Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Nov 1971, p. 18

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(“““‘quu‘nun‘ “ :010 TIME THORNHIll The winners were: men's sin- The final dinner was a gala gles â€"â€" Graham Maggs, ladies’ affair with 400 sitting down singles -â€" Jean Scott. men's at the tables. The speaker was doubles â€"â€" Graham Maggs and‘Dr. Mark Waldron of Guelph Terry Tamblyn, ladies‘ doublesiUniversity. Since this was â€"â€"-Noreen Kelson and Enidlthe 75111 anniversary of the Grant. mixed doublesâ€"MaggSEWI founding. he spoke on its and Lynette Scarff. rhistorv. Both his 2randmn1h- Maggs. the popular Austral- lan captain. is returning home mid»December with his fam- ily. He will be sorely missed on the team which he helped promote to the majors of the Inter-County League. The club as a whole sincer- ely thanks Graham for his un- tiring efforts on behalf of the team. his able assistance dur- ing tournaments and his work in organizing the lessons. Mem- bers hope his stay in Thom- hill was a rewarding and hap- py one. Senior Citizens at 7:45 pm. at the home ofl The meeting sent a resolut- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Percival. 128 ion to the Department of Ed- Elgin Street (park on Orsi;ucation requesting that school Court). [readers include some stories The meeting is for the pur- about black persons. They al- pose of election of officers. so sent a telegram of protest presentation of the financialhto President Nixon about the statement and general policy‘“Bomb". They received- an ack- discussion. nowledgement. The elections Trophies will also be pres-mere held and Mrs. Irwin Malt- ented to the finalists of last‘by of the Duflerin Institute season‘s club championships. is the new president. The winners were: men's sin- The final dinner was a gala gles â€"â€" Graham Maggs, ladies’ affair with 400 sitting down singles -â€" Jean Scott. men'slat the table: 'T‘hn enpakm- we: Graham is the only member to have won three trophies for two successive years at the club championships. The senior citizens had a meeting on the afternoon of November 17. The attendance was almost 50. 105‘ 0“ Voney 151mm and'local president Mrs. Ann Jack- "Merry Go Round Horse"- son. a delegate to the meeting. Tennis Club llt was a two-day affair at the The annual general meeting Royal York Hotel in Toronto. of the Thornhill Tennis Clublwith 150 institutes represent- is to be held on November 281ed. at 7:45 pm. at the home MI The meeting sent a resolut- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Percival. 128 ion to the Department of Ed- Elgin Street (park on Orsiqucation requesting that school Court). il‘Pmlm‘: inrlndn :nmn clnvicc Last Saturday there were 133 would-be actors and act- resses at the Royal Orchard Public School for the Satur- day morning program on cre- ative drama. sponsored by the Thornhill Public Library. Mrs. Araby Lockhart Gray must have had her hands full. but she coped admirably. Saturday there will be two movies: “A‘ Very Special Day" (a boy gets lost on Coney Island) and “Merry Go Round Horse". ‘ Tennis Club 1 A preview last week show- ed the pictures are so good! The style of painting is as var~ ied as the houses and you‘ll want to spend a great quant- ity of time. looking and looking a vanishing heritage. The paintings are for sale and pur- chase may be arranged ‘through the artist at the end of the show. The result is 46 fascinating paintings and drawings â€"sure to interest not only those vil- lagers whose houses have been painted. but also anyone int- erested in the preservation of The work of 20 artists is represented in the unique art exhibit currently at the Thorn-t hill Public Library. The show, which has been planned since the early spring by the Lib-' rary Art Committee, was de- signed to encourage local art- ists to paint buildings and scenes in Thornhill and its en- virons. Although much has been done to preserve Thorn- hill photographically. this is the first time an attempt has been made to involve artists in recording their impressions of some of the century-old houses. buildings and familiar contemporary landmarks. . by the ‘ Mr FRo' ‘ ’1 ‘Crc {‘UI‘K ‘Ad' ‘the LROayn Neighborhood Notes 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 25, 1971 Established Since 1954 in Thornhill invites you to drop in soon and say "hello" at our NEW LOCATION 7715 YONGE ST.. THORNHILL Socially Speaking by Doris M. FitzGerald with cover design and drawings by Thoreau MacDonald. Map, photographs. IN PAPERBACK $5.50 Available in Thornhill at Thornhill Public Library 10 Colborne St: M. Cordingley Interiors, Yonge and Colborne Sts.; Mac‘s Variety Store. 7588 Yonge St. or by mail (postpaid) from Mrs. R. W. FitzGerald, 7616 Yonge St. Thornhill Tailors & Cleaners We’ve Moved! Thornhill and District News You must see our new collection of men's fine haberdashery including Riviera Slacks. brand name shirts, ties, etc. And of course the finest in Custom Tailoring OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS formerly Harley‘s Drug Store fam-f Minister of Agriculture Wil- missedlliam Stewart was a guest. It helpedlwas announced the organizat- of the'ion was buying and thus pl‘e‘ serving the Erland Lee Home Iember in Saint George. After this report Mrs. Mabel Misen read a paper on Agri- culture and Industry. Social Convenor Mrs. Will Middleton served the refreshments and there was a pleasant and soc- iable half hour. The next meeting will be the Christmas one. December 16 at Mrs. Mis- en's. Church News Holy Trinity Anghcan held‘fgr its annual congregational din-Ch.a her on November 18. The con- 5 venor was Mrs. Arthur Craw-lpuc ford with assistance from thelthu Anglican Women. hm the 75th anniversary of the WI founding. he spoke on its history. Both his grandmoth- er and his mother were mem- bers. The November meeting of the Thornhill WI was at Mrs. Bert Heslop's with 15 persons present. Mrs. Grace Sayers gave a humorous paper on cur- rent events. touching on the new stamps, the rise in post-‘ age and the Trudeau baby. This was followed by a re- port of the area convention by; An interesting highlight of the Moot was a slave auction of Crews to the Rangers. The penalty was the preparation of a meal by the Rovers for the Rangers! Eighty dollars was raised at the auction and was promptly donated to the Crip-l pled Civilian Society. l The program included a car rally and dancing. This was a most popular ev- ent in Rover Scouting in On- tario since more than 300 R0- vers and Rangers attended. They were from such places as Royal Oaks, Michigan and Windsor. New members or those who wish to enquire please phone ‘Mrs. Doris Baker, 222-3604. Rover Moot The 3rd Thornhill Rover Crew (Holy Trinity Anglican) under the leadership of Rover Adviser Bob Shearer attended the second annual Woodstock Rover Moot at Camp Shegard- aynou. The club was entertained by a children‘s choir under the direction of Hugh Martin of Woodland Senior School. He had them very well train- ed and they all seemed to en- joy working. He makes it fun for the 45 children of an age span from eight years to 14. New members or those who wish to enquire please phone “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please call Miss Margaret Gavan, 14 Deanbank Drive, 889-5372 Mrs. Edna Blackburn from 'Black Creek Pioneer Village Italked to the Guides about nioneer life and gave them I§hot scene: that she had made 'on the old stove. Each girl [had a chance to make a small, ‘ihand-dipped candle. Hikes became new and fas- cinating experiences. Two 'mid- night' hikes involved running pell-mell across fields. lying on the ground to study stars. stumbling through streams and woods with much squealing and laughter and discovering that sumac seeds taste like sour lemons. The Guides were very reluc- tant to leave when parents ar- rived on Sunday afternoon to lake them home. An enrolment was held by the 2nd Thornhill Company on November 15. Carol Dayment. Cheryl Bar and Sandra Carson the new recruits. passed their Tenderfoot and were enrolled as Guides. The 2nd Thornhill Guides: have been awarded badges as follows: Brenda Ashley - Nat- uralist. Woodman and Wood- lore Emblem: Hostess - Cathy' Buchanan. Susan Deane. Jen: nifer Lee and Katherine Neun:i First Aid Stage 2 - Jamie Van‘ Ek. Kathleen Van Ek. l The Guides were not rough- ing it this time â€" they lived in a modern, comfortable heat- ed building. Duties such as dishwashing were done cheer- fully so that they could carry out the program which was geared to the Guide challenge and badge work. There were weather reading sessions, nature and conserva- tion hikes. farm tours, instruc- tion in the interpretation of air photographs and subse- quent field work. using the photos to study land forms and use. After a cold. wet aft- ernoon doing:r field work in the woods, fields. hills and swamps. the Guides were hapn py to gather in the warm lab‘ for practical work in mapl dra wing ation the 01d nioheer' holiisré The 2nd Thornhlll Guides spent a weekend recently at the Albion Hills Conservation Field Centre. A small group of Guides from Langstaff join- ed them there. i The Pilot Project for the After Four program at Thom~ hill United is holding an oven house November 29 from 7:30 - 9 pm. Mrs. Claire Thompson held a birthday party for her mo- ther, Mrs. Elizabeth Crosier, 89. Mrs. Crosier is living with Mrs. Thompson now. She was a resident of Willowdale. Guests included her daughter, son-in-law and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barker from Marathon, the Lakehead. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moorehouse, Kevin and Perry Thompson, grandchildren and great grand- children. There was a turkey dinner with all the trimmings and a birthday cake. Guides WANT EXTRA INCOME, A temporary job may be the answer. Read the Help Wanted Columns in “The Liberal“ every week for Job opportunities throughout York County. The UCW Christmas meet- ing is Decemberfi at 6:30 pm. It will take the form of a pot luck supper. There will be a program, a sing-song and wor- ship. Mrs. Johnson closed the meeting with prayer. Refresh- ments were served and everyâ€" body had had a pleasant aft- ernoon. The next meeting. the Christ- mas one. will be December 14 at the home of Mrs. Douglas MacDonald. I Mrs. John Davidson gave a talk on parables. Mrs. Norm- an Nixon 1‘ead two poems. the first being on African prov- erbs. It was decided that the 0f- ficers should remain in their pofitions for the coming year The minutes of September and October were approved. Mrs. Earl Jackson took up the offering and made the offer- atory prayer. The Thornhill Presbyterian WMS regular meeting Novem- ber 16 was at the home of Mrs. Ralph Camsell. Mrs. Rita Stuart opened the session. The devotional period was conduct- ed by Mrs. Percy Williamson. using the text: Called and Faithful. There was music before din~ ner from a new local organiz- ation. the Dixieland Group. composed of Phil and Chris Trow, Ken Matheson, Randy Wood and Jeff Neeley. After dinner there was a variety program of entertainment sup- plied by different groups and individuals. The Footlights Club provided a skit. In Thorn/rill had madefIDEAS. The materials used in foam and gilt edgings. Each girlfthe decorations described in this CHRISTMAS TREES. DEC- e a Smallgsoft covered booklet are on‘ORATIONS AND ORNAMENTS the whole a little sloppy: papier‘by Irma Chrisman. A well-ill- and fag- mache, plaster of paris. sprayEustrated book which offers for Two -mid_ipaints. etc. So this pamphlet the most part, inventive and 1 running would be more useful for an 01- practical ideas for constructing is. lying der child who can work with artificial trees of all sizes and udy 5mm gooey substances without for decorating the outside of 'eams and driving his busy mother absol- the house. soupalingflltely insane , In addition to all these books [Gretchen Grimm: Two for the [younger generation which give simple. step-by-step directions for some really ingenious cards and decorations. Calendar Cap- ers even lists the materials that are needed in colored type at the beginning of each project and has a note in the margin in- dicating the ages for which the project is most practical. 1 CHRISTMAS IDEA BOOK by ‘Dorothy Biddle and Dorothea Blom. This book shows how to (carry a single decorating theme [all through the house. Ever- mzreen boughs. nine cones. nuts. ‘ FUN WITH GREETING lCARDS by Joseph Leeming. A children's book filled with ideas which even the little ones can use with a minimum of material and supervision. If you're not very handy yourself you may want to take a peek too. MAS by Lucy Sargent. This is not a volume for dabblers since quite an investment in time and tools is required to complete the ornaments pictured. But the re- sults are totally dazzling. FESTIVALS FOR YOU TO CELEBRATE by Susan Purdy and CALENDAR CAPERS by ENER’S CHRISTMAS BOOK by Helen Goddard. The photo- graphs in both these books' would inspire decorating ambitv ions in anyone. Although a few simple projects are included. most plans are fairly elaborate. TINCRAFT FOR CHRIST- CHRISTMAS CRAFT BOOKS Christmas is a time for doing as well as buying. Thornhill Public Library has the books to help you with your seasonal projects. dore Saros and THE GARD CHRISTMAS LIGHTING AND DECORATING by Theo- lllll“\lllllfllllulllmllllll“llIllllIll“Hlllllllllllllllllllllll‘llll“lllllmll fll“\llmlllllll!“lllllll|l\llllllllmnlllllllllll|lllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS North Thornhill Rezoning Hearing December 16 The application comes from Rosburn Investments Limited of Willowdale. The company plans to build a three-storey commercial and residential complex with commercial space on the first floor and two-storey dwelling units over. The hearing will take place in the municipal of- fices at Buttonville. Metro Looks Again At Vaughan-Markham This would include all of Pickering Township lying south of Highway 7 includ- ing the Town of Ajax and the Village of Pickering. Involved will be 41,173 res- idents and 9.740 dwellings. More than 75% of the tax- able assessment is residen- tial. The remaining portion of the township. it is expected. would become part of a neighboring township. Metâ€" ro already has substan- tial land holdings for san- itary landfill. waterfront development and parks in Pickering. Markham Planning Com- mittee has scheduled a pub- lic hearing for December 16 at 8 pm to consider propo- sals for rezoning the east side of Yonge Street south of Kirk Drive in North Thornhill. Metro Council on Nov- ember 16 also switched its position and voted 14-6 to extend its boundaries to the east to include a 70-square- mile borough in Pickering. The Metro Council on Tuesday of last week ag- reed to try again to get provincial government ap- proval for annexation of Thornhill and nearby areas of Vaughan and Markham Towns south of Highway 7. Repairs to all makes FREE ESTIMATES B and B SEWING MACHINE SERVICE Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 773-5332 Sewing Machine Repairs BOOK TALK THORNHILL PUBLIC LIBRARY Christmas Craft Books Try For Annexation CHRISTMAS ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE by John Brimer. This book presents detailed in- structions which produce re- sults that look complicated but can actually be created quite quickly by making use of spec- ialized (but widely available) hobby materials such as stym- foam and gilt edgings. In addition to all these books we have a great many general handicraft books for both chilâ€" dren and adults who want to make their own gifts this year. We'll be glad to hblp you choose something appropriate to your ambitions and skill. CANDLE MAKING by Susan Strose. In addition to explain- ing several methods of making candles this book contains a long section on decorating candles. In case you don‘t want to undertake the whole process these techniques can be used with bought candles as easily as with those made at home. Carlis. This book, mainly for ad- ults describes a few quite elabâ€" orate techniques but also con- tains suggestions which even the least dextrous and those with no talent at all for drawing can use to create very striking ef- fects. HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN GREETING CARDS by John fruits and branches are used as basic materials for nearly all of the crafts. Mr. Tutt attended Holy Trin- ity Church when he lived in the village. He was married at St. Paul‘s. Lamoreaux. There were seven children and all are living, although Buster Tutt and Mrs. Jim Mark are the only two who remained in Thornhill. Ernie is in To- ronto and Harold in Oshawa. The daughters are Mrs. Made- Ieerle Harper. Whitehorse. Mrs. Mabel Johnston. Ohio and Mrs. Bernice Brooker. Richmond Hill. There are 24 grandchild- ren and five great grandchild- ren. Obituary He worked on a farm as a young man and then had a farm of his own just south of Thornhill Public School on Yonge Street. Later he lived on Colborne Street in the house that became Thomhil] Public Library. After that he lived further north on Yonge Street, Latterly he and Mrs. Tutt (Lil- lian Coveyduck) lived in an apartment. Jim Tutt died November 4 in his 74th year. Seventy-one of those years he lived in or close to Thornhill. He was born in England but his family emi- grated to Canada very shortly after his birth. They first lived on Lawrence Avenue but then moved to Thomhill. Jim Tutt Once lived In Thornhill Library Before the boundary change can be effected Metro must win the ap- proval of the Department of Municipal Affairs and that department’s Minister Dal- ton Bales must recommend it to the provincial cabin- et. Cabinet approval would result in an amendment to the Metropolitan Toronto Act to establish the _new borough. The decision was 3 rev- ersal of a September 1970 one that accepted a norther- ly boundary extension ab- ove Steeles Avenue but re- jected the eastern exten- sion. Annexation of Thorn- hill and area would add 50- square miles of Vaughan and Markham Towns to the metropolitan complex. This does not mean. how- ever, that the expansion will take place. Metro wants it to come about and Pick- ering wants it. but the ap- proval of the provincial government has to be see- ured. Fairlawn Nursery & Junior School TURN SPARE ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS 2 Locations Full and Half Day MAIN SCHOOL BRANCH SCHOOL 8403 YONGE ST” BAYVIEw 5; THORNHILL SHEPPARD 889-0464 223-5968 Nursery. Junior and Senior Kindergarten Creative Art, Music. Phys. Ed. Conversational French taught daily Mrs. Renee Mirshak. instructor Spacious Playgrounds, Transportation, Staff Driven Vehicles WE ARE NOW IN POSITION TO SERVE RICHMOND HILL AS WELL AS THORNHILL FOR LITTLE PEOPLE Established 1953 DIRECTOR MRS. HELEN HILL The outfit was sent on to the Ontario area competition. Again it was judged as first, Susan received a sevn’ng machine of the best and latest design. NATIONAL WINNER Her outfit went on to the Canadian competition which has 75 stores involved. A profes- sional modelled the outfit. Again it came first. This time the prize was $1,00t in cash and a trip for two to thq American finals in San Fran cisco! The pant suit was a great success and Susan completed the outfit with a long-sleeved gold blouse. Mrs‘. Siegal entered the outfit in the sewing mach- ine company's fashion show for the district. in the junior miss section. Slisan came first and was given a set of scissors. STARTED IN AUGUST She went to a sewing machine store in North Town Plaza last August. She decided to make a pant suit with a jumper top. chose her material and set to work with the help of the teacher there. Mrs. Edna Siegal. Susan Steele of 60 Clark- It was a glorious trip. They haven Street, Thornhill, is 11. had the best of accommodation. She attends Thornhill Public excellent eating places. guided School and is in grade six. tours to Muir Woods, the Redâ€" It isn‘t very often a person wood Forest, across the Bay to of this age can take her mother Sausilto and of course to China- for a trip to San Francisco all‘town. expenses paid for one week. FINALS IN v.s_A_ B“ that is “3933’ What susan, The final competition was ex- did It happened this way. Susan wanted to learn to sew. She could knit, crochet. knot. etc. but had only made a nightgown in sewing. Her grandmother and her aunt were outstanding needlewomen. So Susan thought it was time she took up sewing is earnest. It is to have six classrooms. a kindergarten. science room. general purpose room with changing rooms for boys and ‘ Three large skydomes in the \ central rotunda and at the in- tersection of the corridors will let sunlight into areas that have OLGA L LU q yuvln. DLIIUUL LIICJ rarely come over to the separ- ate school. They are already established and 'want to stay with their friends. d-llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllIll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllillll“llllll“llllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllml-I New Catholic School To Be 3-m“ullllmmlllllllmllllll““\llllllllllllllll“llllllllm“ll11mm“lll\1\\1lllllllllllull“!lll‘lllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllll\\lllll\\llllllll\lllllll\lllllllll\lllll“l“111\l1111llllll1lll\ll1]lllllllllllllllllllllllmullllllllllllmlllllllllllllll“lll[111111llll11‘lllll!lllllllllllll“llll\\l\llullllmmlmmllm4' Eleven-year-old Susan Steele of Thornhill poses in the outfit she made and entered in a sewing machine company contest to win a trip to California. with her mother. Mn: California T r120 OPEN ALL YEAR Scheduled to open in Sep- tember. the school is on the westerly edge of the new North Hills Subdivision at the end of Kreighoff Avenue. Architect- urally it will conform in de- sign to surrounding houses. The John XXIII School will provide classroom space for 285 children in three wings farming out from a central ad- ministration centre. Architect Gar Maclnnis of Gordon Adamson and Associ- ates met several times with committees of trustees, admin- istrators and principals before the final plan was approved. York County Roman Catholic School Board has approved the design and the name for a new school to be built in the Union- ville area. 000 the mmunmummummumnnununuuumummmmmmummmw And all this happened because Susan wanted to take sewing lessons! Of course her mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Steele. and her two brothers, were all excited and delighted The final competition was ex- citing too. Although the Can- adian competition was separate and already judged. Susan had to model her outfiti There were two other Canadian girls. both older. and their mothers. They also had to be models for their entries. The fashion magazines had their representatives. such as “Vogue.” “Mademoiselle,” etc. and Dinah Shore, Sherri Lewis and Don Loper were there to present prizes. The five lucky winners of $10 in the Club 400 draw held November 20 by Thornhill Minor Hockey League were: 7 Pete La Mantia. 22 Pat Herbert. 173 Frank Reddy. 252 Stan Vine Construction and 271 Ed Ast Club 400 Draw KINLING CANNAL COAL 96 STEELES AVENUE WEST In Amounts to Suit Your Needs Cash 8; Carry from The Garden Centre Firewood delivered and stacked in your garage, by the cord or half cord â€" Open Seven Days ArWeek â€" NORTHMOUNT GARDEN CENTRE FUTURE EXPANSION Design and construction of the building will allow for a future second floor over the classroom wings to be located in any position. says the arch- itect‘s description of the pro- posed building. girls, and a combination stage- lunch room. a library and health and guidance rooms. Two of the teaching areas are double classrooms which can be converted into single class- rooms. There are also four seminar rooms which can be in- creased in size by folding back a movable partition. The stage of the general pur- pose room can be converted into a lunch room and separ- ated from the gymnasium por- tion by a folding partition, BYRON E. RING 7783 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 889-7783 \ \«»w\»\r\x\r\-\'\r\« \ -/, mm W WVWWWWIF] THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY of YORK DATED at Newmarket this 27th day of‘ October, 1971. 895-2303 3. The construction of a grade separation be- tween Maple Road (Regional Road it 25) and the tracks of the Canadian National Railway in the Town of Vaughan and all related works and undertakings, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands. 4. The widening of Maple Road (Regional Road 19‘: 25) in the Town of Vaughan and the Town of Richmond Hill to a basic width of 120 feet from approximately 800 feet east of Keele Street (Regional Road # 6) to approximately 300 feet west of Yonge Street with additional widenings at intersections, cuts and fills; the grading, gravelling and paving thereof to provide a basic four-lane roadway with additional lanes at inter- sections, together with the construction of all related works and undertakings and the acquisi- tion of the necessary lands and interests in lands. The Engineering Committee [of the Regional Council will, at its meeting to be helrl at 2:00 pm. on the 14th of December, 1971, at the Engin- eering Building on the west side of Don Mills Road one and one-quarter miles north of the Aurora Side Road, hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent. any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. Plans showing the propOSed works may be in- spected at the office of David Hill. Director of Property, at the Enginering Building (Tel.: 1. The widening of Don Mills Road (Regional Road 11+. 8) in the Town of Markham from approx- imately 850 feet north to approximately 850 feet south of its intersection with Maple Road (Reg- ional Road # 25); and the widening of Maple Road (Regional Road it 25) in the Town of Mark- ham from approximately 850 feet east to approx- imatelv 850 feet west of its intersection with Don Mills Road (Regional Road it 8) ; both of such widenings being to a basic width of 120 feet: the grading, gravelling and paving of such roads to provide a basic four-lane roadway with additional turning lanes at the intersection and the con- struction of all related works and undertakings, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands. 2. The widening of Don Mills Road (Regional Road it 8) in the Town of Markham between Steeles Avenue and Highway No. 7 to a basic width of 120 feet with additional widenings at intersections, cuts and fills; the grading, gravel- ling and paving thereof to provide a basic five- lane roadway, being four lanes for the movement of traffic and a centre lane for left turns only, and the construction of all related works and undertakings, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands. THE COUNCIL OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PROPOSES TO PASS A BY-LAW AUTHORIZING: Ring Funeral Home 889-2102 GREY CUP, SPECIAL . I FREE BOX OF KINDLING There are now about 100 R0- man Catholic children attend- ing public schools in Markham, said Hodge. but Assistant Sup- erintendent John Zupancic warned that. once children start to a public school they rarely come over to the separ- ate school. They are already established and Want to stay with their friends. Areas for public use. such as the general purpose room and library. are located for easy ac- cess to the outside. Landscaping will provide for play areas away from the street. At a recent meeting of the b o a r d. Superintendent Joe Hodge said students for the school will come not only from the new subdivision. but also from overflow at St. Joseph's School and grade 7 and 8 classes from St. Patrick‘s School in Markham. no windows with each cord of wood Edward Oakes 62 Bayview Avenue Newmarket Ontario Solicitor for The Regional Municipality of York 225-2781

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