Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1972, p. 20

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RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE. RICHMOND HILL Firestone STORES 7 STORES '7 The huge purchaging power of firnglone saves you money again! Open Thursday 8: Friday Ex ening‘; Westinghouse big 20” picture - now at a portable price! WESTINGHOUSE MODULAR AM/FM STEREO THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 17‘ 1972 A host of features in a beautiful, contemporary design. Slide rule dlal. Unwavenng FM reception. Jacks for phono, headphones and recording or playing With your tape recorder. Two 6V2” remote speakers for ideal stereo recepuon. A fabulous sound at a fabulous price. Now only $129.95. LIMITED OUANTITYAT EACH STORE. SOâ€" SHOP EARL YI It pays you to “cheque” with Guaranty Trust Our chain of Stores add up to big-volume buying. . . and selling. When we buy big we can buy for less. So you can too. Get the big portable picture. And get it instantly â€" with Westing- house's ’lnstant On' convenience. Compare features and you'll buy Westinghouse. Compare prices and you'll buy it at Firestone. Better hurry. Westinghouse quality at Firestone prices will mean a fast sell-out. Don't be disappointed. At Guaranty you get interest on your chequing account (4 "3 minimum semi-annual balance: higher than at any bank) At Guaranty you get lower service charges on your chequing account At Guaranty you get free postage when you deposit to your account by mail And_/br_1'0ur convenience Guarantyis open longer hours to serve you We have many other services to help you in your money matters Move over to Guaranty and find out for yourself. Capital and Resene‘ $40,000,000. A Member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporatlon 884-4401 Guaranty Trust Maw \bu'ra milesAahead at 44 Yonge St. S WQCGY‘ »- w ‘ . : . fl COMPANY OF CANADA til 9 pm. 884-1188 4-0362 Mrs. Rolling said the unemployed resident was subjected to an endless round of frustration “and humiliation by unemployment authorities. They apparently weren‘t too interested in assisting this person to get what was rightfully his.” She said the unemployed man‘ihe York Region Council pet made his initial claims Novem-‘tion Ottawa to establish an ur her 9 of last year and up until‘employment commission offic the week of February 6 receiv-‘in Newmarket "so our peopl ted just one cheque for $91. can deal directly and to in l NO MONEY 3 MONTHS ‘prove the processing of claims (Praises York Centre Workers 1 Mayor Rolling said it was sit- ‘uations "like this that force people to go on welfare and suffer unnecessary humiliations. ;It also costs our municipalities considerable money in welfare icests when it shouldn't even be necessary". NDP Provincial Leader yet to hear Premier Davis say Stephen Lewis in Richmond Exactlvahere one single job has Hill High Auditorium on Wedâ€" been created,“ said NDP Leader nesday evening of last week Lewis. mm the York Centre Riding As- “In spite of all the 'I‘m‘ies' sociation annual general meet- highly touted winter works pro- ing he was pleased to find 3 grams, they haven‘t made any riding association working hard appreciable dent. on the un- and in a financially sound pos-lemployment problem at all." he ition. said. York Centre riding is compâ€" * * * * rised mainly of Markham. Vau- Lewis told the York Centre ghan and Richmond Hill Tmms.‘Association he was pleased to Lewis said he hasn't found‘find a local organization that any attitude of defeatism amonglis financially "in the black." He members of the party in thelsaid he realized the riding as- province Over last October's‘sociation is in an area where it failure to unseat the long time'has had a tough road to follow. Progressive Conservative reg-‘He congratulated the York Cen- ime. He said he finds only frus-ltre members for achieving a tration in the. party over itsvin- slight increase in its total vote ability to sufficiently inform the in the last election. voters of the real situation inl He said he realizes York Cen- the province and despair about‘tre is a riding the provincial the obvibus crying need there‘party hasn't treated well en- is for adoption of the NDP‘s ough and hopes they're going to platform. be able to correct that situation. “In Manitoba you havsr an NDP Government, working in a much more creative way showing the value of economic planning. There it‘s not just small handouts here and there to cut down trees killed by Dutch Elm disease. Even with the $125;000.000 lax incentive fund so highly touted by the Tories during the election, I've "This person was forced to go without benefits from the; unemployment insurance com-l mission for almost three months] at a_time when a desperately‘ needed money. Now he will‘ receive some $646 all at one‘ crack," she said. Speaking to an audience of 50, mostly party members, Lew- is said the NDP's predictions about the economy and high un- employment are already proven to be true by‘fhe figures about joblessness being published during the week. Lewis pointed out in the Prairies where the lowest rates of unemployment exist. He said it is significant that the lowest rate of unemployment in Can- ada is in Manitoba. a province that drfimatically switched to NDP government a few years ago. Along with Manitoba. the traditionally ND‘P province of Saskatchewan also has a much lower rate of unemployment than Ontario. he said. Unemployment Insurance "Snafu" Raises Anger Of Gladys Rolling N D P Leader Lewis Speaker Here She described how the unem- pIOyed person filed a claim for unemployment in the first week of November and from there on received a series of forms to fill out for almost every week of the next nine weeks. HOST 0F FORMS "He got a host of forms mail- ed to him, which he filled out and sent in only to get more fOrms," she said. The person was further frus- trated by visits to the claims Office in Barrie where he â€" and later Mrs. Rolling -â€" was confronted by a wall of “name- less people" who said they would check into it but could do nothing at the time. “I met the same problem. Mrs Rolling said. “when} first tried to assist him." But the mayor of East. Gwil- limbury wasn't to be denied by "nameless" people. She told council she proceed- ed to launch a series of strateg- ical Assaults on the claims of- fice in Barrie. the Department of Manpower Office in New- market “and on any other office I happened to come across." She ended up by placing a call to the manager of the claims branch and to John Rob~ erts MP York Simcoe in Ot- tawa. STIRRED HORNET NEST “This seemed to stir up a homet's nest." she told coun- cillors “and the first thing you knew I was getting apologies and results all over the place. It's just too bad this couldn't have all happened in the begin- ning." Three months of frustration experienced by an East Gwillimbury resident waiting to receive his cheques from the federal government's Unemploy- ment Insurance Commission was related to members of York Regional Council Thursday afternoon of last week. East Gwillimbury Mayor Mrs. Gladys Rolling told c0uncil how she attempted to assist the person involved and had become ensnarled in a “sea of red tape.” Mayor Rolling felt the prob- lem was being aggravated by the system used by the Unem- ployment Insurance Commis- siOn. “They precess all the claims in BarriE." she said. “and then send them on to Bellefille where the cheques are then mailed. This has resulted in a lot of confusion.“ Council approved a resolu- tion by Mayor Rolling to have “In spite of all the Tories' highly touted winter works pro- grams, they haven‘t. made an} appreciable dent. on the un- employment problem at all." he said. the York Region Council petl- tion Ottawa to establish an un- employment commission office in Newmarket "so our people can deal directly and to im- prove the processing of claims." He said he realizes York Cen- tre is a riding the provincial party hasn't treated well en- ough and hopes they're going to be able to correct that, situation. The provincial organization‘s ef- forts have been concentrated elsewhere for a variety of rea- sons; whether or not tfiey have been valid. he said. "I feel the York Centre As- sociation has worked mightin in the last year or two and has become one of the most com- mitted and Viable the party has in the province. It's paid up 1972 membership of over 100 is one of the best in the province and is especially heartening when one realizes the member- ship payment deadline isn't until July." said Lewis. Thé party leader said prov- that Will incial workers driving through 3312? Hero York Centre during the last el- provide D ection. as he did from his home election t in Newmarket area. were struck by the number of Clifion NDP The K signs in evidence in a ridingimously ’c‘ where the Grit. ‘a-nd Tory cam-Lecutive 1 paigns were concentrated in an‘previous unusually high: fashion. “Itgjncluding showed there was a solid ‘hard dent Roy working NDP core in this rid-iHm [last by the number of Clifton NDF signs in evidence in a riding where the Grit, and Tory cam- paigns were concentrated in an unusually high fashion. “It showed there was a solid hard working NDP core in this rid- ing." said Lewis. “There was a very real ser- iousness about the election cam- isurance "Snafu" Gladys Rolling tration experienced by an t waiting to receive hIS government's Unemploy- n was related to members 1 Thursday afternoon of iyorAMrs. Gladys Rolling The general meeting unani- imously confirmed the new ex- ‘ecutive recommended by the previous nomination meeting, including the following: Presl- 1dent Roy Clifton of Richmond 1Hill [last year’s provincial el- ‘ection candidate and a past :president several timesl. Vice ‘- ‘President Peter Burnett (past ‘presidentl of Richmond Hill; Treasurer Fred Pamplin of Un- ionville; Secretary Barry Rollin- son of Thornhill: Provincial Council Representative Michael ulones of Maple: Membership Secretary Mrs. Helen Clifton of Richmond Hill: three organizers iSoren Christensen. Blake Mc- lMaster and Mike Morrone ‘1971 candidate York Millsl. all of Richmond Hill; executive mem- bers at. large Fraser Duff of Markham. Robert Skakie of Markham, Karl Killingbeck of Woodbridgev Yoy’re lacking at a real life Pro. He knows how to keep your family going when you're not. With one great disability plan. He knows how to make extra sure your kids have enough money to make it through col- lege. And how to help you plan for a happy retirement. He knows how to tailor make the best life insurance protec- tion you can get. And give you the kind of service you want. Every time you want it. You want to talk about your life? Why not talk to a real his pro? He knows his business. And his business is your life. STEPHEN SMITH 42 Elgin Mills Road West Phone 445-9500 Richmond Hill n We Agen‘ ‘ “We seem to need a concen- ‘trated educational year-round ‘campaign,“ he said. mentioning [that the provincial organization [is studying the possibilities of lestablishing a party. publishing house and news media outlets that will "get the party‘s mes- sage across" to t e public and provide public media support at election time. paign in York Centre that made me especially happy to come here to visit today. I know. that I haven‘t been able to visit en- ough." he said. Turning to the party's prov- incial‘ situation. Lewis said there is a very good spirit in the party throughout the provâ€" ince. "I get a good feeling travelling about the province since October that we are buil- ding strength for 1975. The Tories are clearly feeling the intoxication of their position and elitism is already emerg- ing in such things as the tee organization into an authorita~ tive super-Cabinet." he said. The NDP Leader said he sees a Tory elitist emergence where it is likely the Legislature will‘ only be tolerated and indulged. and where the job of opposition for the 19 NDP members will be more difficult. Those presenting reports were as follows: finances Mtg. Lynn Kulesh of Thornhill, or- ganizer Roy Clifton who also reported for Campaign Official Agent Ron Moran of Dickson's Hill, membership Mrs. Clifton. Auditor Angus Philip of Rich- mond Hill. “We‘ve never lacked for pol- icies . . . we‘ve never lacked for alternatives. but now going on is a basic questioning of some accepted matters within the party,” said Lewis. He said one of the main things being reâ€" viewed is the election campaign voter canvas organization. THE RICHMOND HILL Winter Carnival Committee J. Wm. Klees 3; Sons for their delicious hamburgers. The Richmond Hill Band. Malcolm James. Marg Mullis & the Newmarket Citizens’ Band for their\rousing music. The OMNI OBLI for their torchlight parade The Mixed Blessings under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Carson along with Mr. Harold Nolte for our ending The_ Mixed Blessings under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Carson along wlm Mt. narom none seruce. The Judges of the Snow Queen Contest -â€" Mayor William Lazenby, Jim Dorey, Mrs, Karl Klees, two models from the Elinor Fulcher Model Agency. - ' Myles Crawford. Mark Crawford & Steve Sexton for entertaining the Snow Queen Contestants the R. H. Curling Club. Danforth Radio Gruen Watch Co of Canada Ltd Wm. J. Klees & Son Ltd. Dynes Jewellers Warwick House Rice's Flowers H. J. Mills Florist Allencourt Pharmacy Photique Studio . Shields Footwear Robt. Craigie York Simcoe Sports The Playpen Richmond Music Centre Bowden Lumber Ltd. Michael‘s Cards 8: Gifts Atlas Photo Supply Kenzie Pharmacy R. H. Curling Club Lumidial Canada Ltd. Miss H. Stephenson Gormley Sand & Gravel TO THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR SUPPORT GIVEN TO THE WINTER CARNIVAL Chairman Program Food Treasurer Prizes Button Sales Snowmobile Rides Snow Sculpture School Representatives Bayview â€" Pat Laird, Don -Bailkowski Don Head â€" Sue Martyn. Frank Mulle Langstaff â€"- Mike Whittaker Richmond H111 -â€"- Richard Hay, Janet Filming Button Numbers 362 It’s Sincere Thanks THE RICHMOND HILL WINTER CARNIVAL COMMITTEE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS - Get Results â€" 884-1105 Of course, a wide choice of cabinets is available. SI’ECIAL SALE PRICE THIS WEEK ONLY 0 USED MACHINES from $14.95 NEW MACHINES FROM $69.95 0 REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES AND MODELS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Richmond Hill OUR SPECIAL THANKS AGAIN T0 that’s what the new lmagine- now you can have both hands free to guide the fabric through those precision turns! And look what's happened to buttonholing on the BERNINA 830! You don’t even have to touch the fabric and bingo. a perfect buttonhole! Talking of fabric, do you know that the new BERNINA automatic fabric sensor adjusts itself to any fabric, stretch or knit, cotton or synthetic, and gives you stitching that simply will not pucker or snap. The 1972 BERNINA overlook stitch gives a perfect finish to stretch or knit garments and the new blindstitch, a hand-finished look. You have to hand it to the Swiss. Such ingenuity! Can a sewing machine be perfect? Meet the new BERNINA 830, in its streamlined red carrying case, at your dealer's today. BERNINA H. B. Fisher Office Supplies Muntz Centre Canadian Tire Corp. Store Simon and Shuster of Canada A. R. Davey Co. Ltd. J. D. Smith & Sons Cartage Milton Savage Ernest Redelmeier Richmond Hill Minor Hockey Richmond Hill Arena Board Richmond Hill Chamber of Comm The Royal Canadian Legion The LionsiClub The Rotary Club The Kinsmen Club York Ambulance Service St. John's Ambulance Corp Arena Sound Deciantis Const. Ltd. Ganz Brothers Toys Ltd. Adamo‘s Hair Stylist Trailways Bus Line Shaun Beggs Bill Ruttle Evie Ruttle Joan Flett Paul Binkley Ken Nakamichi Cam Martel Jim Barber Jack Cook Doug Allen 884-3775 BERNINA SEWING CENTRE AND REPAIR DEPOT Mulle, Lee Raymond Janet Hutchinson To be picked up at RICHMOND HILL CHRYSLER DODGE 395 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND HILL. $10.00 510.00 510.00 510,00 510.00 won by Sherri Robinson 510.00 ‘ Snowmobile Races Ian MacDonald assisted by Kinsmen Club Publicity Rufih Biggin Snow Queen Ron Taylor assisted by Ruth Taylor, Kay & Larry Schell Secretary is all about! etan' . Ania Beggs Joyce & Warren Davey. Dalt Hicks, Ed Banks, Brian Gentles. Apollo II Coiffure Golden Curl Coiffure House of Cherie La Casa Loma Village Coiffure CFGM Richmond Hill Cable TV Dominion Stores Ltd. A & P Co. Ltd. Loblaw Groceterias Co. Ltd Superior Propane Charlton Hardware O.K. Express Ltd. R. Hill Figure Skating Club R. Hill Parks & Recreation Richmond Hill Hydro York Regional Police V-.. -.«O-, [Richmond Hill Detachment) Richmond Hill Works Dept. Markham Disposal Metro Conservation Authority MAIN ST.. NEWMARKET (opposite Post Office) 895-7922 Vem Dynes a: and friends at

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