16 THE LIBERAL. R ichmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 9. 1972 Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgelcy and Kleinburg. Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg. Mrs. Shirley Gloster. 893~l725. In The Village Of Map/e ‘ Oostveen and Billy Carter. both in Sick Children‘s Hospital. Also to Mrs. Mildred Noble. who has been in York Central Hospital fighting a bout with pneumonia. Several residents in the Map- le area have been interested in 1 starting an arts and crafts Our first thought this week is group or guild where some of for those in hospital. and we the beautiful handwork done would like to send sincere get by local folk might be put on April 29 and 30 this dream will begin to come true, when an arts and crafts show will be presented at the Joseph Gibson School. with displays and where possible. demonstrations of lea- ther jewellery. tie dye silk, oil painting. ceramics, candles. pot- tery, wrought iron work, lino cuts. weaving. carved leather. batik decorating with antiques and several other projects still MAPLE MINOR HOCKEY RESULTS‘ High single was taken by Ed Harding with 271 and Michael Miller won the high triple hon~ ors with a total of 698. HOUSE LEAGUE went to Stem Sherman. two. Alike Fitzgibbon two. Dave Sutherland. Dave Moore and Bruce West one each. The Maple Lions were knockâ€" well wishes to little .‘limmydisplay and sold. to be arranged. Kleinburg Klarion W Kleinburg still has snow and it‘s still lovely and white due to the winds that each weekend seem to keep shifting the snow. However, this particular morning the sun. is shining and you can feel spring even if the temperature is only 20. We will still be waiting for news on the first robin and crocus to pop through the snow here in our area. We are also still looking for some- one lnterested in taking this very interesting column for this paper. Please phone Mary Daw- son at 884-1105. Church News The churches in our area are all very busy these days as they are preparing for Easter. One group at the Nobleton United Church, The Hi Cs are having a meeting Sunday at 7:30 pin to make . plans for the Good Friday morning break- fast that is prepared for the whole community. All friends in the area are most welcome. We Will have times next week on this. The Hi Cs here in Kleinburg are still remembering their Starve In. We are waiting news on the alnount collected. As of this date they haven’t got the amount tabulated yet. Their next meeting is March 19. Rev. Arthur Hamilton will be continuing his services lead- ing up to Easter Sunday in the series. The Significance Of Easter. This week his title is The Shift In Salvation, Matthew 25. The service begins each Sunday at 9:45 am. The organ- ist is Mrs. Lorna Wetstone. The Sunday SchoOI kindergarten and primary meet at the same time as church and the juniors and intermediate meet at 11 am. Central United service is at 2:45 pm. All in this area arel given a very warm welcome by Rev. Hamilton. Nobleton Unit- ed. also under the direction of Rev. Hamilton, meets at 11 am. * 1k a: Kleinburg United Board of Management will meet Monday. March 13 at 8 pm in the church. . 3. xii It! Nashville Presbyterian has a new starting time 9:30 am in-i stead of 10:45. This will start Sunday and affects adults as well as the children, as thel church school is being incorp-. orated in with the church serv-] ice. The first half-hour of the service will be adults and chil- dren all worshiping together. Then at 10 a.m. the children will go to their own classes and the rest of the congregation will continue in service. There will be a special time of hymn singing for all these lots of ers for For further information. call .\lrs. Fran Lippay at 832-2326. This promises to be of interest to many of those who spend time and talent on various crafts as well as those who ap- preciate the value of hand the day were Randy ‘Sw'eet. Jim Stevens. Laura Wil-i son Catliv Neufeld and Marâ€"i . , ‘ ' . .made articles. :garet Mentors. They “Ad The Maple Home and School lgmde that bho‘wid “mm 31°,und Association is showing the movâ€" and they saw a film there. ’lhey ie Mme Gnome Mobile“ at me itl‘e“.l’.1‘°cecd0d ‘0 “‘9 TmOmoJJosepll Gibson Scllool at 7.30 'Dommlon Centre and bad‘ to pm March 17. Admission 50c. the school. It was a good day. Maple Ratepayers bham" R°b°rt5°n reported A meeting of interest to each an accident. Judy Price was and even. reéidem in the area apparently PUSth through a is being held Wednesday at Window by accident, causing 3 8pm m 5!. Stephens parish badly cut arm and a bl‘okenllall. Maple. Donald Deacon. leg. Our best wishes for a MPP for York Centre will dis- Speedy recovery Jlldl'. cuss the ever pertinent subject At the end of June we ex- of “Taxes? pect to see 92 students on stage‘wqu Day of prayer in an OPCFOIt‘d "PINK Bl‘ead‘y- ‘ World Dav of Prayer was ob- Teachers in charge are Mrsaserved in Maple Friday after- Lind-a Kelly. Mrs. Ursulajnoon of last week at St. An- Brook-s and Eric Jacobs. ldrew's Presbyterian with a well Joe Dunn the janitor is leavâ€"attcnded service conducted by ing this school for another. The Mls. Rita Moore of Zion Luth- scllool extends its thanks foreran. assisted by Mrs. Pearl all his efforts to keep the school Forrest and Mrs. Marl Robson clean, of St. Andrew’s Presbmeriali. There was an article on fasll- Ml‘S. Muriel Yates 0f 51- Steph- ions in the paper by Cathy Bensen‘s Anglican aild Mrs. Zeta son. Perhaps next week we will Thurston 0f Maple United- bl-ing more from the Paper A beautiful 5010 “The Airplana Rugged Cross†was given by, n- e a ,Mrs. Hilda Anderson with Rem Tile boys at Mackenzie Senior“Biff _And_1'e\" at the organ and‘ Public have concluded their 3“ IIISEII‘ing talk Swen house league volleyball. After ReV- ?t?1fley 511°“'den a 21 game schedule the stand Maple I’mth .0â€. “[9 “.Cheerfm' ings were: Hustlers 12, Raiderslness 0f ChrlStlanlty-' 12‘ Celtics 3‘ Lemons 6, Tick_‘Jolln Arbuckle of Zion Luther- lers 2 and Shepherds 2. In the semiâ€"finals the Hust- lers defeated the Lemons and the Celtics upset the Raiders. The final game was a runaway . , , for the Hustlers by a 65 to ladle“ “PM†gmul’ . .. their leader Mrs count over the Celtics. Mem- , . 1 ~ 1 bers of the winning team were: plesemed their W 011d Day ofl {Prayer program Which was well D nv . an 5 Connors, Ralph Scliubert,i tt i 1 1 V G H V Br w i ‘ John Giovanone, Alan Grafe.‘ Daryl Wilkes, Paul Morris, Johnlanld members at the sundffl Kuhn. Stephen Knight, .iiniisï¬lm91519fMime?“ seve-lal‘ Whitney. Stephen Benson. Denâ€"i0 lei cnldlens glsmps' During‘ ton Fleury and Russell Fox ithe program, Connie Ambrosch. Now that vollcvball has mommaâ€"HMSâ€-a“d-Chem cooper ed the boys are S-elecï¬ng teams’recaer‘véd their final gold stai-s for house league basketball.lanUnfortggiav which will run three times a} ' week at noon hours. I “Mitzi: c3503}? eéiigfgtégljoyw an excellent film strip on t ‘ . v iAfrica. ournament. Sixtyâ€"four havesgnior Citizens entered. Just one loss and you. Members of the Maple Sen- are out of this event. Withiors February 28 Welcomed. games scheduled twice a weekihome those of their group who1 it 15 anticipated that it w'illhad been away on the Florida' take five weeks before we haveltour. with warm words of wel-l a winner leome as well as a most delicious * refreshment fare of whipped Tile Junior School is a busyicream frosted angel cake. place as the report cards willl Those who had been away be along soon. Principal Johnigave a brief report on the trip, Martin has good news for alliand the main feature of the af- parents as the mid-term holi-l‘ternoon was a visit from Rob- days are arriving. The lashert Benadetti of Keele Street. day of school before the holi-lMaple. 3 PI‘OfeSSOF 0f arts at‘ day is March 17 and the day York University. After a brief‘ they return to school is Marchp‘esume of activities at York,l 27. This is a good week for alliMr. Benadetti showed two dif-' who can take holidays in theferent lots of slides the first of I l t l l i t l l IMrs. Caroline Arbuckle who ‘in the service. In the evening, the St. An-, with? th e I i it it NOVICE IGA 3, Parker‘s Spray Paint 2 [GA just edged out Parker‘s who made a strong contender. Blair lvens and Dave Plunâ€" kett garnered a goal and an as- sist each for IGA with Jeff Cochrane knocking in their l‘ill- al goal. Parker's Mark Umshaw and Randy De Piero notched one each. Brad Downing assisted on one. (.‘restwood Texaco Automotive Supply 2 Cr e s t w o o (1 opened the scoring but Automotive came on with two goals and the Tex~ aeo lads had to work to gain a tie. LTnassisted goals went to Petâ€" er Morris and Andy Grant of Crestwood. Bill Allen got both tallies asâ€" sisted on one by Norm Mondola for Automotive. European Delicatessen 3 Continental Shoes 0 European continued its unde- feated domination of this divis- ion by handily shutting out Continental. John Wilmot got one goal and an assist. Doug and Ron Hay Ilad a goal each with Norm Rut- tle assisting on two. ‘PEEWEE Maple Farm Supply 3 Rival Appliances 0 David Clendenan led Farm '1 by Supply's attack with two goalsi of and an assist. Shane Croft got, the other goal. Single assists LeMoine. tally. It was Steve Borneman and‘ Lee Hy‘l‘ld‘Cill‘lS Plunkett with a goal each for Superior. Bob Wilmot drew an assist. Dave Taylor scored for DH 3;} A assisted by Steve Allen. BANTAM Maple Lions 5, Fred’s Shell 1 I The Lions roared enough and clawed an easy victory from the Shell boys. Keir Todd scored two goals an assist each. Bryan Murchison also garnered an assist. Dennis Riley notched Fred’s loner assisted by Geoff Shaw. Contractor’s 10 Disposal Service 2 Strictly no contest as Con- tractors wound up the regular shedule. Everyone seemed to get into the act. John Dellaserra registered four big goals. Robbie Candoni had two goals and two assists: another proposed plan for tliej but gave the trustees leave to, a Peter Fraser one and three: Steve Jones and Al Reame. one I ed out of their division playoffs by a much stronger Sundridge Club by scores of (713 and 7-3. Maple Surf Marine Z Cnionville 1 (March 3) The. Mariners managed to hang on and defeat a deter- mined L'nionville squad. For Maple it was Billy Wright and Peter Fraser with a goal each. Steve Dzikowski. Norm Stapley and Dexter Salna took single assists. (March 4) Surf Marine 3, King City 3 Two evenly matched teams fought this one out to a draw. Peter Fraser had one goal and two assists: Chick Lloyd. one and one Steve Jones. one goal. MIDGETS (March 4) Maple Clements Rad 3 King City 2 Clements won it but looked ragged doing so. Gord Parl‘ott scored the win- ner on a pass from Digby Bou- rke in one of the few good plays of the game. Other scoring was by Bill Ed- manson with one goal and one assist. Marv Hirano had a goal. iDenny Stapley took two assists and Ricky Brooker one. Concord Youtll And Filly Set Royal Record Robert: Martin. [7-yearâ€"old younger son of Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of (‘oncord, set a record at last fall‘s Royal Winter Fair. 1922. His feat hasn't been equalled since the fair started in Robert is the proud owner of “Bar-drill Castles Hilda“, a Clvdesdale filly foal, which he. The filly came up with the following impressive wins to set the record: first prize foal, junior champion female, best Canadian bred and owned female any age. sixth for showmanship. the $500 prize donated by A. Busch Junior and the trophy for the supreme (‘an- exllibited at the fair. adian championship in This was the most wins with one horse and one exhibitor since the Royal started. ale or female. Robert. a student at St. Andrew's College, is the fourth generation of the Martin family to exhibit. registered Clydesdales ill the last century. He keeps his horses on the farm of his uncles, Fred and Goldie Martin of Paramount, Highway 86 West of Lucknow. who gave him the mother of the winning foal. In the above picture are (left to right): Robert. the prize-winning filly, Fred Martin of Paramount, and Wreford Hewson of Beeton, well exhibitor. A local organization resident of this area is the an gave the benediction, withSuper‘ior Propane 2, DH & A 1‘Kleinburg‘ and Area Ratepayers Superior‘s two goals held up‘ thanked those who participated long enough to win althoughl Association. The group was conceived in iDH & A did answer with one September 1967 when Vaughan. Township Planning Board un- veiled a proposed secondary plan calling for rapid subdivs- ion of the Milani-held farm- land surrounding Kleinburg to a population of about 7,300. This plan included high-rise and row housing and was un- animously rejected by the rate- payers. In February, 1970, the dev-, eloper came back to the planâ€" speakel' and added three assists followedimn.g board “‘im another plan' scheduled to speak, had been by Curt Arnett, Glen Leonard “men turned out to be a car- taken ill, but those present en- and Peter Pflug with a goal and 1’0“ copy 0f the ï¬lm one' In April, Vaughan Council instruc- ted its planners to come up with yet a third plan which was not too different. However, the Toronto-Centred Plan unvei1~ ‘ed by the Ontario Government in May, 1970, delayed an imâ€" plementation of this plan, since Kleinburg was indicated to lie 11] area. I l During the summer of 197llb35i5- tKleinburg area was sent to the association along with a request and one each. Pat Hudema man-lfor 20 representatives to meet aged one goal with Don Prim-.with the Town of Vauglian’s cipe and Glen Lind adding asâ€"lPlanning Committee. In this sistS. plan the population was reduc- Disposal’s scoring was led bycd by developing leSS area. but Tom Weidenfelder and Norm‘witll the same high-rise apart. l a low-density development, \K'hlcll’celltl‘ed Plan and of York Reg- satisfactory Pastorwcnt to 1am Hunter and Steve deserves the support of everyiion. After one fairly satrsfact-iissues, but warns there is no ory meeting with the planningi committee a second was arrang-i ed. For some disclosed reason this was cancelled and the townf has not called another. GARBAGE DUMP And then there is the fight against the garbage dump in the“ Connor pit. . In the spring of 1971, Vaugh an Council made known its in tention of converting the 37-acre gravel pit at Highway 27 andl the Maple Road into a 200. i foot high, 110-aere mountain of‘ garbage. A petition opposing this was signed by 1,200 resi- dents from all areas of Vaughan and many concerned people1 established a fund to obtainl [legal counsel. Despite this, massive opposition, council vot-.1 ed in favor of purchasing Con-1, nor’s pit for $100000 for sanâ€"i itary landfill operation with the“ .only dissenting vote being cast‘ by Councillor Gordon Risk. ‘ Dump Fund†promptly filed a? restraining injunction, which was granted on a temporary On review. a second judge dissolved the injunction‘ appeal and the Town of Vaug- han is now defendant in a rest- raining aetion. Funds are stilll COStS. McMICHAEL GALLERY The trustees of the "No-l being solicited to defray legal known Clydesdale breeder, importer and Kleinburg Ratepayers Fight Io Saveâ€"Community outcome of these reason for complacency. A strong effective ratepayers as- sociation must be maintained. Membership is $1 per family, This can be paid at the Kleinâ€" burg Post Office. NEWMARKET: The old York Manor Building on Yonge Street may be in such a run- down condition it would appear hazardous to continue use by air cadets and other groups. Regional Councillor Ray Twin- ney claims. He fears there may be dangetr of a boiler explos- ion or of part of the building collapsing. 1eral weeks this winter. CARRVILLE NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Arlene Parke â€" Phone 884-5051 260 Weldrick Road Neighborhood Notes where the White House, parks We are glad to hear that Mrs. and many official buildings Thelma Somerville is on the were viewed by the pars way to recovery after being ill sengers. with flu and pneumonia for seV-l What do you know {cancerl’ Mrs. Carrie Read and Mrs.‘ Riehvale Lionettes invite you Helen Baker 0f Carrville United to attend a discussion on cancer. have just returned from aiThere will be a film and ques- three-week tour of Florida withltion period with Dr. Arnold the senior citizen group fromlArai and Dr. Alex Golab of Maple. They report having alYork Central Hospital partiCl- marvelous holiday and a few'ipating. This is a community chilly days. Tile dining was ex-lscrvice and is open to every- ccllent at every stop and arc-lone. It will be held at the commodations were very com- Lions Hall. 31 Spruce Avenue. fortable. On the return ti'ingar-ch 14 at 8 pm. Doors open about IMPRWEMENT Begins with in 5-6 colors 4 - the bus toured Washington. D.C.‘at 7:15. mi. lll/lfllil’li'il'l/ffl/fif FORMICA & ARBORITE $15.95 8 to 10 colors to choose from â€"â€" 4’x8’ POSTFORMED COUNTERTOPS Reg. $19.95 $2.98 per ft. 5 - 6 - 7 â€" 8 ft. lengths that arr've 1' ‘ v - i s - . - th ~ ble dealt v'thi ‘ .... titans-tinsFusions... i. . chains: 3:. as. scissors VANITIES - Your Gene of Co'or T°P oil it» -~ ~ ~ ‘ v . ~ f1“ 15 , ‘ ,MIDGET “n†. housina, : . . _. He ., o - . v __ . ‘ n t A r s 1 Â¥ 1 _ $91.95 direm'g: ((1)1; angling, under the thek‘blgu excrtement fol the the continental CllllCle area of (February 21, ‘ The" rate av I", Ob‘ection waalskizgpaigllioféalwfgw‘lfcï¬ggfi C011- ..l \VANI'IX (OMPI ELL] Yv FINISHED . v . r ‘ Q i n . eenstiax All‘ uc’y grades 1 and 2 as tlieylWyomrng. where he had done La Riviera (‘oiffure 3 l .). , _ p "e ‘ . , 5,“) . ., S- S . . , 3 " \ AN[TY _... (V‘OMPLE’IEL) I<‘[NISH[4J) . ' . , _ , 3.9.90 in tlrs area are given a friend- see the maple sugar being madesome mountain climbing and were resented both \eibally ilection of Art in close DIOA- . Oak Ridges 0 La Riviera walked off with o... 36" VANITY â€"â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED .. . . . $11-95 WALL PANELLIN G SAL GOLDEN-RED ANTIQUE ELM, 4‘x8' $6.95 â€"â€" Reg- i 8.95 s; 3.50 1y welcome to come and join‘h-‘Iarch 27 and 30. in this service i * and in writing and it was ag- imity to the houses in Kleinâ€" . g . ‘ reed that a committee consist- burg Estates. KARA supported in}??? [it]: hmnifllenï¬gambt a “12' 0! Ben Vass. Murray R0wan,‘the Kleinburg Estates Ratepay- 12" 0 1 " Opp) ‘ Pierre Berton and Jack Leslie ers in opposition to the ex» angrilgarzlilaSEnotgaltilligiibsiiililg: Should draft a brief summary of tension of the parking lot and a ‘ with Joe Moore and Mark BOS_ a housmg development accept- report on this is expected 500“ particularly some filming of the The Ontario Museum and MC. various wildflower species in ‘ Laughlan Planetarium will be the mountain area. The Bolton Contact Centre visited by the classes of John The second topic was a trip Training Program Wednesday‘Kerr and Ellen Savona_ lhljougll “18 “In? making area-‘5 will be studying views on age-Neighborhood Notes Of France 311d GEI'manY- ML :0 Q ing and the aged. Miss Hope: The Rotary were to be havintenadetti's information on this we“ assisting, on one each able to the residents of thel The association reminds the M'AHOGANX EELE‘ACI-EIL 4 X5 - ~ ' - - ' q _( Holmestead from the Ontariolh’lillionaires Night last niglï¬â€˜industry was most complete and 0M“; HOCKEY ' area. which would meet withiresi‘dcnts of Kleinburg that “A L; TUT RUbTIL 4‘x8‘ _ _ _ _ , , , _ , , . , , , , , , , , , , S . .f I Welfare Council will be theiIWednesdayi. Th1 ‘equally intel‘eSting- ' ’ special guest speaker. For morelbe great with draw: 333:5 eiï¬'He was thanke‘i by Mrs’ Mm'g‘ information please telephone;tcrtaimnent, continhgus bï¬ffet'aret Jad‘son for taking his time‘ Maple Honev Pot 4. Bolton 1 . 'Rev. Warren McKinnon at 857-1and prizes. lt sure sounds like to "ism With our group and PaUI‘ The Maple ‘lads D01ished “if 2419- ‘3 nigilt not to miss. V is‘ï¬der added his thought that Bolton in a neat, \vorkmanlike Alcohol and Drugs are theL The Rotary Anus met wed_‘Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Oliver des- manna. The), looked good a“ ‘the regulations of the Toronto-:there is reason to hope for a ROSEWOOD RUSTIC. 4'XS’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.70 12"xl2" VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE . . . . . . 1450 Each I5 Different Colors: iVauglian Mayor Williams Says l l SOLID V . _ A, . . . ’ ' '7" '1‘)" topic of a (lav long seminalnnesdav of last week at 1 .el‘ved a lot of credit for making .. , M I c d A d P G 15‘1‘ 1‘ k ' _ ~ , . pm at , . . s the “as. Saturday. conducted by Alcohollthe home of Jean Bevens. Their friends 0f. theâ€. new "Elghbors Blair Sutherland SCOl‘e‘] 0‘19 e) n and Drugs Im the typical friendly commun- . Concerns of Don‘topic was ICVIills. This will be held ill the} even Presbyterian in Bolton.j Five full tables of l ‘ ' Registration will begin at 9:15.were present at the Eeagiiliii: am and lunch will be served athashviue Euchre at , 12:30 pm in the chm-01L the home All'of Dorothy T d . " -' - adults and teenagers are mostlners this weekowire Willi-i welcome to attend. There willlson. Dorothy Todd Jov. Lost~ be films. addresses and evenlchuck,’Joe Parr Dorothy Maw some group discussion. Rowland Charley Agar. ' A Mcklnnon feels this should be: Ladies keep fit night is just of interest to all in the area (nngoing great and thev are look- i- . . . . and added an assist. Brian ‘11'.V style. and for invitlng R’II‘NHObbS. Dirk Home and Jeff Benadetu to Show his “'Ollder‘ Brookes notclled singles. Dale fUI program to our members. Line‘ Ricky Haas†Bobby Kuch. Games were planned for gym“: and Joe Banisxa had, March 6. with a St. Patrick‘s Single “51ng ’V ‘ ' Day program for March 13,: Jeff Brookes‘ Dirk H08“. and Garnet Williams expressed deep .Bowling was discussed for‘Ra‘. Mondola were particularly concern over rumors that Alarch 20 and those members Out‘standjng' Vaughan Council llas'been op- who were fortunate enough to (Mal-ch 4i nosing Richmond Hill Cable have taken the Florida holiday. Maple Honey pot 2_ Stayner 1 TV 5 appllcatton for extension and who have slides to shoxv, Honm- pm “on their series of its service to the Maple. C(51- ‘ e REG.97c FLOOR 1'". 49¢ While They Last SEE OUR COMPLETELY FINISHED KITCHEN CABINET Antique Collecting. i< I? it Should Have Cable Television Now )laple, Pine Grove and Concord when the initial approval was ~1 given, he said. Council thought Pine Grove would be serviced in conjunc- tion with the servicing of Wood . bridge, since the boundary be- tween the two had been remov~ Last week Vaughain Mayor char el. Rev. M l" -' j - . . a A . . will be able to do so by March - ~ ‘ . Tie 901‘“ and Pine Gm“? “935- . be ipeaking Suncdaivnngii \t‘lilelitilii ï¬féqllt];](:vleklddles“ [0 110m m 37~ Niadlleilepelafgi‘lsieliai: gilll‘gol‘lllgd brande‘i “19h rumors as totally ed by “‘9 19351300†“meh Cre‘ ' , topic Don't Touch ‘ Me from As well thereeeip Ifll pmgmm' Bowling splendidlvhall season long. linse- 319d “’5' Region Of York: coun‘ 3'" L, , A , " Mark 5’ 21 to 34. The readeréhahdnd basketbju 23d 3:05;? Ladies ~â€"- February 28. Bar- Blair Sutherland made the Mayor Williams Said Vaughan cil also tholiéigh}: Maple dand .' .- We.“ will be readin Palm 121‘b1 5"“ - .-’racudas 5. lmpalas 'l. Maver- win 0‘sible with his two goals, Town Council has always sup- Concord w'ou e service as [Nasm-mei pegggv 3313“, and 5:11]le ‘1'30,[I;{3‘1j,é"fu‘e flumor icks 5. Cougars 2. Falcons 7.1.19 ‘33: assisted by Dirk Heal-e ported Richmond Hill Cable TV the lines to some other areas Tom Cranston lRohonil Scott Eyck.“ See “.11; it“ Ewmng' Mustangs 0, Wildcats 5 and and Scott Law-son, from the time of its initial ap- were strung through them. . I Stewart and Stewart Ruthei- holiday 53,55 he lab Fe†O“ Fil'cbh'ds'l- PEEWEE plication. sending representa- The CRTC required a second 8 ft. base and wall cabinet completely finished ford. oet back ‘ Slie ,ï¬iinamlg {‘0 This puts Wildcats out in (February 15) hes to several hearings. _lt hearing on these three areas with counter top “ourchoice of color) . School News T ' “e “1039 front in this last series with 17. Maple Lions 2. Oak Ridges 1 was council‘s expressed wish and it has just been held at _. “ good exercising nights. * it * Mavericks 14. Falcons 14, Bar- Ottawa. Again Vaughan Counâ€" ‘hat the whole municipality be 1 (ii supported Richmond Hill 'eri'ed by the one cable comp- Steve Sherman scored a goal The Mackenzie Pa er A '- P It racudas 12. Impalas 9. Firebirds and an assist. Eddl' Glmdel" BONANZA SALE ensue lane is out w" h i o . ~ -_‘ ' - - . ~ . _ , _ . _ . ~ lion. Some oltE tilt: lilitfï¬tiifï¬ltl. 1'u:2eigillinigdflgnilyg :zioll‘jt‘eer Mustangs 7. and Cougars 4. managed a goal and Joey Saun- any. Therefore. it was discon- Cable T\ in its applicatlpn, the - ' In ‘ ~ '5. b . . s ' Pat Allen took high ï¬nele ~ .<is. v- ~ti t h ' the CRTC omit mayor stated emphatieal y. 135211-320: aBird tnote. as they 1} marvelous trip toilie Grand with 233 and triple“ 01:173.} $13,352,335): m n'g‘ QT'EST’ ' WV 7* 7 7â€? 74-7 V “7 W 7 fer carnival qutzugifct‘dt ie 131:1:5 in the Lorraine Leonard still holds )lapletLions 4. Bradford 0 TEAK â€" \I'AI,.'L'T - OAR :- ‘ - ' y _'n savs ‘ ~ .0 w . s . , g. . .. , . -â€" , . 7 there is a mention of report the weather was aetuallv h~ t “1in a\ embe Of 198' New 5116mm" ‘FOIEd “lo 8 x .1 P t, , . . . . SL7.) eath - .-)( ‘ card; on their “.1, hm mm. “ondmfu, u u ~ t. ° f P101199†â€"* In our report goals for Maple with Dennis 10., 4 H g.) 90 edth llI .\â€"l . ...... qwâ€"a-w ~ ' - ' - ~ . a lelme ~p ~ no 0. .,- ~ 0; . . x l. -..._ " A group of students “out to 0’ EbIUHl.‘ -*l “9 rud‘c‘ LlCdll Limoge. and Stole Ciomb ad | mum _W $425.00 1110." “INT? gone- The)‘ enjoyed for the high triple ill error. Ap- ding one goal each. swlilmling in the ocean every nicely; in Ed Harding who glad-ch 3i day and “HY? 90!“? bliCk W011 took the honor with a total of Maple Lions 3. l'iiionville l tanned and a bit sunburned. 727.01'ne D0\\ne_\"s team )larch Steve Sherman handled “‘9 lhcy‘ stayed in the Sunset 2 took three points from Len scoring himself. Three big ones. House in Georgetown and found Weeks. leaving Downey‘s out in Bill Cromb had three assists it was fabulous. When they left front with 82 points. Len and Dennis Limoges one. to return borne it was 85 de- Week's team took four points. PEEWEE grees in the early morning. giving them second place with Maple Lions 6, King City 0 The." arrived here at Melton 79. Pete Craibe‘s took all T from (March 4) Airport to have trouble Iand- Jack Gooderham‘s men. givingr Bill Cromb tallied two goals ing due to the bad snow and them third place sewn up with hile singles went to Dennis blizzard storm that had the air- 6‘3 norms and (inndt‘ljham on l.llll"lQC<. Colin \ltlllimet‘l'. Edd." pm-l in an uproar. the bottom vilh 36. (iill‘lflf’l‘l, Per Neilson. Assists Woodbridge Arena for skating 12 X 0 Pt. . i . . . $3.10 eRCh and it is mentioned that the School can boast of two good skaters itcaehersl Mrs. Janice Dobney and Mrs. Linda Kelly. The school has an excellent library with a new librarian Mrs. Cathy Williams. Recently reported by Laura Wilson was a terrific day as a group of students visited Fort York. Randy Shepard was film maker for the day and report- I CORRESPONDENT “The Liberal" requires a Correspondent for the Kleinburg area. If you are interested ill serving your home community and earning some extra money then please phone MARY DAWSON AT SSJ-IIOS SEE L'S FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS CADILLAC BUILDING PRODUCTS co. PHONE 839-9971 KEELE ST‘., MAPLE Hours, 8.30 am a-.. North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. 131‘. a m. to 9 pm - Sat 8:30 am to 5 pm to 5730 nm - Friday 8