Vaughan Township Fire Chief Davidson conducted a course leading to the Fire Brigade Badge. The following Guides completed the course success- fully. and were awarded the badge: Lynn Bredin. Marnie Buchanan. Sandra Carson. Car- ol Dayment. Leslie Gough. Hea- ther Hemstock. Janice Heram- chuk. Marcella Kimmel. Judith Neun. Karen Parker, Heather Reid, Judith Snider and Paul- the Turko- Mrs. Myrtle Lang instructed some of the senior Guides in the requirements for the Emerg- ency Helper Badge. The follow- F__â€"â€"_| and Cathy Buchanan. badges as follows: BP Emblem, Jennifer Lea; collector. Marnie Buchanan; swimmer, Karen Parker; team sport. Joan Gor- don: keep fit. Patsy McLean. Jamie Van Ek. Heather Hem~ stock. Marcella Kimmel and Tammy Fedak. Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers pre- pared an interesting craft night for the Guides December 13. The girls worked in patrols and learned a few of the secrets ‘aspects of creating Christmas decorations. Each Guide took .her own handiwork home. of good design. composition and‘ color and some of the practical: ‘and their two sons went to Mid- and Mrs. Duncan Stow, grew up in Thornhill. Dr. and Mrs. Moore Ede spent New Year's Weekend in Mon- treal. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin- dale entertained Miss Carol Wachniak of Watson, Saskatch- ewan. for the holidays. Doug- las Martindale and Carol are engaged. She is attending the University of Saskatoon and he goes to Brock University, St. ;Catharines. 1 Brigadier and Mrs. )Gibson entertained Graeme some of .u'ho tal‘ i Other Guides were awardedlland for Christmas celebrationstbject; Their host and hostess were Min. McLarenw Duncan. who is the son of Mrs.‘ group week. by bus for the the Ont iversity and th< be a re Winn on Jan Watson Brien. iJohn ( . Kayser l The ' evenini Girl Guides The 2nd Thornhill Girl Guide Company had a very busy Dec- ember. ency Helper Badge. The follow-135139015 of Creating Christmas;Carnal-mes, i ' i wk 1! zu decorations. Each Guide tooki Brigadier and Mrs. Graemel The market is Open on Friday 3911 goal pm Trinity ahead a- ‘her own handiwork home- lGibson entertained some 0flev’enings from 5 pm, as well asugain. until Stewart Breithaupt. * i * * Itheir neighbors at a delightfullsaturdav morning5_ 1 think if assisted by Oliver and Paul Thornhill Green Social Com-‘buffet luncheon on New Year‘slyou g0" once. you-n go again mehï¬dge tied it up. ‘mittee December 19 held alDal’. MI‘. and MI‘S. GeOI'ge :I‘yyiflanyu'alg family carol singing eveninglGrierson of Maple were also at the community centre. Heintz- there. lman House. The Guides were * * * * ‘ed for United. An unassisted Richvale News Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevelt Drive ( Bell then proceeded to win Did you know that if youlthe game. with his second and have coal. bread. and somelthird goals. drawing assists change in the house on New from Barr. Bradley and Alan “9'33†iaSked ’0 1191}? 311d did 5‘ Vé‘l‘l’i The Scottish country dancingp’ear’s Day. all will be well Grant. Neighborhood Notes EffiCient job aSSiSUng guests‘group will resume their meet- with you for the year? This 15 Presbyterian Royals 4 A winner in Richvale for the‘With Coats and boots. handingvmgs January 8, at 10 and 11 am a new one on me and I don‘t St. Edward’s 2 Richmond Hill Hydro Christmas 0“ “1‘01 Sheets and “Wing reJat Thornhill United. These are know where the Home Decoration contest was freshments. The evening DI‘OVEd for children. Enquiries can be comes from! Reginal Porter of 10 Denham to be a lot of fun as well as an als well ahead in first place, Drive who received a lovely gift Opportunity to serve the com- defeating St- Edward's 4-2. of- an electric carving knife. munity- ic-..l.L TLAII‘L:II gnJ D-....:-... Clan Sl- Ed’s John Tokarsky scor- superstiuoni A hat trick by Mike David- son kept the Presbyterian Roy- Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 Nelzhborhood Notes A winner in Richvale for the Richmond Hill Hydro Christmas Home Decoration Contest was Reginal Porter of 10 Denham Drive who received a lovely gift of an electric carving knife. Judges in our area were Ward 6 Councillor Lou Wainwright and Arthur Everett. Two very talented girls in the Richvale area are Anita Mutus- evics 0f Orlon Crescent who won first prize in the grade 1 to 3 poster contest submitted in the Young Canada Bonk Week competition at Richmond Hill Library. Anita's poster was en- titled "Cinderella." Along with Anita was Sharon Harllief of Claring Drive. who also “on first prize in the grade 1 to 3 section her book was en- titled “Forest Fire" The display will be shown in our library shortly. The residents of the area en- joyed the carolling by the grade 1 students of Charles Howitt School. It has been some time nowsince carollers have been at the door. The donations the children received have been donated to the York Central Hospital Fund. pre you all enjoyed a most memorable New Year and to those who were ill with the flu. hope you are feeling much bet- ter. If you attended any social functions. entertained guests at home. or travelled during the holidays give your correspond- ent a call. Metro Reservoir Langstaff Area Metro wants permission to build a water reservoir of undis- closed size and design at the Richmond H111 boundary on the Thornhill sidet Proposed location for the res- ervoir is the east side of Bay- view Avenue south of Highway Markham Town Council has refused to grant permission for the time being. Metro's request would have had the town giv- ing Metro the same right as the province has to undertake works in Markham, \n‘thout permis- sion or compliance with local building regulations and zoning. The Markham Council decide ed to consult with the York He» gional Council, and to consider the matter further before mak- ing a decision. Metro now (N115 the site. Grade 4 classmates from Thornhill Public School paid a visit to Larissa Fedak. 56 Arnold Avenue, the week before Christmas to sing Christmas Carols. The Thornhill girl was struck by a car as she attempted to cross Yonge Street in front of the school on December 10, and has been in York Central Hospital, Richmond Hilli with her broken leg in traction. Teacher Mrs. Joan Evans and the children thought the visit would cheer her up. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 6. 1972 A Happy Moment In A Hospital Christmas Thornhill and District News Socially Speaking In Thom/Iii] ing Guides were awarded the amongst trees and bushes, out made of Mrs. MacLeod, 889- badge: Jennifer Lea, Brenda of the wind and the snow. 50.1706. Ashley. Neila Poscente. Kath- it will be a poor count this year. * * * * leen Van Ek. Jamie Van Ek. Mr. and Mrs. Ticker Stow The grade 12 and 13 Students and Cathy Buchanan. and their two sons went to Mid-iwho take French as one of their Other Guides were awarded land for Christmas celebrations. Subjects. are entertaining a badges as follows: BP Emblem. Their host and hostess were Mr. group from QuebeC City this Jennifer Lea; collector, Marnie and Mrs. Duncan McLaren. week The guests are to arrive Buchanan; swimmer, Ka ren Duncan. who is the son of Mrs. by "bus January 5, The plans Parker; team sport. Joan Gor~ Stow, grew up in Thornhill. for the visit include trips to don: keep fit. Patsy McLean, Dr. and Mrs. Moore Ede spent the Ontario science centre. Un. Jamie Van Ek. Heather Hem» New Year's Weekend in Mon- iversity of Toronto, Yorkville stock, Marcella Kimmel and treal. and the City Hall. There will Tammy Fedak- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin- be a return visit on February 3. The Guide program for 1971 JUU “I came to a successful conclusion! December 20 when the girlsj divided into groups and wenâ€- out carolling. The money colâ€" lected will be used to help’Church News other less fortunate people. 3 The CGIT ( The girls returned later in the evening to their meeting place at Holy Trinity and en- joyed hot chocolate and Christ- mas cookies. The evening, was concluded with a very well pro- duced play. “Piffle. It's Only A Sniffle". and a Christmas camp- fire program. On Wednesday the Girl Guides will resume their meet- ings. at Thornhill Presbyter- ian. On January 11 there will be a re-opening of the 4th Thorn- hill Scouts. They will meet in the Assembly Hall of the Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church. Church News Last Sunday at Thomhill Un-i ited Church the service was dif-5s ferent from its usual 1-outine.ia After the service all those in-iF terested met to hold a dialogue 1‘ on the sermon. the subject of1 which was “Future Shock". 1"- v - Regis College. Bayview, just below Steeles Ave. is offering courses in religion Monday ev- enings. They will send a bro‘ chure if requested. This is an ecumenical venture. Neighborhood Notes The Thornhill Nursery Schoall which meets at Thornhill Pres- byterian Church, held a closing! for Christmas D9cember 22.; The Puppet People. Nancy Cole and Hannalor Buchan. present-T ed two plays: Little White Witch of Toronto and Kitty Puss. Everybody. both child- ren and the mothers. thorough- ly enjoved the puppets. During this session the child- ‘ren made table centres for their lmothers. They took field trips [to Lionel‘s Pony Farm and the iOntario Science Centre in small groups. A parent education meetingdetafls was held at the home of Mni The and Mrs. Stan Kh'ck. Norma ment ( Carrier of Consumers' Associa- 91 win tion gave a talk on toys. this c Members of the Ontario Fed- eration of Naturalists were out on Sunday to count the birds It was a very bad morning and the birds were well hidden "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhil] area. Please call Miss Margaret Govan. 14 Deanbank Drive. 889-5372 The CGIT of Thornhil] United has a noteworthy project in op- eration. Each of the four groups â€" two junior. one, intermediate and one senior ~â€" have. in ef- fect. adopted a grandmother. Each group has selected an elderly lady in Thornhill to visit several times a month. Church News The CGIT of Thornhill United has a noteworthy project in op- eration. Each of the four groups â€" two junior. one intermediate and one senior ~â€" have. in ef- fect. adopted a grandmother. Each group has selected an. elderly lady in Thornhill to visit several times a month. Leader Mrs. Joy Turner re-- ports the girls assist their ad- opted grandmother in many ways and a result of the project is the narrowing of the genera- tion gap. Thornhill United is to play. to 50 French-Canadian; host students from Ecole Secondaire ,of the year. so greetings are ex- id MacKae scored on an assist 'lended to Wendy Browning. 37 from Massimo Lozzi. The third Clarke Avenue. who celehra-TEOHI 0f Davidson‘s hat trick led her 11th January 4; Andrew was assisted by James. Dean. 41 Morgan Avenue. who‘y St. Luke's Thornhill Building was 12 the same day; Melodyj Supply 2. United Invaders 0 Phinnemore. Elgin Avenue. whol Tom Murphy of St. Luke's celebrates her eighth todayzidid all the scoring of this game. John and Jennifer Naismith, 611as St. Luke's whitewashed the Clarke Avenue. celebrate Jan-iUnited Invaders 2-0. Mike uary 7 and 8 (John will be lSiKoob and Byron Disera assisted years old Friday and Jenniferdylurphy. John Dunn was in the Will be Saturday"; January QWSt. Luke's nets. Graham Allen will be 18: Mark Wilson. 86 Meadowriew Avenue.l January 11. nill mark his 10th birthday and Robert Hampson of Henderson Avenue will cele- 1brate his 14th January 12. LANGSTA CORRESPONDENT: l South Thornhill and Bayview Glen Thornhill United is to play host to 50 French-Canadian students from Ecole Secondaire Mond de la Salle in suburban Montreal from February 2 to February 6. The United Church Sunday school departments will meet again at the regular time and place next Sunday. after a hol- iday recess. If you would like to help in the Sunday school. please call Harold Farrant at 889-7156. Assistants. men and women, young and old. are needed in the junior depart- ments particularly. For the next five Sundays. following a request by the youth of the congregation. a time will be provided to discuss the ser- mon topics right after the morn- ing service at Thornhill Un- ited. Theme for January 9 is “Why Bother About God?" “Inquirers 1 next Sunday a young people c wishing to 1 Christian faith Searchers’ next meeting be January 9. Ladies' badminton “1'11 res- ume tonight (Thursday! and mixed badminton is held Fri- days at 7pm. Call Mrs. Marg- aret Tomlinson at 889â€"9403 for The Sunday school depart- ment of Doncaster Bible Chap- el will commence a new season this coming Sunday. All 15 classes “1‘11 be in full operation. Neighborhood Notes A total of eight young resi- dents of the community have birthdays in the first two weeks CORRESPONDENT: DAVE BARBOUR PHONE 889-5205 - 366-1720 1972" will begin at 3pm. It is for of high school age learn about the will ml1i/I made of Mrs. 1706. MacLeod, 889-. i it it it i The grade 12 and 13 students} who take French as one of theirt subjects. are entertaining at group from Quebec City this, week. The guests are to arrive} by bus January 6. The plans for the visit include trips to the Ontario Science Centre. Un- iversity of Toronto, Yorkville and the City Hall. There will be a return visit on February 3. * at: It * Winners of the Club 400 draw on January 2 were: 48 Norm Watson, 62 Dr. Michael O‘- Brien, 174 William Sills, 237‘ John Courtemanche, 258 Tom‘ 0nd. Presbyterian's Jimmy Ste-‘ \‘er netted his first goal. only to see it answered from the face-off by Jimmy Houghton. Not willing to see a game lost. top scorer Todd McKnight tied it up for the Chargers. Wiltshire assisted on Hough- ton‘s goal. Stephen Herbert on Stever’s. ‘ St. Luke's Miklas Associates 3 United Cougars D A hat trick by Bruce Camerâ€"i on ma‘de St. Luke‘s the only. Tyke winner this week. as Tim‘ Flanagan tended the nets. MINOR ATOM Trinity Thornhill Paint 4 United Rains z A hat trick by John Bell won the game for Trinity. defeating United 4-2. . Jeff Bradley opened the scor- ing. assisted by Randy Barr ky player for Trans Metro. and Paul McMahon accepted the challenge with the tying goal. Trinity Vanguard and Norde- ‘ mende 3. United Warriors 0 Ralph Sickenger‘s hat trick was the only scoring in this 3-0 win for Trinity over United. G‘ord Patton was the net-mind- ‘er. and two assists are credit- to Paul Burnham. MINOR BANTAM United Dusters 4 St. Luke’s Disera Motel 3 A seeâ€"saw battle was won by United as they edged St. Luke's Disera Motel 4-3. St. Luke‘s started the proceedings with Brad Bean's goal, assisted by Sq Trinity Copper Kettles St. Ed's Cubs . Pres. Woodhill Nurseries St. Luke's Fraser Dunns and Bell. Warren Thompson, Did you know that if you have coal. bread, and some change in the house on New Year‘s Day. all will be well with you for the ye‘ar'.’ This is a new one on me and I don‘t know where the superstition comes from! Thursday. January 13‘ is the} date of the next meeting of they Doncaster Ladies’ Community; Club This has been designated! as a business meeting and it will be held at the home of Mrs. May Barbour. 136 Henderson Ave. All members are urged to attend. The Thornhlll girl's hockey team was inactive during the New Year‘s Holiday. but come this weekend they have two games on the docket. Both W111 ‘be played in the Doublerink ‘Arenas and both will find Maple |their opposition. The first encounter is on Saturday at 12 noon. the second Sunday at 3 pm, with Maple in the “home†slot on the score sheet. Your correspondent \n‘shes everyone in the community a safe, pleasant and rewarding year in 1972. in all respects. On behalf of “The Liberal" your correspondent is most in terested in hearing from on: readers of news items such as wedding anniversaries. child- ren‘s birthdays. graduations. achievements, church and school happenings vacation adven- tures, distant visitors and any sad. glad or unusual oceuren- ces that give residents a sense of participating in the commun- its: -Please feel free to call am" time. weekends included. M3 phone numbers are listed ab- ove. (Photo by Photique btudio) BY MARGARET HOUGHTON Only One New Year’s Day Hockey Game Defaulted In Thornhill After one week‘s recess. en» ough parents were able to get their boys out on New Year‘s Day so that only one game was defaulted. SQUIRTS St. Edward's Cubs 2 St. Luke‘s Fraser Dunns 1 After loading 1-0 for must of the game. St. Luke's lost to ‘St. Ed's 2-1 when Gerald Cal- tlaghan potted two goals. 1 St. Luke's Telfer Hanson. as. Isistcd by Steve Tschipper and iSieye Barnes scored their lonei imarker. Unanswered for most. Eof the game. Callaghan tipped in those winning goals. assistâ€" ed in both by Mike O‘Toole and Roy London. .Trinity Copper Kettles 5. Pres- bytcrian Woodhill Nurseries 0 {followed by Harold TSChippen's.‘ E Robbie l-lemstock in the Trin- ;it.v nets. shut out the Presbyter- iians 5-0. ;through the whole first period. iRobbie Leuschner broke the game open at the 10 minute mark of the second period. He was followed in the final three minutes by Mike Sherwood. Robbie Humphries with a pair. and a first goal by Ryan Foster, TYKES Trinity NS Smith 2 Presbyterian Chargers 2 An exciting hard-fought game, as the two goalies kept out many potential markers on this New Year's Day morning. The Presbyterians had by far the most shots on goal. but Robbie Peters even used his Catcher's experience to keep out all but two. Donald Dale in the Pres. nets did an equally commend- able job. Trinity‘s Mark Wiltshire star- ted the proceedings late in the first period. Well into the sec- ond. Presbyterian‘s Jimmy Ste- rer netted his first goal. only to see it answered from the face-off by Jimmy Houghton. Not willing to see a game lost. atop scorer Todd McKnight tied it up for the Chargers. 5 1' Stever's. i§St. Luke’s Miklas Associates 3 Wiltshire assisted on Hough-' ton's goal. Stephen Herbert on do ATOMS Trinity Turnponny Shell 2 Presbyterian Blues 0 Paul Moffat and Danny Tuc- key scored for Trinity. as Goal- ‘ie Martin Stokes gets credit for a 2-0 shutout against Pres- byterian Blues. St. Luke's Shanahans 4 Presbyterian Royals 2 St. second period and nullified the :2-0 lead of the Presbyterians. lfinally winning 4-2. Ron Mitchell. assisted by John ‘Stephenson and Dave Antonacci opened the Pres. scoring. fol- .lowed by Antonacci. assisted lby Stephenson and Mitchell. Well into the second period. St. Luke's Mike Egli's goal was ‘. It was in the final minute that the game went to St. Luke's. With the score 0-0‘Picrre Kirwin netting the win-‘ from Chris Gannage. Gannage finishing off the game on Egli's assist. ‘ United Panthers 6 Trinity Terrors 2 t First place United Panthers trounced the Trinity Terrors 6- 2. Bill Buckler scored twice and assisted twice. Mike Par- kinson. Harry Campbell. Bart |Bremmers and Glen Perrett scored the other United mark- ers. Perrett. Parkinson and No. 15 get assists. Answering twice for Trinity was Drew Broadbridge. tPEEWEE Trinity Trans Metro 1 ' St. Luke‘s Canao Kitchens 1. Lucky sevens for both teams. ‘as in the seventh game of the season. number 7 scored the single unassisted goals on both teams. Marty Chinnery was the luc- ky player for Trans Metro, and Paul McMahon accepted the challenge with the tying goal. Trinity Vanguard and Norde- mende 3, United Warriors 0 Ralph Sickenger‘s hat trick was the only scoring in this 3-0 win for Trinity over United. rd Patton was the net-mind ‘er. and two assists are credit- ‘to Paul Burnham. iner on an assist Luke‘s caught fire in the [Tim Leon. A quick answering ‘shot by United Brad Buckler lmade it a tied game for the ifirst period. Dave Jones. draw- _ing an assist from Terry Alex- iander. put United ahead. ans- wered by Leon‘s first. United went ahead with two goals. ‘Tim Kilham a55isted by Jones. followed by what turned out to be the winner by Rob Liversâ€" age. with John Thompson and Gary Ridout assisting. Leon imade it 4~3 as he netted his. second goal for St. Luke's. St. Luke's Thornhill BP 4 Trinity Scott Plumbing 2 Brian Laxton. assisted by Steve Adams and John Feather- stone. assisted by Laxton. led off the scoring for Trinity. but were soon answered by two goals by Paul Bernardi from Bruce Clatworthy. Dave Nob- ert, assisted by Tim Currie and Bernardi. then netted the win- ning marker. followed by the insurance of Chris Madden's goal on Paul Bourrie's assist. BANTAMI Trinity Marshall‘s Shell 3 j St. Edward’s l l A 0.0 score for over three- tquarters of the game saw Trin- ity's Dave Daley open the scor- ing assisted by John Jessop and Dan Harris. Frank O‘Toole an- swered for St. Ed, with an as- sist by Eric Mariner. With less than three minutes remaining. Harris turned on the red light for Trinity. the assist going to Mike Leonard. i United Imps 2 J St. Luke’s Shanahans 0 This 24) shutout for United .tied them for first place with lsr Luke‘s. Allan Berryman, drawing an assist from Rick Rogers opened the scoring. then Rogers from Berryman and Jeff Valiant scored the second goal. Glen Taylor. manned the winning nets. MIDGETS United 2, Trinity Saints 2 Another see-saw battle. as United and Trinity ended with a 2-2 score. United's Pat Esaw was assisted by Jim Churchill and James Hamm. and answer- ed by Trinity‘s Glen Valiant ‘from Bruce Valiant. 'Quinn scored for United. Dan Le Page from Drew Warga tied up the game. / John " .iance Limited. participated in jthe Annual Don Mills Atom .Tournament over the Christmas Holidays. They played six games. winning the last four in la row to take the Consolation «Championship. In the first two games. re~ ported earlier. Thornhill was paired with the powerful Don Valley Leafs. Although showing signs of breaking out of their†recent slump. they lost both decisively. In the third game. Thornhilll met. Richmond Hill "B's" and were hard-pressed to defeat ‘ them 2-1.‘Both Thornhill goals were scored by Scott Howson. the first assisted by Ricky Buch~ an and Carl Clutchey. The sec~ end goal was scored on a pen- alty shot which came about when at Richmond Hill player covered a puck with his hand in the goal crease. COULDN’T .STOP HOWSON Once again Scott Howson showed he is virtually im- possible to stop in a one-on-one situation. Thornhill met York Mills of the MTHL in the fourth game of the tournament played on New Year's Day. Another close game resulted with Thornhill winning 2-1. Thornhill's first goal was scored by Greg Warga on a slap shot from outside the blue line. The winning goal was scored by Clutchey from close range with assists going to Buchan and Tim Coughlin. Thornhill out - played York Mills in this game but Jamie Davidson was required to make several fine stops in the Thorn- hill goal. The fifth game was no place for any fans with nerve prob- lems. as Thornhill came up ag- ainst the powerful Kitchener entry. The first period was all Kitchener‘s. and they quickly built up a 2-0 lead. THORNHILL OPENED UP In the second period Thorn. hill started to move, and the big red team tied it up with twc goals by Howson. The first was assisted by Wayne Grant and 4 Ring Fun g. i l Trinity NS Smith 2 Presbyterian Chargers 2 An exciting hard-fought game, as the two goalies kept out many potential markers on this New Year's Day morning. The Presbyterians had by far the most shots on goal. but Robbie Peters even used his catcher‘s experience to keep out all but two. Donald Dale in the Pres. nets did an equally commend- able job. Trinity‘s Mark Wiltshire star- ted the proceedings late in the first period. Well into the see- kinson. Harry Campbell. Bart Bremmers and Glen Perrett‘ scored the other United mark-‘ ers. Perrett. Parkinson and No. 15 get assists. Answering twice for Trinity was Drew Broadbridge. ‘PEEWEE Trinity Trans Metro 1 ' St. Luke’s Canac Kitchens 1. Lucky sevens for both teams. 'as in the seventh game of the season. number 7 scored the single unassisted goals on both teams. Marty Chinnery was the luc- After one week’s recess. en~ ATOMS ough parents “ere able to get Trinity Turnpenny Shell 2 their boys out on New Year‘s‘ Presbyterian Blues 0 Day so that only one game was Paul Moffat and Danny Tuc defaulted. 7 key scored for Trinity. as Goal: SQUIRTS fie Martin Stokes gets creditj St. Edward's Cubs 2 -for a 2-0 shutout against Pres- St. Luke‘s Fraser Dunns 1 byterian Blues. After leading 1-0 for must of‘ St. Luke's Shanahans 4 l the game. St. Luke's lost to Presbyterian Royals z ‘ St. Ed's 2-] when Gerald Cal-‘ St. Luke's caught fire in the laghan potted two goals. .second period and nullified the St. Luke's Telfer Hanson, 3512-0 lead of the Presbyterians. sisted by Steve Tschipper and finally winning 4-2. Steve Barnes scored their lone Ron Mitchell. assisted by John marker. Unanswered for most Stephenson and Dave Antonacci of the game. Callaghan tipped opened the Pres. scoring. folâ€" in those winning goals. assist- lowed by Antonacci. assisted ed in both by Mike O‘Toole and by Stephenson and Mitchell. Roy London. Well into the second period. Trinity Conner Kettles 5. Pres- St. Luke‘s Mike Egli‘s goal was byterian Woodhill Nurseries 0 :followed by Harold Tschippen's. Robbie Hemstock in the Trinï¬ It was in the final minute that My nets. shut out the Presbyter-;the game went to St. Luke's, St. Edward‘s Cubs 2 St. Luke‘s Fraser Dunns 1 After leading 1-0 for most of the game. St. Luke's lost to St. Ed's 2-] when Gerald Cal- laghan potted two goals. St. Ed’s John Tokarsky scor-‘ ed the first goal of the game, assisted by Robert Reichardt.‘ iDavidson answered, then put‘ ‘Presbyierian ahead. Gary James imade it 3-1. until St. Ed's Dav- id MacRae scored on an assist ‘from Massimo Lozzi. The third igoal of Davidson‘s hat trick was assisted by James. l St. Luke's Thornhill Building 1 Supply 2, United Invaders 0 1 Tom Murphy of St. Luke's did all the scoring of this game. ‘as St. Luke's whitewashed the riUnited Invaders 2-0. Mike Presbyterian Royals 4 St. Edward’s 2 A hat trick by Mike DaVid- son kept the Presbyterian Roy- als Well ahead in first place, defeating St. Edward’s 4-2. Neighborhood Notes This Community “‘35 very sad-ito their children. Brenda. Hugh.l dened to hear of the deathiand Grant. and their relatives. early last week of Mr. and Mrs. Residents of this area are Hugh Ferguson of 65 Gal‘denp‘ery sorry to say goodbye to Avenue. He was a past chaire'their librarian Mrs. Alice Bur- man of the group committee of-‘nett. She has been at the Rich- the lst Langstaff Cubs andivale Library since it opened Scouts and an active memberiand is well loved by the com- of the community His u'ifeimunity. Best wishes are sent Katherine was a very activezto her for a new job. member of the Richvale Branch': Guest organist at Emmanuel of the YCHA and was member-EChurch last Sunday was Harold ship convenor of that group‘Ince of Richvale substituting during the past year. ifor Robert Long who was on The sympathy of their many‘lvacation. "V- ,v, 7â€, , Damonâ€"Clark. Pemberton Road for the New Year’s weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jensen and family from Sudbury visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. jVil: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petronskl Vigited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ea 0nderka, May Avenue. for Neighborhood Notes Christmas. Birthday wishes to Alex Weh- rens January '7. and John Gum- mersall who will be ï¬ve Jan- uary 11 Belated birthday greetings to P‘aul Gummersal. who celebra- ted his eighth birthday with a party Christmas Day. aléo to HHBME /mst fl 5 ML SPORTS SCENE 3 NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. RHONA WEERENS 130 May Avenue â€" Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 84 Garden Avenue, Phone 889-4553 100d Notes !friends in the area is extended mmunity “‘85 Very sad-‘to their children. Brenda. Hugh. u hear of the deathand Grant. and their relatives. LANGSTAFF NEWS Marty Chinnery was the luc- ky player for Trans Metro. and Paul McMahon accepted the challenge with the tying goal. Trinity Vanguard and Norde- mende 3. United Warriors 0 Ralph Sickenger‘s hat trick A see-saw battle was won by Following are the officlalfl United as they edged St. Luke's standings of the Thornhilllï¬ Disera Motel 4-3. St. Luke’s Church Hockey League. Call A started the proceedings with 889-3073 if there are any errors ‘ Brad Bean’s goal, assisted by or questions. Squirts 1m~m Residents of this area are very 501131 to say goodbye to their librarian Mrs. Alice Bur- nett. She has been at the Rich- vale Library since it opened and is well loved by the com- munity. Best wishes are sent to her for a new job. Bob Salna on January 3 Get well m’shes go to Mrs. John Chreptyk and Chef-5'1 Gummersall who have both been in hospital. Weldrick Road Baptist held a watch night service New Year's Eve, This was followed by a social hour which was enjoyed by all who attended. “Sympathy‘ is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bounds, on the death of a nephew on Christ- mas Day. Trinity Copper Kettles . St. Ed's Cubs . . . . . . . Pres. Woodhill Nurseries St. Luke's Fraser Dunns Trinity NS Smith .. Presbyterian Chargers St. Luke’s Miklas Assoc United Cougars . . . . . . Pres. Royals . . . . . . . . . . . Trinity Thornhill Paint . St. Luke's Thornhill Bldg 5t. Ed's Eagles . . . . . . . . . United United United Panthers . . . i . . . Trinity Turnpenny Shell St. Luke‘s Shanahans Trinity Anderson’s Esso . Pres. Stephenson Const. Pres. Blues . . . . . . . . . . . . Trinity Trans Metro . . . . . . . . 7 United Warriors . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 St. Luke’s Canac Kitchens .. 7 Trinity Vanguard & Nordmende 7 Minor Bantam St. Luke's Thornhill BP Trinity Scott Plumbing , St. Luke's Disera Motel . United Dusters . . . . . . . . St. Luke‘s Shanahans . United Imps . . . . . . . ‘ . . Trinity Marshall‘s Shell St. Edward‘s Rockies .‘ United Strappers . . . . . . . . Trinitv Saints . . . . . . . . . . . Trinity Trans Metro . . . . . . St. Luke‘s Sandrin Precast PHONE 884-1105 SELL YOUR UNWANTABLES Rams Invrders Minor Atoms; Peewees Bantams Midgets Tykes Atoms -Trinitvy Trans Metro defeatediï¬ St. Luke's Sandrin Precast bth default. '1' GF GA Pt. 2 23 9 12 3 11 9 9 23 18 11 10 t‘Thomhill's OMHA Minor Peewees {Win Don Mills Consolation Traphy Thornhill OM'HA Minor Pee- wees, sponsored by H & S Rel- iance Limited. participated in the Annual Don Mills Atom Tournament over the Christmas Holidays. They played six games. winning the last four in a row to take the Consolation Championship. l ‘showed he “1 un, 5w“ v1 Lune. COULDN‘TSTOP HOWSON Once again Scott Hanson is virtually im- possible to stop in a one-on-one situation. Thol‘nhill met York Mills of the MTHL in the fourth game of the tournament played on New Year's Day. Another close game resulted with Thornhill winning 2â€"1. Thornhill‘s first goal was scored by Greg Warga on a slap shot from outside the blue line. The winning goal was scored by Clutchey from close range with assists going to Buchan and Tim Coughlin. As winners of the Consolation Championship. all members of this fine. hustling team rec- eived crests and miniature tro- phies. with the major trophy theirs to keep for one year. The tournament win repres- ented a personal victory for Jamie Davidson. Thornhil] goaltender. as he continued his amazing play. He was awarded the trophy as the outstanding goaltender in the tournament. Many times in the tourna- ment Davidson came up with “impossible†saves and every- one agreed that ‘he deserved the award. ported earlier, Thornhill was paired with the powerful Don Valley Leafs. Although showing signs of breaking out of their recent slump. they lost both decisively. In the third game, Thornhill} met. Richmond Hill "B's" and‘ were hard-pressed to defeat them 2-1.‘Both Thornhill goals were scored by Scott Howson. the first assisted by Ricky Buch- an and Carl Clutchey. The sec~ end goal was scored on a pen- alty shot which came about when a Richmond Hill player covered a puck with his hand in the goal crease. COULDN'TSTOP HOWSON Once again Scott Howson showed he is Virtually im- possible to stop in a one-onâ€"one situation. The fifth game was no placel for any fans with nerve prob-1 lems‘ as Thornhill came up ag-l ainst the powerful Kitchener1 entry. The first period was 311* Kitchener's. and they quickly built up a 2-0 lead. THORNHILL OPENED UP In the second period Thornâ€" hill started to move, and the big red team tied it up with two goals by Howson. The first was assisted by Wayne Grant and Stop ’N Shep DISCOUNT MARTS Brigham ' R&H‘° Peterson ' Medico, Etc. REPAIRS One of THE LARGEST SELECTIONS Richmond Heights Centre 884-6423 Mon. to S Don .‘ing’ heiw )othl thin; and [eat oals son. uch- sec- pen~ bout ayer OVERTIME GOAL Grant raced dmm the right side and scored a beauuful goal on a hard slap shot. to give Thornhill the overtime victory. The scene “as then set for the Consolation Championship with Thornhill meeting Scar- bom Sabres of the MTHL. Both teams were weary from their Sunday morning games and a very close-checking game res- ulted. Howson scored a fine goal in the second period assisted by Grant A strong team effort Iand made it stand up for a 1-0 vic- .tory. Buchan and the second assisted from a face-off The game ended in a 2-2 tie. forcing sudden death overtime. Davidsom who took over in goal from Scott McCarthy for the second period. was forced to make a key save on a breakâ€" away. setting the stage for Grant to be the hero of the hour. Many times in the tom-nu. ment Davidson came up with “impossible†saves and every- one agreed that he deserved the ‘award. Mon. to Sat. 9 am. to 10 pm Sundays 9 am. to 6 pm ATOMleT AUTOMATIC POWER HUMIDIFIER GEORGE POTTS AURORA 727-9805 The Best Yet 0 Atom-Jet TO ALL MAKES AND STYLES 0F PIPES the Metro area Richmond Hill was un