Neighborhood Notes Kingcrafts House on Keele Street opens Saturday for an annual sale of handcrafts. Hours are 9:30 am to 4 pm and ad- mission is free The 4-H Club gathered at All Saints November 13. Clubs re- presented included Stouffville with a skit by all members; E d g 91 e y. with commentator Marion Boyce; Richmond Hill, with Carol King and Joan Pon- tln: King 2 with a presentation called “Fruit For Breakfast": Agincourt with a skit; Nobleton 2 with “Dressing Up Dried Fruits". Karen Warwick; South King WI sponsors a sewing course at All Saints Anglican Friday between 10 am ‘and V a u g h a n: Temperanceville. Janet 01‘ser; King 1 with “Des- sert Fondue Party" with all members: Veilore with “Fruits For All Seasons", Louise How- den; Nobleton 1 with "Four Ways With One Fruit"; and Stouffviile 2 with Norma Har- court. President of York West Dis- trict WI Mrs. Harry Jackson presented the county honors to the following: Kim Huffman and Jennifer Sedgwick of Aginâ€" court; Jo Anne Hadwen of King 1; Debbie Delaney and Maureen‘ Reekle of Nobleton 1; Barbara Every and Myra Willis of Rich-1 mond Hill; Karen Grove of Stouffville 2: and Catherine James of Temperanceville. Mrs. Jackson presented pro- vincial honors to Marie Robin- son of Nnbleton 1. Cathy Har- caurt of Stouffville 1 and Jamie Cudia and Joanne Howden of Vellore. A Canadian Council 4-H Club leadership award was given to Mrs. Kathy Payne of Richmond Hill. Comments on the skits pre- sented, demonstrations and ex- hibits. ware made by visiting home economists Mrs. Marilyn Philip and Mrs. Kathy Williams. King Winds Farm on the Kingâ€"Vaughan Sideroad. owned by John and Louise Sanelli. was‘ surrounded with cars and horse vans November 6 when the To- ronto and North York Pony Club met for a riding lesson and display of Gymknna for Class “C†and “D†riders. The lesson began at 11 am with instruction by Mona Turnbull. Liz Innes and Jack Wailas. There was a short lunch break during which the young people were respon- sible for looking after their own horse. At one o‘clock the Gym- kana began. This is a series of games on horseback including musical stalls. water game, pole bending and relay races. Ribbons were awarded to and including fourth place for each event and no charge was made for entry. Everyone had a sharel of ribbons by the end of the day, according to Mrs. Sanelli. At the end of the day. two addi- tional horsemanship awards were given. These two awards were based on the rider's atti-t tude and consideration for horses throughout the day. and the contestants were unaware that judges were watching them during the course of the day. Winners of these awards were: "C" Division Janet Weiss, rid- ing her horse Kalamar and "D" Division Vicki Taylor riding her pony Princess. This Gymkana terminated the fall riding ses- sions for the "C" and “D†riders of the Toronto and North York Pony Club. Equestrian: who participated were Toni Addissin. Laura Arm- strong. Kerry Armstrong, Patsy Adolph. Anne Lawson. Lynn Sanelli. Rosemary Verhoog. Gar- ney Verhoog. Vick] Taylor, Lor- ne Weiss, Janet Weiss. Lili Neighborhood Notes The next family and peoplei Members of Oak Ridges-Lake discussions, sponsored by the} Wilcox Branch of the YCHA mental health association will busied themselves at their last be tonight (November 25) at 8 meeting completing the decora- pm at Bayview Secondary tions for the Christmas Party School, Bayview Avenue at for the hospital staff and in Markham Road, Richmond Hill. putting together 100 coloring The topic will be “Fighting books for Use in the children's Fairly â€" Games People Play section of the hospital. HConfrontation Is Communica- Members of the auxiliary are tionl". and the speaker will be saving Dnmininn Stare farms tn PUbliC Health Nurse Lily J0hn' Members of the auxiliary are u0m"- saving Dominion Store tapes to PUbliC secure a television set for the son hospital. They would certainly The appreciate the assistance of all D909" other shoppers in the area andand ti‘ ask that they save their cashi“sexu register tapes from Dominion“Educa for a month at a time and then'SChOO contact Mrs. Auriel Johnston atl Kin. 773-4033. She pick them up The tapes are then trans- ferred to the main auxiliary executive who turn them over to the students at Don Head Secondary School to total as part of their business training. The auxiliary is also seeking. new members at this time. Anyone who would like to participate in serving the com- munity through this organiza- tion is also asked to contact Mrs. Auriel Johnston. Her} phone number is 773-4033. The auxiliary’s next meeting. December 15. will be a Christ- mas Party at the home of Mrs. Carol Canity. Entertainment convenor for the evening will be Mrs. Audrey James. Wu King City Areq KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish Interest regarding people and events in the Oak Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our nev pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is M Battaglia, Aida Place, 773-4295; in King City THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov Oak Ridge: And la/re Wilcox News She will be happy to n’s Fairly â€" Games People Play St. Paul’s United observes its (Confrontation Is Communica- anniversary at the 10:30 am In tionl". and the speaker will be service Sunday. Special music} to Public Health Nurse Lily John- will be presented by the orch-‘ he son. estra under the direction of fly The last discussions will be Ralph Foster and by the choir an December 2 at the same place and the Sunday school children. nd and time when the topic will be Rev. Robert McElhinney will llsh “Sexual Relationships â€" Sex be speaking. Immediately fol- ion Education at Home and at lowing the service lunch will be .en Schoolâ€. Admission is free. served with a birthday cake to M King City Co-operative Nur- mark the occasion. The Saneiii's have one of the most modern stables in King area and a fair sized indoor 3r- ena where shows of this nature can take place regardless of weather conditions. In addition to their own horses they board horses of other equestrians. Weiss. Gord Cooper. Roy San. which sold for 44¢ for two doz- elli. Liz Alexander. Jock Rock- en and their circular loaf of well. Chris Rockwell. Irene bread and gooey butter tarts. Guenzel. Allan Vickers and It‘s hard to understand how Judy Barbour. King Township can buy screen- The Sanelli's have one of the‘ed sand (for wintry roads) for most modern stables in King $1.39 per ton, and yet bags of area and a fair sized indoor 3r- sand at local supply houses cost ena where shows of this nature $1.25 for an 80-1b. bag. Either can take place regardless of paper bags cost a lot of money weather conditions. In addition or there‘s money to be made in tn their own horses they board small bags of sand! Miss Lillie Anderson died suddenly at home in King City November 11. Miss Anderson was one of the ladies hired by the Good Morning Group of All Saints Anglican whenever there was a need for a babysitter. She was also one of the sitters at the recent coffee party held at Dr. and Mrs. McPhee’s home. Interment was at King City Cemetery. Eleanor Scott and Eric But- terworth are both in hospital. He sings in the choir at A1! Saints. 1W1â€: .Ixcuucul uuu ¢; ....... I 1y Ferris, son and daughter‘ He tom of the Safety seats of Bob and Audrey Ferris of now made by Gena‘al Motors RR 1. King. were 10 years old for children‘s safety. He said November 18. Cheryl-Ann Dun-'school patrols are preferable can. daughter of Ronald and ‘0 _CI‘OSSing guards and that Judith Duncan of RR 1, King. framing is provided in August was seven years old November at Cedar Glen. The students are 21, driven there by Langdon‘s Bus * * * * Lines. r Twins Kenneth and Kimber- ly Ferris. son and _daqghter "How about a bus service on‘ the King Sideroad?" is a ques- tion some of the residents ask. As it is now. the only way .0 get to Yonge Street from King and to Aurora or Richmond Hill is to hitch-hike (unless of course, you drive a car). This can sometimes be cold and dangerous and should not be necessary in an up-and-coming ‘community like King/according ‘to some. Any comments? Kettleeroft. a unique count- ry store located on the Aurora Road. one mile east of Highway 400, is a fascinating place. Un- der the proprietorship of Ruby and Monty Hart. this antique, newtique and harness store 15 filled with countless treasures lfor the home and almost every- thing for the equestrian. You can browse and dream a bit and buy some old-fashioned rock candy for your children. Before going downtown for Christmas shopping, stay local and look in the shops of King, Kettleby, Schomberg and Aurora. At the recent bazaar or sale held at Holy Name School on King Sideroad. we picked up txvo hardâ€"cover books printed in 1929/1932 by the author H. V. Morton. Judging by the sig- nature inside the front cover, they were part of the Canon E. H. Costigan collection which was distributed around King ar- ea after his death. Unbeliev- ably we only paid So each. On Monday evenings. a‘ group meets to learn rhumba. cha-cha and other fancy steps. The tea- chers are a Scottish couple. Jim and Marg Clelland, professional ballroom dancers. The group meets in All Saints from 9 pm until 10:30 pm. All interested are invited to come and any questions may be directed to Mrs. Doris Walker at 833â€"5200. Nick and Linda Bowman are back in their milk store on King Sideroad. At the King City Develop- ment Centre November 18 Dav- id Barbour iectur'ed on “Phot‘ ography". The talk was inter- esting but poor-"1y attended. (We must have some drop-outs at the drop-in!) We dropped into the King City Bakery for the first time last week and came out with several parcels of goodies. Un- resistable were the cookies King City Co-operative 'Nur- sery School will be holding a bazaar December 11 at the United Church on Elizabeth Grove from 2 to 4 pm. Admis- sion is 50c. The nursery school is a non-profit organization and the proceeds from the bazaar ‘will be placed in trust to pro- vide nursery school training for a boy or girl who otherwise would not be able to attend. The theme is Christmas. so there will be many Christmas decorations as well as baked goods, toys, books. clothing and white elephant items on sale. Tea. coffee and sweets will be served and draws on door prizes will be made. Oak Ridges Lions will hold a one day blitz November 27 with Santa Claus present with candies for the children and mark the occasion, lï¬uan pi‘ussiey: Valuuu At the November 9 meetingzand JOhn Phillips. _ of the UCW a new executive Mrs. Maude Robinson Is a was elected for the coming patient in Scarboro General year. Mrs. Jean Anderson is»Hospital. the new president, Mrs. Helen1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lane, Laing the secretary and corres- Mr. and Mrs. James Lane of pending secretary, Mrs. Doreen‘Barrie Island and Miss Be551e Mitchell the treasurer. Con-iLane were visitors last week- venors will be Mrs. Elva Marg-iend at the Wilbert and Ray Jen- eruson. social; Mrs. Dorothyinings homes. _ ‘ McElhinney and Mrs. Marion! Mrs. Jack Macklin of Clinton Chapman. program; Mrs. DianeJand Mrs. Neil Raines and Billy Foster. church decorationsziof Blackwater called on several Mrs. Lydia Findeisen. member-'friends in the area Wednesday ship; Mrs. Gladys Gardner, ar. of this week. chives; Mrs. Melissa Rowe. sup- Mrs, Eddie Dickson was ‘ply and social assistance andihostess November 17 at a mis- ,Mrs. Marion Chapman. penny- cellaneous Sh0\Ver in honor of iii-day. (Miss Sharon Cox. Some 30 ' A Pot luck supper is planned‘friends gathered to honor the gi’or the UCW‘s next meeting.'brideâ€"toâ€"be. Sharon will become ‘December 7 at 6:30 pm in the the bride of Brian McKee of church. IOak Ridges November 27. c “Vanna The next family and people]carollers singing The WI met November 9 at the home of Mrs. Ted Munroe on Hambly Avenue. The guest speaker, was Mr. John Cowan. accident prevention co-ordimt- or of Downsview District 5. He was introduced by Mrs. Alex Knight. He showed two films on the “Viewpoints of Space Driving". He stressed that space driving is the ‘best insurance against accidents and to expect the un- expected. He urged everyone to be more considerate. to use the headrests if provided and to adjust seatbelts to rest on the hips. not on the waist. Mrs. Donald McCa‘llum thank- ed Cowan for his time and in- formative talk and films. Mrs. Bruce Hall reported on the Ar- ea Convention she attended in Toronto in November. She was the representative from King WI. Mrs. Austin Rumble. dist- rict federation representative, also attended. Women’s Institute President Mrs. Bill Willoughby presented the question "How can WI stop the nuclear tests at Amehitka?" As a result a telegram was sent to President Richard Nixon in the White House. Six members will attend the Women's Alliance Council in Aurora December 2. The next meeting for members will be at the home of Mrs. Alex Knight on Hambly Avenue November‘ 23 at 7:30 pm. The topic will be “Vegetables With A Flair". King Library The library display called “Wheels, Wheels, Automobiles“ included information on Jaguar. British Leyland’s Rover. MG and Austin‘ Porsche, Datsun, Peugeot, Volkswagen, Mazda and Renault, ranging from cem- pact family cars to racing or rally cars. Representing the American cars, Ford had the largest number of posters and photographs. The display contained a pic- ture of Henry Ford driving his first car. an 1896 Quadricyclc, a 2-cylinder. 4-horsepower ve- hicle. Ford’s showing also inâ€" cluded glossy photographs of cars for the future, featuring the Seatt'le-ite XXI (a sixâ€" wheeler), the Nucleon atomic powered car. and the Solarus. General Motors display includ- ed a picture of Louis Chevrolet and his first automobile in 1911. American Motors also had post- ‘ers on display. including ones lot their Gremlin. and ms Ilrst automomle 1n uni. American Motors also had post- ers on display. including ones of their Gremlin. Upstairs in the library books on display are on loan from the Oshawa Public Library (other‘ wise known as the McLaughlin Public Library). Pamphlets on display include “A Clean Blow at Dirty Air". “Defensive Driv« ing Techniques†and “How To Go On Ice and Snow", distrib- uted by AAA. The show at the Library finishes November 27. Church News Rev. Neville Bishop. rector of All'Saints King, was honor- ary pallbearer at the funeral “Featuring Fruit" was held in the Anglican Church Hall Nov- ember 13. Temperanceville Club} placed an exhibit of a cheese‘ and fruit tray, with Janet Orser giving the commentary. Receiv- ing certiï¬cates for having com. pleted two projects were: Janet Orser. Catharine James, Karen Fawcett. and Sandra Orser. Congratulations to Catharine James who also received her “County , Honors Certificate†for having completed six pro- jects. A word of praise is due the leaders. Mrs. Wilfred James. and Mrs. Charles Henshaw, and to all the girls who have com- pleted their project. "The Liberal“ ls always pleased to publish items of Interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pendent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Diana Battaglia. Aida Place, 773-4295; in King City Norman Matthews. 832-1579. carollers singing. Lions and area teenagers will be selling canned peanuts and mixed nuts door to door. Church News V Our Lady's Guild will be holding a bake sale following each mass November 28. 1971 service of Rev. David Mc rector of St. Mary‘s Anglican. Richmond Hill. Rev. McGuire passed away suddenly Novem- ber 13. He was guest speaker in King City on October 31 for All Saints patronal festival and was at the head table of the deanery fellowship evening in King November 10. He was vice-chairman of the new dean- ery council. Officiants at the funeral Service were three bis- hops of the Anglican Church Frederic Wilkinson. George Snell and Lewis Garnsworthy. Guire,â€n0usands OI ClOllars lune aucL' ioneers would not give out the actual amount realized). Following the death of Lady Eaton at age 91. in July. 1970. many of her most cherished be- longings passed into the hands of her descendents. The 70- room Eaton Hall. now Seneca College's $1.5 million King Campus. was a treasure house of antique furniture, carpets. paintings. etc. However. there was far more than the family could hope to find room for in their own well-appointed homes. Rev. Ralph McKim directed the service of All Saints Ang- lican November 14 (Trinity 23) while Rev. Bishop attended St. Margaret‘s. New Toronto, as guest speaker. At King City United Claire Elaine Griffith. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Griffith was baptized November 14. Teston United's Christmas Bazaar will be held tomorrow night starting at 7:30 pm. not tonight as stated in last week’s column. The Sacred Heart CWL will too hold another Wine and Cheese and Party Saturday at the home'enf of Mr. and Mrs. Don Coughlin I in King Summit, starting at fro: 8:30 pm. Persons interested in bill attending should contact Mrs. leg John Gilmour at 833-5821. â€" Church News The 162nd anniversary ser- vice of Temperanceville United Church was held November 14, with Rev. Arthur Thompson conducting the service and Mrs. Thui'za McAllister of West Hill was guest soloist.‘-singing “How Great Thou Art," and “Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me‘." Lunch- eon' was serVed following the service. and a happy time was spent with friends new and old. The Afternoon Unit of the} UCW met at the home of Mrs.‘ Ray Jennings November 18, with Unit Leader Mrs. Gordon Hampton in charge of the meet- ing. Devotions and program were in charge of Mrs. Stewart Paxton and Mrs. Frank Bell. Mrs. Gordon Hampton, Mrs. Frank Bell and Mrs. Harry Hut- chinson were named on the nominating committee. Members were reminded of the general meeting and election of officers to be held in the church school- room November 30 at 8 pm. The evening unit of the UCW is sponsoring a bus trip to Nath- an Phillips Square November 26. Buses will leave the church at 6:30 pm. and 64 tickets are av- ailable on a first-come first- ‘served basis. \Neighborhood Notes A'chievement Day for the 4-H Homemaking Club Ap1:qjegt ’w-w‘ The Downtown Kiwanis Club Hydro Reroute held its annual luncheon for members and leaders of 4-H . clubs recently Attending from Power [me Asked Temperanceville Were' Leaders Mrs. James and Mrs Henshaw, O t ‘ d Carol Crossley. Caroline Lomas. pp°nents o a plopose Janet Orser, Catharine James, power Ime mute 1“ Nassaga' - . \veya Township have won con- John Phllhps‘ Allan onceinn: from Ontario HYdro. Temperanceville News Because of his outstanding work in the 4-H Calf Club, John Phillips was chosen to speak to the meeting, and tell how to feed. ten’d. and otherwiSe look after a calf to bring it to the show ring. He was presented with a leather wallet by the Kiwanis Club. John has had a good year with his Holstein heifer calf. winning top prizes at both Markham and Woodbridge =Fairs. Winning door prizes were Allan Crossley. Caroline Lomas and John Phillips. Mrs. Maude Robinson is a patient in Scarboro General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lane, Mr. and Mrs. James Lane of Barrie Island and Miss Bessie Lane were Visitors last week- end at the Wilbert and Ray Jen- nings homes. Mrs. Jack Macklin of Clinton and Mrs. Neil Raines and Billy of Blackwater called on several friends in the area Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Eddie Dickson was hostess November 17 at a mis. ‘cellaneous shower in honor of {Miss Sharon Cox. Some 30 ‘friends gathered to honor the lhridp-to-be Sharon will become lot and concession lines. The proposed utility route is part of a high voltage system from Nanticoke to Pickering. ar- ching north around Metropoli- tan Toronto. Although the alternative] route is probably 1V4 milesi longer than the original route†Sheddon said it would cost. an! additional $1 million. Sheddon told a recent York Regional Council meeting in Newmarket that Hydro favor- ed its present route through townships such as King and Whitchurch but "we’re ready to consider any valid suggestion from any municipality as to an alternative route." Correspondent: Mrs. W. G. Jennings Phone 773-5892 Hundreds of the curious min-1 gled with dealers and collectors at the eight-day auction sale of furnishings and personal ef- fects. property of the late Lady Eaton of Eaton Hall. King Township. Seneca Gets Two Lamps Lady Eaton's Treasures Are Sold; The sale in the Ward-Price' Auction Galleries in Toronto began Wednesday of last week and brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars (the auct- ioneers would not give out the actual amount realized). Following the death of Lady 3:“: Eaton at age 91. in July. 1970. many of her most cherished be- longings passed into the hands of her descendents. The 70- so" ‘ r om Ea ' w he a .° .. . t°“..H.a“' HIE?“ Semi from A widely travelled. well edu- cated and cultured woman. Lady Eaton was interested in musi-z and art. horses and flowers, languages and architecture. She was equally at home with art.- ists. political leaders, educators and the monarchy. LAMPS REMAIN languages and architecture. She There were a number of am. was equally at home with artâ€" ate chairs and two sofas, repro. ists. political leaders, educators ductions of French Empire de. and the monamhy- sign upholstered in Aubusson LAMPS REMAIN tapestry. a four-piece gold-plat- Everything was not removed ed Victorian tea and coffee ser- from the Norman style mansion vice. a Georgian hallmarked which stands on the 696 acre silver epergne cresed and en- estate on Dufferin Street north graved, and an 18th-century of King Sideroad, however. Two period mahogany serpentine- gigantic marble lamps prOVed fronted chest. E03 heavy to be safely moved and remain at Eaton Hall. silâ€" ent reminders of a bygone era. As Seneca students wander from the great ballroom to the billiard room of their new colâ€" lege, they may view the lamps Many Prizes Awarded At King City Secondary One hundred and forty-six secondary school graduation diplomas and 72 honor grad- uation diplomas were awarded at the graduation excercises at King Ctiy Secondary School on November 5. For‘ the pmcessional the school band conducted by Con- cert Master Don Brooks played "The King’s Venturers“ com- posed for the school by Don Caple. Rev. George Bates of Schomberg United Church pro- nounced the invocation'. Principal William Eckersley and York County Board of Ed- ucation Chairman Arthur Starr welcomed graduates and their parents and friends. _ . Graduates received their dip- lomas from Ronald Hall. sup- erintendent of Area 2. Stanley Baker, assistant superintendent of business for the board. and Stephen Bacsalmasi, superin- tendent of planning and devel- opment. King City's symphonic band presented “The House of the Rising Sun" arranged by Bill Holcombe in folk rock theme. Education Director Sam Chapman presented York Coun- ty Board of Education Proficien- cy Prizes to Magaly Bianchini, Erich Ney, Terri Frown, Mari- lyn Lane, Susan Diplock, Lorene Washburn, Rim Henshaw. Mer- le Allan, Don Millard and Paul Bolton. The same ten students rec-' eived student council achieve- ment first prize awards from Student Council President‘ Lorne Gelleny rand Vice-Presi- dent Jay Couse. Second prize awards went to Nicki Schilder, Cathy Hodgson, Moira Loucks, Catherine Muscat, Joyce Ten- Hove. Joan Folliot, Bob Hogan, Gary Whitworth and Anders Nielsen. Subject proficiency awards for year two were presented by school staff members to Wayne Martin. Marilyn Lane, Cathy Muscat, Heinz Machinek. Terri Brown, Eugene Natale. Christ- ine Cullman. Debbie Hill. Moira Basically, residents are op- posed to a 500.000-volt hydro line that Hydro wants to cut diagonally through about 40 farms. Opponents to a proposed power line route in Nassaga- weya Township have won con- cessions from Ontario Hydro. James Sheddon, a Hydro property planner, told a public meeting in Brockville Novem- ber 17 that Hydro could make a $1 million bend in its lines to avoid cutting through township farms. Faced with this, the township planning board has suggested an alternative route to follow lot and concession lines. The proposed utility route is part of a high voltage system from Nanticoke to Pickering. ar- ching north around Metropoli- tan Toronto. Public meetrirï¬vgs will likely be held in the York Region areas. Disposed of at auction were oil paintings and water colors by such outstanding artists as Sir Joshua Reynolds, Gainsbor- ough. Shayer. Dupre. Troyon. Millet. Henner, Hopper, McGillâ€" vary Knowles. Bell-Smith and Archibald Browne. E: There were matching Aubus- son valances and drapery panels and dozens of Oriental carpets from palace strips used in the halls to prayer rugs and scatter rugs such as the Royal Kerman Persians, Tabriz and Shirvan Caucasian. SPARKLING CRYSTAL There were two lots of 132 pieces of Webb crystal stemware designed for a setting for 12 and etched with the commem- orative designs for the corona- tion of Queen Elizabeth. Personal effects of Lady Eat- on included an emerald and diamond ring, diamond and pla- tinum watch, brilliant cut dia- mond ring, fur coats and jackâ€" ets including a full length occ- lot coat and a mink coat. Loucks, Barry Lay. In year four winners were Don Millard, Jen- nie Witteman, Kathy 'Riordan, Jill Fraser. Linda Dietrich, Trudy Bloem, Merle Allan, Ter- ri Smollet and Bob Hogan. Junior subject proficiency awards went to Neil Duncan. Karl Davis, Marilyn Six, Eric' Ney. Peter Barabash, Steve" Toth. Rick Hampton, Nicki} Schilder. Michael Kernan, Wil-; fred Trudeau, Rick Little, and: Nick Defago. In the senior diva ision winners were Kathy Rior-i clan, Dan Stiver. Don Millard,‘ Robin Wilson. Glenn Duncan“ ‘and Audrey Barraclough. } Grade 13 proficiency award winners were Michael Finnigan, Craig Honey. Anders Nielsen, Wendy Campbell, Gino Bortol- ussi and Paul Bolton. Trustee William Bales of East‘ Gwillimbury presented a jun- ior school letter to Sanda Gra- ham and senior letter to Judy McKendry. Matriculation cert- ificates went to Helene Def- ago and Ole Nielsen. Richmond Hill Trustee Deena Simpson presented the Fred Swayse Memorial Award to John Hea- ‘slip. Canada Science Fair win- ners Chris Castel and Michael Finnigan were introduced by Teacher Keith Carson. Certifi- cates of training were presented to Frederick Lawson. Craig Mc- Lean. Wilfred Trudeau and Dav- id Van Huis. King Trustees Mrs. Margaret Coburn and Marvin Hunter presented honor graduation dipâ€" lomas to 72 graduates. The symphonic band provided an- ‘other musical interlude, playing selections from "Mr. Lucky" arranged by John Krance. There were a number of bursaries and scholarships. King Women's Institute Prize went to Melodie Alexander. the King City Lions Club Awards to Elizabeth Cooke and Don Mil- lar. King Township Council aw- ards to Merle Allan. Dob Hogan, Deborah Caple and Anders: Nielsen. ‘ ! .(n-».u-o-o-o-o-«-o.o-o-o-h.«-t .- B. J. Langdon Memorial'i Scholarships went to Paul 801- ‘ ton and Anders Nielsen, and] Ontario Scholarships to Pauli Bolton. Craig Honey and An-' ders Nielsen. Robin Wilson was winner of the faculty scholarship and Jim Winter winner of the prina cipal's prize. The B. T. O'Beirn. ‘Prize was presented to Fredj Gugg by the school's retired Principal B. T. O'Beirn. ii “Um-O The Marin Hill Broad Mem- orial Prize was presented by Debbie Hill to Cathy Castator. and the York County Board of Education proficiency prize went to Craig Honey. Valedictorian was Paul Bol- ton. The recessional, “March Baroque," was arranged by Phil- ip Gordon. The Creditors of the above named Company (heretofore operating Yangtze Pagoda) are required on or before the lst day of December, 1971 to send: their names and addresses and‘ “'0':an K iï¬Ã©wparticulars of their debts or claims to the undersigned. Dated this 19th day of Nov- ember, 1971. VAUGHAN RESTAURANTS LIMITED NOTICE TO CREDITORS CLARKE. SWABEY. McLEAN & ROSS. Solicitors for the above named Company Suite 401, 112 King Street West. TORONTO 1, Ontario. p-_l-u-<.( -0- 0-4 ECONOMICAL Established 7871 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY HOME BUSINESS AUTO FOR The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re ZONING BYLAW Vandorf Community Hall Masonic Hall, Stouffville Ballantrae Community Centre Hall â€" December Ist, at 7:30pm. PUBLIC MEETIN S 4___â€"_â€"_ The Economical road sign is becoming a familiar sight alongside Ontario highways. And today many home and car owners are equally familiar with the service it advertises . . .Economical insurance. Economical is a Canadian-owned company with one hundred years of experience in the general insurance business. Economical’s services and protection plans are available through independent agentsâ€"men who can give you the professional, unbiased advice you need when buying insurance. -- ~41“ , for the purpose of informing property owners of the regulations contained in the new Zoning By-law, before adoption by Council. J - Ask, your indepéndént agent about dependable, low-cost pro- tection for home, business or auto . . . from Economical. It is intended that an application will be made icipal Board for approval of this new by-law Municipality, rather than continue the applicz By-law No. 2083, passed by the‘former Townsl Copies of the new by-Iaw at Office, Stouffville and the Avenue, Newmarket. They public meetings. Willowdale â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 226-1611 Richmond Hill â€" Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884-1551 Public Meetings will be held as follows: . -u--u- . DOUDDQDUD‘- 0-0»--.0-«1 Head Office: Kitchener, Ontario “The Liberal" is seeking a correspondent for the OAK RIDGES - LAKE WILCOX AREA If you are interested in serving your home com- munlty and earning some extra money, please contact Mary Dawson at 884-1105. November 29th, at 7:30pm. November 30th, at 7:30pm. Correspondent Needed w are available for perusal at the Municxpal the Regional Planning Office, 62 Baywiew l‘hey will also be available at each of the lication will be made to the Ontario Mun- of this new by-law for the whole of the continue the application for approval of y theiformer Township of Whitchurch. perusal at the Municipal R. E. CORNER. Clerk.