Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1972, p. 6

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Antique flea market. Tuesdayqéb‘fiywuu' WW wuwlucc'lwgfl February 22nd, 12 noon to , ‘ , . . 1 10:00 pm 30 dealers. Firefight- 531-“ H12, Weller“ c°nd}tl°““ 91,5. Club. 44 Erna park Onlgph” e>1eetn_c start. Prn‘atef Second strget north of Steele-53PM“? 881544;“ clwsdfl off Woodbine. Pine primitives. 1970 MOTO-SKI. 340 cc. Gl-and‘ lamps. glass, china and minia- Prix. good condition, $525 cash tures, etc. cl\\'34;832â€"2065, c1u-34j Hwy. 7. just east of Fifth Line. I2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tt‘c31 USED oi] filihébfi. (36711717131619: suitable for garage or small cot- kze. 832â€"8967. c2u‘33 11/16 birch plywood $11.29 per sheet; Summer pine plywood $4.94 per sheet; Chatham oak plywood $4.94 per sheet; For~ mica $15.95 per sheet. ONE 22 gauge shot gun and 01163236 Yona’e : Harrison record player. 832- Open Evenings 8722. Ask for Graham. c2u'33; THREE piece Chesterfield sel.‘ ‘ upholstered in antique biege‘ tapestry, one chair wine colongNew owner Be‘ with biege slip cover, all pieces‘grooming â€"- p0 trimmed with carved \valuutHJill Goddard. 8 perfect condition. Newly uphol- P66514135 stered a few years ago, perfectly Poodles beau“ clean. Phone 88-1-7697 for ap- appointment 01' pointment. No dealers. c1w33 WEDDING dress. size 11. full” “"“';-‘T;' â€" length, built in train. 884-7972.|GREEN Aues cl\\'347éfmar1:‘-:§..9‘a:if.Ea ANTIQUE pump organ. Domin- ion - Bmvmam‘ille. good con- dition. $100. 884-6478. c1\\'34 HEARâ€"IE: HEAR 1'2: W FHUGHT, “Ban, “1193‘ 5‘13“? REGISTERED miniature Scotch A150 50 tons 0f barley-“I 832' Collie, female, house broken, 893L__ _7 glflfqovely pet, $30. 832-1434. 21” GE 'l‘V console. good com: dnion, $35. 884-3631. c1w34 éTffifigfiDâ€"dgg seven MAUVE antique satin drapeslmonths. Had all needles. 773- and spread. $50.00. Two pair514672. c1\\‘34 of Sheers, $10.00 each. 889-1644. PU’fifilE‘S‘ 91:69“, £1.03 :6 goo Cl\\'34llmmn 9120,7109 -1...-).4 cl\\'34 TWO-BURNER rangette. 517: end table 89: boy's coat. size 14, $4. Three pairs of boy's skates, 884-6919. c1w34 MILLINERS Dressmakers Sup- plies. large selection of fashion buttons and heavyweight zip. pets. 8346894. . c2\\'33 ONE 22 gadgemshot 2an rand-one- 8240. c1\\‘34 CbfiENTs of'fitâ€"J’li-s‘e, (Shâ€"e?- moving into apartment. 884- 6736. clw34 BRIGHT, clean wheat straw. Also 50 tons of barley. 832- 8939. *1w3-1 2 CONTINENTAL beds. brand new, both $125. 889-3795. S.C.L. SKIS with Solomon stepâ€"in bindings. end poles, $50. Ask for Gary. 773-5902. c1\\'3«1 TEAKWOOD Living, dining and bedrooms direct from importers warn house. Open 1-9 pm. 459â€"0760 BED â€" CHESTERFIELD and chair. 2 months old, $125. 884- Used sewing machines $14.95. New sewing machines $59.95 and up. Bernina Sewing Centre. Richmond Heights Centre. 884- 3775. mm 4 x 8 sheets, fir 12' special $5.35 per sheet. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc19 ALADDIN Iamp partsfshédehs, chimneys. 7729 Yonge 5., Thom- hill. 297-1371. ticla FIREWOOD for sale, split and delivered; 773-5488. tfc21 SEASdNED FIREWOOD WASHER, dryer and stove ‘parts, gears, belts; wood bear- ings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Matll‘s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfcll Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Qealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aiuminum sid- ing windows. doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832- 1319 Maple. tfc28 THREE rooms furniture for sale. Must sell. 884-8242 after 5 pm. c1w34 ALUMINUM Doors, windows, a\\nings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. ’McCLARY 884-6316 Mixed â€" Oak â€"â€" Beach Birch â€" Maple 122" and 16" cords Holland Park Garden Centre 832-2455 .wash er LOUGHLIN LUMBER YONG-E & SCOTT DRIVE, THORNHILL 889â€"1109 OPEN 8:30 to 6 P..\l. SATURDAY T0 4 PAL Look Them Over! See the Want Ads for the Home, Apartment, Car, You Need EINAR CLAUSEI‘T LTD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .Se per word thereafter. Minimum charge 51.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .900 and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARKIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified ldvertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 17, 197 88 Baker Arc. Richmond Hill BIG SALE! "" lnguyufnbuz-9 STRQLL-O-CHAIR unit. Cl‘lb. eréLAvgllm {Tb ' jolly jumper and commode ist east of Fifth Line. 931“- 884'5349‘ 01““. east of Dixie RoadVCOUNTER sink. afb'orite. new, l(1“:3lu'ood and plumbing, ready‘for mina‘ces complete painting, 48 x 24. $45. 884â€"6154.‘ r garage or small cot- W- “W34 TYPIST Accurate. qualified typist re- quired by insurance firm in Thornhill. Preference to per- sons knowing policy typing. 889-4933, during weekdays 9-5 pm. clw34 i967, czwgaHVAG‘ONAii-heci bunkAbeâ€"ds for. ~~-~ lsale. 884-3404. c1w34 ‘KEII‘leREfg-as rangefgoodr mmer pine ply\\'oodl00ndition, broiler and spit, $90. sheet; Chatham oakl§34-361§- _ V _ 7 _ _V_Ci\j:3f i434 per sheet; F01“ COMBINATION 21" TV, radial 5 Pel‘smet- record player, solid mahogany. BHLIN LUMBER SPECIALS 11 plywood $11.29 per cabinet 24 x 45. $110, liquor. & SCOTT DRIVE, cabinet $85. electric Serval ‘HORNHILL fridge, good condition $30. 8894109 chrome kitchen suite $20, N8=30106P.M- child‘s table and chairs s7. RDAY T0 4 RM. clw33 832-1434. c1w34: __ . ,. .. . ... H THORNHILL FURNITURE 15 Dressmakers SPF" Round walnut table. $65: secre: 3 selection 0f “51"?” tary-bookcase $75: dressingl nd heavweighl 119- tables. $35-40; oak oe’sks;' RED CROSS Homemakers re- quired. Richmond Hill - Thorn- hill and area. Good remuneraâ€" tion, uniform provided. Car an asset. Phone 895-1341 or write 22 Prospect St., Newmarket. c1w34 WXfi‘RE'ss wanted. full or part time, good wages. B & M Resâ€" taurant. Don Mills and No. 7 Hwy. 499â€"0666. cle4 GENERAL Cafeteria Help â€"â€" full time or weekends. after- noon and night shift only. 889â€" 4264. lfC34 EXPERIER‘CEDVassistant book- keeper required for a country 5894; V 77“- " 020W33_ china, glass and silver. ~ urge shot gun and one 3236 Yonge Street, 889-0716 club. Must be accurate typist. Phone Mrs. Carmichael. 889â€" PLYWOOD ' - EASY wrinch - excellent condition. c1w34 884-1745 c1“ “029 lchb‘ lfc3 Sensible Shoppers Check the Classified Page Every Thursday For Big Values. Need Something? Try a Classified Ad THREE month old puppy, free to good home.,884â€"7595. c1w34 AUTOMATIC washer, Genera195 Electric. reasonable. 884-7197,}Hi11 after Glpm. c1w34 K-IT DRYER, Frigidaire, electric, and deluxe model,‘ A-l conditionutram .375. 884-4698. c1w34hm.c GREEN Acres Pet Shop and Aquaria, Oak Ridges Plaza. 773â€" 4401. Tropical fish. cockatiels, budgies. canaries. love birds. St. Bernard pups. German Shep- herd pups, registered, all pet supplies. tfc33 CLEARANCE SALE Rupp 400 Nitro new Yankee 40 11.1). new Rogue 15 h.p. demo. Street Bros. Auto Electric Ltd 22 Industrial Rd. ITELEPHONE answering ma- ;chine $300. Call anytime. 884- 3931. tfc33 CARPET â€"~ make your own. Several hundred pieces to choose from, 12” x 18”, asaorted colours, 99c each, 221-9961. c2w33 BUILDER'S MODEL. FURNITURE Chesterfields, bedroom suites. marble and glass tables, bed sofas, table lamps, odds and ends. Like new. and reasonable. Call Parkcrest Constrlmtion 221-4400. c2w34 GUITAR, like new, three years old. $30. 884â€"1319. c1w34 , inon-crowded central office. For 'a confidential interview call, 'Mr. White of Charles White} Realty Ltd. 884-9239. c2w34} ‘MECHANIC wanted for heavy construction equipment. Yearlyi employment. Gomiley Sand &' Gravel Ltd. 889-4032. nc1w34; NURS'ING home recâ€"wires parts time kitchen help. 4-10 pm‘ shift. Thomhill area. Mrs. Scott. 889-4931. c1w34‘ NURSING home requires charge? Enurse for 4-12 pm shift, must be registered in Ontario. full‘ time position available. Thorn-L hill area. Transportation pro- vided north of Steeles Avenue. ‘ POODLES CLIPPED ” Poodles beautifully clipped by appointment only. 884-6934 BUILDER'S MODEL FURNITURE Chesterfields. bedroom 5 marble and glass tables. ONE coffee and end table. drawer dresser. 2 odd ni tables. 884-1626 after 6 pm New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog grooming â€"- poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfcls _tf_§§iin1g‘.'Ym-k FAY-mers' Market, 1969 ARLBERG Aliouetle. $225.}7509 Yonge 51., Thornhlll- Must 'sell. 834â€"5559. c1\\'34' 'clw34 T970 SKI-D00. 18 113)., cfiimcoummc cie’rk’or quali- and trailer $575 complete. 384.!fied bookkeeper with we" 9,014~ ' c1w34 rounded experience required â€":.â€"__~â€"-â€":.â€"â€"|for permanent pofition. Apply figural? tifceuentt cogd}:":n‘3by hand written letter. ontiin- Phgn; 8:73;“: stal- Elzseéking experience and qualifica- e __,_ ltions. Leonard R. Rosenberg 1970 MOTO-SKI. 340 cc‘. Grandand Assoc. Chartered Account- Pl'ix, good condition, $52.5 cash.'ants, PO. Box 95, Aurora‘ CARPET â€"« make your own. Several hundred pieces to choose from, 12" x 18”, assorted colours, 99c each, 221-9961. 116-04454 ‘ C‘IWBZE FEEL TRAPPED ANTIQUES (Join exciting top paying pro- Fumitm‘e, china, silverware,lfessionâ€"real estate. Complete China cabinet. tea wagon. Cana- training provided. Earn up to diana. 294~6075. tfc30‘6'6‘77 Commissions. Spacious TELEPHONE éfls‘arermg ma_ non-crowded central office. For . . _‘a confidential interview call 5300' C3” anytlme'tfsfganr. White of Charles While FIREPLACE woon : “"57” Pure hardwood slabs‘SZO. pen”, _, 7*, ,CL‘Yg} cord. 111’2 cords $25. 7 cords $90.1EXPERIENCED woman for Delivered. Call C. L. Knappetl.lsnack bar help. Apply at Super- 884â€"3089. tfc321test Station, Don Mills and 9-PIECE diglzlg_féexn suite, ZlIEEhL‘EVâ€"T antique wash stands. quantity of’EXPERIENCED C l e a n in g chairs, antique rocking chairs. woman needed to clean office we buy" sen and trade, 115 2~3 hours nightly. 493-3129 be- King Sideroad, ,Oak Ridges. tween 6 - 8 pm. c1w34 773-5448. x c4w32| FER-if'rn A Drain ‘onable. 1-241-5971. tfc28. AND ET}? your diamonds and golElTIONS. for less direct from the manu-( HI ( facLlu-er to you. 294-6075. tfc30[ 18 YC LOW winter rate Decexnber fi’dfifi FriilayAforgxuâ€"allzlficeiinOUR requests for omce .61". March. Sand £111 fur lake front-'Richmond Hill. Duties to in-ployees are .“Sually med ages. eta! Snowplowing Lake clude receptionist, bookkeep- through .our acm'e mes- ” you are looking for permanent work “Vilcox area. Sanderson Haul-ling [S’Ping- Five day week. 9 to: ~ - age. 773_4106_ tic25 5_ Apply to Box 49 “The Lib_ryou should list mth Al Employ- ‘ â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"[ Inent Agency. Call Mona Ruben- ‘ “- eral” c1w34 l . WANTED â€" m ~â€"â€" 7â€" 7 _ son 384-6944 for a 'nt1 u Pianos and used furniture. Calll POSITIONS AVAILABLE time, ppm c£1$é3 884-1146. ' tfc24 O EXPERIENCED D 1 c T Al _ 7w _.-__: , _ -e «Mm, ' AlV opportunity to sell our large l ‘ ~ ‘ .â€"v v -,- _ u SECRETARY BEDROOM suite. 7 plece, dm-,. EXPERIENCED SHORT‘lIine of calendars, specialty ad- ing suite, 9 piece chesterfield‘ HAND S " ' * ‘ " r I , ' V ECRETARY vellismg.\1ccs and su1te, all Burma teakuood, must’WE NEED EXPERIENCED‘pusmess gifts. Excellent Open' sell. new furniture very reas- STAFF ‘ f ‘ ' " ‘ , . FOR pERM N y mg 01 experienced salesman or enable. 1-241-5971. tf028.Ann Taliban-ADV Aura? ambitious person With extra (Continued) LOW winter rate December to March. Sand fill fur lake front- ages. eta! Snowplowing Lake Wilcox area. Sanderson Haul- age. 773-4106. tfc25 PETS FOR SALE? FOR SALE 884-5368 end table. 4- 2 odd night cl\\’34 c8\\'28 c1w34 r1;t|FACT0RY help required for ’ day and afternoon shifts, suit- .34'ab1e for females. Apply For- _ mold Plastics of Canada Ltd.. m195 Newkirk Road, Richmond 974.;Hi11. c1w34 .__ KITCHEN help required, full "1°, and part time. Must have own mfitransportation. Phone 889â€"4988. gum-s. Grendille. c1w34 WAITRESS wanted, full or part time, good wages. B & M Res- taurant, Don Mills and No. 7 Hwy. 499â€"0666. clw34 GENERAL Cafeteria Help â€" full time or weekends. after- noon and night shift only. 889-- 4264. tfc34 E'XP‘E'IiIEkcmfiassistififlifiki keeper required for a country club. Must be accurate typist. 3291. c1w3~1 WAITRESS. Mfume nights, Sunday through Thursday. 011 the job training. Phone A & W Coffee Shop. 889-2590. c1w34 PREPARATION and short orâ€"’ der cook required, full days] A 8; W Coffee Shop. Richmond; Hill. Phone 889-2590. c1w34: SALESLADY. part-time, wank: ed for women‘s clothing storel Suitable for a student. Call} 884-3163, 9:30 am to 6 pm. I 11 CARETAKER for York Farm- ers‘ Market. Thornhill. Preferâ€" ably middle aged abstainer. Apply in writing. W. E. Gladd- ing. York Farmers‘ Market, CLEANING woman for every Saturday 8 am - 11 am. Call evenings 889-4101. c1w34 MEN. women and children re- quired for full and part time modelling in catalogue and TV. For further information, Nicolas Harvey 962-"296. Mrs. Scott 889-4931 MR. DONUT Richmond Heights Centre Requires a full time van driver” 5am to 12 noon, 5 days a weeki 831-0368. clw34‘ RELIABLE Ia’dy part time to ,clean motel units. 889-1611. I Required for truck parts dealer. Must be familiar with city of Toronto. Good wages, steady job. 499-1415 Mr. Carl. URGENTLY REQUIREDi Homemakers and babysitters full and part time. 889-8047. Ill CORPS ASSISTANCE 18 YONGE TREET NORTH 884-6782 HELP WANTED DELIVERY MAN TEl‘ MPORARY POSI- 1 per- ing Maintenance â€" training &71969 Austin America.”l “"1 {’“oruwe F yping. supervision of plant personnelflradio, snow tires, front wheel Repa'“ a SPEC“ VS 9-5! QUALIFICATIONS: ldrive. $1195 Fr" Estimate C1\V34_Must "have \vood and/or metal;1969 Renault. automatic. radio”: 4884521 88: .S 1.e_f\vorking experience. preferably‘new rings and valves, vinyl tool” 7 n worm-in building or architectural in- newly painted. ‘ $1195; E. W. PAYNE unera-[dustry. Experience must be re- 1969 Viva. only 29.000 mile's, 4'D1'ains, septic tanks. 4 :al. anllative to above duties with speed, excellent condition. lof concrete work. writelproduction training. I $1095 889-5762 FREE ES'I km [Must be cost control oriented. |1968 Cortina G.T., radio, drivâ€"I cl “'34 o Box'RELIABLE day care in my cl\\’34‘home. 884-4985. tfcl'l c1w34 c1w34 c1w34 ascna auu acbhlulx JAAnllaapLd . - .. door hardto V-8 automatic want (1. als art tlm taff. 1” ’ ' Call 1874621. p e csl“.34:double power. buckets and{ ;â€"~ , »vr Viiâ€",7 sconsole. excellent condition.‘ ‘A responsxble take-charge 1nd1-lbest offen 38441235. aw“: ‘Vidual required for small cus-":*A~_â€"v_'s~‘ 7 ~ tom manufactqring - fabricat-‘E’TOCR cal) 1971 Dusmr bOdy‘ , - { . g .n .h Hm ‘qver Dodge frame, less dnve‘ Iglmaclggjpany l Rm m'ond "hue, $1200.00 cash. Call Jack. nipping. 832-1273, after 6 pm. clw34 COMPANY: Young. aggressive and growing. Established reputation for quality and service. Selling to large international companies. Send complete resume to Box 48. “The Liberal”. Box 390, Richmond Hill, Ontario. DUTIES: Production scheduling and co- ordinating Quality Control â€" shipping and receiving Build- ing Maintenance â€" training 8; supervision of plant personnel. QUALIFICATIONS: EXEERIENCED cleaning lady $2 an houl: 884-7708, c3\\'32 ‘Boys and girls wanted. Earn ‘extra money and prizes deliver- ing papers for the Globe and \Mail. Call 884-5405. *2w34 uycu u : FETSEEEJCTyfii'st 1~equires‘889;2374 01'633-2493. C2\\:33 “'Oljk at home- W111 Pick UP aqdiENGLISH lady visiting Rich- â€"â€"‘, dehvef' .Als" EXP?1“en06d m‘mond Hill, with three children .b‘ bookkeeping to trial balanceflageS 13, 11 and 9’ requires ReSIdi 884-6442. _~__ ig‘i'zi‘ilfurnished house or apartment I_ LADY looking for cleaning.‘for the month of April. Box 42. ; Phone 773-5067. c1\\’34;The Liberal. ' *1w33 Lawn A COMPETENT, conscientious,;TWO children and pairents re-Iggsaozi; man with building custodian quire 3 bedroom home, not overt certificate from George Brown 5200 with references. Call Kit,’ College, desires e111p103'ment‘884-lfitjl. ‘ 7 I tfc34iil‘3ilg'l‘g ‘mmthately- Phone 884'37'22‘1'0UNG couple desire two bed-lmates, 3 33531315 _7 ,_m SEX? room house. Richmond Hill - CARPElN EXPERIENCED iiousééiEaiiiug, area. 884-4990 or 535-7142. DAY care available, Richvale area, in my home. Early morn- ing no problem, age 2 and up. 884-5347. *1w34 DAY care available for child- ren in my home, 64 May Ava, Richmond Hill. c2w34 BABYSITTING jobs wanted by two 15-year-old Bas'view Sec- ondary students. 884-9405 ev- enings or weekends. nc1w34 ‘AN opportunity to sell our large line of calendars, specialty ad- vertising, marking.devices and {business gifts. Excellent open- ‘ing for experienced salesman or [ambitious person with extra time and needing additional in- come. High commission arrange- ment. Car necessary. Reply in detail to Dominion-Ad Products, lBox 495, Brockville, Ontario. l ' c2w33 FIRST 335istant for Crabtree Pel‘fector offset press. Apply to W. J. Gage Ltd., Printing Divi- sion. 225 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. clw34 “93” Swuenfs‘ “M'M‘” ‘?"‘TOURS, cruises, rail and bus emngs or weekengs. nc1\\3_4 tickets, reservations and indivi_ DAY care available in my1dual travel. Call A. H. Creighton home, Maple area. 832-8742. lTravel Agency. 889-5643. tfc47 RELIABLE day care in my home. 884-5712. c2w34 KITCHEN ASSISTANT 'South. Fina Station. 884- l‘equired, 40 hour week, includ-i ing alternate weekends. Pleaselfggqt P6Ni‘1AC_ 334-613; phone Mrs. Rees, between 9 and 4- 889-1125- '1:.;“:;n'u:.xnâ€"a;a .â€" ’63 CHEV. high performance clw34 _ ' firâ€"13"" . ‘ “. 1‘ - 3ft: engme. _racmg cam, solld 11f?- ‘ IST pmcmsmg flap ers. radlo, bucket seats. certlJ ment. Own transportation rem . -, - ‘fled. Must sell. $450.00. ’64 RXES?dl&2:L:2§NO' 7’1FORD Stationwagon. new tires! “W34 good running, $275.00. ’62 PON- U~â€"â€"â€"r~-â€"r _â€" iAâ€"r - VLTIAC. good runningmerwbrakes,‘ CLEANING lady. every 0tl‘“|etc., $225.00. Trailblazer Ski- “BEk’ own transportation 384'4Doo. fiew track, good running. 7186- c1“'34 $300.00. 267 Yonge Street KITCHERv ASSISTANT South. Fina Station. 884-7788. I wannirpd 40 hmn- wopk. includm c1w34, TYPIST. purchasing depart- ment. Ovm transportation re- quired to Woodbine and No. 7. 499-1542. Mrs. MacLeod. RECEPTIONIST - typist re- quired for Yonge and Steeles based communication fi rm. Shorthand an asset. This is a challenging position. 881-0707. clw34 lmedi EMPLOYMENT WANTED HELR WANTED I USED CARS IMISCELLANEOUSI DAY CARE THORNHILL 1968 Cortina G.T., radio, drivJ ing lights, radial tires, many owing. extras. $1295 for 1968 Austin Mini, new brakes, ing toinewly painted. front wheel] )anies. drive, 40 MPG. $795 0 Box 1965 Vauxhall Victor, only( 390, 31.000, an excellent car, for: only ' $69.3 c1w3411964 Volvo 1225. newly painted, â€"{ne\v tires, recent motor job. med. *1w34 A 34 $795 If you are looking for a cer- tain used car and cannot find it give us a call. if we don't have it we will try to get it for you. r 1968 Pontiac Parisienne, 327 ;p0\\'er steering. power brakes. 39.000 original miles, still under ‘u'arranty. $2.200 or best offer. . Must sell. 884-1495. c2w33 .1962 Volkswagen, running con- . dition, body fair, no certificate. . 7 good tires and rims including {2 snows. $150. 8336854. clw33 11969 Buick La Sabre Custom. 2 door hardtOp, Royal blue. white ,vinyl top and white interior, irear defroster. power antennas. ‘power steering and brakes. 889- 8090. C'lw33 1966 P 0 NT I A c Parisienne. hardtop, V-8. PS 8: PB. Asking $850.00. 884-2653. clw34 1966 BLUEPRINrED'TEiu‘mmi ROOM and board for gentleman.’ TENSEN’S TOWIS'G T73-5770.' r tfc3lfScrap car pink-up and towing. FEMALES preferred close. to‘24 hour servrce. 884.9747. M transportation a n d industry. 7“ H N _ __tfczz 884-6236. tfc33l CLEANING WINDOWS , _ ,. .V r n ~ ‘ ROOM and board available! WA‘bLASY Axfilgll‘icpks Gentleman preferred. Applfl ‘ or ‘ 884-2195. c1“341__flA 94'2433AW“ _ 366311115013 and‘boafid for,RALPH ELMS DECORATING gentleman. 884-6169. c1\\'34=Painting, paperhanging, interior â€"_â€"â€"â€"-and exterior. Free estimates. It“) A ‘rmr {Work guaranteed. 387â€"5153. CLEARANCE SALE OF REE-CONDITIONED IMPORT CARS 11 ROOM and BOARD 05 nnnxmu Spitfire motor. complete “'ithi A MILLS & SON LTD rebuilt transmission. 11 e w; clutch. starter, generator. PhoneI 884-2201 Thursday, February 17. 5:30 - .. ‘ _ 7, - __, “04.8 9:30 01115338443159 c1“-34,ngnly recommended even by ' “" - - â€" friends 1961 CHEV, as 15. $30.00 or best offer. 384-5347, anytime, PERRI'STYLE ‘custom *1w34 UDhOIStering 1965 METEOR. automatic. Best offer. 884-7197 after 6 pm. 1971 GREEN Togfita Cdrolla'BO‘OKKEEPINâ€"G and account- 1600. 3.600 miles. Best offer. ing services for small busi- 640â€"2512. tfc31‘nesses. 889-5633. tfc33 WHY buy a used car when youl SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED can lease a new Renault for asl sewers cleaned little as $67 a month. Contact} c. stunden qreemvood Garage. 16.1ndustl-i Phone 884-1245 tfc2 3381,33?» Richmnd H'lfisfigé paintingimiaianmaa; _,,__, L, ,,,__ ._V_._.__r_ v IVAN DALTON 1965 Mustang hardtop. 3 speed 773.4314 floor shift, automatic, exqellenl *3w32 condition throughout. Price $675. 772-5671 c2w33‘ NOREHERNâ€"fllfiimq SELL YOUR FNWANTABLES PHONE 884-1105 TRAVEL c1\'\‘34 clnv34 $1095 drivâ€" many $1295 c1w34 iPAINTING and Decorating, in- terior and exterior. Free esti- mates. 884â€"5410. tfc8 CARPENTRY work. recreation 'rooms. additions, renovations. ‘tile floors, and ceilings. Free iestimates. T. Price. 889-3653. CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 ALUMINUM HOME 1 FOR SALE, IMPROVEMENTS 'K *7" _.____. .___ - , . Alcan â€" siding, Eavestroughs‘7-YEAR-0LD gEldmg Don)“ 340 Doors and Windows 3884-5410. c1w34 For free estimates call your; Local Contractor Several type faces to choose from â€"â€"including Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal” 884- 1105. Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc42 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterion Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc32 _GENERAL COKSTRUC'EIBN’ Bricks, blocks, stone, chimneys: fireplaces, repairs and rebuild; new. Please call 884-7848. Ask‘ for Joe or phone 651-6170. Ask“ for Luigi. t£c311 Plastering Thornhill! R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates RECREATION ROOMS ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS UNFINISHED FIREPLACES Webb. 889-2546. th3 GENERAL CARPENTRY Kitchen units, alterations, rec. rooms. etc. GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. home, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Brick. block and stone work Expert workmanship. 884-6417 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. t£c49 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer 8; water lines footings. 889â€"3604. tfc2 REXWAY PLUMBING Repairs, new work. alterations Bus. 884-8582 COMPLETED WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-72882 SNOW PLOWING Residential & Commercial By Hour or Contract WILLOW-HILL Lawn and Garden Supply CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 HANS BUTT 889-4106 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY GENERAL MASONRY PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 RUBBER STAMPS GORD ROWLAND 889-3437 PLUMBING Upholstering 889-9475 & HEATING 889-3185 All types 294-0791 tf023 tfcéS tfc26 th44'EVERGREEN Riding Stables, .Bathurst 5):; miles north of El- 3 gm Mills -â€" horses boarded. suowâ€" 884-3013. c2w34 tchl tfc50 tfc20 tfc18 tfclS tfc32 tfc33 tfc3 tfcs m BUSINESS ‘FEE’ OPPORTUNITY iALTERAT‘IONS, ladies, mens, \vork‘guaranteed, free pick-up ‘and delivery. 441 North Taylor. LI-Vuu‘ .......... .. Special deals ECanada. and for homeowners Mary. eldest ( _ - , jand Mrs. F. Pl‘ '3‘!” Aessoclateb ‘ of Little Grang If 2m“ re,t?”ylng your 11°“?e' Stamford, Linc youre ellgrble for a spec-1:111 ,; ,3 Home-owner Loan at Assoeiates Mr. and Mrs any time you need cash. !l]appy to annou. That means we may be able to'ment of their give you a better deal Lower to Mt paul GU: rates . . . or longer term - - -Mrs. Stewart ( or even both. > EOntario. Weddi .\'ou:re eligEBiéuafoF'I s}éciaif“"““"‘"’ ‘5"‘J'f£‘°;'"" ""‘gFEBRfiARY 19’, SATURDAY. Home-owner Loan at Associates Mn and Mm J_ Sinfield are 1 pm. â€"â€" Auction Sale of house- any time you need cash. 'happy to announce the engage- hold furniture including bedâ€" That means “'9 may be able to'ment of their daughter Lynda‘I‘00m SUite. bEd Spring and mat' giVe you a better deal Lower to Mr. Paul Guy, son of Mr. and tress, double dresser with mir- l'ates - . - 01' longer tEI'mS . - {Mrs Stewart Guy of Couburg,~‘ror and chest of drawers; oak 01‘ even both. :‘Ontario. Wedding at St. Mary’s‘drop front secretary desk (old The amount you can borrow iS‘Anglican Church, July 15. 1972.‘and in good condition): Moffat limited only by the eqUit)’ 3'0"; c1w34 refrigerator; General Freezer, have in your home. $5.000; * a: s t {awn-0X17 cu. ft; Kenmore No, 310,000. maybe 325.000 0" mores Professor and Mrs. Donald 600 dryer; 4 burner 30 in. Stove: So if you have high-interestuv. Wade of Toronto are pleasedCedar chest; items of old ehina, debts outstanding. or if )‘Ou‘to announce the engagement of cut glass, brass: home-made need cash for a second car, atheir daughter, Virginia Helen lathe, (-ounter scales; Jacobson boat, 01‘ any Other SOOd “9350": to James Barrie Maxwell, son 21 in. self propelled mower. talk to Associates about a 10“'- of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MaxwelLMany other items. For the Es- interest Homeowner Loan. See of Toronto. An April wedding‘tate of the Late Floyd Farr. 20 how much better off youll be is planned. c1w34iW'aymar Heights Blvd.. Pine â€"- longâ€"term. j at as: a a ‘Grove. Turn west off Islington 5A Levendale Rd Y Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams Ave. at Davidson Drive, then 334-3135 are DICBSEd to announce the north on Waymar. Terms cash. engagement of their daughter, Executor of estate or auctioneer ASSOCIATES MORTGAGE Penny Jane. to Michael Rich- not responsible for- any accident, CREDIT LIMITED '3J'd Shad‘VEU- c1“ 34.01: date of or pertaining to sale. lst, 2nd and 3rd mortgageY money available. Call me now BONNELL-SPENCER -â€" The for fast, confidential service. ‘engagement is announced be- Bram Ogden. Emerald Isle Real tween William Earl Borwell, Estate Limited. 889-5651, 884- eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John MORTGAGE ' g d ‘3 C h‘ 'r' :0 consolidatecotliiillllz? 1141:“? cissti 2377. tic-23 W. B. Bonnell of 217 Altamira i“; 7"“ “Road, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Spemal deals Canada. and Clare Therse for homeowners Mary. eldest daughter of Mr. 1 and Mrs. F. Philip H. Spencer, at Assoudteb of Little Grange. Roman Bank, If you're bui‘ing your 11011:”?- Stamford, Lincolnshire. *1w34 3 BEDROOM cottage. 150’ fron- tage, exceptional buy. Balicroft area. Phone after 6pm. 884. 6644. c1w34 'NATIONAL sales director re- quired for Italy, ,United States, 'Canada, Japan, France. Germ- :any, Holland and Belgium. Over $32,000 monthly. no age limit, lcommon products, the selected will be trained in Toronto. English a must and one of the ‘above languages. For an in- terview, husband and wife nec- essary. 222-2842. c4w31 884-1928 Summer Properties BLACK Labrador retriever, Markham - Yonge area. 884- 9751. *1w34 gumv l'Lb'lVIAN banker has 2 Ibedroom apartment to share in JDufferin â€"â€" No. 7 area. 889- Come in or phone now. ‘7’396 ask for Mr. Matthey. Rumble Tractor 8; Equipment ‘__‘_47___,_ _~ FCIWM Corner of Don Mills and [THORNHILL two bedroom Stouffville Road. Gormley. fsemi-detached house. Children 887-5886 [Welcome 881-0651. c1w34 Best deal in the area Trade in time‘ Save even more. LADY’S Swiss watch. Cedar Avenue and library. 884-8726. c1w34 Odds 8; ends of brass, china ornaments etc. After 5 pm. 889- 3983. c2w33 HOUSE, three or fonr bedrooms in Richmond Hill, as of March lst. English family. 884-6767. OLD guns wanted by collector. 297-1480. c5w34 WE TRAIN YOU For managerial positions in young fast growing Canadian company. Opportunity for in- come of $1,000 monthly and more. For appointment call 889-4328. c1w34 SIGNS Tr? Dealer or agent required to sell Two‘ magnetic and small plastic let-Imon ter signs. Jiffy Plastic Signs, {ride Unionville. 297-1600. . *3w34 mm: DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi a: Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. Outside lighting inaintenanceiaa4‘4813 1°" a91°01’1mlent- equipped with ladder truck. Alli vv _ ‘V_V‘ tfc2} commercial residential and in-iTHORNHILL Townhouse sub- dustrial wiring. Hydro eiectrical‘let March 15L. 3 bedrooms, modernization plan availableflsecond washroom, parking $235. Free estimates. Call any time.‘889-6392. “C29 884-3931. tfc14'mu Mm- _ .r 7 (Continued) 7 PLUMEING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€" Telephone ~â€" 884~1650. tfc24 SHAMPOOING Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 FINLAYELECTR’IC MISCELLANEOUS]! TO RENT Boarding Stables i LOTS FOR SALE DRESSMAKING MORTGAGES FARM EQUIPMENT MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE. WANTED LOST WANTED chv34§FURNISHED basement apart- _ ment. 5 uit clean working wcouple. good parking, $35.00. In {No cats. 889-4400 c‘1ws4 t£c32 tfc34 â€"â€"â€"[ROOMS for rent in Maplé. 832; ;‘GENTLEMAN banker has 2 Ibedroom apartment to share in Duffel-in â€"â€" No. 7 area. 889- ‘, 7396 ask for Mr. Matthey. V_!FOR lease. 3.000 - 6.000 sq. ft. 'G industrial space, Newkirk Road. ie â€"lFeatures dock level loading, tfc24!16‘6" clear, immediate posses- W‘sion, $110 net. Lored Construc- W 01. tion Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 tfc20‘FUfiV157HTD room. codking and Professor and Mrs. Donald‘600 dryer; 4 burner 30 in. stove; V. Wade of Toronto are pleased1Cedar chest; items of old china, to announce the engagement of cut glass. brass: home-made their daughter, Virginia Helen lathe. counter scales; Jacobson to James Barrie Maxwell, son 21 in. self propelled mower. of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MaxwelLMany other items. For the Es- of Toronto. An April weddingl‘tate of the Late Floyd Farr. 20 is planned. c1w34lWaymar Heights Blvd., Pine a; t a a iGrove. Turn west off Islington Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams Ave. at Davidson Drive, then are pleased to announce the north on Waymar. Terms cash. engagement of their daughter, Executor of estate or auctioneer Penn}: Jane. to Michael Rich- not responsible for- any accident aJ'd Shadwell. c1\\‘34.on date of or pertaining to sale. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Penn}: Jane. to Michael Rich- aJ'd Shadwell. c1w34 BEDSITTING room. suit bus- iness person, board optional. ,884-1215. c1w34 RICHMOND HILL Choice land consisting of 5 lots approx. 150‘ from Yonge St., located behind Don Little Ford,‘ 320’ frontage on Hunt Avenue by 48’ deep. R. Greagsbey, ex- clusive agent. 486~8398. 02w33 RIDE wanted from Hwy. 7 and Yonge to Dundas and Hwy. 27 or subway. Call 236-2441, 10-5 pm. c2w33 iTV. radio. air conditioning, c1313] .maid servlce. Reasonable week- ly rates. Richmond Inn. 884~ 1101. tfc30 FUENIVS‘HVED room, c o‘o‘k‘irrg :facilities, 16. Lorne. lst house :east of Bork‘s Jewellers at LYonge. tfc51 >EIGHT r om house. $220 a Imonth, two bathrooms. 636- 16837. tfc32 I FURNl-S‘Hâ€"EDfroom for rent. EClose to transportation. 884- ls427. c1w32 FURNISHED room near Yonge, cooking facilities. 884-3709. 777 FERTILIZER I $130 for a 40 1b. bag. ManuJ Iacturer needs to clear ware-1 house of last years stock. Pick up at Plant. 491 Bowes Road. Concord between 8 am and 5 pm. 889â€"7521. c1w34 BEHELOR apartment suitable for couple. Private entrance. Call evenings, 884-8409. FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two. 884-7564. clw34 Do you have a drinking probâ€" lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call EMG-8684. tfcl7 FURNISHED room to rent. 884-9714. tfc33 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE Two bedroom suites, $165 month, includes heat. hydro, fridge and stove. Near Rich- mond Heights Plaza at 48 Lav- erock Ave. Adult building. Call 884-2475. tf033 parking facilities. Piease 884-4828 101- appointment Transportation PERSONAL Phone 884-1105-6. c1w34 clw34 clw34 1g and phone PAGEA Stanley â€" At Weston, on Wednesday evening. Feb- ruary 9; 1972. Stanley. be- loved hushand of Alleen Craw- ford, 57 Garden Ave.. Thorn- hill, dear father of Gloria (Mrs. J. Criusel, Anne (Mrs. N. MarchlfPaul, Gwen (Mrs. J. Suterl. Leona (Mrs. N. West~Gaull. Ronnie, Joyce, Jim. Sheila and Sandra. Rested at the Marshall Fun- eral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Saturday. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. SALE REGISTERS LO’J‘T‘ Sarah (SadieIâ€"At Mar- tin Manor. Newmarket on Friday. February 11. 1972. Sadie Oates. wife of the late George F Lott. dear mother of Doris “Mrs. H. Davis} 3:18 Doreen (Mrs. J. Beard! grand- mother of Cathy, Douglas, Don and Ken; great-grand- mother of Susan, Cynthia, Richard and Brian. A private family service was held at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. Thornhill on Monday. Cre- mation at St. James. c1w34 HILL. Osburgha Pearl-~At the Villa Hospital. on Monday. February 14, 1972. Osbul‘gha Pearl Foster, beloved wife of the late David Hill of Rich- mond Hill. Daughter of the late Emmanuel and Eliza Kerr Foster. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Wednesday. Interment Cadmus Cemetery, Blackstock. c1w34 BOMERS. Elizabethâ€"At North ' York General Hospital on Thursday, February 10, 1972. Elizabeth Schoemaker, wife of the late Bernard Bomers. dear mother of Bernard, Her- ma. (Mrs. W. Reuten). Eliz- abeth (Mrs. A. Tedford), Ted. Brigitte (Mrs. M. Rutsey>. Mary (Mrs. M. Missenl, Marg- aret (Mrs. G. Draper), Cathy, John, Maarten and Irene. Mrs. Bomers rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 73), Thornliill. Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Paschal Bay- lon Roman Catholic Church, Steeles and Yonge, Saturday. Donations may be made to Canadian Cancer Society. FUMERTON â€" George Edwin at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby on Tuesday, February LEGAULT COLE~John and Carol (Lacev) Cole are proud to announce the birth of a son, Edward James, 8 lbs. 4 02.. February 10 at Seal-bore Centénary Haspitalâ€"a brother for Kel- ly Ann and Andrew. Thanks again to Dr. Donald Mural“: TOYE â€" Terry and Joâ€"Anne are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Lee-Anne 5 lbs. 11 oz. on February 9. 1972-’ at York Central Hospital. a sister for Stacey. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor of Richvale and Mrs. S. Toye of Charlton, Ont. "*lw34 ARCHIBALDâ€"Ken and Shirley are pleased to announce the birth of a boy Brent Ian, 7 lbs. 1 02. on February 14 at York Central Hospital. A brother for Stephen. *1\\'34 8. 1972. George Fumerton in his 62nd year. beloved hus- band of Anna Elizabeth John‘ son. dear father of Mrs. Ian Walker (Jane) of Toronto and Mrs. Alex Millar (Beverley) of Lindsay. Son of Mrs. Anne' Fumerton and the late George Fumerton of For! Coulonge. Quebec, brother of Shirley of Fort Coulonge. Quebec, Carl and Howard of Toronto. A private family service was held at the “St. Clair Chapel" of McDougall & Brown Ltd.. Toronto on Thursday, February 10. Cre- mation. c1w34 EGAULT â€" Frank and Bev- erley (nee Bellis) announce the arrival of a baby daugh- ter, 8 lbs.. 14 025.. on Febru- my 9, 1972 at Mississauga Hospital, Cooksville. First grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bellis in Richmond Hill and fifth grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Legault in Thorn- hill. c1w34 EBtathz Eirthg Donald Mu rphy. nc1w34 c1w34 c1w34

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