Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Mar 1972, p. 15

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) \iel The many services offered the community by the public library and its branches were described to members of the Mary and Martha Guild of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church by Chief Librarian Patricia Hart last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Hart was introduced by Mrs. Claudine Wallace and thanked by Presi- dent Mrs. Sandy Russell. The group also enjoyed a tour and Miss Eleanor Cruickshank. explanation of the library facili- * * * ties. The business part of the reg- ular meeting was held in the church house. with the mem- Donald on Starlight Crescent. for the hospital gift shop. Th highlight of the afternoon wa Bridget Club. will hold its regula monthly meeting on March 2 hers adjoul'nil‘lg 10 the library. at 8:30 pm at St. Andrew's Col- conversation. "‘ * * lege in Aurora. * " " Two new shows will be featur- Dr. Tony Dawson, musical Dave Porter of Help Mate ed in this week's edition of Fri- day Night, Friday Night on TV 10,’ Richmond Hill Cable Tv. The first show stars local teens and was seen live on TV 10 last Saturday night. The program. which will be seen at further 9:30. is hosted by Don Tripe and Janet Fayle at 884-3348. features local guitarists. Bruce * * "’ Crofts and John Cundy. as well A general meeting of as Scott Davey. Also appearing French music. He will b and Flautist Karl Rohowsky. Guests are very welcome. F0 th are. guitarists. Neils Dahl and Hill Rotary Club was held Leaders’ _C0nference held at his accompanying bongo player. March 14 at the home of Blue Springs. Akcton; Ken Farr. At 11:30 a special will be seen. taped over a year ago and salted away in the secret tape library of TV 10. The name of the program was "Countdown" and appearing among others is Dorothy McIntyre. The special guest was Buste Vermeulen who gave an Africa. This year's annual Bruce. Crofts. the Summit View Gardens dent Fred Cusick (Auroral. Vice Friday Night is produced by Restaurant. If interested in President Bill G r e e n h e a d D01!!! White and Maarten Heil- attending please call Val I-la- (Willowdalel. Secretary Mary bron for TV 10. worth at 884-2957. The Pleasantville Branch of last at the home of Marg Mac- After a short business meet- ing. members worked on articles the draw for the quilt, won by film and hold a discussion. .Douglas-Crampton. Drawing the winning ticket was The Canadian Federation of University Women. York County director of St. Andrew’s College, will give a lecture recital on assisted by Soprano Doreen Hiltz information call Mrs. lnner Wheel of the Richmond in- teresting talk on life in South Spring Bridge will be held April 12 at ntbe bll , ' editor margot crack AMO, a morning-out program the YCHA met on Wednesday for mothers and pre-schoolers. Monday of last week were Pad- holds its next program at 9:30 am on March 29 at Richmond Hill United Church. Mrs. John Large. a member e of the Richmond Hill Unit of s the Cancer Society, will show a The programs for mothers are held on alternate Wednes- days, but supervised activities and facilities for the children are provided every Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 am when r mothers are also welcome to go 7 along for coffee and general will be the guest speaker at the March 28 meeting of the e 5th Richmond Hill Scout Ladies’ Auxiliary. Congratulations are extended r to the Scout patrol who placed second at the Klondike Sled Championships held at the Mill Pond recently. e Nine boys from the 5th at- tended the Scout and Venturer r An installation dance for the new officers of the Richmond Hill Chapter 494 of Parents Without Partners was held last Saturday at the Masonic Hall. Executive members are Presi- Coey iThornhilll and Treasurer LEARN'HOW To LOSE WEIGHT ‘ AND KEEP IT OFF Join WEIGHT WATCHERS OF ONTARIO LIMITED THE ALL-CANADIAN ORGANIZATION FOR MENâ€"WOMENâ€"TEENS , «3,, ADELAIDE DANIELS Founder and Director Continuous registration. $7 to loin. $3 weekly. No contracts. Join any time. Ask about our maintenance programme available at all locations. NOW IN RICHMOND HILL Every Monday Evening - 7:30 pm. at St. Mary’s Anglican Church (Wrixon Hall) 100 YONGE STREET SOUTH For information and location of classes near you, phone (area code 4l 6) 789-7676 or write WEIGHT WATCHERS )U U( AA OF ONTARIO LIMITED 49l Lawrence Ave. West Toronto 20, Ontario l gstaffM tli W ' $36 An extra $36 to spend was the happy lot of Mrs, ("31-01 White. ‘23 Garden Avenue. Laugstaff. when her name was drawn in Kresge‘s February “Triple Your Bally Bonus Draw". .llls. White cashed her 312 Februarv famin allowance cheque in Kresge'S. filled out the entry form provide and dropped it into the slotted box. Her name was on the entry form pulled from the drum and she received 3236 for her few seconds of work. )lrs White. is seen on the left above receiving the 836 cheque from Store Manager Bruce King. You could be the lucky winner this month. Just 'cash your family allowance cheque at Kresge's in Richmond Heights ("eiiti‘e. fill out the entry form and deposit it in the box. Peggy Hummel (Richmond Hilll. Directors include Membership Joni McQuiggan (Richmond Hill). Adult Activities Jim Ram- say (Newmarketl. Children‘s Ac- tivities Alphonse Breland (New- marketl and Public Relations Maxine Stevens (R ic h m o n d Hill). Information on the club may be obtained by calling 884-6823. HUGHES-WEIDNER Married On March I7 In Evening Ceremony Wedding vows were exchang- ed March 17 at 7:30 pm between Heather Louise Weidner. Spring Garden Avenue. Willowdale. and Paul William Hughes. 53 Birch Avenue. Richvale. Major Archibald McCorquodale offici- ated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brent. 133 Arnold Crescent, Richmond Hill. whose home was the scene' of the marriage ceremony and reception. The groom is the son of Mrs. M. Hughes. 53 Birch Avenue, Richvale. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a long green velvet gown with white polyester satin beaded trim She carried a bouquet of lily of the valley and yellow sweet- heart roses. I Duplicate bridge winners on dy Twiss and Emerson Wallacefi The winners of the mixed' pairs tournament on Friday were Bob and Edna Dunn with runners-up Vic Bailey and Edith Hobson. Information on club activities may be obtained by calling Mrs. Marie Cole at 773â€"4280. * t it The third Sunday of the Sunâ€" day school competition between Richmond Hill Baptist Church and Parkdale Baptist Church in‘ Belleville was well won last Sunday by the local church. ' The evening service was high- lighted by stereopticon child- hood pictures of parents in the church family and was received with great interest as well as amusement. This Sunday is “Neighbor Sunday” and it is hoped that many new neighbors from Rich- mond Hill and vicinity will attend. a it o Members of Richmond Rose Chapter IODE kicked off their 1972/3 season on March 13 at the home of Mrs. Al Herrlcr. newly elected regent. Mrs. Bruce Smith chaired the meet- ing. Members with their husbands plan to attele the Curtain Club's production of Candida on April 21. Mrs. John Kremer was elected convenor of the chapter's annual card party to be held September 29 at the Lions Hall. During the meeting members worked on boutique items for their 'booth at; the I‘ODE Ex- travaganza to take place October 19 at the St. Lawrence Market. it’ t t Zelma Ross. Joan Flett. Ruth MacLean, Shirley Bruce. Val Mc- Kittrick. Joyce Bryan, Mary Thompson and Honour Sauve. members of the advisory board. attended a meeting for “Meals on Wheels” on March 9 at the home of Fran Wachna. Plans are being made to pro- vide the service for May and June and then commencing again in September. This is a non-profit volunteer service set up to provide and deliver hot meals. three times weekly. to the homes of persons who. be- cause of age. feel they cannot purchase and prepare meals for themselves. to persons who are. physically handicapped and to: convalescents recently discharg-l ed from hespital. ii i. it st. Mary’s Anglican Churchi celebrates its Centennial this. year and since several events this fall will commemorate the- anniversary the search is on to find and contact as many former parishioners as possible in order to have them attend. Out~ofâ€"town readers of this column. who may themselves be former members of St. Mary‘s. .or know the whereabouts of} .. Miss Katie Barclay was maid1 ‘of honor and Angela Weidner} §the charming flower girl. They .wore long wine velvet skirts with white polyester satin top with beaded trim and carried bouquets of lily of the valley. .with red sweetheart roses. ‘ After a wedding trip to Que- bec City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hughes will live in Willowdale. Plough And The Stars ‘RHHS Drama Club The Drama Club of Richmondl Hill High School. under; the' direction of Roy Clifton. will be presenting its 18th production: next month â€" Sean O’Casey's. The Plough and the Stars. l Throughout the years, the Drama Club has produced some. outstanding theatre. including the work of Molliere. Anouilh and Pinter, and one of‘ the reasons for its success is together with cast and crew for ,an in-depth study of the play and its characters prior to the Shawfits production of The Gioconda‘ the director‘s custom of getting‘ others. should contact church office by phone 884-2227} or by mail. 100 Yonge Street S. Consultant Irene Nicholls has been meeting with the steering committee composed of Chair! man Pat Redford. Gail Johnston and Joan Davison to lay the; ground work for the fall festi-' vities. i at is it Several members of the Cur- tain Club attended the Eastside} Players‘ production of A Deli- cate Balance on Saturday at the Walter Stewart Library Theatre in East Yorkâ€"an entry in the CODL Travelling Festival. The last play on the festival. circuit to be adjudicated1 is Tiger At the Gates being pre- sented by the Scarboro Theatre Guild. l. Ten little theatre groups are competing in the festival. in- cluding the Curtain Club with‘ Smile. and on April 1. at a big‘ bash being held at the Lord Si m c o e Hotel. Adjudicatori Pamela Beckwith Terry will ‘name the winning play. which. will go on to compete in the first rehearsal. The Plough and the Stars. one of O'Casey‘s best. unfolds a ‘story that is gripping from be- ginning to end. It has to do I\\'llll the futile efforts of the leader of one of the Irish revoâ€" lutions and although it was writ- ten in 1926. is one of the most 'topical of plays to present to- day. I Seasoned players taking part I, Susan Duffy. Thomas lGrieve. David Smith and 1Adrian Truss and playing their second roles with the club are \‘ickery Cook. Ronalda Jones and Stephen Tennant. Those making their first ap- pearance include Christopher Andres. Brian Bronker. Timothy Buell. David Burnfleld. Diana Cook. William Honeyman. Janet Hutchinson. Neil Hutchinson. lDiane Marshall and Kim Porter. Tickets for the play which runs April 5. 6. T and 8. may be obtained from any member of the cast or by calling the .sc‘nool at 864-2131. IDominion Drama Festival in; ’ Ottawa. o‘r it i ‘ Mr. and .‘lrs. Frank Price. owners of ABC Bowl. Street North. and Mr. and Mrs." Gordon Dunn were honored on‘ Monday of last week by repre- iSomcrset. Bermuda Recently rciurnr‘d from the sunny south are “r. and )lrs. I‘hilipp Romano of Pembcrton Road who sailed from New York aboard the "Raffaello" on a to that town. the: . Yonge‘, THE steam Mm end Brill. Outwits mm M' 93. A 3 Mrs. William (madman of ' ' ‘ ‘ Broundalc ("l'csccnt has return- ' ed home after spenclin: sclt‘ral weeks liolidayln: in the sun at and spent sixteen glorious days winter holiday cruise to the sunny isles of the Cal‘lb-‘ bean. v - V‘ The Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion. will be the hosts fortch Zone P12 Rally in May and will be attending the Zone meeting on April 26 at Bolton Dele- gates will also be present at the 1972 convention being held at Windsor in September. The auxiliary jom the rest. of Richmond Hill in congratulating Dyncs Softball Team on uln- ning the world championship. v 'k * April I is kick-off day for Cancer Month and on March 26 the Richmond Hill L'nit of the, Cancer Society is holding a pre- campaign gathering of capâ€" tains and canvassers from 3 to 5 pm at the Lions Hall Look for the daffodils next monthâ€"symbolic of a brighter outlook in the fight against Cancer and the arrival of warmer weather. it It i- The composer was Ludwigl Van Beethoven and the soloi pianist Nancy Brinkos and col March 11, the two. ably sup-3 ported by the York RegionalI Symphony under Philip Budd.i combined magnificently to send1 shock waves of resonant sound rolling through the panelledl chamber of the Bradford Mem- orial Community Centre. A warm. appreciative audi- ence of more than three hund- red people rose to its feet as the last booming note of the ":I ll lgll ll’hoto by Stuart's Studio) McC onag/i y School Preliminary Science Fair Pitches of Sound was the theme of the above display by grade 7 student Lee Anne Mullis. 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mullis of 28 Church Street South. Richmond Hill at the L. M. Tl" ' ' . . . . _ 3.3:)? aiéanga..ecgncfiggv (2:3; McConaghy Publlc School selence fair on the afternoon of March 1. smiling Nancy and the‘ hard The best student exhibits from this school fair were to go to the area 4 York Region working orchestra a standing: ovation. 1 Miss Brinkos. beautiful in a‘ flaming gown. played with mag- show at Crosby Senior Public School Thursday of last week. Pupils of McConaghy Pub- Andrew Case, 32 MarkhamiElizabeth Street South. theding Boulevard and Patricia lic School. Richmond Hill. par- Road and his partner Kevan panda bear; Derek Simpanen.l\V001nough. 122 Markham Road, - - . - - ticipated in their annual science Cull. 125 Elmwood Avenue 228 Lennox Avenue. the moosemvater content of some foods. :i‘lfdcesnlioiivsesdlafieiiezlfldtgreljcgmgg fair March 7.This year's fair was whose weather chart was Stephen Irwin. 126 Roseview Grade 7: Brenda Lee. 153 outstandin arti‘st “Yellow considered by most staff memâ€" thought to be extremely well Avenue. a display and a model Elmwood Avenue. inertia; Steve head" Agdv Twé‘s gplendid bers to be most successful, for done. of the golden eagle: Kevin Lee..Orr. 266 Lawrence Avenue and Grade 2: Kathrin Burkhart. 153 Elmwood Avenue. a steamâ€"Paul Brown.221 Lawrence Aven- DOWEI‘Ed I‘iVEI'boaL ue constructed a simple electric Grades 5 and 6: Diana Mullis. motor: Debbie Smith. 115 Har- 28 Church Street South. fabricsziding Boulevard. pendulum ex- Alan Clark. 106 Buggies Avenuelperiments; John Santos and Roy and David Cates. 13l Markham Russell of Palmer Avenue. sim- not only was much of the work presented. outstanding. but also 168 Lennox Avenue. life on the a large percentage of the stu- pond: Bradley Marinoff. 10 dent, body was involved. It wasiElmwood Avenue. a boot scrap- also pleasing to see that so er from old bottle caps; Eliza- many of the parents braved the beth Lewis. 96 Pugsley Avenue. . . elements in order to attend the 200 animals. :Road. the water cycle; Brian‘ple machines. the large audience. as did theflca-m Grade 3: Arlena Hebert. 12‘Burkhart. 168 Lennox Avenue: Grade 8: Chris Barry. 101 lmpenshable SChuberI’ .S‘Ym' ~ . - . , Iand Danny Smith. 21 Centreicentre Street East. with effects phony Number 8 (the UnflmSh' Purpose Of this menmmam Street East. the distillation of‘of TV on children: Alan Trotter, ed'. 5cm“? fa”- “35 to 5919“ ex' water: Trevor Schiller. 51 Markâ€"i43 Roseview Avenue. a para- contribution to Canadian music. passed its premier test with fly- ing colours and as well receiv- ed by an attentive audience. Rossini's Overture to the Thiev- ing Magpie evidently pleased. Entire proceeds to York Central and Princess Margaret Hospitals BOOKLET IN PAPERBACK - PRICE $2.50 Available at: Richmond Hill Public Library. 24 Wright St.: York Central Hospital Gift Shop; H. B. Fisher Office Supplies, 16 Yonge Iof which was to determine ‘which foods float and sink in. water. The grade 1 boys were led byI I . - - . . . ANOTHER $500. , The gratifying reception ac_tli’ibilt{s seiltabtle £21. (1151341817561t th: WINNER IN iham Road and Ken Oakley. 281ibolic disc. and Tracey Franc15, Corded the York Regional Sym- Eigfr Asoikinti‘irneilezut thicsieilvgs u ,, Lennox Avenue. protective‘113 Lawrence Avenue. man‘s Egotllry 1:1‘:Sf0‘al:.eahr£is raestsuufrrlno e'asy task. However. the jud_ Y.COA'M.R. aplants; Karen Walton, 143 Harâ€".Slxth sense.- 9 1C 5 a y 1.395 (finally Selecéecl “‘fhf‘fllo“; TOKEN N0. 301 {5‘ I ‘ n ‘ I ‘ ‘ I u ‘ ‘ I n ‘ ‘ ‘i , mg isp ays as eing e mos . “ ,, On Good Friday. the sym- deserving of this honor. } Mlsrs Ruth Carl” STILL AVAILABLE phony will combine with the In the grade 1 area: Doris‘ RIChm‘md HI" ' Ecumenical Choir under the‘Smith. 21 Centre Street Easil _ ‘ direction of Ed Luka in a rendi- and her partner Mary Jane Rey-1 l lion 0f Handel‘s MGSSlah to be craft of 58 Centre Street West. I performed in St. Mary’s Angli- a display on the topic of mag- ‘ 0f can Church. j'nets. COMMERCIAL ARTIST ; | V A u I Cheryl Hill of 170 Lawrence sun has time available I ‘Avenue and her partners Leslie M I Foord of 95 Markham Road and" 334-6590 ' C [LDREN 1.50 EACH ‘Kathleen McCully Of 187 Yonge H S Street South conducted a very â€"‘ Everything Included: ‘ Food - Beverage - Favours Complete Supervision a I in CHILDRENS lunique experiment. the purpose PHONE - 884-7005 887'5905 St. N.: Cole's Book Store and SuperASlave I Drurr Mart. Richmoan Heights Centre; en- A e a . lmffljwflwwwwmflaflmm courit Pharmacy. Allencourt Plaza; North York Farmers‘ Market by Mrs. Howarth. Also at the residence of Mr. David J. Howard, 48 (‘entl'e St. FL. Richmond Hill and these neighboring Public Libraries: Vaughan Pub- lic Library. Merino Rd. Maple; Thornhlll Public Library. 10 Colborne St, Thornhill; ‘ Unionville Public Library and Markham ‘ Public Library. Also: Markham Museum in Mount Joy. “““““ Learn to play the piano the painless way. Classes for pre-schoolers and adults a specialty. Come for a free demonstration lesson . . . ESTELLE MARKHAM ARCT RMT 884-3787 (’3 i. ‘2 Executive Portraits 30A Yonge St. South Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-6741 immmmmmmm.n“‘u“ fkln IOI leis "‘ ‘ . Dra'liv date June 15th- ' Itst’prlze $50,000.» 2nd prize $20,000 ' I 3rdprize $10,000.; . i 7 'minikin' ‘ Draw dates April 15th and May 15th ‘13! prize $5,000 . 2nd prize-$1,000. 3rd prize 40@ $100 ' - I _ Kin Lottery tickets may be purchased from-any sentatives of Allencourt Lanes in recognition of their co--. operation a n d tremendous help in placing Allencoul't‘s bowling leagues into the ABC's regular schedule. Both couples were presented with an inscribed plaque \\'llIl their name and "with our Sill- cere thanks for their help and community spirit. Allcncoul‘t Lanes Leagues " Making the presentation. on behalf of the leagues. uere Alga .‘lulle and Master Bozllcr Jack ‘Hill. The plaques came as a com- plete surprise to the rec1plents. who would like to express their sincere thanks and apprecmnnn to Allcncourt for its \erv kind .gesture. l . .meniber.ot participating Kinsmen clubs or ’ v '. authorized salegouflelmg, ' I becoming a Kin Lottery ticket agent, " Kin Lottery. Box KIN. Cornwall. Ontario. °' _-â€"---------_---------‘ acirgen y. c,2<: Md my, : Crier) 1‘: movie. Order ‘o' . l 'rr-els a‘ 33 0“ eai '- '7 Cheque mow. New 'or 3‘? 00 I lnr ;, rtoov fit {on “may; \ARKE cvery ,râ€"j: [iambic In KmI _ v. ‘ and mall 10; Km Lottery, Box 1723. Cornwall | O .' [50-30 I

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