EEEEQQIEIQ gSPECIAI. ESTUBENT gRENTALs. I 3'7 TYPEWRITERS g? ADDING MACHINES I for" \& pd I 3‘; CALCULATORS 5’: OFFICE FURNITURE '31“ Ben l 3‘7 REPAIRS 1% WE DO PHOTO COPIES IEIcF rm 5 KAYDCN BUSINESS MACHINES LTD. “3' I (fm‘mcrlv Cnndkinrl Offir’p Fallinmpnfl 4 284 20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 25, 1971 FEQQ‘QIIII‘Q‘QEEEJ' F, '“ v I :12(“H(;TI\OCI\FDQI: IL\L = IT'S WORTH $l5 Sensational Savings on 8-track tapes Reg. $7.98 NOW $5.98 HEAVY HITS from mm 28 LEVENDALE RD. RICHMOND HILL WHILE THEY LAST: FREE GUESS WHO POSTER RICHMOND HILL TV SPEC/WS-Track Tapes from $3.98. Bring Your Car Player in for FREE HEAD CLEANING. THE BEST OF GUESS WHO 1209.97.98 NOW $5.98 STEPPENWOLF FOR LADIES ONLY Reg. $7.93 NOW$5.98 (formerly Goodkind Office Equipment) with purchase of any RCA Cartridge or Cassette I Blue delphmlums and Mme dalsy Chrysanthemums formed 1}": beautlful setting in Rich- lmnnd Hill Bap1ist Church for the July 10 wedding of Mary Jane Bertrand tn Cecnl Leslie Cockram Rev. Hal McBain per- ‘3? ADDING MACHINES ‘formed the ceremony and the wedding mucic was played by g OFFICE FURNITURE IMrs. Eleanor Charlton or ‘ Beechy Drive. Vocalist Margaret JAMES GANG LIVE IN CONCERT Rog. $7.98 NOW $5.98 JEFFERSON AIRPLANE BARK Rog. $7.98 now $5.98 D PHOTO COPIES . McFadzean sang. "There Is No Greater Lm'e." The hnde is 1119 daughter of . 'Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Bm‘trand of - 284 Browndale Crescent and the E Eqmpment) grnom is the son of RM. and Mrs Leslie Cnckram of 254 INnrth Taylor Mills Driw. ‘ Given in marriage by hpr father. the bride looked Im'ply in MOND HILL HANDCRAFTED 19†DECORATORuCOMPACT TABLE COLOR TV 180 sq. in. picture Open Thurs. & Fri. to 9 â€" Sat. to 6 pm For the Finest in Car. Boat and Home Stereo See Us! L; ‘499 I 3 DOG NIGHT HARMONY 1299.37.98 NOW $5.98 SOUTH BLOCK PHONE 884-7456 JOHN DENVERâ€"POEMS. PRAYERS 8| PROMISES Reg.$7.98 NOW$5.98 Flo wers White And Blue floor - length We buy old tapes FOR ONLY SEE THE GREY CUP IN COLOR age by her ked lovely in white-dotted In his latest venture he has embodied his own ideas of the needs of residents in the design and structure of the building. The X-shaped wings will give a beautiful View and a feeling of country estate living for every resident. he says. RIDING SCI-[00L !|_|D| Points of interest in the land- scape ‘and a quiet, ever-running MI“ stream with a walkway. bi‘idge,|appoi pond and restful overhanging Coun shade trees. There is a riding King school where children and to st grandchildren can exhibit their‘ 1972. riding skills or a resident mayf Mr get back in the saddle. [Elear For those with a green thumb.isigne there will be ample opportunity? In on the 16-acre grounds to gai‘inng Country Place will accommo- date 100 residents and will cost in the neighborhood of $400,- 000. The common rooms are de- signed for multi-uses such as the dining room doubling as an auditorium and the physio and occupational therapy room being used for arts and crafts. "People who are active in old age." says Fedyna. "are en- joying life more than those who are just sitting around." So Country Place is designed to encourage the continuation of life's normal activities. Members of the. staff will be ch05en to support the philoso- phy that what's best for the resident is best for Country Place, The building and staff will produce an atmosphere which will reflect a brighter. happier and more comfortable old age. Fedyna told “The Liberal". The latest in nursing homes. Country Place. is scheduled to open in Richmond Hill in a few Weeks. This beautiful octagonal- shaped residence is now near- ing completion just east of Bav- view on 18th Avenue ‘the for- mer Dr. Noble home). It fulfils a dream of its creator. John Fedyna, of giving older people a place to live in the country while still being able to par- ticipate in city activities. den Among the 100 guests were? There was a second letter people from Thornhill, Summer-ifrom Councillor Gerry Burnie side PEI. London, Clinton, of Péfferlaw expressing disap- Kingston, Brighton, Campbell- pointment at the loss to the ford and Stirling. municipality of Udora School Following a wedding trip tojwhich was sold at tender Oc- Northern Ontario, Mr. and Mrslttober 25. There were seven Cecil Cockram are residing atlhids ranging from' $500 to 110 Inver-lochy Boulevard, Ap-'$4,650. The highest bid from artment 703,Thornhilli lA. Mills and M. Wong was ‘â€"““__â€" accepted. _ . A _ . i Lovely Country Place Latest Nursing Home Fedyna. a local contractor, has also built a nursing home in Markham. Among the 100 guests weré people from Thornhill, Summer- side PEI. London, Clinton, Kingston, Brighton, Campbell- ford and Stirling. Following the ceremony a buffet supper was served in the church hall. Mrs. Bertrand‘ in a gown of petal pink crepe with a sequinâ€"trimmed neckline, rec- eived the guests. Her accessories were White. The groom‘s mother were a gown of yellow lace with matching hat. Both wore cor- sages of white and pink carna- tions. , Elizabeth Ann Bertrand was her sister's maid of honor. Brenda Boustead and Sandra Oliver served as bridesmaids and Diane Lucas as junior bridesmaid. They wore floor- Iength gowns with short puffed sleeves, with daisies dotting the material. The senior attendants were in pale lilac and the jun- ior bridesmaid in pale pink. Bouquets of mauve daisy mums. pink roses and baby‘s breath were carried in white wicker baskets. sw1ss gown fashioned on the Juliet style with an empire waist. pale lilac ribbon at the waist and daisies circling the neckline and the puffed sleeves. She carried pale pink roses with baby‘s breath in a wicker bas- ket. CECIL COCHRAM WEDS MARY BERTRAND “DIay I ShOW'yOU 71% how to ensure ' ’ 5’0l1r chfldren a coUege educaï¬on?†gown fashioned on the 59 Yonge Street North DAVE AMOS 88428181 The Mutual Life of Canada Mrs. Sandra 5 appointed to ‘ County Board ( King Township to serve until Mr. Burnie said the township would like to acquire the Pefâ€" ferlaw School for use as a library. At present. he wrote. the entire east end of the township from Sutton to the limits is without library facil- ities. To make sure trustees got the message he concluded, "I would point out to all those who may have interest, however. that I am adamant on the point that no use shall be made of the property except that it be pub- lic and I would caution all po- tential purchasers of this cert- ainty." Sanda Sillcox To Fill Library Board Vacancy Coburn 53 been a res about, 15 _three schm very much tion. is a r tive of the a member Blue Hills tionally Di president Hospital A Richmond Hill Trustee Deena Simpson wanted to know, “Who would authorize a clerk to write a letter like this?" “I am sure that you must agree that no individual has a greater right to this property than that of the municipality. and that the cause of education and enjoyment of learning would be extended by its use as a library." Georgina Trustee Mariane Gillan declined when asked for an opinion. “I wouldn't dare." said Mrs. Gillan. She said, however. that the area has never been zoned. that so far Georgina has no Official Plan. SHARON â€" East Gu'illimbury Tovmship Council has given two readings to a bylaw which Will require four foot fences of either wood or chain link around Outdoor pools. All sup- port posts will have to be set in two feet of concrete. No ban-- bed wire or electric strands will be permitted. A fine of S300 is provided. At a meeting November 8. the board received a letter from Georgina Clerk Mrs. Ev- elyn Waggett stating: "It is the intention of the council of the Township of Georgina that the school prop- erties being offered for .sale by the board will be zoned institutional. “We would appreciate it if you would so inform the pur- chasers of these properties prior to finalization of sale. “Under this zoning. no resi- dential building permits will be issued on these lots.“ New-market Trustee Jack Hadfield protested that such action was not in the best interests of the people of the region. “We are trying to get a fair price for the taxpay- ers." said Hadfield. He urged the board to protest the action. East. Gwillimbury Trustee William Bales said he had spoken to Regional Councillor Robert Pollock. chairman of Georgina's planning commit- tee. and Pollock said he had no knowledge of such a decision on the part of council. Institutional Only Bid Too Low, Georgina Wants School When tenders were opened Nm'ember 4 there were two bids for the school and the $7.500 offered by the township was high bid. but it was lower than the appraised value and ’was turned down by York County Board of Education. Georgina Township lost out on its bid to buy Pefferlaw School earlier this month. but it has not given up. ICouncillor Pollock had met earlier with the special 5. Sillcox will r‘ or Harding w] d from the boa nominating M Trustee Mrs. m said Mrs. 1 a resident of t . 15 years. The schoolâ€"age chil‘ much interestel hoolâ€"age children, s] Ich interested in ed a member of the ex he Canadian Pony ( er of the auxiliary 115 Academy for 1 Disturbed Children. it of the York C91 Auxiliary. Richmond Hill Sillcox has been represent York of Education on ) Library Board I December 31. 1 Mrs. Sillcox. Mrs. Margaret rs. Sillcox has of the area for The mother of children, she is ll replace who has board. Mrs. Sili she is educa- execu- ' Club. I}! for n. and entral Mrs re- 3% IN 3] DAYS FIGURMAGIC GUARANTEES RESULTS ! 6 MONTHS FREE IF \ gr, V. V3.- ‘ ‘\{§.». ‘5 e AFTER ~Nwmï¬~Â¥$3£hh S ENING FINAL DAYS 0 ENROL NOW FOR committee for sale of rural schools chaired by Vaughan Trustee Morley Kinnee. At UNLIMITED VISITS RESULTS ! 6 MONTHS FREE IF WE FAIL. CALL ‘1 ® 7i NOW! Phone 884-9297 884-9298 SSS-10‘ 85 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill that time he told the board the municipality would like to purchase Peffer- law School to he used as a library. The committee reported that Georgina Council had asked that. consideration be given to negotiating a purchase price in event that its tender was below that which the board was prepared to accept. The municipality has posted OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK - MON. THROL‘G _._-... mnnn um u.--., -- .. 75A! 9 AM. TO 3 PM. OVER 25 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO TO SERVE '1‘ Copyr!ght Figurmagic International 1970 (a y b (1 v v fade! to @ï¬gure 65 egcaulgénre FINAL DAYS OF PHASE No. 1 "this is the total in a personalized lsignsl on the school property' “You can‘t blame them for .advismg that it is to be zoned trying to get it «the schooll [for institutional use only. as cheaply as they can." said i Markham Trump, Jark Mar- Kinnee. Markham Trustee Jack Mac~ Kay argued against Trustee Hadfield‘s proposal that the board make an official protest. "We want to co-operate with'the board‘s actions closely to the municipalities and try t015ee what will happen to the show them what we are doing‘ schools. Residents of Vaughan not battle with them." saidthave made tentative approaches, MacKay. [said Bailie. assessing the pos- Trustee Kmnee said he ob-‘Sibility 01' acquiring the five‘ jected vigorously to the tmmjroom vacant PowellRoad School ship‘s putting "red placards" for community use. The board on board property advising that‘had agreed earlier to keep the residential use would not beiSChm‘ in 0359 it might be permitted. However hp saidlneeded at some future time. Trustee Kinnee said he ob- jected vigorously to the tmm- ship‘s putting "red placards" on board property advising that residential use would not be permitted. However he said Councillor Pollock had apol- ogized and he felt discussion should continue. total average cost if you enroll glued ï¬gure improvement pron \5 .50 PER WEEK Another Fabu'ous 5* Figw Magic Internatiosrl VWORLD'B LEADING HGURE STYLIST SONIA WILSON :(NEXTj PHASE no. 2 . SUBSTANTIAL COST INCREASE) II FBI. 9 AM. TO 9 P.M.; Vaughan T r u s t e 2 Warren Bailie told the board that the public generally is watching the board‘s actions closely to see what will happen to the schools. Residents of Vaughan Trustees agreed to have furâ€" ther discussions with members of Georgina Council.