Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Nov 1971, p. 11

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VOL. 95, NO. 22. THOSE CHRISTMAS CAKES! Dear Mr. Sports Editor: 'l RUDD bnnADsn-nu ‘ v.---_..â€". ...- Dear Mr. Sports Editor: Let me POint 01“ t0 Ml" Thompson that the coaches. and I would like to comment on . . Robert Thompson's letter pub- getwe members of the “Swab lished in the November 18 issue 1°” are 2?“ pawns" and If you of “The Liberal.._ can constdver the fact that thgy In the past I have enjoved a're partmpatmg mstead of 51t- reading his letters and have tmg 113°“ and carping’ as W" found them very amusing but .ental Interference and fawn“ not always too factual 15m. then I for one plead gullty. ' r A- Tho situation on which he In this latest epistle. Mr. Thompson. you are away off base. Please allow me to set you straight on the facts about the selling of Christmas Cakes and the benching of mo midget hoc- key players. Before this season started it had been decided by all working people in the Richmond Hill Hockey Association that there have been in the past far too many efforts to raise funds for equipment. tournaments, exhi bition games. etc. by the indivi- dual clubs. So, it was proposed. and accepted by all present. that Christmas Cakes and pud- dings should be sold in a single effort to raise all funds necesâ€" sary throughout the season. Each team was allocated a cer- tain area of the town to canvass and the profits will be placed in a pool to assist every hockey club in the town. The midgets team's require- ments for this season included new pants. white sweaters. white and blue stockings and safe helmets and some tourna- ments. The two hockey players} benched were not cut by the1 hockey association. They were benched for one game by me. their coach. because they failed to help their teammates in the sale and thereby in acquiring the equipment now being worn by all players on this team. In fact. Mr. Thompson. I assure you these two players are the mainstay of the midget hockey club to date and their efforts on the ice are very much apprecia- ted. I would suggest that Mr. Thompson should be a regular contributor to "The Liberal“. but I would ask him not to lis- ten to all the goof balls and. rumormongers (and there are many in Richmond Hill). Please check the facts first! BILL POINTS. MORE ABOUT CHRISTMAS CAKES Dear Mr. Sports Editor: I read in last week‘s “Letters to the Sports Editor" 3 missive from Robert Thompson. 173 Trayborn Drive. Richmond Hill. concerning the "Christmas Cake Episode“. This letter was written with what appeared to be a feeble attempt at being witty. It was in reality a diatribe of sarcasm directed toward a situation of which he. had obviously little knowledge or understanding. Mr. Thompson. as you may have gathered. has no activel connection with the hockey as~ sociation. and I. as a fairly ac- tive worker for the association. resent strongly his references to players being chosen for a team. for other than ability as a hockey player. that there is parental interference and that ' The ladies’ section of Richmond Hill Curling Club has already begun a full season or activities â€" sweeping the rockslinto the house. The executive of this section is seen above as they got together just before the annual opening luncheon. Front row (left to right) Kaye Copeland, Peggy MacPherson. Freda McDonald and Jean Con'eybeare. Middle row (left to right) Dorreen Meeres. Shirley Hicks and Laura Watson. Back row (left to right) Aletha Smith, Shirley Bate, Faye Wiess and Donna Stephenson. onvu nun r1191} Midget Hockev Coach 205 Alverna Road Richmond Hill. SECQN D SECTION latest epistle. Mr ladies ' Curling Club Executive 31‘s! I don't think people realize iiVejust how much work these 173 Lions do in the community. Not ml-‘only do they promote and sup- ake port hockey. baseball and foot- ball. but they have recently nr- Viih‘ganized a Leos Club for young- éble‘er members to participate in “'35 community activities I could go 35m into great detail about their : Of‘many activities. but would sug- ittle gest that you will get a better -idea by visiting the club. locat- mab'ied on Spruce Avenue. The situation on which he has unleashed his meagre at-“ tempt at humor is. in actual fact, one in which the coach should be commended for tak- ing a justifiable stand. The Christmas Cake Sale, is a hock- ey association project to raise much needed funds. and to at- tempt to cut down the numer- ‘ ous individual solicitations. Thls ’was requested by the associa- .tion as a whole and all coaches there is favoritism of town representetjve teams Morris and Dana Coxwonhy __ agreed to take this on as Band to Glenn Pembleton and “team'.’ effort. The individuailBrian Coxworthy, two fine ‘teams were requested to workiyoung men whom I coached in together and "blitz" Ricmnond previous years and who are con- Hill for two succeSSi\’e Satur-ltinuing their interest in football days. One boy in point 0f factvlby helping me with my coaching took his responsibilities to theiduties. With the help fo these team and “team Spirit" 50 Seri-‘four men, I would never have OUSIY that in Spite 0f “‘Ol‘king‘made it through the season. team and “team spirit" so seri-“ ously that in spite of working until 3 am Saturday morning, got up at 7 am in order to join‘ his teammates in making the "blitz" a success. l The two boys who were hen-1 ched. for some reason or an- other did not participate in this team effort. The coach felt this serious enough to bench the two boys for one game. ‘These two boys, and all other members of the team will. from now on I‘m sure. attend “all team activities". I might also say that these twu boys and their parents accepted the dis- cipline in the proper manner and I have heard no criticism l‘or complaining concerning the :situation. Mr. Thompson in his final paragraph makes mention of opening Canada‘s first cake sel- ling summer school. If this be so I will volunteer to pay for Mr. Thompson‘s own , registra- tion myself. With the high cost of operating hockey today we can certainly use another fund ‘raiser. This is a letter of thanks to the Richvale Lions and Leos for their support of the South: ern Blues Football Club. THANKS TO RICHVALE LIONS Dear Mr. Sports Editor: Getting back to boys‘ football} I cannot say how much we ap« preciate the time spent by Lions and Leos in helping us They have made their hall facili‘ ties available whenever WC wished them and came throng} with a. really substantial cast donation. Most of this was usec SIL STEFFAN. 257 Elmwood Avenue, Richmond Hill. RICHMOND letter of thanks 0 Dent“ e gama Plans for next year are al- . ready under way. with the igll‘fitfighighugm to be the Hamilton tend .lau'Tournament. We participated light also last year and went to the final ms and game. whlch we lost 1-0 to l the disgflamflton. The 1972 tourney ls manner'scheduled to be played in the criticismllvo,r Wymor Stadium~ a great ming the‘thl‘lll for the young footballers. I know we can rely on the his final Richvale Lions and Leos for min“ of continued support next year in cake 591- furthering the football skills of If this be the community's boys. . pay for JOHN BORK. HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1971 to improve our equipment so the boys could play in safety and in confidence. I would also like to express my appreciation to the many parents who have given me help over the season. They are de- voted fans, not only for their own boy. but for every boy on the team. Special thanks are expressed to Wilfred and ‘Jeanette Johnson for their extra} help. Many times their home ‘looked like the Toronto Argos training camp with equipment stacked here, there and every‘ .where. The players and coaching staff are also indebted to the generosity of the people who purchased light bulbs from us. My personal thanks also goes to my able assistant coaches Bill Morris and Dana Coxworthy â€"â€" and to Glenn Pembleton and Even though we lost our last game of the season 2-1, we had an impressive record in 1971 which I don't think \riil be top- ped for a long time. With ten games played (exhibition and league) we scored 302 points and allowed only 21 against. Club has already begun a full season of executive of this section is seen above as they THANK YOU! Dear Mr. Sports Editor On behalf of the Richmond Hill Lawn Tennis Association I would like to express our thanks to “The Liberal" for publishing our Let's Play Tennis Column during the past season. I'm sure our members and other readers have enjoyed reading this column and it has greatly increased the spirit of tennis in our tmm. ARNOLD BALOGH. 9 Orion Crescent, Langstaff. HOCKEY RAMS North York Time: 8 pm. RICHMOND HILL NEW ARENA Adults $1.25. Students 50c TUES.. NOV. 30th Metro Junior “B” BOYS AND GIRLS Make regular pocket money on a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished routes may be available in your area. Phone Carrier Circulation, 884-1105. just bring your body a we do the rest at our We start with the fabric and style. 10 buttons, deep side or centre vents. For add fancy patch pockets, wide flaps, 1'; bi-swing back. We add customized touches â€" wide laj pockets, personalized initials, you name measure suit or sports jacket co-ordinate now you can enjoy this made to measure ( in plenty of time for holiday wearing. SOUTH BLOCK OF RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 16 Levendale Road â€" Phone 884=7521 $125. to $145 Values JUST- lN-TIME /% FOR- CHRISTMAS start with the fabric and style. _:1’0u sel‘ec’g single breasted, 1 to L AA._.A _-A.. WIDE SELECTION OF FALL & WINTER FASHIUN rAbtu STRIPES. GLEN CHECKS. PLAINS. PLAIDS. NAME YOUR PLEASURE IN MADE-TO-MEASURE s EASY BUDGET Req’ 5 O TERgIS . to $145. 9 030%? Values 2 Pee. CHEFS); :ustomized touches â€" wide lapels, cloth jetted inside breast Jersonalized initials, you name it. The result is a made to suit or sports jacket co-ordinate that will turn people on. And :an enjoy this made to measure detailing, at money saving prices of time for holiday wearing. xtra Trousers and Vest Men’s and Boy-8’ Wear W liberal i By FRED SIMPSON ‘_ "l‘ l‘ (I How can you write about something happy when you're miserable? That’s What I’d like to know. Here I am. It’s November, I‘m a year behind in my health, I’ve got pneumonia, a tooth-ache. and some sneak just turned my iron lung down three degrees when I wasn't looking. 7" ,I,_“A__.1 Wilt!“ J “ a-ou u nuunuub. But my boss says write about the Richmond Hill Rams because they’re the happiest thing going on in town at the moment. I guess he’s got a point. But there’s one thing he doesn’t realize. These hockey Rams of 1971-72 just aren‘t my Rams. At writing, they've gone 14 games. without a defeat. They’re winners. 1 can’t adjust so quickly. I've been a part of the old Rams for the past four or five years. I’ve shared their sorrows, their hang-ups, their lonely nights at the Richmond Hill Arena It got to the point where I would relate my defeats with the Rams. When I lost, they lost. I knew I wasn’t all ‘alone in the world. There was the year they lost nine games in a row. It might have been only coincidence but that was the year I lost nine in a row. Then there have been the past two years when they missed the play- offs by just a few points after making stirring comebacks. 1,,1 T LUuIcL‘uxnu. It might have been only coincidence butI missed the playoffs myself the past two seasons after making stirring comebacks. The only differ- ence was I didn't miss them by a few points. I Cfiuldn‘t get a point. But it amounts to the same t ing. A. .. a. Sport Spots WOE WAS RAMS I can remember the then Rams’ coach, John (Continued on Page 712) Happy? Ugh." For a slight extra charge you can . 1-2 belt in back, centre pleat or WINTER FASHION FABRICS AURORA â€" The Midget Toynâ€"‘ tas were welcomed home from Sweden November 15 by a rous- ing municipal party, after a wearisome 22-hour trip home. During their five day visit in Europe they had played five games against some of Sweden‘s top minor hockey clubs and had battled the flu bug. are Available WM WITH TH IS N EW GUY JACKSON â€"- TWIN HILLS A? SWING ALONG The Dealership Â¥ With The Forward Look ‘ PHONE FOR FREE CREDIT CHECK Hardtop. fully equipped, luxury and prestige for those who want the finest. Lic. N66297. 350 V8, automatic, power steering brakes, radio, whitewalls. Lic. No 598383 '69 Pontiac Laurentian '69 Colony Park Wagon Lic. 136-516. Hardtop, V 8, automatic, p o w e r steering, brakes, radio, whitewalls. Air conditioned, p o w e r steering and brakes, radio and much more. Lic. 9301X. $2699. fWIN HILLS MERCURY u: \‘(IVL‘F' STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL $2299. 4 door sedan, automatic, custom radio, wheel discs and whitewalls. Lic. No. N71581. Demonstrator ‘7 door hardtop, V8 engine, automatic, a power steering, radio, whitewalls and discs 2 door hardtop, V8. automatic, power steering, power disc brakes, radio, white- walls. wheel discs. Lic. N71585. Demonstrator. '71 MARQUIS BROUGHAM Hardtop, twin comfort lounge seats, auto- matic, air conditioning, AM-FM stereo radio, power windows, reclining seats.s . Utmost in prestige. Demonstrator. -‘--'â€""’ .- OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT SPECIALIZES IN MAJOR 0R MIN TUNE-['PS. FRONT END ALIGNMENT. WHEEL BALANCING, BRAKE RELINING AND BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS OPEN TILL 9 PM. TUESDAYS 445 $1699. ’70 MARQUIS '71 MERCURY MONTEGO If SAVE UP TO $1.000. ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING BRAND NEW 1971 ('ARS 3-ONLY 1971 METEOR 2 DOOR HARDTOPS This may we“ b 3-ONLY MARQUIS 2 AND 4 DOOR HARDTOPS the last Chane 2-ONLY ECONOLINE VANS 1-ONLY COUGAR HARDTOP 2-ONLY “2 TON PICK-UPS to buy a new ca at 1971 prices. m 1971 DEMONSTRATORS AT AN ALL-TIME LOW '71 COMET '68 COUGAR 7IMETEOR RIDEAU 500 YON( Lic. No. N69677. Demonstrator. 884-4441 WE SERVICE ALL PRODUCTS PHONE (The House That Service Built) once, 1. Hum :. N71585. $2199. Excellent value. V8, automatic. power steering and brakes, radio, whitewalls. Lic. N59476. '70 FAIRLANE 500 2 door hardtop, vinyl top. V8, auto- matic, power steering. brakes and radio. Lic. 345-699. '68 Meteor Montcalm '66 CHRYSLER 300 2-door hardtop, bucket seats, con- sole, power seat, steering and brakes, A-l condition. Lic. 427921. Luxury equipped, air conditioned, full power. Lic. 433574. ‘ $1199. 68 Olds Toronado This may well be the last chance to buy a new car at 1971 prices. 859-7703

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