THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 30, 1971 1 Parents of Walter Scott Puli- lic School pupils enjoyed Join- ,ing in the singing of Christmas carols for a half hour at the 9 am school opening: Monday. "l‘uesday and Wednesday of last week q i '1 St. Gabriel's (‘hurrh School will not be holding classes on Sunday. .lanuary 2. to enable staff members and children to celebrate New Year's services 1 together. , Religion classes will resume that 10:30 am on January 9 and all children up to the age of 13‘ lyears will be most welcome. The pageant and white gill service on December l9 was a Itremendous success. the child- ‘l‘en's enactment of the Christâ€" .mas story. plus the organist and lchoil'. made a terrific evening. ll Thanks are extended to the ipeoplc of the parish forthe gifts No of new and used clothing. toys I. and food which were divided hill ' liiel“ h editor margot crack Mrs. Alice Boynton left on» Sympathy of the community Surprise visitors on Sunday Richmond Hill Chapter Christmas Eve for her home inis extended to Mrs. John Peace. at the home of Mr. and Mrs..302 Order of the Eastern Sta ‘ . f ' I I] h f Ottawa having spent the pastlBrian and Hugh. in the loss of achorge Anderson. Centre Street held its Christmas meeting at .’?l{‘e°n “6 0“ “0°†3"" few months with her grand-.husband and father. John Peace.‘East, were her brother and his Wrixon I-lall December 2]. Sop- “1Ҡdaughter' M'S- 6â€â€ we" andli" Torontoi December 21‘ .‘me' M" and “’5' Pet" .Gard' “"19 Maria“ Blackburn 0f iliiinimillluuiiiilluliiiiuiuulliiiimiiiiiiiiiiuuimluiiuuiiiliiiuiii family on Kerrybrook Drive. Mr. Peace taught in Rich- ner. who arrived on Cllristmasl‘Guelph Chapter was soloist. The; , , 9 “ ’“ * mond Hill for at least fivehEve from Santa Clara, Califor- turkey dinner was convened byi What 3 COOkLIlg. I 7 c. . Patricla Ann Pagan, daughtelï¬ycars, first on the staff of Mc- nia. Nellie Fox. Prizes were won by“ _ w V .. (Ph l r . ., . of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fagan Conaghy Public School and theni "‘ " ' Eleanor Gates. Edna Hadwinidiqï¬lmï¬â€˜gcï¬j‘cagfliï¬f‘é . 0 o by Phonque buldm) of Sussex Avenue, was a very‘as vice-principal of the Walteri Mr. and Mrs. Casey Cripps of‘and Connie Snaith. : i y . , i . , ‘, happy young lady ChristmaslScott Public School, leaving Boisdale Avenue returned Tues-l * a 9. Pin-1,0: Eth“g-‘llr [affadzllglcbethï¬ a t Eve when she received an eng-here about 1963 for a position in'day_ morning from Tiinmons Announcement was made lab-l :Ifaci‘l‘fcourse desspfl or ‘snack. ag.emem mg. from “ImamlForESt H1“; * . {Ia‘fmg lspémmcmllfuflas1:13;] W?“ ‘3‘. “‘9 appolmmem ofEach week one will be publish-1 After considering the question of exchanging Christmas gifts. the young grade 5 pupils my†aide“ 5°" or ML and - 1-01 "when rs‘ “we 1' Kelu‘ bh'e'ds as general “‘“"“ed in this column â€" how about who occuhv Room 9‘) at Walter Scott Public School decided that th ' ld ' f ' t h l ‘ Mrs. W_illiam.Bryan of McCon- How_ are you spending .lion. . ‘ age]. of Seneca Wire of Canadanvoursh I; 1.†' Mu: r (‘1 t It h. V ‘ . . ey wou pie or 0 ep some- vey Drive. 5 New. Tear’s Eve? EnJoymg Due to freezmg rain and ad- With 23 years of expmjehceih,» APPLE AND TOMATO 0119 0 55’ l~ ‘9 a . e“) ‘11“; “MS 1-}3 .‘edl- . _ * ’e * ‘ a quiet celebration with the verse weather conditions. their sales and management in [lief CHUTNEY 1 So they biought in contributions of money'and amassed a total of $20 which they have St. Matthews UCW “111 he fa.lnlly?_ Whooping it up return trip. which norrnfill.v hardware field and allied indust- 1 1h misms l turnedpver to the Richmond Hill Co-ordinated Welfare Services. The youngsters’ own Christ- hold‘“ “5 “‘"d annual rum‘ “1"†"‘ends' 0" hm.†a “Miselen, 11,0â€1‘5‘ 109k 0“" 13 “95- he bl‘ingStOIï¬Sl‘CF" POSiU‘ml l H). red tomatoes . mas will he. the happier because they know that at least one family in our community will eiiioy mage sale at 9:30 am on January night out on the town. llouis. However. they report a -, thorough and {annular know-.1 ,_ . , ,_ , . _ h V I h . . 1. _ . 22 5 Why not can the Social m... enjoyable holiday. iedge of me jndumm serviced: ; lb. daik in own sugai a turkey and all the trimmings on (hlistmas day because they each made a slight; sacrifice. Anyone wishing to donate; Editor Margot at 334_ - l a i by Seneca. Hp Wm be mummy 2 v [n the picture above Scott Casselden and Donna Campbell are seen in front of the class. good used clothing. skates. 1105/6 or drop a line to .63 A very. happy and pros- at the plam and Offices of so“. 1 pint “new; Lnfortunately we are‘ unable to show thevstack of crisp bills-th-h were turned over to Grant. ‘ boots. shoes. tors. dishes. small Yonge Street South mth ucrous l\cw ioar to all Ma Wire on Centre Street East 1 oz around zinnor < Marshall, chairman of the Lo-ordlnated Welfare Services. It IS illegal to reproduce a photograph appliances or white elephant news of your. social actiiu- readers of this column and “m be responsible for ad- .4 R; cayen‘he 59W“ of hurrah.“ articles. etc, may contact 884- ties toriiiclusmn m “Lifem particularly those from out- ministration and Sales m Can: Knish“ ' ~â€". n . r i. 7 » 7 Her-«7 e . -_â€"7. w . . .. e _e . , 5725 for pick-up or leave them the Hill†columns? of-town or abroad who Eda, i 'Cho' )’ I m S Mm t _‘ The Tenth Band of Rlcllnlol'ldl Bruce and Dianne Tholnpson . ' h at 200 North Taylor Mills DriVe. “ye look forward to heal._ throughout the year have * ,-. , and (imam-far Na 80:?ll’lill is getting Underway \Vlth‘nf Parkston Court. spent the, ' Circle January 22 on your in: from you _ so why not very kindly written and ex_ 1 “The Butterfly that mushed†place ahl into a lahge Since aglthe first rehearsal being held;Chi~istmas holidays with heist calendar and plan to attend. call today? pressed their enjoyment ‘bcmg presented January 7 and and simmer f0]. one how. limit)“ ThUl‘Sdal’. Janllal’y 5. at 7Plll‘parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence‘ _A .d C t. M , all?! ‘i‘ni’cresi'infliife in the 3 at Bayview Sewndary Schooh into jars when cold‘ ‘ Pai‘lks alradPRecreiltiona: Wogdhin Schombehg. r _ I ‘ ' ml I e r" I "s . ar S ' i . ax 'obiscum â€" Ed- ’15 a charming whimsical chuck; Dehc. us 5 Ted \_.U l ‘ u1 'lnngtlE‘ o ump ousel .oining .in t e estivitics, a a o y . itor. .hhhis play with appeal to the 1“ Ike“; me'meat 53;: on Mill Street.' were Bruces parents. Mr. and‘ u a a w ;\.l I f, ~h. ‘ ~ . . l The band \\lll be under the Mrs. Walter Thompson. his sis-‘ ‘ ‘0 9 an“ ~ - from the holiday season! DnDliCatie Bridge l The characters. who are all Mrs. Len Jonah dil'PCtiOH Of 301) Thiel. a I‘E’Si- ter and husband. Mr. and Mrs.. O T] - . . . . i . V ,- - _ . _ , idet f Richnond Hill sinceiDon Lowr' tl-" l‘l ‘ .l 1e mdludu“ tmph" “as dehghtmm reallSUc and com summn' New Jorge-V- l1928. ici'lio haslhad considerablelhlark andlCiiidy1 frifiii Icui‘sltcoiifexl iron by Florence Laundry. Run- 1C3] indude such heart-captur- .ners-up were Stella Bunker andl'mg personalities as Mushroom‘i‘ llilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllexpei‘ience as a professionalland Dianne's sister. Marilyn, with ,' ' f oh' . _ , , . . . ; . . . 10mm. Khamlssa_ a saucv lime butter“V who, Paul Asplahd a former huh musmian and conductoi. ‘her fiance. Jim McGinty. i O Friday winners were N~S â€"ldoeSh-1hheflymg.MLWiueha‘dent of Langsta“ Secondary}1 For further information con-. * r * [ï¬xIfl . GLASSES '4 ' CONTACT LENSES "FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION" ’ - Ross and Sandy Jenkinson: E-Vlljvmy distinguished magician but school no“, in his second veal.‘tact Sylvia Thiel at 884-4177. Santa Claus didn't for- 34 YONGE ST- S- . . ‘ l l . r . . t Standards of white cai‘natinns‘red roses, stephanotis and holly.“â€" John and Stella Bunker. lalas~ quite forgetful _ and one at the University of Watchloovl I r " f‘ h l get his annual viSit to York RICH MON D H I fl at either end of the altar for- The bride‘s attendants werel There will be no bridge on‘lhat you'll net-or forget _. is receiving critics‘ acclaim {ml} V1Siting friends In the Hllll Central Hospital and on 5 mod the attractive setting infl/Iiss Leona Sette as maid ofKDecember 31. iworm _ a most confused and his acting prowess as a mem_ during the Christmas holidaysl Christmas Eve. assisted by St. Marys Anglican Churchnhonor; Elizabeth Langstaff, r * * * u“happy butterfly. who because he}. of the university-S drama were Beth and Len Jones, for-l members of the Richmond . Richmond Hill for the Decem- Tammy Oborn lsister of thcr The Richmond Hill Jaycettes he is “61 as pretty as the othershgmup and fast becoming one ohmer residents of I\nollsltlei Hill Rotary Clllb. made the 099" M0“' to wed 9 am ‘ 6 Pm ' Thurs- & 1"1‘1- 9 am-9 Pm her 11 evening wedding of‘grooml, Deborah Mason (sisterâ€"‘lield their December generalds a lnisï¬t and neornpletely igï¬the most popular young actorlerive. now living in Summit.l rounds of the hospital pres- Saturday 9 am - 4 pm Katharine Dorothy Mason to in-law of the bridel and Marvlmeeting in the form of a fondue “OI-ed. ‘ in the Windsor _ D‘etmit area New Jersey. i enting gifts to all the pat- Michael Oborn. Rev. Paul Mor- Mason (sister of the bride) as dinner party. There's a nominal admissiom In a review of the Novemhe'r_ Beth. who many will remem-; ients. while the junior choir _. Icy officiated at the ceremony bridesmaids. The groom's at- Attending the party held atmhahge of 25 cents for childrenghlhductim of George Bernahdlbel‘ for her fine performanccSi of St. Mary's Anglican and the wedding music was tendants were Torn Boyle oflthe home of Jayne Philips nn‘50 cents students and 75 cehtSlShaw-S “Arms ahdt’the Man.hlon the curtain Club stage rec-l Church sang Christmas car- played by Dr. Dennis Stainer. Cincinnati, Ohio, as best manziOsiris Drive. were Terry Wal- adults. Curtain time 7:30 pm. Barbara Hadeah of CBC Radiolently audltloned for “The Hat»; ols in the background. The bride. a graduate of Ohio Michael Fisher. Ralph Mason,’lace, Joan Thomson, Jo Nakam- a: >:< a ,wmte “While all the cast didjpy Time†being presented in * e * State University. is the daughter Tom Epley and Robert Young. ichi, Wilma Kleine. Marg Bar- Christmas came early at extremelv We“ in their roles a‘March by The Playhouse ianotai-y News ‘ of Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ma- The bridal attendants wore row. Sharon Bruce, Pat Blake, Don Head Secondary double_sfzed bouquet must 'be,Summit. and although there was} At the December 13 meetingi l son. Cacliet Parkway. RR 2.floop1engm burgundy sheathsjand Isobel Dietrich, School December 21 when given to Paul Aspland In theha large turnout for the reading, of the Rotary Club. Colin Rob-,1 Gormley (formerly of Richmond with standup collar, accented Club business was kept to a the food service Staff and hole of Captain mats'chh I.h‘she was cast in the role of tliclertson introduced Walter DHVEYH Hill) and the groom, a student with offâ€"white heavy lace ar-lminimum and an excellent din-' students provided a trad“, 'heh even Shah. who was al‘ways aunt. She's obviously deliglitcdhexecutive secretary of the York-, at Ohio University, is the son ofound the collar and down the‘nel‘ was followed by an auction ional dinner for students. .most critical of the actors wholto gel the Pa†and “l†"0 dOUbtlTommo TB A5500iati°n~ WhOl Richard Oborn of Galcon, Ohio. front of the bodice to the em-lof Regal stationary. l staff and invited guests. Iflawed the holes he-d written make a memorable acting debut spoke on the annual sale of‘ Given in marriage by her pire waist. Their bouquets werel On December 21 the Jai'ccttcs. Everyone enjoyed the would applaud " And the dramalm Summit' .CmiStmas Seals‘ which has been: father, the bride was radiant of white carnations with holly. {sang Christmas carols to resi- delectable meal prepared in vcmic or the 'local newspaper *- ‘ * _ a means of raising money since. in an A-line gown of white Lag- Following the ceremony the dents of North Haven Nursing the schooys imam-Ln offer. isaid of his performance ..The] Members of St. Mary's Angh- l908. and brought members uD-l oda French crepe, fashioned 100 guests were received at tlie‘Home and presented them with ed a choice of juices_ mast openind of Act I “a. perhahsscafl ChUI‘Ch ChOil‘ made up 2‘ tO-date 0“ the fight against TB with a standup collar trimmelehornhill Golf and County Club. small gifts, l turkey and dressing, gm- immacf’ed and somehhw lackediparty on Wednesday fOI‘ the in deYelODing countries: “161 with French lace. with sleeves Aftera honeymoon spent at a The next general meeting will let gravy. oven browned the realism of mean-m“ Shaw,Chri5tlnaS concert Presented bl‘hpl‘oblem 0f emphysema. 1301-, we're strumming puffed from the elbows down to ski resort in New York State, be held January 17 and the next potatoes, mixed vegetables, meant it to have Th,-S hi’)“.ever ‘Sutton and District High Schoolglution and other environmental: a three-inch cuff, and short Mr. and Mrs. Michael Osborn social event â€" a skating party and a choice of plum Dud- vanished with the entrance ofi Edward Lukai known in RlCh‘3PF0blem5» ‘ . A. > , ,. out a chorus of New train. She carried a bouquet oflwill reside in Athens, Ohio. â€" on January 29. ding, mince tart or Yule log" .Paul Aspland in the role of‘mond Hm as “ho†director at} A Warm welcome was exten-i . " . . Year wishes h, for dessert, with tea 0,- Captain Bhlmschh' Mr. Aspland[Sc Mary's and also of the tecâ€" (led to new member, hen Rm» 1 .1 .I , 't h u d coffee_ “has magnificem in every “,ay:glilie:ti:al choir, was the mUSlcal‘:::lgérrir;in§§:; 2: Ethangihggizzl _ a r a" of our flUl I ' ' _ . ‘ 1'8 1‘. ' ' ' - n 5 Mfggdfja22:21:;iashaig1d the pm“ to the CIOSO‘ There was an. excellent presâ€" Yonge Street. Ed Nokes. Joel . “(qua'man‘es' ‘ goods also sold well. During his 3.0a]. in grade 13 entation of Christmas mustc by Rablnowitch and Doug Allen ;} I 1- Many thanks for \ a it xx at Langsmff Secondary he ad_ the students, whose high stand- carried out the induction cere- 1 . new†1‘ , Thirty-five members of St. apted the Biblical account of “This†\l‘gtiacg‘oczmtsr Sgtï¬réuzlpmql‘h‘g Rota“ Cm. tmag he '- ' your 9e 1 .~ - . l u - - v y. . ‘ , o e r . < ' ‘ 'is . ' e «' diary 5 Anglican Chuich “omen The Crucifiotion for the stage. Education. sale was extremely successful I. W , and loyal patronage. enjoyed a continental break-idirected the production and fast on Sunday morning. Dec-played the leading role of Jesus, ember 19. following an earlyirevealing a deep feeling for his service of Holy Communion. subject in his direction and his Rev. Gerald Lowetli, priest-in- performance. charge, accompanied by Mrs. Paul's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loweth and their youngest dau-iVictor Aspland, who formcrlv ghter. was present as were Rev.llived on Garden Avenue. now [Fred Jackson and Mrs. Irene reside in Newmarket. and Mr.‘ tNichou; lAspland is an employee of York‘ Allocation of the ACW fundsiCentral Hospital. ‘ Notable also was a Clii'istinas,tliis year with no trees remain- cantata. composed for the ocâ€"ing on the lot after December casion by Mr, Luka. 20. It lichmond bi†music (3 J Tm; RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Phone 884-7362 â€" Where the Record Action ls -â€" ‘was announced at this time witli‘ï¬mm‘ ' ' M {$1.800 going to the parish. $250 _ _ to the Anglican World Mission. Passports 0 Publmt.v a $250 to the Primate's World Weddings 0 Commercial 4 Relief Fund and $700 to various charitable organizations in Rich- y ' W - liiond Hill and Toronto. W9 3 . ACW President Shirley Sivit- _ PHOTOGRAPHY ‘â€" i, - . . - .. . H‘ - l . . _. , . . , . Appliiatloiis now being aucpled fol nuisiiig i181 lepOits that this fine lecoid 30A Yonge SI. South . . ‘ h iOf fund “Wing "GNP-5‘9"“ a “‘9- Richmond Hm 0m home accommodation in ( ountry Place. the ' .- lmendous effort by all women of ‘ ' . . r . ‘ ' . . ' . U ' . ,the parish who héw contributed El 384.6741 latest techniques in chionic and gcliatilc |o|n$ ‘ health needs, nursing care. and resident serâ€" lmany hours of time and work. italâ€"gala .. , Fara . . . . T l vices are available iii this new 100 bed home h built to serve the needs of the area. ‘ . Y Bus service out of the Richmond Hill G0 ‘ - A â€"- - . » . , . . -, .i A 7 E Terminal will be increased 50 per cent. Make 19i2 the yeah you discoieied that piano 0A ‘IStl‘ f“ E when Travelways joins the G0 System. lessons can be fun. A demonstration lesson will JUSt E13451 01 Bayuew Travelways buses win operate 5.0u'th- TELEPHONE 884-8040 bound from the Terminal (after picking show you just how easy learning can be . . . up passengers from the northeastern sec- tion of Richmond Hill) via Markham Road, Bayview, Steeles. Yonge and Front ’ M RKHAM AR T RMT E ST E L L E A . P c ivn-o.t-"-tl-|r-lt.1r-t‘-lI-'V-Il.fl-l-l-tI-tl-‘-‘l-l’.‘ i lrol‘k (Photo by Photique Studiov The 10:15 a.m. ’l‘ravelways buses Will not go 0 U A T. , south of Edward Street, Bbut pic-locEeld "’ ‘ ’ """"" C """ ’" W “’ ' 2 l . . , . direct to the Tl‘aveways 3y all ‘t- p o o o o o . a} o ward Street Terminal. _ The five youngsters below are happily disulaving prizes won in the y Travel‘Va-‘fs 'LOI‘USJOWT ll-‘p'qT houng Canada Book Weeh competition at Richmond Hill Library. Children d -‘_r ! Ellen“? “at t 9 mm 0““ la 6 d' " in grades 1 to 6 were invited to submit original posters and picture books l a n I s Ffrm‘mll . . , r. on a variety of subjects. j . | Tickets will be interchangeable 0“ (10 _ The library was overwhelmed by 250 posters and 150 books. The Transn’ Gray (“Dam and Travelways Y. lilirary board and Children's Librarian Frances Kucera were delighted buses' ' with the response. After a showing at Richmond Hill Library. the posters . Emodnbtéhlgst \zll‘lelabe moved to Richvale Branch. Two of the winners are WI" be Closed from 7 NEW TIMETABLES Top left .above is Anita Mutusevics who won first prize in the r l 'd New public timetables will 5.0â€â€œ be alcllable grade 1 to 3 poster contest with her Cinderella poster. She lives at Ill l 5 p.m. aY, [I f1‘0n‘.d"â€'er:.and.1mm the hichnjrmll H)†9,0 Orton Crescent and is a member of the Richvale Branch Front left. also . . . . . .. CW Termmal “Tim "Q “pen “89MB†1mm 6'†from Richvale Branch. is Sharon Hartlief. 33 (‘laridge Drive. who won (0U- MBIA RU ORDDG ARMS†until a'm' to 11â€â€ a'm‘ _ first prize iii the grade 1 to 23 section for her book “Forest Fire“, : - For additional int'oi malioii call: †_ Back row. second from left. is John Sure. 336 Skopit Road. first T J 4 9 G0 Transit 920-002" 'l‘raVEI‘Vfll'S 939-1080 prize winner for his poster on space and rOcket ships. Presentations were T . - d - made b5: Libhary Board Chairman Mrs. Ruth Biggin. centre. ay’ | ay/ p.m. I . t rig t in the picture are Cathy Painter. 49 Vaughan Road. and 'l‘\\'0 CONCERTS 7 AND 9:30 PM. i I Egékbilhahigl. 9ldROEetvlegvdAvepue. co-authors of “Buzzy Bee“. first prize my “CE TICKETS {<15ii 3,1' noon i The Wild Wood branch will re-opcn l gra e ' o l\‘lSlOll. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ t . - " t†Despite 1tlhe lure of television. the contest is evidence children are 0 o ' on ‘V edneSdaya January ‘3 at 1 p'm' si very mllc interested in books. says Mrs. Kucera. She has been R i h d H I. H = . . » \R'iél‘iclilithlilond Hill Library for four years and before that was at Boys I a The Board and Staff LUIS/l 1/01! (I an lrs Iouse in Toronto and with the East York Board of Education. CENTRE STREET EAST t . . i . ’ . I . , .- r . iglohv hours, says Mrs. Kucera. are very popular with the small try of W“. FPEE hLBrhq LC’ly Happy A cu lea) Qmel‘nmenl’ of Ontallo [HUSH ic mondHill. ‘ ‘ ‘ kԠ:-.=e._,_._g-_e_â€".9~e=â€"=eaaa