Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Mar 1972, p. 23

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' sm‘. PLANS A total of 20 site plan appli-t| cations were also dealth with: Fourteen agreements were com-' pleted. five projects are still in process and one was withdrawn. Fourteen projects were in areas where the zoning bylaw per-t knitted development and only one applicant (Black Hawke Motor Hotel) refused to enter into a site plan agreement. Thirteen were for commercial development. three were insti- tutional tincluding a new Legion Hall, addition to York Central ,Hospital and the court house) and four were for apartment buildings. Two subdivision agreements were considered â€"~ one was withdrawn, the other completed. COST Revenue of the planning de- partment came, for the most (Continued from Page .tanks. Region Rejects Proposed Cuts “Bare Bones Budget” nds for Spry. Jnhn Puhlic's ema ing rentals insurances. The cuts in the police DLlClgEL would all be reflected in local taxes, as would proposed reducâ€" tions in conVEntion expenses. re- ceptions and information services. There are no provincial subsidies in these areas. Revised estimates would reduce administration costs included in the first draft of 1972 estimates. Plans to hire a personnel co- ordinator at an estimated annual salary of $7.200 would be shelved. The revised estimates also cut back on $19,140 earmarked for hiring of a purchasing agent and stem- grapher for the clerk's depart- ment and $8,740 for additional staff for the legal department. Further possible revisions in- cluded a cut back of $8,670 in esti- mates for renovations to the re- gional administration building in Newmarket and postponement of demolition of the old York Manor building at an estimated cost of $23,300. When the 90-year-old building was inspected recently it was estimated it would cost about 547.000 to make the building safe for use. Recommends More Planning Mayor Roman was unhappy about some of the cuts, particular- ly in the engineering department. Since provincial subsidies were conditional on regional spending. he said. "If we do not use all the money in the provincial subsidy. i 22 LEYENDALE RD. _ SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE _ TELEPHONE 851-6691 I * * i ' OPEN 51x DAYS A WEEK * ‘ T ' L‘!“““““!““Q!!!!!! Provides the following services: Trees removed or pruned Tree culture 8; surgery Fruit trees pruned and sprayed Tree stumps removed Chemical licensed spray control of insects, fungi, brush & weeds Licensed lawn spraying, aerating, rolling and feeding Complete landscape service Trees of your choice supplied and planted Large tree transplanting our specialty (‘heck our Winter prices Trees Are Our Business FREE ESTIMATES 0 884-7774 HOT CROSS BHNS 6 for 49¢: RAISIN BUNS CINNAMON KNOTS DINNER ROLLS (‘RUSTY ROLLS COFFEE CAKES GERMAN STYLE STREUSEL CAKE EASTER CAKES FANCY DECORATED EASTER PASTRIES (Continued from Page 1) 'entals, light and water and cuts in the police budget all be reflected in local as would proposed reduc- in convention expenses. re- ns and information services. are no provincial subsidies from "' 'v' "' WV the bake shop with the freshest and largest variety! LEVENDALE PASTRY SHOP Easter Special! RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE 6: FORESTRY CO. LTD. part. during the period between June to December. with a change in the structure of appliâ€" cation fees and an increased number of applications. The ac- tual revenue was $3,129 higher than in 1970. Other income re‘c- eived by the municipality due to the planning process. Although the planning de- partment's budget was increas- ed last year to $33,152 from $21,958 in 1970. the cost per capital was reduced from $1.12 in 1970 to 97¢ In 1971. Richmond Hill‘s populationi increased from 19.600 to 34,000 \yvith the widening of its bound- aries under regional govern- ment and its area increased from 1,700 acres to 245% acres. These increases created a sub- stantial increase in the respon- sibilities and workload of the planning department. STAFF In 1971 the planning staff was BE SURE TO SEE OUR SELECTION! HAND DECORATED, PURE Am. it may be cut back next year." It was at this point that Mayor Illingworth move the budget esti- mates be tabled until after a meet- ing with the Minister. replied. It was rediculous for the provâ€" ince to demand roads needs and budget estimates at this point, said Illingworth. In Aurora the home owner had to pick up $250,000 in added taxes because of the re- duction in industrial assessments. [f the towns of Aurora. Newmarket. Richmond Hill are going to have to pick up another $1 million be- cause of changes in farm assess- ments the province should do something about it. Illingworth said. “How many people can afford to pay $100 more in taxes?" Speaking in support of a meetâ€" ing with the Minister before'ap- proving revised estimates, Mayor Roman urged, “Let's not panic. We have a responsibility to provide a reasonable level of service. I know it. is an election year and people get nervous, but we do have to provide services.” ".5 “WVemhave to pass a bylaw on roads." said Chairman Wright. “Whp says so?” asked Mayor Forhan. “The province," the chairman Mayor Forhan agreed. “The meeting Wednesday (with Mc- Keough) should include the nine mayors. They are the ones that get the stuff thrown at them." At this point Chairman Wright increased from 11% f0 2 3/4 per- sons by hiring a planning direcâ€" tor in April. The planning ad- ministrator was appointed sec- retary - treasurer of the com- mittee of adjustment. replacing Miss Merrylynn Henry. who be- came secretary to the planning director. ..-4- u“ ~yu.-. It is proposed that the staff be increased by one profesâ€" sional planner and share with the works department a plan- ning draftsman. It is also proâ€" posed that a summer student he hired for a period of four months to assist in the field work necessary for the prepara- tion of a new Official Plan. This composite Official Plan will receive high priority durâ€" ing 1972, according to the proâ€" posed work program of the de- partment. It will include a landâ€" use plan, policies on transport- ation, rural residential. highway commercial, agricultural land- MADE ON THE PREMISES backtracked. The. meeting Wedâ€" nesday. he said. had been set up as a result of a letter from the region concerning the impact of the proposed regional airport. “This meeting." said Wright. "is not going to solve our financial problems," Councillor Plaxton protested. "We do not expect one meeting with the minister to solve any- thingf' In the fhst two years of regional governrnent. he said, the cost of pohce service has escalab ed the police budget in Richmond Him by 20 percent and itis not geuing as good services as it had under its own municipal force. Now. he said, the province has assumed responsibility for assess- ment and it expects the region to set a $24 nulnon budget without even knowing what assessment it is working with or how it is to be shared. “I expect that some rural muni- cipalities will experience tax re- ductions at the expense of the urban areas." said Plaxton. There are three hands in the pocket of the regional property owner. he said â€" the board of education, the region and the local municipality. Chairman Wright. a former reeve of the old Township of East, Gwillimbury and former County Warden. protested, "It is most un- fair to try to convince people these things came to haunt us because the county is changed to a region. This has come about because of use. housing. parks and recrea- tion policies and municipal ser- vices. The future of this town will be ‘estahlished by this work. the report claims. lllll'UllI, I IV!!! llvlllh The BAIF project now underâ€"l way (including a major shop- ‘ ping centre) will also make ex-E YQI‘k Regional P01i€€ are tensive demands on the time of seekmg information On the the plafining department, it is “'hereabOUtS 0f 8 58-.Vear-01d claimed_ Markham woman who has been Aka innlndnd will ha nnm. miSSing Since MarCh 4- 16 room brick fully detached1 'home on a large homesite close‘ ‘th Yonge and Sheppard. One‘ .easy mortgage for the balance‘ {at 83.1%. Only $29,900. asking 'lprice. Call George Reid. I 527,900.00 FULL PRICE .8 large family styled rooms on [50x165 foot treed lot. Extras Irinclude safe oil heat. open fire- .iplace and much more. Your ldon'n payment considered. Call I‘Larry Sanders. Also included will be com- pletion of the work on bylaw 66-71 (the new zoning bylaw to replace Bylaw 1000 in former town), the civic centre, Lake Wilcox study. retail floor area needs study, topographical map- ping. and special projects as ‘well as progress reports. x: DOES IT AGAIN! "1 524,900. FULL PRICE 36 room brick bungalow on 45 jfoot homesite. Extras include Lwater softener. broadloom and mm car garage. Located in Richmond Hi“. First time of- AIfered. Call Mrs. C. Crawford. :COMPLETELY lNSTALLED L! WALL T0 WALL fi“““““-“"“ METROPOLITAN Client wishes to buy small acreage with house, in town or country. TRUST CO. REAL ESTATE DEPT. 833-5036, King City or Metro Real Estate, 274-3663 773-4141 889-7938 38A YONGE 51'. SOUTH ‘u‘l‘!“““““\‘ ACRILAN HARDTWIST SPECIAL PURCHASE OF UNDERWOOD BROADLOOM MILLS Price Includes: 1/2” thick rubber underpad All labour - seaming door metal Call Mr. Alf Silverton, Price Includes: ' 1/2” thick rubber underpad $ 5 ‘ All labour - seaming ‘ door metal sq. yd. FULLY GUARANTEED, NO HIDDEN EXTRAS E Mon. - Tues. - Sat. 9:30 - 6 p.m. Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. 9:30 - 9:30 p.m. Tel. 294-4440 Markham 1st Quality Armstrong Broadloom in 11 Fabulous Colors â€" Washable, Stain Resistant â€"- Durable. HOURS: John Public's demands for serv- ices. roads. school buses. snow plowing." Everyone in the region wants the same quality of service, no matter where they live, said Wright. and this is the reason for the added cost of regional. muni- cipal and educational services. Rural municipalities will also be adversly affected by the new formula for assessing farms. said East Gwillimbury Mayor Gladys Rolling. When the region was formed, she reminded council. East Gwillimbury lost a large chunk of urban development to the Town of Newmarket. Now with the reâ€" duced assessment on farms, “We have a great deal less assessment to base our tax on." Mayor Illingworth was reminded of his earlier motion to table the budget estimates and adjourn the meeting. A protest that the moâ€" tion had not been seconded brought a reminder from Georgina Councillor Robert Pollock that council was in committee. "We don't need a seconder." At the same time several members of council offered to second the mo- tion. The only dissenting votes were from Mayor Rolling and WhitchurchStouffville Mayor Ken- neth Laushway who was vacation- ing in Florida the previous week when the first draft estimates were discussed. Council meets again loday (Thursday), hopefully to approve a budget. 100 Yards North of Hwy. 7 Turn north at Unionville Nurseries. 7th CONCESSION LINE 568=Year90|d Woman Missing From Home Anyone having any informa- tion on Mrs. Brooks is asked to contact Inspector of Detec- 1tives Wally Harkness at 895- ‘ 1221. Police said Mrs. Isobel Brooks, Concession 10 at High- way 7, simply left her home and hasn‘t been seen since. A check of friends and relatives has re- vealed no trace of her. Mrs. Brook’s husband, Aubrey. told police he has no idea where she has gone or why she left. She is described as being 4‘ 11" in height. weighing 115 pounds. of medium build. She has a ruddy complexion. short grey. wavy hair, hazel eyes. Make regular pocket money on a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished routes may be available m your area. Phone Carrier Circulation, 884-1105. A 68-year-old Vaughan Town east of Dufferin Street. man was struck and killed by a lives at Don Head Farms car Tuesday night while cross- Driver of the car was Le ing Major Mackenzie Drive. just Millard, 56, of 207 South éB-Year-Old Vaughan Town Man Struck And Killed HOME PRICE UNDER$35,000-oo MARKHAM BOYS AND GIRLS RON ELLIOTT THOS. N. SHEA LTD., REALTOR Wanted by recently married Scarboro business couple who are anxious to move this spring. Our purchasers are prepared to consider either a town bungalow or older two storey home needing work, provided construction is basically sound. Over $8,000.00 available for down payment. They have promised to inspect all offers and are available this weekend. If you have considered selling call RON ELLIOTT for confidential sewice. 884- 8183 or 889-8222. Good Friday, March 3lst, 1972, being a holiday, there will be no collection in AREA 5. Collection in this area will be made on MONDAY. APRIL 3rd. 1972. In all other areas collection will be made on the normal day. Because we are living in an ap- artment and I am ready to take my first steps. I would like a fenced back yard so that my Mom can keep an eye on me. Dad has been out house hunting but no luck yet. We would like to live in King City 01‘ Maple and we need three bedrooms. If you are going to sell your house please call: MRS. MARION O’HARA - KING CITY OFFICE 833-5253 or 297-1270 ESSEX TWIN TOWERS 5 ' NOW LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE LTD. NOTICE TO ALL TOWN RESIDENTS NOTE GARBAGE COLLECTION AREA 5 “NO GARBAGE COLLECTION ON GOOD FRIDAY” Driver of the car was Leonard criminal negligence causing illard. 56, of 207 South Park death and dangerous driving We are interested in employing staff for our new Richmond Hill office. Previous experience not essential - we will provide training and assistance. Most important is your desire to succeed and your ability to get along with people. For appointment for confidential interview call: SALES OPPORTUNITY $7500.00 889-9310 RON ELLIOTT at 884-8183 or 881-2822 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ANNUAL GUARANTEE firight sunny kitchens. large master bedroom. recreation room. coloured fixtures, twin elevators, broadloomed halls, piped music. free hydro. drapes, sauna bath. underground lock- up parking. [0 - ' 889-6621 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS “Ala-coat W1? “I'M HEAVY 0N HOUSING" He Road, Keswick. He has been charged with FROM $150. MONTHLY ONE, TWO & THREE Bedroom Apartments 216 ESSEX AVE., RICHMOND HILL R. LYNETT. Clerk THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, March 23. 197 We have a most delightful variety of Easter Flowers for your selection. COULD IT BE LACK OF COM- MUNICATION? SOMEBODY DOES NOT LISTEN? MARRIAGE GOING ON THE ROCKS? TO: A NO OBLIGATION SESSION IN COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUE AND LEARNING ABOUT: SELF. “FREE year's rental of Natural Gas Conversion Burner % FREE 24-hour burner adjustment LAURELEA FLOWERS agéke ghe Springt'me move to ~ Natural 535 FREE% 3‘; Now is the perfect time to sweep away your home heating worries forever. Move to the clean, quiet, low-cost efficiency of Natural Gas. 328 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL a FREE installatien, service and maintenance. 0 FREE rental until September 1973. Then you Here’s what you get iota-{only low-cost regular monthly payments. 0 Bills for only the Natural Gas you use, as you use it. This amazing, compact conversion burner can be used In: Forced Warm Air, Gravity Warm Ajr. Hot Water Boilers, Steam. BRING YOUR PARTNER 0R COME ON YOUR OWN â€" Local & Metro Wide Delivery Wire Orders Accepted Telephone 226-4481 Consumers’aas 884-5211 887-5847

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