TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to sttldents. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Aye. Richmond Hlll 4 x 8 sheets, fir 1-2" special $5.35 per sheet. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfclS ALADD‘IN lamp parts. shadés, chimneys. 7729 Yonge S., Thorn- hill. 297-1371. v tfc13 Used sewing machines $14.95. New sewing machines $59.95 and up. Bernina Sewing Centre. Richmond Heights Centre. 884- 3775. tfcla FIREWOOD for sale, split and delivered. 773-5488. tfc21 SEASONED FIREWOOD Mixed â€" Oak â€" Beach Birch â€" Maple 12" and 16" cords Holland Park Garden Centre 832-2455 Frce estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors, awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832â€" WASHER, dryer and stove parts, gears, hells, wood bear- ings and \vringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small apâ€" pliances. Math‘s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfcll Look Them Over! See the Want Ads for the Home, Apartment, Car, You Need ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-151}; A 1319 Maple TEAKWOOD Living, dining and bedrooms direct; from importers “are- house. Open 1-9 pm. 459â€"0760 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line. l2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 USED OIL FURNACES Suitable for cottage or garage Reasonably priced. 832-8967. Snow blowers. new and used Snowmobiles. new. $575.00 to $900 Snowmobiles, used. $250.00 and up, suits on sale. REID LAWNMOWER 884â€"7716 - 884-9001 SMALL picture frames $10: Iadies' golf clubs $225: new hand hooked rug $25: hall seat $15: large meat slicer $30; refriger- ator $30; table radio. tape jacks $30: hot plate $5: brass bullet ceiling fixture $6. 884-6914. unn. 5a: ulJCL, ucu yuuuu. ZENITH portable black and $100. Phone Dave at 884_5: u white TV, gxcellent working , _ 1‘ condition. must sell. have won aft“ 6 pm' C a color set. $100. 884-7105 aftel‘lBRAND ne\v_12" portable co 6 pm. c1w36|TV. Store prlce $300.00, sell ._,-,F__r._v,_, .- - 2_ 1 TELEVISION. 6’ palm tree, re-l‘f‘ï¬ï¬‚o" sagâ€"0.2% 7 c frigel'ator, stove, table andlDINETTE sei, swivel ch23 shag rug. 884-6736 Chgh‘s, béd with. box spring.{$75- 38474532 Parkcrest furnished suites. ‘\Love seats and chesterfields in popular styles. materiak and sizes.«“ Also sofa-beds, l a m p s , tabfes and odds and ends. Ideal for your livingroom, den. family room or cottage. Remarkable savings for quality furniture like new. pm furniture like new. [Rupp 400 Nitro new PARKCREST CONSTRUCTION sYankee 40 h.p. new 221-4400 [Rogue 15 11.1). demo. _ ('2\\36‘Street Bros. Auto Electric Ltd 30“ McCLARY electric stoée, 22 ‘ndusmal “- nmnmunn nvnn .m'nAnu- h. Amm 884-5368 30" McCLARY electric stove. automatic oven, \n'ndow in door. immaculate condition $60.00. 30" Westinghouse electric stove. window in door. good condition $45.00. 21" TV. needs repairs. $10.00. 884-2163. 884-8592. "AUTOMATIC washer and dryel‘Jcar of same value. 884-8014. after 6:00. 884-7197. c1w36! c1\\'36 MUST13 SELL, chesterfield set} new. aid $298, asking $150; kitchen suite, new. $30; bed-l m, room suite. new box mattressJSUIvI of money in small brown 595; one stereo. $45: also lamps billfold by an insurance man on and coffee table sets. Apply in Friday 18th, Richmond Hill person, 160 Essex Avenue. Apt. area. Finder please phone 884- 517. cl\\'36 2324. clu36 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words 51.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢: per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. DISPLAY FURNITURE YORK ALUMINUM CLEARANCE SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 2. 197 FOR SALE BIG SALE! PLYWOOD 884-1745 For Sale Construction firm's model homes and c2\\'35 2w35 c1w36 cl\\'36 c1\\'36 tfc36 tfc28 c1\\'36 Sensible Shoppers Check the Classified Page Every Thursday For Big Values. Need Something? Try a Classified Ad. Phone 884-1105-6. tfc29 tfc3 i c1w36 [STEREO tape deck ‘and tapes: (Continued) LOW winter rate December to March. Sand fill for lake front- ages, etc. Snowplowing Lake Wilcox area. Sanderson Haul- age, 773-4106. tfc25 EKJY your dizï¬nonds and gold for less direct from the manu- facturer to you. 294-6075. tchO 7 WANTED 1523-5123†M3313 2}“‘1355.‘52'3s'“ w Pianos and used furniture. Calll g ’ (“V36 - . may ~ Aeir A A. e.__ r. 884 1146 â€"iCLERK-TYPIST required. Must hvEDRbdï¬i Slfne“ 7 Piecev flin' be reliable. Apply 65 Duncan ing sulte, 9 pxece, Chesterï¬eld Road. Thomh-HL c1w36 suxte, all Burma teakwood, mustlTflomqfliILL “snare needs a sell. new furniture, very reas-‘ . , v V onable. 1-241-597]. tfc28; 9533113 33:13“ 0‘33? )‘ï¬enkly- 0“ ’1 SPECIALS 4 x 7 Nutmeg panelling; $3.75. sale price $2.99. 4 x 8 Nutmeg Panelling‘ $4.80. sale price $3.79. 11/16 Birch Plywood, $12.95. sale price $11.29. FIREPLACE WOOD Pure hardwood slabs $20. per cord, 11’: cords $25. 7 cords $90. Delivered. Call C. L. Knappett. 884â€"3089. tfc32 ANTIQUES‘ lgï¬ï¬â€˜Aâ€"BLE for \xronlen, for afâ€" Ful‘niture, china. sllvm‘\vare.ltemoon shift Apply 65 Duncan China cabinet. tea wagon. Canaâ€" Road_ 111011111111~ c1w36 dlana;294'60,7°' ,__£@ PLANT Maintenance Mechanic. TELEPHONE answering ma'IRichmond Hill manufacturer has Chine $300- Call anytime- 834‘Iopening for reliable person with 3931. I ‘ tfc33‘mechanical and hydraulic ex- cellent working order, $75. 832-2055. __ ' “035 4 GOODYEAR raised letter tires, G70x14. 884-9843. LOUGHLIN LUMBER Yonge & ScottDrive, Thornhill 889-1109 NATIONAL Cash Register com- pletely overhauled and recon- ditional $75.00. Please call after 6 or weekends anytime, 884- 7629. c1w36 cruiser. all acce‘ssories, like new. $1,095.00. Will take up to 100 h.p. Can be seen at 105 May Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w36 SKIS, harness and boots size 7. 884-5970. ‘ c1w36 ’71 Elan Ski-D00. fike new, best cash offer. Phone 832-2626. single snowmobile trailer; 15" tire and rim. and an Easy; spinner washer. Phone 889-5362. c1w36 24†RCA, lovely cabinet, in good working order, $100. 773- 5519 or 833-5282. c1‘\\'36 i SNOWMOBILES '1 APPLES - STORAGE, DELIVERY BICYCLES WEDDING dress. size 11. $75. 88476544. 7 r clw36 McCLARY-EASY range 325. Must sell. 884-9420. cl\\‘36 TYPEWR’ITERTU n‘d}T 1? w 0 07d Staï¬dard. Call 435-6059. {970735.9‘. Lightning. lots of chrome. Best offer. 649-5377. c1w36 GE. gas dryer, new condition. $100. Phone Dave at 884â€"5515. after 6 pm; c1w36 BRAND new 12" portable color TV. Store price $300.00, selling for $200.00 889-0827. c1w36 1970 Snowfurry 18 hp. perfect condition. Call after 5 pm. 884- 8203. c1w36 ’70 Skidoo Olympique, cover and trailer. $525 or trade for Vilas Colonial Cash for used goods Bl‘oadloom cost plus 15% 15 cu. ft. freezer $169.00 Washer spin dryer $129.00 We need your business You need our prices Brice‘s Furniture Bax-m Don Mills Rd. Queensville 478-4175 Kitchen Aid dishwashers Simplicity Laundry Specialist Moffatt Appliances Admiral Color TV ‘5 FOR SALE CLEARANCE SALE unth \ruw-llxt, .u ng order, $100. 773_lOPERATOR for shirt rnachirle _5282_ c1“.36 in our King City store, Job sult- â€"~â€"â€" [able for a woman. Experienced â€" FRESH FROM preferred but not necessary. ANY QUANTITY5\Vill train suitable applicant. . 884-5767. c1“'36;1>hone 832-1061. After 6 pm, 884-5537 c2w35 c1w36 c1w36 tfc36 tic-36 reg reg reg tfc33 airs [GREENHOUSE worker. steady‘ 36lj0b. Age no barrier. Must be r5.,active. Concord Floral Co†36;High\vay No. 7. c1w361 55" PARTS man required. Must be 36 experienced in construction 7 lmachinery or similar. Boben 'dquuipment Ltd‘, Thornhill. 889-l __'7717. c1w36; ICLERK - Typist with some“ 'accounting experience. Perm- ianent. A-l Employment Agency. l884-6944. c2w35 PAINTER’S Helper, experiénc- ed, good pay, clean shop. Apply .Service Manager. 889-5435. lam Thursday, Friday or Satur- day. 288 Bayview Plaza, Rich- mond Hill. c1w36 MOTEL cleaning woman re- !quired Saturday and ‘Sunday mornings only. Call 889-4825. I c1w36 iWANTED reliable married man ‘ who needs, extra cash I delivering Pizza. Must have own car. $2.00 BOOKKEEPER for automotive business. Steelesâ€"Bayview area. Own transportation. Apply stat- ing education, experience and Isalary to Simplex Motor Parts Ltd.. Box 519. Thornhill, Ont. or telephone 889-1191. URGENT Experienced sitters and home- makers, 884â€"5286. ti'c35 MEN. women and children re- quired ‘for full and part time modelling in catalogue and TV. For further information, Nicolas Harvey 962-7296. THORNHILL home needs a cleaning lady once weekly. Own transportation. 881-1310. c1w36 BOOKKEEPER - TYPIST. Has to be fully qualified on bookâ€" keeping to apply. Applicants must be between 20 and 35. Females only. Phone 889-8300. Delco Tool & Die Co. Ltd. 889-6211. c1w36 7 7 33413403 ROUTE Salesman. AmbitiouS, _;__ vv_7___'w_r clw3§ hard working man wanted. MustKWANTED reliable day care for be a self-Starter- Salary and 61/}: year old girl, Walter Scott high commiSSion- Apply at 3;School area. 884-1842 after 6 BABYSITTER for oneâ€"year-old3 boy. preferrably in my home, ‘five days a week, Call Melanie, |\\’ork 889-9327, home 889-9899. : c1w36' pe1“hour. Friday and Saturday evenings. 6-12. Call 884-3771. 7 i c1w36 RECEPTIONISTâ€"typing, {Hiâ€"iiâ€"g and some statistical work. Thornhill. F o 1' appointment !\\'01‘K 635-3321, 1101118 UbaékfixgiélNe“, owner Betty Forsyth. Dog G ._,,______ . .grooming â€"- poodles a specialty. ESALES help needed. FulleriJill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 ‘Brush Company, Working fromsGREEN Acres Pet shop and 9:30 am to 1.30 pm, $1.75 guar-l . . , I nAquana, Oak Rldges Plaza. 773- mm“ plus b°““5' 839‘0827‘ '4401. Tropical fish, cockatiels, I * ' Cl“3(.5.bud,g'ies. canaries. love birds. St. {FULLER BRUSH routos avail-{Bernard pups, German Shep- able, Thornhill and Rlchmond herd pups, registered, an pet Hill. Highest commission paid. supplies. - tfc33 _ v I 889 08211- ____.__â€"CI13E; PART German Shepherd pups. iORGANIST and_ chew leader Also bird table, $4.00. 889â€"2000. requn‘ed for Rlchmond Hlll‘ cg“.36 {Presbyterian Church. Call 884-; l3682 or 884-1831. elwssln PoooLEs CLIPFED AAA"-.. L--..4:£..1I.. Anna...) 1m» l INTERNATIONAL ? PUBLISHING ORGANIZATION- Due to overwhelming demand for our products we need part-' itime representatives in the‘ gMetro area. Exceptional earnâ€"I lings through high commissions] 1Car necessary. Write Mrs. 11.} 'Bricker 150 Eglinton Ave. 13.. Suite 404. Toronto 12. c1\\'36 CASHIER wanted for treas: urer's office. Apply in “Titing? Iby March 8, stating experience,i typing speed. education, etc.,§ and date available to :Treasurer lot Richmond Hill, 56 Yonge St.‘ EN. clwssi L | Thornhill. For appointment phone 889-7506. Mr. Bradley. 832â€"2402 SALES help needed, Fuller Brush Company, Working from 9:30 am to 1.30 pm, $1.75 guar- anteed plus bonus. 889â€"0827. RNA or graduate for Nursing Home. Part-time. 294-3434. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY SECRETARY Girl-Friday to perform variety of functions in medium sized office. Applicant must be a good typisti possess some knowledge of office pro- cedures. Excellent starting saiâ€" ary for right person. Apply in confidence to Box 52, “The Liberal". c1w36 DICTATYPIST required part time by finance company. Yongeâ€"Steeles area. Approxi- mately 16 hours per week. Apply Mr. Brightman, 889-7854. HELP WANTED KEELE STREET - Typist with c6w36 c1w36 3771. DEAD or crippled farm animals c1w36ipicked up promptly. For direct ’ï¬liâ€"lfg line call Long Distance and ask ‘for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. work. LtmentiEd Peconi & Son. Woodville, ’ey_ lOnt. Licence No. 3240 - 66. €1W3616Lb guns waiiiéd by collector: c3w36 “035 cl\\‘36 'BOOKKEEPING m a c h in e operator and payable clerk, full or part time. typing necessary, 'own transportation. Steeles-Bay- View area. Apply stating educa- tion. experience and salary to Box 45. “The Liberal". c4w33 EXPERIENCED male assistant fully knowledgeable in office procedures. Typing essential. ,Good wages. benefits and opp- ortunity to advance. Frank 'Lamb Ltd.. 127 Birch Avenue. IThornhill. 889-4911. c3w35I .HOUSEKEEPER. adults. live‘ in. good salary. Write Box 53. 1“The Liberalâ€. c1w36 ’1600. 3. 640â€"2512 1970 OI. 2â€"door white \seat spe Certified Kleinbut ‘65 PLYlV hardtop, fied. 884 1964 V! good cm 884-6494 '65â€"Ml Phone a Richmond Hill Real ficc. evenings 5 - 9 White, 884-9239 for (Continued) BOOKKEEPING n LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST required to take charge of new clinical laboratory. R.T. Certi- fication or equivalent. with post certificate experience is essen- tial. Salary commensurate with experience. Liberal fringe bene- fits. This is an outstanding opportunity to join a large and rapidly growing private labora- tory company. For appointment please call weekdays only. Miss Atkinson, 416-677-7661. RECEPTIONIST - TYPIST for DAY care given in my home in Oak Ridges. 773-4373. c2w36 RELIABLE dayâ€"care in my home, Markham & Sussex area. 884-8394. c1w36 RELIABLE day care in my A US} home, for one or two children, SUI' Royal Orchard Blvd. area. 889- 4431. c2vg36 $133502 DAY care available. north Richâ€" radio, vale area, in my home. Early many, morning no problem. Age 2 andl$1195.00 up. 884â€"5347. clw36{ '69 Re References supplied 884-8408 DAY care in my FAIRLAWN Junior & N’urseriil newly painted School. 8403 Yonge Streetv$1195-00‘ Thornhill. Fully licensed - open ’59 Austin AI‘ all year. tic. radio, snm GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY $1095.00 NOW AVAILABLE ’69 Austin An See our ad on Page 18 c1w36 radio. motor 1 DAY CARE ‘lgéirï¬UICK Riviera: low mug} & HEATING excellent condltlon. 884-i A, MILLS & SON LTD. ___.V~_- _____-v_ 7â€". age. RELIABLE day care 1n my|1395_ c1w35 “4.2201 1,1991% 71,751! £913“ vaNT:a'a*’62‘Va1iaa¢,i trc4s DAY (331'?- aVai a e in my both 6 automatic, good condit-'ï¬iéï¬ï¬â€"récï¬rï¬mga_aen 6‘ home, Maple area. 832-874; _:ion, 337-5309. c1“-35:fri:nds y CASH for Dinkyito$;s. Lionel, A.F., or Marx toy trains. 832- 1481 after 6 pm. c4w35 PIANO, small upright, good condition, reasonable for Rec. room. 884-8089. c1w36 WANTED â€"â€" one pickup truck or VW bus for a period of 3 months. Roseview Community} Workshop. 884-9286. c1w36; HIGHEST cash prices 01‘ trade. value paid for used furniture ‘and appliances. Bi‘ice‘s Furni-' ‘uu'e 4784175. tfc36 297â€"1430 Poodles beautifully clipped by appointment only. 884-6934i n BEAUTIFUL bunnies $1 each. 884-3052. clw36 COUPLEirequires small house or bungalow with basement, anywhere. 533-8670. 02w35 Two bedroom apartment-for family of three, up to $150. TWO children and parents re- quire 3 bedroom home, not over $200 with references. Call Kit. 884â€"1661. tfc34 Phone 884â€"6221 or 699-62 2 or 3 bedroom home in country area â€" reasonable rent. refer- ences if necessary. Call 294- 2886. c1w36 ROOM and BOARD HELP WANTED USED CARS ‘C0ntiFL8d’, 777,1971‘HGï¬Ei3‘N Toyota 0 PETS FOR SALE WANTED WANTED TO RENT ._3“'f’"1962 Pontiac two door Lauren- home. Oak tian, 283 automatic radio and Estate of.'1970 DATSUN 1600, automatic, (3311 Mr,‘27,ooo miles. 389-9438 after 6. interview. ’ Chi/36 c1w36 "F'â€" iY mile-s on new engine, power [51 steering, automatic, radio, new ge of rum/paint, asking $400.00. 884-9647. W? (TortiJ c1w36 {QRâ€"FORB‘FHirIane 500, 17,006 c1w36 c1\\'36 01W35i' '69 Renault, automatic, radio, c3w34 c5w34 “I‘m‘VBOOKKEEPER - typist. full “C35 time employment wanted. 884- _16?36. t£c3_5 . EXPERIENCED secretary' seéks typing to do at home. Phone 4 â€" -â€" l889-7091. c1w36 igtoï¬lï¬Y \\701;k‘\x'ï¬hted from 9 - 4. “M g g 884-4866 evenings. c1w35 tfc36 l\\'36 {197] GREENinyota Corolla‘BOOKKEEPING and account- l1600. 3,600 miles. Best offer.'ing services for small busi- 640-2512. tfc31'nesses. 889-5683. tfc33 11970 OLDSR‘IOBILE Delta 88. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPEDâ€" 2-d001‘ hardtop. Vinyl FOOL: Sewers cleaned white walls, radio with back 0‘ Stunden - seat speaker. Under warranty. Phone 884-1243 tch Certified mechanically fit. - w i i i * ~~- , . .. . I SUPERIOR DECORATING Klapburg‘ 8934433; _c?“35 Painting and paper hanging, '7657Pï¬YMOUTH-FUYY _II~ 2-d0qr interior and exterior, free hardtop, good condition, certi- estimates_ 334-7901 tfc36 1964 VOLKSWAGEN. engine good condition, $75. Evenings 884-6494. c1w36 '65 METEORâ€"h Staï¬onwagon. Phone after 4 pm, 221-6226. hardtop, good condition, certi- fied. 884-9551. c1w35 1965 CHEV Impala. V8 auto- matic, good condition, asking $500. 884-4338. c1w36 1963 CADILLAC Convertible, all power. excellent condition. $595. 881-1714 after 6 pm. at 111 Highway 7, E., Thornhill. c1w36 certified. 884-4276. c1w36 ‘62 C'HEVY II 2-door sedan, 6 automatic, $200.00 or best offer. 884â€"7426. c1w36 1965 METEOR, 352, 58,000 or- iginal mileage. $400.00 or best offer. Phone 889-8443. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, running condition, body fair, no cer- tificate, 7 good tires and rims, including two snows, $100. Phone 833-5854. c1w36 1964 PONTIXC. Best offér5384- 6164. c1w36 1970 RIDEAU 500 4-d001‘ sedan, (will finance). 884-1138 or 699- 9568 and ask for Ken. $1295.00 ’68 Cortina GT, 4 speed radio, radial tires. spotlights many, many extras. $1095.00 ’69 Austin America, 4 speed, radio, motor overhauled. $995.00 ’69 Viva, completely checked out, runs good. $795.00 ’68 Austin Mini, new brakes, newly painted. All the above cars have been reconditioned, certified an d have a 7-day money back guar- antee plus a 30 day 50/50 war- ranty. AS IS SPECIALS 1967 Viva, looks and runs good, $43500. 1965 Austin 1100, good motor and transmission. $125.00. EXPERIENCED cleaning lady has days available. Call after 5. 884-8409 MORTGAGE coming due? Cash} to consolidate bills? Low cost‘ lst, 2nd and 3rd mortgage. money available. Call me now for fast, confidential service. Bram Ogden, Emerald Isle Real Estate Limited. 889-5651, 884- 2377. um! Special deals ‘ Resi‘é] for homeowners l-i at Associates , If you're buying your house, Lawn you‘re eligible for a sp_ecia11'889_vm24I Home-owner Loan at Assoeiates any time you need cash. That. means we may be able to give you a better deal Lowery rates . . . or longer terms . . . or even both. The amount you can borrow is limited only by the equity you TE have in your home. $5,000, Scrap 0; $10,000, maybe $25,000 or more.§24 hour So if You have highdnterest debts outstanding, or if you‘ Cï¬ need cash for a second car. a' WM boat, or any other good reason,, 1 talk to Associates about a low-‘ interest Homeowner Loan. See>â€"â€"â€"-â€" how much better off you‘ll be RALPH â€" long-term. Painting CARPE‘.‘ rooms, tile floo estimate: A USED IMPORT CAR T0 . SUIT EVERY POCKET . . ’69 Austin America, automa- tic. radio, snow tires. GREENWOOD RENAULT EMPLOYMENT WANTED TURN SPARE ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS MORTGAGES 884-8841 6A Levendale Rd 884-8136 ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED 16 Industrial Rd. Richmond Hill 773-4444 c1w36 c1w36 clw36 c1w36 11 be RALPH ELMS DECORATING iPainting, paperhanging, interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. neResidential, commercial paint- g5.ing, interior and exterior. Paper- 35.hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 my BAKER’S BACKHOEï¬â€" l EXCAVATING 36.T1‘enching. sewer & water lines. [GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. home, of~ fices, factories. Custom carpeny ‘try of all descriptions. Lesi Webb. 889â€"2546. tfc3| MISCELLANEOUS BRICK, stone and blockwork. Chimneys, fireplaces, patios, barbecues. Free estimates. Call 223-6783. tfc35 GENERAL MASONRY Brick. block and stone work Expert workmanship. 884-6417 GENERAL CARPENTRY Kitchen units, alterations, rec rooms, retc. RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal†884- 1105. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc42 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc32 Bricks, blocks, stone, chimneys, fireplaces, repairs and rebuild new. Please call 834-7848. Ask for Joe or phone 651-6170. Ask for Luigi. tfc31 Plastering Thornhili E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs :1 Speciality Free Estimates Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. ALUMINUM HOME E; IMPROVEMENTS ‘ Alcan - siding, Eavestroughs i Doors and Windows ~ « For free estimates call yum Local Contractor GENERAL CARPENTRY Licence Rec. Rooms, kitchens, floor tile, counter tops, repair and re- finishing of furniture. Free estimates. REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms, additions, renovations, tile floors, and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. TENSEX'S TOWING Scrap car pick-up and towing 24 hour service. 88+9747. RECREATION ROOMS ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS UNFINISHED FIREPLACES GENERAL CONSTRUCTION “'ALKER CONSTRUCTION Residential 8; Commercial By Hour or Contract WILLOW-HILL Lawn and Garden Supply COMPLETED WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-3882 NORTHERN PAINTING 488-7 521 PERRI-STYLE (custom) Upholstering 889-9475 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 HANS BUTT 889-4106 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 GORD ROWLAND 889-3437 PLUMBING SNOW PLOWING CHIMNEYS R. TOBIEN 889-1922 889-3185 294-0791 tfc23 1 SHAMPOOING - Rugs and chesterfields. Day tfc2 night. 884-2433. t1 VG PAINTING and decorating, [gingwterior and exterior. 20 y: freelexperience. Free estima tfc36|884-5410 or 887-5500. t1 tfc32 tfc33 “018 tfc18 55 lFURNlSHED room. kitchen] tfczo'facilities, parking, one block; ’ ‘ from Richmond Heights Plaza.‘WILLIAMS ' FHOMPSON â€" types 884â€"3641. c1\v36,C:n fggurday, EebrgztaryGZGE 39172 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€" a : pm. In . a ne’s ,YONGE ST" Oak Bldges _ ‘Anglican Church, Richmond “‘35 room apartment $125 monthly} - . H111, Teresa, daughter of Mr. tfc31furmshed bachelor apartment‘flml Mrs C L Thompson to $95 monthly Jack Blyth Ltdxv. t ' 0 ' of MI. d u Realtor 773-5241 or 889-6892. 1 mcen' .5 .“ ' a" * “' W. E. Wllllams. u ,,,-\n‘ [01‘ l‘iS'SUBLET 2-bedroom apartment. 3012 884-3238. c1w36 APARTMENT AVAILABLE J ‘ *- 91 gegroom suitle ‘ A .. e room sui e ‘ rent includes heat, hydro. soft n I 1’ water. fridge. stove and free Mr. and Mrs. pew). Usher of parking for one car. Near Rich- 28 Davidson DI.†woodbridge. m‘md 1'1“ng Plaza at 43 Lav“ Ont. invite you to join with ewe“ Avenue» Aduu BUilding- them to celebrate the occasion mg...) 1 your; tchl built $28123“ 884-2375; A 77% t5??? of their Fiftieth Wedding Am ’2_ BACHELOR apartment, Yonge niversary to be held in Wood- ON Street, $135. 889-9880 V s d ft 1 o n a d ,â€" , mm, on un aya e'no n :flll bediggmMigiiltï¬nltioad levening, March 12, 1972 from 2 i : “W36 to 3.30 and 7.30 - 9. Please no - _ l,#_~,A_ _ , _‘gifts. - mp. l-bedroom apartment. 884-8588.! *1w36 I l y Norman, Thomas, Mrs. Ron- ald (June) Cowan, and Mrs. Alex (Mary) Young all of Toronto. Predeceased by one brother Dan, Services were held on Tuesday. February 29. 1972 in Waterloo ‘with burial in Memorial Gardens. clw36 ' I! a: t a -7 c1w36 bridge United Church Auditor-‘WEBSTER, Arthur Frederickâ€" At Scarborough Centenary Hospital on Friday, February 25. 1972. Arthur F. Webster. beloved husband of Jean Wil- kie, dear father of Ross of tfc44 tfc18 tfc46 tfc22 tfc26‘ 884-19 __.._ ---_r. w‘ AURORA, modern 3 bedrooml 4 4 ,g. ,9. V "' “c9 house. 2 baths, furnished or un-IFAWN_Ron & pat (nee simï¬- â€" furnished, immediate possession. son) are very proud to an‘ '92:: W'vï¬#_ M_tf°3§ nqunce the birth of their son, pen- ROOM for rent in Maple. 832- Mlchael RObEI‘t, 7 1bS. 8 015. Lesv‘2631. \ 02w35 on February 22, 1972. A tfc31APARTï¬ENT for rent, $65 a brother for Cmdy. A speclal __ ‘ . thanks to Dr. Socol and nurs- { month for return babySLttmg, - _ reclgfls to 884_8286_ c1w3§ mg staff at York Central Hos pital. clw36 tfc3 ‘FOR lease, 3,000 â€" 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16'6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Construcâ€" tion Ltd, 630-9500. tfc50 FURNISHED room, cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884-4828 for appointment. I FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting . maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. tfcl4 Continued) “iinUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€"â€" Telephone 884-1650. tf: MISCELLANEOUS TV, radio, air conditioning, daily maid service. Reasonable week- ly rates, Richmond Inn. 884- 1101. tfc30 FURNISHED room, c o o kin g facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 EIGHT room house. $220 a month, two bathrooms. 636- 6837. tfc32 FURNISï¬bâ€"ï¬om to rent. 884-9714. tfc33 FURNISHED room, homey at? .mosphere, centrally located. 884-8843. ' 02w35; SUBLET large 1 bedroom apartment with large kitchen, dining room and living room plus underground parking, swimming pool and sauna. 881- 0455 after 6 pm. c1w36 l SSEX Place Apartments. Mod- rn 1 - bedroom apartments available. Rent includes frig, stove, hydro and parking. 884- 8727. clw36 SUBLET 2 bedroom apartment. ground floor. swimming pool, sauna, gymnasium for April lst. 889-8933. c1w36 LARGE furnished room in new‘and rather turbulent courtshipfl home, Yonge - Richvale arealwe are able and very pleased, LAW. Albert 889-7118. 01W36‘though still in a state of shock, FURNISHED room centre of‘tO. announce .thelengagement of Richmond Hill close to Yonge.‘R10hal'd DaVld. SOD 9f Ray afld 334-3312. \ c2w36 Mary Forsey of Richvale to â€"â€"--f**â€"' v", 'f‘Penelope Karen Shaunna Shel-g 3 bedroom apaitment 11,2 bath ley‘ daughter of Roger and Evï¬ in Thornhill area â€" small famâ€" , , - 7 ‘ ily building. Close to schools}ebnne Allbenm or Naple‘clwnsl churches and shopping. Availâ€";____A _._. o 1 able March 18. 889-0894. c1w36; m : r . -' ‘ FLRNISHED 100m. kitchen] facilities, parking, one block; rmm Richmond Heights PlazallWILLIAMS - THOMPSON â€" #111 (Bert) â€"â€" At Sunnybrook Hospital on Saturday. February 26. 1972. Bert Law. beloved husband of Edith Harrington of Arn- ofd St, 'l‘hornhillkRested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Mon- day. Cremation. (In'licu of flowers donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Research Dept, c-o Sunny- brook Hospital). c1w36 FURNISHED room centre of Richmond Hill close to Yonge. 884-8312. \ c2w36 3 bedroom apartment 1% bath in Thomhill area â€" small fam- ily building. Close to schools, churches and shopping. Avail- able March 18. 889-0894. c1w36 LARGE furnished bedsitting room. Yonge St. area. female preferred, cooking facilities. 884â€"7677. c1w36 BASEMENT apartment, bed- room. living-room and kitchen. Frig, stove and telephone pro- vided. Close to shopping centre and bus service. 88 May Avenue, 884-4983. c1w36 1-bedroom apartment. 884-8588. c1w36 Clearance sale of used travel trailers and truck campers from $895 up. 1972 Holiday travel trailers on display. Truck caps from $240. Parts and ac- cessories from wheels to roof. King Road. 2 miles West of Yonge St. 773-4260. c2w35 MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE Best deal in the area Trade in time. Save even more. Come in or phone now. Rumble Tractor 8; Equipment Corner of Don Mills and Stouffville Road. Gormley. 887â€"5886 ALTERATIONS. ladies, mens. work guaranteed, free pick-up and delivery. 441 Nonh Taylor. 384-1928. tfc34 DRESSMAKING KING CITY TRAILERS FARM EQUIPMENT TRAILERS TO RENT and decorating, in- exterior. 20 years F r e e estimates. 887-5500. tfc35 c1w36 “w†Elï¬n 0F THANKS ,S‘ttmg A very happy and grateful {933319 family says “Thank you Connie “mes~ Bestard and committee†re- 9‘E’9garding Oak Ridges Minor Hoc- bed-lkey Association Draw. Winning tchen. the beautiful 1972 RGX300 Ski- a pro-‘Roule and trailer supplied by centre Bethesda Sales & Service is an venue, experience that will never be c1w36 forgotten. May good fortune smile on you all. â€"': Bill Cain & family tfc32 WE TRAIN YOU For managerial positions in young fast growing Canadian company. Opportunity for in- come of $1,000 monthly and more. For appointment call 889-4328. c1w34 Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Bill. or call EMS-8684. tfc17 LADY’S purse, Thornhill Green area. 889â€"7082 ELDRIDGEâ€"Bruce and Jean, (nee Hcacock) are proud to, announce the arrival of Steven! pound Clint Edward on Feb-ll ruary 13, 1972, at York Cen-‘L tral Hospital. A special‘ thanks to Dr. Susan Zukotyn- ski and the staff of York Cen- tral Hospital. c1w36; AINSLIEâ€"Mr. and Mrs. John Ainslie of 354 Silgar Maple Court are happy to announce the safe arrival of a grandâ€" daughter. Catherine Marie, on February 19. in Chatham, a sister for Susie. c1w36 PRATT â€"â€" Gordon and Colleen are pleased‘to announce the arrival of their daughter, Jennifer Anne, born February 26 at 5.30 p.m., 8 lbs. 1 oz. A welcome playmate for brother Trevor. c1w36 STONGâ€"Alfred and Raymonde (nee Aubrey) are happy to announce the birth of their son. Jason Alfred at St. Michael’s Hospital on Tues- day. February 22. 1972. A brother for Martha, Michele and Daniel. ncw36 Engagementa Finally, after a very lengthy CO-ORDINATOR 0F PROGRAMMES Should be certified or certifiable by the Ontario Department of Education. Permanentor Interim Municipal Recreation Director’s Certifi- cate Type “B†or related experience. Hours of work could include some evenings, weekends and holidays. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Useful fringe benefits. Apply in writing stating full personal dataz Including education, experience and other qualiï¬cations by March 20th, 1972. PERSONAL TRAVEL Tï¬irtha EMPLOYMENT TOWN OF MARKHAM FOUND The Parks and Recreation Department requires a c1w361DICKINSON. Mabel â€"- At â€". Thornhill on Saturday. Feb- ruary 26. 1972, Mabel Dickin- son, fO‘merly of Edgar Av- enue, 'chvale. Service was held from the Marshall Fun- JOh" eral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Maple! Richmond Hill, Tuesday, Feb- lo‘uncel ruary 29. Interment Rich- Elianfij“ mond Hill Cemetery. *1w36 is an; BOYS AND GIRLS er be‘Make regular pocket money on thune a Liberal paper route. Estab- Jlished routes may be available I 'in your area. Phone Carrier c1\\'36,Circulation, 884-1105. DALLAS. Mary EDMUNDS, William '.l‘l10masâ€"â€"~ At York Manor Saturday, February 26. 1972. Beloved husband of the late Emma Beatrice Galloway. dear father of Robert of Tliornhill. Rested at the Marshall Fun. eral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Tuesday. Interment York Cemetery. As memorial trib- utes donations may be made to the Ontario Hart Founda- tion. c1w36 GRAY, Neil N HOPPER, Harriet Elizabeth â€"â€" At the Toronto East General Hospital on Friday evening. February 25. 1972, beloved wife of the late Fred Hopper, formerly of Richmond Hill. dear mother of Harry. Bertha (Mrs. RhLockhartl and Reay, also survived by eleven grandchildren and thirteen greatchildrcn. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 1226 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w36 SHUTTLEWORTH, Mrs. W â€" At‘ K-W Hospital on Saturday. February 26, 1972, the former Helen English of Winter- bourne and fomerly of Rich- mond Hill. Survived By Les and Ken. Sister of Kenneth, Norman, Thomas, Mrs. Ron- ald IJune) Cowan, and Mrs. Alex (Mary) Young all of Toronto. Predeceased by one brother Dan. Services were held on Tuesday. February 29. 1972 in Waterloo ‘with burial in Memorial Gardens. c1w36 Personnel Department Town of Markham. 8911 Don Mills Road, Markham, Ontario. 1 ALLAS. Mary H. â€" Suddenly on Saturday, February 26. 1972, Mary Durling dear mother of Pam Muckleston of Ottawa and! Barbara Bunting of Richmond Hill. Service was held at the Marshall Fun- eral Home, Richmond Hill on Monday. Cremation. c1w36 Friday, February 25, 1972. Neil Gray. of Willowdale, dear brother of Ellen tMrs. Elwyn Coe) Willowdale Rest- ed at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. Service was held Monday. Interment King City Cemetery. clw36 Unionville, and the late A1- Ien.. Mr. Webster rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 73" Thomhill. Service was held in the chapel Monday. Inter- ment N ewmarket Cemetery. c1w36 %mtha Sudde'nly on c1w36