School News [good and the weather excellent.[ The Richvale onnettes \\'1511 The topic of the general1The group was accompanied byito thank everyone from the meeting held by Roselagvn As-‘teachers Doug Black, John Mc-;community who attended the sociation Monday evenmg 0f1Kian, Robert Demisch, BarbaraJValentine Ball and made it so be? weak in the school was Re-IRubie and Jim Albery. r !successful. To Mr. Manfred Haas 4-154-..- Latino ulcn last week in the school was Reâ€" porting to Parents. The pro- gram was planned from a ques- tionnaire handed out at the 0c- tober 19 meeting. A panel consisting of George Billings, superintendent of Area‘ 3, Board of Education (York County); Brian Burnham, re-‘ search officer for YCBOE; Mrs. Phyllis Upton, psycho-educa- tional consultant for the board; Arthur Martin, principal of Bayview Secondary and Terry Gray. principal of Whitchurch Highlands Public, an open con- cept type. of school. A video tape of the Winter Carnival held at the Oakbank Pond in Thornhill recently was also shown. 'It was a most in- formative and interesting edu- cational meeting. Refreshments were served after the meeting was adjourned. The next meetâ€" ing of the association will be April 24. The Honey Pot Ski Valley. Dufferin Street, received ano- ther visit from a group of 32 students on Tuesday of last week. AL SNIDER Former York Central School Trustee Dies Mr. Snider was well known in Klein'burg, where he was active- ly interested in all community efforts and throughout a much wider area. He served for 10 years as a trustee on the Klein- burg Public School Board, for 10 years on the York Central High School Board and for one year on the York County Board of Education. 7 In his 62nd year, Mr. Snid- er was born in Webb, Saskat- chewan, and lived there for 16 yea-rs. He did a lot of trav- elling for a number of years before settling in Kleinburg. burg. A ,4, He was employed by Orend-a Engines Limited at Malton for 20 years. Elmer William (Al) Snider, a resident of Kleinburg for the past 20 years, passed away at York Finch Hospital February l5. __ , -__- Mr. Snider is survived by his wife, the former Dorothy Helen Ryder, a daughter Darlene (Mrs. David McKee) and son. Donald James. The funeral service was held February 18 with Rev. Arthur Hamilton of Kleinburg United Church officiating and inter- ment followed in Nashville Cemetery. Vaughan Town Gives $3,300 Away Free David Rosenberg Invest- ments Limited on February 25, 1969, purchased from the Township of Vaughan 5.158 acres of land on which to construct an in- dustrial building. By the terms of the agreement a building having a floor area of not less tzhan 30,000 square feet was to have been erected by July 31, 1970. By that time the building had not been constructed and further negotiations re- sulted in an agreement that David Rosenberg Invest- ments would pay the town- ship $300 a month until the building was completed and placed on the assessment roll. This was to be in lieu of the taxes which would have been levied on the building. By DEcember 1, 1971, the building was partially as- sessed and on February 1, New Cure. . . The skill, experience and facilities we offer is the best cure for printing “headaches†you ever encountered! We do everything from lay- out to binding . . . in any number of colours in quantities up to any fig- ure. You get a better, faster, more economical job as a result . . . and we can prove it with price and performance. Phone us for fast economical service. "THE LIBERAL" 63 Yonge St. S. Skiing conditions were RICHVALE DISTRIQIM PRINTING HEADACHES, THAT IS . . . II Months In Arre_ars HEADACHES CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ANNE WHITE - PHONE 889-3806 PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS SINCE 1878 Free Pickup and Delivery on All Orders good and the weather excellent.[ The Richvale Lionettes wish committee directed him to con- The group was accompanied bylto thank everyone from the1tact the Richmond Hill Arena teachers Doug Black, John Mc-;community who attended theIBoard to discuss ice time for Kian. Robert Demisch, BarbaraNalentine Ball and made it so‘hockey teams from our area for Rubie and Jim Albery. lsuccessful. To Mr. Manfred Haas‘the 1972-73 season. The comâ€" The senior girls basketball‘for the delicious buffet, also mittee also includes Dennis team of Roselawn School tookithose individuals who donated Staplcy and Lionel Boswell. part in the area basketball tour-iprizes. The committee will try to nament held at Woodland Senâ€"NBoys’ Hockey Meeting ‘keep the residents of the area ior Wednesday of last week. Several fathers interested in:informed of activities of the The girls defeated all oppon-lthe future of organized hockey committee through this column. ents, gaining the highest num-ffor the boys of the Richvale If you are willing to help these ber of points. Other teams1area held a meeting last week. gentlemen please contact any competing were Royal Orcharden attendance were Barney Bat- one of them. Senior Public, Woodland Sen- tista, Bill March, Cliff Twidale, * * * * ior ,Public, George Bailey Senâ€" Don Bellamy, Ed Banks and Emmanuel Anglican was bust- ior Public and McKenzie Sen- Warren Bailie. ling with young people Sunday ior Public. The meeting appointed a;morning in all colors. grey. , . ,,,:A‘ _........:u-.\ on manhunt] ornnn lulu": and brown. Team members for the game were Sharon Williams. Janet‘ Hofmann. Sue Purves, Gretchen“ Kemsies, Danielle Delany. Suzâ€"g anne Manning. Marilyn Payne.‘ Substitutes were Debbie Mc- Cauley. Barbara Bryce and Sue Turner. Team coach is Mrs. Nancy Adamo. The boys basketball team,‘ with coach John McKian, sawl action in an exhibition game held at Mark II Public in Un- ionville on Thursday of last week. Mark II won the game with a score of 19-17. Neighborhood Notes 1 Don't forget this Saturday is the York Summit District Hob- by Show held each year by the Cubs and Scouts of the district. The show is open to the public from 1 pm to 7 pm Saturday at Bayview Secondary, Bayview and Markham Road. The women’s auxiliary of the lst Langstaff Cubs and Scouts held its February meeting at the home of Mrs. Herb McGufâ€" fin in the form of a pot luck supper. Many delicious and different dishes were prepared and enjoyed by all. A penny auction was the highlight of the evening. Money from the auc- tion will go toward Cub and Scout needs. The first evening of the keep' fit program held at Roselawn Senior Public got underway Thursday evening of last week. An open invitation to all wom- en in the area to come and ex- ercise, play games, etc., is ex- tended. Join the rest of the group for a fun evening. and one most rewarding. There is no fee. Everything gets under- way at 7 pm. For further in- formation please call Bonnie Bell at 884-6615. The ACW of Emmanuel Ang- lican will hold a card party on Friday, March 3 at 8 pm in the church hall. Anyone who has attended these parties will tell you they have lots of fun, lots of prizes, refreshments and a chance to meet people in the area over a game of bridge or progressive euchre. Tickets On sale at the door are $1. Conven- r- vo sale at the door are $1. Conven- ors for this year’s spring card party are Mrs. Joyce Walters and Mrs. Charlotte Hirtz. 1972, it was fully assessed. It is four times the size the company committed itâ€" self to build. This will re- sult in a tax yield to the town of approximately $5,- 000 a year more than if the structure had been of the original size. However, the monthly payment of $300 was 11 months in arrears (January to November 1971). Council decided at its January 21 meeting to cancel the out- standing $3,300 because of the additional revenue the town will be receiving be- cause of the increased size of the building. The industrial land lies at the northwest corner of the cul-de-sac on Snider- croft Road, south of Maple. Principals of David Rosen- berg Investments are Ed- ward Goldberg and Joseph Frieberg. FOR nu w-.. t week. oppon- est num-l r teamsarea held a meeting last week. Orchard! nd Sen- ley Sen- zie Sen- he game. 3, Janet }retchen ny, Suz- l Payne. bie Mc- and Sue is Mrs. ll team, ian, saw m game 2 in Un- Several fathers interested in for the boys of the Richvale In attendance were Barney Bat- tista, Bill March, Cliff Twidale, Don Bellamy, Ed Banks and Warren Bailie. The meeting appointed a steering committee to meet with the Richvale Lions Club, the Richmond Hill Minor Hoc- key Association. the Thornhill Minor Hockey Association. the Unionville Minor Hockey Assoc- iation. the Maple Minor Hockey Association and officials of the Ontario Minor Hockey Associa- tion to discuss what form org- anized hockey should take now that we are part of Richmond Hill. :informed of activities of the! ‘the future of organized hockey committee through this column“. iIf you are willing to help these} gentlemen please contact any‘ one of them. l :2 2‘ a no: 1 Emmanuel Anglican was bust- ling with young people Sunday :morning in all colors, grey. and green, blue a n d brown. This was the annual church ‘parade for the Cubs, Scouts. :Brownies. Guides and Rangers of Richvale. The young people presented two hymn books, which were consecrated during the service. Glad to hear Akela Ed. Qua is over a bout with the flu. and Scout Leader Larry Hobbs is feeling better after suffering with a back ailment. a. -. L,, . ans-“l- .l'IL'l. lbh-c The Region of York will be asked to investigate instalâ€" lation of manually operated traffic lights on Keele Street, -the directly in front of the Sher- :outs wood Fire Hall, to allow fire g at trucks immediate access to that Guf_ regional road in an emergency. luck This decision was reached by and Vaughan Town Council at its “My meeting on February 21. 1y at view The meeting appointed a steering committee to meet with the Richvale Lions Club, the Richmond Hill Minor Hoc- It was reported that there would be two lights, one conâ€" trolling northbound and one controlling southbound tmffic.‘ They would be activated by a button within the fire hall as soon as‘ the fire call is rec- ,eived. Ever - increasing traffic volume on Keele Street is caus- iing difficulty and loss of 'time _ in the trucks gaining access, it , is claimed. P 1 Councillor Robert Kirk quot- ed Fire Chief James Davidson as saying that in rush hours it is almost impossible for the fire trucks to get out onto Keele Street. "The cars will stop but the trucks go barrelling through.†added Regional Coun- cillor John Gilbert, who was presiding over the meeting in the absence of Mayor Garnet Williams. By MARY DAWSON Sylvadene Ratepayers’ Assoc- iatiOn members are still unhap- py with the plans for the neigh- boring Vroom plan of subdivi- sion in the Woodbridge area of the Town of Vaughan, it was evident at the February 21 ‘meeting of council. Liut and Greenlaw were pres- ent at the meeting to continue the argument with council. Luit appeared to be primarily con- cerned with objecting to a proposed commerical develop- ment on 2.4 acres fronting on Highway 7. On February 8, Vaughan Planning Committee heard representation from the ratepayers as well as from Dev- eloper Fred Eisen and Consul- tant Fred Schaeffer concerning the development. At that time the rate- payers felt the proposed lots were too small. the commercial area would take away from the com- mercial core of old Wood- bridze and would become a Ratepayers Hit Vaughan Council ‘Speculator Put Before Planning' A letter from the ratepayers,‘ signed by Eugene Jacobs, Anth- ony Liut and Lyle Greenlaw. charged council was “succum- bing to the pressure of a part- icular speculator†andvthatit is “more concerned with expedit- ing the approval of an isolated parcel than with guiding the area which currently contains sensible development of an earlier planning of which the community can be proud.†884-1105 The members of this group have striven diligently to bring your children entertainment for children by children. The youngsters who attend these movies regularly, thoroughly enjoy them. Children take in most of what they see, and hear. Therefore what the group has striven to do is provide entertainment at their level and to their liking, but also provide films that influence them. If you wish any further in- formation please call Mrs. Car- oline Cook at 889-4553 and she will be pleased to help you. Parents who attend showings are asked to leave their names so that they may receive an in- vitation to the annual general gunmen v1.-." 7 , tinually on the run. mostly an- i swering calls to minor acâ€" ' cidents. One head-on crash in the: storm totally wrecked a brand new car. In another incident‘ snow removal equipment was blamed for damaging a car buried out of sight in eight feet of snow. The head-on crash was on 17th Avenue at Woodbine (forâ€" merly Don Mills Road) 011 Sat- urday of last week at 4:40 pm. A 1972. Maverick car driven by Melvin Simmons, 21, of De- maine Crescent, Richmond Hill apparently was eastbound when it went out of control on ice and slid backwards. hitting the front end of a car driven by Club of Richmond Hill High is March 4 at 2 pm. Admission is 450 for each child. Adults are admitted free If you wish any further inâ€" formation please call Mrs. Car- oline Cook at 889-4553 and she will be pleased to help you. Parents who attend showings are asked to leave their names so that they may receive an in- vitation to the annual general meeting held in July each year. This is “Y†week, there are many courses available at our local “Y†in Richmond Hill of interest to all. There are many heart can- vassers in our area out giving their time and devotion to a most worthy cause, please help them obtain their goal by do- mating hangout for teenagers. They felt increased traffic would be a nuisance to existing residents. As a result. the committee ag- reed' the commercial block should be designated “fut- ure development,†not to be re- zoned at the time of plan ap- proval and to develop commer- cially only when need is shown and, in any event, not until the end of 1974. '1, Concession 7, and provmes large lots backing on to the Sylvadene lots, according to the developer. The closest home would be 325 feet distant and the average separation would be 400 feet. with the new lots averaging 16.000 square feet. The subdivis- ion is planned for a popu- lation of 992, in about 92 single family homes and 160 townhouse units. Developer Eisen described his plan as “part of a composite concept developed by your com- mittee. In essence it is infilling between two developed areas. Our plan compiles with the road patterns, etc., as re- quired and I submit our prop- osal meets all qualities of good 1planning. It meets with the re- ;quii'ements of your planning committee and of your staff.†Greenlaw stressed the fact that his association felt there was a lack of'good planning, when only the one parcel of land is being considered. with- out consideration of other vac- ant parcels of land to the east and north. Councillor David Fraser pointed out that the plan agrees with the township ter- iary plan which sets populat- ion densities. The Vroom development is located along the westerly boundary of the existing Sylva- dene Subdivision in Lots 6 and '1, Concession 7, and provides “It comes down to a problem of planning,†said Councillor Fraser. “Are we planning only for those people there now or for those people wh will be there if this plan is approved? If the core of Woodbridge doesn’t revitalize (as we hope it will) we may need this com- mercial development in the future and it will be possible to go ahead if the need is shown. In the meantime. the zoning will not be changed and we will have control of it." “We can’t plan for today, period.†said Councillor Robert Kirk. “I think the matter has been handled by the committee in an equitable manner. We can’t guarantee that this holding 1 category will last forever. but the committee is con- ; tinuing to study road i patterns to rectify any ex- l cessive flow of traffic." i Council accepted the propos- ed Vroom Plan and authorized completion of the required questionnaire from the Depart- mond Hill three goals Other goals 'Stokes, Daryl Rice, belle. and Alex Pirus. Goalie Gary Carr picked up the shutout, but didn’t have to perspire too much doing 50. Richmond Hill outshot Downsview 70-12. The win enabled the Rams to finish their 44-game schedule iwith 33 wins. seven losses and ‘four ties â€" for 70 points. ‘ It wasn‘t good enough to “catch the powerful Markham ‘squad. who already have a one- point lead on the Rams with three games yet to play, fire power with and five assists. went to Wayne Bob La- l WHAT IS A 12 YEAR OLD FINANCE C0. .WITH 2 LEGS? Answer: Your local Liberal _Carrier on Collection Day. Are 'you preparing to ask him for a loan? Please pay your Carrier Promptly When He Calls .. -L. ment of Municipal Affairs New Car In Storm Toll Loader ‘Unsnows' Auto {Gormley Neighborhood Notes? Neighborhood Notes Very little news â€" snow â€"â€" snow! Everything in our com- munity drifted to a stop during the early hours of Sunday morning due to the very high winds and drifting snow Church services were cancelled. It was late Sunday afternoon when the townline was opened andr’t‘he stuck. stalled cars were released either by snowplow or tow truck. Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Hall and'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mr. and Mrs. William Hall and Clarke and family on Saturday. Gloria have returned from Bruce Mackie had surgery on a three-week holiday in Florida Wednesday in York County in time to still enjoy an old- Hospital, Newmarket. fashioned winter. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bremner LL a -â€"--»I‘-..A Ed Tatton is holidaying in Florida. Mrs. Em Harvey, for many years a Gormley resident is in John Leggat, 31, of 15 Thorn- hill Avenue, Thornhill, accord- ing to YRP. The Maverick was considered a $3,500 total wreck while damâ€" age to the Thornhill car was estimated at $800, police said. Richmond Hill driver Simmons was slightly injured but wasn‘t hospitalized. A frontend snow loader op-l erated by Larry McKay, 27, of' 398 Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill, about noon February 21 was digging into an eight-footl snowdrift on the Jefferson‘ Sideroad when it came upon a buried abandoned car owned by Paul Richards of 441 North Taylor Mills Drive, Richmond Hill. There was $550 damage to the car, police estimated. Impaired driving and breath- alyzer test failure charges, plus minor injuries for two people. were the result of «a 4:51 pm February 13 rear-end crash at Bayview Avenue and Highway 7 East. With an estimated $300 dam- age to the front end of his veh- icle and impairment charges was Reimer Mohring, 55, of 98 Donegall Drive, Toronto, ac- cording to YRP. Suffering minor injuries were the people in the other car â€" driver Martin Van - Schubert, 19, of 111 Inverlochy Boulevard, Ap- artment 312, Thornhill and passenger Susan Deboer, 22 of 192 Bayview Avenue. Richmond Hill. Five Goals For Terry Rams Beat Downsviewi Richmond Hill Rams’ Craig Terry took a comfortable lead in the individual scoring race Tuesday night as he scored five goals and added five assists. It was enough to propel the! Richmond Hill squad to a 12-0{ demeaning of a hapless Downs- view crew in the Rams’ final scheduled Metro Junior “B†hockey game of the season.‘ Playoffs start Tuesday night. l Terry currently leads the pack with 40 goals and 53 assists for 93 points. In second spot (with three games yet to go) is Mark- ham's Dennis Maruk with 79 points. Steve Colp contributed a big share of the rest of the Rich: mond Hill fire power withj three goals and five assists.‘ Other goals went to Wayne Stokes, Daryl Rice, Bob La- belle. and Alex Pirus. Goalie Gary Carr picked up the shutout, but didn’t have to perspire too much doing 50. Richmond Hill outshot Downsview 70-12. The win enabled the Rams to finish their 44-game schedule with 33 wins. seven losses and ‘four ties â€" for 70 points. i It wasn‘t good enough to ‘lcatch the powerful Markham squad. who already have a one- ipoint lead on the Rams with |three games yet to play. Both are recovering at home. He is confined to To Collect; CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Dawson Memorial Hospital Bridgewater, Nova Scotia: ---_=,- .._i Mrs. Jos Cherry and her sister, Mrs. Laura Reynolds of London are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jos Cherry and family in Florida. an. a. u .. sister, Mrs. Laura Reynolds of The WMS ladies met last} London are visiting Mr. and Thursday evening in the fellow-‘ Mrs. Jos Cherry and family in ship hall of the Missionary Florida. Church. The meeting was in Mrs. Delbert Baker spent a the charge of Mrs. John Lang- couple of days with Mr. and man. During the evening Mrs. Aylmer Gray of Kine City'. Allan Doner was presented with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner a very fine surprise birthday and family and Mrs. Milsted shower to help in their equip- and Charleen we‘re dinner ment for the next tour of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom missionary service in Nigera, Clarke and family on Saturday. Africa, ier. aï¬d Mrs. Lanry Bremner of London spent the weekend with his mother. Mrs. Robert Bremner. Mrs. Laurie Haddon of Mark- A Maple driver, Patrick Grist, 17, of 11 Railway Street, had about $800 damage to his vehicle at 3:05 pm February 19 in a collision at Major Macken- zie Drive and Bathurst Street. The driver of the other car. Fred Jelfs, 39, of 4750 Bathurst Street, Apartment 112, Willowâ€" dale, had damage estimated at $250, according to Richmond Hill Detachment YRP. PHOTO!!! bed with back and neck in- juries, she is recovering from whiplash. Their car had about $800 damage to the rear end. Photique Studios 44 Levendale, Richmond Hill where photography is an art ONTARIO SCHOOL OF UPHOLSTERY 174 Bridgeland Ave. (opp. Yorkdale) 787-0277 Factory Showroom Hours Mon. to Fri. 9 - 5 Weddings Portraiture 102 INDUSTRIAL ROAD, RICHMOND HILL REQUIRES FOR FOOD PACKAGING f_ije w01:n_en full or Advertising Passports FOR. EQUIPMENT CLEANING â€" three men part time approximately 6-10 p.m. Apply in person at above address, Saturday, February 26 between 10 a.m. and 12 noon Sponsored Inn . on . the . Park 4-F FOODS LIMITED Telephone 884-5361 Eglinton East at Leslié, Toronto MONDAY and TUESDAY Choose from a large selection of quality fabrics All workmanship expertly supervised and guaranteed Pickup and delivery Free estimates at your home To open during March at 143 Yonge Street South at the corner of Markham Road. If you have selling experience and are inter- ested in a challenging career, we believe we can offer you a rewarding future. Join a team of 90 sales associates working from 18 branches throughout York County. Full training provided . . . Realistic incentive program . . . Assistance from 5 man profes- sion mortgage division. Call Bill Jackson at 294-1372 for more details. REAL ESTATE FOOD PACKAGING -â€" five women full or part time between 8 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday Chesterfields and Chairs Recovered Like New NEW RICHMOND HILL BRANCH FEB. 28 - 29 11 AM. to 10 PM. by the Isabel Rutter Chapter, IODE ham spent Thursday evening with her cousin, Mrs. Melvin Henderson. Stornoway Crescent Public School Town of Markham Sealed Tenders, plainly mal‘k- ed as to content, for the con- struction of Stornoway Crescent Public School in the Town of Markham, shall be delivered to the Director of Education, 22 Church Street, Aurora, Ontario by 12:00 o‘clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday. March 8. 1972. Drawings and Specifications will be available to General‘ Contractors on February 17,‘ 1972 at the office of the Archi- tect. D. Ross King, 180 Duncan Mills Road, Don Mills. Ontario‘ on the deposit of $100.00 certâ€" ified cheque payable to the Architect. Deposit will be re- turned if Drawings and Speci- fications are returned to the 1Architect in good condition ‘within seven days of the closing of tenders. Structural Steel. Mechanical and Electrical Sub-contractors shall submit their tenders to General Contractors through the Toronto Bid Depository not later than 12:00 o’clock noon E.S.T. Tuesday, March '7, 1972. Each tender shall be accomp- anied by a $25,000.00 Bid Bond made payable to the York County Board of Education. an agreement to provide a 100% Performance Bond and a 100% Payment of Labor and Mater- ials Bond. The Board reserves the right to reject all tenders or to ac- cept any tender not necessarily the lowest. D. Ross King. Architect. 180 Duncan Mills Road Don Mills, Ontario. Ross S. Jolliffe, Chairman. YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDER FOR GENERAL CONTRACT 887-5445 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurs three men part time, S. L. G. Chapman, Director of Education would like to thank the following people for their help and support in our recent Snowmobile Races which were held January 29-30, 1972: Judy Jones, Bill Cowan, Norma Andrews, Bill Powell, Dennis Leonard, Rothmans, Jefferson Snowrunners Club, Archie McFee, Payne Bros., Harold VanDyke, Bruce Prid- ham. St. John's Ambulance, RH. Works Dept, ON ALL YOUR ,, "f1 :flDRAPES & . FABRICS FOR FRIDAY NIGHT AND WEEKEND SHIFTS Minimum age: 17 or oven Transportation home will be provided for all female employees working until midnight or later. THE DRAPERY FACTORY A & W DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT FACTORY to you PRICES THE KINSMEN CLUB isï¬ï¬gLESWiï¬Ehc $2": ï¬â€™SFSACK PRINTS $173. What is family-size hot water? It’s enough hot water . . . enough hot water for all the baths, showers, dish washings, floor washings and laundries that it takes to keep your family_ and your home sparkling clean. Part Time CAR HOSTESSES WANTED you family:size hot water because it’s designed for the job. The electrical industry put years of research into the Canadian family’s hot water needs. Cascade was the resultâ€"built by qualified manufacturers to rigid specifications to assure you of dependability and complete satisfaction. Get the Cascade with the capacity that’s right for you and enjoy hot water family-size. Cascade, the clean, safe, efficient, electric water heater. JUST NORTH OF RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL HYDRO Good Chlor Selection -â€" Guaranteed Savings Come try us! Bring your measurements 70 NEWKIRK RD., RICHMOND HILL (Between Centre St. and Crosby Avenue) for fast installation, either rental or purchase call 884-4466 All sponsors of trophies RICHMOND HILL DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT PHONE 884-8911 Paw) “1mm WITH OUR IMWW‘ day. Feb. 24, 1972 7