EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7. just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfclO WASHER, dryer and stove parts, gears, belts, wood bear- ings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lmvmnowers and small ap- pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfcll 4 x 8 sheets, fir 12" special $5.35 per sheet. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc19 Special, 11-2 cords hardwood. $28 delivered. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfcï¬i ALADDIN 1561]: paï¬s. sh'a‘des; chimneys. 7729 Yonge S., Thom- hill. 297-1371. tfcla Used sewing machines $14.95.: New sewing machines $59.95‘ and up. Bernina Sewing Centre.l Richmond Height‘s Centre. 884â€" 3775. tfcla Flï¬Ewdof‘fo'li‘s‘élé‘fsï¬nï¬ixï¬ delivered. 773-5488. tfc2l TEAKWOOD Living, dining and bedrooms. direct from importers ware- house. Open 1 â€" 9pm. 454-1388 SNOWMOBILE suits, boots and helmets. 884-9748. c1w29 R6SEVmeige éhégl'ZEfiiéla iand chair, reasonable. 884â€"1604. Sales and Service Rentals Authorized. Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill CONTENTS of baby furnitureltour c'nau's: aumng Inac.n}ne, store. Everything must be sold.ltype“'â€t°r 1“ g°°d condltlon‘ Call Harry. Liquidators, 3368 389'6309' “W30 Yonge St., Toronto, 433-7911. ITV 19" portable, picture tube c4w28 one year old, $65. 36 May Ave. ‘ u ’â€" *_ *‘J 884-4018. C1W30 onrï¬uï¬n‘nir Ir nun- In...†no"! Supplies, large selection of fash- ion buttons and heavyweight _zippers.. 88+5894. c2w29 SALE â€"â€" Fireplaces and acces- sories. Moving January 31. lease expired. Big discounts. Open 10- 6 and evenings Thursday and Friday 7-9:~Fireglo Centre. 46 Sleelcs Ave. West. 889-3133." YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors, awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832- 1319 Maple. tfc28 ALUML UM ~ Doors, windows, awnings, a railings. Ron Woods, 884-151f} MILLLINERS PAMTIQUES Spring is in the air at York Farmers' Market! See our gor- geous array of artificial flowers. Unbelievably realistic! KITCHENAID portable dishâ€"E washer, Singer sem’ng machine‘ cabinet, barbeque. fire place! screen. polal‘oid camera and, sand box. 884-8273. c1\\'30-I BALED hay for sale. Minimum; 25 bales. Phone 889-2531. ! TABLE saw Rockwell-Beaver model 200, cast table 20 x18. less motor 570. 334-6669 after 6 pm. *1\\'30 WRINGER washing machine, good condition. asking $30. Also 1964 Corvair, needs muffler. as is. best offer. 888-1169. c1\\‘30 HUMIDIFIER used only 011% season. $60. 8844410. c1w30 CLOTHING in good condition. nursery furniture, toys and sports equipment. etc, for sale at the YWCA Resale Shop. 25 Yonge Street North. Monday through Friday 9:30 to 11:30 am. 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Saturday 9:30 to 12:30. c1\\'30 Look Them Over! See the Want Ads for the Home, Apartment, Car, You Need ORGAN sale. save up to $600 on famous makes. Hammond. Lowrey. Farfisa and others. To- ronto Organ Centre. 5254 Yonge St, Willowdale. opposite Wil- low Theatre. 112 miles north of 401, 222-6517; 222-6701. Also Sherway Gardens, Hwy. 27-Q.E‘ Way. 621-1871. c2w30 TELEVISION‘ RCA 21†black and white, reasonable offer ac- cepted. 884-7779. c1w30 ACTTOMATIC “35%;; excellï¬; condition after 6 pm. 884-7197 SEASONED FIREWOOD Mixed â€" Oak â€" Beach Birch â€" Maple 12" and 16†cords Holland Park Garden Centre 832-2455 CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8e per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARKIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone III at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. 'l‘YPEy’RITERS ADDING MACHINES FIREPLACE WOOD FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. '20. 1072 BIG SALE! PLYWOOD 884-1745 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Dressmakers c1\\'30 c‘lw29 *1w30 c1\\'30 ll‘c36 tfc29 All†â€"" 72 5250, 26 hp†293 gc, list Ag mum $695. now 5649. E30. 7 72 RTX 300 25 h.p., 293 cc. list bul 1“3035999. now $813. !de1 :a\'er.72 RT 340. 28 h.p., 335 cc, list ed x18,;S999. now $879. 1“'0 after 10% discount on all clothing. SA l\\'30 boots. helmets. mitts and gloves. $6. nine i Bethesda Sales & Service :lur A156 114 miles north of Stouffviue Road Q1 1 tr, as‘ . . “"2012 miles east of Don Mllls Road. To Sensible Shoppers Check the Classified Page Every Thursday For Big Values. Need Something? Try a Classified Ad. Phone 884-1105-6. tfc3 and LOW winter rate December to 4_ [Marc-h. Sand fill for lake frontâ€" [c36 ages, etc. Snowplowing Lake â€"lWilco.\' area. Sanderson Haul- cMMage. 773-4106. tfc25 I DISPLAY FURNITURE Emm construction firms. fur- nished model homes. Chester- lfields. lables. lamps bedroom ’suites. odds and ends. Like new and reasonable. Parkcrest Con- lstruction. 221-4400. c4\\'30 l SPECIAL SALE Desks. office, double pedestal. BEDROOM suite, 7 piece, din-' ing suite. 9 piece. Chesterfield suite, all Burma teaku'ood. must sell. new furniture, very reas-[ onable. 1-241-5971. tch8- IBM electric typewriter, good condition. 889-0206 after 6 pm. c2w29 SOFA’S, 2 matching $300, 2 pair of custom made drapes and matching spreads $75 each. All in good condition. 889-1833. TOLEDO electric guitar, Maga 20% off all paint. 10% off ply- wood panelling. Loughlin Lum- ber. Yonge and Scott Drive. Richvale. 889-1109. c4w28 FOUR-piece settee, 1 love seat, a quantity of chairs. four wash stands. We buy, sell and trade. 773-5448. ‘ c4w28 CUSTOM made drapes to order and readyâ€"made. Also we can re-line your valuable drapes â€" at reasonable cost â€" WYN - DOT The Ladies Shop Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-2214 sonic 8 track car stereo. 889- 1849. c1w30 VW 600 x 15 tires. 2 snows, $15 pair, 3 regular $5 each. 884- ANTIQUE dining room table and four chairs. 884-8547. FRIDGE and stove, table with four chairs. adding machine, typewriter in good condition. 889-6309. c1w$0 BOY’S size 36 RHHS school jacket worn three times. stu- dent transferred. 884-6969. ,y. .. v_ 7, .,,_-,,i, QEOIMANAGEMENT urgefflly need- leNT electric guitar and 40 ed also ladies full or part time watt Beltone amplifier, totalito sell and promote a fine $60; Kent 12 string guitar. $45.!household and industrial pro- 884-1497. c1w30 duct in this area. For interview liABBITE _ Egan“ Stock: please call 834â€"9768. *1\\'3O 4" top centre. $8. and one close coupled toilet and tank. $20. 884-5379. c1w30 1 PAIR skis. poles. size 11 boots $40. Phone 889-2531. *lw30 iJANUARY SALE Coleman Skiroule snowmobiles and clothing ubvlluuun uulua u. uw...-- I n 114 miles north of Stouffrille KITCHEN HELP Road QUALIFICATIONS: 2 miles east of Don Mills Road. To be compatible with older c2w30‘persons and have a keen inter- E'oLoï¬rjXLâ€"bed chestérï¬Ã©m est in their welfare. Previous ‘experience of food handling in and chair. excellent condition. . . $75 83443822. c1“.30 commercxal dietary department _ l - w r ~~ d. 23" BLACK. and white TV $50 gga“",}l.§‘i‘§§ger trade> gas 5‘03"? At York Manor Home for the ‘ ' ' '3 ,'__ Aflcfl Aged, Newmarket. to assist in ALUMINUM _food preparation and related Awnings. patio canopies and duties including tray set up. nnhlnenrne nn.if-\'nnr:nlf dit- rafeieria service and waiting ALUMINUM Awnings. patio canopies and enclosures. Do~it-_\'ourself. dis- count 30‘}. Drop in. phone or write for special measuring kit at Fire-G10 Centre. 46 Steeles Avenue West. 889-3133. c1w30 Eï¬Y your diamonds and gold for less direct from the manu- facturer to you. 29445075. tfc30 KITCHEN table and three chairs. bedroom drapes. bed- spread for single bed. pieces of silverware and china. 889-2745. c1w30 MOFFAT fryer, 24â€. like new. Costs $276, asking $200. 832- 1077. c1w30 600 x 15 tires. 2 snows, pair, 3 regular $5 each. 884- ). c1\\'30 JANUARY SALE c4w28 c2w29- _-â€"â€".‘ good! 6 pm. c2w29 income? For information phone. -â€".- 294-2963 5â€"6 pm only or write‘ 2 pair ; and' Th. A11! 33. l c1w30_ Maga-l . 889- c1w30 RICHMOND Hill Public Lib- rary, Richvale Branch, part time clerical assistant, resident of Richvale. Typing required. Apply in writing Mrs. P. Hart, Richmond Hill Public Library. 24 Wright Street. c1w30 DO you want to double your to Box 30 “The Liberal". c2w30 FULL time housekeeper for local business. Apply Box 34 “The Liberal†for interview. c1\\'30 RELIEF wanted for front desk, ACTION, RESULTING IN A FIVE FIGURE INCOME? WE HAVE YOUR KIND OF OPPORTUNITY: DON LITTLE FORD SALES LTD. 15 ONE IOF THE OLDEST YET MOST iPROGRESSIVE AUTOMOBILE ‘DEALERSHIPS IN THE EN- TIRE AREA. OUR EXPANSION PROGRAM REQUIRES ADDITIONAL NEW CAR SALES PERSON- NEL. EXPERIENCS NOT NECCES- SARY As COMPLETE AND CONTINUING TRAINING }PROVIDED. CALL ME TODAY, LETS GET TOGETHER AND GET YOU ‘1965 FORD Custom V8§tarid-I ard $150. 884-4916. 11970 PONTIAC, four dooI‘Iâ€"including Script, Block letters. sedan “ith radio. automatic Outline and signature â€"â€" fast tl‘ansmiSSiOU, V8 engine. lowlservice. Call “The Liberal" 884- mileage. in good condition.‘1105. . $1650. 884â€"1667. clw30 HARRISONS CUQTOT‘I' 1964 METEOR, as is. good con-l CARPENTRY ditiOH. IZOWGI‘ Steering and ‘Custom built homes, renova- bl‘akes 300. 83474089 after 5-:tions, additions, and repairs, pm. cl\v301Kitchens a sceciality. Morris 1962 CHEV. fOur door. good‘Harrison. 884-2838. tfc42 Ishape $100. Phone 889-6035. ! RON MOORE (31“‘30 PAINTING - PAPERHANGING .1969 CHEVELLE SS 396. 375‘Interior - Exterior. Free esti- hp, automatic, fully equipped, mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. 889-2742. c1w30| tfc32 1 .33 RUBBER STAMPS c ‘3! Several type faces to choose from T3513 RELIABLE masseuse to come to . ‘my home in Thornhill district. c1w30,389-2264. c1w30 91w†ELEANING lady. one day week- b00t5;1y. Thornhill. Own transportaâ€" *1\\’30;tion. Call after 5. 881-0001. ‘ QUALIFICATIONS: 0“‘30 Holder of 4th Class Engineer Certificate |obile5 iAt York Manor Home for the list‘Aged. Newmarket, to assist with l", GIRL FRIDAY ‘Junior secretary receptionist for consulting engineering office, Ilocated in a Willowdale Shop- ~ping Centre. Must have good ,shorthand and typing. Minimum Itwo years experience. No book~ keeping involved. Hours 9-5. five day week. $90". plus salary [for a pleasant young lady who fmay wish to fovsake long rides Ion the TTC. Day or eveningiin- tei'view arranged by telephoning :Mrs. McDonough at 221-3495 be- ltween 9-5 pm. c1w30 Furniture, china. silverware. China cabinet. tea wagon. Canaâ€" diana. 294-6075. tfc30 DISHWASHER. GE Medallion 850, convertible. cutting board top, harvest gold, perfect con- dition. only used 3 months, $390. 833-5113. c1w30 DO you want to double your income? For information phone 294-2963 5â€"6 pm only or write to Box 30 “The Liberal". EXPERIENCED girl ‘for recep- tion. typing and general office. Keele and Hwy. No. 7 location. Telephone 889-4431. c1w30 Richmond Inn. must be able fill all shifts. 884-1101. ï¬ACHINE operators] 4:; light hiéhufacturiné. suitaï¬le for wo- men, in north Willowdale plant, 108 Doncaster Avenue. c1w39j nuyu, u. n..- w. 108 Doncaster 'Aizgnue. élw30 INURSING home 1‘ 9 q u i r e s R/ Nurse’s Aides or Practical CLEANING lady’ Once every Nurses for 4 to 12 shift. Thornâ€" two weeks. Own transportation hm area Trans - . Y .. portatlon prowâ€" prefem'ed' 889'2788' c1“30 ded north of Steeles Avenue. LADY to do repairs for dry Mrs. Scott. 889â€"4931. c1w30 cleaning firm. 884-2162. VC1W3OICONIPETENT dicta_phone ty_ OPPORTUNITY to apprentice as automatic screw machine operator technical school and/ or machine shop experience will be given preference. North Willowdale plant 108 Doncaster Avenue. c1w30 STAFF required forwiiey nur- sery, Thornhill area. qualified and unqualified. 922-2976. An ngcu, ucnum......., .v -w.-. Boiler room. maintenance ofl$1.75 pier hour. Phone 889-0827. building, equipment. lawn, gar- MAâ€"v _ 7 _ Inigo den and grounds. other I‘elgt-VGENERAQL pLANT SERVICE ed duties as required. Shlft AND ROUTE SALES DELIV- \\'ork in involved. rERY EXPERIENCE WITH CUS- SALARY: TOMER RELATIONS HELP- cafeteria service and waiting on residents in dining room. General cleaning and other duties as directed by kitchen supervisor. supervisor. 65"0 SALARY: Due to our 72 expansion pro- S4,320.00 - $4360.00 1361~ annum gram, We require 3 sales repre- (under 1‘e\’i€‘\H gsentatives to service the Rich- Applications will be receiVed up'mond mu area, No experience to and including Monday, Jan- necessary. Excellent training uary 31. 1972. :and direction. Earn up to 65% Dr. J. 0. Slingerland commission and bonus. Modern Commissioner of Health air conditioned offices. with and Social Services parking. Call Gord Smith. N. S. 22 Prospect Street Smith Real Estate Ltd. 889- NEWMARKET. Ontario 76:24, 884-4425, 773-4211. £6,272.00 - 57.392.00 per annum under review) HELP WANTED THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK 4th CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER FOR SALE Continued) ANTIQUES Ediâ€"L; URGENT c4\\-29'Experienced cleaning women :5: and sitters. 884- 5286. clw30 clw30 c1w30 c1“ '3'") E 8481 NURSING home 1‘ e q u i re 5 [Charge Nurse for 4 to 12 shift. :full time position. must be regis- tered in Ontario. Thornhill area. lTransportation provided north gof Steeles Avenue. Mrs. Scott. {889-4931. . cl\\'30 jFACTORY help wanted for afternoon shift, 3:30 to 12 mid- lnight. suitable for females. Apâ€" [ply Formold Plastics of Canada lLtd., 95 Newkirk Road, Rich- 'mond Hill. c1w30 ILIGHT factory work available It‘or women. For both day and afternoon shifts. apply at 65 Inuncan Road, Thornhill. DAILY help for general house- hold duties, Woodbridge area. occasional babysitting for 1 year old, must like animals. 893â€"1979. c1w30 I (Continued) (Continued) HOUSEKEEPERS, laundress.‘ASSEMBLY work. Soverign maintenance, nurses aids. cooks,:Water Conditioners. Phone 889- R.N.A.’s and R.N.‘s. For 100-bed‘8383. c1w30 Nursmg Home' Opevingi" Janu' CLEAN-INC lady required once ary between Baywew D9nlweekly, Thornhill area. must Mills Rd on 18th‘.Apply,m “11" have own transportation. 889- mg stating experience. educatâ€" 4790 “W30 ion. phone numbers and addres. _ , L , ,_ _ AM“ _, ses to Country Place_ Richmond ASSISTANT CHEF REQUIRED Hill. czwzgiMust be experienced ind hive ’ ‘ " ' ’ ‘ ~ "2‘ 'own transportation. P one or mu time position. must be regis-! PART-TIME EVENING tered in Ontario. Thornhill area.i RECEPTIONIST ‘ Transportation provided north! A vacancy eXlStS at Seneca of Steeles Avenue. Mrs. Scotl.‘CO]1€ge. King Campus (WESt 0f 889-4931. . c1w30‘Aurora) for a permanent part- n‘nmï¬t'Iâ€"n, n,†'â€"}time receptionist. PAYROLL CLERK Pleasant young lady with pay- roll experience to assist in busy construction office. Friendly at- mosphere. 499-1356. c1w30 CONSTRUCTION company re- quires office girl full time. Good knowledge of bookkeeping essential. 887-5795. c1w30 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FUTURE WITH A LOT V ACTIONv RESULTING,_IN A 1965 FORD Custom V8, stand-l éfllï¬ï¬ï¬bN THE ROAD To‘1965 PENTIAC convertible. SUCCESS. [minor body damage, $135. SAIEQN‘IANACFR, \Phone 889-6035. c1w30 pist for local insurance adjustex‘s‘ office. Must be accurate and have pleasant telephone manner“ Good salary for the right per:‘ son. Call for appointment. 884a EXPERIENCED hair dresser, good opportunities. Apply nights 889â€"9936. clw30 CASHIERS (2) One full time, one part time for permanent positions. Some ex- perience preferred. Usual com- pany benefits. Apply at the office. Canadian Tire Store. 70 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. EXPERIENCED shipper and re- ceiver. Apply in person only to Oxford Picture Frame. 278 New- kirk Rd. c1\\'30 RADIO station CFGM requires a responsible. intelligent person to assist the traffic manager in all phases of the department. Typing essential. For appoint- ment call Mrs. Fraser. 961-1310. c1w30 FULLER Brush Company has routes available in Richmond Hill area. Dealers earn over $3:00 per hour servicing custo- mers in their mm area. Phone 635-0738 and ask for Mr. Lowe. c1w30 Hill area. Dealers earn over‘er 6pm. $3:00 per hour servicing custo-H970 MUSTANG MARâ€"Kfll, 42 mers in their own area. Phone. . . . . . , |Cobra Jet With other options, 635â€"0738 and ask £01 MI. L0\\e.ls3y000 or best offer. Phone Chm } 638-4364. clw29 31968 VAUXHALL, goï¬i condi: ' 35,000 miles. highway dri- tion, ven. 884â€"3900 evenings. c2\\'29 1964 FORD Comet stationwagâ€" on, V8 automatic. power steer- ing and brakes, $250. 884-3445 after 5pm. c1w29 PART-time student. men or wo- men \\‘ith car for collection and delivery of orders. Starting at‘ $1.75 per hour. Phone 889-0827.‘ clw30. GENERAL PLANT SERVICE‘ AND ROUTE SALES DELIV- ERY EXPERIENCE WITH CUS- TOMER RELATIONS HELP- FUL. APPLY SUPERIOR PRO- good running order, good body. PANE ‘LTD., 889-1145. 8470 839-7966. clw30 KEELE ST-- C 0 N C 0 R D-| 1969 LUXURY SPORTSfl (KEELE AND LANGSTAFF). PONTIAC C2“'30 Two plus two. 25,000 miles. 396 EXPERIENCE secretary quired for Insurance office ing. power brakes, located at Buttonville Airport. traCk sports tires, new new sn 9W Contact Mr. Atkinson. 889â€"4933.ti1‘95. Dark green convertible,‘ c2w30 294-6075. cl\\‘30 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne. as 15.. c1“.29 vyyln u an: - v yuan. UUI’I IAU W“ L r tic18 SNOW PLOWING Residential 8; Commercial BY Hour or Contract WILLOW-HILL Lawn and Garden Supply 889-7024 294-0791 tfc23 ,PAINTINGâ€"aindiDecorating, inâ€" terior and exterior. Free esti- mates. 884-5410. tfc3 CARPENTRY work. ligation .rooms, additions, renovations, tile floors, and ceilings. Free .estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 TE‘S‘S‘E'NVS TOWING. I-e- cubic inch motor. power steer-scrap cal, pick_up and towing “M924 hour service. 884-9747. _, A _ ,_,___._‘fC22 CLEANING WINDOWS I'I'TAI'I’Q lan 1:“ Anne LADY packer wanted, must have transportation. King City, 5 day week. Maple Egg Grading Station. 833-5282. cl\\‘30 RECEPTIONIST. tuli’ti’me. Mrs. Clephan. 884-8118“. c1w30 HELP†WANTED 5 HELP WANTED 1MISCELLANEqusiMISCELLANEOUS! TO RENT I SNOWMOBILES SALESMANAGER 889-1105 DON LITTLE FORD SALES LTD.. 168 YONGE ST. N†RICHMOND HILL SALES REPRESENTATIVES ACTION clw30 illault' - - I .v anal?“- 38529933 c1“ 30 at 65‘JUNIOR CLERK FOR TYPING,‘ IFILING AND GENERAL OF- clwgo‘FICE DUTIES. EXPERIENCE I, Te_£\VITlâ€"I DIRECT CUSTOMER 3mm RELATIONS HELPFUL. AP- “ .ndjVPLY SUPERIOR PROPANE “cemgï¬iLTDu 889-1145, 8470 KEELE’ ST.. CONCORD (KEELE AND LANGSTAFF). cZwSO‘ ‘1967 ECONOLYNENan, excel- ) ilent condition. deluxe model. :l‘adio, 54000 miles. new tires, 8 ’ iply at rear and 6 ply at front. !Ask1ng $1095. Call after 5 pm. ClW30;884-9072. , c1w30 c1w30 elw30 â€"â€"‘ VVVVV i1967 DODGE Polara 500, \x'agon,];f' tyâ€" . . . ‘ 1383 engine. automatic. power 9_ [5:11; steering and brakes, radio. 889-'88 57 nner 2066. 3am - 6 pm. clw30‘â€"â€" .‘_*.__ MA 7 V7. , 74%-- 1 pauses FORD Galaxie, 4 door, vs} 834-:automatic, certified, best offer..A1can 2w30|294-2549. Call after 6 pm.‘ 1 an The successful candidate must possess good typing skills, a pleasant telephone manner and the ability to relate well with possess goou Iypmg SKlllb. a. BAKERS BACKHOE pleasant telephone mannei and Y the ability to relate well with ‘EXCAVATIAG ‘ the public. ‘Trenchmg. sewer & water lmes. Hours: 6 pm to 10 pm Monday fOOtinE-S- 3§E3§041 7_ “‘32 through Thursday. 9 am to 1pm: pAINTING Friday only. I & PAPERHANGING Please apply in person at the" R. E. DUNN Finch Campus Personnel 011. 737.3303 Pleise apply in person at the Finch Campus Personnel 01'- fice. YOUNG man. intelligent and reliable for full time job in furniture store in Richmond Hill. 889-9038. cleO al'd $150. 884-4916. c1w30 1970 PONTIAC, four door sedan with radio. automatic transmission, V8 engine, low mileage. in good condition. $1650. 884-1667. c1w30 1962 CHEV. {our door, good shape $100. Phone 889-6035. c1w30 1969 CHEVELLE 55 396375 hp, automatic, fully equipped, 889-2742. c1w30 1971 VOLKSWAGEN Fastback with extras. Phone after 5 pm. 884-4695. c1w30 1960 PONTIAC. $50 as is. Run- ning order. 889â€"9638. ‘ c1w30 l CHEAPiTRANSPORT Local Contractor Must make way for new car HANS BUTT 889-4108 shipments, so out they go at low‘ tfc21 low prices. "' CHI'MNEYS.â€"_â€" 2:; Chimneys and fireplaces built 1C- $ ‘ and repaired. Free estimates. g; :Expert workmanship, 20 years 65 Ford Lic~ 79203K $195 experience. Phone 884-2882. ' ‘ WALKER CONSTRUCTION The above cars are running" and _ are sold as is, uncertified. ,7 A or, , 7 N “cg? NEILL DATSUN LTD. { GENERAL CARPENTRY YONGE ST. 1 MILE ‘ Licence NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL Rec. Rooms. kitchens. floor tile, 889â€"0972 773-4661 counter tops, repair and reâ€" clw30,finishing of furniture. Free ' '* " testimates. . . M . 42 , t ‘b - ‘ 1969 CA ERO 7 ul 0 t R. TOBIEN matic. light green. 2 door. \x'hite‘ . vinyl hard top, well maintained. 8894922 no modifications. $2750 01‘ best. , ,, , 7,1, , offer Phone Tim. 881â€"2636. I VREIDV LAWNMOWER tfc44 Isiés’AUSTIN 1100. new discs and brakes, $250. 889-8190 aft: mm 5â€â€œ. w...-..w.e. V ' ? 2 _ 075. “30 CLEAAIRG wmnows 94 6 c ‘ WALLS AND FLOORS ' DAY or NIGHT \VANTED 1 384-2433 DEAD or crippled farm animals RALPH ELMS DECORATING DiCked UP Promplly- For dire“ Painting. paperhanging. interior line call Long Distance and ask and exterior. Free estimates. for Zenith 32800. Call anytimeM‘ork guaranteed. 887â€"5153. Ed Peconi 8.- Son. Woodville,“ tfc46 Ont. Licence No. 324? - 66. ‘ " RECREATION 'Roo’ï¬sâ€" A PORTABLE record player. m ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS good condition for nursery UNFINISHED FIREPLACES school. 773â€"4173. L-1\\'30 COMPLETED FRESH horse manure. York Mushrooms. 889-2837 DRESSMAIfoG and altera- tions. Reasonable. Pick up and SENECA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 1750 FINCH AVE. EAST (AT WOODBINE) WILLOWDALE DRESSMAKING 884-848 A‘Ilt A A- .. ENERAL OF. GENERAL contracting, altera- ExpERIENCE tions and additions. home. of- CUSTOMER fices, facitories. Custom carpen- ELPFUL. AP-tl‘y of all descriptions Les 1 pnopANE Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 >847“ KEELEI ~GEK’iZâ€"RAL CARPENTRY (KEELE AND Kitchen units, alterations, rec. 92W301rooms, etc. c1w30 Highly recommended even 35- ! RON MOORE c939 PAINTING - PAPERHANGING1 3, 375‘Interior - Exterior. Free estiv ipped,1mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. c1w30 c2w30 c1w29 c2w80 c-1-\\'29 Call INTERESTED IN sewing with knits. For information phone Mayfair Textiles. 884-6428. BOOKKEEPING and account- ing services for small busi- nesses. 889-5683. tfc33 SEP'fIC TANKS FflMPED Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 tch sï¬AMpoomG Rugs and chestertields. Day 01 night. 884-2433. tfc20 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 friends CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built ‘and repaired. Free estimates. :Expert workmanship, 20 years |experience. Phone 884-2882. RUBBER STAMPS ldlll uouuaru. oov-ouuu. ulblulplus fuel and hydl.CL Please can Several type faces to choose from GREEN Acres Pet Shop and!Nancy Dame at 737-1891, Day- â€"inc1uding Script, Block letters. Aquaria, Oak Ridges Plaza. 773-}time. c2w29 Outline and signature â€" fast‘4401. Tropical fish, cockatielsJâ€" v . service. Call “The Liberal†884-‘budgies, canaries, love birds. allagï¬RKflAl‘g dRoad’ $51133“ 1105. . ipet supplies. tfc231 ‘ ’ “1° 9 r_°°’“ ‘V‘ n g" ‘ 7 and stove $130. 884-7243. R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates Plastering E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 ' FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€" siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. TENSEN'S TOWING Scrap car pick-up and towing 24 hour service. 884-9747. GRANT - ELECTRIC Industrial - Residential and Commercial wiring: reasonable rates: 24-hour Phone Service: 884-9691 RECREATION ROOMS Uplands-Rive) ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS hill. 881-0915 UNFINISHED FIREPLACES ï¬g]th and A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 COMPLETED WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-2882 TREE CUTTING AND PRUNING FRUIT TREES E. C. DOAK 884-5316 PERRI-STYLE (custom) Upholstering 889-9475 488-7521 GORD ROWLAND 889-3437 PLUMBING & HEATING 889-3185 c 4\\‘29 Thbrhliï¬l c1w30 4 FINLAY ELECTRIC “‘22 Outside lighting maintenance lequipped with ladder truck. All ly 01-;comnie1‘cial residential and in- tfczo dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical G modernization plan available _ 1Free estimates. Call any time. ’amt- ‘ 884-3931. tfc14 tfclS “:48 3965-1LABRAD0R and Husky com- tfc32ibination, 9 months old, free to good home, 888-1923 evenings. clw30 lNew owner Betty Forsyth. Dog tfclBigrooming â€"â€" poodles a specialty. lJill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 tfc20 “‘33 CAT, urgently seeking owner. iApparently wandering approxi- n-‘mg, mater a month. Vicinity Hen- ,derson-Elgin, Thornhill. Young tfc22‘Persian type, black-gold mot- c tled, affectionate. 889-3349. 5-f V‘BEAGLE. male, brown. white 12 and black with freckles on legs, S Uplands-Riverside area, Thorn- tfc9 tfc26 WILL do typihg’at home. Calrfgnflfegtjsfygï¬ge sg’s’gï¬â€˜t’l’l' l38V4'8304- V V 02‘W30 $125. Also commiercial space: IIEEAL sécr'etéliy. thoroughly suitable for any trade. 783-6229. |experienced in all phases of! . c3w29 legal work, 16 years in generaljgâ€"R'O‘ ‘ï¬â€"_"_â€"‘_ “ ’ 1practice with same solicitor,’fel.l.ed OlCau aftgeiméergf: ldictaphone, shorthand, desil‘e518323_' '11“,29 position in ’l‘hornhill, Richmond 7 11â€"1111 area_ write Box 35 “The NEW twa bedroom apartment lLiberal". » c1w30pv1th garage in quiet area. Elec- L v ‘ ,. Er’reltrically heated. new fridge, new MATURE “oman 1equnes \\ ork, Stove Busmess couple prefep 'thl'ee days a week as reception- . _ , ist with general office duties.‘led" 3170’ 8.8469421 c1330 ‘831_0153. _ clw30§TVz radio,_a1r conditioning, daily 1 GRADE 1gâ€" gradugte seek; day maid SEI‘Vlce. Reasonable week- _‘ . . 11y rates, Richmond Inn. 884- lemployment \\ 1th children Rlchâ€"HIOL “C30 jmond Hill area. Three years‘ . ‘previous experience. ReferenceSlFURNISHED room. close to lfurnished. 884-8674. c1w3o‘transportation. ‘884-9427. _1 ...nn FMS w} M_,_,_w_‘_lpon lease, 3,000 - 6.000’s’cf'ft’. COTTAGE land cleared n0\\’.‘industi‘ial space, Newkirk Road. Phone 884-5935. c4\\v29iFeatures dock level loading, “ - . ‘ F .“- 16'6" clear immediate posses- WILL pick up old TV 5, iadios,l . v washers and dryers. Satui‘daysiswnv 3110 “9L Lored ConStl’UC-l onlv. 884-1659. c4\\‘28‘t'i0n Ltd. 630 9500. tresol ‘ï¬iunsiivc‘srnsimxcâ€"EFURNISHED. ljoom. cooking and' Roger Pmulx _ Telephone _‘pai'kmg facilities. Please phone 384-1650. “8418844828 for appointment. PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€"â€" Telephone â€" 384-1650. tfc24 CARPENTRY Home or store improvements. Trim “ork. alterations, etc. by the hour or contact. 887-3332. c1w29 PEDIGREED poodle puppies,§"â€"â€"~ small miniature, black and white, one male and two fe- _' a male. Get your own papersHFURNIS‘ $60.00 each. 884-7687. c2w30lfaCilities PoobLEs CLIPPED Poodles beautifully clipped by appointment only. 884-693:& FOR your free copy of “Modernl â€"-â€"’â€" Chinchilla Ranching,†\l'hichiflï¬gilsiEgbfg outlines this interesting and1Maple’ 832_1113 profitable business, write to Un-iâ€"'â€"â€"â€"â€" ited Chinchilla Breeders, RR 2,3991“ for fer Ancaster.‘ Ontario, or phone prlv‘leges and nuts) 64&3570. c3w29§§336- NATIONAIZVVs'ales director re-lhEDSITï¬NG room, suit gentle- “we†an, 884â€"1629. tfc30 1“ quired for Italy, United States,’m W _ 7 ‘ Canada, Japan, France, Gel-rm“ ONE MONTH FREE RENT ‘ any. Holland and Belgium. OvenSublet Thornhill a large one‘ G $2,000 monthly. no age limitflbedroom apartment, carries for, common products, the selected‘$l48. Includes snimming 13001.5g will be trained in Toronto.;sauna. gym. drapes, etc. Calll q English a must and one of the‘881â€"098l after 5 or during the|__,__ above languages. For an inâ€"fday. Mr. O’Brien 225â€"4611 ext.jLEARN fnrvipw husband and wife nee-345. clw30 ing in 1 English a must and one of the above languages. For an inâ€" terview, husband and wife nec- essary. 222-2842. c1w30 RELIABLE day care in my ROOMS for rent on five acres home“ 884'4985' _,tfc17 large singles or doubles. Plenty DAY care availaï¬le. McKilloplof pal-king, 384-9331, c1w30 SChOOI area" 884'9640‘ 92,“?9él1â€"IIXIZLâ€"house. one bedroom, D‘AY care for oilâ€"8 01‘ tWO Child-,private drive, child welcome. ten. 884-5356. ‘ c1w30 884-8294. clw30 1N my home, Dre-5011001618. $15 YbUV‘SIVGAgentlem'anibérnker has per week. 884-7121. c1\\‘30 apartment to share in Thornhill DAY care avéilébleflinfl my area. For further information. home, hot'lunches. 884-5943. Phone 389“396- Ask f‘" M“- clw30‘ Mattth Clwgo ,DVAYflcafe‘mâ€my‘m;nefma_ MARKHAM R‘oad, Riclitmom: mond Hill area, hot IllnClles.]H.lu' one bedloom 3pm. men 384-7353 c1W30,w1th fridge and stove $130. 884- # ' m 7243. c1w30 7 ‘ > ' V77yâ€" kl____ ,,,,,,,, __ gazescziza.m77r§34lggmec2330iONE bedroom basement apart- l ‘ . . ment conveniences, adults. After DAY me avallable "1 my h0me~ 5 pm. 889-6916. c1w30 D’ArYi'cai-e‘inwmyr home, Rich- mond Hill area, hot lunches. 884~7353. clw30 BAY care in Vriï¬fï¬o‘me, Oak Ridges area. 773-4108. c2w30 IWESCRIPTION glasses. be- hind back lot of A & W Coffee Shop. 884-3362. c1w30 Do you have a drinking prob lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call EMSâ€"8684. tfc17 râ€... _. , hill. 881-0915. c1‘\\‘30 BLACK and white Siberian hdsky. female, lost in vicinity Don Mills Rd. â€" \Iarkham Rd. January 17th. 887-5191. *1w30 TOURS, cruises, rail and bus tickets, reservations and indivi- dual travel. Call A. H Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. tfc47 EMPLOYMENT WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DAY CARE TRAVEL Continued) FOUND LOST "Iiiâ€"{1g NEW two bedroom apartment‘ clw3mwith garage in quiet area. Elec- ~â€"r A-trically heated. new fridge, new ‘I9l’kJstove. Business couple prefer- red.. 5170. 884-6942. c1w30 c1w3orTV. radio, air conditioning, daily iâ€"w maid service. Reasonable week- 15 dï¬yily rates, Richmond Inn. 884- R†1‘; 1101. tfc30 years‘ .-e._. _ mnees‘FURNiéHED room. close to c1w3o transportation. ‘884-9427. c8w28 LU U u- RR 2JRQQM for rent with kitchen'New phone ‘ prlvxleges and parking. 884-‘ New c3w29:§336- C1“'3°"New _.__._.._ c1w30 CZWSO 2 fireplaces, bar, twoâ€"car garage: $320. 884-3787. tfc22 tfc21 RICHMOND Heights rancli style, 4 bedrooms. 3 washrooms, TWO bedroom apartment $128; monthly and bungalow $199. a month. 636-6837. tf026 CEDAR HILL. One bedroom“ and bachelor apartments in‘ Richmond Hill now renting. 884â€" 7098. tfc28 I‘HVOï¬NILIAIVLL Tmmhmlse sobâ€"- let March lstl, 3 bedrooms. second washroom, parking $235. 889-6392. tfc29 LARGE two bedi‘oofn apartment FURNISHED two room flat steps to GO bus. 773-4560. FARM house 5100 per month plus fuel and hydro. Please call MARK’HAM Road, Richmond Hill, one bedroom with fridge and stove $135. 884-7243. Spacious 10-room home with bachelor apartment to sublet in Markham Rd. - Yonge St. area. Broadloom throughout. Imme- diate occupancy. References re- quired. Call 884-1861. c1w30 FURNISHED room. kitchen faâ€" cilities, suitable for gentleman ROOMifor rent, Yonge and Centre area. 884â€"2427 after 4 pm. c1w29 FURNISHED room for rent. 884-6305. c4w29 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 S’BEDROOM house or 30 acres‘uuncuuy 1n pluucuy Emu“. with a horse barn in Markham‘839'3707' 02w†$175 per month. Call after 6§PRIVATE drum lessons. 884: pm. 889-7856. c1w39i1497. c1w30 OFFICE SPACE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Premises suitable for Dental 01' Medical clinic on ground floor, centrally located. ample storage and parking, with option of liv- ing accommodation. broadloom throughout. For further details call 884-2442. c1w30 BASEMENT APARTMENT Spotless, spacious. bright $140. monthly, Oak Ridges. Private entrance. business couple, nurâ€" ses. immediate possession. Re- ferences. Mrs. Benoit, 889-9330. c1\\'30 AURORA SPECIAL =ia’;;:"i;edr;ck mgm Three or four bedroom bunga- mond Hill. Weddir low with garage. Available im-‘place August 26, 197: mediately. partly finished base-1 ment. Close to schools andâ€" shopping. Asking $240. a month‘CAgD 0F THANKS and a three year lease. Contacti Gerry Copeley, Case Real E5-q We wish to expre tate. 727-4286. c1w30 cere thanks to the 51 . . . . u vv___:L_I 13:..L Gerry Copeley, Case tate. 727-4286. a nu u. Avv‘uv. Egalâ€" Es- c1w30 ROOM and BOARD ROOM and board available. packed lunch. and parking. 884- 4108. c1\\'30 We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to the staff of The Villa Hospital. Richmond Hill and Vaughan Fire Departments, and all our friends for all the kindness shown to us in our recent bereavement. Mrs. H. Howes and Family *1“ 30 HOUSE T0 RENT c1w29 clw29 c2w30 c2\\r'29 )‘2' -._._. 30IRIDE wanted from Richmond Ift-_|Heights location to No. 7 and ‘Keele area. Arriving 8:30 am, 'Sï¬heavmg 4:00 pm. 884-7180..- .r' E‘A RELIABLE person to baby- ysit in a country home. Live in. 30 Phone 1-478-2184 after 6 pm. ‘ 02w29 MASSEY-FERGUSON Ski Whiz Sales and Service New 300 Ski Whiz, 18.5 h.p. . . . . . . . . . . . $650.00 New 350 Ski Whiz, 22 hp. . . . . . . . . . . . A . $75000 New double trailers with Ski Whiz . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . $150.00 New single trailers with Ski Whiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125.00 Rumble Tractor and Equipment Gormley. 887-5886 Street Bros‘ JOHN DEERE SNOWMOBILE SALE 28 HSP 36 HSP Trades Accepted Free John Deere Suit value $69- $89. No finance charges till Nov. 1 72. 1 Year Full Warranty Rebairs To Most Makes Reid Lawnmower 210 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill 884-7716 â€"â€" 884-9001 8:30 â€" 8:30 Daily 1970 ALBURG. 25 hp.. electric start. cover 325. double trailer. $75. 884-1341. cl\\'30 1â€"969 Arlberg. 25.11.11. $300 0} best offer. 884-5559. c1w30 1971 Skiroule, 18 h.p., with trailer, $600. 884-2396. c1w30 136-7 Skiâ€"doc. rebuilt match. good track, must sell. Phone gafter 5/pm. 884-8897. *1w30 3.1970 Ski-doo Olympiquï¬â€˜ï¬‚fï¬; complete with cover. with or \‘without trailer. excellent con- Edition. 889-2557. c1u'30 {2.111; Ski-doc, good condition, ideal second machine, $200. 884-5149. c1w30 1971 skfROULE, 24 hp twin, excellent condition, best offer. 773-5415. clw30 NURSE’S AIDE COURSE Sixteen week on the job train- ing program is being offered at the Villa Private Hospital with the assistance of Canada Man~ power. Full pay and benefits paid during course. Applicants must be unemployed at the present time. Please call Mrs V. Scott, 889-4931. c2w30 LEARNING centre â€" specializ- ing in needs of children having difficulty in primary grades. 889-3707. c2w29 BKBYSITT'ER’ for 3 months old. 8:15 am - 12:15 pm Monday and Tuesday, Mill Pond Area. 9000 MORTGAGE coming due? Cash to consolidate bills? Low cost lst, 2nd and 3rd mortgage money available. Call me now for fast. confidential service. Bram Ogden. Emerald Isle Real Estate Limited. 889-5651,«884â€" 2377. tic-23 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kerswill of Richmond Hill wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, ,Frances Marion. to Bryan Donald Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, Rich- mond Hill. Marriage to take place June 8. 1972‘ . *1w30 Mr. and Mrs. E. of Toronto wish the engagement of tar Janet Angela Anthony Ingles. 50 Mrs. Fredrick Ing mond Hill. Wed( place August 26. 15 Engagvmmta BABY SITTING Transportation TIKSSE Y-FERGUSON SALES AND SERVICE ' MP 135 diesel tractor $2895. ' MP 165 gas tractor $4650. ' Mott 72" hammer knife Rum) Sales & Service Also used machines Open Evenings FARM EQUIPMENT MORTGAGES ‘I'S $695. RUMBLE TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT GORMLEY 887-5886 TUTORING and Mrs. E. V. Ofenheim TUITION us. Auto Electric Ltd. Industrial Rd. 884-5368 vish to announce nt of their'daugh- ngela to Francis as, son of Mr. and ( Ingles of Rich- Wedding to take 26, 1972. Reg Reg c2w29 $1290 $1090 $1430 $1200 [[010 tfc24 Clu'30 tfcl’? tfc15