Richmond Hill will be adding a new truck to its firefighting equipment in the near future. Tenders for the truck were op- ened at council's November 22 meeting. Low bid was submitted by C. E. Hickey 5: Sons Limited. 122 Northcote. Toronto. at $32- 39120 for Ford chassis and $32,- 495 for International chassis. Nordic International of Port Credit quoted 335922.60 for a Ford chassis and $35,231.70 for an International chassis and King Seagrave Limited of Tor- onto tendered S36.574 for the International unit and $36,900 for the Ford, Richmond Hill Tenaéfï¬ On Fire Truck Opened A skin and Scuba diving club. to be known as the. York Under- water Club. is being formed at Richmond Hill Centennial Pool. A steering committee of Wayne Bell. William Gurney. Nicci Robinson and Lynda Berg met with Pool Manager John Pirie. November ll. to discuss its for- mation and intend to rent the pool Monday evenings for this purpose. Instruction and qualification of persons interested in this fascinatingr and rewarding past- ime \\'ill be stressed. It is hoped that club activities will begin very early in the new year. Anyone interested in under- water swimming with this group is asked to contact the pool manager at 884-6651. Form New Club For Skin, Scuba Divers Ian's fine night. also saw him shoot up to the lead in the high average race with 251. Tim Saul has 247, Bruno Pez- zin 246. Bob Julian 245. with AI Richardson and Brian Stiver at 244, Gary Richardson and Stan Shadoff at 243. At the one third point of the schedule. Ian Cameron has the high three flat at 985 and high three handicap at 1,033. Bob Julian has the high single flat at 390 and Jack Tullnoh the high single band Standings: Allencnurt Barber Shop 29. Bill Best Tire 28 Don Mills Truck Sales 25. Richmond Hill Credit Union 24. Bob‘s De- livery Sen'ice 23. Allencourt Bob Julian single flat at Tulloch the h at 388. Lanes 20. Superior Propanemlr'f. Bartlett Real Estate 13, Regal Auto Body 12. Manufacturers Life 11. Norm Black Realty 8. Kinnear Pontiac 5. ALLENC‘OURT MEN‘S MAJOR Youthful Ian Cameron threw a 950 triple to top the individ- ual bowling scramble this week. Ian had games of 298, 323 and 339. Roy Thompson followed with 823. Al Richards n had 803. Dave Nlcnlson 8 . Tim Saul 784, and Dave Alexander 782. Standings: Powell Fencing 26: South Slmcoe Sports 19: Team No. 6. 19: YBC Seniors 18: Hall‘s Fuel. 16: York Simcoe Sports 16; ABC No. 3. 14; ABC No. l 13: F. Engel‘s Gulf 12: Allencourt Lanes. 1112: ABC No. 2, 812: Team No. 2. 7. Norm Roberts held fasi at 263 as he continues in lead the high average race with Ian Cameron trailing at 258 and Henry Knuckey at 257. claiming the runner~up spots. Last week's action was high- lighted by Larry Kelleher's fine 923 triple and Stew Smith's 370 single. ABC MEN'S MAJORS Five teams are still in the battle for the second and last playoff stop in the first series as the league comes up to the final night. A further reminder that Dec- ember 10 is the Turkey Roll. No advance bowling is permit~ ted {or this event. One turkey per family. 274. 237’. Team leaders after the sec- ond night of the series are Hogan‘s Heroes with 11 points followed by Hell's Angels with 10: and Roger's Rejects with nine points, men Then 707 I risen Price 276. I Leading on total pinfalls for the President’s Trophy after last Friday's play are the Pen- guins “ith 24232 pins followed by Go Aways with 24193 pins; and the Killers with 24171 pins. Eileen vaer led the ladies; with 772 I236, 222. 314L Sec-‘ ond uas Frances Warner with 634 1207. 257. 170'. Shirley. 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Nox 1mm RESULTS } ' zer Laiaunesse topped the “ith 728 1218. 255. 255" came Ed Simmons with 389. 202‘ 216). Norm Har- uas third with 696 (185, ABC BOWLING third with 631 1200 A tool for exery home-handyman need! 0 Socket Wrench Sets in: 1£~1§ and 5;." drives 0 Combination Wrench Set 0 Open-end Wrench Set 0 Nutdrix‘er,‘Serewdrixv'er SetOPhers OHex- Key Wrenches 0 Tube Cutter 0 Adjustable Wrench 0 No-mar Hammer 'Tape Measure 0 Wire Stripper O Hacksaw and Blades 0 Speed Wrench and others! Complete with Steel Tool Box and Tole Tray. 99-0122 CHRISTMAS MONDAY thru FRIDAY â€" 9200 AM. to 9:00 PM. mtxultxuunaxmi SHOPPING HOURS; SATURDAYâ€"8:30 AM. to 6:00 PM. starting Nov. 25 Catapult Launcher sends Johnny Lightning racing car streaking ac- ross 12~ft. track: hours of fast- action fun with 2 Ricochet Launch- ers. racing car. 6 track sections. Unbeatable value. THE I30-PIECE SOCKET and T 001. SET Ricochet Raceway Set Limited Quantity Special! FXCITING JOHNNY LlGHTNING EX TRAa' Cash and Carry BONUS COUPONS! HOCKEY STICK 1-59,.“ HARDWOOD Reg. $1.88 KK‘ KK‘ 1971 Breathless table-top racing outï¬t includes: Motorized Mini-Car; Stop Watch; straight, half, curved Track; Spin-around; 98 Trouble-Tube; ' Cross-mm:- seorinn SET Cross-over section etc. SPECIAL Mini-Motorific Speed Trial Mk. II TOOL K I T (K) TRI-LEG TREE-STAND For trees to 27/8†dia. Sturdy metal. 51-3710 . (U DELUXE TREE-HOLDER 23†spread. Slots for lights (extra). 51-3717 This deal was too good for our buyers to pass up! But you1| have to hurry as the quantity is limited! Apply for a CANADIAN TIRE Credit Card H I “Road Runner' 0t 5 Race Mattel Race two cars side by side on ï¬gure-8 track. See 'em g0! Twin speed controls; twin stick hand shift Power-Booster. No batteries or electricity needed. With trestles, curves. Limited Quantity Special ........................................................... 5.98 .85 Make different beautiful patternsâ€"n0 artistic talent needed. 18 transparent wheels; 2 rings, 2 racks, 4 ball-point pens, etc. DRAW MILLIONS OF PATTERNS! Kenner’s Spirogruph CHEPIAI 9'33 .59 SPECIAL (M) CLEAR FLOODLIGHT KIT Unbreakable weatherproof; built-in outlet; non-slip angIe setting; 6-ft. cord. Ground 'spike, mounting bracket. 51-1708' KIT orful and they stretch over 8 feet stuffers at a low price! They're colâ€" (A‘ Great stocking with ease! EACH .77 33 CHRISTMAS TREES and DECORATIONS x HUGE SELECTION Plus a complete selection of 35-LIGHT SET, $3.29; 50-LIGHT SET,$4.69 Transparent bulbs, varied colors. 51-2311): Extra Mini-Bulbs, 51-0550x. 5 for . . . . . . 39¢ INDOOR AND OUTDOOR LIGHTING SUPPLIES LIGHT LIGHT SET . . . . . SET. . . Independent burning; transparent bulbs in dazzling color variety. 51-2318-2323x Sparkle or quw Indoor Bulbs,51-0610x. 4 for.“ Mini Indoor Lights 10 £557,139 20 3357.. 39 HAIR-GROWING Crissy (1.79 Sparkle Light Sets For: MAXI-EFFECT! PUSH-IN You must see our Save! INDOOR 18†LOVABLE Renee [L49