10 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. March 30. 1972 ,_ ’QMHA play Bond Steeiers 3rd Game Bond Steel Minor \lirlgels are flcld and Graham one each. Ac» the only Richmond Hill OMHA ll\P in the as.<ist department representative team still alivemere Graham and Clement “jth in this year's competitions and three each. McKeagc. Kevin are now engaged in the provin-Brillinger and Rob McDonald cial championship round with with one each. the powerful minor midgets Fan support was very disap. from Chinguaeoiisy, This is a pointing at this match ~~ per. best three-out-of-fit'e series and haps it was hecattse of surfeitcd the Steelers are‘ off to a had hockey appetites at the close of start. having lost, the first two the week~lonEy midget tourna- cnntosts‘ ment. But the Steelers deserve (‘hinguacousv 5. better support than this 7â€". they Richmond Hill 2 are Richmond Hill's \vinningest in the first game of the Cham- team this year. Dionship series played March 23 You will have the opportunity trailed 5-2, to show you appreciate their ‘ Scoring for the Hill were Tom efforts tonight I'l‘hursdayl at the Lamb and Kevin h‘lclx‘eage with local arena. Game time is 8 pm. assists cooling from .lim (ha The fourth game is scheduled ham and Rick Sackt‘ield. for Chinguacousy the following Chinguaconsv 8 Monday and the fifth and final i Richmond Hill 4 game will be played here April In the second game played 9. Sunday in the local ice box. the ‘ ' - . ' . '. . , _-_--“ lStecleis improved theii niaiks- “K (Photo by Barbour) manship but still lost to the , tune of 5-4. . ' Lamb accounted for two of Young Thorn/till Gymnast: Strut The†Stuff ' l A new song, written by two teachers. was the closmg feature of the Henderson. Avenue .1 I I u A Public School physical education annual spring display March 9. The muSIc was written by The Reg’lol‘iayl'l‘lll‘lnlcn‘lality Ken Butler an the lyrics by Mrs. Janet Wilson. Mrs. Wilson co-ordinated the evenings program V of or . I and was assisted by Mr. Butler and Mr. Carmen Foti. ' . TE. DE‘REHfglkFglOTOR . 7‘ g The youngsters from grade 1 and grade 3 presented a display of folk. dancmg. the. boys QEAI ED Tï¬Nï¬'F‘RA; m em? 7 7- V} . showed their prowess in tumbling and vaulting and the girls presented a display of rhythntics :mrkéd as Inicng‘e-mnwiï¬ h; . . a " T12 PM of the Scandinavian type with scarves and balls, under the direction of Mrs. Marily Etchells, received by mp undpl‘smned [mu Va w", . as well as balance beam work and tumbling. _ i ' . _ . m “mam. EST on \ EE N , TS - Competition winners. individuals and teams, delighted the onlookers In their prize-winning TUESDAY. APRIL NHL 1972 on The Hour routines. In the above picture. on the balance beam, are (left to right (Laurie. Smith. for the supply or; I Brightbay Crescent: Ann Murphy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, 20 Dalmeny Road, 8.. 25mm (WW-TIN,“ I . and Nora Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, 4;) Henderson Avenue. The 31th b2y4aÂ¥d ligistk FEATl RE PROGRAMS. girls were winners of the free calisthenics. 0:: : 3/92 T2; Pia-ti: 1,1,hlmï¬ï¬nss mum. Vaughan Two _ Station Buses Chairman of York Board of r.â€" . . u i ' " ‘S ecifications, tender forms and: PigggatiEEan on ‘ e in Oak Ridges Midget, Bantam Teams lOffenSive. Weapons, Marijuana, 333mm Eggggffmï¬ n it A Eineering Department on theiFfi~at 10 Dim UV? & [n C0101‘ l o l ' ‘Don Mills Road. one and ones Clay-Foster Fight I‘n " " lquarter miles north of the Auâ€" Mon_'rimmy for 1972 g l frora Road tMailing Address: Louise Aimone Trust“. . . i Arrests for arson. offensivel The charge is in connection PO. Box 296. Newmarketl on‘ Harry Strachan 03k Ridges had “menuâ€: l"ithe 'Rldges boys make a strong weapons possession. marijuanaavith an accident March 10 in and after 12 noon Tuesday. Tum~10hn Robert: MP York Show about met the weEkend but futile bid for the Grand possession and hit-and-run \vereiwhich somebody backed into a March 28th, 1972, ‘Shh ‘ . i - r _ - , i . . , , . coe & Cooks Nite Out as their midget and bantathittle l\HL championshlp 3% made last week by York Region‘car owned by Francis Frazeri'lhe lowest or any tender not , teams came home with two‘ainst Midland only to lose 4-3. Ipolice 10f 160 Essex Avenue. Richmond necessarily accepted Wedâ€"Gwen Landolt . . . The tournament Championsmps‘ 301“ 1931115 “‘91‘9 “9d 3‘ 3‘3l Two holes were shot in a liv- Hill while it was parked be- Teltdet's shall he delivered to Abortm" Issue - - - The midgets “"0" four Ont “will the 9“d 0f “egmation timt’lingroom adjoining a children‘shind 9108 Yonge Street. the Clerk's Office. 52 BaNViEW four in the Hespcler Tourna- with Midland scoring in aboutibedmom before the 9:15am ar-> 'i‘ "S †""AW’iAVenue‘ Ne‘lmarke‘" 0mm“ ment “C†division with the final three minutes of the first 10‘rest of George Berry. 29' of 718i WILLOWDALE: Tribute was.Garfield E. Wright bemg 4'1 triumph 0"" Mapleiminute sudden death overtimegomam Street, Newmarket onipaid March 16 to General Man-lChairman Saturday I Ion a fluke Shot. iMondaV of last week. lager Donald White. North York Robert. N. Vernon fPh. 884-8111 It was much the Same head-Vt The puck “as 81101 out from‘BelTy 'was charged with havingiHydro. on his recent election ast Regional Clerk ZE. 81000 Wine 0‘ triumph for the Ban' behind the Oak Ridges net and an offensive weapon and mariâ€"‘provincial president. of the As-l l taxi-is “1.10. .‘mn the Lime NHL bounced in off a Midland play-'juana. A quantity of substance‘sociation of Miï¬iicipal Electric “B Dms'on at CObourg er's skate. lhelieved to be marijuana wasyUtilities. Present at the Inn- Oak Ridges Midgets coached by Danny Madaleno and managed by Ken Summers and Trained by Neil Roberts won the hearts of the fans in Hespeler as well as at home this past week by winning over St. George, Hagersville. West Rouge and Maple while playing in the Hespeler Midget week long Tournament. Six other teams participated in the C Division of the Hespeler 36 Team Tournament. Their first game against St. George wound up 5-2 in favour of Oak Ridges. Opening the scoring for Oak Ridges was Bill Guinane with assist going to Albert Shaw. Second goal by Terry Legge unassisted. Guinane tallied the third goal for Oak Ridges assisted by Brent Orser and Albert Shaw. with Terry Legge getting the fourth marker with Bill Guinane assisting and Paul Madaleno rounding out the scoring unassisted. Siml‘da-V “’i‘“ a “"31 game 4'1 Single goals were scored by‘iound in a man's jacket when on-tlieiPai‘k wciâ€"c Ontario Cabi- rI‘IIIII““I“I" In the second game Oak Ridges faced off with Hagersville and WITh‘Lviaviinpfnnfltéifiivision quali Bill." Metcalfe John Lenne\’ill€fh9 “'aslsears‘med aiéftfpre‘lénar'tft. rims“? $9$beï¬scornlllfi D ‘ at the end of three periods the score was 1 all, with the game being . " ‘. .‘ ' l ‘1 1 i ~ tket Po ice tation, sal . i egis a ure, . or or ou ci . , I fled them to meet Midland in glsg‘lgllfz‘izng‘s‘gi-SL‘Q Same paW‘SL ,, * ,, ,, ‘hydm commission Ontario . made a goal tenders dual as they both refused to let the rubber get by EhetpaA4giv~jslgcérElr§g were de-t Oak Ridges got into the grandi YRP armed with a searcthydro and Metro Hydro. ' ea 6 “l t It: a ' ;championships game by down- warrant Moikday of lkas‘t \ieekt:§i%%__.. . ‘ ~ . 2.’ ' _' \'m‘r e arres . . ’ 7 Midget action saw Oak Rid- "‘8 Banctoft 5-4 and then Pen 11 0’ 3““ "l 9‘ a l The Regional Munmpamy . . _ . 7 7___ l 7 7 7 K 7 7 7 7 7 7 _ _7 i ' 4 Pros- . . _etang 4-1. John COPpmg- 26’ 0‘ 3 r l SPECIAL PURCHASE F ï¬fsnggfir:ï¬lgegizï¬ï¬gï¬iggggf2; The Bancroft game saw John DeCt Str°9t~ i “f lork L 0 . . Lennevme some {our of that A hashish pipena sawed-off TENDERS FOR ' “91$ S‘fio’ge- d Bi†Gunaine ï¬ve goals with A1 Heimzman‘az rifle and a_qanit1ty of man-i INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS erry 9°“ an ’ ‘getting the other one. lJuana were seized, police sald.‘SEALED TENDERS properlyl led the Scoring with two goals them. However, in the overtime period Oak Ridges’ Terry Legge man- aged to thread the old needle and sink one past the Hagersville goalie. For Terry it was his second goal of the night. assisting on both Legge's goals were Steve Ground and Paul Madaleno. Manager Summers said that this seemed to be the turning point for the team and there was just no stopping them from there on. .- . i ' Assists went to Dale Roffeym‘ * * 7* * l . _ marked as to contents will be lst ualit Armstron Bmadloom in 11 When they met West Rouge from Toronto in the next game the liilzigaltehneo Oglgisstsgoiii‘eiituiopili}133"]511m“,Gal‘D'GeeitWO; and1 At: Metro P01t06v31, D'Vl‘SVlon‘received by the undersigned un-I F bQI l ‘ g W h. bl St '. whole team put forth a brilliant effort and came out with a 3-] wm. bert Shaw two; Gunaine. anleetmzman' wfï¬ldany’j- ï¬ftieth: 15h“; “1 “300 5â€â€œ E-S-T- 0“ ‘ a .u ous 0 015 'â€" as a 9’ am Goals going to Terry Legge (2) and the first one assisted by Mike Judge Brent orser' ' mien caum‘e twopgoais bév [ii-iih‘Tsiannonisl Enid Ted Green ah“; TUESDAY, APRIL 11th, 1972 Res1stant â€"_ Durable. and Paul Madaleno. and the second one unassisted. Bill Guinane tapping L92“ “'35 “‘9 her" again Semi: asaini‘ tenï¬fii‘fs..mh ted Ronald Wiesner, 16, of 2451Ԡthe Suppl-V “f‘ I away the insurance goal late in the third period unaSSIsted. scoring ham goals-as oak~ Rld- ad: oAiei‘ISeiiiciliniEano ‘Garv Drive. Weston. Three ‘3’ ' IndUStlijal Type Trac'" P I N S D iiiiï¬giegogiifrswue 2.11“ an; Assists went to. Tim Watt, Wiesner faces a charge of ar- EidY‘llhaï¬â€˜aOnélf-‘Pned This win entitled the Oak Ridges team to play for the Grand ASSlStS “’9Ԡli" PM†Madal‘ Dale Rom“; afdfliAik Hemuman'iEggnitilliiljxiiiilï¬ligliiegokga3':l pginte Hitches 1 e Championship against Maple on the Saturday and for Oak Ridges it. was “‘0 and 5‘9"" Ground- . i Other action .3“. Oak Ridgesiburning of a Dufferin StreethpecIfications. tender forms and another splendid effort and at the end of the third period the score was oak Rldges kept on mumg "C" P ' cs dro a 4-2 ameth home in the Concord area of Information to Bidders may be Price Includes' 4-1 in Oak Ridges favour. Goal getters for the squad in the fourth and in Friday's game as they defea‘ .' 9e†1 p g I l '1‘ ’t' obtained at the office of the. . ' d 'd' 3'†G ' ‘ t d b i P l M d l B nt 0 er ted West Rouge 3-1 with Legge‘R'Cthd HIH- i‘augla“ 2‘34 , iE . ,. D 1 t m 1/2" thick rubber underpad . | ect mg game were I umane assts e ) .au a a eno. re rs knocking home two goals with Scoring for Oak Ridges was- A t d Tlesda‘ of last Dgï¬mlaï¬fngofga‘oï¬eï¬ngnon:ll All labour - seaming ‘ aSSIsted by Paul lliiadaleno. Steve Ground asststed by Terry Legge and . . , ‘ w -' n .' c , - L I . r 7 . the (“her gomg to Bl†Guname'ds'lgt‘oeff iiikldalcffiilze 223519138“) lweeklbsnea coharg: of failing toiquarter miles north of “‘9' door metal sq. .Vd. Mike Judge asststed by Steve Ground. Assists went to Mike Judge and \ - A ' ~ - , . ’ . ' _~_ . R (M 1» Add. _i i O 1.; Rd 6‘ H. Brown Fencing iemain at the scene of an acct Aumia oad . 31 mg less.‘ 1 ,r . 1 Yrs 1 i ,v “rTRAS ‘ I ‘ V I am 8 W Novfce l-lB‘gslyido\\-ned City‘dent “‘35 Thomas Bryant of 7 BOX 296. Newmarkctl on 7* I Sharing tendlng' dunes throughout the qournamenl/ “tel-e Odka iiidziéis‘ doiiiiiingghiagle 2-ilAllâ€"Stars 6â€"2. Came“ crescent land all" 12 “0°†Tues‘jayv H’d'URg, [17hr"(diï¬msslohfruNE Kenny Summers and Terry Haviland and they were just outstanding. even in the championship game. l Goals “'61? b." Jolt" Cum" ‘ 3mâ€? 2?? 1:72;“, t M r not I M T 6:15“ i ‘ I when the team did have a lull. refused to let. the score go against Oak Everyone Hot into the scor-Imlggsgtwl"; Cgtal‘1$slT1‘8:}<.3“0i m neceegsztfui-azcegtéd e e 03-3-0 116;!" - 100 Yards North of Hwy. 7 I Ridges. ' ‘ ' ~' an 5111295 IV - 0m an €l‘-‘ “ - - i‘ l > . r ’ - ' ' t I ' nglsacgoiiig “iiiS (Sindhi? ploug. and Mike Dalton. Assistsi The Reglo?ai,::;mmpamy ‘Tenders shall be delivered tol Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. Turn north at Unionville ‘ _ Brent Orser Steve Ground and to Allen Bestard. two: Mikel 0 lthe Clerk's Office- 62 BHN'VIEW 9:30 - 9:30 D-ln- Nurqeï¬es I At. the end of the game the 'l rophy was presented on the ice to the Mike Judge: ' Dalton, Garry Bums. Charles TENDERS FOR MATERIALS .Avenue. Ncwniarkci, Ontario. Tel. 2944440 ‘iAR‘KH I Captain. Brent Orser. by the Hespeler Tournament Committee Chairman, Madaleno got two assists with gl‘ask.,'l‘im Parker. and John SEAkLIgD .111 ENlifcféiSvefif‘pfl: Wright Markham ~ ‘ Bert Jobe, with thanks to all the boys for a job well done. _i 1 ' . ummins. mar 12 \vi ‘ e .’ . £35,: goâ€? to Glound and 7777777! ,undersigned until 11:00 a.m.l Robert N, Vernon : ' ' ' _ I . 'Ken Summers and Terry Hav-‘ EST. on ‘ Regional Clerk I After the team had their victory celebration in the dressmg room, A“““““““““ lland both played well in the TUESDAY. APRIL 11th. 1972; we spoke to Coach Madaleno and Manager Summers and asked them what 03" Ridges ’19’5- for the followlng material-91 l‘“'"’"" †'# their feeling was on bringing home the trophy to Oak Ridges in the i ‘ ‘ ““““““'I ' ‘ v The. four-day tournament. ln- INEXPENSWEL‘, lCrushed Stone tVai‘ious tsizesi.r““““‘ “ Richmond Hill area. For both Loach Madaleno and Manager summers gob/ed] 36 teams dwided into , (FOB, plant. ' it was one of the highlights of the season and they both had nothing but ""8""? and Midget dlmwns LEASE A HORSE ‘Crushed Stone (Various Sizesrl praise for the way the Hespeler Tournament was operated. Manager Summers said and I quote “That it surely let the other areas know where North York Minor Hockey stands when two teams from the North York Minor Hockey Association faces off in the final game for the Grand Championship.†according to population. tF.o,B. planti ‘ ‘ * * ‘ 887-5905 iqand ,FOB - c. . . . plant) The Lime NHL “mm saw‘ Coldmix and Hot-mix Asphalts' 7 7 ~7†"T tF.O.B. plant! Asphalt Emulsions - RS-I, RS-Z I and RS-ZK l Cut-back Liquid Asphalt: - Prime MC RC ('oach Madaleno. whose squad entered the Tournament without Calcium‘ Chloi‘idc -' bags and I the services of _Dave Stuart. out Wlih a broken ankle. and James Roffcy, liquid ! t out after a cartilage operation, had entered the Tournament with a definite GUlde R3†Palm- 'Yeuo‘“ - , handicap and was asked what seemed to give his team the fire to come on Sign Pam's Nari?“ COIOU") ‘ ' ‘~f,*-.i"(7//$ so strong in the Hespeler Tournament. He felt that the whole team was Chemical “Ted I‘m,†’1 '/5 inspired to go out and prove themselves after being refused entry in the Tliiiisd acnaCi-iTUbes mum mom from " Richmond Hill Tournament and were jUSt not going .to be denied the “s Cit-PE Ct'l‘t’m ' the bake shop with the freshest and largest variety! opportunity to show they were qmte capable of competing to any hockey game and he had nothing but praise for every player on the team and rightfully so boasted the fact that no player at any time during the Tournament gave up for one minute. He hopes now that when they face Maple once again for the North York Championship the team will come through with the same splendid effort. By press time the results of the first game will be known as it will be played on Tuesday. The next game will be Sunday evening with game time at 8:30. GUARANTEED SAVINGS Snow Fence I Sign Posts Isteel and unndt Hoias‘cï¬g’g" RUNS BE SURE TO SEE OUR SELECTION! Prices shall be submitted on 6 for THE PREMISES bidder's own letterhead and the I â€" ~â€" PURE prices shall be FOB. Regional CUSTOM-MAEigc» -- Engineering Yard. Newniarket O RAISIN BI'NS "l Egg“1.12;?RQZieTifaii‘"§.Ԥï¬l§S . (TNNAMON KNOTS For the Oak Ridges Midget squad it has been a very successful .5; _; . . . . all fees. tariffs and. where ap-I 9 DINNER ROLLS 7 †our hockey season. with the team winding up first in the North York standings FROM OUR OlVN FACTORY T0 YOL' plicable, Federal and Provincial ' o ('RL‘STY ROLLS losing only two games in regular season play. Sales Taxes must be indicated . FFEE CAKES . iiimm'iid M “iii: note nia I o (OgRHAV STYl F (‘oach Madaleno was chosen to lead the All Star North York Midi“; . orma ion On a ' - Y 4 . . A I t 1 N *I‘ _ ‘ . . i ‘ I ' ‘ . " FROM 9 A-“[- TO 5 P-“- DAâ€) tcl‘ials may be obtained at the' gTREI-SEL (ARE 7 7 Team'against the Georgian BayhAll Star Midget Teamr at (,hristn‘ifiizxjient‘i to M . EASTER EGGS Etc pa'l‘m‘m Ҡm" ‘lll‘ Rn“ - ‘ ' ‘ “ . ‘ eing c osen o ' ' .» . - , . “"9 and “"“l‘m‘el‘ mil“ """h ' FAXFY DEkORATF‘D we can Personalize Them Ft," You! game that was slated right after the All Star Game against a Junior D ggï¬thimmmitnnado Orr PO an‘ EASTER PASTR’ES ‘ .I S Club. coming home once again the winners. _. . .eumai’et. n ario. ' 70 NEWKIRK RD.. RICHMOND HILL Low st v‘ .V 1 Id "0' n - v ~ ‘ (Betwet‘n fenâ€? 91- 3N1 ('rflsht' AVPHUP) "will" 2"":E'Pdm Fr PC I 7 fl , To. the Oak thzes Midgets congratulations and the best of luck TEMP" “‘3†h“ dfil‘f’fd "‘ _ in your {\orth iork finals against Maple. Choose your drapes from a lovely selection of the Clerk"s office. 8': Bavnctv _ , , T _ _ the, latest styles and patterns. 7‘7"€’_:t“ir-‘ \'Pâ€_ttt_a'l<€f- Ontario :22 LEVENDALE RD. â€"â€" SOL TH BLOLR . - . _ , KEY. DELIVERY covip RE vot'Rs ix DAYS! giggggaf “ml†I RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE _ TELEPHONE 88-1-6691 THIS SPAcE PROHDED Bi oAR RIDGES MIDGE'I uoc T Si-Gï¬ll Rob/Wt \ \ei‘nnn ' Regional Clark ’ ‘ ' ' OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK ‘ ' ‘ ' SIXPPORTERS For further information. please call 3