Don and Dorothy Reesor en- tertained Friday evening at a shower for Gordon Brown and his fiancee Barbara Saunders of Milliken. Guests were members of the Brown family connection. It was with regret that we learned of the death of Mrs. Ethel Boyd’s ‘husband James on Febmary 2. The Boyds came to Victoria Square 15 years ago and were active in Victoria Square United when Brown’s Corners United was on that cir- cuit. Mrs. Boyd assisted in vacaâ€" tion school work and taught at Buttonville primary school until its closing last June. The com- munity offers sincere sympathy Have you noticed the new exâ€" tension at the Buttonville Coun- try Club tuck shop west of the bridge at the golf course. It promises to be very attractive. ' The Wilkins and the Waltons, both wintering in Florida. have had visits together this year. The second game of the pres« ent winter euchre series saw 25 tables of pIaYexs at Buttonville hall on Friday evening of last week. Prizes were won by Mrs. Berneice Tooley, Mrs. Reg A1- len. Mrs. Garnet Weidmark, Mrs. Earla Brammer; John Rod- ick, Jim Grainger, Russell Bril- linger, (-all the same score) and Bill Allen. Lucky d'l‘aWs went to Vera Harris and Warts Gooderham. Freezeout winners were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Swain, Mr. Russall Boyington and Mrs. Verna Jones. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Walter Craig. Miss Mary Rodick, Mrs. Rose Baker, Mrs. Joe Robinson, Miss Elizabeth French. with as- sistance from Mrs. Russell Boy- ington and Mrs. Alvin Robinson. The next game will be played February 11. of Highways for the new Il'auic light at the corner of the Con- cession 5, Highway 7. That will save motorists many anxious moments. Congratulations to Gordon Brown whose wedding date is set for February 25. Mrs. Emily Steeles is making good progress at St. Michael's Hospital following an accident two weeks ago on Woodbine Av- enue (formerly Don Mills Road). The older children have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reesor. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Henry Porter whose husband died Thursday of last week at the Villa Hospital on Bathurst Street in Vaughan. A service was held from the Ring Funeral Home on Saturday. Last week was a sad one for Mrs. Will Clark, Mrs. James Tooley and Mr. Bill Baker whose brother Bert of Welling- ton, Markham. died after a long illness. William Miller has been in hospital for some time but is making good progress and ex- pected to be home this week. Church News Anyone who likes pancakes should come to Brown's Corners United well before 6:30 pm. when pancake supper is served by the Happy Timers (Unit One). There is a nominal char- ge. Neighborhood Notes Thanks be to the E of Highways for the 1 light at the corner 0 cession 5, Highway 7‘ save motorists man Mrs. Edgar Fuller entertained members of the UCW at home Wednesday of last week on the occasion of the regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Harold Steffler discussed problems of Africa, particularly Angola, where 90% of the population is without formal schooling. Mr. Walter Craig chaired the meeting and Mrs. Garnet Stew- art and Mrs. Fuller conducted the devotional. The soloist was Mrs. Aulbrey Stephenson and Mrs. Sidney English was organ- ist and song leader. During business it was agreed a spring luncheon would be held in April Conveners are Mrs. Alf Miller, Mrs. Harold Steffler and Mrs. Walter Craig. The Pairs and Spares Club of Brown’s Corners United met Saturday evening for bowling at‘ the Allencourt Lanes. and after- ward went to the church where Ken and Eileen Stiver had reâ€" iresliments prepared. Members of the Brown's Corners United congregation heard an encouraging report for 1971, when they met for the an- nual meeting and congregational supper January 26. The congregation of 172 members plus 45 on appendix raised $23,182.15 for all purâ€" poses during the year. wit-h $19,108 donated by church enâ€" velope and plate. MiSSions and benevolences totalled 33.581.41.. New stewards appointed in~ elude Jack Stewart. Mrs. Rae Donaldson, Jim Wolfe and Keith Hood â€" term to run to January 1975. Brian Hood and Brian Buchanan, two younger members of the congregation were appointed as ushers, under Coâ€"ordinator Wolfe. Rev. Allen Hallett would like to hear from anyone interested in forming an “Enquirers†SES< sion concerning church mem- bership. The class could lead to church membership. but only at the request of participants, WILLOWDALE: Walter Pat- chett, Canada’s oldest retired postal employee, celebrated his 100th birthday recently at Sunnybrook Hospital where he has been a patient since Nov- ember. He retired from the reg- istration office in 1938 at the age of 66. He served with the British Army in the Boer War and with the Canadian Army in World Wars I and II. BUTTONVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. F. H. Leaf Markham Phone 294-55 the Department the new traffic net of the Con- vay 7. That will many anxious 5290 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 10, 1972