'l‘oni showed some slides taken in Vienna and Muenster. and commented how impressed she was by the way the latter had been rebuilt after the war. The Rotary dinner dance â€" an annual gala event â€"â€" is being held March 3 at the Summit Golf and Country Club. 'l‘ickels at $25 a couple, are a necessity and are limited, so it is advisable to place your or- ders early with Ticket Chair- man Joe Hon-vat at 88445902. Toni. who originally came from Hungary and also lived in Belgium before coming to Canâ€" ada, received at 1970-71 gradu~ ate fellowship to further her studies in German literature. The first part of her year she spent in Vienna and the balance at the University of Muenster in West Germany, though neither location was amongst her three choices. She was n a t u 1' a l l y very enthusiastic about the existence of the founda- tion program and very happy to have been selected. though she felt that one year \\'as may he too short to be fully effec- tive. Too much effort during the first half of the year was required to adapt to the new environment and become fully versatile in the language to be able to get the most out of the lectures. - ship i1llllll\ll\lllllllllll|llklllllllllllllllllll““lullllll\ll\ll\lllllll|lllllllliiii The speaker at the. January 24 meeting of the Rotary Club “as Toni Dekir of Toronto who spoke on her year in Europe on a Rotary Foundation Fellow- Rotary News E‘iï¬EE‘ï¬E‘IiM's' nImummllmuluullmunmmumuumummummuuuumumu 59 YONGE STREET SOUTH. RICHMOND HILL gem“? “ I home in I Arnold Street entrance 1 York ( A““““I“““‘\ bout of “The Place of Women in Today's Society" as seen by children will be the subject of discussion for an educa- tional radio program in which two pupils of Walter Scott Public School will participate. The program is produced by the Depart- ment of Education in co. operation with CBC. The show was taped Feb- ruary 8 in the Toronto CBC studios with Cindy Fisher. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Fisher, Boisdale Av- enue and Jeff Woodcock. son of Mrs. Dema Wood- cock. 170 Bayview Avenue, both 11‘2 years old. They are in Teacher Brian Buchan's year six class.- talking with Miss Judy La- .“al‘sll. former Secretary of State for Canada. Local Pupils Radio Interview Also participating in the program were pupils in London and Kingston. from studios in their home cities. L; is expected that the program will be broadcast February 28 at 2:03 pm. Give :1 Valentine's gift of piano lessonszat MINERVA'S BEAUTY SALON MUSIC IS THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE . . . . ESTELLE MARKHAM ARCT RMT 884-3787 This offer starts Feb. 15th and continues to March 10th expiry date (1972) For appointment 884-2113 language ‘0 be, On February 1. at the meet- “05l 0‘“ 01' the ing of the Richmond Hill Chapâ€" ‘ ler. No. 302. Order of. the East- some slides ern Star. Worthy Matron Mrs. and l\vluenster.‘Elsie McGrandel, welcomed how impressedWorthy Grand Matron Mrs. way the latterlPeggy Murphy and Worthy after the war. ‘Grand Patron George Pike of inner dance â€" the Grand Chapter of Ontario. What lies behind “The Gio- conda Smile?†In this instance it’s not a puzzle but a fact! A good director, a group of tal- ented actors and actresses. a creative set designer and an ef- ficient stage crew! “The Gioconda Smile‘" a my- stery - drama by Aldous Hux- ley. opens this Saturday at the Curtain Club and is the club‘s entry in the CODL Travelling Festival. The run is practically sold-out with the exception of a few tickets for the 16th. 17th, and 23rd performances. These may be reserved by calling Ann Dr. and Mrs. Clinton Smith (nee Bette Jane Tomlin! and infant son. Teddy, left last month for Cambridge, England, where Dr. Smith is doing chem- ical research with Dr. Anthony Kirby on a two-year fellowship Cook 31 884-8664 Other Grand Chapter officers in attendance were: Grand Con- ductress Mrs. Edna Dobbs. Belle- ville: Grand Chaplain, Mrs. 1w Harriss. Toronto: Grand Adah Mrs. Betty Yull. Lansdowne: Grand Ruth Mrs. Frances Brown. Parry Sound: Grand Esâ€" ther Miss Evelyn Bates, Brace- bridge;Grand Electra Mrs. Jean Smith, Scarboro: Grand Warder Mrs. Olive Avery, Toronto; Grand Sentinel Eldon Matches. Gravenhurst: and Grand Trus- tee Mrs. Grace Jones. Toronto. from. the Natibnal Research Council. Presiding matrons and pat- rons and past district deputies or various chapters were also in attendance. Patrons of the Odeon Theatre, Yonge Street South. cannot fail to miss the excellent art exhibit by Larry Knabpett cur- rently showing in the the- atre lobby. Larry works in many media including pencil. Pen and ink. water color and oil and also has a flair for photographic design. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Court Knappctt of Bayview Avenue North. Larry k :1 MM time student at Bay- view Secondary School and attends the Sheridan School of Art in Oakville. The art shows were initi- ated by Theatre Manager Bob Parkhouse to en- courage young artists and give members of the com- munity an opportunity to see work the calibre of their ] We eï¬end every good ' wish to Congleton on its | 700th charter year â€" just I imagine in 601 years the Town of Richmond Hill will be celebrating a similar ev- ent! ' uulummulmmunIuuumuuumumuu!uunmumumnnnuum I Members of the East Central Branch of the YCHA are re- "minded of the next meeting be- 'ing held Februar}~ 15 at the home of Miss Marion Carter. ' 115 Church Street South. e N x Best wishes for a speedy re- covery are extended to Mrs. ‘Yiolet Hollowell of Hunt Av- number of possible participants. The Richmond Hill Youth Band made its first public ap- pearance last Friday at the local Winter Carnival. Director Bob Thiel wanted to lcancel because of the cold but ,21 players voted to play in spite of sub-zero temperatures. froze en instruments and numb fing- ‘ers. They put on for a show a awaiting the arrival of the Snow Queen contestants. The band is hoping to have more engagements in the near future. Anyone interested in joining this group please con- tact Band Manager Herb Smith at 884-7420. Three of the many prize-‘1 winners were Mrs. June Atkin-I ‘son, hot tray: Mrs. Jean Hill, set of Coming Ware and Bill Hut-son. a $10 “Y"-gift certifi- cate to be applied to any icourse. i t * vs Miss Leslie Landcll, a part. time hospital visitor at River- dale Hospital, was guest speak- er at the February meeting of‘ the Presbyterian WMS ‘was introduced by Mrs. William Wallace and thanked by Vice - President Mrs. John Bcresford‘ who presided. Miss Annie‘ Marsh presented the Bible read-' ing and the prayer. Miss Landell. who holds a Bachelor of Divinity degree; LVLUIC Lllflll 10V Junior Canadian Champion- ship Figure Skaters Don Fraser and Linda Watts will be the guests on “Got Live If You‘ Want" this Friday night after the 10 pm news on TV 10, Don. and Linda will be answering the phone and speaking to view-L ers live. Clips of their skating ‘ heldjroutines, filmed at the arenaISimmons, happy and highâ€"spirited crow'leebI-uary 2 at the manse. She1will also be seen. ‘ At 1030pm Friday TV 10‘; will present “trip.†part I. This; week’s interviewers include Bearsville recording artists Laz- arus, currently appearing at Grumbles, and Asylum record- pcupn: braved rnost unpleasant \veather condiï¬ ing artist, Judee Sill, now ap- nearingr at. The Riverboat.‘ (LLLLthll can, u. v Luuul‘ ons to co W _ H a , ..‘, ... __Â¥ Members of Richmond Heights Branch of the YCHA met January 24 at the home of Helen Todd on Church Street South and the slate of officers was presented. These are Bench Chairman Helen Todd, Vice Chairman Ruth Biggin. Secretary, Phyllis Treasurer Margaret Founder a n d Membership Chairman Georgina Heard. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll What’s Cooking? Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy why not share the ‘ The annual Shrove Tuesday {Pancake Supper (for the parish ‘only) is being held next Tues- Iday. February 15, at Wrixon Hall, St. Mary’s Anglican Church from 5 pm onwards. Plan to take the Whole fain- ily and enjoy the fellowship of sharing a meal together. Chil- dren under six free: up to 12 years 35 cents, teens 75 ents and adults 31. f Director Bob Thiel wanted to cancel because of the cold but 21 players voted to play in spite of sub-zero temperatures. froz- en instruments and numb fing- If interested. please make your intention known early {01 this part of the “Y†program, since this is the only gauge the office has for measuring the number of possible participants. The Winter Program Swim Class operated by the local YWCA has been cancelled for this period due to insufficient registration. but a new session will be offered during May and June. The Ladies‘ Auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Le- gion. entered two teams in the dart tournament held at New- market Saturday last. Winning teams were lsl, Woodbridge 211d, Bolton. Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. William Mirrlees of Law- rence Avenue on the death of her father, Thomas Armstrong in Stayner. Mr. Armstrong was in his 60th year. Auxiliary President Joan Dickson and Zone Commander Gloria Sanford were among the head table guests at the dinner held in honor of the Snow Queen contestants at Legion Conn. A Valentine pot luck supper has been arranged for Tuesday next at Legion Court. On Ash Wednesday 4Feh'1-ua13 16‘ a children‘s service will be held at 9am. communion ser- vice at 10:30 am and evening service at 7:30pm. At 7pm on February 27. there will be an evening service and church parade for Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs. lulllllll\lllllllllllllllll[lllll11lllllllllllllllllllll[lllll1l\1l\lll\llll\llllll\\u Mrs. Dorothy Gummer- sall of 7 Kersey Drive and Mrs. Irene Monk of Berry Bank, CongletonY Cheshire, England. have been pen pals for 30 years â€"â€" starting when both were attendâ€" ing public school. Since that time, except for a brief period, they have car- responded regularly, dis- covering that they not only shared the same birthdate and had many interests in common. but in recent years have particularly enâ€" joyed exchanging news of their respective towns. In her last letter, \Mrs. Gummcrsall mentioned that 1973 will be Richmond Hill's Centennial year and last week received a most interesting reply from Mrs. Monk. who said, “This year is very special in Con- gleton. it is our 700th charter year â€"â€" 700 years since we were granted a royal charter. There's lots going on here all through the year but the busiest time is over Whitsuntide when shop assistants will be dressed in the clothes of 127;. and we shall have a big carnival. It should be something the children will remember. This week ev- ery child has been pres- ented with a silk book mark commemorating the anniversary.“ who is convalescing at following a short shay at Central Hnspital with a pf pneumonia. Salute To Congleton Members of the Allenbrae Branch, YCHA held a lively penny auction at their meeting ‘January 10 and raised a good ‘sum of money for their branch funds. YWCA bridge and euchrc committee members Marg‘ Col- lett. Phyllis Miller. Kay Smith and Joan Robertson report a successful evening at the Lions Hall February 1 when nearly 45 tables were filled for the ev- ent. The party. hosted by their family, David, Cory and Linda. and David’s wife, Sharon, was attended by over 50 guests. in- cluding Mrs. Lavender’s father. Campbell Ferguson from Craig- leith, near Collingwood, who in keeping with a Scottish tradit- ion presented them with a wee purse. filled, in this instance, with 25 silver dollars. The Lavenders were aware the' family was planning a celev bration but had no idea to what extent and were delightfully surprised to see so many rela- tives and friends to share this very happy occasion with them. Rev. and Mrs. Robertson be-l gan working in several reserva-i tions in Western Canada, esp-1 ecially in Saskatchewan and Al-‘ berta. At present they live in Hobbena, Alberta, and travel a regular 200 mile circuit, with four churches and a youth hostel under their special care. One of their special projects has been the setting up of a youth hostel in Moose Jaw, Sas- katchewan, where Indian youth can come so they can attend high school or college. Some troubled youths as well. are sent here so that in a different atmosphere they can begin a new life. The Robertsons have taken time out of their busy :schedule to share the excite- ments and disappointments. and needs of their challenging work. Speaking also at the confer- ence will be Miss Verna Tite who will show slides and share her experiences as a miSsionary to Mozambique. Recently her gresponsibility has been to serve as a director of an elementary school of 450 students. She also seeks to work with the youth. "and direct a special program of [classes and fellowship for - “grandmothers†«the elderly, alargeb’ forgotten or unwanted r ladfesl of the area. i [g 13’ hi} 3 Miss Landell, who holds a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Knox College taught 5911001 in Kenya for two years under the auspices of CUSO. She talked on the do's don'ts of hospital visiting her audience learned much ing her talk. The next meeting will be held February 14 at the home of Beth Golding. 416 chlock St. A travelogue is planned. An open house was held on; Sun-day evening at the home of} Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lavender, 107{ Elgin Mills Road in honor of; their silver wedding anniver-i sary. i R. H. Senior Citizens Members \\'110 are planning to attend the Paladium Show at the O'Keefe Centre on March 15 are reminded that they must obtain their tickets from the club‘s headquarters no later than February 12. Bowling Notes â€" high singâ€" les, Emma Masters 2253, Barbara Wingert 251. Doris Neil 224, Ethel Cruickshank 218, Bert Pattenden 281, Mike Murphy Swan 258, St 255. The local chu '2‘ has nih'im‘" to support the Indian work es- pecially this year in its mg- l’sionary budget. Pastor Dan‘d 'Dyer points out that these for- igotten people on our Indian lreservations deserve our conâ€" 1cem and response. The public are invited by the congregation lto join in these services. High triples, Barbara Wingert 649, Emma Masters 638, Kay Seymour ‘616, Bert Cook 710. Bert, Pattenden 662, Ralph Hill 634. ReV. and Mrs. Lloyd Robert- son, workers among the Canad- ian Indians. will be special speakers at the annual Mission- ary Conference; from Februaiy 11 to Sunday, February 13, at Richmond Hill Free Methodist Church, 212 Hillsview Avenue. 51, Bert Cook 272, 1y 262, Joe Swan Stuart McPherson and and dur- and Linda will be answering the phone and speaking to view- ers live. Clips of their skating routines, filmed at the arena will also be seen. At 1030pm Friday TV 10 will present “trip.†palt I. This week’s interviewers include Bearsville recording artists Laz- arus, currently appearing at Grumbles, and Asylum record ing artist, Judee Sill, now ap- pearing at The Riverboat. Bearsville and Asylum records are distributed by Kinney Mus- ic. Not confirmed at press time is a live telephone interview with Randy Bachman of Brave These are Bench Chairman .Helen Todd, Vice - Chairman ‘Ruth Biggin. Secretary, Phyllis 'Simmons, Treasurer Margaret ‘Pounder a n (1 Membership {Chairman Georgina Heard. ‘ \lllllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllll\llllllllll\l|llllllllllullllllllllllllllll What’s Cooking? Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column -â€" how about Yours? Belt Part II of “trip†will be seen at 11:30 pm. as originally sched- uled for last week. with Murray McLauchlan and Luke Gibson. Both programs are produced by Maarten Heilbron and Doug White for Richmond Hill Cable TV. The “First Nighters‘ Club†initiated this season by the Cur- tain Club affords an excellent opportunity for interested theatregoers to go backstage. meet the cast, crew and director and discuss the play over wine and cheese served at the end of theIperformance. The next meeting will be on February 11 for the prod- uction of “The Giocouda Smile," a mystery drama by Alâ€" dous Huxley. This play is of particular interest as it is the club’s entry in the CODL Trav- elling Festival and will be ad- judicated sometime during the run by the well known Tor- onto director, Pamela Terry Beckwith. Tickets at $4 inclusive may be obtained by calling Yvette Steele at 884â€"7065‘ WEI Taking off to the sunny south? Celebrating a birth- day or anniversary? An in- teresting guest speaker at your next club meeting. Planning a unique fund- raising project for your group? News of your social events and club activities make interesting reading for “Life in the Hill†col- umnsâ€"for local readers and out-ofâ€"town relatives and friends. The service is free â€"- either call the Social Ed- itor Margot Crack at 884- 1105/6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. We look forward to hearing from you. GREEN GABLES MANOR ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The Manor is available to Bed or Ambulatory Guests â€" Aged or Convalescent â€" receive person- alized, professional care in a spacious and con- genial country home atmosphere on a 14-acre estate. Private and semi-private accommoda- tions. Call â€"â€" 640-3061 -â€" Stouffville Have You A Relative â€"â€" Friend Who Needs Nursing Care and Has Limited Funds -â€" Pension, Eta? NURSING CARE They are eligible for kind competent in a modern licenced nursing home 30- Year Richmond Hill C lerll Russell [ ynett Honored QAURORA: The community cen- ‘11'e officials have been warning ‘drivers parked illegally in the area at the bottom of the ramp ‘and extending out to Aurora Heights Drive. but now the “no parking†regulations are to be strictly enforced by the police, Imotorists are warned. Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column -â€" how about Yours? 2 cups leftover mashed pot atoes Mix potatoes. onion. parsley Edith Robson and Vic Bailey. and egg yolk together. Brown Ted Withers and Greg Cole. sausages in fry Pan. mold someiman were the winners last Monâ€" of the potato around each sauâ€"[day and on Friday, Bob and sage and roll in bread Cl‘umbs.lEdna Dunn tied with Ted With- Beat egg white and cold water‘ers and Stewart c013 with a fork. Dip rolls in this} There will be a Swiss Team mixture and roll again in breadl‘Toumament on Friday_ Febru- crumbs. Fry in fat until rolls‘al-y 18, All teams must be reg. are a golden brown. listered in advance. Further in- . v ‘ formation on the club may be Mls' C' R. rhomaï¬' obtained by calling 773-4280. ununnuuuulinuuIII|nullIlIlII||IIIIulllIIIIIlIlIIIIInlIuII Mrs. C. R. Thomas. nuumunmmuu11mnmmuuuuumuluumunmuummuuumm 1 egg yolk 6-8 sausages 1/2 cup bread crumbs 1 egg white 1 tbsp. cold water 1 small onion, Cut fine 1 tbsp. minced parsley Y.C.A.M.R. " 500" S’W S’m -â€"~PHOTOGRAPHY-â€" Weddings 0 Commercial 30A Yonge St. South Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-6741 Passports O Publicity TOKEN N0. 91 JOAN HODGSO‘AT RICHMOND HILL PIGGYS 1N BED ANOTHER, 500 WINNER IN R i c h m o n d of the YCHA It {he home of Church Street WEI Bumper Crop Used! Stamps This Year; Receiving the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Mary’s Anglican Church on Sunday morning were Brian Lawler, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hobson. Tanya Carole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wade. Michael Douglas. son of Lawrence and Judith Wales and Barbara-Lyn Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Woollard. Rev. Fred Jackson officiated Rev. Fred Ja at the ceremony Duplicate bridge winners on January 24 were Doug and Ann Wilson and on the 28th. Stewart and Marie Cole and Ted With- ers and Frank Turbach. In the the novice game. \vmners were Edith Hobson and Vic Bailey. Ted Withers and Greg Cole- man were the winners last Mon- day and on Friday, Bob and Edna Dunn tied with Ted With- ers and Stewart Cole. There will be a Swiss Team Dear Editor and Friends May I say thank you for h e l p i n g‘ us practically double our 1970 effort in saving stamps for the Lep- rosy Mission. Your support of such a wonderful cause is so very much appreciated. Thanking you again, Edith Boynton (Mrs) “\N‘W‘W&W,N,NW. , . . . . . . .WW. . . W WOMEN OF FASHION . ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal Those most annoying marks made by the pressure of your glasses. Togetherâ€"POLYMIL and HARDLITE hard resin lenses provide cosmetic beauty, safew and comfort. This never happens with POLYMIL frames with HARDLITE hard resin lenses â€"-they're lightâ€"really light. Is it any wonder women (and men, too) prefer them. You can do without! n“! M The “Beauty Spots" EDITH M. .VIcCOLL 884-8771 FOR INDIVIDUAL HAIR STYLES TO COMPLIMENT YOUR WARD- ROBE, LET OUR EXPERTS FIND THE MOST BECOMING HAIR STYLE FOR YOU . . . FOR APPOINTMENT 884-23271“ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Feb. 10, 1972 47 Centre Street East BRADDOCK OPTICAL Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill 884-6881 GO T0 9 Millage aniffure ON ALL PERMANENT WAVES GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE Emma. 20% OFF _ SAY . W ~~ “I LOVE YOU" It's a great world . . . give it a whirl 85 Yonge Street N Local and Metro Delivery LAURELEA FLOWERS Also your reservations for your European Holiday COME AND SEE US TODAY This Special Expires Feb. 19th, 1972 WI mg Mum/LI 53 YONGE STREET SOUTH 323 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884â€"5211 884-8191-2 FOR ALL YOUR CRUISE INFORMATION, SUMMER AND FALL, DON'T DELAY YOUR BOOKINGS... Delightful assortment of fresh flowers arranged in a compote for your special sweetheart. Laurelea Flowers (Photo by Stuart's Studio) W I TH Flowers by Wire Richmond Hill g )xluu)u)n)u .lu