16 ' Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News "The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and c vents contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgeley and Kleinburg. Maple, please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408: in Edgeley and Cone 0rd. )lrs. Carol Cole. 889-4379; in Kleinburg. )lrs. Shirley Gloster. 898-1725. IN THE VILLAGE OF MAPLE As we all well know. time is. Congratulations to Mrs. Pat Pre5idcnt .‘.lrs. Edna Bryan. went to Albion Hills for a pack ’t'lying. atld little more than a Kantarol‘f of Lancer Drive. who had some Slides of this year‘si'aiiiblc and cook out. week is left [or Maple folk to was the lticky winner ot‘ the color trip as well as some that- Among those who were there. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 25. IDTI add their gift to the boxes in $50.00 food voucher from the she and her husband. Bai'ney.lTiin Smith. Jamie Carter. ‘Paul isevcral ot the Maple stores pro- Maple IGA last weekend. The had taken on their trip tolRotz. Mark Gammage. Geott .vicled to extend the hand of draw was made by little Valel‘ie‘Floritla last year. .Garratt. Jamie Ferguson and ‘t'i'icntlship to the lonely in the Stephenson. I mental hospitals of Ontario at Following this. the members David Plante passed tests and The Maple Libl‘al‘l' ii againtlllOYed out to the auditorium for all the boys collected material Christmas. running the Young Canada Book a few games of bingo, called by [for a Christmas proiect. ' ' Yakc-S DI‘I'ROOCIS‘. European WCCk Contt‘Sl this year. With Percy Puterbaugh and by Barâ€" 0n Nmembcr 20 and 21. 1.) Congratl'lau‘ms m Karen and Delicatessen and Perry's Phar- the entry forms available at the ney Bryan. From all comments. or the Maple Scouts camped out RICK Coward or Ryder Road' 0“ macv each have boxes Provided library. The last dal' for the cn-‘tliis was enjoyed as a welcome‘at llil-Jac. on a district Scout the addition to their family or where a gift can be purchased tries to be in is November 30.'change. ~camporec. Only the King City I little daughter last week at . . and dropped in. which will [no so we would urge all childrenl The seats for the Febrtiarydst Scout ’l'roup braved the York contra] Hospual' L'me vide more happiness than we in the two classes of grades 5 trip to Florida are nearly all‘chili to participate with the Heather Anne “Cigth 1“ at would believe fora lonelv pat- and 6. and grades 7 and 8 to sold. but names will be taken on'Maple boys. just over seven pounds' .‘icnt in a hospital at this time stop and get all the details.‘a stand-by basis in case of can- District Commissioner Ken "‘ * ’5‘ * of year. pick up an entry and preparetccliations. {Stevens was on hand to hpr MP5. Ethel RODSOH 0f Keetei * * * ’I' an essay on “My Favorite Bookï¬Teston United the boys at Cold Creek with Sll'eet SOllth- KhIL-K “'85 joined? Residents here. particularly Character“. i Keep in mind the Songs Of‘their rifle shooting. semaphore. -bv her hUSband. Edwin and‘senior citizens, are watching The prize tor each category is Christmas Bazaar at the Teston and compass orientation. members of her family and with interest. Mayor Garnet a book of the winner‘s choice. United Church Friday evening. Among the boys from Maple friends last Saturday in celebi‘a- Williams statements. of the At the library. available for This is a family affair. greatly ting her 80th birthday. ‘council's effortstolocatea senior $5.00 a copy. is the new book enjoyed by all who attend. Her son Roy, principal of the citizens apartment home in the Dr. Elmore Reaman's "History"i Also the Carrville Unitedil’rank Boudrcau. Bob \‘titmot. Joseph Gibson School tells us Maple area. Their work with of Vaughan Township". Church Bazaar this Saturday is alDonald Stephensonfllike Moore. that exactly 80 guests. including the Ontario Housing Corporaâ€" Also available at the Ilbl‘al‘y‘date1.011511191111301: “Robert Mathews. Ross Ander- himself and his sister Louiseltion as well as York Regional is a new book "The True Life' For further details on thelson, Randy Stewarth Robbie had signed the guest book. Allicouncil and the regional health Story of David James Howard"...me events see the t-Comingi‘Homer, Bruce west Rlcky MC. of Mrs. Robson's immediate'unit to obtain a suitable site a life long resident of Richmond Events" column of “The Lib- Callum and Jim Robson. family were on hand for tlieland plan for the program will Hill and Vaughan. Mr. How‘ardgerayg Bowling celebrations. including 12 greatlbe met with wholehearted sup- now 87 years of age has includ- St. Andrew's presbytcrian i The ladies last heck ~baht“) grandchildren. Congratulations..port from a majority of vill- ed family names such as Cum- The indies of Si. Andrew‘s‘with Betty Rumble taking the Mrs. Robson! Iagc residents. ‘ WA-“ng mm at the home orthigh single of 323, which is the -â€"â€"â€"râ€"~-m-~~r ~ »7 ~~ Bishop and Noman. Mrs pear] Forrest November-"thigh score to date for a regular Proceeds from his book at 13_ . bowler. and Del Palmer took $2.50 per copy will go to York: Following a most intergsting the high triple with 759. High Central and Princess Margaret previeh- of the coming year‘s‘average is still held by Lorraine WAN Hospitals. istudy programs. a lengthy busi- Leonard. _ Traffic Pollution lucss sessjnn fnnowed. Falcons are still on top with Maple ratepayers were pleas- it was decided that the lamest“. points. Mavericks and Wild-‘ ‘ed 10 I‘QCCI‘Fa letter from Ken‘ would have their own Santa‘Cats with 9. Cougars With 3. Aneth Willie 01' the Depal'tment Claus stilt this year. which willlMustangs with 7. Firebirds 5. of Environment. Waste Manage-.lbe available for rental by calling Barracudas 4 and lmpalas still .mcnl Bl'anch- 1351 “'eek- COH' Mrs. Louise Cooper at 332-2403.have no score in the second ‘fh‘mmg 3“ 0rd“ bang issued L01 An almost unanimous decision Series. ‘Craw'l'ord Sand and Gravel tofh-as made m say "Merry Christ-‘ Mustangs took 5 points. Bar- have the liquid waste removedlmas" verbally to our friends and i‘acudas 2. Wildcats took 4, Cou- from their premises. and to pre- neighbors that we see during thetgars 3. Falcons took all 7 from Pare for IIISPQCIIOW and a nOticeImonth of December. rather than Fireblrds and Mavericks took being sent to two waste haulcrsim send Christmas Cards. and all 7 from lmpaias. were Mathias Haan. Mark Bou- cher. Allan Rotz. Kevin Gai‘ratt. tPlioto by Photique Studio) * Hey, We Scored Again What are they watching? Maple Honey Pot Novice Coach Rainer Weidenfelder and three of his players are watching their mates continue their undefeated streak at Doublerink Arenas Saturday morning. The Potters downed Barrie 5-0 and now hold first place in the North York league with six wins and only one tie. Goalies Brett Ivens and Bob Amos picked up their third straight shutout Above are hoekeyists Brian Van Luyk. Derick Hoare. Coach Weidenfelder. and Roy Mondola. Every Saturday is Maple minor hockey time at Doublerlnk from 6 am to 6 pm when the action moves. ONE OF A KIND THE NEW iner. LaRose. Jackson. Helmkay. Metro Works Committee. Vetoes 'FurtIier Vaughan Use Of Sewer. Vaughan Councillor Dalton‘homes. l McArthur made his third trip ’01 'McArthur said the sewer“ iToronto‘s City Hall in a monthg‘lines would have to flow into‘ November 16. to hear Metrothe Metro system until a com- iWorks Committee decide 3-2tpl'ehensive sewage and water MAPLE MINOR HOCKEY RESULTS ATOMS (November 20) (November 20) Maple 2, 03k RNEES 0 Crestwood Texaco 5 Bill Cromb and Steve Sher- Cominengai Shoes 1 Vman netted the goals in this one. Billy Alien led the creslh-ood ‘Sherman, Per Neilson aild Robb scorers with two goats. chfl-SrHudson also gotaSSlsts. went to P. Morris. Robbie Bayâ€"'(Nm’ember 2}) ._ Icy. F. Boudreau. Assists went maple Z' Ban†1 forbidding further dumping of the money so saved will be given (this kind in this area. December 12~ as a special of- Heal‘lh'al‘ming c0-0Pel‘al10hl'ering for the inner-city work Pioneers on November 18.1against Vaughan's request for Jack Gooderham's team took 3 acceptarï¬ce 0f Sewage for 19000; .points from Len Weeks. and}people m the trunk 53mm†BOUTIQUE SHOP system is worked out by thei OWRC and the York Regional Government. This probably will to D_ Gram w. Boudrew and; Scorers were Steve Sherman . . .. ‘n v . d V r Bayley. . and David Sutherland. ASSXSLS was ieceiied liom llllliam Glie of E‘allgpl HalL _ _ . .‘ of Cadillac Lumber. who has: The Christmas Party; and pot Continental‘s [one goal was by “Pm :0 Bl“ 001"" and Dems‘taken steps to see that the conâ€" hick supper will he held at me Glen Amodeo unassisted. leoï¬s‘l 10 Ki 0. C“ 1 ditions that were creating pro-community hall December 16. Parker's Spray Painting 2 Strict? ea ï¬nds?de y 19191115 for the residents ai'oundwi-itli dinner being served at Automotive Supply 2 ~ ' were remedied. «5:30 pm. I This was anybody‘s game right Steve Sherman led the wav . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ e f el ' tl . 1 w . _ . . t\\'ltll three goals. Denis Limoges H e S bum 121 the “my A Specm] mutatlon IS bemg down to the final whistle with La Riviera Coiffure and Dorothy’s Dress Shop MAPLE PLAZA MAPLE take several years, he said. POLLUTING HUMBER Metro Planning Commissionerl Ome Downey-s Wok 5 1)()im's;se\i'el‘ which serves the former} from Peter Craibe‘s leaving‘vlllage “f WOOdbndge' .\ v ' Gooderham’s out on top with'28a MCAl‘thu“ told the. If“? points. Craibe‘s next in line witthlmlttce about 1'000 1651 en†Wojciech Wronski told the com« 20. Downey‘s with 19 and Weeks'.°1c Pine Grove on the eaStemimittee the Pine Grove Village with 17. Periphery 0f WOOdbridge areIseptic tanks are polluting the . . v' ‘ ' v o' "-' . . High single went to FredhlthoUt mummpal sellaee Se‘ 'Humber River and creating an . a. . i ,- ' - ~ t and have L0 - . . -. ’ i . -. “arm-UP umts ordered {01' thetextended to the members of the Jackman with 302 and RolylVlces at p’gsen _ _ environmental problem. Despite- _ H . m good efforts from both teams. Edd “‘0 lplgs tax.) 3:515? F‘ng dieSEIS “'111 l‘educe b0“) theithe sister church of St. Paul’s Keffer took high triple for thelrel‘y 0" 59p“? tgné‘s'bThes‘? alef this. he firmly opposed the 832-2090 - 332-3413 For Parkers it was Stevei u so“ 1a “0 boa 5' l “Oise and fume5 that BI‘EIVauohan. to 10111 in the festivi- Second week in a row with Nolan's“ldy Overloa e ecalise O Vaughan recitiest because it was .. â€" â€" _ _. â€" _ _ â€" . . Cromb. one goal and four as- .- i . z . ° ‘ ‘ the character of the 8011. He . . .. . ‘ " "' ‘- Sm‘m and Rand-V Deplem net. sist and on 'h for Colin bOthenng nelghbms' ‘tms‘ l ‘d d ' 1 t fth‘ e mallâ€101 pan or a mast“ plan to I ‘l' C n Clip Coupon ting a goal each. with Larry‘a‘husï¬mew med came Cmmb: A letter has also been re-IHome and school 5‘“ eleopmen 0 le S Llp oupo The Voice -deal with water and sewage disâ€" ccived from Gtiluche getting an assist. the York Policel Iproposed subdivisions \VOllldt 331 Citations f91‘ improper load' 7:30 pm. admission 50¢ per per-t 'mg had been ISSUE‘d- ‘son. this should be well atten-r Granting the large al‘ea COV'EY-Ided by the older youngsters and‘ ed by the police. and obviouslx‘adults. overworked and understaffed'school News conditions. we will leave theseI Mrs, Moliini Mohta and Mrs.’ figures with our readers to de-‘Jean Thomas of Joseph Gibson: than the score shows but EUI'O'IhIaple controlled the play most pean was a little more effectivve th to come up with the win. that Metro hopes to acquire ar large site or sites for sanitary landfill ope ra ti o n (garbage Take Wedding Vows ~ - ‘d ' th v v _ fifllmfslgl‘ll‘céuil:Zaiggnznglï¬":tBedford Pal’k [3:338]Tlaveesellzialthxllï¬dliolg - I clear. I zle Ford. l A very pretty wedding was on party were Barbara Ross. Janet Morrison. Patsy Beveridge, She- ila Callaghan Nadia Costa, Karâ€" 6 way in this game. Kier i’l‘odd, Norm Stapley. Pat Hilde- NOI‘m Ruttle'was the big gUHIma and Jeff Shaw potted goals for the winners with two goals.'apiece, Shaw, Hudema and Ron Hay got the other one.‘Stapley each had an assist with Assxsts went Phil Hutcllinsoil'Steve Dzikowski and Reid War- This offer expires December Bist. 1971 ONE TO A CUSTOMER .- s . . Friday evening. the mothers ‘ V _ . .. . r . posal needs of either Metro or“ COUPON I Can, Burke and Ed TaylorDaU? Phllmland 315011“! th‘eeiChief. Bruce Crawford. \VIIICIIIof the home and school 31.6.0 0 d thavle fmade tit lingncially Iproas‘ York Region. I WORTH each tallied one goal for Atito-tzliasilévz'aug assured the .l‘atel)3.\'el'5 that showing the movie "Two Year5i €le o.‘ ea 3: bells“ {liegi It is known Metro plans to; I motive. Both were unassistcd‘ ‘Woivelinli‘eir 20) since May. the traffic radar conâ€"Before The hIast‘r with Allan Bl. .thda , Gr {m t Car“. 0 9 ins a 1e 0 seive c build a giant “at†reservoir in Only on Boutique European Delicatessen 3 I ‘ Surf Marine 4 hot had been set up tor a {Ulleadd at the George Bailey»Z 1. f 5919;.“qu . lol‘ ~~~w~mï¬mi~ *fl‘V’aiiglian. In Fact it has already “etchandjse with every I [GA 0 1 Oak Edges 9 34 hours in Maple. during which School. lbï¬fgï¬ai‘“ $062131)? 919 181 ’1 “Irav_"lethven 'acquil‘ed the necessary land for . ‘ h er $30 00 H ‘ I _ ., t- p. t .. - ; ,._ ,. _ .. _' v e . . A H a .2 ~ .. 1, pure ase ov . “"5 gallâ€? “'35 mUCh CIOSGI‘ While it was no runaway. lme ‘3 “(1‘6 5 £01 bpcedmg and were “I†he one Shomng at Friends who attended at her TV 7 mls DIOJOCI' It IS also knmm l - n I also. from Mrs. Pat Reid of POI-Planetarium. NOW MCMIChael S lution Probe. noise Control. who Principal Russell Urquhart of: IMethven of Concord. was mar- spent some time with members George Bailey wishes to thath The newest addition to theried to Doug Wi‘al'. 5011 Of A112 . of the executive. and then pro- those ladies who helped with thelMclVlichael Conservation Cow‘and Mrs. Lorne Wray of [Mls-l and Dou Ha y_ I , . . - f‘ide the adequaï¬" _0f 0UP “SGT- School took their grade 4 classes; - A) I . ‘so‘lemnized in Bedtord Pai‘k‘ ‘_ I . . PEEWEEg 3 mo asSlsts eadl‘ mic: and protection '. lIaSL week. to visit the Torontollsmer . Portrait IUnited Church. Toronto. Nov- ’ “ i v . K A “Is†“'35 CUTOYEd 1351 Week C'tv Hall and the \IcLau lilin Iember 6 when Pat: Methven. . Rival Appliances 2. on & A 1 “New†20’ 1‘ ‘ g ‘ F A I ~ . . ~ I I The fine netmindlng of David Clements Rad 4’ .oak Ridges 4 daughter 01 MI. and Mls. Bl†Cook, coupled with excellem‘ From the opening whistle to forward and defensive plav by the finish this was a real cliff Marko Pidhursky and Darwin hanger. The lead changed hands $26 ‘ ‘ p ' . - _. ceeded to measure the intensity hot dog lunch last week, home lection at Kleinburg is a self-tsissauaa. T Oldf‘dd hEIPEd Rival to “wig: eeWittililnelsugglg' £13111? 3%]: of noise of the traffic on Keeleand school President Mrs. Eleadportrait of Arthur Lismer, a Thebbi'ide wore a floorâ€"length ï¬t; wm- ‘ . . . ° 'St‘ et. l ~ . t i ' ‘ ~‘ ~ r " v <‘ t 2 v - i V '. L' d' Scoring for Rival were Marklbehlnd on a fine eftort by Donl ‘6 "01 Bl‘Ohn, MIS. Dlanne Rotz nOtoliously untidy pain el yellow gown and 1115 in d Many of the trucks so gaugedfland Mp5, 1\/[ary Lamont. This portrait, painted in 1924..McNei'll, the matron of honor. registered in the high 805 and In turn the mothers apprecia- shows a pipe-smoking Lismer'wore a some even in the 90‘s. Mrs. Reid‘ted the help of Caretaker Ben before his easel. “'35 appalled at the denSity Of‘Severn and Teachers Mrs. Elea- Tyndau and Robert Femoanridllam in the last two minutes. Pidllursky had an asflst. Clement’s Scoring “'35 by For DH & A it was John De_ Alex Bittner with one goal and long getting the loner unaSSlShall assist; Bill Edmanson. Mario % FORMICA & ARBORITE $15.95 similar one in light Standing on agreen. Both carried bouquets of‘ match-littered floor. He is sur~;autumn flowers. Mike Elder . V ‘_ . the traffic as well as the noise'nor Profit and Mrs. Erna Fynbo.1l'0unded by paint and canvas inlwas the best man. ed‘ Rigel? 81%;: fugggn‘o (‘58:: levels. and sympathizes whole-.This is an excellent exercise ln'the clutter synonymous with so‘ For her daughter's wedding V , , Reg. $19.95 Superior Propane 6 ‘d° 1G "d P _'_‘ 1'1 8 heal‘tedly with the cause of Llle‘co-operation between the schooiimany painters. Mrs. Methven chose a light 8 to 10 colors to choose from â€" 4 X8 Richvale Lions 1 i eona‘ - 0‘ 311° ' an local residents. Superior was really gassed tip for this one and made it a run- away. Lions put up a spirited Digby Bourke. (November 21 i ' Clements Rad 8. King City 0 The Maple boys were never defense btit to no avail. ‘ _ _ Steve Borneiiian aiid Bob really .chanellged m W's Shm' Wilmot each notched two goals. 0m' '1 “0y l'lddled “"35 de‘ Bi“ Oppenshaw' and Chris Plun- {mica . , kettdmd one apiece. Gamcrma the hat trick was accomplish- assists were Ron- Line-Um Jet; ed by Mario DePiei'o with three Sandfm-d one' ’ beauties. Marv Hirano two goals. Senior Citizens On November 15. the mem- bers met first in the lounge of the L'nitcd Church Hall to dis- cuss business matters. including the $1.50 tickets that are now available for the Christmas Din- ner to be held December 13 in the church hall. Members must speak for their land the parents organization inl direct work with the young peoâ€" ple. lt is now on view among the‘green dress with silver and gold‘ :more than 600 paintings oi‘metallic threads running Group of Seven members and through the material. Her cor~' Mr. L'rciuhart is sending a the†contemporaries at Kleinâ€"‘sage was of pink carnations. Mis. in 5-6 colors POSTFORMED COUNTERTOPS per It. 4-5-6-7-8ft.lengths letter home to all parent& in burg. It may be seen daily. e.\â€" Wray wore a floral dress and which he is asking that parents‘cept Mondays. from 1 to 5:30 coi-sage of deep red carnatious. who bring their children to Pm. The guests were received at school in cars. be reminded that This maior canvas of the the home of the bride's parents the paved area or the school is senior Group of Seven member ill Concord. ‘ I play area in bad weather andhwho died in 1969i has been Following a wedding trip t’J. deep snow. and that it is dan..presented to the collection by Quebec and Vermont. Mr. and- Ross Bow-es scored for Lions Wllll Mark Porter assisting. BANTAMS Disposal Services 3 Maple Lions 3 Norm Staplcy rapped in two goals for Disposal with Ken Kidd getting the other one. Two asststs went to Lee Hartley. Lions scorers were Ron Gui- dolln, Brian Murchison. and heir Todd. Assisting were Bill Wright and Randy Tinline. Contractors 3. Fred's Shell 2 A close, hotly contested game with both sides giving all they had. Contractors had enough edge to win. Steve Jones knocked in two goals and Ken Jellison one for the winners. Jones. John Detlaserra. and Jellison each had one assist. Peter Fraser had two assists. For Fred‘s it was Denis Rilev and Geoff Shaw with a goal and assist each. Stuart Bellamy also got an assist. OHMA HOCKEY NOVICE (November 20) Maple Honeypot 5. Barrie 0 This team is well Oil its way to a really big season. Shutting out Barrie in easy style the Maple lads continue their un- defeated path. This was their third shutout in a row. Honeypnt's scoring was by Blair Sutherland. two, with Jeff Brookes Ricky Haas and Ray Mondolo getting one each. As- sists go to Sutherland. Scott Lawson. three. Haas. Bobby Kuclieraw'y, and Joey Batista. PEEWEE The Maple Lions played tliree‘ games last weekend and won all of them. This team is also un~ defeated this season. lRob Fox and Digby Bourke with lone goal and an aSsist each. EIGal‘y Leonard got the other goal. ;D0n Pridllam and Gord Par- :l'ott acquired two assists each tickets as soon as possible. as there is little more than twojplay yard. at any speed. weeks left. and the UCW mustICubs and Scouts . know well ahead of the event: On November 21 a group of. lwin Developments. Toronto. 24 HRS. {with Bill Edmanson and Ken the number attending. ,18 Cubs from the Roadrunnersj‘ Bellamy coming up with one w I A k R _ W“?- ont s e l n JUVENILES (November 16) g o I Maple Blues 3. Unionville 1 " A good. hard hitting. close checking game. Maple had its work cut out for it The outcome was a result of ilin and teamwork. For Maple it was Billy Kenny. .Martin Bromley and Barry May each scoring. Assists went to Graham Cameron. Paul Banks.‘ No Demand In Vaughan For Day Care Centre Town Council an iab Vaughan has decided there isn't for a day care centre suited from an announce- :3- (November 19) immediate need for a day meat from Social and Maple Blues 10. Oak Ridges 0 care centre in the munict- Family Minister Thom'ls This was the second trimming paltry Wells that a 510 million by the same score handed out It was pointed out at the program for centres “will York Reg to Oak Ridges by the Blues. It was no contest as Maple swarm- be available Oier the next year to create as many as November 15 council meetâ€" ing that a committee report REGIONAL 'I'AXI 884-6666 [F rBUSY CALL 889-3366 AIRPORT SERVICE gel-Gus to drive through a school AI Latner. president of Green-{Mrs Douglas Wray will be living in Toronto. ANYWHERE ional Area ed like bees in the opposition had concluded "that 111’? 130 new d8." DUI‘SPI‘IE‘S gall 9hd~ need for a centre in Vaug- over Ontario. providing Pal Mulligan SOt two goals han is questionable at this places for an additional â€" and an assist: Rick Hartwick. time. 4.000 children." ‘ two; Barry May. one and three "The population of Vaug- The province will in- assists: Paul Banks one and ban is somewhat scatter-3d cicase its capital subsidymi three assists: Bill Kenny. one mei' a wide area and da.\' nul‘SC’I‘." (‘OHSIFUCUOH and two: Len Hughes. one and families are more or less from 50 to 80 percent of the one: Graham Cameron. one and iii-mlv established. In other total ecst. This. will mean one. Martin Bromley. one. words there has been no 80 percent 0f thef‘OSt ‘Of D'arcy Scliaiick collected two new subdivision of any ac- land. e o it St r u e t l n g the 355515 and Clyde Brunner. Jim eolini of late containing a building. and equipping and Young and Dana t‘oxworthy. number of young families iurnishin'z each nursery. one each. where both parents work " Municipalities in the York (November 201 The conunittee further Region were subsequently Maple Blues 3. Keswick 0 obseiwed that "it is must invited to make applicatims 1“ a game that saw lies-wick certain that municipaliti‘s lo ihe region for day care if." 10 use rough tactics. instead such as Aurora. Richmond centres if they felt there of skill. the strategy failed as Hlll and Markham \‘.'lil be was a need. ‘ 7 Maple humbled their opponents making submissions to the The region 15 already despite being shorthande region because they have a making application to the Grant Wells helped with his relatively large number «if province for apDI‘OVal 311d subsidy for the construction of a J1.000 square foot day care centre in. the Newman kct area consistently good netminding. Scorers were Jamie Young. two. Len Hughes. Assists went to Pat Mulligan and Martin Bromley. younger families living in close proximity to one an- other" Constdcration of the ne d Lucky Winner .V Mrs. K. Kantarot‘f. 43 $50 Xmas Certificate WEEK Redeemable at Participating Stores -â€" MAPLE PLAZA. MAPLE â€" 1971: Maple ovember 20. Lancer Drive. I u I l I WALL SOLID VINYL In 8†x 3 Fl. 10" x4 Ft. 12" x 5 Ft. u.... KITCHEN Hours. 8 30 a m â€" Your Choice 0 2‘." VANITY â€"- COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . .. :30" VANITY â€"â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . . . .. 36" VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . SIT-90 M GOLDEN-RED ANTIQUE ELM, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . .. $6.95 â€" Reg- MAHOGANY SELECTED. 4'x8' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g 5.70 WALNUT RUSTIC. 41w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g 10.70 ROSEWOOD RUSTIC. ~i'x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12".:12" VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE . . . . . . . . . . . 1112c Each noon Til. BONANZA SALE FINISHED SHELVING TEAK â€" WALNUT â€"â€"- OAK .‘ .55 each $512.20 each SEE OUR COMPLETELY FINISHED LESS THAN HALF OF MARKET PRICE 8 ft. base and wall cabinet completer finished with counter top (your choice of color) SEE US FOR ALI. VOL'R NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS CADILLAC to dim on Top $31.95 $39.95 I Color PANELLIN G SAL ‘5 Dil’terent Colorsi l""x12†While They Last PREFAB GARAGES iO'xzo' . _______ . _____________ , $395.00 , $425.00 $3.20 each I'll 3420‘ CABINET DISPLAY $184.00 BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. PHONE 832-""'l KEELE ST.. MAPLE North of Maple Sideroad on Keele S' Rf‘if‘ am top pm -Sat Bfiflam tnï¬ pm Find»)