THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thurs i. day. Jan. 27. 1972 Sensible Shoppers Check the Classified Page Every Thursday For Big Values. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .86 per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .901: and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 506 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 8 pin on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. W 1 FOR SALE 1Continued) ANTIQUES Furniture. c h in a. silverware. China cabinet. tea wagon. Cana- diana. 294-6075. tfe30 CHESTERFIELD. o’pcns'to’be’d; large recking chair. numerous toys. 773-5793. clw31 ELECTEDCâ€"guitar'wiihi Vamp. excellent for beginner. $40. ‘Phone evenings. 884-7324. c1w31 relativism; quality-spices. home remedies. cleaners etc. Call 832-8703. clw31 LLOYD babyâ€"carriage. Empress FOR SALE FOR SALE ALUMINUM Md) _ ,_,, Doors, windows‘ awnings, and LOW winter rate December to railings. Ron woods. 334.1514_ March. Sand fill for lake front? tfcas ages, etc. Wilcox area. age. 773-4106. 7 _._‘WANTED YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors. awnings, Sanderson Haul- tfc25‘ also glass and screen repairs. Pianos and used furniture. Call; Phone 884-4558. factory 832-884-1146. tfc24' 131" Maple' “m CONTENTS. 1.000 continental TYPEWRITERS beds. all sizes. must; be sold. ADDING MACHINES Call Harry. Liquidators. 3368. Sale! and Service Rentals Yonge St. Toronto. 488-7911. 1 Authorized Dealer ' c4w23 All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill JANUARY'SALE 20% off all paint. 10% off ply-| wood panelling. Loughlin Lum- ber. Yonge and Scott Drive.‘ Richvale. 889-1109. c4w28 FOUR-piece settee. 1 love seat, a quantity of chairs. four wash 3344745 stands. We buy, sell and trade.l tfc3 773-5448. c4w28, WASHER. dryer and “We BEDROOM suite. 7 piece. din-i parts. gears, belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repair to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- . -24 - . ' pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indus- °"ab1°_1_1â€"5’fl-._-“52§1 trial Road. 884-7903. tfcll RABBITS â€" Breeding stock. PLYWOOD young and “wars and cages ). - . 4 x 8 sheets. fir V2" special (after 5 pm 884 3384 $5.35 per sheet. Call World -â€"â€"-â€"#â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc19 DISPLAY FURNITURE ‘ From construction firms. fun: I “REPLACE WOOD nished model homes. Chester- Special. 1% cords hardwood. ï¬elds tables 1am . . ps bedroomI $28 delivered‘ C' 1“ Knappett' suites. odds and ends. Like new 334-3039? m2“ and reasonable. Parkcrest Conâ€"- chesterfield; ing suite. 9 piece, suite. all Burma teakwood, muat sell. new furniture, very reas- *2w30 . Snowplowing Lake“ model. Mal'imo hood and storm cover. Orlite bearings. like new. $60. 884-7203. clw31 HELP WANTED PART-time helper, weekend and nights included. Please apply‘ Scott‘s Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill in person only. tfc22 POP'S Tavern. cook wanted, 4- la.m. 884-2752. c4w29 REGISTERED nursing assist- ant for nursing home. 640-3061. clw29 DO you want to double your income? For information phone 294-2963 5-6 pm only or write’ to Box 30 "The Liberal“. I c2w30 FULL time housekeeper for. local business. Apply Box 34‘ “The Liberal" for interview. c1w30 RELIEF wanted for front desk. Richmond Inn. must be able to; fill all shifts. 884-1101. c1w30 PUBLISHER? Richmond Hill. Part time steno. Good typing and shorthand essential. Must be capable detail. filing. etc. Good salary Box 39 “The Lib- eral". clw31 WORK available for light machine operator and factory work suitable for male. Apply at 65 Duncan Road. Thornhill.; .GASiharjittendant.iifull time, Thornhill area. 889-4551. HELP WANTED | (Continued) NURSING home r C q u l r e 5 ;Charge Nurse for 4 to 12 shift. full time position. must be regis- tered in Ontario. Thornhill area. Transportation provided north of Steeles Avenue. Mrs. Scott. :889-4931. cl\v30 ELIGHT factory work available for women. For both day and afternoon Shifts. apply at 65 Duncan Road. Thornhill. l clw30 GENERAL PLANT SERVICE AND ROUTE SALES DELIV- ERY EXPERIENCE WITH CUS- TOMER RELATIONS HELP- .FUL. APPLY SUPERIOR PRO-‘ lPANE LTD., 889-1145. 8470. KEELE ST.. CONCORD.- (KEELE AND LANGSTAEE).! c2w30} EXPERIENCED secretary re-‘ quired fer Insurance office- located at Buttonville Airport! Contact Mr. Atkinson. 889-4933.| c2w30 _PVAYROLLCCLERK of payroll for approximately 80 people some typing and C‘fneI‘I" ence on calculator. Should have own transportation. Plant loca- ted south of Hwy. 7 between Jane and Keele. Call 889-6285. clw31 PERMANENT POSITIONS AVAILABLE 0 Accountant - bookkeeper (full Set of books) 0 Executive 5 e c ret a l‘y with shorthand l clw31 INSTRUCTOR for majorettes, c2w31‘ ALADDIN lamp parts, shades. struetion. 221-4400. c4w30' chimneys, 7729 Yonge S., Thorn- *JANUARQTSALE mu' 297‘1371- “cm Coleman Skiroule snowmobiles , , BIG SALE! _. and clothing Used seWing machines $14.95. 72 $250. 20 h.p., 293 cc. list New sewing machines $59.95 $695. new $649. and up. Bernina Sewing Centre. 72 RTX 300 25 h.p., 293 cc. list Richmond Heights Centre. 884- $999, now $813. list‘ 3775. tfcla 72 RT 340, 28 h.p.. 335 cc. M $999. new $879. giï¬ge‘yegonégfszgg' sputtfacg‘i 10% discount on all clothing. ______â€"â€"â€" . boats. helmets. mitts and gloves. CONTENTS Of baby fumlture Bethesda Sales & Service store. Everything must be sold- 1% miles north of Stouffville Call Harry, Liquidators. 3368 Road Yonge St. Toronto, 488-7911- 2 miles east of Don Mills Road. - c4w28 c2w30. SEASONED FIREWOOD Mixed â€" Oak â€" Beach Birch -â€" Maple I. 12†and 16" cords - Holland Park Garden Centre iglcéXgnwgggnsggzizi’f“euth‘ 2132-2455 “C†clw31 ï¬mrlgflaâ€"r FIREPLACE hard-wood. maple tor , . . . ’ beech. $5 per 1/4 Single cord or Winger washer and large Indoor trunk load $250. Kindung $1 W bundle. 9519 Keele Street. ORGAN stile- save UP to $600 Maple. Sputh end of Maple sign. on famous makes. Hammond. *1w31 Lowrey, Farflsa and others. To- *â€"â€"‘?â€".â€"â€"‘ Ti ronto Organ Centre, 5254 Yonge MILLINERS Dle§smaker5 slip plies. large selection of fashion St" ‘wmowdale‘ OPPOSite wil' buttons and heavyweight zip-- low Theatre. 1% miles north of pets. 8846894. c2w31 401, 222-6517; 222-6701. Also ' _ .-._ I Sherway Gardens, Hwy. 27-Q.E. 30†ELECTRIC Viking 5:04;. c w Way. 621-1871. c2w30 best offer. 884-1381. CAMERA Minox B, plus acces- ELECTRIC stove. refrigerator. series, built-in coupled exposurelWingel‘ washer and large indoorl meter and filters. speed range green plant. 247-1545. c2w31 _.._. _._ ,_, BUY your diamonds and gold for less direct from the manu- facturer to you. 294-6075. tfc30 132-1300 second. rangednfiriity'HFdGEfR washer spin dryer, to 8 . ultimate in miniaturiza- good condition, 384-9435, tion and German craftsmanship. clw31 884-8562 v ‘ . M 30" ELECTRIC stove, table with. ROBBINS and Myers silallow4 chairs. adding machine, am well pump, model 220. used one t- d'n-n 1.00 buffet. 339- month. Phone after 5 pm. 884- 513%: l l g m clwal 1763. 1.- .-_.____L_w _L-‘ -â€"â€"c§v-3 1- TWO 36" continental beds. goodg TOWER Aerial complete. 142 d~- 25 1 839-1644.‘ Harding Boulevard, Richmond con men $ ' a se' clwal‘ Hill. clw31 -- - ____-_ . F r . 15 CRIB with no mattress. car bed.‘ RIDGE “1th mp freezer playpen car seat 2 high chairs *cubic feet. needs some repair. ' I -A k' 50 or best ffer. 884- 888-1070 after 5pm. clw31 5 mg $ 0 ______.______ 5615. clw31 AUTOMATIC washer, excellent.SN0w tires Atlas weather. condition. after 6 pm, reason- ' guard. size E78-14. Price $15 8 W41be pair. Phone 884-1450. c1w311 USED oil furnaces for sale. . INVENTORY CLEARANCE" suttable for garage or cottage. 832-8967. c2w31 1 5' x 6‘ 8" single glazed patio, ._____ r 7 door reg. $90.00 sale $60.00 ‘ HALF ton truck van for sale.,1 8‘ x 6' 6" slightly damaget Phone 884-6907 after 6 pm. garage d00r $30.00 clw31‘2 40" x 24" D.G. basement W. MFGâ€"e; eral units reg. $26.00 sale $15.00 ea. Electric. console. Perfect condi- 3 “’lnd‘.†displays $1000 93' ï¬on' $45 8843631. clw31 1 10 Window canopy reg. $75.99 -_ ._ _. .sale $50.00 PAMTIQUES ll No. 33-2 S. G. window uniti our gorgeous line of spring. sr-‘Ireg. $10500 sale $60.00 tificial flowers is causing quite 1 No. 333.3 s. G. window uni a sensation at York Farmersireg. $150.00 sale $97.00 Market! Do pay us a visit. 1 dollble glazed be“. MG†ple31 reg. $297.00 sale $195.00 BABY’S large, white crib,goodi1 single glazed bow window condition $10. 884-3215. eiwai‘reg. $196.00 sale $125.00 WRINGER waslmâ€"méchine17 ltabltfogennis t°Ps “*9 $995 with stainless steel tub. apart-.536 s ' ea‘ ment size stove. kitchen set. All' , - in excellent condition. sea-8318.095" $595 “19 549° ea' clw31 LADIES winter coats (two) size 12. $25. each. 884-9338. c2w31 TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms. direct from importers ware-l12 house. Open 1-9 pm. 459-0760.'531 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. ‘9 Hwy. 7. just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Roadl Bramalea. tfc31 SHOP at Wyn-Dot Ladies Wear.| Where the clever. thrifty girls‘ shop. Winter Clearance Sale. WYN-DOT THE LADIES SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL, ONT. t t l t reg. $5.19 sale $3.95 ea. 8 pcs 4' x 7‘ reg. $7.85 sale $5.95 ea. . '20 pcs 4‘ x 8‘ teak panellingi reg. $11.29 sale $6.95 ea. ‘ " x 12" floor tile reg. e .12 ea. cartons cedar closet lining reg. $7.29 sale 5.25 ea. arborite counter tops reg. $2.95 per ft. sale $2.40 per ft. 8 pcs enamel tile board $14.39 sale $11.95 ea. 8 15“ x 84" shutters reg. $9.60 ea. sale $6.00 ea. 2 15" x 48" shutters reg. $6.50 ea. sale $3.50 ea. ’ reg . i LOUGHLIN LUMBER l “1442†9 _ 1, YONGE 8:. SCOTT DRIVE. #71,. an , W, , 9ԠTHORNHILL FOR sale, old piano. $25 or of- 889-1109 fer. Wanted to rent. Skidoo for weekend. approximately $30. 884-4333. clw31 OPEN 8:30 to 6 RM. SATURDAY TO 4 PM. clw3ll 'evenings. 884-9768. .Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. EXPERIENCED waitress want- .paid during course. Applicantsi SHIFT engineer with 4th class certificate required for modern‘. plant in Maple area. Good wages: and benefits. For interview phone 889-7326 between 8 am and 4 pm. clw31 URGENTLY NEEDED Men and women to promote and sell a complete new line of com-1 mercial and domestic mainten- ance and home care products. Build your own businessl Everyâ€" body is a customer. Call days or clw31 WAITRESS WANTED, 10 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Peter‘s Grill, 6176 Yonge Street, WIL} lowdale. just south of Steeles.‘ 223-5662. c2w31‘ SANDER " DRIVERS For Sand Camp M. S. 0. Construction Ltd. 678-1265 reliable cleaner- sweeper required for midnight to 8 am shift. Apply in person' to Ronalds Federated Ltd. 225 H clw31. ABLE and ' c2w31 ed for private dining room in rehabilitation centre. Must be neat. Hours 11 am to 7 pm. Phone 727-4214 for interview. c1w31 CLEANING woman required for the Maple area. Transportation provided if necessary. Phone 832-8800. clw31. SERVICE st a ti o n mechanic, Richmond Hill area. Contact Mr. Breward at 884-3502. clw31 NURSE’S AIDE COURSE Sixteen week on the job train- ing program is being offered at the Villa Private Hospital with’ the assistance of Canada Man-‘ power. Full pay and benefits must be unemployed at the present time. Please call Mrs. papers required. For appoint- ment call. 884-6512. *1w31 FOR greenhouse night tempera-. ture control. Steady job, must‘ be active. Concord Floral Com- pany, No. 7 Hwy, Concord. clw311 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Immediately. Call Rick Treb- bling at 887-5272. also 889-9792. clw3li SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST TYPIST required for Thornllill company. Due to nature of business this 15‘ in or out, Yonge-Thornhill area. 889-1902. clw31 EXPERIENCED legal secretary required. Flexible part time‘ hours. Winemaker and Miller,‘ 121 Yonge Street South, Rich- mond Hill. 881-2345. clw31. NURSES aids. R.N.A.’s and; R.N.’s for all shifts. For 100â€"bed‘ Nursing Home. Opening in Jan-l uary between Bayview and Don Mills Rd. on 18th. Apply in writ- ting stating experience, educa- tion, phone numbers and ad- ator, NCR 35, to handle full set of books including trial balance for Richmond Hill firm. Exper- ience and good references es- sential. Reply in writing to Box 37. “The Liberal". clw31 ASSISTANT bookkeeper. ex- perienced in accounts receiv- able and payable, payroll. bank reconciliation, typing and gen- eral office. Bayview and Steeles, 9-4 daily. 222-7085 after 5. clw31 GIRL Friday for position in Maple. typing, pleasant person- ality, shorthand an asset, not essential. Usual company benefits. Must have own trans- portation. 832-2271. ext. 50. c1w31 V. Scott. 889-4931. clw31 WOMEN 1An excellent opportunity if you techniques. free training. high can spare 32 hours per month} Phone for appointment. 889- 9607. clw31; FULLER Brush needs assistantl manager for Richmond Hill window‘area. Good earnings. full or part mac] time. Phone 889-0827. clw31 EEMKCETIBEEï¬ic-e hairdresser lwanted. no experience neces-: sary. Call 884-6811. clw31 JUNIOR CLERK'FORTTYPING’. 7 sheets 26" X 96†0F_ area. 22 4. _ 7, b. "FICE DUTIES. EXPERIENCE "1931;339:2770 1’“ ’t “at "Ch 913 WITH DIRECT CUSTOMER BODYRIEN, LTD.. 889-1145. 8470 KEELE ST.. CONCORD (KEELE AND ’â€" c2w30. LANGSTAFFL wanted. C311889-4706. clw31 CLASS A mechanic for truck fleet. Apply in person. Laidlaw Transport. 346 Enford Rd. Richmond Hill. clw31 URGENTLY REQUIRED Homemakers and babysitters. full and part time. 889-8047. tfc31 learn YOUNG man to stock 297-2626. clw31 NURSING home redone. kit- ‘chen help for two evenings a Winter Carnival â€" week. 4 pm to 10 pm. Thornhill area. Mrs. Scott. 889-4931. cl“ 31 LADIES and teenagers needed to learn professional make-up l commission. lots of fun. Viv-lI iane Woodard Cosmetics. call‘ collect after 6 pm or Sunday, 1-640-2738. €3w31 ‘ BOOKKEEPERS. Hand or time posting. List with A-l Employment Agency. Call Mona Robertson. 884-6944. c2w31‘ EXPERIENCED. reliable book-. keeper. payroll. general ac-f counting. Hours to be arranged.‘ Call for inter- licensed. f-ull or i V . RELATIONS IIELPEUL. AP-pm time (evening and week- “alnut Paneumg PLY SUPERIOR PROPANE end... 294-0724. 294-4592. clw31 ’ YORK COUNTY †BOARD or EDUCATION TEMPORARY Secl‘etary:typist Markham District High School AUDIO-VISUAL AID {To assist in audio-visual TV de- partment in the school. Duties ‘will involve establishing of .schedules for use of equipment. taping of TV programs. assist- ing with TV productions and light maintenance of equipment; 10 months per year. Apply to Mr. K. C. McDonald. Principal Markham District High School. iroom work full time. Telephone 89 Church Street Markham. clw31 â€"- 10am to 5pm. ‘Snowmobile Rides â€" 1n Mill iPond Park â€" 250. lpaint job. new tires and battery. Experienced only. to take charge 7 a responsible and challengingEast Thornhill clw31 position. Shorthand desirable. ‘ ' ~ -. 8810707. clw31 1960- PLYMOUTH, automatic, YOUNG lady required for 3 to £32393. ("den g°°d tire“c'1;?v7351' 6 months to help grandmother.- wv ' - â€"â€"â€" - care for 9 month old baby. Live‘1968 CHEV Impalav 4 door 68 Olds Delmont 2 door, hard . top. automatic, radio, power SIIIJeIISeSHID country Place’cgégl' steering and brakes Lic. No. L..__-L‘_â€"_ 348595. $895 RELIABLE lady to clean motel 67 Rambler Rebel, 2 door hard units. Part time. 889-1611. top. 6 cylinder, automatic“ €1W31 radio. power steering. Lic. No.‘ BOOKKEEPING machine oper- 362527- $795. .arca. 884-8408. USED CARS 1969 CAMERO. 427. turbo- matic. light green. 2 door. white vinyl hard top. well maintained. no modifications. $2750 or best offer Phone Tim. 881-2636. c2“ 30 1969 BUICK “Wildcatâ€. 2 door hard top. radio. power steeringT and brakes. tinted windshield‘ and rear defogger. white wall1 tires and discs. one owner since lMISCELLANEOUs Need Something? BOOKKEEPING and account- ing ncsscs. 889-5683. tfc33' REXWAY PLUMBING~ 00k Them Over! See the Want Ads for the Home, Apartment, Car, You Need Try a Classified Ad. Phone 884-1105-6. MISCELLANEOUS tContinued) l | Phone 884-5935. c4w29 WILL-pick up old'Tvs. radioEl TO RENT lContinuedl services for small busi-COTTAGE land cleared now‘IN Maple. roomsAto rent. 83?: 2631- ‘clw31l I OAKTR'IDGES Repairs, new work. alterations. washers and dryers. Saturdays Main floor of house. stove and. etc. Bus. 884-8582 or Res. 884-' 5537. clw31 SEPTIC-TANIIS’PUMPED’ ‘ Sewers cleaned C. Stunden . ' PLU’MBINGR'HEATING only. 884-1659. c4w28 CUSTOM masonryfbrick. block and stone work. Expert work- manship. 884-6417. c2w31 no\\‘. in perfect condition $1950 Phone 884-1245 tICZ Roger Proulx â€"â€" Telephone 5 could arrange terms. 884-1667. #A-WW'SHA'MPOOING""7 "1884-1650. tfc24‘ clw31 1966 CHEVY ll. 6 cylinder auto- matic. perfect condition. ask for.â€"â€"NORTï¬ERN pxlï¬TiEGWicquippcd with ladder truck. All Fred. 884-5723. lic3l 1966 CHEV: V8.7»aut0matic. 4‘ door. low mileage. $300. 832- 1104. 1966 vw‘sc'eticioccnt’ over- haul including body work and Excellent value $500. 884-2375.‘ _ r clw31 1964 CHEVY II: 6 cylinder. runs good. $175 as is. Green-l wood Garage 884-8841. 773-4444.: clw31 1964 VOLVO 122$, radio new tires. new paint. recent motor; job. certified. $795 full price. Greenwood Garage. 884-8841.. 773-4444. clw31 1963 FALCON. runs good. 8125 as is. Greenwood Garage. 884-. 8841. 773-4444. clw31 1968 CHEVfSLvaï¬tom’dti’c. radio. new snows. original paint. BC car. 884â€"9482. 1 clel 1‘968TCHEVY’IITcei-tiiied. 884- . Experienced shorthand seem-975751;, _ 91W31 tary .1967 DODGE Polara. 2 door 0 Girl Friday â€"â€" some know- hard top. perfect condition. ledge of bookkeeping $900. 884â€"1853. clw31< III-CORPS #"T V 1. OFFICE ASSISTANCE THUNDERB‘I‘I’ . ‘ 1967. everything original like 18 YONGE 51* NORTH new t â€" C 11 884 6891 RICHMOND HILL ’1 s “m a ' 1 88443782 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. clw31 chm 1965 MUSTANG convertible. 289 high performance. custom interior. new transmission. $500 or best offer. Rick 889-4403. clw31} 1967 FORD custom V8. four- door with radio. automatic, power steering. rebuilt engine. in very good condition. 884-3063 after 6 pm. clw31 1971 GREEN Toyota Corolla‘ 1600. 3.600 miles. Best offer.‘ 640-2512. tfc31 1965 Vauxhall Victor. low mile-l age. new brakes. snow tires sup- plied. A real nice car. certified.1 $695 full price. Greenwood Gar- age. 884-8841. 773-4444. clw31 1965 MUSTANG convertible? cylinder standard. new tires. $325. 889-6035. 111 Highway 7 hard top. power brakes and steering. $1400. 727-3545. c1w31 AS = IS = SPECIALS 70 Fiat Spider Conv.. Lie. No. N11714. 4 speed. radio. $1195. top, Lic. N. N61538. automatic. power steering and brakes radio. $1295. 68 Rambler American 2 door. 6 cylinder, automatic. Lic. No.‘ N69003. $775. 67 Buick Le Sabre 4 door, hard 67 Dodge station wagon 8 cylin- der. automatic, radio Lic. No. X35257. $695 66 34': ton chev. pick-up 6 cylin-. der. Lic. No. 477690, 8495‘ Wilson-Niblett Motors Ltd. Used Car Dept. 355 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill 727-9453 889-5435 cleL DAY CARE RELIABLE day care in my home. 884-4985. tfc17' DAY care available. Mchillop. l clw31râ€" ‘â€"including Script. Block letters.l Rugs and chesterfields. Day ori night. 884-2433. tfc20 Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- lianging. 884-5697. tic-19. BAKER’S BACKHOE “1 EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lilies. 1 l l footings. 889-3604. tfc21 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 tfc18 PLUMBING 8; HEATING 1 A. MILLS & SON LTD. ' 884-2201 3 tfc48 Highly recommended even by. friends PERRI-STYLE (custom) Upholstering 880-9475 GENERAL contracting. altera- tions and additions. home. ofâ€" fices. facitories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les‘ Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 GENERAL CARPENTRY Kitchen units, alterations. rec. rooms. etc. GORD ROWLAND 889-3437 tfc18 RUBBERâ€"STAMPS Several type faces to choose from Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal“ 884- 1105. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a sceciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc423 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc32 TREE CUTTING AND PRUNING FRUIT TREES E. C. DOAK 884-5316 c4w29‘ T’h‘oriihill Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 tfc20 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of Concrete work. 3 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES; tfc31 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan -â€" siding. Eavestroughsi Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 tfc211 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates.‘ Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. ‘WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc50 GENERAL CARPENTRY Licence Rec. Rooms. kitchens. floor tile.‘ counter tops. repair and re-' finishing of furniture. Free estimates. R. TOBIEN 889-1922 tfc44. REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. tfc18 School area. 884-9640. c2w30 DAY care in my heme. Rich- mond Hill area. hot lunches. 884-7353. clw30 HAW care in my home. Oak Ridges area. 773-4108. c2w30 DAY care available in my home. Oak Ridges. 773-5671. c2w30‘ RELIABLE day cart-77in my home. Markham and Sussex area. 884-8394. clw31 RELIABLE day care, some teaching. large home. huge treed lot. fenced in backyard. large play area. Pleasantville area. Call Alda 884-4349 or Rose. 884-7683. c2w31 884-9607. c2w31 [jOVlNG day care. 5 day week, 515. Yonge and Church St.1 clw31" _l l Cartier Crescent. 1 WANTED 1 animals DEAD or crippled farm picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and askl for Zenith 32800. Call anytimel Ed Peconi 8: Son. Woodville. Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. manure. Call 889-2837, c2“ 30 FRESH horse York Mushrooms. student. reasonable. 889-3743. clw31 February 5 MECHANIC wants broken chain Commercial wiring: sans. outboards. motormcles and iaun mowers. 884-8907 l ell-131- sN'o‘w PLoWiNG Residential & Commercial By Hour or Contract WILLOW-HILL ‘for Luigi. .EOR lease. 37000 - 6.000 sq. ft. .Hill, E7243. Lawn and Garden Supply 889-7024 294-0791l tfc23 PAINTING and Decorating, in- terior and exterior. Free esti- mates. 884-5410. Lfc8 CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms. additions. renovations. tile floors. and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 TENSEN’S TOWING Clwsl DAY care available. any age’ 59â€" car PiCk'uP and timing party room. Large concrete in- iground swimming pool. corru- 24 hour service. 884-9747. *l7llr2 ACRE farm just nort FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Hydro clectrical‘ modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. tfc14. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Bricks. blocks. stone. chimneys. fireplaces. repairs and rebuild new. Please call 884-7848. Ask} for Joe or phone 651-6170. Ask tchl LET GEORGE DO IT Carpentry alterations. rec. rooms. storage walls. etc. Low winter rates. 889-0536 cZw3l TO RENT r sale. C311 *1w31‘ HOUSE for rent 0 488-4385. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading“ 166" clear. immediate posses-‘ sion, $110 net. L'ored Construc- tion Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 FURNISHED room. cooking and, parking facilities. Please phone 884-4828 for appointment. style. 4 bedrooms. 3 washrooms. 2 fireplaces. bar, two-car garage. $320. 884-3787. tfc22 TWO bedroom marginâ€"tent $128.; monthly and bungalow $199. a month. 636-6837. tfc26 CEDAR HILL. One bedroom and bachelor apartments in Richmond Hill now renting. 884- 7098. tfc28. THORNHILL Townhouse sub-‘ let March lst., '3 bedrooms, second washroom, parking $235. 889-6392. tfc29 LARGE two bedroom apartment for rent. 52 Yonge St. South. $125. Also commercial space. suitable for any trade. 783-6229. c3w29 TV. radio. air conditioning. daily maid service. Reasonable weekg 1y rates, Richmond Inn. 884-‘ 1101. ï¬RNISHED two room flit, steps to GO bus. 773-4560. clw29 FURNISHED room for rent. 884-6305. c4w29‘ FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork‘s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FURNISHED room. kitchen fa- cilities, suitable for gentleman Maple. 832-1113. » c2w30. HIARKHAM Road. RichmrT l ndi one bedroom apartment with fridge and stove $135. 884- c1w30 FURNISHED room. parking, no. cooking. $15 weekly. Must be reliable. 884-9423. W clw31 PENSIONER or mature woman needed to babysit child 8:15 to 4:30 for portion of rent. own apartment, separate entrance, close to, plaza 884-8286. clw31 tfc30 ' .1961. fridge. 2 bedrooms. living room. bathroom. kitchen. heat and hy-' dro included. ideal for couple. Available Feb 4. $150 monthly. Call 773-5733. c1w31 C O M P L E T E L Y unfurnish- ed flat in farm house. separate entrance. business couple only. strictly non-smokers. 832-2458. clw31 FURNISHED room $15 per. week. 884-6386. clwai‘ BAYVIEW Plaza. Richmond Hill. bachelor apartment avail- abl: February 1. 884-5669 and 364-1964. clw31 FURNISHED room. close to Yonge. respectable appearance. Call after 7 pm. 884-2649. clw31 OUTSIDE Industrial storage and small office space for rent. reasonable. 889-2388. Evenings 223-0413. clw31 $200 monthly. Three bedroom bungalow. newly decorated on half acre lot. Opposite schoal. National Trust Real Estate. 222- 1179. clw31 YONGE and Steeles office spade for rent. Small reception area. Air conditioned. Easy parking. Good location. 226-2800. 1..-, A_‘ "LA c1w31 ONE bedrOOm apartment. 884- 8588' clw31 HOUSE for rentithree bedroom. $180. Yonge and Carrville. 889- 0_998.I‘ clw31 YONGE and Centre Street. Thornhill. store for rent. good business location. parking faci- lities. 889-6836. clw31 .m WANTED â€"- room and board for Grade 9 student, boy. Rich- vale area preferred. Phone 889- 6789. *1w31 GIRL wishes room and ï¬rdin Richmond Hill area. 859-3987. clw31 ROOM and board for gentlemid. 773-5770. tfc31 ' above languages. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR your free copy of “Modern Chinchilla Ranching." which outlines this interesting and profitable business. write to Un- ited Chinchilla Breeders. RR 2. Ancaster. Ontario. or phone (4161 648-3570. c3w29 A PERFECT PART TIME EXTRA INCOME Can you use a high monthly second cash income. from ac- counts \\'e establish \for you in your area? Only a few hours weekly. TREMENDOUS PRO- FIT RETURN. NO COMPETI- TION. Investment $1500.00 and upwards. secured by PRO- DUCT INVENTORY. AN EX- CELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR DISTRIBUTION. For in- terview write including refer- ences and phone number: CANADIAN PERMA-VEND 1163 Tecumseh Road East. WINDSOR 20. Ontario. *1w’31 NATIONAL sales director re- quired for Italy, United States. Canada. Japan. France. Germ- any. Holland alid Belgium. Over $2.000 monthly. no age limit. common products, the selected will be trained in Toronto. English a must and one of the For an in- terview, husband and wife nec- essary. 222-2842. c4w31 HARDWARE STORE â€" AURORA We‘ll supply the ideal store in a high traffic centre. fully equipped, stocked with mer- chandise. plus training. adver- tising. sales programs, etc. We are looking for an aggres- sive, imaginative. industrious person who is ready to run his own business. Hardware exper- ience. mechanical aptitude. or retail sales experience are all valuable assets. but not. essen- tial. We will even provide financ- ing it needed. Minimum capi- tal $20,000.00. For information. call David Merkur, at 783-4288. in Toronto. c2w31 "‘2 SNOWMOBIth MASSEY-FERGUSON fl ACCOMMODATION fOI' †two, close to transportation and in- dustry. 884-6236. tfc31 ROOM and board available for pensioner â€" very reasonable. 727-8354. clw31 ROOM and board for mother and child or two girls. Bus and day care available. Call after 7 pm. 727-5725. tfc31 ROOM and board available. Packed lunch and parking. 884- clw31 LOST LIBERAL carrier girl lost white banded divers Timex watch while doing paper route on Rumble and Woodlane. If found please return to the Liberal Of- fice. Reward. clw31 _._â€"LL .7 k, -i__ FEMALE sable and Whi lie, lost in Richvale area Janu- ary let, name is Cindy. Re- ward. 889-4750. clw31 PETS FOR SALE New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog grooming â€"- poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. Aquaria. Oak Ridges Plaza. 773- 4401. Tropical fish, cockatiels. .budgies, canaries. love birds. all pet supplies. tfc23 FOODâ€"BBS CLIPPED FURNISHED bedsitti stlit quiet business gentleman. 884-1215. clw31 ROOM to rent 884-1629. #iï¬ï¬‚ UPPER duplex. central Rich mond Hill, four bright rooms,‘ modern. near bus and shopping. early occupancy, call 889-4141 or 884-5737. *1w31 MAPLE. arge room and kit- chen. own entrance, suit single person. 832-1334. clw31 1 andâ€"2 bedroom apï¬mentsi Apply 402 Markham Road or call 884-5670 after 6 pm. clw31 YONGE St.. Oak Ridges. rooms from $15. and up. Shared kit- chen and bath. 773-5544. clw31 tfc31 OAK RIDGES Basement apartment for single‘ person. Partly furnished. Stove and fridge. $75. monthly. Call 884-2330. clw31 Div - w; ’7' hIOf Gormley Sideroad on Hwy. 43. lLovely house with knotty pine kitchen. all rooms large. Addi- tional one room building. ap- prox. 20’ x 30‘. completely fin- ished inside for meeting or tfczZlgated steel shed. approx. 40'X CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 RALPH ELMS DECORATI Painting. paperhanging. interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. tfc46 RECREATION ROOMS ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS UNFINISHED FIREPLACES COMPLETED WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-2882 tfc26 GRANT - ELECTRIC Industrial Residential and reasonable rates; 24-hour Phone Service: 884-9691 c4\\'28 NG' I501 Available immediately. Call Winemaker & Miller. Solicitors for the owners. 881-2345. tfc31 FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment with stove and fridge. Parking. [56 of garden area. Phone 833-5253. clw31 RICHMOND Hillfon’s' acres. large single and double rooms. kitchen. plenty of parking. Available immediately. $10 and 889-9612. clw31 ONE bedroom apartment. couple ‘only. close to Yonge on Centre. 5120. Available February 1. 1884-4224. 884â€"6216. tfc31 ll; rOOmI-‘Poodles beautifully clipped by ‘appointment only. 884-6934 _-._ . c8928 suit gentleman.‘ï¬ï¬ï¬ngEEDâ€"jjbale puppies. small miniature, black and white, one male and two fe- male. Get your own papers. $60.00 each. 884-7687. 02w30 ADORABLE Bassett hound. Fully registered. Papers. All needles. Nine months old. Must sell. 884-8842. clw31 PART Beagle pups, 3â€"7nonths. clw31 $15. 889-5774 evenings. EREEjiuppies. - partâ€" collie, seven weeks old. 889-5363. clw31 ‘ONE Sealpoint Siamese kitten. .Tom. 833-5854. 7 "VCI'W31 ‘BEAGLE puppies for sale. three months. 889-4791.‘ clw31 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WIâ€"LL do typing at home. C311 c2w30 884-8504;. ’ MATURE lady requires position as inventory control clerk, gen- eral office, telephone or cashier. 638â€"4606. c1w31 7 CLEVANI'NVG lady. reliiableA and hmond experienced. prefer Ric Hill area. 884-2477. clw31 EXPERIENCED ’clea’nin'g lady. 5â€"6 hours for $10. 884-3101. c1wBl ï¬ADY lrookinrg-fOrâ€"CIeaning 773-5067. clw31 w Transportation RIDEâ€"Hanted from Richmond Heights location to No. 7 and. Keele area. Arriving 8:30 am. leaving 4:00 pm. 884-7180. IICIOI te c013 tfc18 ‘GREEN Acres Pet: Shop and Ski Whiz Sales and Service New 300 Ski Whiz, 18.5 h.p. . . . . . . . . . . . $650.00 New 350 Ski Whiz, 22 h.p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750.00 New double trailers with Ski Whiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 New single trailers with Ski Whiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125.00 Rumble Tractor and Equipment Gormley. 887-5886 tfc10 Rupp Sales & Service Also used machines Open Evenings Street Bros. Auto Electric Ltd. 22 Industrial Rd. 884-5368 tfc24 HCTIC‘CAT'19’71‘P3nther 399. sacrifice $1000.. private 887- 5994. tfc31 O‘NE~1970“SI€i‘doE_ like new. reasonable. 727-5133. c2w$1 ï¬fIâ€"SkidO-(TIEW tra ck. r r '* S an: able. Call 884-9785 after 6 ram. c‘ "31 1970 â€" 399 OLYMPIC modified dual carbs and headers. new track and drive train, best offer. 1 FARM __EQUIPMENT__ MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES AND SERVICE New MF135 diesel tractor 32895. New MF 165 gas tractor $4650. New Mott 72" hammer knife mowers $695. RUMBLE TRACTOR 8: EQUIPMENT GORMLEY 887-5886 tfc17 HOME WANTED for sludge waste or liquid ferti- lizer. Ideal for pastures or crops. Within five miles of Markham Rd. and Bayview. Contact Mr. W. Atkinson, RR 8 Peterboro or phone 705-295- 4321. clw31 15¢ WANTED TO RENT TWO bedroom house or apart- ment. within the King City- Aurora area. 773-5400. *1w31 YOUNG couple would like to rent farm house or house on five to ten acres with option to buy within 30 mile limit of Toronto. Getting started in pottery. Rent $160. If you have nice place to offer call Toronto 630-3284 collect. c2w31 ___#__’â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"_â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"- BABY SITTING MATURE lady to baby-sit 2 ichildren. Thornhill, live in. 1889-0304. clw31 MATURE woman for babysitting twins; 3, 4 or 5 days weekly; .hours 8 till 5. Thornhill Green :close to Yonge Street. 889-9164. c2w31 If ‘_â€"â€"______~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"' 1 MORTGAGES MORTGAGE’c’onuné due? Cash to consolidate bills? Low cost .lst. 2nd and 3rd mortgage money available. Call me now for fast. confidential service. URGENT lBram Ogden. Emerald Isle Real Transportation needed from Estate Limited. 889-5651. 884- Richvale to Thorncliffe Park Working hours 8:30 - 5:00 pm 889â€"2510. PERSON to share furnished two bedroom apartment from March to May. Bloor and Yonge. 555. a month. 929-0887. elufll RIDE WANTED Thorncliffe Park vs Ric Hill. Newkirk GO station. a in: 8:30 .- departing 4:30. 6368 after 6 pm. clw31 hmond TOURS, cruises. rriv- 884- c2u 31 Travel Agency. 889- .l2377. “€23 ï¬g TRAVEL rail and bus tickets. reservations and indivi- dual travel. Call A. H. Creighton 5643. tfc47 ll