Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Mar 1972, p. 5

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a-mmnmumummmummun“mummuuu\l1u\\llllum\\\lumummmummumunmuinuuuuuuuuumu\uuuumumuumuumm .uuumnuuununummluumumunmuumuuunuuuuumm-:= Help! Snow. nothing but snow! We got ourselves snow- bound at Turmoil Manor this past week and still haven’t dug our way out. The Chatelaine of this country estate has been most hospitable but we sure would like to get back to civil- ization. Don't know whether the runners have reached home base or not. Anyway here are some random notes for your in-i formation. The social evening was well attended Friday of last week. Everyone “had themselves a! ball," at least as far as we could see. While attending at ye olde Legion we dropped by the club- room to see what was cooking. No ladies. no recipes this time -â€" just a mild form of speech. Don't know what our Legion- naires are or have been doing to themselves but for a time we seemed to be in the emergency ward of a hospital. Every time we looked around there was an- other member with a broken limb. Ray Dennis with a bust- ted ankle. Don Franklin with a broken leg, Larry Allison with his arm in a sling. others with less serious injuries. Come on lads, we know winter has been were CO Captain Vic VierensJ Lieut. Frank Barrott, Lieut.‘ George Ridgeley CD. Chief In-l structor Tom McKeage (what's with this pro tem jazz?), Civil- ian Instructor Alf Stong and‘ Capt. David Sproule. Everyone was well pleased with the day. (Only one thing to ask â€" why familiarization? We sure wouldn't be able to locate where we live from way up there. We can get lost just trying to cross the street). We are very glad that you had such a fine day comrades. May you have many more of the same. It a in a By this time zone men's darts competition was well under way. From the way those darts were finding the targets, We would say that there were some ex-sharpshooters or bomba- diers in the crowd. Fascinating! During the competitions sand- wiches and coffee were avail- able. These soon disappeared. Then in the early part of the evening (tea time) a hot supper was served. Good golly what a chow line. Recalling service days. we couldn't remember be- ing served by such glamorous here for quite a spell but this is no way to make it go away. attendants. The way the sup- oer disappeared nne would Carrville Couple Revisit Pacific Paradise â€" Spend 1972 Holiday 0n Island Of Maui, Hawaii MP! of Hana and how the pools the mosaic patterns. along the Kaanapali and nmqidn Kula Lodge we forests. hu e um A swimming pool and shuf- fleboard court is in the gar- den and a restaurant. The Cove. is on the grounds. Lunch and dinners are serv- ed on the terrace by the water or you may dine inside in exotic decor. There are laundry facilities. car park- nalres are 01' Have ueeu uuuis to themselves but for a time we seemed to be in the emergency ward of a hospital. Every time we looked around there was an- other member with a broken limb. Ray Dennis with a bust- ted ankle. Don Franklin with a broken leg, Larry Allison with his arm in a sling. others with less serious injuries. Come on lads, we know winter has been here for quite a spell but this is no way to make it go away. To escape this scene of carn- age. we returned to the lounge and joined in the fun there. During the evening. Miss Dar- lene Mills drew the ticket of the mystery winner. Lucky winner was Jack Heppell (No. 35). Congratulations. t t e In Help Wanted: For next four weeks “Smiley” George Dice- man would like bowlers for the playoffs for the Legion Mixed Bowling League. Every Wed- wouio say mat were were some ex-sharpshooters or bomba- diers in the crowd. Fascinating! During the competitions sand- wiches and coffee were avail- able. These soon disappeared. Then in the early part of the evening (tea time) a hot supper was served. Good golly what a chow line. Recalling service days. we couldn’t remember be- ing served by such glamorous attendants. The way the sup- per disappeared one would think that all the darts players brought their appetites with them. These were soon as- suaged. Final results of the competi- tions as follows: ‘(singlesi New- market. Richmond Hill. Rich~ mond Hill; (doubles) Newmar- ket all the way: (teams) Newl market, Newmarket and Wood- bridge. table. ‘Why not come out some part of; Don't forget Monday is gen- eral meeting at the Legion Hall! at 2000 hours sharp. St. Pat- rick's Day is Friday and there will be a social evening at the Legion. But the next night. Saturday. there will be a big St. Patrick's Dance in the Leg- ion Hall. Guess there will be? plenty wearing the green that night. Tickets will be available at the door. Where were we? Oh yes. at; March. Now we come to one, of the most exciting times. ln-l ternational Hockey Week. From March 20 to March 26 inclusive we all get a chance to see some‘ of the best hockey talent avail- Minor hockey at its best. each day during this time and support these youngsters. They. merit every bit of help that we‘ We estend our heaitiest con? gratulatlons to all winners and. offer consolation to the losers.‘ can give them. How about it’.‘ To close out the month of‘ March in proper style don‘t for- .get the ladies auxiliary annual On arriving at our holiday abode. Hale Pau Hana. we were happy with our choice. which. in Hawaiian. means ‘House of NO Work‘. The three buildings of Hale Pau Hana are right on the ocean- front at Kihei beach on the leeward side of the island. The view from the lanai (balcony or porch) of our lovely third floor suite was of beautifully kept tropical gardens. a palm-lined beach and the blue Pacific stretch- ing forever in our memory. The islands of Lanai and Kahoolawe nestled directly in front of us about 20 miles out in the ocean. Help Wanted: For next four weeks “Smiley” George Dice- man would like bowlers for the playoffs for the Legion Mixed Bowling League. Every wed. nesday at 6:45 (18:45 hours) in the ABC Lanes. For further in- formation you may contact George at 832â€"8760 between 6 pm and 7 pm. Won‘t some of you nice people help out? 1 l Next morning. 20 minutes after taking off in Aloha Air- lines' bright orange and flow- ered “Fun Bird". we landed at Kahului Airport, Maui. The terminal there is a very modern, open-walled rotun- da with a huge banyan tree dominating the centre of the structure, and growing to its natural height through the roof of the building. A friendly tourist bureau greets passengers inquiring at their booth with an orchid and in- formation on any detail of the lovely island. From the West side of the airport a fabulous view of West Maui Mountains fills your eyes. By turning around you can view the hills of the windward coast in the dis- tant lush landscape. Our first mistake was in not renting a car at the airport. As Maul has no public trans- portation we had to return in the airport later in the day. Incidentally, the inn pro- vides free transportation to and from the airport. This is an appreciated conveni- ence as the terminal is in a state of expansion. but looks more like a disaster area to the casual eye. By MRS. ARLENE PARK Liberal Correspondent for Carrville Area The familiar. scented trade Wlnds â€" bringing a tempera- ture of 74 degrees with a gentle, balmy rain â€" envel- oped us as we descended from Pan American Flight 819 January 22 at the Hono- lulu Airport. Hawaii. It was nearly midnight, so we de- cided to spend the night at the Airport Holiday Inn and catch an early flight to the Island of Maui, our final des- tination, on Sunday. It was sure a busy day all‘ round on Saturday of last Week. Starting the day off right. 15 air cadets of 778 Squadron attended CFB Downs- view to take part in familiariz- ation flights. Single engine Otter aircraft were used with capable hands of pilots from 400 Squadron at the controls. Accompanying the air cadets 15 Local Air Cadets Take Familiar- ization Flights At CFB Downsview Your legion Reports Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€" 884-5260 'tS Take fi'ammar- l Music was provided by Disc Downsview Jockey Gord Barber. He did a fabulous job spinning the were co Captain Vic Vierens' platters and kept those that at- Lieut. Frank Barron, Lieut. tended on the dance floor most George Ridgeley CD, Chief In. of the night. Loads of fun and structor Tom McKeage (what's enjoyable company. A Perfect with this pro tem jazz'n, Civil- COUCIUSiOH t0 3 busy day- ian Instructor Alf Stong andl To all the membersv bOth Capt David sproule. Everyone male) that pitched 1n and help- was well pleased with the day. 9d “"hEFEVCI: ngedefi 3nd to tile By this time zone men‘s darts competition was well under way. From the way those darts were finding the targets, We would say that there were some ex-sharpshooters or bomba- diers in the crowd. Fascinating! During the competitions sand- iwiches and coffee were avail- 1able. These soon disappeared. Final results of the competi- tions as follows: 4singles) New“ market. Richmond Hill. Rich: mond Hill; (doubles) Newman" ket all the way: (teams) New- market, Newmarket and WoodJ bridge. I ing space and an elevator for the main seven storey build- ing. We began each morning by watching the sun rise as we hiked, barefoot, along the white sand beaches before breakfast. This is where we made new friends and comb- ed the beach for coral and shells. Some of the shells and coral are still bleaching- out on the table in the sun on our lanai. Our first outing was to Lahaina. the oldest whaling port in the Pacific. The movie, Hawaii. was made here and a replica of the ship Carthaginian. used in the movie, may be seen in the harbor. The oldest misâ€" sionary home, The Baldwin House, can be visited in the town. Used in the eighteen hundreds it is kept in repair by the state. as a museum. The ocean to the west of Lahaina is called the Lahaina Road. This is the breeding gmunds of the sperm whales which return every January to the area. We saw schools of the huge mammals frol- icking with their young just beyond camera range. We could see the whales from Hale Pau Hana. too. as they made their way east past the island of Lanai and back to the open sea. starting in the first week of February. There is excellent shep- ping along the waterfront at Lahaina. The Cost Less Shop has exciting wood carvings from all over the South Pac- ific at better prices than in Honolulu. There is a mod- ern plaza and post office just back of the main street which we used often. New condominiums are be- ing built in the picturesque area of Lahaina. We talked to many folks who are find- ing it has the most ideal climate. These suites are all completely furnished and are reasonably priced for a re- tirement in paradise. An interesting short jaunt is to the factory. Marty's Coral Shack. near Kaliului Airport. Here. black and pink coral is fashioned into exquis- ite jewellery. Visitors are welcome and the prices are sometimes half what you would pay from the retail- CI‘S. Driving back the 17 miles to our Kihei Beach we re- flected on how beautiful the old town of Lehaina was, nestled in thousands of acres of pineapple that run up to the mountains framing the landscape to our left. while the wild surf rushed onto the beach on our right. We extend our heal‘tiest con-1T0 close out the n gratulations to all winners andIMarch in proper style offer consolation to the losers. get the ladies auxiliar There is always another chance Pub Nite on March 30 The most thrilling trip we had was to View the crater of Maui's dormant volcano. CORRESPONDENT Elgin Mills-Jefferson “The Liberal” requires a Correspondent for the Elgin Mills - Jefferson area. If you are interested in serving your home community and earning some extra money then please phone MARY DAWSON AT 884-1105 [ To all the members, both male) that pitched in and help- ed wherever needed and to the members of the ladies auxil- iary that did likewiSe -â€" we would just like to say a very fervent “Thank You" for just being there. It sure is apprec- iated. and may you all make the most of it. Another year. another tournament. Our congratula- tions to Gord Mills for a tourn- ament well run. Are you still with us? Just a reminder that it is still March 4. Time is 2100 hours and the dance is just getting under way. The District Mixed Darts Tournament Saturday of last week had Branch 375 as host. Sure will be something to watch. In the evening there will be a dance with music pro- vided by a group from Aurora. Tickets will be available at the door. We followed good advice and left at 8 am and carried warm sweaters as the sum- mit is over 10,000 feet. Clouds are usually formed by afternoon and can Spoil the full view of the crater and obscure some fabulous scenes of West Maui. Kihei Beach and the windward side from the five to eight thousand foot lev'el. On a clear day. which is most of the time in the early morn- ing. the big island of Hawaii. with its snow capped peaks, may be seen from the top. The crater is an awesome sight. Red. black and green- ish grey hills with odd shaped lava plugs and tubes roll out for miles before your eyes. Trails going down inside the crater can be seen, where more adven- turous tourists hire horses or mules to inspect the fauna and lava formations at close range. There are conducted hiking trails deep into the moonlike surfaces of blacks and greens. Haleakala. in the Haleakala National Park. The volcano dominates the whole island and is 21 miles in circumference. The park covers 23,000 acres. The lower levels have lush vege- tation which becomes desert and scrub as you climb higher on the mountain road. By writing the National Park Service of Hawaii, three months ahead, you can reserve space in cabins deep in the crater for a three- day-only stay. Everything is provided except your per- sonal things and food. The cost is a small camping fee. The cabins hold a dozen peo- ple and the ranger told us it is a truly worthwhile ex- perience. A ranger is in constant attendance to in- form guests on all areas of the crater to be explored. Goats. wild boar and mon~ goose are among the inhabi- tants of Haleakala Park. Pheasants. grouse and doves are seen right up to the 8.000 foot level. We saw our first sandalwood trees that the crafty sea captains bartered from the Hawaiians. They are seen singly now. not in the wild groves of the 17th and 18th centuries. The temperature at the summit was 37 degrees with a strong wind. We were glad of the zlassed-in shel- ters to take advantage of the views and talk with the park officer who showed slides and gave informative lec- tures on the area. Here we learned that Haleakala means, ‘House of the Sun’. and was the home of Pele fPayLayl the ancient Hawai- ian Goddess of Fire. A little further up the summit is the world renowned Science City and observatories for the study of volcanos and earth- quakes. and a tracking sta- tion for the USA. space flights. One of the strange plants which flourishes only in this crater is the Silverswood’. This plant grows to 20 inches in height and has rapier-like leaves that flash silver in the sun. The plant might bloom from the age of seven to 40 years, flowers once and dies. The flowers growing from the centre of the bush re- semble our hollyhock and can be pink to red in color. Driving back we lunched at Kula Lodge at the 2.500 foot level. The food was ex- cellent. served by Hawaiian girls who are always anxious to please. The surroundings were old English. with a pub. cosy chairs by the fire- place, and a marvelous view from the dining area where we saw huge cactus plants in the foliage outside our win- dow. {MK 3°“ 7 7 N “J, G nntau: rm»: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY BEFUNDED RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE BABY SHAMPOO MOUTHWASH DEUDORANT DEDDOBANT Super sheer Natural Pink or Nude Peach! BLUSHER LIPSTICK ASPIRIN TABLETS Super sheer duo with brush! JOHNSON'S 8 fashion shades available! Reguldl opray! 10 02. size! 12 02, plastic boulel Plastic Bottle! 19 Oz. suze! COVER GIRL COVER GIRL KRESGE PRICE KRESGE PRICE KRESGE PRICE NOXZEMA NOXZEMA NOXZEMA KRESGE KRESGE PRICE '07 KRESGE PRICE Roll-On! 3 02. size! ‘ESGE II23 100's! PRICE PRICE yuy! Outside Kula Lodge we got slides of a 15 foot tree, called the Angel’s Trumpet. It was covered in 10-inch blooms, resembling our Eas- ter lilies, but hanging upside down. in profusion. Wherever We drove we saw flowers growing like weeds. such as orchids on bushes. poinsettias. carna- tions in fields, poinciana trees like huge pink or red umbrellas, and bougainvinae bushes in shades of purple. pink or yellow: Another day we took the road to Hana along the wind- ward coast of Maui. This 40 mile. four-hour drive is ad- vised only after two dry days with sunshine. It is a twist- ing. curving, switchbackmar. row highway in the sky â€" one minute hanging on the side of a 2,000 foot cliff with the surf crashing below. and then down through another valley of breathtaking lush tropical rain forests. This is wild free old Haw- aii. of palm trees, bamboo WILKINSON ,va mgmé‘li I. BLADES ' M . ‘ 5* Sstainless steel The angina guidesis blades in a package! RINSE KRESGE PRICE 87‘ a n7 nlaflin hnN KRESGE PRICE 93‘ a 5 Oz. spray! ’ Regular & Unscented! KRESGEPRICE 57:9. 5 platinum blades to a package! 2 Pkgs FEMININE NAPKINS BABY POWDER DEDDOBANT Anti-perspirant s'pray deodorant! 6 0254 TOWELS 8 Oz. plastic boule! Regular type! "I' I, Pkg. AN purpose towels! 12 in package! Regular size! 12 in a package! RIGHT GUARD 13 Oz. size! 4 types available! JOHNSON’S CREME RINSE KRESGE PRICE KRESGE PRICE GILLETTE HAIR SPRAY Goo value! 140 .sizel SOFT & DRI KRESGE PRICE KRESGE PRICE MODESS KRESGE "J" CLOTH GILLETTE KRESGE PRICE PLUS BLADES I77 ADORN forests, huge vines with leaves a yard square, tulip trees of every color. bread- fruit trees, a thousand shades and varieties of greenery and a different flower at ev- ery scary turn. Several look- outs gave us some excellent shots for slides from the cliffs. Kauahana Park on the route has camping and heav- enly picnic sights overlook- ing the crashing wild surf below. We understood now why mud slides can wash out the road in one day’s downpour. In these mountains the irri- gation system that provides water for the pineapples on leeward Maui. has its origin. Hana is old Hawaii â€" one main hotel and a few shops. From Hana. about 10 miles further along the road, are the Seven Sacred Pools. You can swim in the waters n0w, once the privilege of Hawai- ian royalty only did. There are many stories from the lore of Hawaii's legendary little people concerning this part TAME PR|CE DANDRUFF THE ITIIFII'I anauc râ€"n m: 87 Familv size 98‘ 6 Oz. plastic bottle! mun 1 DRESSING 3/ TOOTHPASTE SHAMPOO HEAD & SHOULDERS 16 Oz. shalterproof bottles! ARFHD EXTRA DRY SHAMPOO DEODORANT TREATMENT 6 Oz. spray! Anti-perspirantl Regularâ€"Unscented! Gold Formula! 15 Oz. plasfic home! 3 types! 3.6 Oz. Jar! 3.7 Oz. Tube! 5.2 02. Bottle! Family sizesl DANDBUFF SHAMPOO KRESGE PRICE BRYLCREEM of Hana and how the pools were built. In Kihei Beach we dined several times at the Maui Lu resort. built and run by a Canadian couple, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Gibson of Vancouver Island. The cou- ple bought the property first. as their own home site in 1956. They built a home called Fort Vancouver. with a swimming pool soon added. Friends began to visit in droves‘ and by 1971. they had changed their original 25-acre homesite into a truly Hawaiian paradise with 100 units to rent for a memor- able, Maui vacation. Their home is now farther along the beach from the resort. KRESGE PRICE routes and tourist attractions on the island. The walk around the pool has direc- tions from Maui Lu to many famous cities in the world with mileage charts done in KRESGE PRICE Maui Lu has an Olympic- size pool built in the shape of the island of Maui., The pool is decorated as a map routes and tourist attractions on the island. The walk around the pool has direc- KRESGE PRICE Family size 5% Oz. tube! KRE KHESGE PRICE BRECK ONE King size! 4.5 Oz. tube‘ ‘27 KRESGE BRECK 6 Oz. Lotion! RESDAN '19 HAIR SPRAY 97‘ MISS BRECK CREST 127 KRESGE PRICE SGE 16 Oz. sizel 3 types! PRICE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 9, 1972 Each PRICE WILL NOT KNOWINGLY BE UNDERSOLD 0N IDENTICAL ITEMS nnnouL rl\IUL 77;“ 16 02. plastic jars! Lanolmâ€"Olive Oil! K mart TOOTHPASTE KRESGE PRICE (unnu- 89‘ HAIR :fi REMOVER COLOR KRESGE PFHCE the mosaic patterns. There is dining and danc- ing under the stars in this Japanese inspired paradise with its own fruit trees. fab- ulous gardens, five hole practice golf course and shuffleboard. This is where we would advise anyone to spend their first vacation on Maui. We can still feel the balmy night air and remem- ber the gay holiday spirit of our visits to this resort. see the lanterns on the Lanais that lit up the Japanese de- cor of the suites at night. The towns of Kahului and Wailuku are twin cities about five miles from Kihei. Through the main street of Wailuku you bear right and drive into Iao State Park. The Iao Needle dominates the wide valleys and gorges with its height of 2,250 feet of lush greenery. From lookouts there you get some magnificent views of the rushing mountain streams, hiking trails and picnic sites. 16 Oz. size! 4 types to choose from! 5 Boxes I U 'Canadiana‘100‘s! 2 Ply! Assorted colors! ALL PURPOSE x CBEAMS V05 CREME RINSE SUDDEN BEAUTY V05 SHAMPOO Driving west frbm Lahaina FACIAL TISSUES LEMON YELLOW 15.5 Oz. with 7.5 02. bottle attached! 15.5 Oz. with 7.5 02‘ bottle attached! Famin size! Regular tlavourl HAIR SPRAY REGULARâ€"DRY ' A color shampooâ€" 14 gorgeous shades! 100 gm. aerosol spray bottle! KRESGE PRICE KRESGE OPEN DAILY UNTIL 6 RM. THURS. & FRI. UNTIL 9 RM KRESGE PRICE KRESGE PRICE Flourido 5% Oz. tube! KRESGE PRICE HAIR COLOR KRESGE I43 THAYERS KLEENEX NEW DAWN '57 '57 NEET 93‘ PRICE PRICE KRESGE PRlCE 93‘ Balsam Plus! 3 Oz. with 4 02‘ bottle attached! 3 types. \‘ ‘plfl‘ '33:;fl6 SPF KRESGE 97; 18 02. bottle! Intensive Carel along the Kaanapali and Napli shores we visited the luxury hotel complex where the Sheraton Maui. the Roy- al Lahaina. Maui Hilton and Kaanapali Beach offer gour- met dining and shopping to excite any taste. Golf courses and white sand beaches are open to the public in this modern part of West Maui. I. HAIR A, CONDITIONER Maui is well named the Valley Isle. An island of deep contrasts from desert- like leeward side to the rain forests coast. Our two weeks were over. we flew back to Honolulu and spent five days in Wai- kiki seeing the familiar sights. We sat out a ty- phoon that hit the island of Kaui and the windward coast of Oahu and did some shop- ping. Then. it really was time to say Mahale (thank you in Hawaiian) to the great spirit for our stay in such a heaven. So, reluctantly. we said “Aloha” and left behind the Hawaiian dream. ~ SHAMPOO Lipstick, Pearl 3. Opaline Pollsh Polish Remover! EMPRESS LINED RUBBER GLOVES 2 for Bag 2 Prs. in each bag! S-M-L. PRODUCTS 20% More! 18.9 02. size! 3 types! 1 Box Nursery box of 270! Pressed Powderâ€" 7 shades! LADY PATRICIA of the windward LADY PATRICIA PROTEIN 21 VANITY CASE KRESGE PRICE 11TOz.s|ze‘. Mypes availabie! KHESGE ANGEL FACE LOTION KRESGE PRICE 7 Oz. bottle! 3 types! HAIR SPRAY KRESGE PRICE ‘23 KRESGE PRICE ‘53 77‘ KRESGE VASELINE CUTEX I27 ‘O-TIPS' PRICE PRICE

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