The project is being planned by the Borough of North York. The borough is also designing It the grade separation and related work involving road construct- ion. storm drainage, surfacing, channelization and lighting. Council agreed at its Novem- ber 15 meeting that the_ Steeles Avenue boundary between Vau- ghan and North York at the CPR crossing “should be lighted within the limits of the pro- ject and the street lights on the north side of Steeles will be Vaughan’s responsibility.†Vaughan Town Council is wil- ling to contribute $12,600 as its share toward providing street lights in the area of the propos- ed CPR grade separation at Steeles and Islington Avenues. Vaughan initiated a street lighting program for a five-year duration to erect lights general- ly in built-up areas through- out the municipality. This program is reduced to four years with the current year the one in which the program will be completed. The $12,600 will likely be in- cluded as part of the continu- ing program to install lights in the municipality. In other business, council ag- reed that money in the sum of $722 belonging to the former Thomhill Community Centre Committee be applied against costs of installing lights in the ThOrnhill ball park. It was noted that the $722 was raised for private subscription and not public funds. The Thornhill Minor Baseball Association is being billed $1,000 for installation of the lights. Request for the $722 was made by the Thornhill Area Recreation Committee and Tom Jackson of the former Thorn- hill Community Centre Commit- tee. The money has been deposi- ted with the Township of Vaug- han and dissolution of the com- mittee and set up in trust and reserve accounts. Vaughan Will Pay $12,600 Lights The fire was confined to the 72-year-old solid brick build- ing, but neighboring buildings were evacuated as a safety pre- caution. “It pays to have lots of fresh, cold water. Laushway told coun- cil About 60 volunteer firefight- ers were on hand at the height of the blaze, and many people, including the mayor, narrowly escaped serious injury as walls tumbled into the street. Mr. and Mrs. David Ku who had emigrated from Hong Kong in 1967 "with their four chil- dren lost their restaurant and store, said Laushway. They had been offered accommodation by a local widow with a large home and hope to remain in Stouff- ville, said the mayor. Citizens have responded gen- erously, said Laushway, in of- fering accommodation to those who lost their homes and furn- ishings. Churches and service clubs have been gathering goods for the people, many of them senior citizens, who occupied the apartments over the stores. Cash donations are being accep- ted at local banks. When the fire erupted again the next morning, he told council, the regional police res- ponded promptly to re-route rush hour traffic away from the area. ' At a meeting of York Region- al Council November 11, Whit- church - Stouffville Mayor Ken- neth Laushway expressed deep appreciation for the efforts of several municipal fire depart- ments and the York Regional Police when a fire destroyed a block of businesses and apart-‘ ments in the heart of the com- munity on November 9. The fire, which caused more than a half million dollars damage and left a dozen peo- ple homeless. would have been much worse but for the aid that came from fire brigades in Uxbridge, Claremont, Markham and Vaughan, said Laushway. Laushway Thanks Police & Firemen Mrs. Watters Thornhill 881-0917 : ’ Mrs. Owen Trunk ; .: Richmond Hill - 884-4690 } > ‘ ‘ e ‘ m). g On.The.Spot Convenient Terms Arranged ‘ ‘ RICHMOND “WHON WITH"THESE EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES!!! . ~. v = Ilflll’ IISI A SMll SAMPlE [If IIIE SAVINGS III EXPEBI BIIME...SEE..III’S MIIE! "5 """ ' "" " -""'-- â€"-'-'-- -- -- ---- â€"------â€"â€" -- ---- -â€"- uâ€"u-pnuun-nuâ€"u- .u-u... ï¬wwmmwmwwmw Wï¬ï¬WWWWWWWWMWWWMWWWWWWWMMWWWE TAPPAN EYE-LEVEL RANGE SHELBERI “GEMINI†MODULAR STEREO‘_ 25â€DUM0IT°EB€BJV$49999§ mongiggsucsa 25» "men MODEL N0.K7031 PORTABLE 1 TELEVISION $1 MODEL No.2193T § 25†EMEBSDNCE’éé’S‘JVS 399953 MODEL No.14705 MODEL No.08097000 23" PHILGO MODEL No.8K FULLY AUTOMATIC CLOCK CONTROLLED MODEL No.5 T88 SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! MODEL No.8K870 AM/FM STEREO COMPONENT PORTABLE DIS HWAS HER AM/FM STEREO COMBINATION COLOR TV LOBOY MODEL No.FM15 . WWWWMWWWWWS ' imam *‘I‘ II “marinas: ‘ ' $25999; .ECTIO NS! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov! 25, 1971