Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Mar 1972, p. 6

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6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. March 16. 107;). Fast Reliable P Courteous Service Telephone 884-1105-6‘, between 9 Gill and 6 Pm Monday, 8 am t0 6' pm TueSday, 8 am to 5 pm Wednesday, 9 am to 5 pm Thursday, 9 am to 5 pm Friday, 9 am to 12 Saturday f HELP WANTED HELP WANTED l USED CARS 'MISCELLANEOUS'MISCELLANEOUS‘ WANTED | MORTGAGES (Continued) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES URGENT .._. . . rl9Tl'islipEr’Beeii{booâ€"miles? "“sEpT'i’c‘TAVKS’puupfin‘ 'Continuedl ‘ t 7 ~â€"-----â€"- “7. CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c Der Experienced sitters and home: JOB SEEKERS 340 4-speed. buckets. power Sewer; cleamd‘ CARPENTERIi“orkIEIICCI‘em _ ‘MOR’I‘GAGE coming dug? Cash word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second inakeis. 7885-7072789. firth-39 Our requests lor otficc “0111- windows, brakes and steering C. Suman mm rooms. knehons‘ and 1.(._"l‘\\'O children and pa'lémS’m; 11° cogSOhdale blllS‘? LOW cost end subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 10 MEN. women and children re- miledmt'2‘lif‘i‘1‘é‘; Ii'.”““lԤ89‘§’12- “1‘33 Phone 884-1245 tfc2 ilall‘s. 884-2505. Clw38 Wire 3 bottom“ home. not overnféliansil-aii:bci sirdummgage ‘_ -. d f . f 11 . .t tone. ‘ i... ‘ ‘ ‘ ' you - I I I . I _ . ...,v. . -11-, -_ I I - 7- -- - - $200 with ref - â€"~ 1 x l e. a me new words for _90c and .8c per word thereafter (lune m u and W H 1968 EPIC Emol stallomlagon. SUPERIOR DECORATING BOORREEPING and account- 384_]651_ “mm- Ca“ Mi for fast. confidential service. I I I ‘ . l . . . v _ ' COMING EVENT NOTICE 1th per word; min. charge $1.50 modelling in catalogue and TV. 319 00 mg {0' permdncm “ml‘ good condition. 884â€"4148. painting and paper hanging mg sol-vices [or small bus]- - . n you should list with A-l Em- £9.34! Bram Ogden. Emerald Isle Real Box NUMBERS an extra charge Der insertion of 50c Sarah; Ilgfiztlgggmno tployment Agency. Call Monat. a. .. . E. filly; interior and exteriorI fi-oc messes. 889-5683. tl'c331l R'OOiil apartnlentf'fliidge andjEsla‘e Limited. 889-5651, 884- CARDS or THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ‘ - - “C35 Robertson 834_5944 for appoim, 1962 Valiant ‘2 door. 6 auto- estimates. 884-7907. tfc36 Fm'Lti-ELECTméâ€"W aclllmlcélgd4 ‘l‘llll for 2377. “.323 ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- BOOKKEEPBR~ me- â€"»- . â€" 111129311115 I A II Ic3_\“o b1365- l‘IXCEPllonalll' good NORTHERN PAINTING‘ Outside lighting maintenance ‘spm ‘ ‘ ' 833’ aflerl‘wH‘MORTGAOES _‘” _ « automotive . . I I I . I Iibod). 881-0309. c1w38 v - . - - - .- . . . ' _ II I 93‘137 "mm, 51.50 businegs gtceles_Bayview area FOURIH class englncei (m .I - I 1 I.‘ . . - ___.fl ReSIdential. commelcml paint- compiled with laddei tluck. All HOUSE I I» _.. Classified .dvertiscmm“ should be in ‘5 early in the Own tl-‘ahgportation‘ App” stat- greenhouse Older man pmfmu ()9 \OLKSWAGEN deluxe. like ing. interior and exterior. Paper- commercialresidential and Iin- 1b] I j) bgél‘ozlfil‘fnlonl- Vpl‘efer-i V week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays ing education experience and red" 884'3933' CNS? "m" 888-1040 CIW38 hanging 884â€"369? “C49 dusmal “mng' “mm E‘lecmcal‘bnel adult son in Roilchmuss guilt. MONEY AVAILABLE ON ' ~ ‘ “~77A7w â€"»â€"-v v - 3777â€" ’ o I, 7-77 I â€"~ ~ "1 77~ in e- W‘- A I. -. - , .~ I mon n v T Send ads by man and enclose payment or telephone salary to Simplex Motor PartsHAlRDRESSER experienced (’4 FORD l‘Hll‘lanfi‘. V8. Dowel? BAKERS BACKHOE medmmlalmn plan mallable’ior area. Required by l ' ALL HPLS OF PROPERTY I . I II ~ - l t A " - . Ltd” Box 519_ Thornmm omIIand Shampoo girl pal-tr time steering. automatic, sell $330.‘ EXCAVATING “09 estimates can any 3.211: or lst May. 486-0419. 5 p111. CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE . . ' ‘ '. ._ _ _-- »1-'. I “I n 884 1105 or 884 1983 and you WI" “can an “Home or telephone 889-1191. ‘needed 889-6041. (-3w'37tglfij9f‘ll- clw38 "trenching. sewer 8; water lines. 3931' ,. .. .. . _ . FLATijJMFQ 0'1,*1"'*'*L;l[38: Cllglebiilgigfidgdco$p Ltd" W . - > s“ chm-7 » IAi ~-rAâ€"WIV ._ I Y '_, ‘ t - 7' Iâ€"M‘ ~ I _ , 1 vs a? v . ., > I i ‘ I, l l I __ IIIIIIIIICGL3§ URGENTLX required. experi- ’1 MUSTANG, power steering. fOOtlnIgS- 33}; 3604 I “02 PIjLM‘BlNl' & 'l‘u‘u‘Tn‘G professional person. 2 2:315 gems?” 010“ 0 FOR SALE I FOR SALE EXPERIENCED salesman reIenced homemakers and baby-:p0\\ei‘-bl‘akcs. \‘3. automatic. REXWAY PLUMBING “Offiflploulk â€"- lolopllono :4 bedrooms. required before. ch38 -â€" ~â€"~r ~-~‘ (continued) {quired for progressive moving sitters, full and part time. 889-10‘V mileage. 32-600. 884-431l- ’Repairs. new work. alterations, 639'. _ I . “Eithlay lst, 436-0419I “W331 n AEUMINUlI- g and‘ioivii-iaiefigioeconceals‘“°“‘Pa“>'- Success depends 0" 8047- “C37 - - “‘38 Bus- 884-8582 SHAMPOOING ‘WORK{gmâ€"figggfieffigffiéi___-â€" oors, wm ows, aw iin s. - .- , . -I. 5 - I -- We . _- .1 _ . r â€"- J - --- I o. I I I I I - railings Ron Woods. 884â€"1514. .‘March. Sand fill for lake front- “‘2 Calif-it“ 1° .bf. “hi-eff“? GENERAL OFFICE CLERK ‘ “ WED mm.” CAR T0 , I _I I Itfc32 RIUTS ggggtel‘lelds' 13%} 33 children doon‘es 2 bedroom ap-‘ PERSONAL I ‘ I I I- , o - l 4 III & - .. . . . .. I . ‘ ‘ ~ I H ‘7 IVV_~_ ' trc36 ages, etc. Snowplowlng Lakefl‘:is Sesir‘e‘in‘éo‘lflfi‘}; 1 I1 “3&1 _ I our EVERS POCKFT BRICI', stone and blockw0ik. l“??? .- )3, , _ LACE altment in Maple meat for May ~- ~.â€"-.--‘ - â€"â€"~ - â€"' NUM'Fâ€"lwilcox area. Sanderson Haul-I l 1. F. k tpidsit 0required by progressn'e block $1295.00 Chimneys. fireplaces. patios. PAINTING and decorating. in- 1. Phone 832-2439, after 6pm. lDO you have a dullle Prob- YORK ALUMI ‘ Sage. 7734106. “C35 11137 315.9 31' Afan i331 lfill-l.manufacturing company in‘ ’68 Cortina GT. 4 speed. bal‘becues- Flee ESllmalES- Call lC‘l‘lOY alld CNtCI'lOII 20 Years c2w38ilem' If 50. AA can hPlp‘ write Free estimates Aluminum Sld-‘â€"â€" - --â€"-E-Dâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"1889 4911112“ ‘enue’ 10“; “36Richmond Hill area. Experiencâ€"l radio. radial tires. spotlights 223-6783. ttc35 experience. Free estimates. 30‘ 34‘ RICllmond Hlll. 01‘ call ing windows, doors, mvnln'gSyPI dwélsz ' It _ C u ' A-‘ , ___ Ia I *7} I“_II, ed preferred. I I H many. many extras. “WKflTEk'LO'fVG‘anfiB’fN’G‘ 884-5410 or 887-5500. ttc35 W _I _w tfcl'? also glass a4llq8SCIieerli ‘repgglzspséznfflgn use ulnl tllaticaMIQPER‘AIg‘OR Cfttn; Shirt mgclllIleIExcellen%_ lig'kln‘i Conditions $1Ip5Ioo V I Emciem service at reasonable ” “_“’JI”JI“B’()L?fONâ€"_‘_‘ IRICHMOND ‘Hill Karatefim‘, Phone 384‘ 3° 2 ac my H 01;} . _'.-. JED A..... _ who”; “Ingv ll Slog? J0: Slllld-l F 11 £6 1 a? eck [I 09 Renault. automatic. radio. IvatosI BOOKKEEPING AND ‘ . I I II___ I__ II _I I_ _{al 10 Yonge St. 5.. opening Fri- Wmu‘iâ€"WEDROON; sum" 7 f‘e‘iefifhi‘élgle‘gm‘r’édd ng‘dr’l‘ét . ” mp 03“ Be“ “5 $139113; Dalnlod- 832-1845 ACCOUNTING SERVICE IRELIABIIEE 4;? care In my (gloat h’lal‘gl 17.b8-10 pm, with I’I‘ERS -in suite. iece. elese 1e ' ‘ ' v . .5. . I . v I I . lame. - . 1H7 ‘an ino izzi. lack b It ‘- AD’ID‘IKEEVKACHINES lsuie, all Bill‘llla teakll'OOt‘l, anSllWin tram Sl‘ilable applicant-l XORK Bnggp%}?UlLDl\G ‘ ’69 Austin America. automa- '- ~ 7777-7 as I‘E§§‘:?;tiiilea hfllllill“fiietfifooifizilpet:.RICHVELEâ€"arearrlov. structorI Thereafth mgndaig’ ‘ l lSEll new furniture very I‘eaS-ifilone 332'1061~ After 5 P111, . _ . . . l tic. radio snow tires . GENERAL MASON!“ but tOo larve for vou and vour - - ' mg. .ay‘Wedilesdavs and Friday even- Sales and Service Rentas v _ l l _ I .9333 yonge SLI Rlchmond HIMI _ l - Buck mock and Stone “ork. H ., . _ I ._ .cale. 884-2327. c2w37. I . ‘ I . 1 ~ onable 1-241-0971. tlc28‘8322402» C3“361 .. slooooo - “he to do men. “-433. .7 .---_ -..1-_ _1 mgs. Flirtliei him-mat..." 334. Minimum D“ ‘31 ..,. _'_ _ _ __ ExfifiiEVé-Efiw -~:i--- --i 889-0293 1" .69 Austin America 4 q ced Expert, workmanship. : ~' I4 j3_IRELIABLE day cal-e in my own 7865 1 I33 A" WWI“ makes m“ sale‘BUY your diamonds and goldl ‘ ‘ OFFICE “ELPI John MacDonald radig, m I01 . .1: 1 ap * 834-6417 . ,. -. ._- .F.‘.‘-.‘ home, North Taylor Mills. 334w ' ° “ including new and i-ebuiItIfm. less direct from me manHNEEDED I’OR GOLF CLUB,I ncm38.3995 00, o l OVCI lin e . "(I33 TREE cutting and pruning fruity”. Czwg standard portable and eleCtl‘lc.facturer to you. 294-6075. tfc30 ll)th AECESSARY‘ PLEf“ 'T’I'RE" ‘ if I‘lmflf- . ' V -* w- w ? IsI I --I11-eesI 5 CI DoakI 384-5316 - -- - - - I IV ,I._~.._,‘_._I ' dels Special rental ratesiâ€"“â€"â€"i ‘ ‘SANT PERSONALITY. OWN I Selllte lllallagel ‘01 Oca‘ 69 \lxa, completely checked PAINTING 4 I37IFAIRLAVIN Junior\& Nursery itvailable to students FIREPLACE WOOD ‘T‘RANSPORTATION NECES_;tli'e shop._ good starting rate out. runs well . Ga PAPERHANGING c “ chliool. 8403 Yonge Street.l L_ "I SIMS 'Plll‘e llal‘d‘VOOd Slabs 320- Per SARY_ 889-4943, tfc37'and Penellls. BOX 57 "The Llll' All the above Cal's have been R. E. DUNN â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€""â€"'Tllornhill. Fully licensed - open 83 Baku. Am 00rd: 112 cords $21 7 cords 390- â€"-- view oral I 01938 reconditioned. certified 3. n d 7.27.3303 T0 RENT all yearI ._~ . ___»- . . . i 7*"? 7V”.Hh..m . ~ _~__IIIII _ ~ I - .. . . lDehvered- call C. L. hnappefiupRI‘ ATE 599191313 experlenc ‘ Iliave a 7-day money back guarâ€" I tfcls FOR’1e;Séj‘sjofibwfsjb'dovsdfh: ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR WE TRAIN YOU Richmond Hill I _ n d .1 u. d I. . - ’CA‘R‘JOC’KEY' I I I I_ _ I I 884-3089. 1ft) 2 e ‘ 5101' “In t 9 (~- Ieceptlon I I I l- . e - .. ._ â€" Ir â€" “I were ~â€"â€"#â€"â€" I I _ - . F01 manadciial posumns "1 884-1745 â€"..- - â€"° .“-orkI multiple type business 9);. Brants Auto 'l‘rlm. reqtilres 3.3;: plus a 30 dab 90/90 “d1 PLLJIBING ' industrial space, Newklrk Road. FEE CA§$§§$§fiGED u young fast. growing Canadian w_-______ I . I ANN-QUES- , _ Ellerlence. Send complete resume Car JOCkeNS- Apply 4693 Yongel ”' as 15 SPECIAL I & HEATING Features dock level loadilig.ISee Our ad on Page III, 1 _38 compam-I Opportunity rm. in_ WASHER dryer an Stove‘Fulmtum'. chlna' sllvemulle'lto Box 54. “The Liberal." c2w37‘5l- Cl\\'38‘ ,-‘., ‘ i A- MILLS & SON LTD. 16‘6" clear. immediate posses- _. .1.._Â¥. ._’? '_‘ IICI_‘I‘_ I come of SL000 mommv and i I I icmna cabinet, tea wagon. Canaâ€" . . _ . _ ire -r ~77 ~~ 7 ~ 7 â€"*1967 \J‘dl 100k5 alld “"15 g0°di 384.2201 -in $110 n t L ~ d Construc-‘DAY care in my home 10’ - F ‘ ' -- parts, gears, belts, wood bear-Id. 794 607- tf golEXECUTIVE secretan Shel.t_Ii\1EN and uomenI wanted “1111; $435 00 ‘ s n. . e. 018 V _ _, mete. or appointment Ldll lngS and “finger Toners, etc-l lana' HI . 3' r: hand and dicta,o“~nt1:énspm-ta.‘good driving record and cliau-: GREENWOOD RENAULT jI II I I II "‘34? thllfllitd-II§§Q:9I599;IV h I WtfiaoiBea‘mton Road- 884‘9393- 889-4328. c1w38 For all makes. Repairs to Glee-IDINET'IE set SWIVBI Chall‘swtionI Salary Opel-II A_1 Employdffeurs licence for full 01‘ part} 15 Industrial RdI Highly recommended even by FURNISHED room. cooking and ohms. . l . SNOWMOBILES plane 5. a , I 'l - I - - . . râ€" 5. â€"»Iâ€"A_~- an area. it ereslng “‘01” in If 834.3841 - 773.4444 I - cus om 884-4828101‘ appointment. 1 trial Road. 334-7909; “___lIlcll‘i Kltclensfxglgiigllameis lull: {chap}? Fall to (loan excellent income potential.’ “W33 Upholstering tfc21‘ l . _ . . _. L -._. ._ fie - nfi’c‘ofiifiéfib‘fib TV’s color Laundry Spe‘ciahst 3 e “’9” “0‘ 1“ 1C“ e eaChIContact Mr. Young at 832-2634. n 3*- â€"-~ I;,~-.-â€"-â€" 339.9475 , Is. v r -- -â€" ~--___~_-.-_...__.__ 1971 ARCl‘IC Cat. 440 Puma, _ i I _ _ ‘mornlng. Guaranteed 330 periafpl. 5 m ‘1.“ B . 14 .1966 CHEVROLEI. In good U 9 fl. “1de 3“ condltlonmg: (1311) DEAD 01' CFlDDlEd farm animals excellent condition 884-1395 and -blaCk and “'mm' floml ‘ MOflalt Appllances lweek Phone Mrs McKinlevl ( p or Y‘ e - 0" "condition reasonable 884-4934 c maid SCl‘VlCe Reasonable \l'eek- 'k d ‘ ' " ' W .- -- - - . . - - voila 1e_ c1\\'38 l - -'~'â€" ~~ ~â€" *"f' â€"4 s~~ I _~ a Pic 6 up plomptly. For direct clugg $19.95 up. TV 5 wanted 'fol Admired Color '1V 5 334-5405 c1“.33ifi,‘p_fl,. .. _ WW WI. c1“-33 GENERAL contracting. alteraâ€"Ily rateS, Richmond Inn. 884-11,": c311 Long Distance and ask ('aSh- 833-5550- “C385 Vilas Colonial ICliffargaié-féfifliéfimfigICLEANING lady. Wanted fOI'Iféféâ€"gdzjéggs‘figgand $3zb-6ttions and additions. home. of- 1101. tfc30 for zenith 32800 Call anytimei "'""3‘â€"*~â€"T'f_i . e , ~ - ~ . , I . . r . - I _.-. _ . __ ..,__-.i. â€" I - _ - Bogts. 3‘Spggg‘ bugs; good Emacslsgglgncngdjggdi5rb :must have some experience. Apâ€"iiffizlfiglfflggdagullggfi’ {gags}? Call 884-6891. B clw38 3355’oiacgflesdegfigigngalp525 FURNISHED room. c o o kin g Ed Peconl 8.- Son, Woodwlle.‘ con lion. . - a. I i , . . v- - . .I , _ I .:.__L__..-_,-l..,-_ , “h__.#. I , I I I I . I 2 _ I Cut-33; 15 cu. ft. freezer $169.00 ll)” 3.1 IWCEIIId Wlde ShlplmI‘gljSaturday 1pm to opm. Time 1960 PONTIAC Custom Sport webe 339-2546 “(33 “elm”? £6 £10m? lwus‘: QWEEE‘: 3 gen 66' _l ”""‘"‘â€"'_‘""“fâ€"“’."”Af‘;t Washer spin dryer $129.00 fiqongfflflfj; ._..f_1_“filsclledule may be arranged to convertible. all power. 1 ownel-II.‘ GEmgfipfi-fiifiyâ€"i?5ld 0 m S we 915“ _al‘ OED guns wanted by collector. _ .V ‘ .__‘..__2_.._ 3%‘89: sultabéiéél we need your business 'INDEPENDENCE tlnliniited,lsuit individual. Must have ow'nIexcellent condition. $895. 889â€"‘Kitche‘n units alterations rec “onbe;__ _II I 0') 291-1480. c5w34‘ c9_a_f'..__-_____‘_ _~__V.‘ You need our prices earn $500 extra monthly- Weltranspol‘tation. Mrs. Woodcock‘6557, or evenings 833â€"5949. ’ ’ HEIGHT room house. $220 8 CASH f6,- 1551;; toys fionel‘ ~ _ UPHOLSTERED cllalr,4cllrom€; Brice's Furniture Barn .need you. 636-1059. tfc33l889\4897, between 10am and. clw38 momsi etc- . :month. two bathrooms. 335"A.F. or Mai- t' v t‘ 1 23" Be“ “931 1“ tl‘e 3““ . . . r . rum-ak__-l . . _ _ } GORD ROWLAND . ~ X 0. rams. 83 Trade .n tm and leather kltChen Chan‘s‘ flg'; DonII‘Ilus Rd' IDISHWASHER, good wagesI‘gpm' I _ A CI‘VSBJQTI CHEV half ton pick.upy I 88934:” .6837I-‘7 _I I “C32 1481 after 6 pImI c4w35 Q' 1 1 9: m‘cd drapes 65" long, cheap-1 Queenswlle 478-4175 lwoodbine and Highway 7. 499-;BULLDOZER and backhoe op-‘V8. automatic. radio. A-l con-i “013; 'APARTMENT‘XVXI’LABLE‘.H‘IGHEST casffiggsâ€"mngde‘ Com??? 3:92.335“... §89‘2_316_°'__. .._. . .. .- - 31.333_. _. ._..I--. .JfflhfififlI I _IIII Ic‘hv3illeljalor. full time empIOl'nlent,Iditi_on- lfllolle 884-4095; 0193!} gfifififkgzfififfis I 91 bedroom suite 1value paid for used furniture Rumble Tractor & Equipment AUTOMATIC “"3511” and aum' I DISPLA‘ FURNHURE lWE require a mature woman inIRIChm0nd H111 area-2 884423111964 PONTIAC 283. Hurst,‘Several typefaces tochoose from _ . “ bearoom suite. and appliances- Bl'lCG‘S Fllml'3 Corner of Don Mills and matlc dishwasher. reasonable. From construction firms, IilodeIIthe food service department at; Cl“'33rducls, very clean. 884-4031. _mcluding Script Block letters lenl mellldes heals llldm. 80“ ture 478-4175. tfc36 Stomp/1119 RoadI Gel-11,1033 §§€'719_7I§§e§_6- _ _ _ fllf3§lmmesfind “lies: commons oiiYork Central Hospital. PleaselSUPERIN’TENDENTfeXIEiJi'éHcZ1 clu~380utline and signature --- fast “affil'vjpogo St°‘je\.af“fl Rife Xcé’ORDIBNfgs‘baEsIYoo’d 887-5886 ROCKING chairs, Boston Rock-.mesmlfields' SOfabEdsl daven‘ apply In Person to the 170011.611. lll’dtlll‘e couple {01‘ 40 Slllle:lI905_D_O_DEEâ€"13olal'av8l3llf4vdf. sel‘Vice. Call “The Liberal" 884â€" pa m” m one cal" ‘ ed] 1c 1‘ COHdlthll- 389-5913. clll38 “032 ports and bedroom suites, all in Service “Tanager. anIlCl Heights Plaza at 48 Lav- ers. Washstands, China and, €1\\'331§as healed apartment blllldlllinll.t.. V8. power steering and.1105. . l ' til . " l WW1~~ ~ v VA on -A~ - - - I . ._--.., _. ._ I, II .figIerock Avenue. Adult Buildino. Toilet Sets. A barn full of otherffifiéfifilsj s““igig‘aniarfig-MOTHERs helper for summer. "1 Elem?“ H1112 1 b?‘i‘°_°mibrakes. $400~ 832-8865. chr33‘ HARRISONS CUSTOM Call 884-2475. tlc3°7. p g .. TRAVEL furniture. and quantity of oddI I ’ I. ’ alive-in, 2 small boys. Must be and saldll- Apply In “'I‘ltlng t0l - 7 1 “W T ' " CARPEVTRY â€"h cw“ and chairs 34 bedroom suite an-‘and “00d tables’ “1th Odds audit-enable 339-4433 .1 v33lRidley Apartments Limited 11151962 ‘OLI‘SWAGEA- can 884‘1 . ‘ 3 BEDROOM townhouse, sub-i I__.--h*Iâ€"._...___.. u e ' 115 Kin Sidemad' OaRIends. Ideal way to furnish or reâ€"I‘ ‘ ' c “ leare of 60 Gwendolen Cljes {8347. after 7pm. c1w38 Custom bllllt 11011165, removal-net Thomhqu Immediate occu- ROOM and board for gentleman ‘TOURS, CI‘UISES. fall and bus R9: ' 1. .l gv t f Y'on i‘l'umish your apt. or home at.PAYROLL clerk for appl‘OXim-‘l‘vfllowdale clw3§ ’71 Volkswagen Fhastback tlons, additions, and repairsipancyI 389_0693I c2w37I773_5770 tfcgl'itickets, reservations and indivi- -7,;3g_is48’2 ml 9 ‘ es 0 3 remarkable savings for quality ately 80 people, some typing ‘ 4 speed radio beige with mat_lKitchens a speciality. Morris‘FURNISHED b d ' I. 1 j ' _ idual travel. Call A. H. Creighton --a __:____I~m___‘#p ll furnitm and experience on CalculatorI EXPERIENCED truck driver/ hm. Ht .~ .’ A . 1 ,Harn‘son. 884â€"2838. tfc42 . ' .9 mom “.‘l‘IlROOM and board for cleaanravei Agency. 389-5643. t£c47 USED FURNITURE ‘PARKCREST CONSTRUCTION should have own transportation warehouseman, chemicals. Must c _ 3,1“ “101' lea .ec°“°‘.“5 â€"â€" . - ~â€"â€" bath. board optional. pal‘klnglcut gentleman. 334-1237, ___7 ' ' _ . I . A) I I I I ‘ I I .jb _ k I b] ycal with only 19,000 miles. Llc. RON MOORE ifacilities. close to buses. Phone. c1v38 2 dinette suites. light wood ..21â€"4400 c3th7lFac101y located south of High- I9 no“ smo 91-03138 9 0f lland-IN79973I 52 295 pAINTING . pAPERHANGING ft . 6 884 780.3 1 ,38I __-.. ..-_ ....V_‘_.___.WHAT IS A finish. Buffet table and fourW’.‘ *o'f'i**‘â€"j l\\'ay 7 between Jane and KeeleIllng heavy drums. 889-8559. I1 ’70 B ~ k 9 ' I .- . _ , .~ . . 3.8.1 e}, ,pmf-.. 1--." .1 c.“ LADY pensioner 'with mm . I u 115 $125. I a H‘COME lax lOImS Plepal‘ed, ‘ 1 I38 ulc Electra 2~5 Inteliol Ektellot. Flee estl 2 BEDROOM It t . 4 12 XEAR OLD lc'iall‘sj._..lorlel s. . _. ,1 ne-indi\.iduals and Small businesses.l’llolleIEBQ-GZISo: I _ I Idclw3I8 IAI II _I I I I III} “ 4 door hardtop, fully powered mates. Call anytime. 889-8965.; 1 , I. .t id “135311123 1: home‘ Seeks another f9 Share FINANCE CO. 1.5.1â€" ‘3 “33511-8” 36‘} . “fqb‘l'e â€" pickup and delivery service‘ESTIMATORS for Road Paving NURSE/SECRETARY with factor-1' 311' conditioning- in' tfc32lffx‘4‘de} 51824 ‘38Ԥ.',a .9 fipf,‘ “Pentwf ‘1!“ 113'“ dunes‘ PO WITH 9 LEGS» lggsfliactxge,ctlllrllfia alciginaet: if necessary 334.2376 *1w37 Contractor. 889-4000 “W33 Required for. new clinical lab- dark blue with matching inter- iii‘a‘s‘te'ring’“ * W“ V~Tfigfifimr 3 - A U 5- ' a. “6211:1358 Box 13b. hing City. c1w38| ~ - etc. All in good condition. Oak' PLYWOODâ€"AA W END-ICTAWCLERKWTYPISTIlyS oratory m Rlchmond Hlll' salilor & blue vmyl TOOL L'C' R. CLARK ‘ “WWW - - ‘ Answer: Your local Liberal 1'” .... .. .~ . - » I 7‘45 ‘."“" W . . . , I Ridges New and Used FumLA x 8 sheets' fir 2 Special Newtonbmok Plaza _ Willowml) Lonlmensulate with expel-320901. $3,990 Flam and Decorative Plastering, FURVI HED momt Close ‘0 Boardlng Stables ICarrlel‘ on Collection Da}. Ale ience. Liberal fringe benefits. ’70 Olds Vista Cruiser transportation. 834-9427. _ you preparing to ask him for ture, Yonoe and Givens Rd..i5-40 Per Sheel- call worlddale- DlCla typing and some . » . . -- - v ' Repairs“ Spedauy v "-‘oâ€"f- "“‘ Oak Ridgebs. We buy sell and Wide Shipping. 889-6269. ucloielerical work for our Willow:FOI al’pw‘tmem .pICaSe. “Hiatdtmn‘lagon’ -a“t°m.a“c‘ d9“" Free Estimates 3 - cll‘-38‘NEW “F‘mg Stable, Bathm‘st'o loan? ’ l~â€"â€"»â€"â€" - -l . . week days only. Miss Atkinson,.ble pom-‘1‘. radio, dark blue \uth- BASEMENT .t t $110 Elgin MilisI Horses rented b v . tl‘ade- 773-5544- Clll’33|MOFFAT Dryers $149.95; bed-Eda1e SIel‘Vlce Pfflce- Grade 12 677-7661 c1w38 wood vinyl trim showroom con«i 488-7521 889-3185 lmontlily" furnlgli‘ddmilio’m and the hour by the day and alslll Please pay your Garner STEREO. TV, Roll_a_way bed,;1.09m suites, double dressenieducatlon, typing speed 60_wpm W GUARDS dition. Lic.X46410. $3,195 tfc20 use of k-jtchen. $10 weekly and sold. Legsons on dressage andi Prompt” When He Cans coffee table, automatic Coke dis-imlrror- chest. bookcase- liedn‘md SOme busmess experience I ’70 Toyota Corolla _ E- W- PAYNE some babysitting 884-3160 betiunlping- 884-3013. c2w37l To Collect- penser one year old. 88%4934‘1bankrupt stock 3139 7-piecelpreferred. Salary $74 - $88 de- Men wanted to train for secur- stationwagom 4 Speed trans- Drains. septic tanks. All typeslfore 5pm ' ch38; - ~ â€" c1w381dinetteI $59I Bricels Furniturelpending on qualifications. We lly guards in Richmond Hill, mission. blue with matching in-l0f concrete “’Ork- : _.I.I* â€"â€"~â€"‘7y<|1-478-4175. 'tfc 37‘offer extensive benefits includ- Aurora. Nemarket area. Apply terior. Lic.38315X. $1,595 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATESlSTOREY and a half “use ‘0 23 ADMIRAL mael‘ and \\'lllle|"‘“’ " â€"' “"‘ .' ““"*' "_ling 3 weeks vacation after 2 431 Davis Drive, NewmarkeL - *7 M Ida 3100 l tfc31'1'entv Hunt Strea- 223‘2277- console TV 575 can 884-6607 ICONTENTS of apaltment. 834 I I I l , . a in..- ... ... _E..,.,., ____l r“ ~v-â€"Avsfiv if . ~7 ~ ’ ' “wig-1949. Cl\\'38l‘\eals'l 13”“ lolepllono Pol“: clw38I4 speed radio, with new Wankel , ALUMINUM HOME ‘BEDSITTING room, suit gen- Immfi I_I II ' I__ I - i I - ..H .I . V . I.;sonllc epartment, 925-1441.Y0UNG “.oma'n“'”i'mel.égtéd“in rotary engine. well cared for. l IMPROVEMENTS ‘leman- 334'1629- “C33 EULL leIngtll‘ ‘Eg'tgéafe “'ed‘ gydlxgrbgggel gégnlégginzfisgigg CIAO Insurance. I c1\v3011ea,-ning Floral Designing. I“, OVHIel‘ car. Li‘c. 413793. $1,695 A]ch _ siding EavestI-oughg'wz'MARIQHXM' Road. Olle"b}d_ . . mg go‘ml Size I ass-(1). ‘38 SVnclil‘o “trans ‘rebuilt $50 SECRETARY. General Instlr- tistic ability an asset. lull l'lmP- .. . 1mm.“ Doors and Windows "001“ apartmenl- APl’l." SUPPI" Chesterflelds 311d Chalrs _-,._-.-. . ‘3." Ca” 884_59-;2 " ‘09“.38' Hm‘e office located in Tow'ne Apply in person only, Rice‘s 59 Ch“: 140” lfl('k‘l'l’~ 4 inf-‘99 For free estimates call your interment, c1\\'38 N TWENTY suite apartment site _ -- -- ' i I a _ and COUNTY? Sqllal'ei Will0\\'- Flowers; Rl'illmOYld llf‘lglllsllians' 1"IC'C318311 .31'z93 Local contracmr FURNISHED room central Recovered 1J1 e e“? for sale, A-l location 223-3‘i77I bale§3§95tllgan mixed gll‘azlglg dale. Phone 222-2591. ozwgs Centre. chi-38 SHELLS?!“ _\\l£:llgl§\:‘3l;d0\\'s. HANS BL'TT 339.4103 Richmond Hill close'm Yonuo . (“hump froln.a large selelctlon of quality {Till'it‘fl [ l “‘33 -_l' W. -a o . c W *â€"I II .I "" A , . > i ' l'; M1 1 - . tfc21 _ .3 . ' I. I” ' o .\11 workmanship expert 3' supervise am gual'an (’9' fiNMhREâ€"v-AS- 4:. Val- Z.‘CONTINENTAAL ibcd - (-om lete .tlelk' lcdulied, must. LABO'RAFORI’ 31.095 . CHIHVEY: 884 8.11». I L2w38 . pickup and delivery “umber wastel. I - . P ~haie t.\ping. knowledge of in- TECHROLOGISF '70 Chev l-ton pick-tip 4 speed ‘ ‘ * FURNISHED ROOM to rent in F' ‘ 't t 7 theme Best offer.£84;75_89. clw38 3 mm cage 3,139 an OVEF-llangli'entory control all asset. Ap-zRequired for new clinical lab- trans Lic 311982. I $1,595 Chimneys and fireplaces bum Maple :i'ea beautiful surroun- .i- lee E‘snmd 05 a 30m 1 Y k] 1 pgâ€" 0.)”- mc, SA“: Sfleۤ};II334"°§- IFIII‘I‘EKply to VGA _- Eormold Plasticsforatory in Richmond Hill. R.T.: WILSON NIBLET'I‘ ‘and IrePb‘Ill'f‘fl- F”? eIf‘m‘a‘eS- ding. 832-8842, after 6pm. ‘ 1‘4 B““$f"§§d .TAle' Hmpp‘u 011‘}? 9‘_ ‘5; "H gsed sewing machines $1495.94”?th Cash1 dRegistazgfdcaélfulm Lllgltfionmr Nequn-k:cei-tification or equivalent with 355 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill §:§:;iten‘c‘:ll;§:fl:l“gé {20883293131 cl\v38 Fact” ' °‘”°°m “"3 ‘ °”' ° ‘ ew sewing machines $59.95 comp etc 3' overllaue and l‘eâ€". w 101111011 1 - eeplOl’le'post certificate experience es-j 889-5435 ‘ ' ' E_2mi l C" ’"iâ€"A'W “- “ ‘ ' ‘ ' ""' " ' arI‘d up. Bernina Sewing Centre.ic°nd1fi°‘led- 375 P1935? can af'iggg'fglofl' . . _ Clwaelsential' salary commensm‘alel “1“33l WALKER CONSTRUCTION: '$1chlnontlilidldamg’o:giltSllfgdtl Richmond Heights Centre. 884-It01' 6 01‘ \l'eekends anytime. 334-;FACTORY “ark available, suit. with experience. Liberal fringe‘...________l__c _-- -. _. .._ - ., ..,tf29.sout]]I Riclfinond HifiI Large I I tfc13}762v9.__ II I I_ I c1w38Iable for women on aftel-noonibenefits. ‘This is an outstandingl I ‘ GENERALI CARPENTRY ‘commcrcial space. suitable for FIREWOOD for saicTsElit and15TEREO console RCA with Gar-‘sliift. Apply at 65 Duncan 0139011“th ‘9 30m 3" large and? PETS FOR SALE . “Fen” tam’ trade. $100. Call 783-2762 or delivered. 773-5488. tfc2lil'al‘d Changer. $200. 334-4802. lRoadv Thol‘ohill C2‘l381rap‘dly gl'ol‘mg pl'lvale labor‘ NewfivhglchttifForsnFfidg Rec" Rooms‘ kItChCns' floor “18‘ 783'6229‘ “W38 ‘SVEASONED Fmfiwoob_ EXPERIENCEDâ€"hairdrgsfi‘atow ('Ompam" 10" appmm‘ grooming â€"- poodles a specialty. counter tops‘ Papa”. and re' 1‘BEDROOIIIVapartmenIDalian- Mixed _ Oak _ Beach '1ROI}SIDâ€"{Shie‘witft’wofileaves,wanted. 884-5016. c1\\'38 $259 MEI“? gmg’i, _dbf‘gis Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 0‘ mlmuu‘e- “60 able Am.” I Sm business COIII 1Birch â€" Maple iunpaintof {‘10 3-d1‘allel‘ dres‘I‘EMXEE. Toning and hooks '“ s ‘ so ’ “ngg' GREEN Acres lief Shop’ and .R 'I‘OBIFV l’l‘” 384'2273- “C33 F 2” and 16" cords 501‘s “Ill al'ge mirrors. one . - 9 ‘I I I ‘II_ I _ __ _ _ _ a A I I _ o __I_ - K-f-Tâ€"ec-I_.. .E” A‘: Holland Park Garden Centre Ipalnled. one Iflllislled lplainlzisggging' " dais pe‘ “eel‘élfifgé‘DRIVER for Dental Lab. 9-5. “(lotfuffrggtaihgizié stiflfatidl: 889-19“ tfc44 mEEtFLIcohilgnighglxwmloigfdd. 1. l .c . 832-24o5 «east arm chair. all metal full â€" ---â€"---- -_‘ -_iPllone 884â€"8899. cllr38 .mdgiesI canariei love birch 5L ‘ ._ _1i i- ‘ minutes from GO station. park App 1' In 1391-100. tfcggjsize bed. slat springs; heavthLEANINGfilidv wanted for ‘*'-'~*~ *“7 M "W REID LAWNMOWER "up" â€"â€" duty store. See at 284 Brown-Thursday or Friday. Phone 884-iB‘A‘B1 bITTER to live in Mon' Bernard pups” German Shep” 5' 5‘ hresge ('0' Ll'd' ing. sauna. 'dl‘apes. hydro all in- SALES AND SERVICE TEAKWVOSOD' I II I _ _. _ ‘day to Friday. 2 school age herd pups, registered, all pet . I I _ I. CllldECl- Al'allable April 1 01' 250 You e Street N. Living. dining and bedroomswdale'9950 01 phone 884:2‘43 _.,., Alcibiaig‘cllildrcn, Mature. reliable \\0-‘supplies. til-33 tom-plowIla“plno“Iel and “lp‘” 500"”- Call 384'9097 all?" Rigchmond Hill dil. t fI . I I II I _ aftel 0.30 pm, rlw38i NCR MACHINE OPERATOR _., - I 1.11. .11. mobile lepalls and serllce. 5 m' I] ‘38 cc lom impulteis “die I ._.._.._ ._ 1.-.“ .- .,. I I I man. 884 -805 aftel 6 pm. pOODLEg CLIPPED O 8 9 884 7- P t houscI open 1-9 me 459-0760 ONE used oil forced air fur-“e l'eqllll‘e all (“139119an OD- cl\\‘38 poodles b t} “V C“ ed by pen am - pm' - 116' l’UR‘NISHEowedroomrfm‘rent- EINAR CLAUSEV LTD nace for laroe home. 889-8596. el‘ator for posting of data on a' - - . y . Wu ' - ea“ ‘ “3 pp. ‘ , .1, . “"13 n ‘ . . â€"- ‘ . - .‘ .. '. ° I. r ,- .. . I INTERESIINC hostess _iob. appomtment onl). 88-1-6934. , I. I . eellllellldll 0nl.\- 384-1064. IN.“ 7' Just east of Filth Lme‘ c1\\33II\.C.R. l\0. o95 in accounts le- some typing. 0““ tramponm “C36 CARPEN IRS \\01k. lccreatlon C1“33 (2 miles east of Dixie Roam {Io-I‘VdRDICWSQId "_94'11” ceivable department. This pos- . ‘ 5‘ I . ‘I . . I H .. 1. ...'. rooms. additions. renovations.~ I r e _ - - re w Bl‘amalea. tic-31 19‘ track. .iust hacimlS-hoilii lllon requires a girl who likes “‘m' “9'03?” Saws: “‘39 FOLK “19'1"” mm." mm“ ’ lilo “001’s. and ceilings- Fl‘ee JIA‘M: and Fm.“ am’" “‘9 bed’ ST'O'VEhF'IJJd‘. Icâ€"Imflâ€"fiâ€" _A Check 889_6540 “W38 detail work and is good with BOOKKEEPER. typist. ow ll weeks. 31.). Mother (iolden Rc- esmnatesI TI pl-iceI 339-3653_ loom, llllmedlale OCCllPHnICL u t I”? an“ ‘ v 91' .1. . ;..I .. .'.. ‘_ . ..- E figmth This is a small cngin- transportation. 889-4000, ll'leHi‘l‘. 889-7414. alter opiii tl'c3 “00L sauna- “allpapcled m‘ ce‘ en” wolklng order. 363 REFRIGERATOR. washing earma- omce 10w ed at Kg. 16 (N33 c‘_’\\‘37 -»~--h . . .. *. 7, â€"â€"â€" door parking. pets. Final month 832-203.; “03‘ .11“.th good working order. 5 l I _ Ie â€" s < ~ ' T535155 5 [OIHNG rent free rent neootiable Call ' 'C’ bov's‘ r b'k ‘ Street and HW‘V‘ xo' " La“ ___â€"â€" PART Beagle- male pup! “"9 Scrap car pick-lip and towing 'ft "'30 743 2632 I I APPLIES I late 1.0‘ “ ‘ .me 889-8384 for all appointment. months. 839-5774. Call after -)4 1 . . 334_9â€"4â€" "l m “ pm' ' ‘ . H " ‘ '" "’ Cleallout sale. McIntosh ‘ell‘ hme: 1 Omsme door Idea] c1w38 3pm c‘Jw33 _ 10m henlce' I 1' .. 91““ . . EST um 3V1- grade and better, $1.50 bushel lol- cottage. Call 884-4166. ~I- - a. n __ _--- . i e 2-: - - -- - â€"-- -â€"'--.â€" _ .-.-_ _ “€34 c'i‘nL’.o‘si.;g.;-rpanama; DRIVE“ R ‘ “ in Your container or $2 in ours.‘ “"33 DECRET‘L‘R“ 6.x.penem'6d for W READY for Eager: gOIden‘ mmâ€" CLEANING WINDOWS ill Richmond llill Some furni- These are goodI firmI crisp Eficx_anajhileâ€"‘firféhgs‘gl: Challenglpg posnlon for 1:303] H I 71:"I7II II I II laglglriqpoocile‘ reglstered‘ 5:10:53 “'ALLS AND FLOORS ‘tiii'e necessarw ‘ S7150 pCl‘ P T. :%1;195- S _GOl‘llllf‘I: _Ol‘Cllal‘deicld suite. baby‘s _cradle-crib. Eggfltmgfiln \lll'zlngziladgofagli STUDENT. :20. Wishes summer 8 .11." 8' I I . WELL; DAY oraxl‘GHT monihreach. 38-1-9712. chill} _ ge ticet. Last Side. 214- encyclopedias. colonial bedroom ._ ' ‘ “ ‘ ‘ 'I‘ Job on farm as experience loi FARE Beagle pup. lawn coloul. SEN-do.) I\:"l’"i f" ..k mlles north of Aurora we 31m S - .- I7 .- - 6035. clw38 . - - . v - ‘\* n (“.1 ~ 13' g _---1 (N33 ' * ' ' i ' ' 9‘ E )edmom apaltlnem' 1"“ ‘ . - lute. limb-sized lied. 889-0101. I I _ I education iil \etellnaiI le Oia ie. 34 0.4. Q . . I, . ..,, .. I.” p 1. sell honor I b I ~ I .~ ~ I -I . - (I I- .,., Ir, â€". .h‘38 RALPH ELM.. DECORATle In” and Zalcl_£‘ alai ale. let u Ialm 8 ll “BI and class GENERAL office llclp. twill... Lino. â€"â€"6 4303- L __~â€"â€"-â€"â€" painting pammanqnfl -m r- I. “name phOne 334-9091 freslirapilsmder. c‘lw37 BEDROél’IU’mnN‘. " kitchen} necessary. shorthand preferred. YOUNG ’mkm Seeks work m_ and OEI‘C’IIOII Fm: :‘izimeatlel: ” ' ' ' “III”; HONDA. absolute hard to get suites. pianos. lamps and man) hul “PEI essenllf‘l' .0ng PK" doors. outdoors. has. cllaul'telir's work guaranieed' 337.5153 M )ICHHOVD Hm UN. 3 hm. l gzl‘lsieILZY' and 1011119 ilsgdl. “011â€" other household articles being plilc‘l‘mllésawfi‘m“‘ZSIE‘;;:L‘ Rd“ llCGllCF- 333â€"1534- “2"‘33 SUIOYED 7 hust dog. March “(:45 1.00m Ahouise ,0 5mm” "381.0303 I i 1'5 a 1110 65. 01‘ sold for storage charges at ‘ ' - " . : ' ‘ “ ' o l 1 6t]. Gel'i' Mills al‘e' 8"9- i v~ - i i I ‘1'” - - v - - u ~ ’ H r ‘ " Ill help you repair )our bike. World Wide Shipping. 360 ch~.- . f'lll‘ls I‘XPFRlifififg. i<ltfggll§Ce Sadat}. 15;; “an actress .BFCREAI.IO'\ .ROO.‘“S scum FOR PRID‘H “(’Hl A“) “ H‘M‘Mj 5”” 1S Call Tel-[~33 834.3025 “W37 kirk Rd c.,\\.;3 HOUSEKEEPER “amed 85m lemme? 'I _ “I1 33 ‘ ' .. .. . -i--- ALIERATIO-‘S AND REP-“PIS 2 BEDROOM baecmenl apal'l' Minimum ag ; 17 or met Tl‘i‘ailspOl'lallOll “01'”? “lll b" â€"â€"--_ _fi - . ; . ,_ _ ~ * n _ I 8409- alto! Him L “ BEAGLE. one Veal‘. tan and UNFINISHED FIREPLACES . uni-db] Wit 1 equip- . .7 n 1 -d 1 SPECI‘L F . II I I I I _ I in spin llnnda) to Friday vi-Nv- -- in so 7 WV "7 _ , _ i I I q me” d ‘l I C ‘ l ‘ ploHded for all female CTllplOICCS “Oll‘lllb 1m“ m1 mg“ Summer pin arielli l - RESH pom f0] )0“! “0.0131; Phone noon )Iondav to l-‘ridm DA‘ “Ol‘k “amed from 9'4 pm- blad" (â€"a’”‘“€ aled' 889'“1“' COMPLETED llt‘d- 51371 llll‘llldf‘i all (“Domes Ol l'lCl $5.95. sale inficl; 34-6908 FCSU 31 Ealglpépxlhole carcass. 8893:?3 3376315 ‘ 02“ Richmond Hill area. 884331336; Clll3o “IXLKEnggfgst‘RL‘CTION and _pal'kl‘ig. Call 884-947;). d Winchester walnut panelling I SEXSDNKL. clubâ€"requires assâ€"ist- menmgs‘ -~ .7 . 0 “ ,qu 491‘0Lâ€"â€"~ L A i & VV regular 55.79 sale price $4.95 GARDEVIVG ant chefs. short order cooks. LADY al'al‘able “m‘ledla‘e” TUTORING . ‘“ SELF-contamod llal‘ollouso- _‘3~- ‘ I . . . .. LOUGIILIN LUMBER ‘ e * kitchen help. dish“ asliers for “OWE Cleaning “1 Rld‘mond , .. __-_ ___‘ _W “MO 300 Square tool “1”” load“? “5T NORTH or film-".059 "EK’HTS (“IRE YONGE AND SCOTT DR. CENTIERALâ€"lflclgapiiiEâ€"trecs locker room aticlidants. night Hm- 884‘2163 WANTED. someone (0 Elle ACCOUSllcal cellmgi 41‘." ‘lall- flOOll lleallnil- “'dSllmO‘“ ("C- RICHHOCD HILL THORNHH‘L and bush F ‘I d is ‘ d. -l rs i~ F l - ~i ‘ 7"“7;_ 77:97? Vii'r part teenager lessons in t)pin'j at recreation rooms and :eneral 13770 per month Immediate ) s 'N s ~.( 3394109 Lite, ill“: eziieltlifirnfffiRail-2123 ~327(50: ] irh't paalimtdili: tint: :hlglliiiicm founder home down: the period Him” conll'aollns 3314545. she h‘ ilrlsiesqun Phone 880-0603 I l '3 ‘7‘7. ttrzln man iiu'la air-thin: RR-l-Sll‘lll. ci'i‘IRIL’ll in Hull l 33‘3-l337- “"33 1"“. “"73 "W3": .- - - - -~ ~-

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