Pianos â€" all makes. Organs -â€" Conn â€" Lowrey â€" Electrohome and Farfisa. Also chord organs from $39.95. Ideal Christmas Gifts Layaway â€" Easy Terms â€" Full Warranty. Drop in any day or evening. we will be pleased to demonstrate. and you ~will like our sale prices. It pays to shop early. (nu-9n PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets. fir 112" special $5.35 per sheet. Call World Wide Slnpping. 889-6269. tfc19 OUR 25TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE At PONTING‘S MUSIC CEN"RE Don Mills Road. 2 miles north Aurora Sideroad (You can't miss our sign) Phone 895-6311. bench, and night table. Best LADIES' coats, one muskrat. offer. 833-5289. cl\\'22.0ne Borg. one camel haif' THREEEie‘CTEdR‘im*â€"Smt€ mink jacket. muskrat stole, ht electric floor polisher, vacuum 18'29‘ MU“ be scld' $35 eth' cleaner. 832-1108. c1\\‘22 884‘2334‘ 7 Cl\\22 WbMAN'S brown c1311: coat FRIGIDAIRE elecmc dryer’ good mink canal: . . McClary-Easy. gas dryern .385 grey Persian 14:13: lggcizest’ each. Both 1n good condmon. mink collar, like new, $275 884-4698. c1\\'22 size 14-16. 884-1636. c1w22 THREE piece cEstom built 0RGANS. l-stop shopping. Seelbwloom sum and hear Hammonds, Lowreys and Farfisas. Organs all sizes HUMIDIFIER and types from $49.50 up. Banklic drum type, terms. Enjoy the \x'eathel‘proofls45. 884-3060 year-round hobby. Organ les- 63m: sons onb' $1. Toronto Organ and crib. 2 ea Centre. 5254 Yonge St., Willow- eratm.‘ china dale. 222-6517 and Sherway must sell. 83 Gardens, Hwy. 27 and Q.E.Way. »â€"â€"~ Y 621-1871. Open evenings. lSNO“ “‘95- 6 CHESTERFIELTD set. coffee and end tables, beautiful condition. 889-9942. clw‘l‘l LLOYD baby carriage. excelleni condition. $45. 884-1024. c1w22 BASINETTE and crib. $17.. each. Good condition. 889-3392 c1\\'22 SNOWBLOWERS’ " I s :' they last. Reids. 884 BEDROOM suite. 2 headboards, dresser, vanity table with bench, and night table. Best offer. 833-5289. clw22 THREE-Sie'ceâ€"Edibdm*sui£€ electric floor polisher, vacuum cleaner. 832-1108. c1\\'22 Loam â€"â€" maï¬ure â€" top soil â€" mushroom compust â€" peat moss, etc. C. L. Knappett Land- scaping and Supplles. 884-3089. tfc43 WASHER. dryer and stove parts, gears. belts, wood bear- ings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math‘s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road, 8844903. tfcll I UALIL eq Holland Park Garden Centre. my: CCM c 51 Keele Street N.. Maple. 832- $50. CCM 2455. tfc40 and bumper l’A’fIO‘Tvalkaféctnyâ€"rejects. Weeks Wire All sizes and colors, at greatly Cooper gut reduced prices. 832â€"2455. 320. 575 ft TV. 21â€, in terrific working order, marvellous reception, nice appearance, $65.00 priv- ate. 1-248-5794. c2w22 DEMO Minibikes (11) Reids 884-7716. c1w22 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832-1319 Maple. 11c28 ADDING mziehines.‘typewrftag cash registers. Office furniture new and used. 889-2270. tfcll TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACIIINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in cl u din g new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone. sand. concrete gravel, etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089 tfc37 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy, 7, just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfclO clw22 GURNEY electric stoveâ€"M113 warming oven. $50: bedroom suite, 3 pieces, $75: both in good condition. 884-7917. Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms. direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 454-1388 SNOWMOBILES, repéirs’iï¬i clothing (20) Reids. 884-7716. c1w22 PANELLING sale, 10% off all stock panels. Loughlin Lum‘ her. Yonge and Scott Drive Richvale. 889-1109. c2w22‘ “Want Extra Cash For Christmas . . Use Liberal Action Want Ads Now†C. KNAPPETTVFOR LOAM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8e per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .900 and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. 1N MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. automatic FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov RAILWAY TIES Call the Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 884-1983 8 am. to 6 pm. Monday and Tuesday. 9 am. to 5 pm. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 to 12 noon Saturday ALUMINUM 884-1745 while 7716. CIW .4 cl\\'22 c2w22 c1\\'22 tfc14 tfc3 REFRIGERATOR. like new, a- partment size, $90; fur coat, Moutton, size 18-20, $35; corn- er kitchen counter -with 3 com- partments 8; shelves, all built in stainless steel, $90. 884-7878 after 5 pm. c1w22 RECORD player, Seabreeze. stereophonic twin detachable speakers. excellent condition. $40 or best offer. 884-6513. cl\\‘22 ‘Weeks wire mask and helmet. “M'ww‘ __ r v Cooper gut pad and arm pad BREAKFAST suite for sale, $20. $75 for entire package. reasonable. 889-7128. c1w22 A11 in excellegt conqitionï¬ï¬mm P110119 476'3609 1“ KeS‘VICk- Itable, child’s rocking chair, tri- CIwzzlnvnlp antimlo rnr‘L'pr RRQ-319R AUBUSSON Indian rug, 9x12 perfect condition, 1 year old Half price $250. 889-0614. CHESTS and dressers, $12 and up; used kitchen set $24: din- ing room suite, desk. chrome sets, china cabinets. coffee tab- les. fridge, stove, etc. We buy, sell and trade. Oak Ridges Used Furniture. Yonge Street and Given Road. 773-5544. Op- en Wednesday to Sunday. 2 SNOW tires 825x14 on rimsl 884-1638. tf022‘ GOALIE equipment. high qua- ‘lity: CCM custom pro leg pads $50; CCM Prolite catch glove 1and bumper glove $20; Cooper- YOUTH bed with good mat- tress $10. small tricycle $3. two bird cages. 884-4218. clw22 Pianos and used furniture. Call‘ 884-1146. tfc24l Hwï¬v _ __V q BARTLETT pears, McIntosh ‘and Wealthy apples. Manning Orchards. Dufferin Street, ' mile south of Maple Sideroadu 3 miles north of No. 7 Highwayfl 832-1274. Open. Mon. to Fri. after 5 pm, Sat. and Sun. all day. tfc13 . .r__â€"__.__+._.l ALADDIN lamp parts, ghades,l chimneys. 7729 Yonge S., Thorn-3 hill. 297â€"1371. tfcla‘ BIG SALE! Used sewing machines $14.95. New sewing machines $59.95 and up. Bernina Sewing Centre. Richmond Heights Centre. 884â€" 3775. tfc18 ONE Liberty dinette suite, one pressure tank. and shallow well pump and motor. 773- 4621. tchO MEN‘S Cortina skis and Val D‘Or ski boots. size 10, suitâ€" able for beginner. Used four seasons. Phone 884-6906. Moffat 16â€, 220 volt. counter model with stand. 884-2433. tfc21 FIREWOOD for sale, split and delivered. 773-5488. tfc21 ONE stroller chair. carriage and crib. 2 easy chairs. refrig- erator. china cabinet. Moving. must sell. 884-2762. clw22 SNOW tires. 695x14 Dunlop on GM rims. $30. 889-3378. BEAUTIFUL light mahogany liquor cabinet. Cost over $500. asking $125. Prestige item‘ Odds and Sodds Curiousity Shoppe. 9218 \"onge Street 884-6822. c1\\'2‘2 *2\\‘21 AQUARIUM 43†x 18'" x 13â€". Pumps, filters and all accessor- ies. 884-8344. / tfc21 - ‘ , "â€"â€",â€" â€"-â€"_;mem, 11. mean mmuea, mr. w. 884 4698. c1\\22 ORGA1\, Electrohoma full pe lsacks’ FRI. Manager 88931771. mew custom builtIdal board, two manual. 27 voic- cl“.22 . - les 6 can lers built-in L 1' ' ._. _ bedloom sulte, 75. 884-9537.. ~ P » es 19~ , . s clwzzfprivately owned. warranty andÂ¥PART time Ofï¬ce help. mature ._____ .____‘t » _ - 2 v person. t' ing essential. Yonï¬e HUMIDIFIER â€"â€" GE automat- Wflz and Shepbppard area. 223-2540.†1c drum type, used one winter, BAB_Y Cl‘lb and mattress $20._ awn $45 ggtgnï¬n “wag carnage $20. stroller $15, Cl‘ibg FIREWOOD OAK. beech. hard maple. cut‘ and split. 884-6046. cl\\'22 1 SHORT black \n'g -â€" never worn. 88+34"2. cl\\'22 SNOW tire; 775x14 on rim, bonuses. Languages an asset. used one winter, $20. 834-2213 For confidential interview c1w22 please call Mr T. Chester. man- CHILIS’S SIBâ€"boots, size 11, ex-Eï¬gr‘ $391-$281 A‘ E' Le cellent condition.- $4, tricycle! " a 01"-- _ _ c “ spring horse, crib and mat- COMBINATION PBPEI‘ cutter tress, car bed. condition and fOIdel‘ Operator “'ith set UP EX- price reasonable. 889-0228. perience onr autoniaticispacer ONE sectional couch with end: tables. suitable for recovering.‘ one antique buffet. one lazy rocker and one wicker basket rocker. 884-7273. c1\\‘22 ANTIQUE 3 seater sofa, refin- ished one year, wood carved from. also antique sewing ma- }chine. 884.5517 after 6.30. DEEP FAT FRYER FOR SALE (Continued) WANTED 218 Yonge Street! Young & Biggin cl\\'22| c1w22 C c2w21 c1\\'22 c1\\'2 c1w22 :j‘sFIOWM'dEILE helmets, CSA la‘appl‘oved, $14.95 each. 884â€" â€" 9748 after 6 p.111. c2_w22 5 GOAL pads. senior, stick. gloâ€" 5‘.ves and mask, $50. 832-2619. _ l clw22 lHazei. 884-2809, c1w22 WANTED dependable middle- -_-#.â€"-"“"_- d man in ciood physical con- 'LARGE R1\'1ela pigdyback am- 33‘? ’ :=_ I . gpuï¬eh Deï¬ect condition. 2 m dmon. Work In Richmond Hill .puts $150 884_7011 c1w22 will include the cleaning and .__‘__‘ ' sterlizing of equipment used in 13RIVATE SALE modern food processing plant ROVEMBER 27m as well as general janitors SAT. 10 A.M. -â€" 3 P.M. d ,~ . . ‘ i Y uties in plant and ofï¬ces. P61- 70 LAWN“ 00†COURT manent position. good pay. RICHMOND HILL 884"ï¬gsiPhone 884-6101 for appointment. Living mom and beck-corn furâ€"l clwzz DINING room table. six chairs, single bed and headboard, wa- sher, dryer, 30" range, refrig- erator. kitchen base cabinet. Appliances available December 9. 884-1855 after 5:30 p.111. c1w22 {ONE broadloom rug, rust, 10’x 11’, bound edges, nearly new. 884-1693. - >31w22 FIREWOOD, fill your car trunk. $1.50. Ratcliffe Lumber, 4 miles west of Stouffville. 297-3104. c8w20 'FIREPLACE wood ~â€"- red oak )and hard maple. 884-8948. PRIVATE SALE NOVEMBER. 27th SAT. 10 A.M. â€" 3 RM. 70 LAWNWOOD COURT RICHMOND HILL 884-4798 Living room and bedroom fur- niture, television. china, lamps. books. Hi-Fi and radio comb.. records, Christmas decorations, indoor & outdoor lights. Vac- uum cleaner. ’ironing board, ONE page-boy wig. black, brand new, $18; one General Electric sun lamp, brand new. $15; General Electric heated rollers. $18: TV, Admiral, good condition. $25; also ski equipâ€" ment, $15 or best offer. Call Hazel. 884-2809. c1w22 2 LADIES’ winter coats, size 12. 884-5670. c1w22 CUPBOARD, 36" high, 2 slid- ing glass doors on top and 2 wooden sliding doors on the bottom, Singer vacuum clean- er, apartment size. 884-2727. c1w22 “gut-Ac, v .......... , v ..... .., _..__.r_ books. Hi-Fi and radio comb.: GIRL FRIDAY records, Christmas decorations, small manu’facturel‘ Markham indoor 8; outdoor lights. vac-IROE‘d ‘ N9\§7M?k_ al‘ea l‘qquil‘es uum cleaner, ' ironing board, dePendable ln§11v1dual typing re- irons. electric lawnmower, gar- qwred. lelect’rlcl, must be accu- den tools. sports equipment“:ate \Vlth figures- Duties include ranch wagon barbeque, etc. All llght Clean assembly work and in excellent condition. Reas- telephone answel‘ing- Phone 884- onably priced and best offers.Â¥9383- “41w *1\\'22| THE REGIONAL 20†convertible bicycle, new condition. 884-6344. c1w22 THREEâ€"speed. high rise bike, new condition. Reasonable. Phone 884-3865. c1w22 The Odds and Sodds Curious- JUNIOR clerk for cost depart- ity Shoppe, 9218 Yonge Street ment. Mathematical mind and at Carrville Road. some previous experience in acâ€" China, glass. antiques and 115- counting or costing desirable. ed furniture at reasonable p1‘i-'O\\'n transportation necessary 085. 1-5 DIN. daily except Location Markham area. Phone Monday, open Sunday. Come 297-1030, c1w22 POOL table, 3’x6’, ping-pong table, child’s rocking chair, tri- cycle, antique rocker. 889-3193. clw22 and browse SNOWMOBILE boots, $10 a pair. 884-9748 after 6 pm. USED sewing machine, Al l (Continued) ' IContinued) SEASONED firewood, mixed, ‘oak, beech. birch and maple. .12†and 16" cords. Holland IPark Garden Centre. 832-2455. i tfc14 . BUILDERS MODEL ' FURNITURE lChesterfields in various styles {and colors. Tables. lamps, bed- 'room suites, and odds and ends. ‘No appliances. No dining room. Everything is like new and rea-. isonable. Call Parkcrest Con- struction. 889-4960. c4w19 FIREWOOD, fill your car trunk. $1.50. Ratcliffe Lumber, 4 miles west of Stouffville. 297-3104. c8w20 FIREPLACE woodâ€"~â€" red oak and hard maple. 884-8948. c4w20 WILLIAMS pears, $1.35 bask- et with their own containers. Arborite walnut dining room table, seats eight. 884-6367. tfc21 $10 a cmnwmnnflfï¬â€˜. I'm?“ s FEEL TRAPPED? HAVE YOU REACHED YOUR FULL POTENTIAL IN YOUR PRESENT JOB? WE HAVE FIVE OPENINGS FOR MEN OR WOMEN DUE TO EXPAN- SION: EXCELLENT WORK- ING CONDITIONS IN NEW MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE. EARN WHILE YOU LENT TRAINING PRO- GRAMME. FOR INTERVIEWS CALL MR. NURGITZ AT NORM BLACK REALTY LTD.. 223-0322. tfclrI LOOKING FOR A FUTURE Challenging positions are avail- able if you are ready for reâ€" sponsibility knowing it leads to ipromotion opportunities. ‘A CAREER WITH IAC OFFERS YOU â€" A practical training pro- gramme. â€" A future depending upon your ability and how you use it. LEARN WITH OUR EXCEL-I lContinuedl JUNIORHBOVOKKEEPER Bright girl with knowledge of bookkeeping for engineering firm in Maple. Cali Mrs. Gold- man 922-5123. Personnel World. clw22 TAXI‘d‘riversTover‘m years. Call 889â€"3366. c1w22 HEAVY built person willing to work. Lift 100 1b. bags. Apply {in person to Maple Feed Mills. 'Railway SL. Maple. c1w22 OUR requests for office em- ployees are usually filled through our active files. If you are looking for permanent work you should list with A1 Employ- ment Agency. Call Mona Robert- son 884-6944 for appointment time. .c2inZ iEXPERIENCED receptionist- 'switchboard operator. Must be good typist, good personality, neat appearance. Hours 9-5. Contact N. Andersen. Dominion Welding Engineering Co., Ltd., iMaple. 889-4861. c1w22 condition, reasonably priced. 773-5332. c1\\'22 PAIR of snoiv tires. size 600- 13. excellent condition, $20. 884-3470. c1w22 ARBORITE top table, nearly new. Williams pears. 884-6367. clw22 REAL ESTATE Three experienced or business sales people needed for our modern air-conditioned office in BUILDERS MODEL FURNITURE Chesterfields in various styles and colors. Tables. lamps, bed- room suites. and odds and ends. No appliances. No dining room. Everything is like new and rea- sonable. Call Parkcrest Con- struction. 889-4960. c4w19 perience on automatic spacer equipment. Steady job. Toronto scale. plus other company bene- fits. Apply to Box 8 “The Lib- eral.†c2\\‘21 12" and 16" cards Holland Park Garden Centre. 832-2455. tfc14 RICHMOND HILL AREA Sales Representative Required Ambitious man or woman need- ed by one of Toronto‘s most progressive and respected real estate companies. Experience preferred but will train suitable applicants. Excellent commis- sion and bonus. For interview call: Sean Flood. 889-9330 FOARMSA‘LE HELIj WANTED 1971 Ltd.v Realtor c1“ ‘2 lwug my ,{g\‘}:1QpALIFICAT10Ns: $______w_,,.-l ““f‘ *lwzz‘HIgI} School education with two'E‘ULL-time and pan-time teller â€"â€"â€"’â€" to ï¬ve years’ experience in ac- for local 'bank. Phone for sale, - - . clwzz counltlmg. posmons, preferably 01W22 _ enro. e 1n an accounting course Efï¬gcurfï¬m SAï¬â€"(fï¬â€˜Eâ€"Râ€"Yâ€" pmg-pong leadmg towards a qualified ac- Must haw: nwn transnortation. c2w21 c1w22 MECHANIClrequired for after- noon shift 3230 till 12 midnight. Must have electrical experience for automated machinery. Apply VCA Manufacturing of Canada Ltd, 95 Newkirk Road. Rich- mond Hill. c1w22 counting designation. File No. T.2. Applications quoting file num- ber to be submitted no later than December 1. 1971 to: The Regional Municipality of York, Box No. 147, Newmarket, Ontario. â€" A future depending upon your ability and how you use it. â€"- Rewarding management op- portunities with an ever-exâ€" panding company. â€" Security with Canada’s lar- gest Sales Finance Company. Applicants should be recent High School Graduates. enjoy meeting the public, be alert and aggressive. DUTIES: To prepare journal entries.' process accounts payable in- voices, assist in analysis of ac- counts, reconcile bank accounts, assist with payrolls. URGENT > Experienced homemakers and; babysitters. part or full time for, busy Thomhill agency. 889â€"' 8047. tfc22 SALESMEN 8; SALESWOMEN WANTED . Join our progressive company' for a bright. profitable future: Full time only. Call for appoint-l ment, H. Keith Limited, Mr. W.. Sacks, F.R.I. Manager 889-7771.; cl\\'22_ FULLY exberienced appliance service man. Good wages and medicai benefits. 727-4681. 727- TYPIST Clerk typist. 55 wpm, temporary one week plus, wa 7 and Keele‘ Call Mrs. Goldman 922â€"5123. Tosi Temporaries. c1w22 PART-time helper, weekend and nights included. Please apply Scott's Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge St N, Richmond Hill in person ings arweek, Thornhill area. 727-3314. (:1W22 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK ACCOUNTING CLERK IAC LIMITED 87 Yonge St North Richmond Hill Ontario 92 Davis Drive Newmai‘ket, Ontario Apply or Write to: c1w22 c1w22 tfc 1GENERAL factory help wanted lsuitable for men for afternoon shift 3:30 till 12 midnight. Ap- ply Formold Plastics of Canada ‘Ltd.. 95 Newkirk Road, Rich- ;mond Hillt c1w22 |._,-,________w,_w_,_ Clwzgfl AND Zâ€"Bedroom apartments. lTELLER required immediate‘lylApply Superintendent, 402 experience necessary. Bank of‘MaI‘kham Rd or call 884-5670. Commerce, Bayview and Mark: c1w22 ham, Rlchmond H111. 884â€"8109. ‘bï¬t‘b'eamélï¬ basement apaw cl\\'22 rut-I11 fnr want in 'I‘hm‘nhill, $95. Illal'll, Richmond Hill. 884-8109. bearobln basement apart- . Clwgz men! for rent in Thomhiu- 595- ;ï¬ETIï¬Eï¬vmao-itâ€"okdowsé$ifylmonthly with reference Mrs. :\\‘ork in Markham Township Reid. 889-7856, 638-4364. 889- }area. Write for application 10:6345. clw22 425, Dav“ Dnve’ Newmarl‘mtil‘bNE bedroom for rent 884-1638. Su1te 2â€"3. c1w22 “023 â€"WE NEED Eiéï¬RIENCED UPPER-duplex two bedroom iPEYRSONVNEL FOR PERM-AM apartment, $160. Equipped kit- }ENI‘,A1\D PART'TIME l)OSI‘mhen hydro and parking. 884- 'TIOI‘S- !6479. c1w22 4TH class stationary engineer or man with some pipe fitting experienced â€" also grader to work in Rose Grading Dept., for local greenhouse operation. Ap- ply to Tom Nolan â€"- H. J. Mills Ltd. 884â€"8175. c1w22 PART time night clerk for ware- house shipping department, 9 pm to 1 am, Keele, Hwy 7 area. ideal for young retired man or pensioner, 223-2220 Ext. 243 for interview. Immediate. c1w22 MECHANIC with own tools for regular garage duties. Apply at World Wide Shipping, 360 New- kirk Rd. clw22 PART time bookkeeper for gen- eral office duties. Apply at World Wide Shipping, 360 New- kirk Rd. c1w22 CLASS “A†mechanic required for truck fleet. Must have full knowledge of both gas and die- sel engines. Apply in person, Laidlaw Transport Ltd.. 346 En- ford Road, Richmond Hill. mend Hill. ' c1w22jLARGE one bedroom apartment, INTERESTING position openlYonge Street at Thornhill, $150. for person with accounting ex_“month. month of December free. perience. Must be capable of_831'0°‘13' flw‘zz meeting the public. Duties will TWO bedroom apartment, semi-‘ also consist of keeping a set of detached with garage. near books for a retail wholesalelYonge Street. $160. 'Will be operation, Phone 334.4172 betJvacant December 15th. 884-6557 ween 1-5 pm for appointment. '01" 884-1853. c1w2'2 WANTED, reliable persons, 1 male, 1 female. for light as- sembly work. steady employ- ment, clean working conditions. Sovereign Water ‘Conditioners. Richmond Hill. 889â€"8383. c1w22 Must have own transportation, Keele St. North of Hwy. No. 7. Apply in writing stating ex- perience and salary desired to Box 13 “The Liberalâ€. c1w22 (Continued) JUNIOR BOOKKEEPER Bright girl with knowledge of bookkeeping for engineering firm in Maple. Call Mrs. Gold- man 922-5123. Personnel World. c1w22 HAIRDRESSES, must be neat and licensed, good hours. 884- 8271. c1w22 GIRL wanted for liveâ€"in help for small new home in Thorn- hill. Private room and bath. 881-2221. _ c1w22 m apartment avall- able, one Child. 5166. Apply 16:") Colboume Ave. c2w21 TWO bedroom apartment on Yonge, Janitorial services re- quired. 884-2762 between 9 and 11 am. or Sundays. chxi’l Ki'AILABLE immediately, two bedroom apartment, 5150. with parking. 884â€"7223, 486-823§. TWO bedroom bungalow situa- ted on one acre. panelled rec. room with fireplace, work bench available for hobbyist. garage $190. Cal'rville Road near Bathâ€" urst 88443824 after 5. c1w22 HELI: WANTED TQEENT Co. of Canada Richmond Hill. 884-1188 HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 18 YONGE ST. NORTH 884-6782 GUARANTY TRUST Experience essential Call for appointment TELLER c 1w22 clw22 c1w22 c2w21 ' OFFICE SPACE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL .Premises suitable for Dental or LMedical clinic on ground floor, centrally located. ample storage and parking, with option of liv- ing accommodation, bl‘oadloom 'throughout. For further details call 884â€"2442‘ c1w22 TWO bedroom basement apart- ment. No children or pets. 884- 8350. c1w22 !FURNISHED bed-sitting room with private facilities. Suitable for a couple. 884-9572. Call in ,the evenings. c1w22 FURNISHED room. separate en- trance. kitchen. bath and living room. 884â€"8285. *1w22 ‘Continued) FURNISHED room. cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lat house east of Bork‘s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FOR lease. 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16‘6" clear, immediate posses- sion. $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. PLANT and office space to rent. 2,000 square ft. Goodwill Fabricating Company. 167 Cen- tre Street East, Richmond Hill. 884-8981. tfc38 New, modern, available for all occasions (up to 230 people). Sheppard and Victoria Park area. Free parking, air condi- tioned. Full kitchen facilities on premises. Call 491-4301 for further information. tfc51 OFFICE space: also storage space, Goodwill Fabricating Company, 167 Centre Street East. 884-8981. tfc39 LARGE furnished room, cenâ€" tral Richmond Hill, close to Yonge. 884-8312.. c1w20 QUIET 1 bedroom apartment $145, rent includes fridge, stove, parking. ‘hydro, soft water and broadloomed halls, 170 Bayview Avenue at Markham Rd. 884- 9885. c1w20 TWO bedroom apartment $35 weekly, and bungalow $55 \veekâ€" ly. 636-6837. tfc16 “C21 179%5'C1fEVâ€"Iinpala, 2%, power EEBKRuninï¬ï¬? 13-36351 brakes and steering, AM-FM apartments in Richmond Hill radiov new ball J'OlntS, Springs, now renting. 884-7098. alignment. winterized. Will cer- tfclgltify at $600. LeSS as is. c1w22 85 cease? A'Jen'ue, Richmond919’70 BUICK Le Sabre, 4 do_or Hill, 2 bedroom upper duplex haTdtOP‘ A-} automatlc, radio. apartment, equipped kitchen, P9W€r Steering. DQWEI‘ brakes. newly decorated, excellent park- Vlnyl top 50,000 mile warranty ing. $160. 924-7197, evenings Still BXiSting. $2895 or best 422-0225 clwzo offer. Private sale. 889-827l. FURNISHED room, cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884-4828 for appointment. TIEEDROOM apartment, 884« 8588. c1w22 LARGE 3 bedroom townhouse, 11/2 baths, playroom and car- port. 1 block to school and shop- ping. $215 a month. 884-6558. THORNHILL 235 Bay Thorn Drive One and two bedrooms New luxury 5â€"storey building Immediate occupancy 0 Rent includes 0 Hydro, drapes 881-0057 TWOWbedroom apartment with garage. Available December 4. 889â€"7856. c1\\‘22 RICHMOND Heights 1' a n c h style, 4 bedrooms, 3 washrooms, 2 fireplaces. bar, two-car garage. $320. 884-3787. tfc22 UPPER-duplex two bedroom apartment, $160. Equipped kit- chen hydro and parking. 884- 6479. c1w22 HOUSE T0 RENT Spacious ten room home with bachelor apartment to sublet in Markham Rd. - Yonge St. area. Broadloom throughout. Imme- diate occupancy. References re- quired. Call 884-1861. c1w22 STORAGEispaL‘e only 1700 sq. ft. Bayview and No. 7 Hwy. Reasonable. 889-1899. tfc22 t\' TWO self contained cosy rooms tunfumishedv with bath. sepa- rate entrance, suitable for busi- ness men. Phone 832-1160 after 6 pm. c1w22 THREE room furnished apartâ€" ment including 4 piece bath and fireplace. Adults only Available December 1. 884-4905 from 6 pm to 9 pm. clw22 BANQUET HALL c l “‘22 c1w21 clwzi‘. th50 DUPLEX, 2 yeil‘s old, 5' 158111967 VW 16‘Oo~\{v§§ rooms, private drive. garage. tires, body and mecha ‘Available immediately. 165 Rug- dition, $1.000. 884-437t ggles Avenue. 221-1275. c1\v22V1961 FAIZC'ON coach ‘ROOM and Board, adult 15me,order. 881-0195. gentleman preferred. packed‘ lunch. Central location. No shift "’ workers please. Please call after 5:30 pm or. anytime weekends. BOOKKEEPING and i884-8265. €2\v22 ;ing services for small l SEVERAL country homes for 889'3633- rent 01‘ sale. Call. 488-4386. x gr!)th muck: n' I70 COBRA. 429 Super Cobra Jet. ;blue printed and balanced \power disc brakes, four speed, 1drag package. bucket seats, Zie- barted, undercoated, headers .mag wheels. new engine and many extras. $3800 or best offer. 889-0976. c2w22 1Continued) NEWMARKET 3 bedroom house. 3185. month. 389-9310 or 895 6820 PRIVATE SALE 1966 Ford Galaxie convertible, spring time yellow. black top, V-8. automatic, power steering, power brakes, custom radio, white walls. In excellent condi- tion throughout. $1095 or clos- est offer. 884-8680. c1w21 ’66 Ford 4-door sedan, auto-l matic, radio, A1 condition. 889-, 3770 or 221-0638. c2w21: excellent condition. 225-0405. 6 cl\V21.v; ‘ Phone 884-1245 tfcz , ,- CARS _! SHAï¬PothG 6.3 PONTIAC Parisienne converâ€" Bugs and cheszterfields. Day 01' tible. automatic V8. certified, mght- 834-2433. tchO 1967 PONTIAC stationwagon, V8, auto matic transmission. Make offer. 884-5383. c2w21 ‘ . 1' 01' “‘88 Cblllllfllcn but; .7 uua 1964 CHEV. 6 automatlc. p0\\er Local Contractor steering and brakes. radio and HANS BUTT 8894106 snow tires. A woman's car. 889- 3828. c1w22‘ _. ' LEANmeZI 1967 GTO. 6.5 litre. 400 cu. in..| wmagl‘lv “ï¬shing 4 barrel, 3 speed automatic. 889â€"' Floor Cleaning , 7118. tfc22 1.7-, ___7_.___ , Reasonable Rates 1967 GTO 400. excellent com EXECUTIVE MAINTENANCE dition, best offer 640-3199. I 884-1311 certified, best offer 884-6417. clw22 1969 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, automatic, immaculate. Priced for quick sale. Pinecrest Motors 881-0082. clw22 1967 CHRYSLER Newport cus- tom. hardtop. silver gray, black vinyl top. Outstanding. Pinecrest Motors. 881-0082. clw22 1970 PONTIAC Catalina 2 dr. hardtop, V8. automatic, power steering and brakes. radio, white walls and Wheel discs. 26,000 miles. remainder of Ifew car warranty. clean car. Lic. No. N67583. Full price $2,495. Call Pat Donahue at Kinnear Pon- tiac. 884-4481. cl\\'22 1969 GALAXIE Convertible,[TrenchingfsEQég power steeripg. FQQi§,__:-3_5.000.fbotings. 889-3604 miles. 889-8887 or 962-6707 1964 FORD stationwagon, V3, automatic. p o w e 1' equipped, drives exceptionally well, in- terior immaculate, excellent body, superb transportation. custom radio, $485 cash. Private 248-0059. c1\\'22 1965 IMPALA VB, auto.. un‘ “9‘m’76' CZWZZ GENERAL contracting. altera- 1959 VOLKSWAGEN deluxelitions and additions, homes, ofâ€" excellent transportation. Bai-iï¬ces, factories. Custom carpen- 0082. clwzzltry of all descriptions. Les 1966 FdRD custom, automatic iwebb'Mâ€"tï¬g excellent transportation. Only GENERAL CARPENTRY $295. Pinecrest Motors. 881-0082. Kitchen units, alterations, rec. c1w22 rooms, etc. 1966 GMC truck, 1 ton, dual wheels, with farm racks, 773- 5085. c1\\’22 1969 DODGE Polara 500 Sedan, V8 automatic. power steering, deluxe interior, $1,295. 834- 4647. c1w22 1971 DATSUN 1200 radial tires mag wheels. Phone 884-6866 after 4 pm. c1\v22 1966 BUICK Wildcat. like new. air conditioning, all electric. new tires and exhaust $1500. 884-8722. clw22 1968 DODGE Coronet coupe, new motor, new clutch, certi- fied, must sell, best offer. 889- 8859. c1w22 wheels, with farm racks, 773- 5085. c1\\'22 CARPENTRY 1965 BARRACUDA 273. vs, four Custom Wilt homes, P°“°.Va' speed, certified, $595. Terms to!ti°“5v addltlons’ and repalrs' HARRISONS CUSTOM suit. 834_3331_ clwgz‘Kitcliens a speciality. Morris 1964 CHEVY II 'motoless cu.‘Hâ€"â€"amS°"' gaggislï¬ â€"th4a in. complete. 832-8841. c1\\'22‘ RON MOORE v ~ A ~ 77 ~ 75â€"777 1PAINTING- - PAPERHANGING 1963 CORVAIR’ 30-000 ougmal Interior - Exterior. Free esti- miles, certified. 884-3302. “1211:: mm :nrfimp 889-8965 1969 CHEV Biscayne -â€" 4 door. V8. automatic. power steering and brakes. Lic. 367602. Full price $1295. not certified. Phone 884-4481. H. Wilkinson, Kinnear Pontiac. c1\\'22 1968 JEEP, privately owned since new, immaculate. Pin - crest Motors. 881-0082. c1\\' 2 1968 EPIC .Envoy Deluxe, very good condition. 884-9751. 1970 BUICK Wildcat. loaded with power and air conditioning. Private. Evenings only 889- 5585. c1w22 1969 GTO. power brakes and steering. auto.. With console. radio, excellent condition. Best offer. 884-7298. c2w21 TO RENT c1\\'22 c1\\'22 c1w22 c1w22 02\\'22 1w22 (1901" I’rlasAtevl-ing 1w22 per :1 MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) 1967 RENAULT 16. excellent condition. asking $750 or best offer. 884-6654, 14 Richmond St. c3w20 1967 vw 1600 wagon. GEE tires, body and mechanical con- dition, $1,000. 884-4376. c2w21 1961 FALCON coach, running order. 881-0195. c2w21 ing services for small businesses. 889-5683. tfc33 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned C. Stunden GENERAL cleanup, basements, yards, garages, etc. 884-1346. c2w21 GENERAL carpentry" recreation rooms, kitchens and repair. 884- 2505. c2le 1 RON MOORE §PAINTING - PAPERHANGING [Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. Lfc49 BRICK AND STONE WORK Fireplaces â€" chimneys â€" cus- tom built â€"â€" pati03, walls, flmver boxes, garages, etc. Guar- anteed workmanship. For free estimate call M. H. Construction 884â€"3484. tfc44 SNOW REMOVAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2382. I REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. _GENERAL CARPENTRY Licence Rec. hooms, kitchens. floor tile, cnunter tops, repair and re- finishing of furniture. Free estimates. BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines fOotings. 889-3604. tfc2 PAINTING and decorating, in- terior and exterior. Carpentry work, rec. rooms and altera- tions. No job too big or small. 884-5009. tfc40 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"- siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 Highly recommended eVen friends RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"â€"including Script‘ Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884- 1105. Excavating, Trenching. Footings and Concrete Work 884-7008 R- CLARK ‘" ' WHY NOT JOIN Plain and Decorative Mastering, A BOWLING LEAGUE? Repairs 3 Speculit’ Ladies' Afternoon Leagues Fr" Es‘ima‘es j with supervised nursery 4884521 389'3135 M; Mixed Evening Leagues WALKER CONSTRUCTION NORTHERN CONTRâ€"Aâ€"CTING a A. MILLS & SON LTD 884-2201 PERRI-STYLE (custom) Upholstering 889-9475 Day 01' night, 884â€"2433 PAINTING 8; PAPERHANGING R. \E. DUNN 727-3303 USED CARS New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 GORD HOWLAND 889-3437 PLUMBING E. W. PAYNE R. TOBIEN 889-1922 & HEATING “4‘035 : i315? 84. VI Thomhim EMS-8684 account- tfclB tchl tfc50 lfc4416 tfc20 H018 tfc50 tfc20 tfc18 ATTENTION I SNOWMOBILERS! ! ffggiVVhy' travel miles on a crowded by highway when snowmobile trails are available close to home. Join the Richmond Hill Snowmobile Ranch. Membership applications ‘now being accepted. T1C9;For information call: 884-12.†â€"â€" from 9-5, 884-2283 from 6 pm - 9 pm. c3w20 (Continued) PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€" Telephone ~â€" 884-1650. tfc24 PAINTING and Decorating. in- terior and exterior. Free esti- mates. 884-5410. tfc8 SMALL moving jobs done ev- enings and weekends. 884-5192. afternoons. c1w22 CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms. additions. renovations. tile floors. and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. MISCELLANEOUS CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paperhanging. interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. g SNOWMOBILES HAVE you always wanted to know more about the Bible? We offer a free correspondence course. For further information phone Mr. Heidman. 889â€"3181. c4w19 AVAILABLE, one or two chil- dren, Clark Avenue, Thornhill. 889-4358. c1w22 Scrap car pick-up and towing. 24 hour service. 884-9747. RIDE wanted from Richmond Helghts location to No. 7 and Keele area. Arriving 8:30 am, leavmg 4:00 pm. 884-7180. REGISTERED accountant wish- es to relocate in Willowdale - Richmond Hill area. Anyone wishing accounting services please call 226-0551. DAY care available in my home for teacher’s 3 or 4-year-old daughter. a companion for my own child. Call 884- 8343. ELECTRICIAN available for all types of home wiring, rec. rooms, stoves, dryers, etc. Very reasonable rates. fast service. free estimates. 226-0551 DAY care available, Paliser Crescent North. 884-6889. USED fluorescent fixtures $5 to $10. Miscellaneous electrical equipment. FRASER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SALES AND RENTALS 889-3113 RELIABLE day can; in my home. 884-4985. tfc17 AVAILXBLE in my home‘. Walter Scott area. 884-7657. c2w21 ‘ MASSEY-FERGUSON Ski Whiz Sales and Service New 300 Ski Whiz. 18.5 h.p. . . . . . . . . . . . $650.00 ‘New 350 Ski Whiz,‘ § 22 hp. . . . . . . . . . . . . A $750.00 :New double. trailers with Ski [ Whiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 iNew single trailers with Ski Whiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125.00 fRumble Tractor and Equipment ' Gormley, 887-5886 . FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. tfcl4 ALL types of landscaping. Stone work. railroad tie wall building. rail fencing. sandy top soil and mushroom compost. By the yard Dr ioad. Free estimates. 889- 5338. 13:44 130 566â€"11399 a dEinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box" 84, Richmond Hill, or call SKIROULE snowmobiles and equipment. Triple “EEE†Trav- el Trailers, Truck Campers and Caps, Hardtop Trailers, Otto, Woods, Lionel. Open daily to 9pm, Saturday and Sunday 5 pm. BOB'S DELIVERY SERVICE 889-5221 Transportation Hwy. 7 East at Bayview Call ALLENCOURT LANES 447 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill 884-5511 cl2 GARDENING MCKENZIE CAMPING TRAILERS TENSEN'S TOWING DAY CARE PERSONAL TUITION c12w11 c1w22 02w22 02w22 c3w20 tfc46 tfc22 tfc19 tfc15 tfcl? tfc21 tit-10 tfc3 22