Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Mar 1972, p. 12

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12 Estimates Up For Reg THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 23. 1972 ion '16 - Year Old Youth On Probation' Less Than Percent On Welfare Pleads Guilty To Theft Of 4 Cars York Regional ("oun week that it would he a m ployment will be up and w The council sitting objected to a $364,400 increase in welfare estimates over the estimate approved for 1071. Georgina Mayor Dr. George Burrows. chairman of the health and social services committee. told the meeting. “We are kidding ourselves if we cut it. It might make the budget would look awful next ye He pointed out that actual ex- penditures on welfare for the year ,were 52 million, more than 3300.000 over the estimate" of $1.6 million. The region cannot refuse to; Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 2 Recovering Hit In Richvale A 16-year-old Richvale apprentice hairdresser suf- fered a fractured right arm and left wrist when she was struckby a car on Yonge Street March 11. Margo Dewan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank De- wan. 183 Duncan Road. also had lacerations to her scalp when William Barber, 18. of 247 Beechy Drive. Richmond Hill swerved his car to avoid another vehicle and hit her. She was treat- ed at York Central Hospital and is recuperating at home. Investigatingr officer was Constable Alf Anscliuetz of the Oak Ridges Det- achment OPP. The. accident occurred at about 9:10 pm. 'Robei‘t Callaghan. 13. al- I so of Richvale. is reported to be improving in Hos- pital For Sick Children where he. has been since he was struck by a car early in the morning of February 25 as he walked up the west side of Yonge Street on his way to church in Richmond Hill. ’ Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Callaghan. 26 Edgar Avenue. Robert suffered head injuries and was in a t .he pointed out. people would be cilloi‘s were warned last islake to assume that cm- ‘elfai'e costs down in 1072. l figures be kept and pllhll>l1PCI "We don't want people to be- come hard rock cases." Some industries. he said can- 'l'he story of how a youlhuoff told the court. aged about 16 went on a sad} DROVE TO MONTREAL rampage of thefts aflcr gelling Dowcll ' drOve the car to probation December '38 in New-[Toronto then dropped his com. market Provincial (joui‘tâ€"wasipanion of at home. Then he as a finance committee . v n ‘ Eggpignd“Ennizfifa‘xlREES? unfolded Thursday of last Iwc‘ck:drove to Highway 7 West and Ram“ 3 Mb If 11 is offered [0 in Richmond Hill Pl'OVll‘lClaliJane Sireei “he”: [hp‘ 1965‘ H”;an . Comm I 3Chi'ysler valued by police at T0. he (‘ll”ll)l? for welfare. Donald .men' 0! DMmeihhghll'v more than sum“ “as 'said McDonald. a person must 5W?" “ugh?” 1mm' “as‘cl’mpletely “woked m an ac‘ . ‘ “N ITEM“. “uh Canada Mam convicted for wilful damage and‘Cident. look good this year, but it pn‘wr .Hm‘p Mm take “immgseveral minor thefts late last: ‘ t a t al‘." ‘inhsvihen (not for no good l‘Oa- l'cai‘. H9 so! a “1899”de 50"“. The youth next admitted son are no longer eligible for tying the welfare officer when people quit winlcr works jobsl Some municipalities said Di'.’ Burrows. are not even taking . . . advantage of the federal and ‘Imclal averagc‘ he 53"“ provincial winter works grants Richmond Hill Councillor available. m mom. one." “‘9‘ Donald Plaxton protested that hiring of one employahle per. indications are that employment m" “i” remove several others‘ will be up this year. and Markâ€"1mm 1119 Welfare mug ham Councillor .lanichongencel Commissioner of Health and‘ urged council to get people off social Services p,~_ Owen‘ welfare by employing them on Slingerland told council that the. Winter \t'OI‘kS P1010015- EV‘?“ if cmployable heads of families: these jobs were only tmnporary.‘on “Tut-“.9 have 467 dependents‘l Mayor lllingworth wanted to‘ eligible for unemployment in-‘knmv also if people on “(anal-91 surancc after “oi'kins tlirouizhiwme directed to retraining pi~o-' the Willi". ThlS. he said. grams. He cited a retraining would minimize “'lefil‘e Payicourse at a community college moms. which was cancelled because Welfare Administrator Bilton more “pl-9 not enough appli-‘ MCDOnfild told COUNCII lhal 0‘ cants. He was told that retrain- “Welfare budget 1.6 percent of be reporting. ovcrspent". The population on welfare in the region is well below the pro- i just. 351 are cmnlorahle. Of‘power and that all employablel these. 219 are male heads of welfare recipients are registerd families and 84 are single male. ed “1m NIanpovvel'_ l 28 are female heads of familics‘ Councillor .Iongonpel and 30 are Single female-9 The that the names of welfare re- (‘l adults. Aurora Mayor Richard ll- lingworth urged that every effort be made to find work for those who are employ- able. Studies have shown. he. said. that after three months on welfare. these become “hard core welfare cases". losing their will to work. He asked how many of those presently on welâ€" fare fall into this category. McDonald said he did that this is contrary to the Wel- fare Act. Names of welfare re- cipients cannot be published in ‘ihis manner. Estimates for cost of ad-i ministration of the welfare de-‘ partment for 1972 were up $35.-l (300 over the‘estimate for last ‘year and up' 333.900 over the actual cost. Total estimate for i1972 was 52.212.200. Of this iii-321.800 would be charged to not.the tax bill of the regional com for several days. lliiiiiiinuiuuiimuuiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiu“aluminiumIllinsggorth,"urscdm that diesels subsidized by the province. Street. Crown Attorney Mos-‘ Dancaster ladies ' Club 25 t/i Anniversary Twenty-five years of service to the community was celebrated this month by the Don- It was formed in 1947 to meet a need in the area south of the then Village Its members have worked diligently through the years and have contributed to caster Ladies’ Chili. of Thornhill. have this information. and‘property owner. The remainder once at that time. the court was break. enter and theft February pay welfare if the applicant “dram ‘lold. ' 4 at 2 Fairiiew Avenue. Richâ€" qualifies. said Burrows. and Bail (mnnmlmry Mayor! Prouncial Judge R ussegl mom: 1 Hill, Mrs. Dorothy payments are 80 percent sub- Gladys Rolling asked if muni_il"ear59 said he knew HDTlli l c itec‘e hired mm 10 remove sidized. If estimates are too “pal mmemmamm are mem_ case all light. because ie was snow. “hen the family went low. as they were last year. he mg moi]. H“ nmibimv in nomlhe judge that comicted the shopping she gave him 312.) said. the news media will again ‘p ‘ ‘ 5boy that first time. for his work. After they were ADMITTED 5 CRIMES .2009. he entered an unlocked Dowell admitted possession oft‘lom‘ an” took a small barrel of three. stolen cars in January andiCanadlan and foreign coins February. plus theft. of a fourth {min a drawer. car from the Richmond Heights The" at the Towne and (‘oun- Centre in Richmond Hill and all”? s(mare he throw away most break. entry and theft from a or the foreign coins kccpins‘ Langstaff area family that heâ€" 'h" Canadian coins for himselr [mended hi,“ and gave him a‘H'E‘ WES found \l'llh SOITIG‘ Cana~ snow shovcllinz job. One stolen d‘anl “Ivor dollars. plus somcl car he completely wrecked in alhleX'Cah and US. coins as well. collision. Three other chargessnme “I “19 mth “'9”: ‘lUllR‘ of car theft were withdrawn by "Aluable and can“ be replaced. the Crown. lallhough the mmer was unable The boy's crime involved un- '0 put a Value on the assort- locked doors. keys left in carsmpnh Crow" Allfll'he)’ MOSCOW. or cars left running. His illicilil01d the .0011”. l activities centred mainly around‘ KEYS IN CAR l the Town and Country Plaza at DW'E‘H next admitted Fehr-l Steeles Avenue and Yonize.nary 5 POSSESsion of a stolen Street. according to police in-ical‘; He was with his friend formation related in court by “33'” at the Towne and Coun-‘ the 2.657 People 0“ “Plfal'é‘i ing is the responsibility of Man-lCrown Attorney Frank Moscoff. “"9 Square that day at 10:051cfi parked at the Richmond STUCK IN KING lama The spotted a car with the Dowell admitted havmg a Car kE-‘VS '" 'l' and mm“ 0“ '0‘ stolen from Toronto when come R‘dgewal’. 3 community near asked upon January 22 by York fieâ€"ll?”rt EI‘IP- Th?" they came to Finch Avenue in Metro. then‘ gional Police Constable William Tomhm- Whiting out of gas and remainder are children. senior‘cipicnts be supplied to i‘egional‘Powell. Dowell's stolen car was leang the Car on, Lakeshore trye Square where he left the 'tiZEnS and llnt‘mploi'ahle‘council each month along \vithistllck on the Aurora Sideroadlelleval'd “'h91‘9 police recover-wehicle. :lhe welfare. report. He was told.west of Concession 8 and he “I 'l- They look a bus back to the keys away because he didn't talked to the constable bef0i'e.cnn?0"d- the court was told. ' taking fright and escaping intol With a Com’iction announced. a field on the run. This first;rm this Chal‘i‘ZP- the Crown with-l car had been stolen from 3 ("PW 3 Charge of theft of a earl parking lot in Don Mills. | Next Dowell pleaded guilty to t * * ‘ll‘le February 12 theft of Ed-l Next he admitted possession of a car stolen January 28 all 9:40 pm while with another1 teenager at the Towne and Countrye Square. Willowdalel The car was left running at the}l Supertest Service Station be-. side the plaza at 6355 Yong9‘ York County Board of Educa- tion has authorized purchase of three school sites to serve new subdivisions in the Woodbridge many groups and projects in their own area and in distant places. In the above picture. taken during the celebration dinner are (left to right): Mrs. Dulsie Law. former member, now of Richmond Hill: President Mrs. Susan Merk of Morgan Avenue: Secretary Mrs. May Barbour of Henderson Avenue: Mrs. Elva Angel. former member now of Willowdale; and Mrs Harry Mizen. charter member of Sprucewood Avenue. BY DAVID HARBOUR. The Doncasler Community. Ladies Club March 9 marked the anniversary of 25 years of dedicated service to this com- munity in the southeast section of the Thornhill area. When the club was instituted. way back in 19-17. it was the \first and only organization in the community. with the ex- ception of some church organiâ€" zations. It was organized by a group of neighborhood ladies. and 25 years later. still enjoys' the satisfaction of being a sim- ple. but successful. neighbor- hood institution. The very first meeting of this group was held at the home of Mrs. George Pratt of Clarke Avenue. on the afternoon of March 12. 1947. Seventeen lad- ies passed a motion to form a club for the betterment of the' community. The hostess. Mrsl Pratt. was named first president of the fledgling association. The second meeting was held two weeks later at the home of Mrs. John Laverock. Hender- son Avenue. which then ran north only from the southern boundary of the grounds of the site of Henderson Avenue l’uh-| lic School to the site of Wood- land Senior Public School. Nei- ther school was in existence in 1947. The main purpose of the club in its early days was to raise money to buzid a community hall. The ladies acquired the land on the southeast cor- ner of Clarke and Hend- erson Avenue: as a sue. How- ever. it turned out that the expense of maintenance would to help local Guides and Bi'0\\n-‘ lbe too great and facilities had ies and a tcnt was also purcliasC become available with the huil-‘ed for them. 1 ding of Henderson Avenue A layette has always been avâ€"i School. so the need for a per- ailable when the public health inancnt meeting place for the nurse has indicated a need ex- organized hockey for more than money through card parties. area. i At a meeting March 13 the' board considered the three dev~ ielopment projects which are exâ€" vlpected to produce 2.372 elemen- tary school pupils. At a cost of {$1.900 per pupil. this will meanj l$4.506.800 in school construct-' ion. The developments will also produce about 1.073 secondary. ischool students. Cost for schooli Iaccommodation for these at $3.- 200 per pupil will be in “19' .neighborhood of $3.433.600. 1 In addition to the new ele- gmentary schools in each sub- division. it is anticipated that .the present Pine Grove School .will be enlarged. 1 The secondary school stu- dents. trustees were told. would lprobably be accommodated in lthe Woodbridge High School‘ which takes arts and science Engineering Is For' People Meeting Told; l The Willowdale Thornhill‘ iChapter of the Association of: tario met Tuesday evening ati i Bayview Golf and Country Club in Thornhill to see a special lscreening of the APEO's new. , . .» icolor film, "Engineering Is For (Photos by Dave Barbour) . People" l The film describes the ex-‘ panding role of the engineering piofession in society. The as-‘i sociation. with a membership lout the province. Chairman of. the local Chapter is Richard. Braddock of Willowdale. ‘ iPlNDER BROS. no; STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS 5 Kept in Stock Portable Crane Doncaster student in each grade at Thornhill Secondary School. Every grade 13 student from: Doncaster who went on to teachers‘ college or university was given $100 to help with the community groups no longer isted. purchase of books. , ‘EXlSLNL Proceeds of one of the euchre Now that the community has Seerce * * * marathons was donated to the grown so greatly. the student as- The energetic members of Thornhill and DlStl‘lCl Hockey sistance program has been {his publipspimed group raised Association. when it established‘changed. The money is now" used only when the club is not! bazaars. quilt and doll raffles 100 lads m the Thornhill “93 lfled Of the finandal "96d of, T0 Custom and for a (0“. years “Rough a back in the 1950's» This gl‘OUP any student by Thornhill Sec-l . . . series of lhree euchl'p niaraâ€" Pl‘e-datcd [I]? Chlll'Ch league ondary school and Attendance thons annually. One marathonSlightly and acceplfwl 3“ boys netted the club 8250 which was "033191955 “I expel‘le‘lce- “99d given to a hurnedmm familvlor whether they could meet the in the neighborhood. ‘chll‘emdy 10“ {09‘ 0mm. gins included a $400 For fun the club held an an- ~ - niial picnic for manv vears. prolector. a silver plaque and .. . ~ ‘ - S ‘ s $110 {0]. hmcknut drapes for ince the community ha grov n too large for this event a June the new Henderson Avenue " a School. The sum of $200 was pm “le mnd‘mn 15 held an- spcnt on building and maintainâ€" [many m me lfwel‘v Said” 3‘ . ‘ . . .. _ the home of Mis. Haiiy Mizen. in: the schools ice iink. com» In Dr mb _ mb . h \. a plete with lights for night use. occ 9‘ me 615 a e The new 1) formed Doncastcr Pagliinor fettatglggte Bible Chapel was given a help- 9 me a ‘ ' [[12 hand at Christmas for prizes . Dar-mag!” Ladies. Chm '5 re- and me purchaw of a piano sponSIble for many other deeds lof bl’ dl ‘t "n ~- The Retarded Children's DU 10 an mmamana sel \ . _ 1 > A!" vice. too numerous to list. melmm” "l "9 3'93 “3‘ “N; In 1934. Richmond Hill Sol- Eelting started and 3.10 was giv-‘mtm. Norman Todd looked an“. en to them in rent a basement gem": a prmjncial Chane.“ fora schoolroom. The ladies al-q‘hich “a: (mam. granted in so donated food and lime to 193311,- Todd has been a loyal Counsellor David Porter. Money is also used for any emergency in the area. While many women have been actively associated with” the club for 20 or more years. Mrs. Harry Mizen of Spruce- wood Drive is the only remain- ing charter member. The 25th anniversary was celebrated March 9 at the home of Mrs. Anna Weinmann. 27 Johnston Avenue. with a gala evening. Installed as the executive for 1972 were: President Mrs. Su- san Merk. Secretary Mrs. May Barbour. Treasurer Mrs. Jean Carlo. Social Convenor Mrs. Zella Edgar. Welfare Convenor Mrs. Queenie Jordan. Sewing Convener Mrs. Anna \Veinmann. 25 Ruggles Ave. Thornhill BA. 1-3344 PHOTOG’O , 5 Weddings > 'U = 4 Portraiture Advertising Passports giggle“ 3‘ “1“ “Sncmhonislfriend of the club through the The dream of the 17 neigh~ ' ' lcars. horhood women in 1947 of an h ' S Baskets of food for senior , . . organization which would make P Citizens were distributed ml After the sale of club prop- Doncastei‘ a better commumt“ where photography 15 an art 13017935?” GRCh Chit-“mailer” in 1960. prizes were award- has been more than realized in Flags were Presented to l119,ed annually for the best stu- the 25 years Since. Congratula~ 0 2nd Thornhill Scouts. who meet dent in :rade R at Henderson. at Henderson School and base-lWoodland 'now E .1 Sand .lun- lions. ladies and hearty best u “hes fnr “01h” happy mem_ 44 Levendale. Richmond Hill hall oriliinmcnt was supplied ioi‘i and St Luke's Schnnlc arable and productive quarter Telephone 884-5361 when needed. Money was raised Prizes. also w out to the best century. {ml ' o ‘ Three New Schools ForWooclbridge Professional Engineers of On-. ~ «Photo by David Barbour) T horn/ii/l E yes Do leaf’s Jacques Plante Toronto Maple Leaf Goalie Jacques Plante is the subject of some young eyes above as he presents his autographed book. “The Jacques Plante Story" Left to right are Plante. new Thornhill store proprietor Doug Franks. Scohie. and Occasion was the official grand opening of the new showroom of North York Trophies at 7047 Tonge Street. Thornhill. Plante was one of the featured guests. Willowdale. Linda Franks. ward Devlin's car. The car was Food Forum Features- Meals For A Dollar back to the Towne and Coun-. no ‘mu hm? d'fr'cult‘v fmd' ing lasly yet inexpensn'e main course riishcs'.‘ Are you lookinE for some new meat. dishes? The answer may he found at. the food forum. "A Dollar's Worth Judge P e a r: e remanded Of Meat to he presented at 8 Dowell in custndv for two pm Tucsllay .at Victoria square 4 . f .‘ Community Centre. weeks to allow time to get a ‘ pre-sentence report on the boy. A {Md forum. explains Home .Economist Louise Gatenby of‘ Heights Centre at 5:30 am with a spare set of keys in the glove compartment, Dowel] drove to. He apparently throw have them when arrested. the court was told. Jthe Department and of Agricul-‘lv... More and Food for York Region and Ontario County. is an even- ing of discussion and demon- strations. On this occasion it Sllldems will be focussed on meat. only. Langslaff Sec- ondary which also accom- modates commercial students. Thornhill Secondary which has science, trades and technology courses. and the new secondary school planned for the BAIF development in south Richmond Hill. The forum Tuesday will dis- cuss 20 menus built around main dishes made with meat. each. costing a dollar or less to serve four people. Many recipes will be demonstrated. and a menu 1and recipe booklet will be dis- The developmems are. to he tributed at the forum. built by Milani. Beaton and The forum is Sponsored by Vroom. When completed they the home economics branch of will produce a total population the Department. everyone is in- of about 16,600 people. lvited. and admission is free. / HELEN GAVREILIDES 187 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill I'm mighty proud of my boys in Richmond Hill and Aurora My boys at Scott's Chicken Villas are cooking Kentucky Fried Chicken just the way I taught them using my special recipe. They're doing such a great job that all you folks in Richmond Hill and Aurora can he sure that Kentucky Fried Chicken will he ‘fincer lickin’ good' every time. Drop in and visit one of my ho)‘S in your neighborhood real soon. to Brent Scohie of Hillcrest Village. WHY SPEND MORE .’ .’ RECORDS List - $5.29 OUR PRICE $2.99 TAPES List - $7.98 OUR PRICE $5.98 “Posters Lessons Sales Trade-ins" The Music Shoppe 9010 YONGE STREET (IN RICHVALE) PEOPLE'S NATURAL GAS REGULAR $12.00 SPECIAL $9.95 Early Spring Cleaning on your Furnace. Complete inspection of all furnace requirements such as oiling motor. removing burners. adjusting fan belt. checking and oiling fan bearings. These are only a few of the procedures for safe, efficâ€" ient operation. All work done by licensed gas fitters Call 881-2706 for appointment 24 Hour Service GABE GAVREILIDES .130 Yonge St. N.. Aurora my. \\\\.m\<.\s‘»s\ ‘\‘~\\\\ .w . w» ms “was .. MN... ~\>\s\\\s,».\\\\\*w\\\\\$w s w .. ... . ._."... [y ,, fl ’ -.._.â€"-â€"â€"â€"a-â€"n--é t ieil liiak en ucy r en. Colonel Sanders and his boys make it ‘finger lickin‘ good' fiesta chickenViflflg. 187 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND HILL 130 Yonge St. N. AURORA

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