AURORA: Council has decided to hire a bylaw enforcement of- ficer to attempt to control the use of snowmobiles in the town. Mabel Baker will give a talk and show pictures on her re- cent trip to the Holy Land on Wednesday February 23 at 8 pm at the Weldrick Rd. Baptist Church. The Maple Girls Hockey team played in a semi-playoff game against Newtonbrook on Sunday afternoon. The score was 4-1 In favor of Maple, goals were scored by Nancy Wehrens, Helen Johnson Dianne Dorian and Shelley Magee. Neighborhood Notes: Birthday greeting to Mrs. Jean Woodger, February 21 and Kelly Anne Steele February 19. About 50 happy children and later their parents from Victoria Neig Square United Sunday school M enjoyed a skating party in Frisl beautiful sunshine at the Ced-‘Fran rena outdoor rink Saturday Bark About 18 young people reg- * * * * istered and many others are ex- Another euchre party will be pected to register this Friday. held in the community hall This recreation group is being February 18 at 8pm. Ladies sponsored by the Lions. Come please provide lunch. Let’s hope on out boys and girls and join that the weatherman will co- in the fun. operate a lot better than when The Lions wish to thank the the last euchre party was sched- parents who attended Friday uled. night, and hope the parents will Church News continue to take an interest and The Woman‘s World Day of help with the supervision which Prayer service for Headford - is always necessary. Brown’s Corners and Victoria All young people who live in Square will be held March 3 Gormley, Headford, Buttonville at 2 pm. All young people who live in Gormley, Headford, Buttonville and the area close to Victoria Square are eligible to join. So come on out. Skating and Tobogganing WI Pot Luck Supper afternoon of last week. Many of The annual pot luck supper the adults hadn’t had skates on for members, families and for years, but everyone said friends of the WI was held in they had a wonderful time. the community hall Tuesday ev- Then followed a half hour of enin-g of 1ast_week. Following tobogganing down the hills â€"â€" the supper, euchre was enjoyed. young and old never had suchl It i! It It fun_ I Floor 'hockey and table tennis will continue through the win- ter months on Friday evenings from 7 pm to 10:30 pm. A recreation registration meeting in the community hall Friday evening of last week. ‘ NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Barney Damon and Don Deacon Report to the Electorate MONDAY, FEBRUARY let. Time 8 pm, I LIBRARY ROOM - THORNHILL HIGH SCHOOL CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (EveningS) CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE ER. 2, Gormley â€"- Phone 887-5421 Victoria Square News Dudley Ave. ....... , -..v bun-5‘, nun-AA.» 4‘VLun, Richmond Hill, to Gormley Mis- sionary Church for service Feb- ruary '7 in the afternoon. In- terment was at Heise Hill Cem- Juuuc" Uta "I Members of the YCHA met at the home of Mrs. Walter Craig There won’t be any inquest Friday morning of last week Vinto the sudden February Bffor coffee and a brief bit of [death of well-known long-time'business. The group plans a Lake Wilcox area farmer Del-(spring benefit for the hospital, bert Baker. 65, of RR ,1. Germ-’the date to be set for April or ley, says Bernard Granton, cor- Mayr . ‘ one-r. " “ ’ ‘ " ‘Local bowlers wm miss the York Region Police said Baker was found apparen'tly dead be- side his car at about '7 pm at a location locally called Baker’s gravel pit. Mrs. Baker became worried when her husband had been away too long to feed the dogs and asked Ferdnand Provost of 5 Elm Grove Avenue to check. Provost found the car and man in the snow: so called police. and asked Ferdnand Provost of' The 4th euchre game of the 5 Elm Grove Avenue to checkucurrent series at Buttonville Provost found the car and man Hall was played Friday evening in the snow: so called police. of last week, when winners Mr. Baker is surived by his were: Mrs. Gordon Spring. Mrs. wife, the former Gertrude Cook; Berniece Tooley, Mrs. Sandra children Howard. Kenneth and Mills, Mrs. Helena Tooley; Bill Donna (Mrs. John Honsberger); Allen, Wendy Wraly, Harvey 10 grandchildren and brothers Swain and Tim Patterson. Ernest and Earl. The funeral Harry .Brammer and Mrs. was from the Marshall Funeral Isobel Yewis won lucky draw Home, 126 Yonge street North, prizes. Freeze-out winners were Mr. Philpot was at the Dix- on Funeral Home in Markham with service Monday of this week and interment at St. John’s No Inquest Held Sudden Death The community extends sin- cere sympathy to two neighbor- hood families who suffered los- ses last week: to the Bill Best family in the death of Bill's father William Best and to the Vern Griffins in the death of Mrs. Griffin’s father William Philpot. A‘service was held for Mr‘ Best February 12. Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Joe Colvin. Stephen and Janet of Richmond Hill had Sunday evening dinâ€" ner with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie These three churches have been invited to join with the churches in Unionville. The place of meeting will be given Neighborhood Notes Mrs. Alice Perkins. Mrs. Mabel Frisby, Mrs. Fred Walker. Mrs. Frank Borean and Mrs. Jim Barker had dinner Friday with Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Grace, the occasion being in honor of Mrs. Boynton, She was celebrating her 79th birthday. Then all drove to the com- munity centre and hearty apâ€" petites were amply satisfied with 'hot chocolate and ho’rr dogs and donuts. Most said it was than a sleighâ€"ride! CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF 81 Worten Way North Phone Thomhil] BUTTONVILtE NEWS more fun ‘de‘al bowlers Will mi§s’ the Allencourt Lanes at Bayview and Marklham Road which was destroyed by fire Thursday night of last week. There were about 100 bowlers in the build- ing at the time, but fortunater no one was injured. Matt Davie and Bob Rise- brough, Bill Mills and Marion Cox. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Tim Paterson, Mm. George Kelly, Mrs. Alvin Rob- inson, Mrs. Reg Allen, Mrs. Russell Burr and Mrs. Jack Gough and Mrs. Bum- were un- able to be present. The next game will be played February 25. Mrs. Weston Steeles is s’till in St. Michael's Hospital recup- erating from {her unfortunate accident some weeks ago. Last week she was getting around on crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gough and Pat were with Ted and Ellen Gough and their family at Hal- iburton Saturday. Mrs. Gough remained for a few days. Death also took an old-time resident whom many will recall. She was Mrs. Charles Watkins, the former Zen-a Lunau of Scarboro, who attended Button- ville School with Dr. George Kelly Sn, and others. Her father Edward Lanau kept store at Buttonville where Molly Bar- tram’s antique shop stands. Fraser Craig has ï¬nish-ed a surveying job in Northern On- tario recently and spent two weeks on vacation at Mont Tremblay, Quebec. before pro- ceeding to his next assignment near Cornerbrook, Newfound- land. Isobel Hood spent last week- end in Vermont, skiing. A speedy recovery is wished for Clarence Steckley who had surgery in the York County Hospital, Newmarket last week he is able to come home. Norway Cemetery Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner and family, Mrs. Evelyn Milsted and Charleen, Mrs. Beulah Jones, Mrs. Lousie Rye, Mrs. Nelson Buchanan, Jamie and Valerie, Mrs. Faye Wills and Vincent had dinner on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nich- ols. Mrs. Doner and Mrs. Buch- anan were celebrating birth- days. _ r _ _ Sunday evening dinner guests with Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Grace were, Rev. and Mrs. Mar- tin Jentkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton and girls, Mr. and Mrs. William Sandle and Betty. Mrs. Donald Nichols and fam- ily of Richmond Hill spent Sun- day wihh MI. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flam of Kitchener called Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley on Sat- urday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Lee who welcomed their chosen son, David John Lee last week. - v.- -V--. _ Birthday greetings to Mary Neighborhood Notes Mortson February 19; Marilyn Miss Edith Raymer was taken Ashton 14 years February 21; to Centenary Hospital, West Mrs. Joe Stephenson February Hill, for treatment for an acute 22. eye condition. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stev- enson (Margaret Smith), mar- ried 11 years February 18; to Mr. and Mrs. William Sandle, married 23 years February 19. Hart and family. It was in hon- or of Terry’s 22nd birthday; Phone 294-5290 Patients of the Villa Hospi- tal enjoyed a skidoo party or- ganized by the district firemen Fred Broom, Barry Smith, Jim West and Frank Purves. Mar- garet Broom and the wives of the men assisted in helping the patients get ready for this out- ing. Mrs. Evelyn Cooper was chosen of the party and Ossie‘ James was the king. Later on‘ the patients enjoyed the music of Cousin Loopey and the Country Cousins with Don Sel-l sey. Mr. and Mrs. George Veitch had a wonderful January holi- day in Jamaica Where they en- joyed swimming and deep sea fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Ellie Park have just returned from Maui. Hawaii with a glowing report of the holiday isle. A speedy recovery is wished for Wilfred Bowes who has his leg in a cast due to bones broken in his heel. Camille held its annual con- gregational pot luck 'supper January 26. Elected to office were Elders Mrs. Jean Bushell, Alex Somerville, Robert Wal- ker, Jack Bushell and Edgar Arming. Elected to the Board of Stewards are Gordon Read, Jack Bushell, Mrs. Jack Bush- ell, ‘Mrs. Helen Baker, George Veitch, Robert Walker, Michael Harrison, Adam Read and Mrs. Ellie Park (UCW). Neighborhood Notes Danny Bowes is also on the sick list and we hope he is soon able to be back at school. Congratulations to Susan Purves who won the public speaking contest at RoseLawn Public School. Her subject was “Campingâ€. Carrville UCW were guests of Maple UCW February 8 at Maple United Church. The ladies enjoyed a talk by Rev. Jack Bart, missionary from Patagonia, Argentina. Church Notes: Mrs. John Honsberger and boys of Orillia spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Deb Baker. In Deb Baker’s obituary last week one of the pallbearer's names was omitted â€"â€" Melvin Baker. We are very sorry for this error. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brillinger and family spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Elias Floyd Winger and Vernon 01 spent several days with Mr. and Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Roy Murphy of New Tor- Ken Jones of Dickson Hill. onto. Mrs. Louisa Rye of Toronto is 'Mrs. Winnie Gillis of North Bay was visiting Mrs. Norm Brown. Correspondent: Mrs. Arlene Parke - 884-5051 260 Weldrick Road Deere REID LAWNMOWER CARRVILLE Buy a New John Deere Snowmobile now and take Buy a new John Deere Snowmobile now and choose a John Deere Snowmobile Suit normally valued at up to $89.95 .. . at no additional charge. Small down payment on a 339cc or 436cc snowmobile. No installment payments from May 1 to November 1, 1972. No ï¬nance charges imposed until November 1 972. Offer ends April 1, 1972. Buy now and see why . . . SALES & SERVICE 210 MARKHAM RD., RICHMOND HILL 884-7716 â€" 884-9001 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone 887-5445 GORMLEY NEWS nothing JOHN DEERE q The Pioneer Girl’s annual program was presented Sunday night at Heise Hill Church. The girls’ groups provided several fine numbers. Mrs. Andy Mc- Niven gave the devotional ser- vice and Mrs. Clifford Sider showed slides of the girls‘ work. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of George Lawson All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of George Law- son Iate of the Town of Rich- mond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on or about the 18th day of Oc- tober, 1971 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of March, 1972, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have not- ice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill. this 11th day of February, 1972. George Andrew Lawson, Exe- cutor for the Estate of George Lawson, by his solicitor, Rob- ert H. Blackburn, 55 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Miss Lois Jean Sider who has spent some time in South Af- rica will speak and show slides at Heise Hill Church Feb- ruary 20 at 7:30 pm. Heise Hill Intermediate Wo~ men’s Sewing Circle met Mon- day night in the fellowship hall at the church. Several men attended the preparatory meeting Monday night at Warden Avenue Free Methodist Church for the Deep- er Life Crusade to be held in Toronto in April. Dinner guests on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols were Mrs. Beulah Jones, Mrs. Louisa Rye of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner and family, Mrs. Nelson Buchanan and children from Willowdale, Mrs. Faye Wills and Vincent of Richmond Hill and Mrs. Charles Milsted and Charlene. Thursday evening a family birthday gathering was held for Mrs. Allan Doner at the home of her brother and sister-inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Gooding of Richmond Hill. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tay- lor of "New Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Paxton and family of Fairport Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gooding of Agincourt. Mrs. Charles Milsted, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winger and Vernon of Mrs. Louisa Rye of Toronto is holidaying with Mrs. Beulah Jones. Misses Mary and Adeline Re- man Were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Rosie Winger. Rich- mond Hill. Clarence Weaver of Coboconk r_uns like a RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings ’til 9 p.m. 884-4401 ‘ Thursday morning was par~ ticularly beautiful here with a light snow or frost on the trees and everything brilliant and sparkling in the bright sun-l shine. l Snowmobilers have been de- lighted with the good snow con- dition. We feel sorry for their contemporaries in Switzerland and most recently in France, where the snowmobiles have been outlawed. My family and I went yester- day (Sun-day) to a little church on Oak Avenue where four men took the service. One was an insurance adjuster. another a postmaster, the third â€"- a hos- pital laboratory analyst and the fourth a technician. I enjoyed seeing men active in the church. ual managers to be competing. fighting, all in wrestling, goal tending, etc. And this is what is happening in so many churches today. The ministers today loom far too large and the teams far too small. It is‘ about time we started reversingl We are glad to report that George Barker is home and making good recovery. How foolish it would be for the hockey team to be sitting on the benches and the individ- Mother nature in this pant offthis trend to make the church the country and at this time isfrelevant to our day generation. dressed in her nightgown and?If you would let me know at the slippers and becomes very en-Jvarious churches when there is noyed at the smallest provoca-{going to be a laymen’s day with tion. If she had only One ShOV-‘many of the congregatioa tak- elful of snow in her cupboardging part, I shall be delighted. for this winter, we can onlwwith many others, to visit your hope she has a thimbleful Of‘churches. water for the spring. Each day He Spreads . Thursday morning was Dab} glorious feast ticularly beautiful here with at And at His table dine, light snow or frost on the treesl The whole creation, man and L...II:-_L n...) _A ._._.u A... Easter Seals. I “dawn \bu’r‘e milesAahaad at: HEADFORD NEWS Correspondent: FRANK TUCKER Phone 889-2000 beast A He's a friend of mine We Carry A W Complete Line Of TVIS 28 LEVENDALE RD. RICHMOND HILL YONGE ST. AT STEELES AVE. THE LIBERAII, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb RICHMOND HILL TV M!!! The quality goes in before the name goes on® only Volkswagens Chevrolet Vega ‘ Call Miss Thrifty for more information: One day. 100 miles. One flat rate. d $10.15 223-6692 Vega or similar: Nova or similar: Malibu. or similar: Impala or similar: a or similar: $10.75 $65.00 a or similar: $11.75 $69.00 lb". or similar: $12.75 $70.00 ala or similar: $14.00 $78.00 Pay only for the gas you use. FOR ONLY Zenith Handcrafted 26" Giant-Screen Chromacolor-IOO CONSOLE 2 Years on Picture Tube 315 sq. in. super-screen picture Automatic Fine Tuning 1 Year Warranty Parts & Service Automatic Tint SOUTH BLOCK PHONE 884-7456 $839. i "100" Per Day Weekly