc48 :2wls tfc19 tfch tfclo t_fc17 Must tfc3 tch

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