Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1972, p. 3

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By John MacRae Is Geography Relevant? “Some of the subjects we have to take could be interesting but they have nothing to do with us in Ontario or even in Canada In geography we study Africa this year and Asia next year. What good is that for someone living in Canada? it ll it 1'! One sure way of putting a teacher on the defensive is to tell him his subject has no relevance in today’s world. But if you think this is a new phenomena just wait til I tell you what your parents and I did when we were in high school. We did worse than just telling the Latin and Greek teachers that they weren’t “with it”. We told them they were teaching “dead” languages. The fact that they read Homer in the original cut no ice with us. We lived through the period when they thought that a - study of the classics was great for the mind muscle. Thanks to us, the only students taking Latin and Greek today are those who appreciate the precise- Iiess and beauty of these languages. So keep coni- plaining about the lack of relevance and perhaps changes will occur so that the high schools will eventually get to “where it’s at". Very often though the students can’t see the forest for the trees. We often teach about the in- tricacies of the wheels and gears without ever iii- .forming the student that he’s learning how a watch works. At least once a month every teacher should try to relate the topic at hand to the total picture. There is a logical plan to the geography curriculum but taken in its parts the relationship is not easily seen. - Do you remember your junior school studies courses? It starts with the child and his immediate family and extends gradually into the community by talking about the fireman, the postman and the policeman. D.B. - Richmond Hill ‘ a: . ‘w g I iFEBRUARY 18. FRIDAY. ,pm Richmond Hill Natural- jist meeting, St. Mary's Angli- .can Church Chapel. 100 Yonge Street South. Member‘s Night.‘ IAlso Mr. Gustave Yaki from P, ,k _‘ ‘ v_ ithe F.O.N. Everyone welcome.‘ ‘11 “as at the Olga“ and play“Be ~‘ '-i Saturday. February 19' 3 ms“ e cause duiing the sign to area feeders. and Sunday/(mile?t11e,reg15te:' ‘l February 27, winter tree andifamglenfl“11,73?”de lby Ilel‘ I . . . . ,. . c1“.34i ‘. ,ie n e was ciarming‘ ‘bUd Ident‘f‘Fahm’; 11.“) in a floor-length gown. Swiss‘ iFEBRUARY 19th SATURDAY"i'e-eiiibroidered lace over silk l10200 a.m. InterClub competi-‘Ol‘ganza~ accent“ the 3'01“- St. Matthew's United Churth was the setting for a lovely ev- ening wedding December 10, when Janis Lyn Goodman, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al; Goodman became the bride of Gary William House. son of I\‘I]‘.i and Mrs. Russell House, all oil Richmond Hill. I Rev. John McTavish officiat-I ed at the ceremony. Mrs. Gloria x I t .IANIS GOODMAN. GARY HOUSE EXCHANGE YOWS love/ y Evening Marriage long. full matching Chiffon sleeves gathered at the wrist by a beaded cuff. The neckline was accented by a floral design made of clear crystal beads. Matching shoes and bag trim- med with eorsage of pink and white roses and small beaded chiffon roseettes worn in her hair completed the outfit. The groom‘s mother also received. wearing a lovely dress of white and silver with trim of blue sequins around the neck- line and edge of the,sleeves. She wore a matching blue vel- vet hat and shoes and a cor- sage of white roses. The bride chose a pant suit {council should also await res-1 . iHitl-VAncI-Ruln Charge THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill Ontario. Thursday. Feb. ‘17. A report by Polite. t‘hici' Brute Crawford recâ€" L omniending establishment of a centrally located jail 3 and detoxification centre in the region was deferred 'I‘hursday afternoon of last week by York Regional t‘ouncil Aurora Mayor Dick Illingw'ortli set the pattern when he observed that there “seems to he a differ- ence of opinion between the chief and the police commission as to the immediate nced for a jail or a detention centre in the region." He added that the question of a detoxification centre “seems to find the commission agreeing with the chief that there is a definite need for such a facility here." Mayor lllingworth and the rest of council thought that the matter of a jail in the region should be deferred six months as suggested by the commission. “1 dont‘ mean we should forâ€" “It may he that with the get about it." he said. "'fhisaddcd emphasis on keeping period of time will also enable people out of jail w liile us to get some cost figures onltlioy‘re awaiting trial could how expensive such a jail opcr- mean a 75 to 90 percent reduce :ition would be and compareittoition in prisoners. It could turn the present. costs of transport-tout that. thct’c won‘t be a need ing prisoners from court to thczto build a jail hero" Don Jail." i It was also decided to find Aurora Regional Councilloigout what government subsidies Ray Twinncy. a member of theiwould be available for financing police commission. agreed that of the building of a jail. The, detoxification centre proposal was also deferred for a month for further inâ€" vestigation of the type of facility that might be re- quired. , Health Commissioner Dr. Owen Slingcrland said there were “mixed feelings in several areas on just what should coni- pi-ise a detoxification centre in the way of personnel." ‘ults of the recently passed Baili Reform Act. I 5 Breathalyzer Cases 1 I Five breathalyrer charges and lone hit-andsrun charge were; .laid last week by Richmond lâ€"lilll lDiVision YRP. W Arrested February 13 at Baker Avenue and charged with: failing to remain at the scene of an accident, with failing: to produce insurance and withi .pu‘blic mischief was Gary Davâ€" lidson, 20, of 307 Axminster‘ ‘Drive. Richmond Hill. The car involved belonged to James .Davidson of the same address was impounded by police. The front end was damaged. Arrested at Yonge Street andi Elgin Mills Road February 12‘ for impairment and failing a' breathalyzer test was Peter“ Lacey, 21. of 402 Markham iRoad, Apartment 101, Richmond, â€" FEATURE PROGRAMS â€" Thurs. 17th - Encounter He said that it might be less Harry Sti‘achan and Author Lee; Bryant discuss “Come Fill The‘ costly and more ctfectne set up such a facility at or near a nursing home. "To lime it as part of 3 :cu- cral hospital." he said. "might prove quite c\pcnsiyi~ when you, consider the cost of providing hospital beds. It could he very costly." lIe zilso said it would have to be decided whether it would be iicccsszin to lime a trained staff on ditty or “lay men school- ed in how to handle drunk cases and perhaps one qualified doc- tor oii call in case of emergenc- IGS. t. p e In his report. t‘liicf Bruce Crawford said that “the re- i'cquirement for a jail or det- ention centre in the Region of York is both feasible and necâ€" u essary from an economic view? point and considering the as- pect of security. to tt‘uipt'u'nr). The present system calls for IOT.‘ 3 Council Defers Regional Jail Recommendation detention In local lock-up facilities and after rcâ€" mand the transportation of prisoners to the Don .liiil. He suggested that a re- gional detention centre built in a central location between Richmond Hill and .\‘cwmarket would be a more economical operation. Commission Chairman Judge William Lyon felt the commisâ€" sion should withoch any fiiiaiv cial recommendations until the federal government's Bail Rcâ€" form .-\ct was given a chance to be effective. "The act." he said. “has only been in effect for about three weeks and indications are that the number of persons incar- cerated should be reduced conâ€" sidei‘dably." The commission decided that they approved in prin- ciple of the need for the detoxification centre. , IN TOWN RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB BINGO MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 LIONS “All. 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME â€" 8 P.'\‘I. ' Early Birds 7:40 pm. ZII REGULAR GAMES â€" 3 SPECIAL GAMES IACKPOT $500 - 52 No's __LIVELIEST. PLACE RICHMOND [r .In grades 3 and 4 your horizons were lifted dons. Aurora Markham, Stouffâ€" Empire style bodice and cuffs-of 1101:13in “Sofa ff“ 119“ 80‘ Hill. ,Cup” * * * 7 . again when you studied lumbering and mining in ville and Richmond Hill skaters ff the long “Red’swmfis-.smanimg'a‘wy oumt “"th black Two of the other drivers ai'-‘ _ _ . . I Ontario. You also discovered the difference between will compete in dance. interâ€" ace appliques “ere sprinkled handbag and Shoes and a COI' rested for impairment were1Fl‘l-s 131" ' MUSIC ' Jokes ' EIC- ' sage of white and pink roses, After over the A-line skirt and set-in . from Aurora and one of themlTFip - Interviews Don McLean‘ chapel length train. Her shoul- pretive and free skating events. was only 17 years old. Theland features his latest album a river and a lake, between a mountain and a hill. 3 short honeymoon. .YONGE ST. SOUTH } Everyone warmly welcome. Learniitigdabmfit Kile. exploréershbeczme the vehicle folr clwgpder-iength three-tiered bridal il-ithe young couple have taken up others arrested were from i vlc it 1 . ‘ map s u y ,0 ma an t e mericas and witi i i * ilusion veil was held in place by residence in Richmond Hill. ,Metro. A 9 - James Cook, the world. Concepts such as economic FEBRUARY 21. 1972. MON- 2 small delicate petal-shaped Outâ€"of-town guests at the M°"" “' ‘ Educamn 72 LO Brian Bunbairn Y.C.B. of Ed.‘ *** third Monday of headpiece of lace. pearls and wedding came from Winnipeg, DAYâ€"Every ThornhiII I7-Year-0Id‘ cause and effect and longitude and latitude were also - , . . i th 8_]1 1m. Family crystal beads. She carried a Bartie London. Peterboro, . . p e I meiicas aong wit t e is- he“, and Crosby. prizes. re-Iwhite carnations and whiteiOttawa. Port Perm Brampton On ChargeiMarkham Councillor Hi LaWI‘ie toty of Canada, the United States and Britain. The freshmems clw34 stephanotis. and Toronto. \ * l. .2 I elementary school curriculum is intended to give * * * * Miss Brandie Rose as maid of â€" wed" 23 _ The Bonnie Side I NOW APPEARING ’TIL SATURDAY A 17 - year - old Thornhill '. ’ 21, MONDAY. 8] . . . % FEBRU AR} ion01 wore a gown of azalea youth‘ Douglas Stephen Corby“ you an overview of the western world’s history and pinâ€"Barney Danson and Don- French velvet. Bridesmaids geography. “FAT CHANCE” Shoe Fashions with Paul Sutton ii- in >Il I Two Common Assault 5 But geography in high school is not just maps and places â€" it’s more oriented towards explaining ald Deacon report to the Ele_C-iM1-s. Larry Brewer and Miss torate, Library Room. Thornhill Kathy pridhanl were gownedi 111 Inverlocky Boulevard, has been charged with theft of a portable television and t‘hree' _TH High School, DlldICy Avenue‘vlalike in violet French velvet: Thornhill. €1W34 Their dresses were styled on - ~ H 1 ‘ Ithe Empire line with matching- FEBRUARY 22- IDESDAY _lsliades of lace trim accenting Richvale Llolletles Enema 31«the low scooped neckline, puf- ROUND ,TABLEoRooMV ,. ‘Charges Thornhill Man - p ' ruiLYuCENciD BY Loo. " rail: singer: has. “RICHMO.ND?E.HII.L the casual. relationship between geographic and clim- actic conditions and how they affect the life style of a region. Africa is particularly suited to this kind )E*** A Thornhill man faces two1 charges of common assault fol- lowing a service station incid- dise was taken from another ap- artment at the same 111 Inver- of stud in' ‘ ' - 0‘ ' . - . . v ‘ c are so 5 Ice the climactic regions of _the continent Spruce Sheet. Blghmie, Rested cap Sleeves, Emplre waist_ em just after midnight at the lFoclky BoillleVald addless on iegu ai in then pattern extending north and 'f1~eshments, Admissmn $1. Iband and the hemline Match E G, S e ruary . . - , . . cono as Bar, Yonge treet ~â€" south fiom the equator. Concepts are introduced . l I clw34 ing ribbon Chokers, peau de‘anid 16th Avenue. such as high and low .pressure areas, air and water . j‘ f" *, “‘ S AV 8 soie shoes and wristâ€"length Charged is Joseph Costanzo,E currents. When the implications of these concepts FEBRUAR‘ 22‘ IUD D ' white gloves added to the simp- ‘21. of 88 Romfield Circuit, acâ€" ipmâ€"The Riqhmond. Hm Hort-F liCity 0f the gowns cording to York Regional Pol- iflum'lljll SUEZ}? ggl‘luéncgttrclelb Donald House, brother of theice. lFlet :30"; K m; “m q eak on groom was best man and the, Police said there was a compâ€"‘ ‘35- 0 c ‘p .,iushers were Larry Brewer andLlaint from the station that at are understood then the climate and vegetation of each area becomes quite logically explained. The next obvious step for the teacher is to have THE HILL MARKETEIIIA his students apply these new understandings in ‘Ihe {698‘} “lwogld £105? lslww ICraig Goodman, the bride’s'man at 12:15 am February 4, order to explain why the prairies grow wheat, why :m M“ “a an ' \\eéf\l\1§4,br0tllelt . heft the service station lot, theni , the Appalachians are the ski mecca of Eastern , 2 a i s I! :ztfd‘e “flew” hold? 39193"? bfadl‘égrabé’ted 1:161:11“ £011 America, why tobacco grows successfully on the ‘Don‘t miss the annual smorg-‘lrl es. mode" recelve "3 31‘ 0 mg .ree’ 0“ on‘ ‘ ’ ' shores of Lake Erie.’ Maybe your teacher just hasn’t asbors sponsored by the St-lbum'mlt View Gardens‘ the and the" commuted an abault " â€" Delwery In ImmEd'ate Area on attendant Dan Dormer, 23. t, , .‘ guests in a princess style dress Matthew 5 UCW at Richmond of Carmen Drive Mississauga. 0t to these uestions et. A'r‘ . , '. a . ~ ,- g q y . 1 loan geography may ,Hm United Church on Thurs_ of uschia p013 estei ciepe with not seem relevant to you yet but hang in there and Ida.“ February 24’ 5.30 _ 7.30. . . r - ._ . - , You Can Always Do Better eventually the pieces will fall into place to form a lean 334-1975 for tickets, i AT THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY M YOUR FRIENDLY BEEF HOUSE SPECIALIZING IN RED & BLUE BRANDS ONLY . . . Freezer Orders Cut To Your Specifications SUPER MEAT SPECIALS Whole Chicken Super Value Lucas Lb. Lb. Legs and Breasts BACON F’ t 89... Blade or Short Cross'CutSHORT RIB ROAST Lb. RIB ROAST .. 79¢ lb. GROCERIES MINCED CHUCK STEAK . Kleenex Paper Towels P_|19.__D_lLC;E 2 2-Roll Pkgs. ¢ complete picture. .\ \\ \ \s \on ‘ . i s § \ * . \\\\s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ ‘ - g _ \‘ER‘sc Fabric and Drapery "Mill- "“ -_ ' Outlet" '_ Now 2 Warehouse Locations Corner. N0. 7,. Hwy. '_.& woodhine TELEPHO \ // // // x, ,M leele St; SPECIAL MILL CLEAROUT 45" Polyester and Cotton Broadcloth P'E'l' POTATOES WASH & DRY In twlcve colours. printed plis- gball‘dET I - . C ses. and cotton prints. Reg. pRICE ¢ -‘ In 3 5 ml :1 uIes . ‘l 0 lbs 3 5 {I . ' - I for ’usi 5 5 ¢ ,, Campbell 5 Tomato Soup 4% I 45 CORDUROY . Featuring Frigidairels Deep-Cleaning Piuwale or velour in a good “LLL *' l ' f r ¢ Jet-Action Washer “rim of colours. Reg. value giglrcLEEi . I'II'IS 0 While you're here . . . Same Day Dry Cleaning to $2.49 yard. oxfly ¢ 7 and Shirt Service . . . Custom Drapery. Suede and Yd. :‘ Christie's Fig Newton 49¢ ‘ Leather Cleaning . . . Repairs and Alterations . . . Self-Service Dr)~ Cleaning . . . Free Pickup and Deliver). “DEDICATED to CLEAN LIVING" 4l" PRINTED FLANNELETTE A new shipment of our superb ’ : quality printed flannelette in a "lâ€"IVLL ,. ' . _ . . . - . 0LTLEI . 1 .,-_ fine yariety of 19.2 prints. , , ,. . . . ‘ . . PRCF. ,. . L U Y Slight mill subs. Reg. value OVLY t .3 A N I I R " ' CAVALIER BREAD . 1? OPEN TO THE PUBLIC WAREHOUSE HOURS: DAILY â€" 10 AM. TO 9 P51. SATURDAY â€" 9 A..\I. TO 6 PM. W Ample Free Parking Open 8 3.111. to 11 pm. -â€" 7 Days a Week -â€" THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE IOL‘ - 212 YONGE ST. S. 198 TONGE ST. N. 271 BAT 'I‘IIORX AVE. AURORA RICHMOND HILL TIIORSHILL i . . . We Reserve the Rig Strive Hours: 9 amp. - 9 p.m. ht to Limit Quantities ) c; ..-. _. ,

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