10‘ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. March 16. 1972 l " ' ""-â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"mâ€"â€". \K'cxford Red Raiders learn had the utters." he said ced wai and \in Hist niitlagied " ‘Hill Rams In Exciting Comeback Put Red Raiders Out Of PlayOffs SPARKLING PERFORMANCE [hp hard way They got rid of any Jitters them They were on the ropes Brimbleconihe was almost. They took an early lead 712- after the second came and they that third period" showing emotion the usually must the come-from-bchind got rid of “‘cxford Wednesday He feels his squad is in rela- talks about c1 cryilun; in minus Richmond Hill Rams Wednes- lllfllli of last neck at Stouff- tiicli' llllt3 BIDSICRI shape des- low-keyl about the play of day night of last week and blew iillc D119 3 llmnln: reai'guard that is young 5091311611800 it for the fourth straight. time. TERRY LEADS SCORING gradually rounding into shape. I "We used him out there at. The "blow" bounced them out Leading the \i'ai' again “’35 Paul Terry was back in action‘most every minute of the gains of the 1972 Metro Junior "B high scoring Craig Terry as he Wednesday night after missingiand he came through in fine tirst-round playoffs by four whipped home two goals \iith a few names due to a concusflsmie He~s Improving even. games 10l\\0. singles :oing to John Lumlcy. sion. His return adds needed‘game." It was another sweet win for Steve C010. Dlt‘k “'Fllt‘li Bl“ df‘lllll ‘0 “Rid-Pressed defenders The coach also had some butâ€" the Rams. They started out slow again and trailed 2-0 at one potni in the first period before roaring from behind to win 7-5 The win was the fourth straight for Richmond Hill after losing Stephenson and John Barnett. The Rams trailed 3-2 at the end of the first and led 4-3 go- in: into the third. Briinblecomhe felt that “'ex- line such as Bob Labelle. Bill Steph- enson and Kevin Hcaley. Brim- hlecombe has also been using Wayne Stokes behind the blue- “tn rattle them a little labs for the steady work of Labelle who “gives everything he‘s got out there." The Rams are playing Dixis in the second round of the play- offs. ford tried to play it "the ruE- in the liiitinc riepai-impntj' the first two. “We just outmuscled them." was the terse comment of Coach Karl Brimblecombe. “We beat them physically.“ l . COACH SIDELINED i Coach Brimblecombe had some physical problems of his own which forced him to watch: from the sidclines Tuesday" night of last week. Equipment Manager Ken "Satch" Brookes handled the coaching duties in yeonian fashion. “It's been a long season." said One day. 100 miles. One flat rate. only $10.75 Volkswagen: 1 "100" l (‘hevrolet Vega Call Miss Thrifty for more information: 223-6692 an obvious weary Brimble- combe. “I guess the pressure cot to me a little. I‘m run v I n Paraâ€? we‘k‘l‘y down." ‘ cga or aim ar: .. .7. $65. 11 Bâ€, has 0km, no“. and so are HRIFI’Y RENTeAsCAï¬ Nova or similar: $11.75 $59.00 the Rams. ' g , SVSYEYII ..._._ Malibu or similar: 312.75 $70.00 “We were never worried ab-i Impala 0" Similar: “4‘00 578'“ . tout the outcome of the series"; the said. “Even when we were . ‘dow'n two games to none. Wel Iknew we had the horses. l “This is our first, year in the playoffs and some of the guys YONGE ST. AT STEELES AVE. pay only for the gas you use. (Photo by David Barbourt Two young Thornhill men are leading a team of adventurers on a snowmobile journey through the. north. aiming to cover 1.400 miles starting next week. Shown in the. above photograph tleft to right) are leader and navigator Steve Jackson of Thornhill. Jerry Loiselle of Eng'leliart. Doug Lazenby Of Woodstock, co-leader and mechanic Bob I‘hmnemore. Of Thornhill, and Tom Tucker of Englehart. l Thornhill Pair lead MOO-Mile Snowmobile Safari “Mde You're miles/ahead at: fireston ., THE 1 growsr or RICHMOND mu. :CENIENNIAL POOL ASK ABOUT OUR FRIDAY 2.00 - 5.00 Public 37.00 - 900 Public ‘9.00 ~ 10.00 Adults 8: Family “Some of the problems that will be encountered are that it. will be impossible to tell where the tundra ends and the 25. and Jerry Loiselle. 22, both of Englehart. Northern Ontario and Doug Lazenby. 3, a farmer from Woodstock. Kindergarten Buses l 33 Other Sizes Blackwell v. Price By DAVID BARBOIIR ‘ They will leave Toronto 1 contributing $500 toward [dation the group will carry two" The 1,400 journey 1; expert. 161 Newkirk Road 824-6651 R E S Bitten by 'the "adventure for. Cochrane Friday With I the total. V _ small tents. . ed to lake seven or eight dais RECREATIONAL SWIMMING bug“, South Thornhill businessa 1.600 pounds of ge'a r. l Sieve explains Ii’lCll" travel The. men will have weap- incomplete. with the purpose , man 25-year-old Steve Jackson. including food. clothing. arrangements thus: “Vie will oils in case of encounters ibeing to test. the ability or MARCH 20 - MARCH 25. 197~ 15 Thor'nlea Road, decided on tents. downed aircraft ‘follow the Polar Bear Railroad with hostile animals. To Imachines and men under ad- MONDAY 1 a 1.400-mile snowmobile jour-l Iocator and fuel, plus five Line from Cochrane to Moo- beat the. below zero lem- iverse conditions. 2.00-4.00 Public hey in Northern Canada to stop? snowmobilesâ€"two Mercury sonee. a distance of 200 miles} Denture. catalytic heaters I Any local individual. comâ€" TUESDAY 3 the itch. , products and three Massey- After we leave Moosonee we} will be used to start. up the. .pany or organization interested 12.00 â€" 2.00 Adults ‘ He recruhed {our young men. Ferguson machines â€" and will have no contact w'ithl snowmobile engines in the in contributing to an all-Cana- 2.00- 400 Public willing to share his dream _ two trailer sleds. Besides civilization until we reaclil morning's. Each man will dian expedition adventure will WEDNESDAY or nightmare â€" as the case mayl all this material support. Churchill. This is the longestI be assigned a watch period the more than \Itplcome‘ the zoo . 4.00 public ‘ be. Inchided is Bob Phinne-i the venture required $7.500 trip of its kind ever undertaken durini.r the night as a pre- group states, 7.00 - 900 Public more. 7471 Yonge Street. a 25-, in cash. This was obtained .hy a Canadian gmup. and the; caution. Lots of luck. guys! 9.00 - 10.00 Adults yearmd mechanic and a schooi‘ by public appeal. However. lroute will be along the \vest‘ ‘ " --'- ~ A rrrrrr -â€" ‘, THURSDAY chum of Steve's. , each man on the team is lcoast of James and.I-Iudson 0 12.00~2.00 Adults ‘ The others are 'I‘om 'lucker.’ "' *"*i" “"‘iBaNS. 2.00 - 4.00 Public ‘ y _ $ . Featuring Camps For Boys, Girls ice. 12:21.11 ‘Require More. Money‘ 0 OLE-100 * r * begins. The weather will aver: About 120 youngsters willl CONSERVATION AREAS I MARCH 23 - JUNE 13, 1972 Steve and his company . . age approxunately .25 degrees have fun and learn somethingl The Claremont' area is locatâ€" SUNDAY - "Northwal‘d Enlt‘rprises." Planet-“Ian PIOVInce GIVES 29101:“ ZGl‘O and “af'lgalam “'1†about. conservation through the ed in Pickering Township about 2 no 4 on Public ' 77514 ' l ' '. 7 in ~ - A .‘ ' . ' .' i ‘ ' ‘ . B c l. I logged thousands of mllps‘ York (0‘an Bnard or Educa_ e _\ compass on} c \1 summer camp piogiam of the se\ en miles notth of Pickering 4‘00 _ 500 Adults & Famlly '5 “3‘le across Canada. gathering back-. reiiaadabletiade-in ing in money and equipment for. ‘ the adventure. l Now. as their departure date.» . , I March 20. nears. the men are.pamculally have to take 120 gallons of gas Metro Conservation Authority Village. The 400-acre area conâ€" 7 00 _ 900 Public in 1972. itains the attractive Duffin Creek‘ ‘ ' TUESDAY students who have mmpmtpdgand two smaller streams andilzpo -130 Adults 1 any of grades 6 to 10 are eligâ€" 150 acres of natural \i'oodlot- : WEDNESDAY ible for this summer camp.l The 1200-861? Albion Hill-317.00-900 Public tion wants more help from the province in financing costs of transportation for its students kindergarten stu- for each machine." a- wk 0 Their daily iation in†con-‘ Isist mostly of Shopsy's instanti $ Other Sizes assured all the problems areidems' . ‘ dinner meats in the boiling bag..cmu S f 40 mdem fl“ e‘awa is located on may,an 50: ‘ . . of ' * 4-p'v Won a ‘3':£L.... . d,_ï¬w U. ‘ffom Leeds and CI‘en\'ilIe Conn-.TUCI"er “"11 band]? the COOkmg‘taken basis. of Bolton. It contains the 1200 -130 Aduits . 48 h M.I. B [y Board M Education in EaSt-‘gllifse amiroii[liedlhiiaaacE-gihigli: The boys‘ program is held atlHumbPr Rive“ two smallerl FRIDAY i sari-11 t I an em Ontario asking for improvâ€" ‘ ' ï¬;irp_::r A 7 the Claremont Field Centre and “roams and ponds and man-V 400‘ “~00 Pllbllc (Marl 15 only) ‘ Blackwal' led allowances from the Depart- ihas two separate five-day pro:acres 0f \mOlet- Th“ allfh- 7.00 - 9.00 Public l ' ' ' Iment of Education for school grams from July 17 Io 21 andiority also operates a beef-swine 3.00-1000 Aduhg ibus transportation. i from July 24 to 28 at a cost oftfarm adjacent to me cemre' i SATURDAY Of interest to musicians inl It “'35 Pomled out lhal 00515j i$45 per student. The girls- pm] Information and application 2.00 - 4.00 Public ' ‘ ‘ 0 ~ . ~ ~ . l .. . this a. '_ for children attending kinder-I gram lasts for 12 days at me fmms ‘ale a\ailable fiom Itl1€.4.00-.).00 Adult & Family [w “11:3 4lgththergnhlIggggignegI‘garten come. under the same; Albion Hills Field Centre and authority at. 5 Shoreham Drive. 7.00â€"9.00 Puhhc Oanada Military Band that it isiceilings as “1°59 for 01h†919'l ' mentary students. but the cost runs from July 31 to August 11‘D0wnsr‘fl'riew’ recruiting in order 'to expand‘ . at a cost of $108. ir†. i f t. .ï¬n these children The Hell s Angels and Ho- ‘ I v . . There is no grant for taking with 12 points apiece after the all activities. Students sleep in indicate a need to enlarge the‘ dormitories with two to four band strength to 50 musicianslkindergarten children home at second night 0f the fourth 59!“ 95 Other Sizes Blackwall Flies $ -\ 4-ply Nylon ' STRATO- STREAK 183’ Whitawnll Paco . _ 23.95 . .- > . ' . youngsters sharing a room. . 15.50.12 I These book†I - I d t noon and biinging otlieis back "35 ~ . i i B i . Bl , I ‘ h "are i or sec nv ' . ; . . I . l cerrilirslg‘ftca're looking for men Last year the board spentpoflnts. Roger‘s Reiects are 1n:“'i1dr;s:;l:fgue0§f llsisuâ€rr:e:ki‘1ih1:lcg 1 who can play an instrument If $186300 0" “‘9 SyStem'S 1'176 “lurid “uh seven pmms' - as archerv hunt r L s afet v i A . Other Sizes h . .‘ , - . ' kindergarten pupils who require 383‘ Weber lPd 1119 1811195 I 7 " I e ‘ ‘ ":i {gut 1aienstnui;I own instiument. trampoma‘ion Cram ceiling for “.i‘h 529 .210 150 269, Aggie riflery. photogiaphy. astionomy. 4-ply Nylon a Blackwell a ‘ ' , ~ i i- :- nl ' 1 ~ .- ~ P' It band if}, he'Ip lilfggtigflghï¬ this was $77,800. leaving an ex- Glanvule had .183 1253. 190. and, 1001915- 35 he†as .‘he "‘0"; ‘ STRATO- m u vou haven't. The age iimiis of expenditure “’11- 1.63.†ï¬ght; “°““’" “ad 566 é';ii:.mi:;‘m“litin33533155....1l Puniab Appears daily ‘ STREAK ‘ _ 0. ‘ing of $109,000. ' v. l. , '- , 7' . .' r - - _ 181‘}: 48m human. Band I; re_‘ Because transportation costs bar] I Rl‘lSt‘me‘hg‘l‘ “‘35 Inp‘canoemg and f‘Sh‘r‘g- the wresumg m the Arena ‘78, . cognized 3‘ the be'q of its 'kind of the remainder of elementary mall “'ltll 6-99 I'24'1 210 34‘4‘, The field centres act as the TlgEl’ no extra charge EVEN" ‘ ‘ students were well under ceil- Then came Mlke Weller “'llll operational focal point, for ac- ‘ “kw! in this area. Membership offers a chance to learn about band music under the direction of Major Donald Keeling and a chance to earn extra money do- Badminton/Retriever Trials/Fashion how Camping /Trailers and sports gear/Cottages ings. this over - expenditure 666 1233. 212. 2011; A1 Snaith was reduced by $27,000. 635 1253, 188, 1991. The Leeds Grenville res! The Go Aways are the leaders olution the board supported as- on 1013] Plnlall f01‘ the PreSiâ€" itivities. The is Used to bring the students in direct. contact and involvement with such topics as water con- out-of-doors Airplanes / Boats /Cars and Motorcycles m SPEC/Al ing something you will eniov. ked Oniy that “‘9 Department 0f dim S Trophy “"lh Sim“ mlg‘ servation â€" including stream Weekdays: Noonto 11.00 pm Adults $1.50 ‘ If you are interested. 2.0.10 Educa‘mn “mumâ€? 311°“a,"cesiel 5 H.919“: _ha‘f_969799' The management and flood control; Saturdays:10.00 am tott‘OO pm Students $1.00 ; Moss Park Amory tQueen made ‘0': “"001 transportation- il’fnéum‘ ha“: 6'7"“2'. ‘ h 1 ‘plant life - including forestry Sundays: 1.00 pm to 9:00 pm Children 50¢ l E Street at Jarvis) any Tuesday The “xnrk CWT-V r9501â€t1°n:\.0‘e' Please {mend-‘9‘“ 0“" and botany: weather and cli- Takeme Bathurstsheetcartothe door evening this month betwee‘n‘added and speCifIcally that the 1102 as the €\(‘Cllll\9 IS (18101“ mate __ including 1]“, use of H | “the GO Tram . OTHER SIZES grant structure recognne the mined to enforce the rules. All i OUIYSEVVICBO 7:30 and 8:30 pm and ask the measuring instruments and rec» Entire proceeds in aid of Conservation shall be assessed . . ~ - ' ‘ ~ -. bsenlees . l v duh" officer at the main door to “05‘ 0i “anspomng kmdmga' a .. ' . . ording devices; and farms â€" Blackwall “hltewall direct you to the military band Ignaï¬lxgggn 23:11:: £03? a9“: $122: mom“ [m eaCh mgm ab' including soils. animals and room. ’1 ‘ ‘ e ' ' chores. tent of 200 percent of the nor- Also there will be no bowler mal grant ceiling for kindcr- eligible for any individual prize garten students.†until he has completed 15 nights A suggestion that kindergarâ€" of regular bowling. I Deluxe Champion Now Only $2866 Nï¬piii‘uoduyd}; THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ' ten students attend for a full Individual members must at- P L day session every other day » tend 70 percent of total games c E instead of half of each day â€"â€" to be eligible for the trophies. Ontario Hydro's Central Re- . gion Newmarket Area has a In order to'save the cost of noon new customer service foreman. "ans‘mmanon' “as He is Phillip Robert "Phil" 99"““9‘9‘3‘ Mock. 43. who has been a mem- ber of Ontario Hydro's staff for 161 NEwKiRK ROAD SPRING 1972 INSTRUCTIONAL SWIM PROGRAMME 884-6651 Remember you have made rejected these rules. The executive has to see that they are enforced. BIG SAVINGS on tires for ’ MONDAY 4 13 - 5.00 Pre Beginner. Beginner. Survival. Junior - the 9.3“ 183e“"‘- 5.00 - 5:45 Pre Beginner. Beginner. Survival. Intermediate “51:31:! Eocknwa; 20m btln Hal; 9 R00 â€" "i 30 National Lifeguard Service . I . e a en 9 pu ic an C 9“ t 1 t t 7.00 - 7.45 Elementaiy Springboard Diving high thools there. He also took a u a 0 7,45 - 8.30 Advanced. Springbboard Diving severa courses in night school TLESD IX 4 1% 300 pm Be - . ~ . . s . _ . - . _ ginnei. Beginnei. Surviial. Junior m §d_"an°9d_mathemam‘sg mm‘ 5 00 . 5 45 Pre Beginner. Beginner. Survival. Juvenile , meiCial bookkeeping and indus- T 00 â€" 7:45 Pre Beginner. Beginner. .lunior. Juvenile trial electricuv, - e . . - r r A ‘ ’ P: I .. _ V i 1.45 - 12.10 BPZIDI’IEI Sui .ival. Inteimediate. Senior F_7g.14 Blackmail E dmfï¬loaatf‘; 11?;nlagrglélag: 1:1:- 11‘EDXESDAY 5 00 ~ 5,45 Elementary Diving. Pollvimg. Senior 7 __ . . I R’ ' i e OFFER ENDS MARCH 315T. PLYMOUTH and for Aurora Hydro When he H 00 .. 3.43 Pre Beginner. Beginner, Juvenile. Junior ‘ ~ ' . T 00 . 'i‘ 45 Pre Bevinner Bezinner Juvenile intermediate ,. . .. .. . r . came to Ontario Hydro ln June. â€" - " ' l s -' V - ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' - x . i 4.3 . 3 30 Beginner. Sill".l\’al. Junior. Senior . l. _. T ‘ E ‘ £2321";9inStgï¬smadhzlinmgg 8.30 - 0.15 Bronze Medallion. Bronze Cross, Award Of Merit. i . and later. when amalgamation mm. W 6..., 2;?‘:‘°“f?"-... P. .. . . , d Ab FRONT END DISC BRAKE BRAKE RELINE | of the areas took place. he was ’ ' ' - ' i p 10 e A ï¬kl‘ . lac “P. m 'umor an A we I ALIGNMENT I SERVIC I Includes new lining I a lineman journeyman on the ADMJSNOT‘ FEE 2"" Pymâ€ammmbvmm I on all four wheels. Newmarket area staff. His ap- SATURDAY R 00 - ll 00 Red Cross Leader Course I mdcdsoizs.~Pric5tormostA-nev-can I ‘ I ' We adjust brakes I pointment to the position of 10 45 â€" 1130 Pre Beginner. Beginner. Survival. Junior I «a: iiwalorsomera'sWhy‘d I gnafg‘s‘ij‘é‘ I and inspect complete I customer service foreman for O a 11 30 . 1‘2 15 Pre Bczinnt‘i‘. Beamner. .liiienile. Intermediate ‘°â€Â°"°“‘"9’ “Mm†""m' brake system. Drum Newmarhet “as effective last 1315 - 100 Pollywa Pollywog. Brome Medallion. Senior I I I 1) pp brakes. I Novemheh 100 - 1.4.x Pollywog Pollywog. Pollywog; Synchronized I I I Phil Mock is marrled and he _ .ini'n PROGRAWMES l .,._.. and his “’lfl’i “013‘ ha"? fmlr TL‘ESDAY 330 - 9 l3 T‘i‘e Bezinne". Beginner Sil"\i\al. .litnioi‘ I T“ I I I children. Ronald 18. Diana 16. p is _ iooo Razlnnp'-' Intcrnjf‘diatp‘ Sonini' an: I I I Heather 14 and David 12. The THL'RSDAY o is _ iooo man _\19.¢iaihnn~ Pre szlniicr. simhgi. gprmghoard I __________________._.__ family lives at 201 Avenue. Richmond Hill. Phil Mock has a number of hobbies and interests. He is .3 Rumble Oii in: Classes start the week of April 3rd. once per week. exams during the week of June 1911'! Richmond Hill ‘ ‘ ' EGIEIEATION: SATL'RDAL APFII. 151. 1972. 10:00 All snowmobile enthUSiast and also D’ 9 9 R v ‘ * * A ‘ 9 3 3 9 ‘ s FEES F m Ch ‘ri sinn ~ d Child 86 00 \laAlm m '0.“ en a is interested i modifi d .1 k t t COLRJI _ A1. .11 . . _ secon . ,. um on ‘ cars. His lategt bobby? 1.: Oacs- l 510100 d “no†l n e e ress ea er . . ï¬ghting small electronic eqvup- o to Xmmnai Llfeguard Senâ€, Cm“? “a no He. is a member of the Rich- LADIES S\\ 131 â€" f}: m (‘13:; TITlé?’fdï¬1‘€B than; it 00 For: :1'1000 12 “Ieek IE’rograml’t‘ie RI(H\1()XD HEIGHTS ( LN H113. Rl( HMON D HILL mond “asnmr LMEO Rich. star .n: . p'l to a i i in: pro 1 e a. on ex ra r .arae V . F. . .H 9 ‘mv £34440! mend Hill. and the Scottish. Rite Registration Date For ï¬wim a ï¬rm Class _ Tuesdav. April 7th one“ Thurs' ‘5‘ Frl‘ “enmgs I p w d in Toronto. ... .n. I‘.o.v ave/Jame at mass Fi/esmne 520/53 . . . NOH' AI .