HOLY TRINï¬Y CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. Canon H. R. Howden, B.A. L.Th. Mr. Graham Upcraft LRAM Organist and Choir Director Wednesday 10am. -â€" Holy Communion Prayer Circle follows every second week SUNDAY. JANUARY 23. 1972 Third Sunday After Epiphany 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion Men‘s Corporate Communion‘ Breakfast 1 10:30 am. â€" Morning Prayer1 Preacher: Rev. A. McAllster Thornhill United Church. 5:30 pm. â€"â€" Trinity Teens Pot- luck Supper ST. STEPHEN‘S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsey Armltage u 0.1“- i an“ UV .............. J 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11am. EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive â€"- Richvale Rev. George Young B.A.. B.D.. 889-6789 Mr. Robert Long. Organist SUNDAY. JANUARY 23, 197.2 Epiphany III 11 am. â€" Holy Communion and Sunday School Preacher: Canon J. T. Rhodesu B.A., L.Th.. St. Paul's Newmar- ket. 7:30 pm. â€" Ecumenical Service at Richmond Hill Presbyterian. Wednesday 8 pm. -â€"- Prayer Meeting An Old Fashioned Countryi Church on the Edge of the City‘ LANGSTAFF 1 BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 26 Church St.. Thornhill (where Hwy. 7E meets MN) I Pastor: i Rev. Don Whitelaw B.Th. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 19712 10 a.m. â€" Family Bible School 11 am. â€" God Sees Me 7 pm. â€" Frank Pickering Japan pictures Weekly activities enquire 889-0175 or 889-7431. at M.A., DD. 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Ho1y Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11am Priest in Charge: Rev. Gerald Loweth. Asst. Rev. Fred Jackson Consultant â€" Irene Nicholls SUNDAY. JANUARY 23, 1972 8:00 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion .10:30 am. -â€" Morning Prayer Sermon -â€" Rev. Gerald Loweth Wednesday 10:00 am. â€"- Holy Communion MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Maple Community Centre Keele Street North, Maple Pastor: D. 5. Davidson 223-9725 Sunday Services 9:45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11am. â€"â€" Worship Service 7 pm, â€"â€" Evening Service All Welcome Starts Thurs. Jan. 201% FABRIC SALE 1/3 OFF Reg. Price WOOLS - BONDED ACRYLICS AND MANY OTHER FABRICS 301 Markham Road at Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill Phone 884-6428 1;! DRESS SALE MAYFAIR TEXTILES 40 YONGE ST. BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE â€" BUY ONE FOR A PENNY ANGLICAN ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN Yonge at Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 in Charge: Rev. Gerald SHEET METAL 8: HEATING Humidify Your Home SAVE 15% or more 0N HEATING COSTS Installing a high performance, trouble-free Savor- oian 465 In your home will prevent the air from be- coming moisture starved . . . you will be more comfortable at lower temperatures . . -. and your ‘fuel bills will be correspondently lower. Sound fantastic? Let us show you how a Sevnreign 465 can save vou 15% or more on Your Fuel costs. PHONE 773-5051 Free Estimates On All Heating Jobs THORNHILL BAPTIST THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL CHURCH I Stop 17, Yonge Street Bayview and Crosby (Convention of Ont. & Que.) LIANCE CHURCH Richmond Hill ‘mmunity Centre Rev. David N. Sproule Rev. Ernest L. Johns B.A., B.I eet North.'Maple 884-4236 884-5816 P- 5- 03‘â€de Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert Mr. R. Richardson 13-A- .23-9725 Newton.smith Organist and Choirmaster lay Services SUNDAY, JANUARY 23 1972 SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1972 Sundoy School Epiphany I" ’ 11 am. â€"â€" 20th Anniversar ’0'1‘Shll" SQPVlce 8mm _ Holy Communion Service. Return of Dr. Harol ’mng Servme 10:30 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer Trim" welcome Church School for all ages sermon: “A Matter Of Mom/es 7 7 fl _ _ Baby Care provided . qul a.m. F Church School an urcnv'v AFR $89.00 Installed TERRY'S 994-3091 989-7303 sz LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School (2 Miles South of Maple) Hour for all ages Rev. John Arbuckle, Pastor 11:00 am. â€"â€" “Keeping The Organist Mrs. A. Moore Good News To Ourselves‘j. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23. 1972 7:00 p.m. â€" Evening Semce 9:45 a.m. -â€" Sunday Church “The Gospel Light Trio" at; school Both Services |11a.m. â€"â€" Our Service to God Visitors Most Welcome I (The Friendly Church) SPECIAL RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright Street Pastor Rev. E. C. Corbett. During January and February, 1972 BAPTIST 3111., 3.11.]; OAK RIDGES CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Royal Orchard Boulevard Bay Thorn Drive Thornhill, Ontario Arnold D. Weigel, B.A., B.D. Pastor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY. JANUARY 23. 1972 9:30 am. â€" Church School Grades 3 up 11am. â€"â€"- Church School Nursery to Grade 2 11 am. â€" Worship Service (Infant nursery provided) ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue 8.. Near Centre Street. 1 Richmond Hill The Rev. James S. Dauphlnee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1972 Third Sunday After Epiphany The 10th Anniversary Service Guest Preacher: Dr. 0. F. Reble. President of the Eastern Canada Synod. Luncheon following the service. NOTE â€" Sunday Church School is cancelled for this Sunday only. Nursery care is provided during the service ‘THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN ‘ CHURCH 271 Centre St, Thornhifl i The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans Stop 17, Yonge Street (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Rev. Ernest L. Johns B.A., B.D. 884-5816 Mr. R. Richardson B.A. Organist and Choir-master SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1972 11 am. 20th Anniversary Service. Return of Dr. Harold‘ Trinier Sermon: "A Matter Of Motives" 11 am. â€"- Church School and Nursery Care 12:45 pm. -â€" Lunch at Church 1:30 p.mr -â€" Fellowship Hour All Welcome CALVARY CHURCH 94 HUNT STREET RICHMOND HILL Pastor: P. A. Sorensen 884-4387 SUNDAY, JANUARY 23. 1972 10:00 am. â€" Sunday School ’11:00 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 7:00 pm. â€" Evening Service UNITED ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED nv-Irnrwl Nursery Care Provided For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 Junior Church School 7:30 pm. â€"â€" Sunday Evening â€"â€" The Annual Richmond Hill Ecumenical Service. Social hour following RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace Minister Organist and Cholr Leader Mr. L. Ballentine A.Mus. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1972 9:45 am. â€" Church School 11 am. â€" Morning Service Friday '7 pm. â€" Junior Choir Practice 8 pm. â€" Senior Choir Practice Wednesday Evening â€"- January 26th â€"â€" The Annual Meeting Saturday Morning â€" January 29thâ€"Pl‘esbyte1‘ian Men â€" The Moderators Breakfast. Wednesday, January 25 of $14,455 will I: ;8p.m. â€" Prayer Service fit the Georgi: ‘A Warm Welcome Awaits You in Lake Simcoe. 10 am. â€"â€" St. Andrew‘s Wednesday. January 26. Annual Meeting 11:15 am. â€"â€" St. Paul's Annual Meeting After Service B.A.. B.D.. D.D.. Minister Public Worship of God â€"â€" 9:30 11:00: 7:00 151018 SCI] The Missionary Churchfzpmg Worship . . . . . . . . . . Evening: Bible Study Prayer . . . . . . A . ‘ . . . .. 8:00 pm. With God: Availability Not Ability Counts. GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Eldon Boettger. Pastor 887-5846 or 640-1501 SUNDAY. JANUARY 23. 1972 9:50 am. â€"â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service 7:30 pm. â€" Mr. Lambert Stoufe fer will speak and Show slides depicting fulfillment of pro- phecy in Israel. PRESBYTERIAN5 ST. PAUL‘S CHURCH 7 CON. VAUGHAN Rev. B. F. Andrew. Mlnirsiexf SUNDXY, VJANUARY 23, 1972 RICHMOND HILL (Beverley Acres School) Rev. Ronald Hellman B.Th. Minister 884-6136 Youth Fellowship Thurs, a 7:30 pm. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1972 Christian Education Hour at 9:50 am. ST. ANDREWS FIFESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAPLE LUTHERAN Welcome â€"- 889-5391 All Welcome Wednesday And 11:00 am 7:00 p.m ST. MATTHEW‘S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. John McTavish Minister. 884-5526 SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1972 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service CHURCH SCHOOL 9.30 am. â€"â€" Ages 6-14 118m. â€"â€" Ages 3-5 WELCOME RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Streets Minister The Rev. Robert F. Smlth 884-1675 Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming Church Office 884-1301 SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1972 Church School 9:45 am. â€"â€" Juniors and Inter- mediates (grade 4~8) The Seek- ers 11:00 am. â€"â€" Primary (grade 1-3) Nursery and Kindergarten 11:00 am. â€" Worship Service Coffee Hour MAPLE-CARRVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Stanley E. Snowden B.A.. B.D.. Minister 832-1403 SUNDAY, JANUARY 23. 1972 9:45 am. - Carrville Church and Sunday School. 10:00 am. -â€" Maple Sunday School 11:15 am. â€"â€" Maple Morning Worship THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH "Serving Since 1803" SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 197.2 9:30 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Sunday School and Nursery Minister: Rev. Alf McAlister BA. BD. For Further Information call 889-2131 DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL (Clarke and Willowdale Sts.) SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1972 9:45 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Family Service Rev. Robert Duez PENTECOSTAL 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Rev. Robert Duez Wednesday 7:30 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Snowmobiling GREENWOOD: A federal gov- ernment grant under the local incentives program for “sports facilities in the Greenwood area" in the amount of $33,580 has been announced. A grant of $14,455 will be used to bene- fit the Georgina Island in Lake Simcoe. An exciting evening is plan-[for the ned for January 28, the date of will be the annual meeting. A minimum be mad amount of time will be devotediPresbyt to discussing the highlights of defense 1971 and the proposed budget chairme for 1972. All members present mitees will become involved in group;their p discussions to implement action Band plans to make'the church even more ï¬ective during 1972 and i | evening ing, mo: taming. Not A_ Denomination A’Church Of The New Testament Order A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High Drive CONCORD SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a.m. â€"â€" Bible School 11 am. â€" Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Worship Service Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€"- Bible Study Sunday 12:30 pm. â€"â€" Watch “The Herald of Truth" T.V. Channel 3 Barrie. A. E. Atkinson 24 Oak Avenue. Richavle SUNDAY. JANUARY 23, 1972 9.30 am. â€" The Lord‘s Supper 11am. â€"- Family Bible Hour Speaker: Mr. Allan Burrows 11 am. â€"â€" Sunday School Kindergarten to grade 6 and Bible school for grades 7 and up SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor F. C. J. Pearce 222-2200 11 am. â€"- Divine Worship Wednesday 7.30 pm. ~â€" Prayer Meeting Saturday 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sabbath School 7 pm. â€" Service Speaker: Mr. Allan Burrows Tuesday 8p.m. â€" Bible Study and Thursday 10 am. â€"- Ladies Coffee Hour Friday 7:30 pm. â€"- Family Night All are welcome 8 pm. Prayer RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 212 Hillsview Avenue Pastor Rev. David A. Dyer, 8A., B.D., 884~6629 SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1972 9:45 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Service of Holy Communion 7 p.m. â€"â€" Sunday Evening Gospel Hour “Healing of Human Hurts" Tuesday 7:30 pm. â€"â€" Bible Study and 7:30 pm. â€" Snowmobiling Other Denominations Prayer RIcï¬TIXLITEI’ITLE CHAPEL KVW‘arm Welcome To All Minister, 889-3364 Paterson. Sec. 225-9745 iuCHMOND HILL Friday, January 21 um. â€"â€" Adult Fellowship NOVICES Perry Hill 3, Aurora 3 to pass with dexterity. Their Perry Hill 6. Atom All Stars 1 Perry Hill hosted Aurora Jan- main problem. however, is get- Friday. January '7, the Perry uary l4 and only managed a ting the puck out of their own Hill Novices were scheduled to 3'3 tie- end- host Orillia, but due to the Netting the puck for the local Steve Bowers, Pinecrest‘s storm the 0mm team were “n- novices were Jeff Joslin with most prolific scorer. tallied able to make the trip and the two and Ken Bedding with one. twice, the first on a pass from local novices took on an atom Assisting were Hughes, Reeves, Neil Putman. This was only the all-star team from the house Joslin and Bedding. team's fifth game. and they are league and defeated them 6-1. P9"? Hi“ 4, Thomhill 1 improving every time 011t- mkn rnnnlgr Nnflh York Scoring for Perry Hill Were Ken Bedding and Joel Reeves each with two. and Jim Maj- ury and Jeff Joslin. each with one. Assists came from O'Sul- livan. Reeves, Buchanan, Noble and Cuccio. Barrie 4. Perry Hill 0 Sunday. January 9. Perry Hill Novices hosted Barrie in a league game and were defeated 4-0 by the visitors who definite- ly outplayed their hosts. Perry Hill 3, Orillla 2 Orillia made it to Richmond Hill January 12 to play the game originally scheduled for the preceding Friday night. Marksmen for Richmond Hill were Danny O’Sulivan who con- nected for two. one of them unâ€" assisted. and Joel Reeves. As- sists went to Joslin, Russell, Hughes and O‘Sullivan. Richmond Hill High School News I I ' By DIANA COOK I 2““““““““\‘ Why Not A Snow King Contest? lt‘s annual meeting time for the the Thornhill Presbyterian Church and the congregation can take real pride in reviewing the highlights of the past year. Under the guidance of their minister, Dr. Dilwyn Evans, who in June completed a one year term as moderator of the Gen- eral Assembly. which is the highest office of the Presbyter- ian Church in Canada, the com! gregation made itself felt not; only throughout the local com-t munity. but throughout and overseas in the missionary work of the church. ; An exciting evening is plan- l ned for January 23, the date of} the annual meeting. A minimum years ahead. Particular at- tention will be giVen to 1975 which is the year that the Pres- byterian Church in Canada will celebrate it's 100th anniversary and the Thornhill Presbyterian Church it's 125th as a local con- gregation. Since the burning of the mortgage should take place that year. a task force is al- ready working on a program and the congregation can look forward to hearing from this group as well as from other Canadarleaders in the church. A novel approach is being taken in setting up the program for the evening. A “mock trial†will be held and a charge will be made against the Thornhill amount of time will be devotedfPresbyterr-‘ran Church with the to discussing the highlights of defense witnesses being the 1971 and the proposed budget chairmen of the various com- for 1972. All members present mitees and groups outlining will become involved in group;their plans for the year. The discussions to implement action,evei1ing promises to be challeng- St. Paul's Lutherans To Observe 10th Anniversary This Sunday St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Bayview Avenue at Centre Street East. will be celebrating its 10th anniversary this coming Sunday. Guest preacher at the 11 am service will be Dr. Otto Reble, president of the Eastern Canada Synod. Pastor Tubbe was called to serve in Chesley and succeed- ing him on November 1‘ 1961, was Rev. Albert Myers of Chey- enne, Wyoming. Pastor Myers and his family remained in Richmond Hill serving the con- gregation and the community until May 1966. St. Paul’s held its first wor- ship service in the Walter Scott School April 3, 1960. with Misâ€" sion Developer Rev. Richard Tubbe as pastor. “Vock Trial" Feature Of Annual? Thornhill Presbyterian Meeting “éizmsréptémber 15 of that year, having accepted a "call", Rev. James Dauphinee of Pres- Last week, the students of Richmond Hill High School found themselves confronted with a ballot, upon which the name of each girl in their particular grade was listed. At the top of the page were instructions to “choose three girls whom you would like to see as your grade representative in the Snow Queen Contest. Mark choices with an X.â€_ My first reactiOn to this whole thing was frankly, one of shock. Obviously I had far too long been under the misapprehension that we were living in an age of gradual awakening to the fact that women are not merely the symbols of domestic harmony, rockers of the cradle and constant bol- sterers of the male ego. as some would like to think. Why indeed, was there no Snow King Contest? Could it be because any self-respecting male would consider it degrading or even farcical to parade him- self around so that a bunch of women might decide who, among his fellow sex-symbols had the shiniest hair, the whitest teeth, that winning sparkle? Granted, the judges claim to hold the girl's person- ality or contribution to her school on an equal stand- ing with appearance, but given the twenty final con- testants, and the very limited allotment of time a judge is allowed per girl, one would have to be a pretty mystic arbiter of character to pick out one outstanding one. Even so, it would be judged on a very superficial definition of personality, and not one that should be associated with so far reaching a word. How can anyone put it on himself to grade personalities? Is it right that he should even attempt to do this? Personality is not the sort of thing one tends to enjoy being rated in. There is no denying that women are more appearance conscious than men, it is part of their make-up, (pardon the pun) and not a shameful part. My question is just whether it is absolutely neces- sary to promote it beyond its real importance, and in so doing instill the wrong values and a sort of com- petitiVe face-race. And now, after all is said and done, I suppose it is still my duty to give to anyone who is interested, the names of the five “princesses†selected last Friday. The grade 9 representative is Pat Cook; the grade 10, Joy Gwillam; grade 11. Barb Kerr; grade 12, Linda Earl, and Annette McQueen, grade 13. Gdod Luck girls High Lights Getting the counters for Perry Hill were Jeff Joslin. John Noble, Joel Reeves and Dean Logan. Assists came from Dave Plaxton with two, Joslin and Bruce Buchan. Perry Hill played .500 hockey during the league schedule winning 18 out of 36 games played. ATOM “B†Newman-ket Peewee “B's†5 Pinecrest Speedway 2 Last Sunday night at Brad- ford, Pinecrest Speedway drop- ped a 5-2 decision to an older peewee "B" team from New: market. ‘ uuauu ullu uuuuuuuu 0. Perry Hill 4, Thomhill 1 improving every time out. The regular North York TYKES League schedule ended January Burlington 8. Richmond Hill 15 with a 4â€"1 win over Thorn- A strong squad from Bu: hill at Doublerink Arenas. ington defeated Lazenby’s P ‘ r -_ -uLH‘NL The Hillel's. sporting a small squad skated well aganst their bigger opponents. and continued ton became the pastor 9? St Paul's. With his wife Floris. daughter Lynn and sons Mich- ael and John, he moved into the Rockport Crescent parsonage and is still faithfully minister- ing to the spiritual needs of the congregation. Ground - breaking ceremonies took place on the site of the present church building on June 14, 1964 with opening ser- vices being held October 4. 1964, in the completed first A cordial invitation is issued by the members of St. Paul’s to their neighbors and friends in the community to join them in giving thanks to God for ten good years on this special occasion, January 23, at 11 am. unit‘ "-1338;er organization of St. Paul’s took place January 21, 1962. chairmen of the various com- r Aurora Tournament mitees and groups outlining Travelways 2, Points Claire 1 their plans for the year. The Dave Bersethnx’ho was picked evehing promises to be chalking-'35 the game's outstanding star ing, most worthwhile and enterâ€" by the tournament people, fired taming. both ggaals to spur Travelways Brad- drop- older New: A strong squad from Burl- ington defeated Lazenby’s Pill Rollers 8-2 in an exhibition game played at the local arena January 14. The Hillers came up flat in this one due to a week's lay- off and were beaten in every department. showing a com- plete reversal of form from a previous game in which they had tied the Burlington team. Scoring for the locals were Jamie Tuck on a beautiful rush from end to end in which he beat the entire opposing team and Craig Halliday who played hard throughout the game. Richmond Hill 2, King 1 The Pill Rollers regained their previous form January 16 and hustled and skated hard for a 2-1 win over King in a league game played at Noble- ton. Every member of the team played his heart out and was re- warded when King City was called on a penalty shot late in the third period. Taking the penalty shot for the Pill Rollers was Craig Halliday who had hit the goal post on two prev- ious shots. This time he made no mistake and scored what proved to berthe V_vinn_i_n_g tally. This contest featured end-to- end action, with the Hillers in charge for most of the game. They could not, however. con- vince the opposing goaltender of this fact, as they waited un- til the 17 minute mark of the third period before Richard Campbell connected on passes from Jeff Miller and Steve Mor- rison. Roy Cutler put the game beyond Aurora’s reach as he} scored on a perfect pass from Mike Gallaugher. ‘ Travelways 3. Drillia l ‘ The following Wednesday the; Hill squad easily defeated Or-‘ illia 3-1 in a league game in the new arena. Once again it was Richard Campbell who opened the scor- ing. this time from Arnold Van Der Weyde and Bob Russell early in the first period. What proved to be the winning goal was scored by Steve Morrison as he went through the entire ;Orillia team, fired a hard shot ‘on net. and then slapped home this own rebound. Also blinking the light was Dan Henderson after receiving a pass from Doug Jones. Goalie Ed McCleave was a standout in this game as he was beaten only once and came up with some big saves when called upon. PEEWEES Lions 2. Orillla 2 Wednesday. January 12, the Lion Peewees travelled to Or- illia for a league game and held their hosts to a 2-2 tie. Marksmen for the Hill were Ron Dysart and Chris DeGeer with Gary Langfield. Dave Mat- chett and Dale Strang getting assists. Lions 4 North York Rangers 3 Friday. January 14. the Lions turned back the North York Rangers in an exhibition game to the tune of a 4-3 score. Scoring for Richmond Hill were Greg McMillan with two, Ron Dysart and Randy Martin with one each. Assists went to Dave Forrester, Brad Lloyd, Dave Matchett, Gary Langfield. Roy Russell. Ron Armstrong and Dave Baker, making his first appearance of the year. Lions 1, Thornhill 1 Saturday Lloyd scored unas- sisted to give Richmond Hill a 1-1 tie in a league game against Thornhill. Port Perry 5. Lions 1 The same evening. the Lions tackled the strong Port Perry team and suffered a 5-1 defeat. McMillan got the only local enunter, being set up by For- rester and Armstrong. Whitby 6. Lions 1 Showing the result of five games in five days, the Lions were unable to keep up to the strong Whitby Peewees and again went down to a 6-1 de< feat. Strang was the only counter for Richmond Hill. receiving help from Matchett and A1 Bar- nett. The North York League play- downs began last night (Wed- nesday) in Thornhill and it is expected Thornhill will be here Friday for the second game of a best two out of three series. BANTAMS Travelway Bantams, rapidly rounding into peak playoff form, won three games last week while dropping one. Their only loss. unfortunately, knock- ed them out of the Aurora Tournament as they were def- eated by Barrie 2-1 in over- time. Travelways 2, Aurora 0 Ben Bourget, in a flawless performance, earned a shutout, as Travelways defeated Aurora 2-0 in a league game in the new arena 8 week ago last Monday. With exactly one minute re- maining, Travelways scored an- other goal, but this time un- fortunately it was in their own net, to rob Gerry Tipold of a shutout. In the last few sec- onds. with the Orillia net emp- ty, Jeff Miller took a Morrison pass to score. _ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan into the “A†division of the Aurora Bantam Tournament last Friday night. Each counter was set up by Mike Gallaugher and Richard Campbell. Pointe Claire who outshot the Hillers 12-4 in this contest, was a fast skating. smooth passing team that was pressing early in the first period. At 13:11 of that period, the visitors from Quebec took a penalty. and within 20 seconds, Berseth had scored. u -..-. _._..ï¬__c,, team that was pressing early in the first period. At 13:11 of that period, the visitors from Quebec took a penalty. and within 20 seconds, Berseth had scored. At the 52 second mark of the second period, Pointe Claire took another penalty. and Ber- seth potted his second goal at 1:52 of the period. That was all the Hillers needed, and while the Quebec team, who carried only 12 players. scored one goal. they seemed to run out of gas in the third period. The boys from the Hill played a sound game of hockey, as they back- checked ferociously, and skated in the fashion of which they are capable. _ This was the Legion‘s fourth defeat of the season to place them in second place in the North York League. Legion 2. Thornhill l The Legionnaires travelled to Thornhill Saturday night for their final league game and edged Thornhill 2-1. It was the third meeting of the Legion crew with Thornhill and the third win in as many starts this season. The team came up with much improved effort as they outshot their opponents 29-18 and had the only goal scored against them while playing two men short. Chuck Lunau opened the scoring in the first period at Barrie 2, Travelways 1 Coach Ray Brooks, like a dice- player trying to make his sev- enth straight pass, shot the works last Saturday, as he fired up his charges to a fever pitch. In this game Travelways came of age as a team. dropping a 2-1 decision in overtime in a game that *had many spectators in this well attended tournament buz- zing with appreciation. The win- ner of this game could just as easily have been decided by the toss of a coin, so even were the teams. In league play this season. Barrie had soundly defeated the Hillers 4-2, 40, and 7-4. If Barrie came into this game over-confident, they underesti- mated the eloquence of Coach Brooks! In the dying moments of the third period, Barrie put the puck into the Hill net to send the contest into overtime. Rich- ard Campbell previously shot Travelways into a 1-0 lead from Steve Morrison and John Oak- ley, and it looked like the goal might stand up. This game. considered by many to be the best in the tour- nament, was the epitomey of hockey at its finest, as there was not one penalty called. The game concluded with Less than a minute later Mab- three minutes left in the over~ ley, on a combination passing time when Barrie fired the puck play from Acomb and Hipkiss, into the net on a screened shot. scored a picture goal. The end came with ominous The second game of the play- suddenness. This classy Barrie offs is uncertain at press time, team went on to win the "A" but it could be Thursday atâ€? championship. _ I pm at Doublerink Arenas. The entire Travelway team played remarkably well. and it was inspired by the excellent goaltending of Gerry Tipold. who was the toast of the many spectators. After the dismal fracas or two weeks ago in Barrie, when 24 penalties were cal- led by referees who lost control of the game, it was a refreshing tonic to see these tournament games handled by officials of the highest calibre. It is only too unfortunate. that two fine teams like Barrie and Travelways cannot consist- ently enjoy the superior of- ficiating that the Aurora Tournament afforded them! MINOR MIDGETS Alliston Midgets 9, Bond Steel 2 Wednesday. January 12, the Bond Steel Minor Midgets took on the year older and year big- ger Alliston Midgets â€"- and lost a 9-2 decision. Alliston out bumped, outskat- ed and outshot the Steelers and almost pushed them out of A1- iiston. let alone the arena. Scoring for the Steelers were Jimmy Clement with a goal and an assist, Scott Davey with an assist to Jeff Switzer. who, incidentally along with Jim Graham, Clement, Rob McDon- ald and Kevin Brillinger played well and didn't give up. Stouffville Midgets 5 Bond Steel 2 Sunday. January 16. the op- position was a year older and a year bigger, as the Steelers crossed sticks with the mid- gets from Stouffville and were defeated 5-2. The Steelers got off to a good start as they scored the first goal of this game; Tonight (Thursday) the Steel- ers play Orillia in a best two- out-of-three North York Play- downs series at 7 pm in the local arena. Friday night they will play the second game of the series in Orillia. If a third is re~ quired it will be played Sun- day at 8pm in the Richmond Hill Arena. Please make special note that the Steelers will play a minor midget team from Chicago Saturday at 7pm at the local arena. This should be an interesting game. MIDGETS Newmarket 4, Leglon 1 Newmarket returned to Rich- mond Hill for the third meet- ing of the year in the North Goals for the Steelers were by Jim Clement and Jim Gra- ham with assists going to Tom Lamb and Jeff Switzer with two each. JACKPOT $500 - 54 NUMBERS Earlybirds 7.30 pm JANUARY 25 â€"- 20 Regular Games 1 share the wealth â€" 1 rainbow â€" 1 pie plate EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. Yonge St. N. St. Mary’s Parish Hall St. N. â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) York League schedule and out. hustled and outscored the Leg- ion crew to the tune of 4-1. This gave them two wins out of the three games. The. Legion's goal was pot- ted by Peter Ranieri assisted by Steve Gordon. Chuck Lunau opened the scoring in the first period at 3:04, assisted by Terry Rice and Jeff Woods. The Legionnaires controlled the play throughout the game but had trouble in hitting the net. The game was tied until Hipkiss netted the winning goal at 18:39 of the third period with help from Dennis Acomb and Kim Mabley. This was the final game of the league schedule with the locals winning 13 games and losing 4. Legion 4, Thornhlll 1 The first game of the North York League playdowns was played Sunday with the locals hosting Thornhill. Richmond Hill Midgets carried play from the opening whistle but the fine netminding of the Thornhill goalie thwarted their scoring at- tempts. Thornhill scored the first goal at 9:07 of the first period. How- ever, before the period ended. Tom Sanlon tied the game 1-1 with help from Steve Gordon at 14:42. Lunau put the locals a- head 2-1, aSSisted by Ranieri and Hipkiss. The third period saw the Legion crew come out with skate and desire to add two more to their total. Lunau scored his second goal of the game. assisted by Dave Dunkley. at 15:53 of the period. Less than a minute later Mab- ley, on a combination passing play from Acomb and Hipkiss. scored a picture goal. NEWMARKET: In his year-end message Mayor Bob Forhan re- viewed the town‘s accomplish- ments during the first year of regional government. He made special mention of the introd- uction of monthly inter-utility meetings to which the town in- vited Bell Canada, hydro, cable ‘and gas company representa. itives‘to discuss mutual prob' lems and plans. This is a first for the province. FRANK A. 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