E THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursdav. March 9. 1972 elebrating Baden Powell's Birthday York Summit ScoutAnd Cub Hobby Show Oppose Use Of Our Money Saving Toronto's Waterfront lt's okai to spend moon on m: in wood $303.3h‘0 in \or‘k lai'gest niimicipal contributors to contributing Sl.871.000 this Boyd Consemation areas the chlopInent of Toronto; Rezioii in 1072 and 51.024500 to the eonseiwation aIIthoi‘It) \eai', other l‘nlllllf‘tpaljlios $76. continued to be residents of waterfront for recreation pin» mot‘ the next lite tears. i-le anion: 10 municipalities 000. while York lit‘llmi eontriâ€" Metro Toronto. The dis- mal-(Is, Rm \‘larkhan‘t RCEIOl‘IJtl said development of the Torah. "\\'(‘;tl‘(‘]]nl against waterfront tunes the aforementioned $53.. cussion finally petercd out, Councillor .lIm ,lonzcnecl \\ mild to waterfront was of a l'f‘Zlnllfll- de'telopiiient. but few of our 000. with Lord statimz that like to see more money contln: wide benefit and part of the m-â€" people will go south to plav on Lord Dl‘nlldt‘t‘l other statistics “we‘re not here today to Bv Lot-[SE ROBERTSON NH“, “11011:†are the symbol played some of their handi-Tliornhill MVSA Pack placin: Into \"ol'k Region'swav. erall recreation ohtects of thethc Lake Ontaiio shoreline." on recreation areas. pointing ask for money approval. Take mm? ugom “0115Ԡplace {or york Summit District'. crafts Ifor the first time in second and 3rd Th nrnli i ll He was touching on lllf“ \lf‘lv iniiiince "which “I†benefit all said .loneeneel He is one _of out that Bruce's Mill on the We're here to explain the 872 6mm“ from 34 grotng on In all there were 31 Cith several years' Pack placing third The l‘l.B.\l ro Conservation Authority s l'll- of us.“ three \‘ork Regional Authority Stouffnlle Road is now the continuation of our five- 12 long tables and what have packs. IR Scout troops and Three trophies were [)l'OSf‘nâ€" Award for Scouts was won by mineiit request for a special “ * * ‘ 'memhcrs He said the south authority's most heavily used year program for the Water- vou got? -â€" ’l‘lie l2lh Annual three Venlurer companies from ted -_- 'l‘ho Tara Linn Rulan the 5th Richmond Hill Coni- subsidy of 333000 for 1973 as (oiiiIi-Illor .lnllL‘Cllr‘t‘l anil \llfllt‘ of lake Simcoe should conservation area, The highest front." iYorki Summit District‘s Handi- Oak Ridges. Jefferson. lich~ Memorial \ward ~â€" for the panv with 01h Richmond Hill York Region‘s contribution to f‘.~i~liinoiirt llill Reflional ('oun- be included In any Metro area continues to he Boyd ('onserva- He did add that a hvlaw of~ emf-1 and Hobby Show for mond Hill. Langstiiff. 'l‘hornhill. highest aierace points [101‘ ree- and 1st Langstaff placin: sec- the waterfront proieet when he i-iilor Cordon Rowe e\pt'esse(l watertioiit program. tion Area near Maple. ficiallv requesting the $53,000 Scouts, (“he \‘pntin-prg. held Beverley Acres, L'nionville and islet-ed boy. The ’l‘1.R.\l ,\ward and and third respectivelv. \oiced his opinions at a Feb» dissatiJaction about the mnnrw r a r * Some council members would be forthcoming. February 26 at Bavvicw Second- \laI-khain who took part in the for (‘lllls was won h_v lst Rieli- The third tropliv was the l‘URI‘)‘ '34 meeting of the l‘f‘L‘lf‘lll the :IiitlioiIH planned to spend 'I'he watertroot development ll‘umblt‘d that the createst (‘ouncil dIdn't seem to doubt. arv School In Richmond Hill. show a few parents also dts- mood Hill "Fl" Pack with 7th George Harvey Memorial council. The “Mint†\‘ns liearâ€" in Lake \\ilrov - Lake St. Geo- protect will see Metro Toi'onâ€" users of Bruce's Mill and it a hit_ â€" '__;»_ "I" ' " ' W â€â€™ r “’ †' """""’†VA "‘ ‘ ' ‘ '[‘rnphy re for the liizhesl aver- in: Ross liord. authority chair- rce areas. _ ' ' ' “ " 32“ P9" El‘mlf‘ ‘gf‘m‘ls and "an lloue sold the authority "has Cubs togethcrl. This trophy was Not so conciliatory was mm, INN] Slalom (m. 1.00....» YONGE ST. AT STEELES AVE. Chevrolet Vega One day. 100 miles. One flat rate. only $10.75 l "100" Pay only for the gas .vou use. m ‘ awarded to the 9th Richmond Hill Group. ï¬vii When 1 arrived the 3rd Richâ€" ‘mond Hill V'enturers were busy building.T a Sea Flea for wlucli they were to have a free draw later in the dav. Near them was taken in August 1973. “Hi perâ€" mit about 160 Scouts and Ven» ',turers and 30 leaders to travel Aurora Mayor Dick [flincâ€" worth who thouc’ht the val- ue to York Region residents in contributing $53000 was “absolutely nil and we can better spend that amount of money for recreation here." lllinzworth accused the authority of “literally rcation areas as Bruce's Mill and Boyd Conservation Areas. He said the authority propoâ€" ttonal areas as St George and Oak Ridzcs from lflT‘.‘ to 1076." Lord said plans were still to develop Lake St. George and Lake Wilcox areas as a unit, and assured council that "we‘re willing to work with you in doing so. It's \Olkswagens 11:0?†inï¬ll“: canâ€: :‘Ihl'i‘h “mung, [mm 0",. pack.“ a question of getting to- . . .. .. . . . 1a een Iii v ie s n- ~ * .. n , . _ Call 11155 llll‘lltlv for more information: mmâ€? “mil-1m.(-mnmm._ Ann 2:†i)i;-ir;|â€"tl‘le-s‘l(nv king; flcéii:‘imirittitiiwigi23:12.3“: other ci-aiipaii the sanip room ~‘,m_k “train†Iewunl :0" no (.Wlmnnr Jnnzmool said rm 1, “.3: bus" pmp'ilmg {m a In“ benefit from" :ton coitnctl should “respeeh ' Per Dav Weekly and demonshiaimn‘ ' Lord dofcndo'd H", 333 mm m. I'IIllv suggest to the authority T "058 0r Slmnat‘! $10.75 $55.00 i Mm mimic.“ “YRS llm.fl's' quest outlining the various heiiâ€" mi“ '00.“ Sltt‘lllt‘l t'micw' their Nova or similar: $11.75 $69.00 Illa.“ ‘Om‘l'almn PFSE‘Sâ€S_ " ' ms york Region haS dpmfli budget for this area and cough 0 Malibu or similar: $12.75 $70.00 ‘3 “"9" “90k "m lf‘dhc Bli'll‘l‘ from the authority mm- mc tip more money than the prop- lmpala or similar: $14.00 $78.00 15199 Th“ “"p- “hm “l†be years in developing sum rm. osed 810.000." .loncciiccl earlier told an att< thority meeting Metro Toronto and York Region are the two V ,{The nevv’Renault12-L ‘ Anon, om_otivé "concept in three models- MAW Ito Britain and particularly to . A W_.w, . l '1 (‘,' ~ p -k __ it lWWMWNmWWWMT’ You’re milesAahead at Igpscoy,‘;;;t r r We at ***t ,“Novelty Baking" ICuhst. while ‘Scout Steve Harris of 8th Rich~ lmond Hill won a first in l‘fakes" with a cottage thatâ€" ched with coconut and outlined lin chocolate chips. green cocoâ€" ‘nut grass and plastic figures la farmwife feeding chiekenst completed the production. David Kelton. lst Langstafi‘ Scouts won a first for his eard- jboard model of the town of St. Marie. Midland. as it appeared in 1639-1649. Another display :that caught my eye was an old 90 other Sizes lwooden wall phone and a varied selection of colored glass caps :STUDENT :RENTALSn ! a; TYPEWRITERS a; ADDING MACHINES e? CALCULATORS 7;? OFFICE FURNITURE I; 71? REPAIRS ‘ 7:? WE DO PHOTO COPIES l compact; compact (as we respectfully I called it) caught on in abig w ay. 1\ow it‘s here in three models. The oriâ€" (formerly Goodkind Office Equipment) 20 YONGE ST. N., incn'itiparable 12 Station li’agon (which. is in a class by itself). original. Renault 12, people discovered, was a tough. gutsy little car that ran well on, \crv little gasoline and Virtually no repair bills. 'l'hc original Renault 13 was cmptionally comfortable. and safety minded, too. And another thing: it didn-‘t cost an arm and a leg to buy. 50 the non- Biit on to the show itself. (2 (4 The entries were displayed on ’ i . ‘1 lnan tables in the auditorium. . HORSE BARNS ASK ABOUT OUR There was a wide amt-Intent of ;, o RIDING ARENAS 9, interests represented: bird (2 y V V . j _ , (ill R E S houses and bird feeders. cakes, C RENO\A110l\S TU OLD bAKl‘tS cookies and coin collections 1, ~, « 1 r _ got lito say nothing of stamp i5 . DRAIhAbE [RUBLLMS i131 land nature collectionsl. (i): there were handicrafts such as i/ ' A, - (“)l woodeai'ving and papier mache. Whlttaker Bros- I I‘ll t‘ art work of all types and sev-g '_ E to l ,‘ eral displays, including Scout 8% CONlraClmQ \ > i kn 0‘5- i A ramp Scene with Rinse" bread tents. a blue icing lake l and marshmallow campers won . _ ‘ . _ , , Cub Dan Pel‘l‘ill tip of 7th I s P E c I A l '_l lll> _\€'dl"15‘ the tust3ear that we vehad gin-ally beautiful Renault 12; the very Inmml‘m "‘9 m“ "m" m" tlii‘ce .iiiodcls of our Renault 12. The new, very sporty Renault IZIL; and the an 33 Other Sizes Elam-.atl Whitewash Size Fith Price All. these Renault 12’s come with front- wheel drive, an automatic rear axle coma pensator. a peppy new 1600 cc. engine, and all the comfort in the world. . nLc-Ino 3,: RETREADS 7. 75~f 4 Blac‘uvalt \\ Ith mreadabla trade-to We ve got a new Renault 12 in your size. (So come in and see us today.) 'l GREENWOOD RENAULT $ 4-ply Nylon u-Biic‘ï¬ieran “vigil?†from phone poles. t ‘ _ I ' CHAMPION l , 3...: .. ' RKHMOND “M 884 65 24 1. t6 INDUSTRIAL RD., RICHMOND HILL - 884-884l - 773-4444 ii $5043, ‘ances. riioti simply in thieparl» “ ‘ ‘ u “ ‘,‘* l“. ‘ ‘ ‘ , W , v _- _ ‘vï¬â€™r‘: in 77-; “VJ, ,7 7 7 : iwork section but even as a papâ€" lier mache model. The bird feeding stations 3were well done. One that in- .terested me was the weathered ‘wood with a gnarled driftwood support. on one side. Several had a model bird on the station and one Cub entered a delight- tful painted feeding station com- ‘iplete with tiny birds and even 95 Other Sizes Blackwell Whitehall Size Price Price ’ .â€" $ { 4-ply Nylon ., STRATO- ' STREAK " What Zieharf Rustprootmg stands for. And what It shouldn’t stan for. Ask if they use yellow plastic plugs marked “Ziebart Rustproof" to seal the tiny, strategically drilled holes through which the spray tooling reaches all enclosed areas. Ask if they put the yellow Ziebart shield sticker in the bottom corner of the windshield afterthe job is finished and fully inspected. Finally, ask if they need your carfor at least eight hours, giving them sufficient time to reach and protect every rust-prone area. Only authorized Ziebart Rustprooflog dealers have the exclusive sealant, fooling, training, technical knowâ€"how, and spend so much time on each car. Now you know why no other rustproofiog can possibly be the same as Zlebart. And you can tell them we said so. The next time another rustproofer uses our name to get you to buy, or claims their rust- proofing is the same as Ziebart, please let us know about it. You'll be helping us protect other rustproofing customers from being misled in thefuture. . Write to Mr. Michael G. Dorey, PreSIdent, Ziebarf Rustprooflog Limited, 23,95 ‘83’ “a couple of humble-bees ~â€" un- sw, 33-95 Ifort‘unately he forgot the rules Blackwcll iwhich stated "Painted houses .and feeding stations will lose ipoints.†Other entries in this S Other Sizes > category were also nice models. but could never be put to prac- _ PM PM In the “Open†class Craig =MeGuffin of lst. Langstaff chouts had a very lnterestmg '78' ‘model of a toy electric organ â€" \ \g‘ "9†lion bad there wasn‘t a plug , alarm." thandv so I could try it out. ‘ Craig was also the winner of the. boat which the Venturers completed during the show ~â€" ,a nice finish to a good day. tic/AL new... CLEARANCE ON ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT Deluxe Champion â€" Now Only For All Occasions i We Deliver ’ i to Toronto & a Surrounding 9.5L “Ziebart Rustproofiog" is the trade name and registered trademark of Ziebart Rustproofing Limited, a wholly-owned Canadian company. As a trademark, “Zlebarf Auto-Truck Rust- proofiog†identifies the exclusive patented rustproollog process which Kurt Ziebart devel- oped in 1953. And we are always improving. A process specifically designed to protect all makes of cars, domestic and imported, against the damaging effects of our Canadian climate. So much aboutwhatwe stand for. What you shouldn't stand for is others using the name “Zlebart†when they are really talking MERCURY, about some other type of rusfproofiog they sell â€" CHRYSLER, whether it's a process or just an offâ€"theâ€"shelf 8 PONTIAC. DODGE, i product. Maybe the reason they don't use their “a.†madman R AMBLER own name is that it isn't good enough. OFFER ENDS MARCH 315T! pLirMOIYT'H I You also shouldn't standfor others claiming their rustproofiogisthesameasours. . . ,. ., . . . y. When the do,askifthe use the exclusive ~BEST SERVICE Buys y y FRONT END DISC BRAKE BRAKE RELINE Ziebart rusfprooftog sealant. Ask if they use all the specially designed and includes new linin: “anstalldne' v on all four wheels. patented Ziebart spray tooling. :;:;;,:;jf;;; _ We adiust brakes Ask If all their men have been thoroughly ow and Inspect complete trained like Ztebart fechoICIans are. ! (site L. ' l Blackwall Whitewall Price Price $26.69 $29.95 28.66 32.26 32.20 36.19 32.20 36.19 34.91 39.00 34.91 379.00 41.4‘2 46.60 BIG 8.4 VINGS on tires for FORD, CHEV, OLDS. BUICK, Size sisâ€"14 F78-14 G78â€"14 (378-15 H78-14 H78â€"15 JTB-lï¬ Districts Flowers Wired Anywhere l Rice's Flowers RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 - At All Hours - YOU'LL LEARN. v55 ONE MUCH cornea AND conceal Piecis an alignment hr Mozart machan cs. Piice tar most American Cars thus for some cam with air Conditioning) Farts aura It needed I l i ' $ t i m 88 {Igljehï¬lï¬gl‘l Drum Ask if they know the construction details of National Head Office, 150 Oakdale Road, | every vehicle sold in Canada, and if they have all Downsview 479.0ofa‘rio. ’ 221?“ I ~ this information to constantly updated technical That s everything Ztebarf Rustproofiog stands m I 9 / exam-Wu. manuals. for.Aod whatyou shouldntstand for. So dont. _â€"â€"__â€"____â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"'T'_â€" Our automatic deliverv service relieves you of Now available at these Firestone Sta/es . . . NOW AT . . . Tirestone STORES KK‘HJIOND HEIGHTS CENTRE. RICHMOED HILL Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings 'til 9 pm. 884-4401 heating worries. Get the Fuel 0†habit and tom the swing to cold weather cnm- . 59 Newkirk Rd. Richmond Hill 889-0260 fort. RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST $344313 Ziebart OR (‘HARGF L...«....._....V...‘...m.-d