THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 23. 1972 Maple, Kleinburg Concord 8. Edgeley News “The Liberal" Its always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgcley and Klelnburg. 10 it was enough to beat the Maple .lL'\ ENILES team Maple Blues 4 Sinzle goals went to Alan BoltonZ Fame“ and Brad Lloyd 0f the It was hip and luck for Maple Hill. with assists to David For- ‘ ‘ . this Game plnved March stcr. Dean .10 _ 'â€" "10“ Of ’ ‘ neg and Ron D“ 1i. hut in the final few minutes sari. _ - ' r r \v '5 ' r. 5,9â€, Sherman scored “BBL they ncttcd the inning tallie. ~ . . - â€" . . . .. . . . , ed by Eddy (lundcrt for Maple. Paul Ram‘s flappf‘d m I‘m Ma le. lease hone Mrs. Lourse Cooper, 832-2408. in Lrlgelcy and Concord. Mrs. (.arol Cole. 88940.9: in lvleinbur . Mrs. Shirl - . oster. 893-1725. - . smile. Rick lld]1\\]('l\ aiirl Digby D p p g 0“ Cl - Bourke one each. Assists went, NOTICES the stron: play of Geoff Blake. \laple dcscrved tn um 11ml“ Barry llav “llll two. Len European Delicatessen 4 with a dandy three-goal hat :ood close game on March 18. H.“qu and Dana comlonhy Parker's Spray Paint 0 ‘.rick and Ron Line. who was althouzh it could have gone “"h on" Cam The-Delicatessen boys looked right up there with two goals ihe other way because Collin’n The annual meeting of very impressive again in lhisnnrl two assists. DH &. A was wood Just would not give up the Maple Minor Hockey shutout against Parker‘s. who able to clinch it, Steve Sherman notched two Association will be. held offered little defense. Doug Hay Other assists for DH & A iii-lmered a big three goal hat .‘cnt to .lohn Mariciak with two trick and added an assist. fol- and David Taylor with one lowed by Phillip Hutchinson goals and Colin Mumuiery one for Maple. with an assist each going to Bruce West and Dave April 9 at. the Maple Com- munity Centre. Election of executive members will be _ Rival was certainly no push- Sutherland. held. Please try to attend. “with one goal and an assist. Ron over though ;,_,L__ ___,_.,,,,.. , _, _, , , s. . -. ‘ll'lay'was a big help with three Mal-kn Pid11li-gky_ Rahal-i BSSISIS ‘Preisncr and Doug Kriotyck [GA 3 le *1 l .' g» ' . " . Crestwood Texacol aci iad sin 10 goals for RHaI ~ ‘vith an assist each to Paul 39“ Marc“ “35 3 01194113“ Cloutier and Terry Thorsall. lvendetta against Crestwood. BANTAMS ‘ with his threeâ€"goal hat trick“. Maple contractors 4 The Crestwood team answered Disposal services 2 with a. single. late in the game.- Com..act0..s outhusucd Disi but “9’9 unable to add anyiposal and after the second per- mot‘e~ _ =iod left little doubt as to the Mlke Pflug RSSISIed 0“ 0â€" outcome. Pctcr Fraser knack- for IGA' RObbie Bal'le-V Scoredlcd in two and added an assist. and Steve smith 35515ted f(""Bob Candon and Bob l'lOl'llCl‘ Texaco. < ' Earneied Singles for contrac- contineljt’dl 5110952 ltors. with two assists to John _ IAHIOWOIWE Supply 2 ‘Dellaserra and one to Al Reamel Wh'le “"5 game wound up‘ Tom Weidenfclcter and Gain" in a tie. it looked for a time‘ . . ‘ I. as if Automotive was hoadedlggtgtygfdJZ?12121110531; for a win. but Continental keptI -- .. ,, - . working and evened it up. lkldd takg;dassslï¬sil z ‘ Continental": scoring was by. “anâ€: moans fl iMike Schaan and Steve Fitz- The Shell team earned a we“ , . y. . .flibbon with an aSSlSt to Glenn deserved victory with this Shut Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhords and repair damaged tissue A renowned research institute has touutl a unique healing substance with thc ability to shrink licmori'liords pairiâ€" lcs‘slv. It relieves itching and discomfort in uuuutcs and speeds up healing of the in urcd. iiillaiucd tissuc In case alter case. whilc gently l‘OlleHllQ pain. actual reduction tSIll'lllkafZGI took place Most important of all - results were so thorough that this improvement was mamtained over a period of many months, This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dynei which quickly helps heal uuiucd cells and stimulates growth 01 new tissue. Now Bioâ€"Dyue is offered in ointment, and suppository form called Preparation 11. Ask tor it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your money rclunded. lots 0f Hone y For Maple Bees T Iris Year Maple Honey Pot Bees Novice Hockey players are a proud and happy lot these davs as they celebrate winning the OMHA Novice Provincial Zone Championship. They are now in the running for the IV v (Photo by Stuart's Studio) orth York League Championship-also. Last Wednesday night the team was entertained by Mrs. Belle Madsen. owner of the Honey Pot, who has sponsored the team for several years. A few of the boys are seen in the above picture as they chatted with their sponsor (left to right) Captain Blair Suther- ing for each and every member of the family. including the half-hourly bus tours to the sugar bush to see the complete maple syrup process. A country cookie bar will also be a feature. and all donations of cookies. candy. cup cakes. etc.. will be gratefully received Senior Citizens . Monday. March 13. a good turnout of seniors enjoyed a St. ‘Patrick's Day program planned lby the program committee. Mrs. ‘Margarct Penlington. Mrs. Mary iEri-ington. Paul Snider and *‘Cliief’ Myers. As well as enjoying several With our weather gradually The senior school students will CPDIPSIR the members 311 Dare warming, we are hearing l‘e-ibe given an opportunity to doillCIpated 1P a (We 0f Charade ports of robins and other signs'their bit in this regard. To havell’l‘ogl‘am- m “111011 will mem- of spring from other areas. but‘baking picked up Friday even-.rbfl acted OUI INS Part and the still none from Maple. I The feeling of spring must bei ing call 832-2689. Since the Lions Club are com- vothers guessed what was repre- ‘sented. In the air. with reports of baseâ€"‘mitted to the new 5250.000 ar-l The Program “'35 Closed “’ith . . , .l . 'ty sin'ring lcd bv Earle ball being organized. and maple rna. they will he most gratelulmmmum ~ 5 _ I i 315 m1“... 311 the help and publicityMagce. back from Alliston for lthe day. with Mrs. F10551e Bagg, syrup and pancake festiv the air. Bruce Thurston tells us that this year. in Maple. we are to have three divisions of. girls' baseball. with Bruce hav-‘ ing all the girls in the up to 13‘. years bracket. Wilfred Diceman taking the juveniles, up to 1'? years and Don Tarling will again have the juniors. ages up, to 21. The girls will be called in the near future for practise.. as soon as weather and condi- tions permit. * it it it The Maple Lions are deep in their plans for their annual pancake festival. April I. From 9 am till 5:30 pm pancakes. sausages. syrup and other rc- freshments will be served in the Maple Community Hall. This Is a child-oriented festi- val. and pony rides. amusement rides. an antique 1924 vintage; fire engine, an hourly firefight-f local residents can give. It! )‘I i it Since time is flying. and we are fast moving toward the time to think of summer clothes. several in the Maple area have indicated an interest in learn- ing to sew with knits. If en- ough are interested classes could be held in Maple to learn to make bathing suits. T-shirts. tank tops. and all types of ling- cric. Call Mrs. Mary Lamont. 832-1589 for further informa- tion. it i it it! The boys of the Maple Honey Pot OMHA Bees hockey team were guests of honor for dinner at the Maple Honey Pot with their hostess and sponsor. Mrs. Beth Madsen last week. The boys were the proud win- ners of the OMHA Novice Zone Championship. and are now in ‘at the piano. A delicious lunch was enjoyâ€" ‘ed, during which the members decided to invite those who had lbeen on the recent bus trip to. lFlorida. to join with them lMarch 27 at 1:30 pm to see the ipictures that several had taken Eon the holiday. I Over 40 indicated interest in going to the Ontario Science lCentrc. next Wednesday morn- lng. Probably leaving Maple at 11 am. Cost. including admis- ‘sion to the Science Centre is $2.50. Each member will be free to enjoy cafeteria or tlicrc. ‘ Names are coming in rapidly for the three day trip to Ottawa ‘â€" May 23. 24 and 25. Please call Percy Puterbaugh at 832- ’1114 or Mrs. Louise Cooper. .832-2408 his lunch in the the dining room mg display by the Vaughan Fil‘EIthe running for the North YorklRatepayers Department. and from 11:30 tillI 12130 a l'91‘5’5179CI3l feature “‘llllcaptain. Blair Sutherland ex- the Maple Ratepayers Ass be Mr» Dress-Up of TV fame for tended thanks on behalf of the the little ones. League Championships. Their team to Mrs. Madsen for her i A well attended ineetin ‘ ocia- tron was held March 15 in St. Stephen's Parish Hall. Chair- Otliec features will be added wonderful support and liospitalgman Bill King introduced the to make this an interesting out-i ‘ Vaughan Snowblower Bought For $10,300 At a meeting March 6. Vaughan Town Council agreed to invest 510.300 in a "L’nlmog“ siiowhlower for snow removal in the municipality. During the months Not. ember to March the works department rented various types of snowblowers on a daily basis for testing pur- poses. The "Unimog" type was finally chosen the most economical and most efficient. 85 The eouipuicnt was tisorl for clearing snow from roadways in the town‘s u."- ban areas. and accordin: to a report submittcd to coun- cil by the works commit- tee. “L'nimog†was found to be extremely efficient Said the report. "It has been estimated that the speed of the snow rcmoial m Many Times Faster operation ha s increased three to four tunes over the old method by the use of front end loaders. The original purchase price of the complete unit is 513.â€" 300. less $3.000 for the past three months rental." The re p o rt continues. "During the severe winter of 197 ~72. it became ob- mom that a snowblower similar to this type would be of tremendous advant- aze in ordcr to maintain the travcllcd portion of roads opcn to the rcsidcnts The rcport concludes Illnl. nlihouch use in the iu'al sections was limited duriu: the p3st winter. if council wishes to maintain its policy of clearing snow from the roads in the built- uo areas. lIllS type of ma- chine would he of great I‘mnm'it Quest speaker. Donald Deacon MPP. Mr Deacon gave his views on the present property tax Situation. which. he feels is unfair to the resident. He stressed the importance of the involvement of individuals at the grass root level Mr. Deacon also feels that pulverizing and recycling is the answer to the present garbaze problems. He advised people not to act from an emotional reaction. but on a factual basis. The meeting continued with discussion of local matters such as the proposed arena and the widenin: of the sidei‘oad east of liecle Street. Cancer Society The Canadian Cancer Society. Maple Branch. met at the home of Mrs. Joyce Elkins March 14 at 9:30 am Plans at this meet- ing were made for the annual campamn for funds. which is held each year in the month of April A tca Home of .\li'< 3. is bcin: hold at the Lorna Clendcnan. 19 Goodman Crcsccnt. March ‘39 at “ pm for the captains of the canvasscrs At this time the kits “III ho distributed. Mrs \1ar; Amos. Mrs, Muriel R0:9. llrs JClllllE Cave and Sarah Ronsc attended an open house at Princess Margaret Hos- pital March 12 This was found to he a most interesting and in- \Il'llt'li‘.t‘ afternoon Scycial dates to keep an mind land. Coach Rainer Weidenfelder. Mrs. Madsen, Assistant Captains Greg Munshaw and Rayltlondolo. Mina In T he Village 0/ Maple in the near future are the rum- mage sale at St. Stephen's An-. glican April 8 from 10 am tilll 12 noon. Since spring cleanx _ing time is here. donations will“ be accepted if left inside the front door of the vestibule. The ladies of Maple United‘ are also planning a bake and rummage sale for April 22. >é< is >l< * The ladies of St. Andrew's Presbyterian WA are planning another “Nearly New Sale" for, May 5 and 6. More details later. Cubs and Scouts Tuesday. March 14. the Eager Beaver Pack spent an edueaâ€" tional evening at the Vaughan Police Station in Concord. Included in the trip was an: impressive look at the different kinds of drugs and narcotics. .The boys also saw the bars of .the cells from both sides and. were shown the complete pro. cess of arrest. Special thanks! to PC John Loundsbury and to Sergeant Lyman Hall and to {John Kucherawy who helped. .plan the evening. I Guides and Brownies 1 week. holidays and many have gone on a week‘s holiday. to hear of some excellent holi- .for someone to take over The girls of the Guides and‘ Brownies and their leaders rec- ‘cntly enjoyed a visit to Pioneer" Village. where they skated. to- hogganed. and enjoyed the sleiz’h rides. On their return to the Maple Community Hall. they were erectch with lint dogs and hot chocolate which had been pre-l pared by Eleanor and Dave ‘Br0wn. The girls and leaders would like to thank Mr. andl Mrs. Brown for their kindness. lBowling’ Ladies â€" The Falcons took g Oflfive points from the Bai‘ra-l icudas March 13. Cougars took all seven from Firebirds. 1m- palas took all seven from Mus- tangs and Mavericks took all seven from tlic Wildcats. This leaves at lcast four teams in close contention for the fourth and final series. of this season with only two HIEIIIS of regular bowling left and two playoff weeks. Mavericks. who already have won a series. have 28 points. Wildcats. the first in line for this series have 21. Falcons. who also have a series have 19. and they are followed closely bv Impala: with 1.0, Cougar; with 18 and Barracuda; with . 17. Firebirds have 11. and Mus- tanzs who also have a series. have '7 Joan Slusarchuk took the high Single game for the night with 313 and Sylvia Bedford earned the high triple honors with 757. Del Palmer now holds the Ill’ill average for the year with 199 Pioneers Drne Downey's team took No point: last week. lcaviu: them still in 1st place with 89 pts \Vcck< also took two pomis. still holclin: second place vith 83 points Pete Craibc's icam took five points lcaviii: thcm 1‘1 third spot with 89 and Jack (ioodei‘iiam's team took five lca‘ui: them with 66 nomts chl \l'lutc took all lion- ors for the mzht v iih a high triple of 676 and high single of n-n _/_. The Piouch also have tuo more rcgiil. r nizhts till thcii' playoffs Kle-inburg Klarion Kleinburg is very quiet this The schools closed for We expect oay spots. A reminder of the water on our roads and that a small ditch will run the water into the ditches. Another veiy important item, “The Liberal" is still looking this column. You will find it a Very interesting part time job which keeps you informed of all the happenings here in town and around our area. Church NeWS Easter Sunday is almost here. Kleinburg United will be bold- ing very special Easter Sunday services. There will be Com- munion as well as reception of new members. Rev. Arthur Mclx'innon will be speaking on “Enduring Values". There will be special music for Easter Service by the choir and organ- ist Mrs. Lorna Wetstone. Easter also brings an invitaâ€"‘ tion to all in our area to attend a special Good Friday morning breakfast in Nobleton Com- munity Hall. This will be fol- lowed by a program The event is being sponsored by the Hi-C group. 'l‘hcre will also be a specral service in Noblcton United at 11 am. with Easter music by both senior and junior choirs and organist Mrs. Verna Patton. Rev. Arthur Hamilton will speak. Nashville United will also have Special Easter services under the direction of Rev. Hamilton at 2:45 pm. Nashville Presbyterian Church now meets at 9:30 am each Sunday. There is a hymn sing: for all who arrive a little early. starting at 9:20 am. All in this area are givcn a very warm welcome by Rev, War- ren Mclx’innon. , a t Calvary Baptist Church in Woodbridge will be having a baptism service Easter Sunday cvenin: at 7 pm. This is a chance for any who have not seen an immersion baptism to come and mm the service. Mrs. Jackie Coburn will be baptised. Easter Sunday morning there “I†be a communion service. There will also be a dedication service of children and the choir will be bringing special Easter muSic. featuring soloist Carol Grearson. March 26 Rev. William Pardee will be speaking on “The cht Veil" and in the evening “The God Of Abra- ham," .lohn MacDonald will be guest soloist for the day. Vasluille Euchre Club met illls vcek at the home of .lack and Gerda Hunziger in Nash- ‘lllc. They mcet every Monday evcnin: \Vinncrs this week were Heather Spence. Dorothy Todd. Phyllis Gellaiely. David Todd. Dorothy \law' and Jack Hunzmzcr, There were five full tables of players this week. .. - c The lll‘l'at'V is a busy place ih‘. week as many children en- :on one. Wood. For Automotive Norm Mom dola and Ray Brown did the: honors with Bill Allen assistingi PEEWEES Maple Farm Supply 5 Superior Propane 3 . This was a cliffhanger. with the lead changing hands twice.) but Farm Supply came on‘. strong enough in the later. stages of the game to take it. Dave Clendenan led Farm Supply’s attack with two goals. and two assists. Jim Rotz notched one and one. Ian Quin- ton and Leonard Linn took sing gles with other assists going toi Randy Linn. Ross Bowes. Mark. Porter and Steve LeMoine. . For the losers it was Chrisj Plunkett with a goal and an as-. sist. Carmelo Notario one goal and Bob Wilmot the same. As-‘ sists went to’ Chris Stewart with‘ two, Barry Key and Dave Yates‘ one each. DH & A 5 Rival Appliances 3 Here again was a seesaw con-. test. which was much closer than the score shows. Led by‘ joy the conveniences. I am1 sure there can't be many who have not been to our library but. if not. you are missing some ex- cellent reading. There are brand new books available all will do her I 1 red McCutcheon best to secure it for you from. another library. There is a; wonderful pre-school hour atl the library each Monday after-l noon at 2 pm. Mrs. Glenna Hayhoe is a wonderful interest-1 iug reader and brings the chil-‘i dren a story each week. Par-l cuts are invited to browse? around and enjoy a good book‘ while waiting for their chil-i dren. I t it It! It is possible when something yard to forget it is there. A; reminder for all that ‘ Michael Art Gallery has some’ excellent paintings and for thei‘ ladies an afternoon is not asl busy as the weekends and gives .you a wonderful opportunity to 1 ljust browse and enjoy the paint? . ings. The collection is open ‘and free of charge Tuesdays to Sundays from 1 pm to 5:30 pm each day. Any further infor- mation may be obtained at 893- ' 1121. t w ‘ Anniversary wishes go to ‘Joseph and Clara Parr on their * I401h wedding anniversary. They. . ‘ were married Rectory in in the Anglican‘ Bolton by Rev.I Frank Herman on March 30.‘ I. ‘and have resided in Nashville ‘for six years. Before that they lived in Toronto. Gore. Joe and Clara are having open house at “May Watts‘ Humber Vale Inn gMarch 24 at 7 pm. All friends (and relatives are invited tplease ;no giftst. t Obituary 1 Sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Melvin Defoe. who passed away ‘at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Toronto. March 15. in his 77th year. He was pre- deceased by his wife. the form- er Myrtle Magloughlen. and a son. James Surviving are five children. William. Clifford. Donâ€" : v ald. Verne and Ruth 'Mrs. Robert Quinn': a sister Sadie 1011‘s. Haney Arnold and a brother William. He survived by 16 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The funeral was the W. R. Scott and Son Funeral Home. Woodbridze. with service in the chapel March 20 at 9 pm followed by interment in ' Nashville Cemetery. The Royal held a service at the funeral home Sunday evening. NEWMARKET. Environmental Researcher Dr. Philip Jones has announced that last Controversy has spelled the end of experimental operations at a pig farm two miles south of town He conducted Ekal‘l- ' ments on the 511.6 for over a year and a half. thel. V ‘ time. and if the book you want: ._ is not at: the library. Mrs. Mild~. v interesting is in our own back-i. _ Mom ‘ held from v ' Canadian Legion ‘ summers .. out. While they didn‘t have a tremendous edge. they worked and won. Brad Richards and Ron Ryzik banged in the goals and Stuart Bellamy and Terry McGuire as- sisted. KLEINBURG CORRESPONDENT “The Liberal“ requires a Correspondent for OMHA HOCKEY the Kleinburg area. NOVlCES Maple Honey Pot 5 Oak Ridges 1 Honey Pot asserted itself early in the game March 14 and without too much opposition carried on to win. Blair Suth~ erland popped in two and had‘ an assist J°°-V Ballista "PM ‘ n ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I I one and added two assists. with; Greg Munshaw and Bobby. Kucherawy taking singles. II Maple Honey Pot 3 * STUDENT If you are interested in serving your home community and earning some extra money then please phone MARY DAWSON AT 38-14105 the Honey Pot team eliminated. Oak Ridges from the leaguei playoffs. Now. Maple must wait for the winner of the B01- distill. 5.22:? ..:".i‘°‘::::.:r;r. REPAIRS WE DO PHOTO COPIES' had two assists and one each _ . ' went to Joey Battista. Blair. I I (formerly Goodkind Office Equipment) I Richmond Hill Lions 2 ‘ 29 YONGE ST. V., ‘ Maple Lions 1 - ‘ Oak Ridges 0 ton-Unionville series to play for TYPEW’RITERS ADDING MACHINES ‘ the championship. ‘ Sutherland. Ray Mondola and‘ Brian Van Luyk. I Richmond Hill had a small ‘ RICHMOND HILL edge in the March 17 game. but 'I“““““I‘-‘-‘ With this shutout March 17. With single goals it was Greg' CALCULATORS it? OFFICE FURNITURE ‘ PEEWEES HOME IMPROVEMENT Begins will: FORMICA 8. ARBORITE ~ $15.95 8 to 10 colors to choose from â€" 4’x8’ Reg. $19.95 POSTFORMED counrnuors $2.93 pa. it, in 5-6 colors 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 ft. lengths - Your Choice of Color Top 24†VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531.95 30†VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.95 36" VANITY -â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. WALL PANELLING SA- E GOLDEN-RED ANTIQUE ELM, 4'x8' . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 â€" Reg. MAHOGANY SELECTED. 4'x8‘ .... WALNUT RUSTIC. l'xS' ROSEWOOD RUSTIC. 4'XS’ ....... . . . . . .. 12"x12†VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1412c Each 15 Different Colorst SOLID VINYL 12"x12" FLOOR TILE 49¢ While They Last SEE OUR COMPLETELY FINISHED CABINET DISPLAY LESS THAN HALF OF MARKET PRICE $184.00 PREFAB GARAGES 10‘x20‘ . ______________________ $395.00 . $425.00 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. PHONE 832-2271 KEELE ST.. MAPLE 8.30 a m ,. .--.o-..--.-n.-..-....-. 0 8 ft. base and “all cabinet completely finished with counter top (your choice of color) BONANZA SALE In FINISHED SHELVING TEAK â€" WALNUT â€"â€" OAK 8" x 3 Ft. $1.53 each 10†xi Pt. ‘20 each 3.20 each is also vv-n. l‘l'g'x‘20' North of Maple Sideroad on Kecle St. Hours. in 530 pm 8 30 a m. to 9 pm Sat 830 am. to 5 pm - Fl‘ldé). .“ 1..