Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Nov 1971, p. 2

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Those who had grown to love the area, who had pride in their homes and their community, struggled to make it a good place to live. It was not easy. There were problems â€"â€" water, sewage, garbage disposal, With the advent of regional govâ€" ernment last January, Lake Wilcox and the neighboring Oak Ridges became part of the Town of Rich mond Hill. A new spirit of commun- ity blossomed, and the town council agreed with the residents that a comprehensive study of the area should be undertaken as a prelude to restoration of the new wards. The Lake Wilcox-Oak Ridges com- munities, like Topsy, were not plan- ned; they “just growed”. Thirty years ago it was not too far for Metro residents to travel on war-time rationed gasoline for a summer Sun- day or holiday. The unpolluted lake was a pleasant place for swimming, and the beaches perfect for picnick- ing. Cottages sprang up like mush- rooms and everybody was happy. The war ended, gas was no longer rationed, and the cottagers moved on. People of more modest means, forced out of the city by a housing shortâ€" age, bought up the cottages and in many cases winterized and improved them. But there were others, too; the indifferent and the improvident, the people who for some reason just never could make it, and the hood- lums and motor cycle gangs con- gregated, making life difficult at best, downright miserable and dan- gerous at worst. roads. Rundown and abandoned buildings became a fire hazard â€"â€" polluted waters 3; health hazard. The churches and the schools struggled to maintain a sense of community. to provide constructive leisure time activities for young and old. to give dignity to their modest homes. Regional council was quite willing to let Richmond Hill go it alone on the study. But Richmond Hill, like the Towns of Markham and Vaughan, has its own planning director and planning committee, and these are kept going with local planning. It seemed like a good idea to make use of the expertise of the new regional planning staff, which also serves as a planning department for the other six regional municipalities. Richmond Hill asked the region to aid in the study, and it was agreed in an open meeting of regional council that a committee of six should be set up to assess the need and to make recommendations. Richmond H i 11 Council was to appoint three repre- sentatives to the committee. The Regional Council was to appoint It’s open to question as to whether the mayor was or was not handled in a somewhat unladylike manner by his aggressive ' female inquisitors. The point here is that it did happen. which is further strong indication of a growing disenchantrnent with the present administration by King Toyvn§h_ip ratepayers. And it is also impossible to escape the conclusion that t h e present council -â€" all new members with the exception of Mayor Mactaggart -â€" have done just about everything a wise body of politicians should avoid doing in such a situation. Who knows best what a commun- ity needs? The person who lives there? Who eats and sleeps there? Whose children go to school there? Or is it the disinterested, well-inten- tioned outsider? The objective viewer ? M'Illliiâ€"s-seems to be the crux of the question confronting the York Reg- ional Council as it prepares to ap- prove appointments to the Lake Wilcox Special Project Committee. It’s hardly an exaggeration to state that the way of the new 1971 King Township Council â€" and par- ticularly that of Mayor Ken Mac- taggart â€" has not been an un- troubled one. The latest ripple in a series of ripples was the recent verbal pasting handed Mr. Mactaggart by 24 house- wives at a “World Around Us” dis- w§sion at York Pines United Church. With one complete motion they swept aside the format of the prev- ious council, apparently without even so much as a thought about the tur- moil they could be creating. They started handling the bulk, the “nittyâ€"gritty” decisions of the municipality in closed committee meetings which were barred to the press and public. This was certainly a sudden and drastic decision to make for a completely new body of coun- cillors. Then with the turning of the for- mer planning board into a planning Subscription Rate $5.00 per year; to United States $6.00; 15¢ sir Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly NeWSpapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. W. S. COOK, Publisher “Second class mail, registration number 0190” Where New, lake Wilcox? Troubled Waters In King THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 25, 1971 An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 Tithe liberal Mayor Williams was not listening, either, when he told Richmond Hill Mayor William Lazenby in an open meeting that Richmond Hill should nominate three people as regional representatives. When Richmond Hill put forward the names of Reg- ional Councillor Gordon Rowe, a res- ident of the area for 24 years, and Robert Roth, the citizens’ nominee, it came as a complete surprise to Williams. They agreed on one name, however â€" that of the Aurora Mayor. Planning Committee M e m b e r Gladys Rolling, Mayor of East Gwil- limbury, protested that the com- mittee was “unaware” of the amend- ment stipulating that a regional nominee must be a resident of the study area. The Regional chairman blustered that it was all a mistake. Mayor Illingworth and Councillor Jongeneel offered to step down to make way for Rowe and Roth. Coun- cillor Pollock maintained a discrete silence. Whitchurch-Stouffville Mayor Kenneth Laushway added his voice to those of Lazenby, Illingworth and Rowe in urging council to ratify the appointments recommended by Rich- mond Hill, but they were outnum- bered and the question was referred back to the absent~minded committee. Naming of the committee is sched- uled to come back to council today (Thursday), and since this study, like all studies, is merely a prelude to action, let us hope that there are no more delays. A six-man com- mittee that includes five local repre- sentatives may appear to be a bit lopâ€"sided, but Mayor Illingworth is not a man to be ignored or pushed around. ~We feel that he can be relied upon to be objective, and to make his views known loud and clear. Rehab- ilitation of Lake Wilcox is long over- due. Let us not put more obstacles in the way. As the mayor of Aurora said at the last meeting of the reg- ional council, “Let’s get on with the The planning committee of the region was charged with the respon- sibility of appointing the three remaining committee members. But apparently its Chairman Garnet Wil- liams, mayor of Vaughan, was not listening when the region laid down the ground rules. Nor were the rest of his committee. Their nominees were Councillor Robert Pollock of Georgina, Councillor James Jongenâ€" eel of Markham and Mayor Richard Illingworth of Aurora -â€" none of them a resident of the area, and none of them nominated by the local residents. committee of council, it was also decreed that this phase of the mun- icipality’s business would also be barred from the press and public. Planning board meetings in the past had always been open, and rightly so. Adding to the above changes was the decision that all ratepayer dele- gations would be heard in committee with, of course, the press barred again. The end result of all this, of course, has been to turn council into a rubber-stamp type of operation with the press picking up any crumbs thrown to it by the politicians. Richmond Hill Council promptly appointed Ward 5 Councillor Stewart Bell, Ross Farquharson, former reeve of Whitchurch Township which formâ€" erly had jurisdiction over the area as far west as Yonge Street, and Rev. Robert McElhinney of St. Paul’s United Church, Lake Wilcox. a rela- tive newcomer to the area, and a man with considerable experience in the social outreach program of the United Church. job! Again, it’s not that the sudden changes in King were so revolution- ary. It’s a pattern being followed or developed, wrongly in this new- paper’s View, by numerous other municipalities. But King has been even more drastic in its policies. three. One of each trio was to be a resident of the area duly nominated by the local community associatiop. What is really getting council into hot water is the seemingly thought- less, “don’t care what the taxpayers think of our decisions” attitude of council. It’s an attitude that smacks of “if you don’t like what we do, vote us out”. One lesson the present King Coun- cillors have to learn is that while a new broom sweeps clean, a new pol- itical broom should sweep v ery carefully and slowly in the begin- ning as well as cleanly. The lessons to be learned? It may or may not be too late for council to retreat from its present disastrous course. Maybe it has no desire to do so. P, u. U I. A15¢ single copy You suggest that the tax system is the reason for the Supertest and other sales but then say “especially estate tax. ation.” While I could comment on many facets of the editorial with which I agree and disa- gree I think it important to cor- rect one major .point of fact. It is true that the absence of the capital gains tax at the moment does encourage such sales but estate taxes at the federal level will be eliminated by the legislation presently be- fore the House of Commons so that this should not be a con- sideration in any such sale ex- cept for any estate taxes applied by the provincial ‘government. BARNETT DANSON MP, Dear Mr. Editor I was interested in your lead editorial of November 4 entitled “Negative Economic Policies.” In the November 11 edition of “The Liberal” there is a re- port that the present town coun- cillor for Ward 1 intended to appear before the committee of adjustment to protest an appli- cation for a severance in the Elgin Mills Industrial Area. WE NEED INDUSTRY IN ELGIN MILLS AREA Dear Mr. Editor: Surely. no councillor in Rich- mond Hill has ever so deliber- ately turned his back on the citizens in such a manner. The town is crying for industrial and commercial assessment to ease our tax burden. While there was no great increase this year, re- member that this was possible only because of a non-recur- ring grant from the province of some $4,500,000. Next year, we will have to make this up m direct property taxes. Wlll have to make this up ul- “um...” v- we “mm, -M- Emu“ w “Numb u..._..___. m-.. ,, , direct property taxes. l one day, it is a Special day. Centre’s education Committee. tradition. stagecraft and critical cue Conservation Authority for To object to traffic in an in- There is a big chocolate cake with five candles. and Ml‘S- Gail Newall, also a appreciation of drama. its development and mainten- dustrial area, on a road that Soon he walks proudly and straight into the new classroom. member of the education com- Cost of the tour to the stud- ance. The land, located south of is shown as a major artery in It is the beginning of his new world. mittee- ents will be $285. They will Ross Street, includes the char- Richmond Hill’s Official Plan, LYDIA HACHMER, The public is invited to parti- be accompanied by two teach- ming 01d residence of Mr. Shel)- indicates a lack of knowledge 95 Cartier Crescent, cipate in the series. Admission ers, Mrs. Georgia Stein and pard and has been appraised at of the town and of planning in Richmond Hill. is free and coffee will be served. Mrs. Pamela Beldan. $191,000. e“minimumuniumuuummmuumuumummlm\ml1mmmmmumuunu\li1m\m\uuummmummnummuumummmum\u\inummmmmtmun“\ummumuuuumuu mull“lllllllllllllllllllllllulllilll“ll\llllllllllllllllllllllilllllm“mull\lllllllll“ll“llllilllllllll\lllllllllll“lllllmllllllllll mmnnnnnnmmmuuautumnmum“minimnummm\ummmuumuunumumuu\\\u\u\\mu\\\\\a Gala Benefit Aids Happiness Fund F or South York Retarded It was an unusual oppor- tunity for loeal residents to see award winning examples of the new wave of Canad- ian films. On hand to in~ troduce the films was noted CBC film critic Gerald Prat- ley. He is a director of the Ontario Film Institute and recently served as chairman of the Canadian film awards jury. It it Ik It The feature shown was the Canadian film “Going Dovm the Road”, depicting the ex- mented by a program series of award winning Canadian films on Richmond Hill Cable TV Channel 10. it It * at Continuing his talk on the program and needs for the Southern York Region re- tarded, York Central Assoc- iation for the Mentally Re- tarded President Wentworth Dowell listed the following: 0 An annual requirement for $25,000 to meet the op- erating deficit of ARC In- dustries, 321 Enford Road. “Jerry Weingold, a former director of the New York as- sociation for the retarded and an Oxford educated par- ent of a retarded boy said, “Although there is a great doubt about how much we can change our children for the world’s sake, there is no doubt how much We must change the world for our chlidren's sake’. And that is the task to which so many good people in this com- munity are dedicated. Some I know will devote the rest ure of consideration and care which it gives to its weak- est members," said the re- tarded association president. * I" * 1‘! YCAMR President Dowell, an executive in the provinc- ial government Department of Trade and Development and a Richmond Hill resi- dent, spoke of his many years of experience working for the retarded in the local, provincial and national or- ganizations. Retardation effects three they know not what to no, or where to turn," said Dowell. Ill * i it "As many as 200 factors have been investigated as causes of f’etardation,” said the association for retarded president. They include German measles in early pregnancy, injury at birth. lack of oxygen for any rea- son, near drowning and e1ec~ trical shock. It can happen in any fam- ily. No one is immune, said Dowell. It can happen just W] uuunu an“ nu..- life. That different tha it used to be in another day . and time, he wouldn’t be the shame of his family. And that’s where the York Cen- tral Association comes in!" said Dowell. {on} “I was asked to speak to- night because I have been a part of this volunteer group for many years. I moved to this community because We had moved our school from (Continued on Page 14) _. .._r._, a-u“tiuuuimtmmmnmmu\ui1ull\\\\1\\m\m\\\\\m\1\1mmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmanhuntmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmwmmi1mmmumnumummmmmmmummummmmmnn“\1mu\mmn\u“mammmmmummm\\\u1\m\\\\\\\\|u“ium\m\\m\\\u\\\\\\\\\\\\\mmmmmmtmmmmmmmo By HAL BLAINE “We need a community residence. What we need very much is money to sup- port our work," a gala ben- efit in aid of the retarded in Southern York Region was told on a recent evening in Richmond Hill. The event was a Canadian film festival and sherry party at the Richmond Hill Odeon Theatre. Sponsor was the York Central Assoc- iation for the Mentally Re- tarded, 321 Enford Road, Richmond Hill. in coâ€"opera- tion with Richmond Hill Cable TV Limited. In attendance were about 300 invited guests from the towns of Vaughan. Markham and Richmond Hill. Included were many leading citizens. Noticeable too were a large number of Southern York Region politicians from the provincial and municipal 1eVels of government, both the successful and the un- successful in recent elecâ€" tions. It was an unusual oppor- tunity for local residents to see award Winning examples of the new wave of Canad- ian films. On hand to in- troduce the films was noted CBC film critic Gerald Prat- ley. He is a director of the Ontario Film Institute and recently served as chairman of the Canadian film awards jury. ESTATE AND CAPITAL GAINS TAXES York North, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario. \VHEAT CHAMP -â€" The winner of the Canadian National World Challenge Trophy for Wheat at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto, is Gerald Malcolm Unger, of Alectown, New South Wales, Australia. Unger won the 1971 title with an entry of winter wheat called Petatz Surprize. Shown presenting the trophy and other prizes are: (l to r) “Miss CN”, Claudette Laporte, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Plant, Deniliguin, Australia, who accepted the trophy for Unger, and W. D. Piggott, assistant vice-pres- ident, Canadian National. general. The weak argument» that people in the area might be} discomfi'tted was presented. El-‘ gin Mills was widened before any of the houses flanking it were constructed. People gen- erally realize that concession roads are main traffic carriers, and this is usually reflected in purchase price of homes near them. In the case of Elgin Mills, there is a grassed strip along the south side of the road a1- lowance and some trees have been planted as a sight and sound barrier. Only two houses actually front on Elgin Mills, and one of them is near Yonge ploits and sad fate, without redemption, of a pair of Nova Scotians. They journey to Toronto to seek their for- tunes. Although the fateful ending and earthy language were a little hard to take, it was a real thrill to see a movie on Canadian places, theme, people and events. The short film “Ski de Fond" was a pleasant, exact- ing, exciting and colorful exâ€" position of the physical and the straining dogged speed of croSS-country skiing. Another French film short “Essai a la Mill” left the audience wondering at its doleful symbolism. French and English speaking watch- ers were equally confused about defining the actual meaning of this film. It re- minded one of the last 15 minutes or so of the recently popular U.S. feature film “Odyssey 2000”. But the photography was similarly exciting. The film festival at the Odeon Theatre was comple- mented by a program series of award winning Canadian films on Richmond Hill Cable TV Channel 10. Continuing his talk on the program and needs for the Southern York Region re- tarded, York Central Assoc- iation for the Mentally Re- tarded President Wentworth Dowell listed the following: He is exercising his body, on his tummy. Now up go his legs into the air. With shouts of laughter he tells the whole world: Make room for me. I want to crawl and explore everything. A child is a dream and a wish. it bursts into the world like the morning sun through the dawn over the mountaintop A child’s first loud cry tells us: I‘m here now, I’m alive. I can feel, so make me feel warm. I can hear, talk to me gently. I can see Shadows of light, so let the soft golden light shine into my face. I’m lfimgry, so feed me. Now he is warm and cud-died. He feels peaceful and secure and understands the first moments of love. He looks up into the most familiar face, the face of his mother. He gives her a big smile, oh and now a loud laugh of joy. One day he stands up, slowly. with one step forward, one. two, three . . . here he comes with a happy smile and down again, but only for a moment because there is no stopping now. Soon it will be a fast run. A child’s first words are followed by new words and with that the days are filled ‘with lots of questions. He wants to learn about life and everything around him. One day, it is a special day. There is a big chocolate cake with five candles. Soon he walks proudly and straight into the new classroom. It is the beginning of his newiworld. _ A Chi/cl The town has spent much tax- payers’ money servicing the E1- gin Mills Industrial Area. So far, only Reynolds Aluminum has located there. No member of council has the right to delib- erately cause taxes to rise be- cause of his own feelings. Our industrial committee does its ‘best to attract industry and commerce â€" are we to have ltheir efforts wasted? Street. That lot will probably be developed commercially in the not {too distant future. Richmond Hill, the Southern York Region adult rehabili- tation centre; o A capital requirement of $100,000 to provide a per- manent building for ARC In- dustries; o A capital requirement of $225,000 as the local com. munity share to be added to a government grant of $200,- 000 to build a community res- idence in the proposed Mark- ham general hospital com- plex for boys and girls of all ages. “That’s why your associa- tion needs your help. Mental retardation is no respector of persons. It can strike anywhere at any time. It is as unpredictable as the acci- dent that can cause it in any family.” President Dowel] told the audience. “We have volunteers, al- though we can always use more. Our volunteers have been working, raising money and spending endless hours since 1954,” he said. ERIC GEORGE, P. ENG., 413 North Taylor Mills Drive, Richmond Hill. Ewanted -A Big Brother {For Johnny And Others Since schools reopened in September. just about every week brings a new fatherless boy to the Big Brothers of York office in Richmond Hill look- ing for -a man to call a friend. Social Worker Doreen Wright chats with the boy and his mother tries to match him up with a suitable Big Brother. There are always more boys than men, however, reports Mrs. Wright. She has about 14 lads on her waiting list and for some the need is urgent. One of these is Johnny. In a letter to “The Liberal" last week, Mrs. Wright made the following plea: “Wanted: Man to go bowling, skating or hiking once a week with a ten-year-old boy. A man over 21 whose girl friend or wife and family will share him for ,part of each weekend with a fatherless boy is needed. John- ny who lives in a female-orien- ted household. “A hard - working, weary mother will trust her son with this man, knowing he has been given personal and medical references, has cleared a pol- i’ce record check and has been chosen for her boy on the basis of mutual interests and personal compatabiiity. “Sisters may wish they had such a friend, but all family members will know the one-to- one friendship is not to be shared. “One man is needed mature enough to know he may have to go ’75 percent of the way for sev- eral weeks, suggesting outings, cementing on passing sights and sounds. A man who will ev- entually be identified to John- ny‘s friends loudly and proudly as ‘My Big Brother.’ ” Where does this man inquire about Johnny? He calls Rich- mond Hill 884-9121. The phone: number belongs to Ronald’s‘ Federated, a local industry which donates office space, tele- phone service and much good- will to the Richmond Hill dist- rict of the Big Brother Move- ment of York Region. A mes- sage may be left on weekdays. Professional staff may be reached on Saturdays from 10 am to 6 pm. ‘ The needs of children in sin- gle parent families is the topic for the first of a series of three programs to be presented by Markham Family Life Centre in co-operation with Parents Without Partners. Single Parent Family Topic 0f Discussion The discussion sessions, using a panel and small grOups, will be held at Markham Library from 8 to 10 pm on three suc- cessive Mondaysâ€"November 29, December 6 and December 13. ueceiuucr 0 Gun ucuclu‘uci Lu. On the first evening the panel will be Ruth Chambers. York County Children’s Aid Society; Lillie Johnson, York Region Community Health Nurse; Mario Bartoletti, director, Family Life Centre. Moderator will be Tom Newall, chairman of the Family Life Centre’s education commit- tee. The second session will deal with marital breakdown; legal aspects and the family court sys- tem. Members of the panel will be Mrs. Pat Evershed, clerk of the juvenile and family court in Newmarket; Larry Calcutt of Single Parents Association, and Stouffville Lawyer Gordon Ness. The series will wind up with a discussion of the emotional needs of the single parent. Panelists for that evening are Douglas McMurchy of Parents Without Partners; Mrs. Beverly Hurlburt of the Family Life Centre’s education committee. and Mrs. Gail Newall, also a member of the education com- mittee. “Yes my friends, there is ever so much to do. Pearl Buck, beloved brilliant writ- er and parent of a retarded child, wrote, ‘In every age, however troubled, there are always heartening events. One of the most encOuraging in our time is the awakening of the public to the needs and rights of the mentally retarded child. For too long he has been the hidden cit« izen â€" the forgotten one. But thanks to those who know his plight and his po- tential he is coming into his own’,” said Dowell. “Let us be grateful, not only for the sake of the child. but also for the sake of civilization! The test of any civilization is the meas- ure of consideration and care which it gives to its weak- est members," said the re- tarded association president. of their lives to this cause," Dowall said. “I think it becomes clear- er and clearer in this world that whatever a parent does for the other fellow’s child, he’s doing for his own â€"- and this is the burden placed upon us. In the last couple of weeks I have received several lettersâ€" some puzzled, some angry â€" complaining that the Canadian Government acted as host to Mr. Kosygin and Mr. Tito dur- ing their recent visits to Can- ada. Does this indicate the gov- ernment is going Communist? Are we selling out our friends in the United States? Why should liberal democrats wel- come Communist tyrants? The simple answer is that in- ternational visits of this kind in no way indicate moral 39" proval or support for the for-l eign country or its government. It is simply part of the process of opening channels of com- munication in international af- fairs. We establish embassies, ‘send official delegations, visit ;and receive visits, not to indic- ‘ate endorsement, but as part of \the normal process of carrying ion international affairs. Perhaps it would satisfy our sense of moral idealism if we refused all truck and trade with countries unless they met our standard of democratic propriet- ry. I suspect the result would be to place us in a ghetto, in contact with few countries. But would that help our interests? ‘Would it help the peoples of 1the countries involved? Where would we draw the line? Russia, Rhodesia, South Africa, Argentina, Thailand, Portugal, Algeria, Greece, Pak- istan, Indonesia, Iran? But if we must deal wit'n’ these powers, whether we like. them or not, surely it is better to do so with as open lines of communication as possible. Du- ring the Cuban missile crisis the United States and Russia Governments found themselvesl communicating through 3 Wash- ington columnist and a reporter for Pravda. That’s a hazardous It would be better if the world were full of liberal dem- cratic governments. But it is not. And wishful thinking will not make it so. We must deal, in international affairs, with the world as it is. not as we would like it to be. Students To England In Mid-Winter Break A field trip to England for 30 students of Langstaff Sec- ondary School was approved by York County Board of Educa- tion at a meeting November 8. The students will make the trip during the mid-winter break, March 18 to 26, and will payrthe full _costs thgmsplves. The tour is described as an English and theatre arts en- richment program. Students will visit the British Museum, Vict~ oria and Albert Museum, the National Portrait and Tate Gall- eries in London. They will also visit Stratford. The participants will be grade 13 English students studying the social and historical back- ground of English literature and theatre arts students in- terested in studying theatrical tradition, stagecraft and critical appreciation of‘ drama. . . g out of every 100 people in Canada. More children suf- fer from it than from the total of four major child- hood disabilities. he said. Genetic causes are but a small share of the total of those affected. Brain dam- age, however caused, is bas- ically to blame. “If you ask what is retard- ation, I would say it is a boy sitting alone because other children don’t play with him,” said Dowel]. “Re- tardation is the little girl whom it took years to train to tie her Shoelaces. Retarda- tion is the handsome 1'7- year-old painfully trying to explain something. “Retardation is parents shopping the medical world because they won’t accept their doctor’s diagnosis. They want that unobtainable hope their child is all right. “Retardation is the heart- breaking case of mothers and fathers whose fate has placed in their care a ment- ally retarded child for whom they know not what to do, or where to turn," said Dowell. Ottawa 13 Not Going Communist OTTA WA é REPORT John Roberts MP way to settle world problems: A recognition of that fact led the United States and the US.â€" SE. to set up a “hot line” so that‘if crises recurred they would be dealt with directly not in round about ways. If it is good to understand the position of your friends in the international community it is wise to understand (not sup- port) the positions of those op- posed to you. The visits of Mr. Kosygin and Tito correspond to this need of unplugging the chan- nels of communication. Mr. Kennedy’s establislumnt of the hot line with Russia, the Diefen'baker government's estab- lishment of commercial rela- tions with China, President Nixon’s forthcoming visit to \Peking â€" none of these con- note moral approval; all of them indicate a desire to open up paths of communication. The committee suggested that the books be sorted and approva ed groups be given the oppor- tunity to select those that would be of value to them. These or- ganizations would be respons- ible for transportation of the items. The board is also attempt- ing to collect old school rec- yords from defunct boards and ‘school districts throughout the region for its own archives. Rec- ords were often stored in the homes of secretaries or officials .of the small area boards that , antidated the township arid ‘county boards and many have , still not been accounted for. That is the explanation for the Kosygin and Tito visits â€"â€" a helpful device in internation- al relations not a shift in Can- ada's traditional friendships. Board Gives Old Desks To Historic Society At a meeting November 8 York County Board of Educa- tion agreed to give some of its unused cast iron school desks to the Aurora and District Hist- orical Society and to make old desks and obsolete books av- ailable at no cost to recognized historical societies and museum: in the region. On November 2 Norman Jolly of the historical society and Liason Committee ‘Chairman Deena Simpson, a Richmond Hill Trustee accompanied by members of board staff, visited Lloyd School to examine stored furniture and equipment for its historical value. They found about 75 old cast iron desks and reported that ab- out 24 could be used to furnish an “old time” classroom. The committee reported that a number of obsolete text books are stored at another school, and that the society could make use of several copies of each title that have historical sig- nificance. AURORA: Reg Sheppard and the Ontario Heritage Founda- tion have signed a final agree- ment on almost 60 acres of con- servation land. here. known as Sheppard’s Bush. The founda- tion will enter into an agree- ment with the South Lake Sim- “The list of causes shows retardation is something that can happen to anybody. It could be your family or your children’s family that dis- covers after three months, or maybe after three years, that a child isn’t using a spoon, or isn’t using his crayons or isn’t concentrat- ing. Yes, it could be your family that stood outside the doctor’s office when he made the discovery a child was retarded,” Dowell told the audience at the film fes- tival benefit. as a child in any family can be hit by a car. “Maybe you cried and asked why this has happen- ed to you. It could be your family that learned its boy was born with an imperfec- tion in his brain . . . your family that had wanted for the boy perhaps fame -â€"'and sports â€"- and a profession â€"- and success. “It could also be the mem- bers of your family, too, who could learn that their boy could still have a happy life. That different than it used to be in another day and time. he wouldn’t be the shame of his family. And that’s where the York Cen- tral Association comes in!" said Dowel]. “I was asked to speak to- night because I have been a part of this volunteer group for many years. I moved to this community because We had moved our school from (Continued on Page 14) YORK SIMCOE

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