Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Mar 1972, p. 6

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TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES » Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates Available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. L Richmond Hill WASHER, dryer and stove parts, gears, belts, wood bear- ings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math's TV, 49 Indus- trial Road, 884-7903. tfcll ROCKING chairs. Boston Rock- ers, Washstands. China and Toilet Sets. A barn full of other furniture. and quantity of odd chairs. 34 bedroom suite, an- tique. 115 King Sideroad. Oak Ridges. 1/5 mile West of Yonge. 773-5448. c3w38 BIG SALE! Used sewing machines $14.95. New sewing machines $59.95 and up. Bernlna Sewing Centre. Richmond Heights Centre. 884â€" 8775. ttc18 Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors, awnings. also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832- 1319 Maple. tfc28 RECONDITIONED TV‘s, color and black and white, from $19.85 up. TV’s wanted for cash. 833-5550. tfc38 ALUMINUM Doors. windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1519." TEAKWOOD Living, dining and bedrooms direct from importers ware house. Open 1-9 pm. 459-0760 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just éast of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc3l 327 CHEV race motor. 22mm. Call between 5 pm and 6 pm HOUSEHOLD articles. 889- 4420. clw39 fiEWOODWIOI' sale, split and delivered. 773-5488. tfc21 New 72 Machines. Warranty until 73 2-20 hp 293 cc $695.00_$§95.00 1-20 hp 293 cc Electric $989.00 $799.00 1-25 hp 293 cc $999.00 $769.00 2-28 hp 336 cc $999.00 $839.00 20% Discount on clothing etc. Sales 8: Service â€" Homelite 5; Solo power saws. Used power saws for sale â€" chain sharpen- ing our specialty. BETHESDA SALES & SERVICE Cleanout sale. McIntosh "C"fifbl§ékiand white. AdmiralJ _ czwzs: grade and better. $1.50 bushel good condition. 884-8344. c1w39 EXPERIEfiCED hairdâ€"r-esser in your container or $2 in ours. SPECIAL 384'5015- Cl“'35 These are g°°d' flrm' “’59 Formica stock colors, $14.95 per'PART time, hours to suit in apples. Gormarkay .Orchargl. Sheet dividual, opportunity for pro Y9ng° Street East Slde~ 2” LOUGHLIN LUMBER motion for person capable o miles north of Aurora. We also YONGE AND SCOTT DR. supervising Others. ‘Vrite B0j 59“ h°neyi 63W“? butter and THORNHILL 59 "The Liberal.“ Cl\\'3! fresh apple Cider. c2w39 “c-1109 ..,.-...--.-...-.. . . . GESTETNER 320, '2-speed e1- ectric duplicator. Many acces- sories: cheap. 884-2624. clw39 888-1166 ELECTRIC stove. 24“. $25; homemade cap for half-ton pick-up $50. 773-5868. c1w39 SHOW case, 4112’ x 2‘ x 3%2'. glass front and top; also a Smith Corolla adding machine with lock-up cash drawer. re- conditioned. Gilberts Variety Store, 22 Yonge Street South. c1w39 FULL length white wedding dress. size 11. 884-8637. c1w39 'I'HE RICHMOND Hill. WANT ADS SOUTHERN YORK REGION’S GREAT MARKET PLACE CONTENTS of doctors house. patio set, love seat and chair. appliances, etc.. 889-1218. c1w39 SPINNING wheel, in working order, wool winder. large wood- en bowl. pine chair. 884-7961. @3560. good condition. ideal second machine. $200. 884-3276. SEASONED FIREWOOD Mixed â€" Oak â€" Beach Birch â€"â€" Maple 12" and 16" cords Holland Park Garden Centre 832-2455 Telephone 884-1105-6, between 9 am and 6' pm Monday, 8 am to 6‘ pm Tuesday, 8 am to 5 pm Wednesday, 9 am to 5 pm Thursday, 9 am to 5 pm Friday, 9 am to 12 Saturday CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. 1st insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of Site CARDS 0F THANKS. 1N MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 8844983 and you will receive an invoice. COLEMAN SKIROULE SNO‘VMOBILES CLEARANCE SALE YORK ALUMINUM FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 884-1745 APPLES List Price Sale Price cc $695.00 55595.00 HARDY Boys books. complete $989.00 $799.00 set. excellent condition, $20. $999.00 $769.00 884-4141. c1w39 $999.00 $839.00 â€"‘ n clothing etc. DINING room suite. table, buf- fet and 6 chairs. 889-6526. 884-7774 02w39 Crushed stone, sand. concrete 4-7774 gravel. etc.. delivered in small c2w39 quantities. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfc39 c1\\'39 c1w39 tfc36 {£029 tfc3 PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets, fir 1/2" special 6.40 per» sheet. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfle MOFFAT Dryers $149.95: bed- room suites, double dresser. mirror. chest. bookcase. bed. ibankrupt stock. $139. 7-piece dinette. $59. Brice's Furniture. 1-478-4175. tic 37 DUAL barrel aluminum mani- fold for 283 - 327, $75; 3â€"speed synchro trans, rebuilt, $50. Call 884.5932. c2w38 IIUIIIC Ill niclllllullu 11111. [\UUIH From construction firms. model “Sfboarghplus Weeklly l‘emun‘ homes and suites, consisting of er lon‘ one 884' 393’ bet“ chesterfields, sofabeds, daven- ween 5 and 7 pm‘ CI‘V39 ports and bedroom suites. all in EXPERIENCED cleaners wan- popular sters, materials and ted for Black Creek Pioneer sizes. Also lamps, glass. marble. Villagev April to November. 48- and wood tables. with odds and “0111‘ “'eek- Apply George Dyce- ends. Ideal way to furnish 01' re- 333-9967. c1W39 furnish your apt. or home at m; remarkable savings for quality beef and arable farm. 832-2218. furniture. H mm LOW winter rate December to March. Sand fill for lake front- ages, etc. Snowplowing Lake Wilcox area. Sanderson Haul- age. 773-4106. tf025 BEDROOM suite, 7 piece, din- ing suite, 9 piece, Chesterfield suite, all Burma teakwood, must sell. new furniture, very reas- onable. 1-241-5971. tfc28 BUY your diamonds and gold for less direct from the manu- facturer to you. 294-6075. tfc30 Furniture. c h i n a, silverware. China cabinet. tea wagon. Cana- diana. 2944-3075. tfc30 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 ANTIQUES TYPIS’I‘ RECEPTIONIST Furniture, chin a, silverware. Good telephone manner, no less China cabinet. tea wagon. Canalthan 55 me typing, general diana, 294-6075. tfc30 flerical etxpgriehnce an asset. In- ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"’â€"T . 'e1‘v1ews o e eld 10-3 Monday EEEEEEQE‘? SWIVEI ‘13:;st March 27, 884-9211. 889-3800, ' ____‘_.__.__ NBC Industries, 70 Newkirk Kitchen Aid dishwashers Road. Richmond Hill. c1w39 PARKCREST CONSTRUCTION 221-4400 c3w37 BEDROOM suites. kitchen suites, pianos. lamps and many other household articles being sold for storage charges at World Wide Shipping, 360 New- kirk Rd. c2w38 BABY carriage. large wheels. Lloyd Pram. $30: high chair. $8; baby sled, 54; all in excellent condition. Call after Thursday. 832-2568. c1w39 Garages from $540. cottages, $2.265. shell home, $5,460, con- tact T. G. Botham HALLIDAY â€" LAUGHLIN DISPLAY COURT 7541 WOODBINE AVENUE 499-1571 BLUE-green tweed recliner- l‘ocker. 884â€"2439. c1w39 Kitchen Aid dishwashers Simplicity Laundry Specialist Moffatt Appliances Admiral Color TV's Vilas Colonial Cash for used goods Broadloom cost plus 15% 15 cu. ft. freezer $169.00 Washer spin dryer $129.00 We need your business You need our prices Brice’s Furniture Barn Don Mills Rd. Queensville 478-4175 LOUGHLIN LUMBER YONGE AND SCOTT DR. THORNHILL 889-1109 SUNNYHILL WALDORF NURSERY SCHOOLS Morning classes for children 3% to 5 years $350 per year Brooke Street. Thornhill 2 Finch West. Willowdale DRIVEWAY GRAVEL FOR SALE NURSERY SCHOOL (Continued) WANTED [hill ITOURS. cruises. rail and bus {dale tickets, reservations and indivi- ‘dual travel. Call A. H. Creighton c10w391Travel Agency. 889-5643. tic47 c1w39 c2w39 tfc38 rfield PART time snack bar operator. must suitable for mature woman. reas. Apply in person, Richmond Inn tfc28|Hotel kitchen. c1w39 URGENT Experienced Sitters and home- makers. 884-5286. tfc35 MEN, women and children re- quired for full and part time modelling in catalogue and TV. For fu rth e r information. Nicolas Harvey 962-7296. BOOKKEEPER for automotive business. Steeles-Bayview area. Own transportation. Apply stat.- ing education, experience and salary to Simplex Motor Parts Ltd., Box 519, ThOrnhill, Ont. or telephone 889-1191. INDEPENDENCE""ufi’ifinited. earn $500 extra monthly. We need you. 636-1059. tfc33 PENSIONER or unmarried mother to live in motherless home in Richmond Hill. Room and board plus weekly remun- eration. Phone 884â€"1393, bet- ween 5 and 7pm. C1’W39 FACTORY work available, suit- able for women. on afternoon shift. Apply at 65 Duncan Road, Thornhill. c2w38 HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 8am to 3pm Monday to Friday. Phone noon Monday to Friday 887-5315. c2w38 CAREER girls‘. wives. teens. needed to teach professional make-up techniques. by appoint- ment only. Will train. Have fun and earn extra money. Viviane Woodard Cosmetics Ltd. Call collect, after 6pm, 640-2738. CLEANING lady desired, Bay- view and Steeles area, own transportation. 881-0466. c1w39 PERMANENT packaging work, suitable for woman in Thornhill plant. Apply 108 Doncaster Ave. c1w39 CLERK typist required for radio station CFGM to assist in active and detailed department. able to work on own initiative, switchboard experience an as- set. For appointment call Mrs. Fraser, 961-1310. c1w39 WE‘VE FEQUIRE EXPERIENCED beef and arable farm. 832-2218. STAFF FOR PERMANENT c1w39 AND PART TIME POSITIONS Ill-CORPS OFFICE CLERK typist required for radio station CFGM to assist in 18 YofiisgsgvfiCIEORTH active and detailed department. 834_6782 . 88445970 able to work on own initiative, c1w39 _...:L_LL__,..1 “I ,4 EMPLOYMENT Town of Mark- ham construction inspector. Wanted for works department with 3 to 5 years municipal construction experience, pre- ferably in heavy construction, ie watermains. sewers, roads. etc. Usual fringe benefits. Salary commensurate with qualifica- tions. Please apply in writing by April 10, 1972, stating qualifi- cations, experience, etc; to Town of Markham, Personnel Department. 8911 Don Mills Road. Markham, Ontario. WRITTEN applications will be received by the undersigned un- til Friday, April 7th. 1972 for the position of clerk - typist in the Richmond Hill Municipal Offices. Present salary range - $3.800 - $4,066. depending on qualifications and experience. ‘Bernard Toporowski. P. Eng. Construction Engineer. Town of Richmond Hill 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. Ontario. HOMEMAKERS required by Red Cross Homemaker Service for Richmond Hill and Thorn- hill area. Good remuneration, uniforms provided, transporta- tion essential. Call 895-1341 or write 22 Prospect Street, New- market. tfc39 PART time. hours to suit in- dividual. opportunity for pro- motion for person capable of supervising others. Write Box 59 "The Liberal." c1w39 TEMPORARY employment â€" to sort, package and tag gar- ments in dry cleaning plant. for 6 weeks. starting March 27 Appy in person to Mr. Jack Barth. 198 Yonge Street North. lfrom 9 am to 4 pm. c1w39 HELP WANTED 1 HELP WANTED TRAVEL ) 1972 c6w36 I 8047 c3w39 czwss Hummng .momer “0.4 “.0” ’ 10 and 11. d1 telr 1n Rlch- resser. OPERATOR 1mme a 3 c1w39 For office in Maple. Must be mond Hill area. 884-2910. c1w39 . . good typist and have own trans-IPAINTER and decoratqr seeks Ht 111- portauom Box 53 “The Lib-‘house to rent in the H111 area. 81131:; eral.” c1w39!536-3749. c1w39 a eBox KEYPUNCH operator â€" fulilONE room or one bedroom ap- clw39 time experience on IBM, key-}artnnent wanted in Beverley tape and Univac. Thornhill. 889-1ACl‘65 area. Phone 884-8577- d .by 8121. c1w39: c1“‘39 ‘erwcel . Eh _;PERSON to clean small office.;â€"â€"â€"â€"_“ raggfiyionce a week. located 2 miles'ROOM and south of Richmond Hill. 881-!immfi an'd hnard fnr gentleman. :nm-fn.‘ tfc35 1884-6782 Variety. Bayview Plaza. 884- 3417. c1w39 PART time work evenings bet- ween 6-8pm, assisting carrier boys, car preferred, average $3 to $4 per hour. Phone J. Ken- nedy, 884-4409. c1w39 JOB SEEKERS IMMEDIATELY. reliable clean- Our requests for office em. er to work midnight to 4 am or ployees are usually filled 431“ 10 33m. Apply A & W through our active files. If you COffee ShOP- 389-2590. ClW39 are looking for permanent work MATURE bartender and locke_r you ShOUId llst With A'1 Em' room steward for golf club in ployment Agency. Call Mona Thornhill. Call Mr. Haines. 889- Robertson 884-6944 {or appoint- 3291. c1w39 ment time. (:3w37 fl HAIBDRESSER experienced and shampoo girl part time needed 389-6041. c3w37 WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A RECEPTIONIST WITH EX- CELLENT TYPING. III-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 18 YONGE ST, NORTH RICHMOND I-IILL URGENTLY required. experi enced home-makers and baby‘ sitters, full and part time. 889‘ PART time cleaner, Monday to Friday. evenings. 2 to 3 hours. Call between 6 and 8pm. 493- 3129. c1w39 YOUNG man with high school education, knowledge of cost accounting preferred for an ex- panding lumber and building industries firm. Regular bene- fits and a good future for the right person. Contact Mr. H. WOMEN required rooms. 5-day week tion call 889-7442. OPENINGS for Registered Nur- ses, part time and full time Registered Nurses assistants 889-2054 or 833-5037. King City FULL time parts counterman. knowledge of parts operation and stock control an asset, part time considered, full company benefits. Apply in person, Mr. Hill, Canadian Tire, Richmond SALESLADY. nights. Bayvie‘w Hill Parn, 889-4973, ext. 221 Lodge Limited MEN wanted for greenhouse work. steady job. Apply in per- son, Bayview Florist, 16th Ave., Richmond Hill. c2w39 LADY packer preferably with some retail experience. King City area. Maple Egg Grading Station. 833â€"5282. c1w39 2882 LABORER for construction. 216 Essex Ave., Richmond Hill. 889- 6621. c1\\'39 WANTED, King City area, wo- men for general housework. Monday to Friday. own trans- portation. 883- 5141. clw39 BABYSI’I‘TER for 1 year old boy. preferably in my home 'Baythorn and Yonge St) 5-day week. Call Mrs, King. work 889- 9327 or after 6 pm 889â€"9899. EXPERIENCED waitress. over 18. For more information and interview, phone 884-1370. RNA {orififii‘sing home, full{ U1 01' part time. 294-3434. c1w39j§ffi REGISTERED Nurse for nur-‘and bus sing home, full or part time.!Lite tin 294-3434. c1w39‘, (Continued) for cleaning For informa- 884-6970 c1w39 c1w39 c1w39 clw c2w39 clw39 c1w39 tfc37 c1w39 own I fol- Hill, fur- Ken- lw39 10 part- g or lOUld .ltion ‘ re- staff rtici- )n to Qinh. RESPONSIBLE business couple seeks furnished bachelor or one bedroom apartment in or near Richmond Hill. Immediate oc- cupancy. Phone Frank or.Cath- erine Childe at 447-0462, after 5pm. c1w39 TWO adults would like small house in Richmond Hill area on 01' by April 1. Please phone 727- 5306. clw39 WANTED on short term, 2-3 months, furnished house or apartment for family, 3 adults, Richmond Hill or Thomhill. Phone 226-0470. c1w39 m good condition. $450, firm. Call '39 889-8794. c1w39 1971 Super Bee, 13,000 miles. 340 4-speed. buckets. power windows. brakes and steering. 889-6512. clw38 1963 DODGE, as is, $65 or best offer. Call after 7 pm. 889-0351. c1w39 1969 MINI Austin. automatic. 25,000 miles. excellent condit- ion. certified. $750. Phone 884- 6218, after 7pm or weekends. c1w39 1965 DODGE, good shape, 1972 plates, will certify; Asking $500. call after 5:30. 888-1217. c1w39 1963 VW sedan, 37,000, certifi- cate. 884-2569. c1w39 (Renault) mtcnen units, alterations, rec. ""v s , _ rooms etc. erock Avenue 66 Beaumont automatic, 6 cyl- s - - - _ GORD HOWLAND W iggfrim;a‘f:;ie;g’;fe“em “0nd” 889-3437 FURNISHED ’66 Viva, real nice body, needs tfc18 transportation motor. $75 as is. RUBBER STAMPS '65 Austin 1100. good motor andISeveral type faces to choose from BEDSITTING transmission, $75 as is. â€"inc1uding Script, Block letters, tleman. 884-“ clw39 Outline and signature â€" fast FURNISHED‘ 1962 PONTIAC. good running SerVice- Call “The Liberal" 884- $15. 884-9075. order, $75. 887-5686. c1w39 1105- m CHEVROLET panel. runs good body sad. Offers. 884-2624. ’65 CHEV Impala. automatic. hard top, $350. 773-5671‘ c2w39 '68 Buick Skylark Custom. V8, power steering and brakes, au- tomatic, buckets and console. Excellent condition. Best offer. 884-3235. c1w39 DATSUN 2000 Sports converti- ble with 5-speed and twin Solex carbs, low mileage, in mint con- dition. 833-5801. c1w39 1966 CHEV. V8. auto, excellent shape. 58,000 miles, $475. now have a company car. 884-7389. c1w39 '65 FORD Galaxie 500, 4-door hardtop, V8. power steering, power brakes, radio, 54.000 original miles. certified. Full price $475. 773-4537, after 6 pm. c1w39 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, must sell. 889-7966. ' c1w39 1964 BUICK Skylark, ‘as is, best offer. 884-7049. after 6. CIWBQ 3 ROOM apartment, fridge and stove, in Richmond Hill for March 31. Call 783-4833, after WORKING mother with two children desires 2 bedroom ap- artment in Maple area for May 1. Phone 832-2439, after 6 pm. c2w38 BANKER reqfiires 2 or 3] bed; room apartment 01' small house. 884-4469, 884-1101, evenings. 65 PONTIAC hdtp.. 6cy1. std 66 Corvette, evenings. 884-7423. c2w39 2 BEDROOM basement apart- ment. for mother and 2 boys 10 and 11. immediately in Rich- mond Hill area. 884-2910. clw39 ROOM andibgard for gentleman. 773-5770. “(:31 ROOM and board for reliable gentleman. 884-1287. clw39 ROOM for gentleman, separate three piece washroom, light housekeeping. 884-4835. YOUNG 'man seeks work in: doors. outdoors. has chauffeur‘s‘RALPH licence. 832-1584. c2w3agPainting r 7 . land ex XOUAG man. 22, chauffeursiwork g licence. small car. seeks del-i ivery route. or will consider? anything. Call Thursday 94:30.! RE( 884-2394. c1w39 ALTERA AN experienced cleaning lady UNF” would like house work 9 to 3.1 ,s15 a day. 889-0879. c1w39; WA” HELP WANTED GREENWOOD GARAGE EMPLOYMENT ' WANTED :NERAL landscaping. treesjAccoustical i bushes pruned and sprayedirecreation 'e time experience. 884â€"7953Jcontracting tfc38;pm. USEDiciARS GARDENING WANTED TO RENT Contlnued) c1w39 c3w37 c2w39 *1w39 ffeur's RALPH ELMS DECORATING c2w33 Painting. paperhanging. interior - . and exterior. Free estimates. ,‘DL‘Work guaranteed. 887-5153. 94:30. RECREATION ROOMS c1\\‘39‘ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS , ladv: UNFINISHED FIREPLACES ‘ to 3" COMPLETED “W39 WALKER CONSTRUCTION _ 384-2882 is. BRICK, stone and blockwork. >39 Chimneys, fireplaces, patios, â€" barbecues. Free estimates. Call 12 223-6783. tfc35 Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 tch , SUPERIOR DECORATING Painting and paper hanging. interior and exterior, free estimates. 884-7907. tfc36 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- Ihanging. 884-5697. tfc49 BAKER'S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 85 water lines, footings. 889-3604. tch REXWAY PLUMBING Repairs, new work, alterations, Bus. 884-8582 Efficient service at reasonable rates. GENERAL MASONRY Brick. block and 'stone work Expert workmanship. ‘ 884-6417 MISCELLANEOU§[MISCELLANEOUSJ PETS FOR SALE , MORTGAGES Highly recommended even by friends GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. home. of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 ' GENERAL CARPENTRY Kitchen units, alterations, rec rooms, etc. Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc42 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc32 Plastering Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free} estimates call your Local Contractor CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. GENERAL CARPENTRY Licence Rec. Rooms. kitchens, floor tile, counter tops. repair and re- finishing of furniture. Free estimates. REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow mobile repairs and service Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions, renovations, tile floors, and ceilings: Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. WALTER LONG PLUMBING TENSEN’S TOWING Scrap car pick-up and towing 24 hour service. 884-9747. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 WALKER CONSTRUCTION 488-7521 PERRI-STYLE (custom) HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY 01' NIGHT 884-2433 HANS BUTT 889-4106 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 PLUMBING Upholstering 889-9475 R. TOBIEN 889-1922 R. CLARK 832-1345 WILCO ceilings, dry wall. rooms and general 881-1546. after 6 - tfc38 85 HEATING 889-3185 Thornhlll tfc38 IFOR lease, 3,000 - 6.000 sq. ft. tfc33 industrial space, Newkirk Road. _ Features dock level loading. 16‘6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Construc- tion Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 tfclB;FURNISI-IED room. cooking and ‘ “'parking facilities. Please phone G 884-4828 for appointment. tfc48 tchO tchl tfc44lFURNISHED room for young lady. homey atmosphere, cen- .. Itrally located. 884-8843. tfc50 tfc18 wing, FURNISHED room. kitchen fac- ilities. private entrance, suitable tfc22 for gentleman. Maple 832-1113. 6 I c1w39 tfc43 tfc26 tch tfc3 BOOKKEEPING and account- ing services for small busi- nesses. 889â€"5683. tfc33 PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 J. J. BOLTON BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE For the business too small to justify a full time bookkeeper, but. too large for you and your wife to do properly. 773-4337. c4w37 TV, radio, air conditioning, daily maid service. Reasonable week- ly rates, Richmond Inn. 884- 1101. tfc30 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Berks Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 APARTMENT AVAILABLE‘ FURNISHED Yonge Street. 1 bedroom suite 2 bedroom suite rent includes heat, hydro. soft water, fridge. stove and free parking for one car. Near Rich- mond Heights Plaza at 48 Lav- erock Avenue. Adult Building. Call 884-2475. tfc37 PROFESSIONAL office space for rent in King City, Ontario. Contact Lyn - D - Mar Holding Co. Ltd. 833-6392. c1w39 ONE bedroom apartment. Apply superintendent, 402 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill. c1w39 Rd. Richmond Hill. c1w39 DEAD or crippled farm animals EIGHT room house‘ $206; two p_icked up promptly. For direct bedrooms $32. 636-6837. tfc39llm€ fall LopgrDilstian‘cre and ask SUBLET. 1 bedroom apartment. as of April 1, in Richmond Hill. 773-5656. c2w39 CLEAN, one bedroom basement apartment for business couple. Call if possible after 2 pm. 223- 0646. tfc39 Steeles, heated. 5-room bungalow on large lot $200 HOUSE for ment for adults only 884-6431. TWO bedroom apartment in 4- plex. available May 15, west of Yonge. 42 Elmdale Ct., adults. 884-5239. *2w39 FURNISHED room to reni 'ih Maple area. beautiful surround- ings. 832-8848, after 6 pm. ONE bedroom basement LARGE 2 bedroom apartments. $125 monthly, 52 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill; large commercial space, suitable for any trade. $100. Call 783-2762 or 783-6229. after 6 pm. cZw39 A beautiful furnished upper du- plex, all conveniences, suitable for 4 school teachers or busi- ness girls only. 888-1923. clw39 BEDSITTING room with kit- chen, private entrance. 889-9475. c1w39 LARGE I‘Bdrmwfor quiet gentle man, $15 a week. 884-4947. FIVE room Hofise. garage. 212 Weldrick. Call 225-5203. fifiNISIâ€"IED bedroom for rent gentleman only. 884-7564. ‘ 884-6743 GIRL to share 2 bedroom house in Richmond Hill. Some furni- ture necessary. $77.50 per month each. 884-9712. c1w39 SUBLET. 3 bedroom townhouse, Thornhill. immediate occu. pancy. 889-0698. csifl) LAKE Wilcox. spotlessly clean 2 bedroom bungalow. Call Mrs. Thompson. 889-6241. Norm Black Realty Ltd.. c1w39 LADIES watch on Yonge Street 834-6714 TO RENT (Continued) FOUND rooms. north $15. 773-5544. ROOM, parking, * c1w39 -..v....u... - a...) Anvylnvvu V vynll: a car. Near Rich- GENERAL clean-ups "and odd all year, Plaza at 48 Lav-‘jobs with small truck, basement, ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR Adult Building.‘garages, etc. 884-1346. c2w39 FEE CAN BE ARRANGED 1F __ “C37 CARPENTER work. ~recreation NECESSARY room. close to rooms. kitchens and repairs. Sfioul‘ ad 011 Page 21 “€39 884-9427. 834-2505 A *1“’39 DAY care available in my home. °1W33 LIGHT*h»aiTl‘inarnd_s-m_all_j3bfis 334-5021 €1W39 room. suit genâ€" around the home and yard. 884- WOMAN to look after [Wt] 59. tfc38 3831. *2“"39 r'hilrirpn In mv 11an runs: rent, Bayview- self-contained, )w, 2 bedrooms )0. 489.3157. ou. Lu :4_ NEW riding stable. Bathurst - c1w39E1gin Mills. horses rented by 57. Do you have a drinking prob-1 1 U ,_7_~ C1“'3218m~ If SO AA can he‘lp- Write‘QUKiI/Fâ€"I‘E‘D teacher nffél's tu- apart- Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call toring grade I to 3, reading any phonp‘EM6‘8684, tfc17 grade. 889-5404. c2w39 c1w39J c1w39 c1w39 clw c1w39 c1w39 c1w39 “32,4 PART tfc21 ‘ Boarding; Stables Pocflles beautifully clipped by appointment only. 884-6934. New owner Betti Forsythi Dog MOfiTGAGE coming due? Cash REGISTERED male German Shorthaired pointer, 8 weeks old, choice of litter, good line- age. 884-8549. c1w39 IRISH setter puppies. reging ed. 889-5653. 01W39 PAINTING and’decorating. Call Mr. Walters for the personal touch. 536-3749. c1w39 TREE CUTTING AND PRUNING FRUIT TREES E. C. DOAK 884-5316 MISCELLANEOUS slucu ucuuau outpucnu uug. PETER KLOOSTEfidF red collar. Vaughan Township Landscaper ‘ contr?°ti"g and licence tag. Vicinity Vaughan- malntena??? ' plantmg- Prunmg King Townships town line and and fertll‘zmgr 315° snow “5' Keele Street. Answers to name moval- "Ascot." Reward. Call 833-5680. WILLOWDALE *2W39 nnn n‘nn the hour, by the day and alsb sold. Lessons in dessage and pumping. 881-2441. c2~w39 HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for used furniture and appliances. Brice’s Furni- ture 478-4175. tfc36 for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. A vacancy exists at our King Campus (west of Aurora) for a switchboard operator. The successful applicant will be required to oper- ate a PBX Console No. 701. Must be Bell trained and will be expected to perform other clerical functions as well. A good knowledge of general office procedures and typing is required. Please apply in person at the Finch Campus, Personnel Office. 29 YONGE ST. SOUTH. RICHMOND HILL lVlUU-Ulthlt Painting & Decorating Floor & Wall Tiling Free Estimates Showroom 806 Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill 884-3471 RELIABLE home. 884‘ RELIABLE home, Nort 5712. EXIRPAWA WANTED Grand Valley Dog Food PERSONAL SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Scientifically formulated to develop and keep your dog in top condition V ery palatable Excellent value Pick up your free sample of this high quality dog food . . . at DRESSM’A’KI’NG’ WILLOWDALE 226-2428 HLL MARKETERIA MOD-DEKOR SENECA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 1750 FINCH AVENUE EAST (at Woodbine) WILLOWDALE EVERY DAY price of $2.99 Courteous Service Fast Reliable 100 Dogs to try our new 25 lb. bag of this dog food at a low *2w39 c5w39 c1w39 tfc36 ,b 17ft. Bowrides. runabout, 0\MC 120. Up, completely equipped, used two summers, $3,000 or offer. 884-4961. c1w39 O MONEY AVAILABLE ON" ALL TYPES OF PROPERTY 0 CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Cloverdale Credit Corp. Ltd., 144 Davenport Rd.. Toronto 962-3737 MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE Best deal in the area Trade in time. Save even more. Come in or phone now. Rumble Tractor 8: Equipment Corner of Don Mills and Stouffville Road. Gormley. 887-5886 LADY'S gold watch, Crdsby- Taylor Mills. Reward. 884-8516. clw39 LARGE black andâ€"tan pedi- greed German Shepherd dog. red collar. Vaughan Township llqence tag. Vicinity Vaughan- 884-5022. c1w39 WOMAN to look after two children in my home. one school age and one pre-schooler, immediately. 884-9386. cZw39 BOATS - MU'EFS RELIABLE day care in my home. 884-4985. tfc17 home, North Taylor Mills: 884- 5712. 02w38 FAIRLAWN Junior & Nursery School. 8403 ,Yonge Street, Thornhill. Fully licensed - open all year. RELIABLE day care in'mféiv’fi DRESSMAKING and altera- tions 889-5713, after 6pm. 15' HOUSE trailer. Corsair, sleeps 6, propane stove and lights. 12 volts and 115 system, double tanks. ice box, spare tire and extras. Price $1,100. 773-5528. tfc39 FARM EQUIPMENT TUTORINC ’TRKI’EERS’ FOR SALE LOST 884-2611 c4w38 c4w39 tfc32

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