The senior teens will have a banquet this weekend with Doreen and Bob Dennison. On the menu are cold turkey and ham. hot scalloped potatOes, macaroni and cheese, salads, pie and fruit punch. Special‘ speaker will be Rev. Robert Rumball, former football star and now pastor of the Church; For the Deaf in Toronto. Music will be provided by Paul and Hudson Taylor. Neighborhood Notes For the past two months the boys of Mackenzie School have been participating in the Can- ada Fitness Award Program sponsored by the Department of National Health and Wel- fare. The boys were timed and measured in six different ev- ents. These levels of attain- ment were compared to nation- ally established standards. Each boy’s best four events were av- eraged to obtain his final standings. Averaging 55% re- ceived bronze crest. 80% silver crest, 95% gold crest. Out of 112 boys that participated 48 earned bronze‘ 39 silver and one gold. The events tested were one minute speed sit~ups, standing broad jump, shuttle run, flexed arm hang. 50 yard run and 300 yard run. The gold crest winner was Steve Pocock. In his best four events this 13-year-old did 51 sit-ups in a minute, jumped 6 ‘the post office. games. The boys made bird feeders and brought them home when they returned from a well spent weekend. Their thanks go to Leaders Jimmy . nun... Maw, Mark Banks and Billy Maw. # a a it Some very sad news has come to me this week. Local citizens are very proud of the teenagers here in Kleinburg and surrounding areas. There are all the good and wonderful happenings they are doing and if I miss any by all means let me know. But now about this mess in the lobby of Mr‘ and Mrs. George Watson are really great people, well-liked by everyone They are extra busy with the Christmas season coming. They sure do not need messes to clean up. Besides all this, it only takes a few to make a lot look bad. So come on now ft. 9 in. in the standing broad kids, let’s keep our town know- jump, ran 300 yards in 57 sec- ing what really great teens we onds and did the flexed arm have. Kleinburg Junior School pup- ils are trying to find time to think about Christmas. Princ- ipal John Martin feels that the recent week-long open house was most successful. The young teens will be meeting following church at the home of Ernest and Ruth Bond ln Rexdale for a fellowship hour. December 10 will be bowling night. The gold crest winner was Steve Pocock. In his best {our events this 13-year-old did 51 sit-ups in a minute, jumped 6 ft. 9 in. in the standing broad jump, ran 300 yards in 57 sec- onds and did the flexed arm hang for one minute and 58 seconds. In the absence of the pastor and his wife on holidays at Cal- vary Baptist Church, Rev. El- mer Austring will be speaking at both services on Sunday.‘ Austring is with the Regions Beyond Mission Union and will explain how one does not have to go to a mission field to be a missionary. He talks on‘ “The Three Crisis in The Life of Moses". at the 11 am serâ€" vice. At the 7 pm service Ausq tring will be showing a film and talking on Peru. dealing‘ with the Quechua and Chayavl huita Indians. 1 This is a continuing fitness program and it; is hoped the experience gained this year will encourage some grade 6 and '7 boys to participate and prac- tice the various events over the next 10 months. Next year students will try to attain high- er standards and even a more advanced crest. On November 12 the 33 game but only on the everyday little schedule of touch football clim- problems we face with our axed with the “Born Losers"'children. defeating the League champion One other item which will “Stampeders†in the contest also be on the agenda is the for the “Not So Grey Trophy". skating rink at the junior The winning team included school. The rink is there but Glenn Adgey. Tom White. Jeff1in very bad condition. There Moulton, David Thorpe, Mark is need for some new boards. Enricht, Hugh Dawson, Gord plumbing, lighting and etc. Whitney, Daryl Wilkes. Glenn This is a real need for the Schubert. Murray Alexander smaller children in the area, and Shawn Adgey. as the park is too far for them The standings after 30 sea- to walk. Ice skating is a way son games. Stampeders 10(0f letting off steam that is am. Rev. Warrén McKinnon is the minister of both churches. dei Next week the service will be as usual with worship at 9:30 am and Sunday school at 10:45 am. The adult discussion group will meet after the service. Caven Presbyterian in Bolton holds its worship service at 11; The service, which marked the church's 96th anniversary. was also addressed by Mr. A1- cott, whose topic was “Go To Where the Quiet Isâ€. Nashville Presbyterian had a! wonderful anniversary day, starting off with a well attend- ed father, son and daughter breakfast. Gordon Alcott spoke about; Bible class organization, where he said adult help is al- ways necessary, although the young people are capable of assuming much of the respons-l ibility. At Central United worship service is at 2:45 pm. Rev. ,Hamilton will speak on the Advent topics outlined above. Church school is at 1:45 pm. He will deliver the same set- ies of sermons at Nobleton Un- ited. The service is at 11:15 am and the church school at 10 cnurcn News the winners Born Losers. Now Rev. Arthur Hamilton of that football has been Jvrapped Kleinburg United will begin up for the year the boys have his Advent series November 28 turned to soccer and the house with the sermon on “Roads To league will run until Christmas, Christmas". His first topic snow or no snow. will be “God's Roadâ€. Others In Beasley’s Patrol the boys in the series will be “Caesar’s are in groups of four working Road", Mary's Road", "Shep- on silver citizen, first-aid and herd’s Road", and finally on swimming badges. The coun- Christmas Sunday, “Wise Man’s cillor has invested Ian Bell, Road". The Christmas EvelRobert Hall, James Gibson. candlelight service will be held Gary Hilliard and Jamie Sweet. again. Visagie's Patrol is losing one Regular hour of worship is member Walter Nixon- 9:45 am Sunday when the kin- gomg to ColllngWOOd. He islmay have a second chance it The Lions Club met Tuesday ‘evening and they had a very {good meeting. A cheque has )been sent to the recreation ,committee for the snowmobile draw that was held and spon- lsored by the Lions Club at Bin~ dertwine Festival. The Lions are also sponsor- ;ing a turkey shoot on Saturday. November 27. You must use‘ shot guns only and anyone who hasn‘t got a shotgun may use ,club guns on that day. You you missed the first time by Regular hour of worship is 9:45 am Sunday when the kin- dergarten and primary clfldren also meet at 11 am. The Scouts in Nashville had a committee meeting. They have some new members. Secretary is Bill White, with Chairman Bill Brovm and Treasurer Barry Silver. Scout Leader Don Ross says theirs was the most suc- cessful paper drive yet and ex- pressed his thanks to all in Kleinburg and the area who helped. Nashville Cubs had a terrific weekend as they journeyed to with a group from Guelph and stayed at the Barber Scout Camp. It was a busy weekend .with not many spare minutes. They visited the Korkwright Water Fowl Sanctuary. It has every kind of fowl there from all over the world and the boys found this very interest- ing. They went to Halton! County Rail Way. This is a collection of antique street cars. They have a track 1/2- ‘mile long and the boys had a ride on an old street car. Swimming was even worked ‘into the busy weekend at the Centennial Pool. Then there was a big campfire and even time for some good rousing games. The boys made bird feeders and brought them home when they returned from a well spent weekend. Their thanks go to Leaders Jimmy Maw. Mark Banks and Billy Maw. Guelph. They joined together‘ nes McCallum were guests for the afternoon. The meeting was adjourned after refreshments. The Knack Of Knits course that the ladies have been attend- ing has almost been completed. It was most successful as there were all the new fabrics used and such garments were made as pant suits, dresses, and children‘s things. The sewing was all done by the ladies them- selves and they are planning to have a get-together with the other groups of the WI and all bring their sewing. This meet- ing will be November 30. The two ladies responsible for the knits course for the group were Nora Stephenson and Sophia Smella. at t :r a- Nashville Euchre Club has been meeting and having great games each week for about 40 years. We will have news each week from them. President is Charley Agar. Vice-president Henry Paul, Secretary Heather Spence, Associate Secretary Dorothy Maw, Treasurer Dorâ€" othy Todd. The past Monday evening the club met at the home of Harry and Joy Lost- chuck. They had a good turn- out for six full tables. Ladies’ prize winners were Clara Parr, Grace T011 and Urva Moulton; men: Charley Agar and Harry Paul. Playing as sub was Ann Maw. 'f In Bahen’s Patrol a pen deskl 'set was presented to John Kas-l '1 : zab by the Cougar Patrol. The’iet3 _ plaque bears the motto “Alwayslof ‘Be Preparedâ€. Kaszab was the‘and ‘, leader when this patrol was the formed. Lib a: x: t a: In bowling the teams are go- Some very sad news has ing great. MOSt girls have im- come to me this week. Local proved since they started back citizens are very proud of the in September. For some 0f the teenagers here in Kleinburg scares here are the latest: high and surrounding areas. There team Ally Trotters, high triple are all the good and wonderful Joanne Masters; high triple happenings they are doing with handicap Heather Spence, and if I miss any by anlhigh single Heather Spence and means let me know. But now high Single With handicap Mary about this mess in the lobby of,Hess. The Home and School meets November 29 at Mackenzie Sen- ior School. This is to be a little different meeting but a very helpful one. Dr. Andrew Kizik, a psychologist with York County Board of Education. will be the speaker and an- other speaker from the mental health unit will also be coming. There is to be a question time, but only on the everyday little problems we face with our children. uni». Vlnu uoucLLD ‘ The troop is attenqing a St 25121 zit-£3321 selection that would John Ambulance firs: aid be appropriate for almost any course run by James Orton. organization. A159 DaNiCiPatiflg are 10 Girl Mrs. McCutcheon brought Guides with their Captain Shir-with her a ï¬lm called “Na- ley J0ne§- The course got hanni". It was about a man’s stal‘tEd Without any hydl‘o and search for gold. It was a true was saved through Beasley's story and everyone watched lamp.‘ Graham Forfi hagi to very eagerly from the begin- put his new found first aid taming to the end, The presi. use in a rescue of a hurt skater dent of the York West District at the arena this week. wr Mr: Narnlrl 19mm“. um: There is to be a special movie at the junior school on 3 Sat- urday afternoon in the near future. It is 3 Walt Disney picture. A presentation of Kleinburg burg Scout badges was made at that new time to Brian Granger and his and sons John and Glen from Bur- now lington in appreciation for even weeks at camp this past sum- lent mer. am) The boys went on a trip to Tru-Mold Ltd. Plastic prod- ucts. drill presses, paper tow- el holders. combs and wheels were some of the items they ‘saw being made. Hains Patrol is working on the gold stage of Explorers and gold stage Citizenship badges. They had a special meeting last week as they went swimming in ‘Dr. Peter Granger’s swimming pool. The troop met at Klein- burg church on Sunday to see slides of the boys at Haliburton last summer and the world Jamboree in Japan. But if you wish to have your =own edition it will be one book you will go back to many times. vi an it is The WI had a meeting Nov~ ember 16 at the home of Mrs. Irene Train. The meeting this week was on books. Mrs. John Balmer read a poem “He Who Gives A Child A Book". Roll call was very interesting as each lady brought a name of a 'book for discussion. Some gave their point of view on the book. The special speaker for the meeting was Mrs. Mildred Mc- Cutcheon. librarian at Klein- In Jones Patrol the follow- ing were invested: Christopher Jones, George Robinson, Grant Beasley. Brian Hess, James Tumbull and Paul Jennings. Klein burg K larion ton The special speaker for the PM meeting was Mrs. Mildred Mc- Cutcheon, librarian at Klein- Jl‘g burg. She spoke mainly on the hét new policy in regard to films his and equipment. The library “1" now has film projectors and' {01‘ even a screen available to be‘ 171- lent out to organizations. There‘ are many different subjects St; and a good selection that would‘ Ladies’ prize winners were Clara Parr, Grace T011 and Urva Moulton; men: Charley Agar and Harry Paul. Playing as sub was Ann Maw. dent of the York West District WI. Mrs. Harold Jackson and Secretary Treasurer Miss Ag- nes McCallum were guests for the afternoon. The meeting was adjourned after refreshments. The Bindertwine Festival committee invite the public to its annual meeting November 22 at 8pm in the junior school. The Vaughan Historical Soc- iety now has its book “History of Vaughan Township†ready and you may purchase one in the book stores. The Vaughan Libraries will carry this book. But if you wish to have your The Lions are also sponsor- 1ing a turkey shoot on Saturday, November 27. You must use shot guns only and anyone who hasn‘t got a shotgun may use club guns on that day. You may have a second chance i! you missed the first time by trying again December 11. Or if you were lucky try again. The place for all this excite- ment is Mayor Garnet Wil- liams' Farm. * it i Ill The Vaughan Historical Soc- iety now has its book "History of Vaughan Township†ready and you may purchase one in the book stores. The Vaughan T.kunn:.u. "an 4|..- L_-L The nominations and elections for “Bindertwine 72" will be held and refreshments will fol- llow. Continued public support for the community is needed. The present officers and dir- ectors are Chairman Gordon MacEachern, Vice â€" chairman arren Guscott, Treasurer orman Watson, Secretary Mike Bevan. Publicity Janet Brown, Services Jack Lillie. Catering Warren Guscott, Womens and Childrens Ex. Hilda Irwin. Enter- tainment Norm Hall, Conces- sions Alan Wheelband, Special Exhibits Del Sweet, Festival Guide Geoffrey Share, Security Jack Shaw, Youth Activities Lynn Bevan. surgery last month and is re- :cuperating nicely. we are happy to report. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stots en- tertained at a farewell dinner party for Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkins on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins have sold their Don Mills Road home and plan to leave for their new home at Wasaga Beach, near the Ox-Bow, be- fore taking off for their winter home near Clearwater, Florida. Among the invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fier- heller, Dick Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. Lloyd Ralmr and Mrs Fwd Loaf Mr v»; Balmer read a poem “He Who p1 Gives A Child A Book". Roll'me call_ )vas very interesting as‘ A Home owners can now reduce payments Find out how easy it is to get your loan approved . . . within 24 hours. You can call to 10 pm. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Investment Corp., Ltd., 330 Bay St., Toronto. Call collect 366-9586, evenings 231-8146. You as home owner are now eligible for a low cost second or third mortgage loan from $2,000 to $25,000 at reduced monthly payments. Find out how a low cost home owner loan can pay all your bills, give you additional cash if required and at the same time reduce your monthly payments by as much as half. BY AS MUCH AS HALF "00K' The Recreation Committee your meet Monday evening with new .bookiVaughan Recreation Coâ€"ordin- Lmes-‘ator Barry Young. They wen; pleased to hear he is very fam- Nov' iliar with baseball organization MI?- and will be giving a hand in this this. He came up with some 30h“ very helpful suggestions and x_}Y{"ff’plans for many of the sports in “U†the area. . I as A tennis court was glven some Of a thought and may even become Dorothy and Orma Maw have just returned from a trip. There was a contest run by a farm supplier for the companies that deal with them. MaWS Elevator was one of the winners and the lucky ladies took off from Tor- onto Airport bound for Bermu- da.. The husbands were houseq keepers and children sitters so they were kept busy. The ladies stayed at the Princess Hotel in Hamilton, the capital of Bermu- da. The hotel was absolutely tre- mendous and equally fabulous, they report. The meals were fantastic. Every meal including breakfast consisted of many courses and the food was del- icious. They visited many of the night clubs and had a wonder- ful tour of the city. Even a boat cruise was on the agenda. It lasted a full day and they toured many of the islands. Hawkins Island will well be remembered as there they had a wonderful barbecue. Ninety- six went on this winning trip and they all had a fantastic time. Special thanks are extended to the Lions from the Recreation Committee for a cheque rec- eived from the raffle at the Bindertwine Festival. The McMichael Conservation Collection Of A11 in Kleinburg will be closed December 1. The gallery will reopen the first Sat- urday following New. Years’ Day. You still have a few days left if you have not visited the gallery. Glen Loates’ paintings are still on display. A Canadian Mental Health Box will be in the .post office. Gifts of all descriptions are very badly needed. This is your chance to buy a little extra true Christmas joy by giving to others. December 6 is the dead- line. Your Kleinburg reporter is- still being asked where “The Liberal†can be purchased. “The Liberal†is for sale at both Beckers and The Village Rest- aurant. Beckers have a new stand right inside the door. The Snowmobile Club was to meet November 23 at the Golf Club with Norm Hall in charge. If you have a snowmob- ile and are interested you are welcome. For information call Norm. a reality. Ice this year is a con- cern for all who enjoy skating in the park. Mr. Young assures us he will see that we get good ice this year. It is the town that looks after flooding. Good shovellers are always needed. They would like to hear every- body's ideas about how to spend the profits from this year’s fes- tival. The newly appointed rec- reation co - ordinator for Vaughan Town will be special guest speaker. He is Barry Young. SELL YOUR UNWANTABLES PHONE 884-1105 | Congratulations to Mrs. Mar- guerite Jones on receiving a prize for a rabbit at the Royal Winter Fair. There were beautiful floral exhibits at the Royal Winter Fair, one by Tim Clark of Markham drew favorable com- ment, and‘the exhibit by Eun- ice Denby‘s where our own Adele Carruthers is a valued arranger was another. Sympathy is expressed to Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Hallman in the passing last week of his father, Clayton Hallman at Wi- arton. Mrs. Louisa Rye of Toronto spent several days with Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mrs. Allan Doner, Mrs. Eldon Gooding, and Mrs. C. Milsted had dinner on Friday with Mrs. Fred Schelke of Richmond H111. Miss Mary Schelke of mond Hill spent several with Mrs. Deb Baker. Mrs. Betty Sproxton, RN. younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproxton arrived at Malton Friday night from Huan‘uco, Peru, South America, for a year‘s furlough. Betty has spent five years in Peru with the Christian and Mission- ary Alliance Church. On Sun- day she spoke at both services at the C and MA Church in Unionville. Mrs. Tom Christilaw of Blind River had supper on Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Charles Milsted enroute to Toronto [0 visit her daughter Heather, who is in Wellesley Hospital with pneumonia. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Johnson on the arrival of their first grandchild, Mark. born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson. Sympathy is expressed to‘ Mrs. Oran Fretz and family ‘11 the passing of Mr. Fretz. The funeral was held Saturday from Heise Hill Church. Neighborhood Notes Misses Betty and Marjorie Sproxton attended the 12th anniversary services at the Parkside Youth Centre on Sun- day night. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russe'll Sproxton were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sproxton of Scarboro, Mrs. Charlotte Flor- ence of Stouffville and Mr. and Mrs. Don Sproxton of Toronto. When the final game of the choir. autumn euchre series at But- On tonville Hall was played on Fri- there day evening of last week, the Holy grand winner for five gamesgis WI Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stots en- tertained at a farewell dinner party for Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkins on Monday of last week. Among the invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fier- heller, Dick Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. Lloyd Baker and Mrs. Fred Leaf. Mr. Hill was unable to be present because of illness. The Albert Copp Family ex- pects to leave for Australia in mid-December, to visit Carol- ine and her husband near Perth. Caroline had major surgery last month and is re- cuperating nicely, we are happy to report. Neighborhood Notes Milton Byer of Willow Street, Button ville Community Happemhgs CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILS’I‘ED Telephone 887-5445 Mr. Broadloom unconditionally guarantees to give 1 sq. yd. of broadloom with every sq. yd. purchased under our unique “2 for 1 Offer". Thar means you get two squgre yards for our price of lsq.yd.,frorn as low «$4.95. Get a FREE estimate with no obli- gation. 2 FOR I OFFER! GORMLEY NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF â€"- PHONE 499-0376 SHOP AT HOME SERVKE FREE ESTIMATES WITH NO OBLIGATION. EASY-BUDGET TERMS & NO CARRYING CHARGES FOR A FULL 90 DAY$.OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT- CALLNOW Rich- days ‘Pa. spent a few days with his 'cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. There were 25 tables of play- ers, and hostesses were Mrs. ‘Milton Sherman. Mrs. Adam Brown, Mrs. Ernie Johnson, Mrs. Elmore Hill. Miss Eliza- beth French, and Miss Cora Brodie. were Mrs. Luela Lemmon, Mrs. be a service of baptism and in ,Milton Sherman, Mrs. Bill the evening the CGIT Vesper lWray. Mrs. George Tooley and Service will be held. )Jesse Dewsbury, Henry Mizen,l On Sunday. December 26 the {Tim Patterson and Russ Burr. ‘day after Christmas there will At the annual re-organization of the WMS of the Missionary Church on Thursday night, the following officers were elected: President Mrs. Eldon Boettger, Vice-President Mrs. Geoff Cam- pey, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Jack Wright, Assistant Secret- aryâ€"Treasurer Mrs. John Haw- kins, Work Committee Mrs. A1- an Empringham, Mrs. William Hall, Mrs. Paul Bolender and Mrs. Murray Bennett, and Ad- ditional Program Committee Mrs. Fred Yoke and Mrs. John Langman. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore and family of Wainfleet and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Winger of} Sudbury were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winger. Church News When Mrs. Bruce Davidson of RR 1. Stouffville entertained a group of old friends recently. Mrs. James Rodick, Mrs. Harry Jackson of Maple. and Miss Elizabeth French of Unionville were among those present. Church News Luclw draws went to Auso tin Johnston and Mrs. Bea Thomson, and freezeout win- ners were Matt Davie and Miss Vera Harris, Mr. and Mrs. James Eddington. A euchre and sale of home baking and gifts was announced to be held at the hall on Dec- ember 3 sponsored by the YCHA. were among [nose present. Church News Last Sunday Rev. Allen Hallett was assisted in the ser- vice by Mrs. Carol Newman at the organ and the senior choir. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Robert Boyd. who had the misfortune to injure her leg while helpng at the recent turkey supper. The annual turkey shoot 1 losce/yn, laugh/1h, Harper Tory & Associa tes TURN SPARE ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Chartered Accountants are pleased to announce the relocation of their Richmond Hill offices to the Victoria & Grey Trust Company Building 121 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill The telephone number will remain. (416') 884-4474 Mr. Broudloom unconditionafly guarantees 1° refgnd double the difference in cash if you can cov- er the some area in1he same car- pet for less during Mr. Broad- loom’s famous “2 for 1 Offerâ€. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OPEN DAILY 10 AA. 1'0 9 PM. â€" SMURDAY I 0 AM. TO 6 PM. IO GIANT WAREHOUSES TO SERVE YOU ' mef SYmpathy is extended to Mrs.l‘ _ ‘Alice Perkins in the passing 9f! “45°†her cousin, Mrs. Alvin Amold‘ “mm at Newmarket. rently. Birthday greetings to Miss H3513? Pat Williams, November 26; It was entitled “Do Your Own Thing", in which members displayed their hand at making lChristmas decorations. The annual meeting of the community centre will be held in the hall on December 6 at 8 pm. [Church News The Christmas Concert, that night of nights in the lives of children, will be held Decem- ber 15, at 7:30 pm. The November meeting of the UCW was held in the Sun- day school on Wednesday even-- ing of last week with a large attendance. The annual White Gift Serv- ice will be held on December 12 at 11:30 am. Further infom- ation at a later date. be a carol celebration service at 11 am. The worship service was tak- en by Mrs. Earl Empringham, Mrs. Frank Brumwell, Mrs. Mary Buchanan and Miss Edith Boyd. Mrs. Allan Doner gave a very interesting account of her work in Nigeria. illustrated with col~ ored slides. She also had dis- plays of hand-crafts. Denton Brumwell, November 28; Peter Vanderkooy, December 2 The November meeting of the Women‘s Institute was held in the community hall on Tuesday evening of last week. Another euchre party will be held in the community hall on Friday evening, November 26 at 8 pm. Ladies please provid: lunch. Neighborhood Notes Bruce Mortson gave a very interesting talk on his tour of Europe he took a year ago, il- lustrated with colored slides. Victoria Square Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle RR. 2, Gormley Telephone 887-5421 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 25, 1971 17 39 GLENCAMERON ROAD THORNHILL Phone 889-8763 Your nearest Mr. Broadloom Warehouse is located at: 501 nylon, polypropylenesiwoo', acrylics, evlans, nylon, polyesters, deep plushes, shags, carved twists, in & outdoor, subs, first qualiï¬es, etc. All incl‘uded‘Z 'sq. yds. for our price of 1 sq. yd'. O1her qualities available at low low prices. Open Sunday 12 noon to 5 pm. (for inspection only) RICHMOND HILL York Regional Police Association 420 Yonge St. 8.. Aurora 727-6760 10 a.m. - 6 pm. Mon.. Tues.. Wed. and Sat. 10 am. â€" 9 pm. Thursday and Friday Or visit your local WINE CIRCLE stockist: Davis Pharmacy, Bradford Plaza Newmarket Drugs, Newmarket Plaza Sheppers Drug Mart, Thornhill ‘ ' Sayvette Drug Dept, Yonge & Steeles, Willowdale FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH 9P.M. Prizes For all your wine or beer making supplies visit FALL DANCE JANE & 7 CLUB Wise men through the ages have pointed out that the sure route to security and wealth is to put aside money for tomorrow before you spend for today. Your future must be the ï¬rst call on your purse. ‘ The unchanging habit of regular savings deposits at your friendly Victoria and Grey Trust where you get high interest rates and no charge for a reasonable number of cheques is your assured route to ï¬nancial independence. Start saving today at Victoria and Grey. HOURS: M . The senior Trust Company are??? T;:r:?g_s devoted entirely to serving Fm 9_7 v the people of Ontario. sat, 9.1 Pay yourself first! Tudor Winecraft WCTORM and GREY V1 L11 Ufllil and UIIDI TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. FEATURING THE MIGHTY CARIBBEAN SHOWBAND SPECTRUMS Admission $5.00 per couple SPECIAL GUEST STAR TICKETS AT DOOR Clearance specials of famous name broudlooms at 2 for I sav- ings. Price: Up to $16.99 sq. yd. No for one price, as low as $4.95 sq. yd. Use your Chargex or cor easy budget 1erms. No carrying charges for 90 days. Refreshments MAXI-MINI 5 RANGE $4" - $16†SQ. YD. 889-8163 884-1107 Buffet