Kl 3 am 0: household furniture dining room suite. refrigerator washer, dryer. T.V., dishes, am many good articles. The pro perty of Mrs. Jean McMullen or Stouffville Road at Gormle) HAVE you always wanted tol know more about the Bible? We offer a free correspondence course. For further information phone Mr. Heidman. 889-3181. “Elem mile west of Don Mills ARTIST-Teacher. Piano, voice. Road. No reserve. Terms cash theory. Openings in Richmond Frank Bennett Auctioneer. Hill 221-8330 evenings. c2w19 pzwis TOURS, cruises. rail and bus tickets, reservations and indiviâ€" dual travel. Call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. tfe4’7 IEK‘E‘Simcoe, lakefront cotfage, W?†(Very €001“- 2 Oldrfaiéhribn furnished six rooms, wall heater, “Vlng r00m chairS. Wicker chair. running wager, twmpiece bath Gurqu _30" eiAectric stove rooms wall heater, running wafer two-piece bathroom, sep~ tic beds, large sun porch. 893- 1322. clle DEAD or crippled farm animals' picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask‘ for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville. Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. HIGHEST prices for scrap cop- per, brass. aluminum. lead bat- teries. rads. generators, etc. Provincial Smelting. Credit. stone Road. Concord. 889-7932. “' ""‘ ""“‘ "“' NOVEMBER 6 SATURDAY - Ri h I . ‘ 08;“:gguml clell1 p.m. Auction Sale of house‘ â€"â€".â€"__ hold furniture. and misc items including dining room table Sunlmer Properties _\\'itAli 6 matching chairs and low 7379 evenings RIDE required from Don Mills Rd. and Markham Sideroad to arrive at Don Mills Rd. and Eglinton (I.B.M.) approximately 8215. return approximately 4:30. 887-5508. c1w19 WOMAN win'ï¬bï¬it eveniig'. . & EQUIPMENT $1. hour. days 75¢ hour. 884â€" GORMLEY 887-5886 8408. c1w19 tfc17 EXPERIENCED day care given FARMERS ï¬â€˜actor. 1958 major to children in my home weekly Fordson diesel with front end Richmond area. 884-8979. loader. Three point hitch. per- c1w19 feet condition, new tires, $1750. 832-1344. c1w19 WANT to buy power tools and $400 doubly s-ecured wiih full hand tools In good condition. company support. Write Box Reasonable 884-3163 or 884- No. 115, “The Liberal". €2w18 GIRL or woman to share apart- ment on Markham Road near Bayview. Write to Box 4 “TheLDRESSMAKING and ailitera-l Liberalâ€. *1w195tions. reasonable, pick~up and “ delivery. 884-8435 . RIDE wanted Markham Rd. area to Eg’llnton and Bermondsey, leave 7:30 am. return 4:45 pm. 884-4653. clw19 Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill. or call EMSâ€"8684. tic}? y “nuâ€. RIDE wanted from Richmondlhome 1 Heights location to No. 7 and1avai1a'b1‘ Keele area. Arriving 8:30 am. ‘5 . leaving “)0 pm_ 884_7180_ \ emor ‘naflprn ROOM and board available Oak Ridges. west side of Yonge. pri- vate home. steps to Yonge Street and G0 bus. Phone 773- 4616. c1w19 SINGLE room and board in comfortable home. Lunches and laundry included. Commuter bus at door. Color TV. Full DAY icare aVaiIable, Paliser Crescent. 884-6889. c2w18 DAY care available in my home. Hot lunches. 773-5679. c2w18 DAY care in my home for pre- schooler. 884-2822. c1w19 ROOM or robm and board for gentleman. 884-6169. c1w19 ROOM aFd board for elderly lady needing some care 889- 4313. ' c1w19 ROOM andibibard for clean-cut man or women or couple. ab- stainers. 884-4108. clw19 HELIABLE day care in my home. 884-4985. tfc17 IN my home, Richvale area. 889-9204. c2w18 home privileges. 833-5854 P‘wEiNCEfiiin yard, love children. 884-7524. c1w19 WHY NOT JOIN A BOWLING LEAGUE? Ladies‘ Afternoon Leagues with supervised nursery Mixed Evening Leagues . HOMEOWNERS 12% Prime seconds Mortgages purchased funds available for any type of Mortgage Thomas Gunn phone anytime 447-8575 Transportation Call ALLENCOURT LANES 447 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill 884-5511 clz MORTGAGES PERSONAL DAY CARE TUITION WANTED TRAVEL WANT ADS PHONE 884-1105-6 c1w19 clwl9 tfclS time. AN International company manJ ville_ ufacturing and distributing con- 63. sumer items: (E.G. anti-pollut- ing automotive devices, beauty aids. etc) 200 different prod- etc Eucts, requires mature men and F dit‘ women as regional sales man- ‘79932' agers capable of earning $400 - my} $800 per month part time. Re- ____1 quired to carry inventory from] cop- , bat- tic? NOVEMBER 13. SATURDAY MORNING â€" Auction Sale at 9 am of household furniture, dining room suite. refrigerator. washer, dryer, T.V., dishes, and many good articles. The pro- perty of Mrs. Jean McMullen on Stouffville Road at Gormley one mile west of Don Mills (good). Gibson deep freeze ap- proximately 19 cu. ft. Fairbanks table scales, antique barn beam drill; 3 shot guns including I. Johnson 10 gauge, 12 gauge. and 12 gauge repeater and 303 rifle. Many other items too numerous to mention. For Dan McLean 10503 Islington Avenue, North Kleinbui'g. Terms Cash. Gord Orr, Auctioneer. c1w19 RELIABLE’ ’business coupl‘e want apartment or house at reaâ€" sonable rent. Days 363-5026 Mrs. Warnica. c1w19 WOMAN reiï¬ï¬s unfurnished rooms or apartment for Decem- ber 1. 884-9500. *1w19 SALE REGISTERS 15 ft. house trailer, 1965, sleeps 6. three-way lights. propane. 115 volts‘ and 12 volts, three burner stove. ice-box. double tank. equalizer hitch. spare t'Lr‘e and four jacks $1150. 773-5528. home. latest European patterns available. Special rates for Senior Citizens. Smart larger pattern sizes available. 832-1275. tfc19 DRESSMAKING done’i’nirh’y Mr. C. Allan Tagzart wishes to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of his daughter Da'le Anita to Juergen Kurt Parsche at St. Paul's Lutheran Church Satur- day. December 4, 5:30 pm. Reâ€" ception to follow at the Masonic Hall, Crosby Avenue. clwl3 New MF 135 deisel tractor $2895. New MP 165 gas tractor $46.50. New Mott 72†hammer knife mowers $695. MIHAY â€" Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mihay of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Helen Irene to Glen Regin- ald James. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reginal Castello of Richmond Hill. *lw19 AHLFELDT -â€" Mr. Carl Ahlfeldt mee Valerie Howard) are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their daughter on Friday. October 29th at York Central Hospital. Mother and baby doing fine. clw19 at it t a: GILES â€" Bruce and Hazel are happy an announce the birth of their son Craig Andrew. 8 lbs., 14 025.. on Wednesday. October 27, 1971 â€" a bro- and Mrs. COOPER. Charles A, â€"- After ‘95 311d attena meetlngs 355°C" or a lengthy illness on Thursday, iated with the planning func-‘Low October 28. 1971. Charles tion which fall within the juris-l te Cooper, beloved husband of diction of area municipalities. lMiss the late Edith Rumble of Qualifications: Member T.P.I.C.‘ te Mapl€~ Dear father 0f E1- or equivalent minimum 3 yearsiYou eanor (Mrs. Neil McDonald).exper1ence in Town Planning Y0“ Toronto. RUSS€11.MimiCO.and preferably in municipal work. 1“ Phyllis Cooper of DownvaConsideration will be given to Eter view. Rested at the Marshall applicants who lack formal A“ Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. planning qualifications but have “1 Nu Rlchmond Hill. A family extensive experience in munic- service was held Saturday. ipal planning work. Interment Maple Cemetery. I _. daug “,, pad“-.. PATTERSON â€" Larry and La- vinia (nee Glanfield) are proud to announce the birth of their first born, a son, Shayne Daniel. October 24. 1971 at York Central Hos- pital. Many thanks to Dr. luck and nursing staff. clle iï¬nrthmming marriagm Engagementa BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES AND SERVICE FARM EQUIPMENT RUMBLE TRACTOR TRAILERS WANTED TO RENT Ifa’irthz c2 w c4w17 c4w18 "MONKMAN. Russell James -â€" 5 At York Central HOSpital. on Friday, October 29. 1971. Russell Monkman, beloved husband of Ethel Stephen- son, 53 Centre St. E., Rich- mond Hill. dear father of Velma, George and Jim. Rested at the Marshall Fun- eral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday. Interment Aurora Cemetery. c1w19 CARD 0F THANKS I wish to thank friends and neighbors‘ for their kind wishes and gifts. Also the doctors and nurses at York Central Hos- pital. Mrs. K. Skilleter. ‘ _*1w19 MACMURCHY. Norman â€"â€" At King. Ontario. on Tuesday October 26, 1971, Norman MacMurchy beloved husband of Pearl Teale and dear brother} I of Margaret (Mrs. Ross Lym-' burner) Hamilton. and the‘ late Ouida (Mrs. Albert Hill†Nobleton. Ontario. ServiceI was held on Thursday October! 28. Interment King City) Cemetery. c1w19 HOWE. Gordon Percival â€"â€" At Sunnybrook Hospital, on Sat- urday. October 30. 1971. Gor- don P. Howe, beloved hus- band of Phyllis McEwan- Neill, father of Gordon Philip and Helen Gail (Mrs. R. Finkle). brother of Mabel (Mrs. J. M. Kilbourm. and Helen (Mrs. C. I. Junkini. grandfather of Gregory. Jen- nifer and Derek. Mr. Howe rested at the B. E. Ring Fun- eral Home 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 7B). Thornhill. SerVice was held in Holy Trinity An- glican Church Tuesday. In~ terment Holy Trinity Ceme- tery. clw19 lOW COST LOANS 'I'0 $10,000 Town of Markham Public Library Board REQUIRES: A Treasurer â€" January I, I972 PART TIME POSITION BROKERS WANTED PHONE 499-1516 For further details call Roy G. Brister at . . . GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA O Secured by the equity in your home 0 Terms to 10 years 0 Completely O No bonus or penalty clauses 0 Compare our services and costs Bookkeeping, invoices BROKER 884-8601 - 773-4371 TANDEM AXLE TRACTORS Emma LIST WITH 44 Yonge St. South [EAL ESTATE GUARANTEED MINIMUM BE HOME EVERY NIGHT Apply: 9 A.M. TO 5 RM. 884-1188 ’c'iï¬fl'gllntermediate Draftgrpan Responsible under the Direc tor to carry out planning dut After‘ies and attend meetings assoc , salaries, monthly reports BOX 10. UNIONVILLE Junior Planning Technician ($5,500 - $7,500) Responsible under the Director to carry out planning duties particularly in regard to the processing of Subdivision and Official Plan Amendment apâ€" plications submitted for con- sideration. Qualifications: A university de- gree or a graduate of a school of Technology with specializa- tion in Community Planning or a related discipline. Applications will be received up to and including November 10, 1971.‘ Responsible to Chief Drafts- man for general town planning and development proposal draft- ing. Qualifications: Equivalent of 4 years high. or technical school education with proven ability in topographical drafting and drafting associated with town planning. minimum 3 years ex- perience preferably in munic- Planner ($9.000 - 512,000) ipal planning office STAFF VACANCIES Commissioner of Planning Regional Municipality of York Box 147 Newmarket. Ontario 0 Completely open THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING DEPARTMENT BETWEEN STEELES & N0. 7 EAST OF YONGE OFF BAY THORN DRIVE Thornhill Terrace A.S.M. Pound, M.T.P.I.C. Week Days 12 - 9 pm. Weekends 12 - 6 p.111. Built by New Style Construction HYDRO SAUNA OUTSIDE POOL SCHOOLS CLOSE TO TRANSPORTATION WALK-IN CLOSETS NEAR GOLF COURSE 889-2234 NEW HIGH RISE 1 and 2 Bedrooms Richmond Hill ($6.000 - $7.000)‘MARWOOD â€" The Honorable Madame Georges P. Vanier, the board of directors of “Friends of L‘Arche" and the staff and residents of “Day- break" wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to the Canadian Progress Club. York Central. to their wives and to all partici- ‘pants in the walkathon “Opera- tion Daybreak" which raised over $18,000 towards construc- tion of a new residence for menâ€" tally retarded men and women on the “Daybreak†property. ~ . i 1111 mmnnam keep Eternal rest grant to her 0 Lord And let perpetual light shine upon her. â€" So sadly missed by her daughter and family. MARWOOD -â€" In loving mem- ory of a dear husband. father and grandfather William (Bill) Marwood. who passed away November 3. 1969. God grant us serenely to accept Things we cannot change Courage to change the things we BELL â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother Francis Bell who passed away, November 4. 1969. Dear Mom: Just as you were you will always can. And wisdom to know the differ- ence. -â€" badly missed by wife Flor- ence. children and grandchidren. c1w19 be Treasured forever in my mem- 01? Loved with a low beyond all telling Missed with a grief beyond all tears You dear mother rest and sleep Your loving memory I‘ll always CARD 0F THANKS Phone Is tï¬em a Wedding in Your Future? 884-1105 nclle c1w19 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 Tenders for the Collection, Removal and Disposal of Ashes. Garbage and other Refuse To provide service within the total limits of Richmond Hill Sealed Tenders properly marked as to contents will be received by at the Municipal Offices. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the office of the Works Commissioner, Municipal Offices, during business hours upon the receipt of a $25.00 deposit which will be refunded to contractors submitting bona fide tenders to the Town and who return the docu- ments in good condition to the Town within fifteen (15) days of the closing of tenders. Cheques shall be made payable to the Town Treasurer. The tenderer shall submit with his tender a cert- ified cheque in the amount of $15,000.00. The lowest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted. R. Lynett, D. Schiller, Clerk. Chairman, Works Committee Mr. R. Lynett, Clerk Municipal Offices. 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario up to 4:00 pm. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1971. Tenders will be opened in public by Council at 7:30 pm. on MONDAY. NOVEMBER Thermo-engraved (raised lettering) Wedding and engagement announcements, birth announcements, confirmation in vitations, golden and silver anniversary announcements, etc. (Raised Lettering) Looks and feels like the finest hand engraving. The letters have an elegance and individuality only the finest hand engraving can match. Thelma-engraving (raised lettering) Costs about half as much as hand engraving. because it eliminates the :opper plate that makes hand engraving so expensive. Of course you can order matching enclosure cards, reception, response. thank you and at home cards, etc. Select from our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. 15 distinctive styles of lettering. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS THE LIBERAL Town of Richmond Hill TENDERS Wedding Invitations THERMO-ENGRAVING hq-tvoc AND IT’S READY WITHIN 10 DAYS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Nov. 4. 1971 7 Council at 22nd, 1971 63 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill ONTARIO SCHOOL OF UPHOLSTERY 0 Choose from a large selection of quality fabrics o All workmanship expertly supervised and guaranteed 0 Pickup and delivery a Free estimates at your home 174 Bridgeland Ave. (opp. Yorkdale) 787-0277 Factory Showroom Hours Mon. to Fri. 9 - 5 Must have a good aptitude for arithmetic and figure work. approved training in typing and office procedures. Description of duties: Compute and record direct labor data. invoicing and sales register, type various numerlcal re- ports, inter-office memos, etc. Required by Accounting Department. Essential qualifications: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Chesterfields and Chairs Recovered Like New PAY ONLY BASIC CHARGES 280 CENTRE ST. E.. RICHMOND HILL 10 A.M. TO 3 PM. CLERK-TYPIST Apply at