Miss Dell Stephenson has been under the weather lately. We wish her a return to good ‘ health. Ron Godel was among the 7 hunters last week. ‘ Congratulations to Mrs. Rus- sell Burr who celebrated a birthday November 10. Garnet Francey is home from hospital and making good pro- gress. Neighborhood Notes A number of neighbors at- tended the Victoria Square Church turkey dinner Wednes- day of last week, among them Mrs. Douglas Hood, Mr. and Norman Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fuller, Mrs. Russell Boyâ€" ington, Mr .and Mrs. Reg Craw- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sher- man, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Patter- son, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson, Mr: and Mrs. Ross Hord with Jim and his wife'and parentsâ€"in-law. Saturday evening, November 20, at 8pm. the Pairs and Spares Club will meet at Cros- by Arena, Unionville, for skat- ing. Afterwards they will be enâ€" 'tertained at the home of Art and Diane Hewitt, with co-hosts Jim and Doris Grant. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Don (Betty) Boyd was a casualty at that dinner â€"â€" she injured henfoot and wound up in York Central Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. George Kelly Senior, are happily settled in Newmarket, and Dr. George is still keeping his date with the animals at the Stouffville Sales Barn each week. Dr. George has been the resident veterinarian there for many years. Mrs. Edgar Fuller was hostess when members of the Button- ville Branch of YCHA met at her home last Friday morning for coffee and a meeting. Discussion centred on the; euchre, bake and gift sale the branch will hold at Button- ville Hall on the evening of December 3. Convenors will be Mrs. John Brown, Mrs. Reg A1- len and Mrs. Russell Boyington. A work meeting to make items for the gift table is planned at the home of Mrs. Allen in the near future. There were 11 members pres- ent, and an honored guest was Mrs. Florence Pearson of Viet- oria, 13.0., who has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Robinson for the past two weeks. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Rus- sell Boyington. Church News Monday, November 22, from 7pm there will be a visitation of new homes in the community at John Street east of Bayview Avenue. Visitors will meet at the church at 7 pm for briefing, and will go to the area at 7:30 pm. If you can help please con- tact Rev. Allen Hallett. Dates to remember: Decem- ber 5, Holy Communion; Dec- ember 19, White Gift; December 19, service of baptism. i’arents who Xvish to have their children baptised should contact Mr. Hallett as soon as possible, The junior and senior choirs will sing November 26, Decem- ber 12, and December 19. Tues- day evening of last week the Jennie Bouck Singers presented a delightful concert of folk and classical music at the church. BUTTONVILLE WAfterwards there was tea and sociability for everyone in the Christian education room where the senior choir members playâ€" ed host. Rev. and Mrs. Allen Hallett entertained members of the Happy Times (Unit I) of Brown's Corners UCW Wednes- day evening of this week at the manse. 24-HOUR APPROVALS Low cost 2nd 8: 3rd mtges. Arranged in the convenience of your home. You can call to 10 pm. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay St., Toronto. Call collect 366~9586, evgs. 231-8146. HOMEOWNER LOANS Correspondent: Mrs. F. H. Leaf R.R. 2, Gormley Phone 499-0376 ‘16 LB. CAPACITY BEAUY 1091B $972 mdb} §§“&f°ansrnlaianan 3129 APT. SIZE 3337*“, urmnm FREEZER S239 BEATTY 14'CU. FT; 100% FROST FREE General Eiecmc BEATTY CO NTINU Cu 5 CLEAN SOLID STATE NI] MIINEY IllIWN I 17 VIII On-The-SpotCoenit Terms Arrangd "RIC-“MON! General Electric ABMlRAl STEREB Fleelwood COMBINATION 233;? mm SIEREEI mmammï¬am 5†Above is only a small sampling. Come in and see the biggest selection of appliances: Color T.V.‘S. elc. RANBE roman; DISHWASHER ‘259’ ATnomatic RANGE s199 Automatic WASHER$239 Automatic ifW-ASH'ER5 259 AM/ FM STEREO Refrigerator AM/ FM STEREO FULLY AUTUMAIIE CLOCK CONTROL with 3&3an CASSEYTE WV V V W 5 tom: Road Phones s118 $2795351 s179 i199 NEE WIT Choice 0! Decomor coloun Large 12" Dome. Stands 15" high. 1.21%â€. Gamma French Provincial STEAM. "IBM END COFFEE TABLES MUSHROOM DESIGN MODERN [AMP Thu sleek new look‘ S1923. “Suit†Harmonically balanced chords. Attractive two-lone (red with blackHabric covered cabinet with gold trim Instruciion.and song book included. C.S.A. approved. Dimensions; 18-3/4 wide bv 10-1/4 deep by 6-1/4 high 99 99 WASHER $P|N~DRYER AM/FII DIGITAL Clock RADIO 543, 129 18353558 «sun-x" 2 88 Cal Carry h‘N 093$ cam RUAD RUNNER SET $ 087 Gill Boned for Xmas Cash and Carry CEDAR CHEST Boauiilul Traditional VACU UM CLEANER A nice gm [or someone you can lor‘ "L£WYT†$599993; “MAHEL†3mg“; v : wame was $9791 Gm 3mg In! Xmas Ev Cash and mama WV! 8338:1833 cash Cam; 68. “mm-rm ‘arry Padded COLONIAL HOOKER "O amex" 5393?; £51m" “MATTEL†ASTBO-TBAG an 51% Gill Boxed lor Xmas MIRRORS 0F BISYIHGTION ca,» THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 18, 1971 MAN SIZE REGLIIER Mulli Positional $4999 GM! :3" 3 Cash and Cain and Carry ‘ury ï¬mhï¬ï¬iï¬REBLINER ‘59†‘5 01.271 36,-? PC, SPANtSH 5 PC SWIVEL Luxury Padded BEAM!!!" «me-con. umnzsss an m SPRlNG 22m: 9’112’ CABINET ............... $7899]