Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Dec 1971, p. 6

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6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Dec. 9. 1971. 66 FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES I CASH RATES. lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per 1-. n ,d'c‘mlinrued) - V- , 'Continuedi word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second lSEASONED flgl‘m‘OOd. mixed. URGENT and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, lo loak‘ beech bn'Ch and maple- ExperienCed homemakers and '12" and 16” cords. Holland words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. _ ,Park Garden Centre. 832-2455.- COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 . tfcl4 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c lfifizâ€"wfiob;â€""fills'AWME‘QE. CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. itrunk. $1.50. Ratcliffe Lumber, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- :4 miles west of Stouffyine. sertion $1.50 ‘297-3104. c8w20 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the ,’ “BUIL'DERS MofiEL-‘fl week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. ‘ FURNITURE Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone Choslcl‘fields in \al'ious Styli-S us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. and “010,11 Tablcs- lanll’s- bed“ room suites. and odds and ends. W . v . . No appliances. No dining room.‘ FOR SALE FOR SALE Everything is like new and rea-‘ . sonable. Call Parkcrest Con-. ALUMINUM 'C°”tm“ed’___ struction. 889-4960. c3w23 Doors, windows, awnings. and WANTED i ATTERTI‘IO'N railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. Pianos and used furniture. Call,Cm.istmas Gift Ideas _ La“ tfc35 884â€"1146. tfc24: ' ___. . .__.. .. . _v _WAV _H i V 7_‘ 77 7A aways or Chargex YORK ALUMINUM ALADDIN lamp parts, shades,'l\linibikes. demos (Keystonel 1 Free estimates Aluminum sid- chimneys, 7729 Yonge s” Thorn- Snowblowers. 21-; hp â€" 14 hp.‘ ing windows, doors, awnings, hi11_ 297-1371_ tfclgi $169.00 and up. also glass and screen repair-5. BIG Slum. Lawnmowergv 3,2 hp and up. Phone 884â€"4558, factory 832- U» d .. l,‘ $14 9_ john Deere toys mast iron, col“ 1319 Maple. “028 be semng mac‘mes ' 'o'l lectors sets 1832-1960. -- -"- â€"- New sewing machines $59.95 TYPEWRHERS and up. Bernina Sewing Centre. ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Also for snowmobilers â€" , Richmond Heights Ceml.e_ 88+ Snow suits. helmets. boots 8:1 3775. tfclai accessories. t . d Del ' " “" '-â€"â€"- â€"â€"â€"-â€"»-‘Snowmobiles. Boa Ski 16 to All Dollaiillaiifnziilakesafdr sale AQUARIUM 43" X 13" X 18”.- _ 36 hp, $525 and up. .thn including new and rebuilt Pumpsv filters and 3” accessm‘ Deere 28 11p & 36 hp. $1100, ,Chureh. babysitters. part or full time for busy Thornllill agency. 889- 8047. ttezz PART-time helpei‘iweekeindrgnd nights inctuded. Please apply Scott‘s Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge St. N, Richmond Hill in person only. tfc22 tAPPLICATIONIFOIFLINEMAN Bradford Public Utilities Comâ€" mission of tlle Town of Brad- ford requires an experienced lineman. Applicant to state ex- perience, wages expected. mari- tal status and waterworks ex- perience. if any. Successful ap- plicants to work on waterworks as well as hydro. Applications will be accepted until 12 o'clock noon December 20. 1971. and cation for Lineman" Bradford Public Utilities Commission. 31 Barrie Street. PO Box 280. Bradford. Ont. Chairman James ruminating-laresonantâ€"rs; local hotel. Apply Richmond Inn. 884â€"1101. e1w23 CARRIER “The Liberal" has an opening for a responsible boy or girl f0i standard portable and electric 195' 3734‘76344; v, V “cm and up. tJohn Deere 1 year models. Special rental rates DEEP FAT FRYER ‘ warrantyt. available to students. Moffat 16”, 220 volt. counter Many Specials â€"â€" t L. H. SIMS model with stand. 884-2433. Example: 1972 36 hp deluer 88 Baker Ave. [ tfc21 Boa Ski. complete with suit}; Richmond Hill Flfitwobfijmfsélé 5,51,75,11 helmet 8; cover, $1075. Fin-1 8844745 delivered 773_5488 ’ “(.21 ancing arranged on premises: tfe3 _â€"'. vL-â€"â€"-Complete stock of parts and TEARWOOD BRSAAfiLOYOM service for most machines. Living, dining and bedrooms. 3300nglgsl of £1“ fist“, REID LAWNMOWER direct from importers \vare-' _ I W 5‘ fines 210 Markham Rd. Richmond house. Open 1 - 9pm. 454-1388 “3‘1 “310"” 0f name bland Hill. 884-9001. 884-7716. 3:00 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. bl°adl°°m * “'85 and rem'tto 8:30 pm. Mon. to Fri.. Sat. nants. Shags â€" twist â€" in-ltm 6 pm. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line, Emergency parts an establislled paper route in the Romfield Court, Kirk Drive area of North Thornhill. Phone Dinah Darling‘ton at 884-1105 fer further details. nc3w22 EXPERIENCED driver required for city deliveries. For informa- ition apply at 65 Duncan Road. iThornhill. e1w24 NURSING home eruires super- visor of nursing. Part time pos- ition on 4-12 shift. alternate must be clearly marked "Appliâ€". c3w'23; 1 TO RENT 5 TO RENT. _tCOntinued) .- - . .. ___.. . - .. _L FURNISHED room. co okin g,” 7 A CASHIER for Friday and Sum-faculties, 16 Lorne. lst house ONEHiedrvoom apartment to subâ€"‘ day “Piling-i. Apply RiChmOlld‘east of Bork's Jewellers atilet $164 a month. Adults only.i ii”. 884â€"201”-.. _L. Afi‘lizf Yonge- tfiffl‘Rent includes heat. hydro andl GIRL wanted [0,. egg gradingiibR l’c'a‘s'év-s'pfioâ€"j‘sidoo Sq_ fi'icable TV. 67 Richmond Street: Station, King City. 833-5282. {industrial space, Newkirk Road.i884-597T. After 5 pill. 8844980. ,7 # A? 91“}4 Features dock level loading,L 77 V - 31““ lRED Cross urgently needs 16'5" 0163"- lmmEdlale 'DOSSQS- MAPLE â€"â€" Small store or office ’homemakers Richmond Hill, SID“. 5110 “CL LOFPd COH- Keele Street opposite bank. 395 iThornllill and area. Good I'e- SUUCUOH le- 530'9500- a month. 832-2364. c2w24 muneration. etc. ’I‘l'ansportationl ' tfc50 . .' . ' ’ " - L- FU NISHED - t ‘e t. ‘lO‘e Iessential. 895-1341 or write 22 i R mom 0' n L b vProspect Street. Newmarket. TWO bedroom apartment S351“) [l-ansponauon. 334-9421 a elwz4i weekly, and bungalow $55 weekâ€", c1w2 ‘ EOOEKEEPER. adult. {claret1 3. 1"" Eggâ€"£3.83." THREEâ€"bedroomapartment foil :2 evenings a month. 884-9001. i (-1.w24 FtRNISHEDTOOmJSOON“? and.I'ent. 90 Crosby Avenue. Call‘| [Continuedi WW parking facilities. Please pilon-:,884_4334_ chi-24 TELâ€"iéR-Wuâ€"_ ,884'4828 “’1‘ appmmmem- and:'nil-manon-(gonadal . . Richmond Hill, close to Yonged Experience essential . . 884-8312. c2w241 93“ {01‘ appomtmem apartments in Richmond Hill‘ is ~A â€"* i 4* GUARANTY TRUST mow renting 8844098 ,STUDIO ga‘iidglâ€"house. bache- 1‘ Co. of Canada i , i ' “CB‘IOI‘ apartment in woodland sctq ; R‘ l H’ 884-1188 i -» -- -- 4-. - - -- -- - 7 . 1C mmnd 111' cH.24‘RICHI\IOI\ID Heights r a n c h style. 4 bedrooms. 3 washrooms. _ 2 fireplaces. bar, two-car garage. 1 EMPLOYMENT 6320. 884-3787. ‘ ‘ i,..., _.__ _WiL, WANTED ,UPPER-duplEr two bedroom “apartment. 3160. Equipped kit- , tfc21: CEDAR Hill. one“ b c dwr o omi ture professional person with- car. Partly furnished. Write to Box 18 "The Liberal". *1w24 tchZ ' USED CARS 1967 GT0. 6.5 litre. IntTcLiTin- TWO young men wishing to dolchen hydro and parking. 884- . :Odd Jobs. snow' removal. paint-i6479. c1w22‘4 barrels 3 Speed alltomallc 389' .ing. clean basements etc. Will “6135i v’l-O R‘ENT A “a, #4592 consider any job. reasonable. :1961 HILLMAN Minx. automaâ€" Spacious ten room home with bachelor apartment to sublet in Markham Rd. -‘Yonge St. area. Broadloom throughout. Imme- diate occupancy. References re- quired. Call 884-1861. clw22 OFFICE SPACE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL 1 y884-4379 or 884-3689. tfc20 BOOKKEEPING to trial pal-l ance, payroll. accounts receiv- able and payable. for small bus- iness. Evenings 884-6200. c1w24 itic. excollent second car. good condition. 832â€"1012. clw‘lll , CHEAP TRANSPORT Due to influx of trade-ins, out ‘tliey go at low. low prices. 1965 Anglia 2 door sedan 3595 1964 Chevelle Malibu ,Câ€"EEANING lads/#wiShes wak for Mondays and Tuesdays in the Richvale area. 889-0650. Premises suitable for Dental or, convertible $255- C2‘l'24;Medica1 clinic on ground l'loor,, ' 1966'qumng 'S-fUBETNT‘lAV:RTII:Od‘(l.jOIEE centrally located. ample storage llgsescgrertlllblalfll? school and weekends. Has carfémd Parking. With Option 0f llV- _ evfbleé :1 u 384.6238 after three, clu-24 ing accommodation, broadloom comer“ e '2 5 1965 VW Beetle $365 EXECUTIVE iIANfiYMAN throughout. For further details ting for rent Suitable for maâ€"t ’ EXCAVATING , Want Extra Cash For Christmas . . Use Liberal Action Want Ads Now” Call the Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 884-1983 8 a.m. to 6 pm. Monday and Tuesday, 9 am. to 5 p.111. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 to 12 noon Saturday. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BOOKKEEPING and account. log services for small businesses. 889-5683. tfc33, SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED 38.446??- _,. L «MHL‘CZ‘ Sewers cleaned PAINTING and Decorating. in- C, Srunden Ierior and exterior. Free esti- Phone 884-1245 “c2 mates. 884-5410. tfc8 SHAMPOOING CARPENTRY work, recreation.“ Rugs and chesteiTields. Day 01' l‘00m5- additionsv TQUOVE‘llonst night. 884-2433. tfc20 WILL pick up old’TV‘s. rd’dios'. washers and dryers, Saturdays. only. 884-1659. clw24, NORTHERN PAINTING Residential. commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 SNOW REMOVAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIALl Day or night. 884-2483 ‘ tfc20 BAKERS BACKHOE 'l‘renehing. sewer & water lines. footings. 889â€"3604. tfc2' ,SIMONIZING, pore-cursing ‘shainpooing engines. etc. Free, estimates. Phone 884-4559. ‘ i c2w24 i PAITVTING i 8; PAPERHANGING ‘ R. E. DUNN 727-3303 ‘_____H r A _ tfels l ROOFING _ No job too big or too small,i ,we do them all. For reliable‘ lguaranteed work call 887-5552. clw24 PLUMBING I & HEATING t A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 I l tfc48 Highly recommended even by t v (i d MISCELLANEOUS _H (Continued) PLUMBING & HEATINGâ€" Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€"â€" tile floors. and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 TENSEN‘S TOWING Scrle car pick-up alld towing. 24 hour service. 884â€"9747. E tfc‘22 CLEANING WINDOWS" WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging. interior and exterior. Free estimates. 5 Work guaranteed. 887-5153. tfc45 BOB‘S DELIVERY SERVICE 889-5221 t1c19 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. tfclde TREE CUTTING Pruning Fruit Trees E. C. DOAK 859-44728 *2w'23 SNOIv'PiIo'WiNG Residential & Commercial By Hour or Contract WILLOW-HILL Lawn and Garden Supply ~ door. outdoor â€"â€" plush â€" com- - _ e . weekends off. Thornllill area. , v - , -22 1939 Austin Mini S475 . - ‘2 mlles can or Dude Road) in r-' l Und rw Od Broad- and Suva" 8 11 pm" ‘ daf‘s - ' ~ ~' . 1. After 25 years of executive Cd118842442 m- C1“ The above cars are all running fnends 8894024 2944"“ Bramalea tfclO e “a- e 0 er week c3w23 Transpmtatlon plouded north . . r . PERRI-STYLE (custom) o- _ 100m Mills. 5 Mccowan Rd" F _ ' ..- . __. . of Steeles Ave. Miss Scott_ 839_ frustration and a third of a mll- “‘0 bedroom _upl’el dllple‘and are to be sold uncertified. U hnkterin ‘ :_7-__7W 7 777 _g lfcgf WASHER, dryer aild stove Markham North (7 concession, A couple of dresses, two gar- 4931‘ (.1w24 lion miles travelling. I have had'Refel'enCCS requll‘t‘d- A\’allabl_esNo reasonable offer refused. ' p889_‘9475 : ‘ ARCTIC SNOW REMOVAL parts, gears, Ibelts, wood bear- 100 yards north of Hwy. No. 7flage doors. one set of coifee ~â€" ,â€" ; _ it. and have decided to quit the Jamal-[L 38441324“ Clfigfl‘ Neill Datsun Ltd. “_9 Dependable guaranteed service. inSS 311d “'l‘mgel‘ 1‘91191‘5. etc- 114 miles east of Kennedy RthabIes. one old cllest'erfIEId. one MALE Clerk f0? msmunqnt All: rat race and retire early at ageioNE and two bedroom apartâ€" 1 mile north of Richmond Hilll_._ v .L. __.._._._L‘Free estimates, hourly or yearly A .For all makes. Repairs to elec- Monday. Tuesday, Saturday, t\ro-seater Chesterfield rock- iota area, 2 nights and 2 days 57‘ ,ments. Apply 402 Markham Rd. 8394);”; or 7734551 . New Flagstone contract. tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Matll‘s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road, 884-7903. tfell RAILWAY TIES Holland Park Garden Centre 51 Keele Street N., Maple. 832- 2455. i ttc40 PATIO walks, factory rejects. All sizes and colors. at greatly reduced prices. 832-2455. ‘per week, to handle phone and'2_ After 13 years of doing my; rfceptlon dufles‘ Phone Mr“own maintenance etc. at our‘ p.m. Tel. 294-4440. c2w23,"‘nd “'ade- 773'5448‘ C4“'23 10‘“an 884-2105 CIWZ4 country home. I am experiencedi ..__....-_--â€"_â€" i C. L knappet’t -ILABOURER for construction in just about every trade. as CABBAGE‘ good for sauer' CHRISTMAS TREES Iwork. Essex Construction, 216 well as the so-called menial One bushel $150-$133; Scotch Pine and Spruce tEssex Are, Richmond Hill. ass-tasks. ‘ I Visit one of our lots i6621- c1w24t3. I am looking for ways to TWO-bicycles 4â€" one boy’s, Yonge 51, south at, jofiRNALIS} Tb WORK FOR keep busy and utilize, not neces- needs a tire and minor repairs. “THE DOMINION" CABLE TV COMPANY INTER- mil-V i“ that 0rd” my kn°“" Three bedroom frame osses- ~â€"-~ ~vâ€" iAâ€"« $500; one girl‘s, needs tire or ‘EST on] EXPERIENCE IN ledge and experience gained in‘sion December 15 $160'.mgnthly 1967 VOLKSWAGEN station- ifel4 and NW otherwise good con- AT HOME ‘BROADCASTING, NEws. AND 1 and 2 above , Charles E hovd Ltd ' wagon 1600, certified. Excellent diIion, $15.00. Phone 884-2884. 524 Bayview Avenue xorth _pOLITICAL AFFAIRS AN As. What have you to offer eithel‘l R Ito T‘]. 8h9_2188 bOdY 311d meChanicaI condition-i c1w24 of 18th Avenue SET. CALL MR. JEFFREY. of short duration 01‘ for Ion-3' Nii,.m‘;,k§,'395-45,7 :Bargain $890. 884-4376. *1\\'24 white, likrnew, 884'8111' 7 ggggg c1“'24.tBe;:139 ..The Lib _al., I, 1 83.,_' clu-24‘ PRIVATE-SALE Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc19 Illattl‘ggs. 889-4433. CLEANING lady, one day a 61 ° ' ° {Emilâ€"COM housfimgww Ford Galaxie convertible. OUR 25TH ANNUAL __ . 5854. clu-24‘ , ‘. . , r . V FIVE piece drum set. excellent week: _BayVlew north of Steeles. _ ment hot an. on heating vicinity fplln‘gglmet selltow \th‘ btlacl: condition, C1\\24 '\,0nge and High“ay per? op‘ . all 01nd 1c: DO“ 61 5 eel At Clwz‘t “‘â€" month. 889-4672, c1w24 10%. power brakes, custom radio, PONTING‘S MUSIC CENTRE “W” ‘ pOiitable SEIOII‘OUR requests fOi‘ office em- Wm q ,‘ ' . , ,__ ,. . , , . . _. . . tewall tiies. excellent condi- RCA combination stereo, AM/ as newv ployees ale usualb filled A BARGAIN lion 1h 1-0 ugh out $1,095 of Don Mills Road. 2 miles north FM radio and tele\'ision, 23” Modern office in temperature Aurora Sideroad (Ydu can't miss c1w24‘through our active files. If you , '_ .‘F_ . .- . . . . closest offer. 884-8680. c1w24 screen, black and white. excel- {ale loomng £01 pelmanent “orl‘ controlled building, 300 to 1.000 1966 fwvlmt‘ overall. “C18 our sign) Phone 895-6311. lent condition. 833-5198. square feet. at Yonge and ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€" Pianos ,â€" all makes. CH STERFILLD sune' 3 plece’l‘you should list with A1 Eniploy- _ M . . V 'Ilell’l" body work. good CARPENTER '2 724 I . S . 839-6902. In 24 1’“ e Organs -â€" Conn â€" Lowrev â€" L “ 884.7583 Cl“24 son 884-6944 for appomtment tea“ 0 older style, good condition $35.1ment Agency. Can Mona Robert_ I RENT 12 t -- .t 3-40 h APARTMENTS 2 b d - mechanical condition, $550. 884-,Will work by contract or by the . -s ring gui ar. :iDINETTE table. walnut. ar 0- time czwzz , ‘ 9 room, 2375_ “WM hour Any type of carpentry, Electroliome and Farfisa. Also Kent 10m ital. $45. Be1_ . .. , 40., e._ ‘ , frid e and Stove at Yon e Sti . _. ' . ' _- ‘ s . “11°”, grgf‘ésl ("1m 5333;?"- tone$35.’ Cali 384-iiietnedirclgp33el‘ltgfieé Elijah; walnut. ..The $11,335:? £33112“: re“ Available January 1. withgpark-‘b9864pgkzflag§§oflé§8§“$523‘thilkjglgnhiv ea ms mas l s . . - , . ~ _ ‘ ' ' 140. Ad llts. 384-4833. .- ,. =~~ _ 'I - ’ ° . Layaway _ Easy Terms ~â€" Full {égzaftm 4 p'm‘ L #91324 :‘iggvggdr ggiggltgngtegogtifletable boy or girl for an estabâ€" mg $ 1 c1“Miamcal condition. $150 or besti5532- 01““ Warranty. Drop in any day or 3 ' lished paper route in the OX- “(‘21 35 MM Pfi‘ijectm'v Aldis 30°W- my“ , offer. 884-7419 evenings. flâ€"‘TR’U'BRER STAMPS HITTIRE'E used Ski-doos'ror sale. evening we will be pleased to manuali $03. 2 paws Speed 7â€"-Aâ€" ford Si. area of Elgin IVIIIIS. RICh': CI\\'24 demonstrate. and you will like| Phone Dinah Dai‘lington at} man k d d fig... cs!” ._.L...k.-b .1 Several type faces to choose froijne Nordic 371 electric 24 hp, S’ates. men‘s size 9. use , goo i DIE , size 8. 8’1 oots witl 1" ' '1 ,7“ 1 ' â€"inc1uding Script. Block letters,?wide track: one Bombardier. our sale prices. It pays to shop conditioni 535 {Of both pair. press nearly hen} $25 Valiant§88+1105 for details. nc3w24I 02,,leesfceééi‘; Outline and signature H IaSt‘double tracks 48 hp andone' 333 pal-Ito.” _ M 4 _ g, ' _7c7:2_9i8879~§788weekend _ icky?! 83(7):: “1‘95 and “ms‘ $18'.18§;;BOORVKEEPER typi‘s-t required nezWM view Avenue {ch4 certified. 334-4242. c1“-24jser\'lce. Call “The Liberal 884-‘Oly‘mplque 18 hp Just like new. PANELLING sale, 10% off all GOLF clubs. men's left, mm 3 ' ‘ “ .fOi' contractor's oitiee. sol-2882‘ ‘ ' - a- “ i "5’ "’W stock panels. Loughlin Lum- Patios 8: Walks General Masonry V Walker Construction ._ “4'28” “.50? SNOWMOBILES GENERAL contracting. altera-v MASSEY-FERGUSON tions and additions, homes. of- c1w24: 9:30 â€" 6:00 p.m.: Wednesday. mg “hairs' quantity of Chairs c2w23 884-9437 Thursdav Friday. 9:30 __ 9:30 and one hall stand. Buy. 8611 1970 BARRACUDA. PS. PB, ex-' cellent condition. 884-3216. clw24: ‘1971 DATSUN SS hardtop; rad-i ial tires. two sets of mag wheels both 12". Phone 884-6866. c1w24 NEWMARKET Czu'z-l Three bedroom brick. modern. detached, immediate possession $190. monthly. Tllree bedroom brick. possession January lst monthly. semi. t - 7 $175. Ski Whiz Sales and Senioe flees, factories. Custom carpen- New 300 Ski Whil- . try of all descriptions. Les. 18-5 hip- --' ' - - t - - - - - $65000 Webb. 889-2546. tfc3‘ New 350 Ski Whiz. â€"â€" â€"â€". â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"| 2211p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750.00 CARPEI‘TRY WORK |New double trailers with Ski RECREATION ROOMS - r _ . . . Whiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 Now is the time to finish that New Single trailers with Ski room in the basement. SpeCIaI, Whiz _ g I . $125.00 winter rates. Free estimates: - Call T. Price, 889-3653. c5w24lfiumblz$§jtg figg‘ggmmen' ' tfclil GENERAL CARPENTRY i gigginetgmtb’ alterauons’ rec'55KIROULE snowmobiles and ‘GORD HOWLAND tequitmentg .Tliiple "FEELIM‘M‘ 889_3437 e1 Tiailers, I‘iuek campeis and Caps. Hardtop Trailers. Otto, Woods, Lionel. Open daily to 9pm, Saturday and Sunday 5pm. McKENZIE CAMPING, t TRAILERS . Hwy. 7 East at Bayvicw l PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets, fir la" special -- 8535 .per sheet. Call World CRIB l c2w'2-1 table. walnut. 36k 48 (opens to 60D, $40. 889-2206. C c1w24i good c1w24 l HAIRDRTER, type, remote control, 815. 884-3513. WANTED DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. HIGHEST prices for scrap cop- per, brass, aluminum, lead baty teries, rads, generators, etc.' Provincial Smelting, Credit- stone Road, Concord, 889-7932. tfcl’? SINGLE room. central _â€" ___._..,mond Hill. tidy young TELESCOPE and SHOW ShOeS‘share kitchen and bathroom in 800(1 CODdiUOH. 332-2405 iwith one other person. 34 Rose-1 lchZI renova-‘1971 Skiroulc 221 hp. twin, war: repairS.‘ranty left. Best offer. 773- Morris 5415. c1w24 “C43 Rupp Sales & Service Also used machines Open Evenings Street Bros. Auto Electric Ltd. 22 Industrial Rd. 884-5368 tions. additions, and Kitchens a speciality. Harrison. 884-2838. RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Cail anytime. 889-8965. tfc35 Plastering year. l, . 4-7 I -__ . .â€" r‘ RELIABLE day - home. 884-4985. phi-ale” availdblehnimyihtrmc, any age. 515 for one. $22 for - w 1105. .Weston Wav Farms. Ask for - w“ r“: ~- â€"*- - ‘ ' : . *' ms . i- .wâ€" ~~ - -'~ ""7 1967 FIREBIRD HO, low mile- â€"- ---.-_.--- ___ ; . s- , mum Shaft, full set, like new, FRENCH Provmual Mme bed.:0r 2912790. c1\,,.24I‘TABLE saw and planei with 01 FFURNISHED room, separatelage‘ must sell cash or trade. HARRISONS GUS-TOM hen. 832-1310 01 832 2218. her, yonge and Scott Dyna $100 or best offer. Portable-iroom suite. 3 drawer dresser CLEANING “Sign 668 day a.Vwithout motors. Also \\'00denientrance, kitchen. bath, IlVlllgi884_2569. ' MW“: Richvale. 889-1109. c2w22 humidifier, $25. 832-1145. 1 24 ‘ ' toboggan. Hwy 1 24 Custom built homes, ’ T'â€"-"“â€""â€" 887-5508. c w . . . ' c \v' V ONE Liberty kitchen set. good . efficient. 889â€"2213. c1w’24 , h ' i GIRL‘S winter wool coat and SEWING machine. fully reconâ€" HOUSEKEEPER required to . WANTED ONE furnished room for buSI- tfc23 matching dress, size 12-14,:ditioned, guaranteed for six livedn on farm near Nb“, MagaZlneS. all types recent Oftness man only. 884-7564. c1w24 ' navy and red. nearly new. Cost2 k m t 1')“; children animals grooming â€"‘ Doom” 3 specmltyn IOCXEbuSIil‘ilrtasrflzalngu’IiSy ghosddtli SerVice- RePairS to all makes“ a331, 11011-5565} 339-5112. ’ 'PIANO wanted. Please call Stat-,shoptplng' schems, two bedroom Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 ' ' ' c1w24'l’lltflcv7133832. c1w241ing price after 5 pm. 884-1680. house. 225-5516. c1w24 pROFES‘SIONAL , - ' . ~ .:- ~ 7 . ~ CHRISTMAS Giftâ€"ideErBAarS *" "" ¢ v -â€" Ask for George clu-24 5" ONE air n k ,, b . , EXPERIENCED ieceptionist., s. , _ I _ 11 “Pom 1:32: Sgssllgggz :15: Clalrtone amp . with AM-FM ONE TV tower, 35' or 40'. made service. Reasonable week- Long establls‘led- F01" appomt' 7’ . I. tft-24 e136 pm ' clw24‘5iles' Ba" 5100” mime tables-Stereo also bum m 4 11'athransportation needed. Hours?Phone 333-57494 1‘1\\'24,ly rates Richmond Inn. 884-01901737-5669.'1‘0p quality DUPâ€" Thornhill 7 if ‘ r I i ' 'ehairs. swivel rockers, wall dec-iSlel‘eo ial)? l‘CCOI'd91‘5~ plugs f01'18.30 to 5pm 5413,. week to‘ 1101, c4\\24 pies, Merrylegs, Poodles reg. R. CLARK 10NE 1971 Nordic Ski-don 640, 1 ' " ‘ ’ ' Plain and Decorative Plasteringdzis hp_ electric. like new. One ent condition. 889-1893. I . . . .‘ - * t - ' , . _ .. ’ _ _ r r r - w , chvfléiolm‘ barielg. “A1130 one qitaitjggggoszd‘ lonngrfl£§3l§5177tablnel pointinenl; r 7 cle4! weldrick Road. Ca“ 220.3203‘ POODLES CLIPPED Free Estimates gleam. l‘oal good. One 1970 iso'O'L‘iwblw 4, A77 7 ' .- ‘14,:(‘53‘3‘9‘ . can? ‘ ca” 18824: ' ' ‘ I 01‘,“ NURSING home requires full‘ after 6 for further information!POOdl“S beallllhllll' Chimeil lb." 4884521 8894185 'Mmcski" 2] h'p” manual, One a e x ' one 39‘" memnbs‘ ( “ i itimct-i) kictiehlen stlaff. Duties to inâ€" 'TDIST’RVIBUTofiSW clwflfiilappomlmem 0m)- 834-5934H “CZO'O‘mm: . . . . , clu e is was ling. setting llD'MaIe or female re plied to sell-MODEer bacl Clor a a'tment. . .1 . snom‘e‘ bans: “Oleboal‘d and the lot. Good for spare tubesu‘Sllllable {0“ “image 0" “_‘c l‘00”1'trays and cooking experiencel q 18 p I ‘GREEN Acres Pet Shop and‘ , . k A” u. 651624 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill cues. $130 0i best Offer. Man-mans, cabinets, Btu 3323994321150 two prints 16 x .20. 884- in mi , 4 s 1 d , d , v I ' . Aquma‘ Oak Ridges plaza, 77:3..D‘dms‘ hep“? [an 5' ‘ "p ‘ 4.4464 don". 100115 llke new $25 - 6580 evenines c1w24 . 339 493] .1 24 s aled‘ a es an p10 “Ct glound le‘el' Located “1 50ml“ ,. . P , - of concrete work. 88 , ' '_. - . . .. .__ cm“ 74 v N §£°_t_t__‘_‘_. training available to interested Richmond Hill. Call 884-9072 4401- II'OPK‘EIJ f15h~ COChallt‘li 8895762 FREE ESTIMATES t-lwz4 av. â€" ! - USED furnace attachments, , . , PARTS DRIVER parties “110 “"‘Sh ‘0 “a” the” after 5 . ~ -- . ggEHggthggltffiigsmpgégigggese Oilo-Matic burner, electric lilo-:884'2830‘ . . ., ?1\\24 For international dealer. Mustgd . 4 ,_ ‘ APARTMENTAforWrent, suit one pet bllpphesf... .. -. “out vflufifxujw Hofifi S475. 884-4772. c2w24 ’ ' ' clwzé tor, and 12 fan blower. $40 VENETIAN ruby glass 13110112? be experienced, salary commen-l enual' can 88 '9‘68 01 “uteor two ladies. 884~3795. c1w2-l CANARIES l IMPROVEMENTS â€"r and six <voblets. silver trimme .‘ If” w . ,.V_,__ __fi ,.L_.,V*_ ,7 P , r r , - ‘t- I . ,, ~ - . FRIDGE and. electric .stove, CHORD orgam 40 bass_ Cresj k ity. Phone Mr. Carlow 499â€"1415LADIES required pail tlmeiiligf Cgfi‘talgfifgr52:22:,3‘1553. 5°“?ble- w”; lfhefle blrdf ml Doors and Windows perfect; condition. 889-5247.. cendo, like new, $50.00. After _ Vinny r_r N r vd'clu'Z-l for further information and ap-lw'ork your own hours, $3 pel‘lsgoz.’ cm.“ Chl‘lslmai 2-2“463 after 3 Pf" For free estimates call you ..-.. w c1w24 c1w24;2 SNOW tires and wheels 845 x, and “eekends' __ _M-t1“241 Local Contractor ENGLISH Pedigree carriage, fiUTvE‘b “Uligébfs‘mih‘éf57tg 15 good condition. 820. 884-1946.: car bed, car seat. Jolly in yard 3, Holland Park ___ c '. tiâ€" - . . * ~"â€" ' c - - ‘ ' ' v iE‘OUR room cottage for rent. NIGHT Jammr' Must be llousewiies. tiainlng gnen. fl .- ‘ _ phonepouth of Richmond Hill. 89.)»months Old. 83445441. cm.” “(:21 able and have own transporta-,Start afle" Chl'iSlmaS- “WM. CARPENTRY .- . -- i 889-2453 v n'nds. ‘- i. - ‘ '. c1wz4aiitli miiioi plus panel bed, 530. week, Thomhiu area. Must be, e B l e. loom, bus at (1001 884 8285 condition. Reasonable. 833-5510. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" _ New owner Betty Forsyth. Doc months. B & B Sewing Machine mar old. Phone 834-3060. c1w24’SOUTH Thomhiu‘ close ,0 ° $70, asking $15. 884-3043. each. 889-3806. clw24 W a .. c.) i ‘ STEREO with record turntable. if 7_7 vim __V r _ TV‘ radio‘ air conditioningnany POODLE CLIPPING different Sizes, also apartment typist, bookkeeper requiredown; BOXâ€"trailer, 2'yrs.rold.7 excel-tonne“. Even-thing made‘extra speakers and earphones, . . -9-_ A _i _- i ‘ ' . UCB‘ . . 51311 new 2 t 3800. . p i .a-ROOM house, garage. .212 . Repairs a speciality 11970 Olympique Skpdoo' 18 hp. 0111, complete with Boston andtgs'USED’TVTSétS' $75.00 'fb,.;GOLD modern couch and chair; I» “4“23 â€"E. W:'PAYNE* i Reliable Marine & Sports ‘ _ and promote a fine new product Furnished. Private entrance Oil required. Thornhill area. Mrs] Phone 884-4341. clwz-l -~ - -â€"â€"-â€"~'2’ ""_ ‘, " ‘ .1 -.. - v -. - _ . . --- â€" - ~ Shl boots, lace Lip ty pe, Size 11. . I C1\\24,buggies. canaiies, 10\e biids. all “6111971 Olwnpique Skbdoo‘ 20 ML own busmess. Replys confi- #r‘ ’ â€"‘ ,_.._M_ w_, ___â€"“___ complete. 389-3115, c1\\’24 l d _ venice 884 4112 surate with experience and abil-lBox }6- “1:119 Libel-all: Clwz‘} “w “Young Singel‘S. guaranteed 1'93‘ Alan __ Siding Eavesuoughsi pure lase in . - .. _V_V_Wi _« 6 pm” 339-5395, pointment. cl\\'24thour, introducing beauty aidsmmu L "Lass. "-- AA 7W__V _‘ ST. BERNARD puppy. 10j HANS BUTT 889-4106 I . c1w'24.‘ . . v- _._.-.-. «w- -- . ,,. . 1 . - o â€" _ â€"- .2 n 8281. -.-. __ . L . -. -- TV. . . , . . . . 91%“ Garden Centre. 10.141 Keele SHEARED raccoon ma, Size 10-11On. Phone BBS-4988,3115. Glen-Veieninos ‘73 4002- L “24 HOU-S-E f 3â€"7-7, . R; I d YORKSHIRE Terrier tiny pup-j ulNDow CLEANING ;t\\o._]?7oith raylox Mills ONE dining room set, very St.. Maple. 832-2455 (“’llolesalelltz. good condition. Gladiron sit-gdlllf’; ,v. .,.. . (1““4i _ iHm $1-0 0' renthlgzzlzcllgfon Ipies, reg'd., champion sired.‘ Wall Washing £8340 - # "_g _g'_‘_____ . reasonable, must sell. 884-iand Retail». c2w2~iidown ironer. 889â€"4116. clu-2415HORT ordercook, part time; Transportatlon i J a "1"“ " ° c?;\_24i889-8852. ciwa4 Floor grunting: RELIABLE day care In 6§13‘__. , ___ _ £103 \VOODEvadrdrobe. 525; exer-i SIGNS ‘llallle‘i gnllflid‘jtila”,9‘l‘g§t_ 411‘elmfifijmed fErRâ€"ichnfi-d-B “Flam-gal) mes in AIREDALE TerriOr puppies. EXECLgfifgnanfufig‘flce‘{19196;259:236-A ,t.‘ fill. GERMAN inade lli-fi. 4 wave cise bicycle, speedometer andjEyeeatching “SNO\\‘.\IOBILES;1narea‘ a ‘ u 0 "‘ ‘é,)\'\‘24,HeidhtS location to NO. 7 andf ‘ ‘h ‘ Eh ne 8336914 Ready for Christmas. champion, 8844311 ‘DAY car available in myLIIOme, radio, record player, $95. 889- mile meter, nearly new. $35.1PROHIBI'I‘ED“. Weatherproofedt, ,1 _. " llKeeie area Arriving 3-30 amt 81m ouse' O “(24 breeding innoculated~ de‘worm', . “(.21 any age- E"e"1“gs 3844164“ 5053- e1w24 884-2195. *1w24lmasonite 14" x 20". Cleal‘lylpART time work, sen-ice sta-‘lea\.ing 4,0‘0 ‘pm 8814180 L L -- 1,. Ni . .LLLCL- ed. Health and tenlpcrment as- ._ L _.__Cfi.fifiEis__- vi, 0N3“ __ _.V‘ __ m A _ W ___â€"V __ ___! nr_77 _A ‘_ . v . . . . . - ‘- r , . . , r o~ ' _ .â€"â€"â€"â€"l-' ANTI . _. . -~ . , , -. visible, red. white and black. non tramee If you llke peopled _ - NE“ 3 bedioom bungalow. on suied. )ledonte kennels Reg (1. _ . A ~ _ , match??? 119‘? “if; 3:? l“: :33le 5 mm?“ ‘03" 5”: $213931“ enquiries invited. have a basic mechanical know-4 ._- L .-. _ . 1&1? open country road. fireplace. 2 473-2534. *1w‘24 Chimneys and fll‘GP130C§ bum! “ Clans’ s ' ‘ tel l -5395 aft“ 6 p‘m' 1““4i I l ' . . - RIDE “allth from Maple 10‘ ‘ a r .nm (1" osses- """".""' " . r" .and re aired. Free estlmateS.l 7 7A_ 7,, _A ., pm 8811489 1 o -~Ww~ # 777777 «ewe - LlMIDl-‘L CANADA LTD- how neat appeaiance and aiei .081 ca 3139. H 8 Idle D - pEDIbPEFD slanwse kmen: l) _ ,. L. . _ 4 ‘- - -. ‘ o" .‘-. -. ~ . . --' - ' - o- v . - - vv . i . '0- .. emf I: CHILDS -0 bicycle. new 33.1-33.3 reha'ble Comm Texaco 7161mm. t. 8 to 9 am. letum 5 lesion. ieteienees 8-83 monthly. “‘0 Sm‘lw‘im 3,5 00 one Blue_‘Expert workmanship. 20 lean Do you lime a dlinkmg Pl )3 FIREWOOD iused. SIS. 884-7218. c1w2-t 4.1 â€" c, ‘ . . - ' 6 pm. Call 832-1583. c1\\23iw1~jte Box 17 "The Liberal“. - ‘ 1 ’ " ' ‘ - . experience, Phone 384-2882. Ian 11' 50 AA can help. Write ' , cl\\-~ \onge Stieet, Thornhill. ML . -. pomt $30 00 Pllone 833â€"5854 v i < - OAR. beech. hard maple. cut SNb‘Wj'i’rgsâ€"figfrfi.‘59'“:v'ofiiâ€"#PFIREPI:{CE*WOOD l clwu RIDEXfiHtgdgleaVing Richmondi “le-t ’ ‘ ' ' C1“_24‘ WALKER CONSTRUCTIoN Box .34~ Richmond Hill, or call s " i ,. , ‘ - ~ . l _ _ V _ _ __ _'_L#v__,,vA _N ,L._.. L, . I . and split-_EM-GEHLV‘w‘“ Valiant 13 incll wheels, 525 a spam, 1i._. cords hard“magggmfificmfiégis requir_..Hlll 8 am. arming heele andiDCPLEX in excellent condition. éH'IfiU'glicAS~TO,%T;,;,€7;. ___J__,t-@ 9328334; L w- #317 QNE pa.” 5 foot Junior Com“ pail" 884’1018‘ C1“'34328 delivered. C. L. Knappett. ed “Gene-m workino conditions iLaIlgStaff 31306111, l‘etum “lazioltwo apartments, three bedrooms SpitZS 'pupbieé a’lso othel'i GENERAL CARPENTRY 1 Tile Doctor's House. lecm- :gielsangfitedofils’ “Muesli and HANDMADE SandcaTldles. un- 334-3089. tic‘l’t salar} commensurafe with ex-l’“‘- 384-5111 C1“‘)-“'lcach. private driveiviyls breeds‘ 35 up. 389_7194_ Hwy! Lgoterllce H H hurdg will sel‘filJSai‘SSpggjl (1121:1125; . ’ “'. he pa”. ‘ egro sual dc '0 ' l 9 " F ' 1 :garage. eases avaia e. a - 1 Reg. Rooms. '1 clens. Oor to, ma e . \v . ski boots. Size 6, 84. Two pairs gifts $15308 risialtlebtgilifl 7 Wiggles-.411 889?;598 alligggitgfial land 167 Ruggles Ave. at Mark- GREAT DANE 13 months- cnunter tops, repair and re- on Saturday .Ianuai‘v 1st. from me“ Skates' 5”“ 3 and 10-3310, . ' ‘ ' p 4i 041 HELP W Ah fpi Canada Keelâ€"eand \'o 7: T iham and Yonge. 221-1275. ‘faun- male- fl‘lendh' and 10"-iinishin; of furniture. Free‘4-8 pm. For reservations Call $2.50 and 33. A Fender do: ._ _. L L. . - a .goncord ’ ‘cl-“Mw EQUIPMEBT - mgr able. 5100.00. 887-5128 or 887-est1mates_ 13934429, Attel' December 19th luxe amplifier. model 6G3. SILVER lea 591"“?- 5 Piece” . FF“? TRAPPED' . . ‘ ~- » v ~ “ ‘HSSEH’TERGUSOV Six-ER“ ‘au,,;\,’h0m {4.01.5200 clu24‘ R. TOBIEN ‘closed for holidays'. Please with Tremelo, $100. All items-S4500: Western saddle $95.00: “5le ‘0l REACH“), {CUE GENERAL Clerk. salary 3103-5 S‘A'LEQ “D Slam-"‘31; ‘rem (“12,19 CCal‘l 1488438,; GERITAN”ShEph‘erd'Tpu'psfs, 889-1923 Ca” 3934425 “1“‘24 in excellent condition. 832-iBeam' copper “filling ‘nath‘iFLl‘lj ROTE5T1_‘;‘L in 10L,’§ $127 weekly. Tile successful \. W \‘IF las‘d‘i {enluicmrwsqs " t ' cm” months old. $10 each- 8892696. tfc44‘_____â€"__ 8865. “Wynne. 860.00: slate blackboardsfiiPREDEDT JOB- “E HA‘li‘candidate wilibe responsible for 29 ‘ . '__ E: ‘ “‘ ‘_ ‘ , 7 r 7 ‘ “ .1 94 â€" , , .7 “CHAVI-CAL" 196.7in -, 7 2-07 _ -.4‘x-t'. $10.00: large crib andFIVE OPENANGS FOR ME): posting. record keeping. travel :19“, M1" mamj-Idfiumo', 3:63?” AVAILABLE December 16 two»‘ . - _ C “h LES M‘AX ME ‘ ‘ _ V 1 “late cogliaitlgn a .uilf‘bllmmriimaul’CSR 33-003 amplifier and OR WOMEN DEF L‘SP‘X‘," expenses. invoices. assisting w'itliihm“ E‘égfi‘ lammm m "bedroom apartment 5130 with HOMES â€"wantcd for a black “DESTRle & CO‘IMERCIAL‘MORTGAGE wmmc duo? Cash Cl .- ~ ‘ 5 la 6 ..Ol‘tu1‘nlabl<‘. $100.00. Other items, 510M EXCELLENT “ORk' pavroll preparation. supplies.‘ WAC" .3 ,parklng 884-7223. 486-8233. puppies :- weeks old. motllm A - A e ‘m (_Onmhdme bingo LO“ COS, mstmas gift. Best 01t°"~-887-5"00 (ow-tome CONDITIONS IN NEW reamsmon attendance record RLMBLE TRACTOR I 63,,34 purebred Golden Retrieter. .I. . o . d 3.1 m man 7- - â€" . t .- - - . . . - . . - .~ .. . . .. 'MBING and HEATING [M J" a" '( 0 o 4 (till (I\.24. ‘ . v _ - ‘ ,L _ “ruin letter: docuxnennng & V _ ‘ Agg. (1M2; 1 nor (\Ialliible In? no“ “a'ws 7* v77 1\\O G10 14 radial ply" 2300 g ~- GORMLEY 337.5335 \ONGE and Steeles area. one .00 s d r - ACCORDIAN. izo‘hase, 7 leg, . OFFICE. EARN w'iIILEI'OY'now employees. and preparing istei‘s, $100.00. 884â€"2660. *lw'2-i' 334- LEARX “1TH EXCEL" reports for the office manage” ‘ iLENI‘ TRAINING [oxs‘for fast. confidential service basement I iBram Ogden. Emerald Isle Rea. stove and fric mounted on GM l'ims.‘ Price $95.00, firm. Dave miles. tfcl 7 bedroom selfâ€"contained. 3PMme- REPAIRS and ALTERAT TRAILERS SET of birch electriiâ€"l g‘. 2 - - . . . .PR93 Applicants must have grade 1‘31 illiddle aged erson or con le - .» - * n, , v y - lEs’tate Limited. 889-5651. sat flicker type, 334-5819. C (13-25,; C6[5‘â€"--â€"v â€" ----:â€" -,-- ORA-“ME- IQR_ “TER‘ IE“? or an equivalent combination of only, After 6 ppm 38945916 p 81:6,“: SM'GOO “dlle‘ ‘01:“; A "OLR SER‘ ICE ’2377, m2? E _._ OMPLETE furnishings for CALL MR, .\L RGITZ Afleducation training and experi- l o; 88 ’8‘380 7 HA ,( A”) .. --3~ â€"â€"â€"' HAMMOND organ. full consoleilai‘ge home. Bedrooms, 2-39“INORM BLACK REAer LTD..-crce 3 year. 9, meme pm" TO RE â€"-_â€"â€" “1' KING CITY TRAILERS 839'090‘ 384'” ‘ . . s K nearly “9“3 half Pl’lce. Pl‘iVate beds. living room. dining rooin‘223-0322. tfcll fe‘n-e‘d. Ihtergsteap persons aretApARTNIENT 0,. house in cm. FURNISHED Boom “Pal Yoné'e \V1nler 5,319 of truck caps from . _. ,,L. .L_ L(.3“M‘ ‘ sale. 889-0275 after 6 p.1n,‘ and family room. Black leather NCRSING home reamms pl-act- invited to write Mr, Ian Winity of centennial Pool, Rich. g°°kmg _famlmes Sunable 5235 Up â€" 35 units to choose -REID LAWNMOWER 1 idivm__ '__‘SWZ4;5013 and ChallI bar and “0015i ’lcal nurse 01. nurses Full xlcclung Assessment Commjsâ€"‘ujond for 5 days during’“' 884-3'09' c1“‘" from. Travel trailers Il‘Olll S89'“- AP‘D . â€" , â€"f_’”:'f’o WASHING “lamina bad Ches‘ cu" 389-1826 wqu time da\ lipsition available. sioner. York Region Assessmenth Christmas holidays. Phone ONE bedroom apartment located up Good selection of used truck Complete lawnmower and 5119“- BOARDRGIOI‘hol-‘PR 'l‘ll‘laut mm?“ and llliSCGllanPousiIle'S sno'.\'inbbil?siuii extra Thol‘lllllll‘ areal. Transportation Office. 460 Oak Street. \‘ew~248-1ltl or write I". \iacDonald. Yonge South. Richmond Hill. campers King Road, 2 mile: mobllt‘ repairs and sew-Ice. barn. Indoor all‘ni‘.8;l:];fl-‘)0' household articles. Reasonablellarge. brand new s30. 834-4649. pl‘OVlCiCd noth of Steeles \vc market Competition closes De- \‘o 603 fi 35 w'irldicombe Hill. For atropintmcn1 call 7873003 we“ of You? qtI‘M" 773’125” Opp" 8 am ' 9 pm“ 884’“? laid-“1373' "WNW - “89'2903- clu“. clwl-t \lrs. Scott sap-4.0m. ilv'lst eemhei IR, 1971. cfl'wli'Weston. ciwlwill 0 pm. “'24 r'l‘i'li‘ " 3°"""“’~ 1’

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