/ VOL. 95, NO. 2-2 Committee-Oi-Whole Stays Closed Councillor Jack Van Luyk termed it a "step in the right direction" this week after a much-maligned King T0\\n5hlp Council decided to open the bulk of its committee meetings to the general public. The only exception will be committeeâ€"of-the-nhole meet- ings which will continue to be closed. |1l\lllllll\ll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llll\\llllll\\\llllllllll“lllllllllllll“ Term 0n Seneca College Board See Editorial Page 2 mum1mlulu“uumummuumumumuuuuumm\uuuuuumm King Council Opens Some Meetings Councillor Van Luyk told “The Liberal" Tuesday he has always favored open committee meet- ings except where “business is of a personal or private nature." He said that even in “such cases as these, a report of any decision should be made as a Garriock Returned For A Second At a meeting November 11, York Regional Council re-ap- pointed Norn Garriock of Woodbridge as one of the reg- ion's two representatives on the board of governors of Seneca College. A former mayor of the Vil- lage of Woodbridge and former chairman of Vaughan Township Planning Board. Gai'riock is a program executive with the Canadian Broadcasting Corpor- ation and chairman of the Sen- eca board. He was first appointed to the board in 1966 by the old York County Council with approval of the Council of Regents for Colleges of Applied Arts and Technologyin Ontario. He was glected chairman following the death of Seneca‘s first Chair~ man Dr. Frederick Minkler in the summer of 1970. Garriock's term of office ex~t pires at the end of December.' He was nominated for a second term by Richmond Hill Reg~' tonal Councillor Donald Plax- ton. also a member of the Seneca Board since it was formed In 1966 and now vice- chairman of the board, NORN GARRIOCK York Region Representative board of governors are a pointed by the owned of re ents. two are appointed ' North York and two by York The college‘s original camD Plaxton credited Garriock with being largely instrumental in bringing the college's new campus to the Region of York. There was considerable pres- sure in North York to locate in the Downsview area. but in August the college acquired the 700-acre Eaton Hall property in King Township and classes there will commence early in the new year. North ank and the Region of York. Eight of the 12-man ‘eneca sen The Candystripers (junior auxiliary) of York Central Hospital were the guests of honor at the open general meeting of the auxiliary held Tuesday evening, November 9, in the auditorium of Don Head Secondary School. Following the business agenda, entertainment was provided by this lively group of girls, who presented a short skit -â€"â€" a satire on the daily routine of a Candystriper. Written by Susan Hall, it was a humorous dramatization of the many mistakes that can occur in a hospital, often with disastrous results, but in this instance it provoked much laughter from the auxiliary members, guests and parents of the junior volunteers. In the picture above (left to right) depicting the general turmoil. Candystripers Britt Kvaran. Shelagh Campbell, Barbara Neale and Susan Hall are endeavoring to keep calm under stress â€" a difficult feat on this occasion, but one for t. » . ‘ which they are noted at York Central Hospital. the Borough \Purlic L . 21}. Kiri I x ,1. t Rick? ' A“. The decision to throw com- mittee meetings open â€"â€" includâ€" ing that of planning committee which has been closed â€" came November 15. SEVERE CRITICISM "We have nothing to hide." was the comment of King Town- ship councillors as they decided to open the "closed meeting" policy almost all the way. The council has been the subject of severe criticism from the mittee meetings was proposed by Councillors Roy Wilson and Murray Sheardown. both of. whom formerly have been the‘ closed door policy‘s staunchesl supporters. They were warned by Councillor Donald Findlay that they might regret their ac- tion later. i 2 COUNCILLORS FOUGHT Councillor Sheardown said he was "fed up to here with hear- say and damned nonsense which public and press since the be-|1nay well be libelous." He later ginning of the year, when the public found itself excluded from all committee meet- ings unless by appointment. The, most important meeting â€"â€" the committee of the wholel -â€" will continue to meet behind“ closed doors. however. 3 t d For A Second[ criticized Councillor Ben Rough‘s enthusiastic endorse- ment of the resolution, charging that he had held the opposite View in January. A move by Councillor Rough and Councillor Jack Van Lurk in June to have every meeting open to the press and the public failed. However. at that time delegations were given a choice of appearing before either an open or a closed meeting. result of the meeting board of governors are ap- pointed by the council of reg- ents, two are appointed by North York and two by York. ? The college‘s original campus opened in a factory building on Sheppard Avenue at Yonge Street in Willowdale in the fall of 1967 with an enrolment of 100 students. A second campus opened on Finch Avenue at Woodbine Avenue in the fall of ‘1968 and more than 9.000 stud- ents are now enrolled in full ‘and part. time courses. For nearly a year the college has been conducting part time courses in schools. churches land other public buildings in ‘the Region of York. Isn't There A Doctor In T he House? The motion to open the com- mittee meetings was proposed by Councillors Roy Wilson and Murray Sheardown. both of whom formerly have been the closed door policy‘s staunchesl supporters. They were warned by Councillor Donald Findlay that they might regret their ac- tion later. l I 2 COUNCILLORS FOUGHT Mayor Ken Mactaggart con- tended that many committee meeting reports were not being printed. “so maybe people may feel there were closed meet- ings." It is not expected that coun- cil's reversal of policy will bring any great influx of people to the committee meetings. Nine semi-detached building lots. with a protective berm and trees. proposed by Jillian Est- ates for the Essex-Palmer Av- enue area. have been ap- proved by Richmond Hill Town Council. Semi-Detached Lots In Essex-Palmer Area The approval is subject to a minimum frontage of 60 feet and lot area of 7.200 square feet; extension of Palmer Av- enue to the railway tracks: prov- ision by the applicant of water- mains, hydro-electric sanitary sewer services and telephone storm sewer, catch basins and a .11ul\l\\ml\l\\\\l\\\\l\\\\\l\\\l\\l\\l\\l\l\l\lll\ll“lI“\lllll\\\\\\\\\lll\ll\\\l‘ “UM With a majority of 209. Donald Deacon, Liberal. re- tains the seat of York Cen- tre in the Ontario Legislat- ure as the result of a judi- cial recount held Monday of this week. The results on completion of voting Octo- ber 21 showed Mr. Deacon with a majority of 215. MLA Deacon lost three votes in the recount to the Progressive Conservative Candidate Anthony Roman. Mayor of Markham. 209 Majority For Deacon mmumumuuumunmmunumw ME 9 , WWI RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1971 mum In a year. operating re- 3â€â€5 “1‘7 “‘5.†“WV “‘ “‘c venue has dropped from “Ya-"n “(Wam- 80.75¢ per mile to 77.44;! per ‘ Bl‘lgadlgr Bong-91ml?“ mile. Operating expenses ‘accoTpameddbyh$1gsvdler have risen from 822.689! per ‘ney Owe a" P 1 1p ass‘ mile to 86.05¢ per mile. HELPING PEOPLE Honeychurch also saxd mmu\ml\u\u\uumuuuummulll‘\u\\uu1m“\muuuuuummm function of the Sah'ation The earth berm will be ade- quate to shield the area from noise emanating from the adjacent railway operations. and a security fence. satisfactory to the CNR will be constructed al- ong the easterly boundary of the property. A line of trees having a minimum diameter of two inches will be planted on top of the berm. it was re- ported. 28-foot pavement with curbs street lights and street signs. The developers will pay five percent of finished land value in lieu of park land and pIant one tree of suitable size on each lot. Cedar Avenue from Mark- ham Road to its southern end is approximately 2,700 feet long. From a {Unctionai design point of View, it is inadvisable to create a dead end 'residential street of such length, the plan- ning committee pointed out to council. In addition, a future grade separation on Markham Road at the CNR Track may adversely affect the intersec- tion of Cedar Avenue and Mark- ham Road. Council accepted the committee's recommendation that its works committee ex- amine \\'ays and means by which Palmer Avenue may be extendâ€" ed to connect Cedar and Lennax Avenues. The Richmond Hill-To- ronto bus service operated by the Toronto Transit Commission for the Towns of Vaughan. Markham and Richmond Hill. lost 52.461.“ in July, August and September. This is accord- ing to a report received by Richmond Hill Town Coun- cil November 15. The deficit includes provision for seat tax of $539.35. Richmond Hill owns 61.28% of the franchise for this bus service and so has been billed $1,508.37 as its share. M a r k h a m owns 27.95% and will pay $687.97 and Vaughan owns 10.77% for a payment of $265.10. Total deficit on the ser- vice for the first nine for a payment of $265.10. Total deficit on the ser- vice for the first nine months of this year was 57.657. The deficit was $2,028.41 for the first nine months of 1970. The On- tal‘io Government‘s G0 bus service was initiated at the beginning of September 1970 and the above figures indicate it. has had a sub- stantial impact on the re- venue of the “FTC-operated service. GO‘ Increases TTC Deficit Zn Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charit; Britt Kvaran. Shelagh Campbell, feat on this occasion, but me for A servioé unit of the Salva- tion Army will be established in this community in the near future. with the blessing of the local Social Planning Council. This unit will be manned by a group of local citizens who will have at their disposal all re- sources of the Salvation Army, Brigadier Herbert Honeychurch told the local group on Novem- ber 17. "We want to be a part of Richmond Hill." he said. The brigadier also recalled that for many years the Rich- mond Hill Lions sponsored a campaign for the Salvation Army. "We are mo'st anxious to change the nature of the fund- raising and make it a personal‘ appeal. We would enlist Toot sol- diers. people who know the community. who are known by the community and who also know what is happening under the Salvation Army banner. If we do not serve the whole of the community we will not. have the satisfactory experience of see- ing the task done in the best ests of that community in mind. But we never become paroch- ial," Brigadier Honeychurch assured the council. “All of us have a responsibility beyond the boundaries of our own com- munity." He said the appeal for funds next May will be conducted as a Zl‘é-hour doorâ€"to-door blitz. In- dustry would be canvassed by other means. 3:5;ill!““\llllt“lllllllllll“l“llll““l“Illlllllllllllllllllllltlllllllll\l\\\ll New Jai l .way." he said. / Salvation Army Announces’ Expansion To Richmond Hilli (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio; Honeychurch also said the function of the Salvation Army is to provide services to man- kind in the name of Our Lord. to make every effort to better the state of mankind. “It's a very wonderful way to spend one’s life." he said. adding that the Army covers most aspects of human need. He referred to the House of Concord, Which provides a home for boys in difficulty with the law. as the nearest army ser- vice to Richmond Hill. “We are opening another House of Con- cord in the London area, in- creasing our coverage and have received a request for a sim- ilar service in the easterly part of the province." he said. Social Planning Council's Chairman Rev. George Young said some of the services are already available in Richmond Hill, such as Help-Mate and the Family Counselling Service. “And yet we are still getting calls from this area. The name of the Salvation Army gives an open channel to people who need assistance. We wouldn‘t want it to conflict with that which is al- ready established." said the brigadier. He said Judge James Butler and Band Porter have volun- teered to serve the Army in the new unit. “There's really no problem of overlapping.†he said “We can supplement what is already available or can serve to bring these facilities more readily into use we 5 Si d- ‘Council Honors Canadian Champs At Annual Citizen Awards Dinner The engineering committee report pointed out that cen- tring of the grade separation on the existing road allowance would virtually wipe out evâ€" ery property on the north and south sides of the road. Construction of a bypass about 570 feet north of the present road would affect only a few properties and just one farm house. Cost estimates for several schemes were developed by the consultants. The scheme rec- ommended by the committee and approved by council is the least costly. SPLITS GORMLEY Although it would separate the east and west sections of Gormley and mean a rerouting of traffic. it would eliminate the existing railway crossing. Access to the residential and industrial area east of the tracks will be via a BOO-foot con- necting road. Access to the resi- dential area West of the tracks will be via Leslie Street South Concession 3), ‘ GOAL OF $5.000 He said recent campaigns fox the Salvation Army raised $1‘ 500 to $1,800 in this community. It was Canadian Champions which won the Canadian Sen- night for Richmond Hill last ior "A" Men's Softball Champ: Thursday at the Summit Golf ionship in Halifax in early Sept- and Country Club. ember. The council also honored Town council honored the 13-year-old George Leary of RR Dynes Jewellers Fastball teampl. Gormley, who won the Can- ‘ adian Sub-Junior Trap Shoot- ing Championship July 4 at nu Annnllnrne Vancouver. Region Plans To Bypass Hamlet “We would like to increase this to about $5,000. a percentage of which would remain for im- mediate action within the com- munity. “The Salvation Army is scat-mot all 25 birds and George got tered throughout the world and 24. tries to come into every com- Because all these Canadian munity with the highest inter- Champions were also Ontario ests of that community in mind. Champions. Mayor William Lazâ€" But we never become paroch- enby was assisted by Barney ial," Brigadier Honeychurch Danson MP. York North and assured the council. “All of us Donald Deacon MLA. York Cenv have a responsibility beyond theatre in the presentations of cuff- boundaries of our oWn com- links and tie tacks bearing the munity." town's coat of arms and a leath- He said the appeal for funds er wallet and key case which novf luau will hn nnnrlnr-tnd a: a 3150 bore the insignia. éié-houf door-to-door blitz. In- YOUNGEST WINNER [1969, trustees of the "Southerer,t support an education system dustry would be canvassed by The youngest-ever recipientlSix" municipalities (Townships other means. (Continued on Page 3) lof Markham and Vaughan, Vilâ€" (Continued on Page 3) g-mm“muzuuummuuuuuummmmmmmummnuummmmumimumum\muwmimmuunummuiiImuinmunuIuuuumimumumuiumu\mmumimmuuuummmunumummmmnmuuummuuimmmmmmuuuuunmuumlu“uummmuuuummg nuw New Jail Study Given Green Light, Police Commission To Make Report Richmond Hill Regional Councillor Donald laxton got more support than he asked for when he presented a resolution to York Regional Council November 11. At an earlier meeting Lawyer Plaxton had notified council that he would be bringing in a resolution asking council to consider the need for a regional jail. He pointed out that money is made available from provincial and federal sources for capital works. A jail might be less desirable than some projects. Plaxton admitted. adding that it is nevertheless just as essential. The Region of York is one of the few regions or counties with no jail or lockup, said Plaxton. Yet an increasing number of crimes are being committed, often aggravated by social problems such as drug abuse. There are also an increasing number of convictions. but the only correctional institution in the region is the Salvation Army's House of Concord which is not a jail, but rather a halfway house for young men. Persons awaiting trial or transportation to some place like Guelph Reformatory or Millbrook have to be kept in the Don Jail in Toronto. Con- ditions there, said Plaxton “would shock most of us.†He described it as a deplorable place. a 19th century lockup, smelly and dreary. with tiers of cells reaching up to the high ceiling. There is considerable cost involved in taking prisoners back and forth It also costs more in the long run to put people in such old type jails, Plaxton said. Many come out and repeat their anti-social behavior. “but we can't turn our backs on them." mmuuuw IW HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 ll“ ll“! The recommended scheme. said the report. will provide earth needed in the Highway 404 interchange. cutting costs of the two projects. The Highway 404 right-of-way runs between Leslie Stfeet and ’Woodbine Av- enue (formerly Don Mills Road). Since the location of the proposed subway and the High- way 404 interchange depend upon one another. said the re- port. it is necessary to establish a plan for the CNR crossing as soon as possible. Cost would be borne jointly by the CNR. the Railway Grade Crossing Fund. The Department of Transporta- tion and Communications and the Region of York. the Region of York. Although council was ag- reed that the railway and High-1 way 404 projects should be co-' ordinated in the interests of . . llMetro Council is still pressing 1 Awards Dinner which won the Canadian Sen- ior “A†Men's Softball Champ- ionship in Halifax in early Sept-A York County Board of Educa- tion is continuing its fight to hold the line on Metro. At a meeting of the board Monday. Markham Trustee John MacKay drew the attention of trustees to recent reports that for expansion of Metro into Vaughan and Markham. If the people of the Region of York do not continue to protest, said MacKay, the provmce will think they are indifferent and York will lose by default. “We must let them know This was the eighth annual evening of entertainment held by council to thank those who serve without remuneration on town committees and to honor outstanding citizens. Young Champion George Leary. son of Jack and Laura Leary later in the summer was the runner-up in the American Sub - Junior Championshin. which is recognized as a world title. In the regular competition, he and the eventual winner each had 195 out of 200 birds. In the shoot-off the winner got all 25 birds and George got New Road To Save Gormley MW [\“l' lll‘ economy and safety. several councillors were concerned about level crossings in their own municipalities. SOME RESERVATIONS Regional Councillor Donald Plaxton of Richmond Hill ob- served that although he is glad to see the environment of Gor- mley will be protected. he is more concerned about level crossings in his own municipâ€" ality. The overpass at Gormley will facilitate commuter traffic. said Plaxton. but what about the people who use internal roads (Continued on Page 3) York Trustees Agree To Continue To Oppose Annexation By Metro brief strongly opposing such [ages of woodbridge’ Markham transfer. The municipalities ofiand Stouï¬mle’ and Town of Vaughan and Markham and the‘Richmond Hill) had prepared a county Of York Submitted Sim‘ibrief and met with Premier ilar briefs and their stand had William Davis then Minister, of been endorsed by the regional Education as'king that two counml‘ tboards of education be formed unuuuumnununummuuu1mmununnuuuumuumuuummulin the County of York, one for 533 Further the "Southern Sig'i and the story on page 3 other to serve mummpahtles to nunu\mmmmummmnmun\mmmmuuummmmimunummitheA {10:93, Hm MM“ w“ Although copies of these briefs had been sent to the Premier, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister of Educa- tion, said MacKay. it would not be wise to ignore the con- tinuing pressure from Metro. He reminded the trustees that, prior to the formation of the county board in January. 1969, trustees of the "Southern Six" municipalities (Townships l9721eep.. A K E R ’ S SALES & SERVICE 3. (1953) LTD. 9144 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone 889-1189 Richmond Hill Mayor tioned a need for more juvenile court facilities in aid centre. Modern methods of penology designed to rehabilitate the offender call for a new type of correctional institution, and probably a detox- ification centre, he said. Plaxton told council that in spite of mandatory breathalizer tests, statistics show that more people are drinking to excess and coming into the courts. “You can’t legislate anti-social behavior out of existence.†He also urged council to ask the regional police commission to look at the situation from a police point of View and report to council. Markham Mayor Anthony Roman suggested a full and comprehensive study. “Shouldn't we ask the Attorney-Generals Department to set up an investigation of the needs and implications '3" asked Roman. “They will eventually be brought into the picture. Why not do it all in one pack- Newmarket Mayor Robert Forhan urged council to “go to the top", to ask the Department of Justice to determine what legal and correc- tional facilities are needed in York. Councillor Plaxton protested that all he wants is a police study to determine whether there is a need or not. When such a report is brought in, he said) council can evaluate it and determine which department of government it should be referred to. It might be the Depart- ment of Reform Institutions, or it could be some other department of the provincial or federal government. When put to a vote, his resolution carried. age? ulmmuuv luumuumum mil SEE 11' AI following May. 1970. an Minister 4 WHEEL DRIVE Ill‘ ammumummumunmlulmmmu1mx\u\luuumuuuumuumm l\11\l\\\\llllll\lll\\\“llll“\llll‘limllllflul‘1 l\|\\\ll“\|l\ll\|“lll\l\l\1ll|l\lllll\llll\l“l\lll\\llllll\llllll|l\lll“\\\\l“l|\l At that time. MacKay was Chairman of Markham TSA 1 School Board and of the inter- im committee working to pave the way for the county board recalled that Davis turned down the request of the “Southern Six." pointing out that the municipalities to the north did not form an economically viable unit. He said the tax base would not support an education system Approve Medical Building Richmond St. Site William Lazenby men- adequate family and the region and a legal A medical contra on the south side of Richmond Slrcel, between Ynnge Street and Elizabeth Street receiv- ed the green light from Rich- mond Hill Town Council at its November 15 meeting. The two-storey building which will contain 14 rooms for the private practice of medicine and dentistry will be built by Dr. Arnie Aral. Dr. William Bedford and Dr, John Wachna. who have agreed in sign a site plan agreement with the town. An unusual and Interest- lmz feature of the architec- tural design is an exterior ramp which will give access to the second floor. This will he supported by a land- scaped harm and will be heated to keep it free from snow and ice. PRICE 15c PER COPY muuuuuw ll‘.‘