Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Mar 1972, p. 13

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r S Spring is just around the corner! So why not be pre- pared and plan to attend the fashion show by the ’I‘. Eaton Co. at Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church on April 5 at 7:30 pm. Dessert and coffee will be served. Tickets are available from any member of the WA or by calling Ticket Convenor Mrs. [an Allan at 884-5086. I! it It A surprise 25th wedding an- niversary party was given by Jim, Alan and Joan Doclierty for their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Docherty at their home. 268 Conestoga Avenue, on Saturday evening. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ian Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fratcr. Mrs. Grace Tapp, Miss Susan ’l‘app. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Semac. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Renne, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. Donald editor margot crack I The next meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Busy Bees will be held at 8 pm on March 30 at the yhome of Warren and Lib Bailey, 55 Denham Drive, Tliornhill. Arrangements are underway for Ia campout in June at Fantasy- lland Park. Anyone interested 'in attending please contact Pat Taylor at 884-6353. :3. ' ’K it! The Kinsmen Club showed up ‘in force at the Loyal True Blue land Orange Home on Sunday .last with their snowmobiles and gave all the children several rides around the back acreage. The Kinsmen got tired long before the children did. but a good time was had by all. [I ’k it ,3 Iof the CWL of Our Lady Queen Lot' the World was held March :13. Father Francis Robinson [opened the meeting with prayq ‘Iers and members and guests Brown. Mr. and Mrs. F. Carabat ‘ welcomed m. President ‘ hwere Mr. and Mrs. Mrs_ Con Thompson. James Wright. Mrs. Donald Livingstone andl Following the minutes of the previous meeting read by Mrs. James COHOLOg‘lIQ. 2r it it: . iJllll Anderson, Mrs. Theresa Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cameronj . .Verku'l re orted on the brid e "I 'I‘l’neview Lane have recently 3 p g returned from a fivepveekâ€"vam- tion in Australia and New Zea- land. On Mai'ch 21 they celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary and in honor of the occasion a family dinner party was held by their son and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cameron of Wood- bridge. whose son. Bruce. was also celebrating his 16th birth- day. Joining in the inerrymaking‘ was Bruce‘s older brother. Ian and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cun diff of Mount Dennis. it! it! it Last Sunday was the second time Richmond Hill Baptist Church was edged out in its cur- rent Sunday School contest with Parkdale Baptist Church in Belleville. Betty MacKinnon of Lennox Avenue received a prize for‘ bringing the largest number of people to church the previous‘ Sunday and an Easter lily will be given to the person doing the same this Sundayâ€"the final day of the contest. It is expected that the pastors of the churches will later exchange pulpits to congratulate each congregation. On Easter Sunday the pastor will be ministering to both servâ€" Iand cuchre held March 10. President Thompson also ex- pressed thanks to all who help- ‘ed at the euclire and to Mrs. ‘Raymond Carter for her work on the regional public speak- ing contest held March 5. The president reported on the “Meals on Wheels" project for which volunteers will be needed ito deliver and serve three meals .a day for three days. Each [church will provide six drivers and six helpers and be requestâ€" ied to give a donation towards Ithe project. The pot luck sup- ,per sponsored by the CWL and lthe parish council will take place May 10 and Convenor ’Mrs. Bob O’Toole would apâ€" preciate volunteers for phoning. Members were reminded that the April 12 meeting will be. election night. Mrs. Bill Mal- colm will again be catering for. the Communion dinner. tickets for which are $1.75 each. En-' tertainment for the evening will‘i be a demonstration of wardrobe. planning by Eatons. j The CWL convention will‘ take place on June 7 and 8 at the Royal York Hotel with the theme “Women of Hope”. Mrs. Joyce Bryan announced she was having a wine and cheese party‘ at her home during the after-; R.H. Senior Citizens A rummage sale is being held from 10 am to 1 pm donations to the day centre on to have garments clean. in good repair and marked as to size. Coat hangers would also be very i acceptable. I For pick-up please call 884â€" 5722 or 884â€"3581. if! it is {under the direction of Miss Cindy McAllister and Lorna Francis are s e r v i n g the church. ibOLIElll' at the door or ordered at 884-5415. The breakfast is at 9 am sharpi and will be followed by a short; church service at 10 am. All‘ hungry souls welcome! it a i The White Rose Ball. sponsor? ed by the York Central Hospitali Auxiliary, is over a month away! but regular patrons of this gala‘ event are already making hair} appointments. deciding what to: £1 Members are asked to lake RiChmOfld Hill. ‘April 6 or 7th and if possible. The Young People of Rich- Imond Hill Presbyterian Church.i . Receiving the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Mary‘s Anglican ‘ at the Senior Citizens‘ Day Cen-iChurCh 0“ Sunday. March 12,‘ tre at Legion Court on April 8 “'85 Lori Ann. daughter of Mr.. land Mrs. Ronnie Hudema of 1a it. Recently returned from holi (laying in the sun are Mr. and Mrs. William Tomlinson of Long Hill Drive. who spent two glori- ous weeks in Somerset. Ber- muda. * ‘ lIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllilillllllllllll , . What 8 Cookmg? Almost everyone has a special Miss dish which family or fi‘iendsi Ienjoy â€" why not share the . ‘breakfast on Good Friday to recipe with our readers. be hand Michael Taylor took part I The regular monthly meetingjmembers of the congregation at main course. dessert or snack?“in a swim meet on March 25 Each week one will be publishâ€" Tickets at 75 cents can boied in this columnâ€"how aboutyToronto and Michael Taylor re- you rs '.’ APRICOT PARFAI’I PIE M ary ’s Anglican Church I St. A communion sel‘vicP for the Women will observe )laundy shut-ins or the parish will he, ‘Thursday «today> with Holy hold at St. Mary‘s Anglican ‘Communion at 7:30 pm In the Church on .\pril 5. church followed by a quietevo- Anyone wishing transporta- [ning in the chap“. when. thf‘ IIoII is asked to call the church lguest speaker will be Sister Office 318843237. i'l‘helma Ann from St. John's ,. ICovent. Everyone is welcome Io al~ itend and participate in the dis Icussion following her address. >.< -. it Welcome Ollt'li to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett and family who ha\e returned to Richmond Hill .aftci‘ spending four years in Montreal. . They have taken up residence on Tray born Dl‘l\ e. y Miss Lisa Sabatini was the guest of honor at two farewell parties prior to leaving on Sun- day for an extended visit to iItaly. Hosting the parties were her? mother, Mrs. Bruno Sahatini of1 \\\'00(llalle and Pat Donnelly of ,Crosby Avenue. Lisa. a graduate of Bayvicw Secondary School. was the run-i a '0' April is ('aiicf‘i' .‘ionth. I lilach year. at this time. the ‘ Richmond Hill Unit of the. Cancer Society appeals to the generosity of area resi- dents for funds to help fin- ance another year of (.‘an- ‘ncr-up in the "Miss ltaly" con-I adals "wear-eh ""0_ _the ‘test held in Toronto several mu,“ in" “I”? or can?" years ago. She plans to worki ‘0‘" don‘mo" d‘“ “'1 (‘aiicer Month shows your support and belief in the Canadian research teams who are making it possible in Italy after an extensive lour of the country . a a The annual Father 4. and Son lRanquet for the 8th Richmond] to say" “Cancer (’3“ Be illill Scouts and Cubs held‘I Beatw' lMarch 17 was voted a hugci “' " * .' Isiicccss. The boys are stilli The N BPVPi'iPl' Acre Cllhs. italking and puzzling about 1119 made a good showing at the re-1 iamusing tricks performed by cent York Summit “Oiiby Show :Magician Jim Gander. who gave hPifi at Bab’ViE‘W SECOIIdal‘)” ‘a very professional and enter-School. . itaining show. i Bill Vrantsidis received a 2nd i The Scouts and Cubs have for his puppet display: Tomi been taking orders for Hot Cross‘Boal‘dmal‘» 3rd i0“ Papiel‘i .buns which will be delivered onImHChPI Neil Harriema- "EOOd .Good Friday morning. 'effort" for his oil painting and Cubs Jim Hutchinson. PauIIDTEW “Hand. Gordon Brown._ ‘Morse. Richard Abma. Ian Davis Mark Hayward and Ted Board-l ‘man all received "good effort" for their candle holders, at the Canadian Forces Base ini ‘i' it The annual 'l‘rcasuI-e and, Trivia Sale of Richmond Hill ‘.ceivcd a medal as the third best land District YWCA will be held iswimmcr in overall junior coniâ€" "l‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 30. 1972 petition. a it. a The Curtain Club will be well firepresented at CODA '72 at the {Lord Siineoe Hotel on Saturday inext when Adjudicator Pamela {Beckwith Terry will give her 1 baked 8-inch pie shell,} cooled 1 pkg. orange jelly 11,4 cups hot canned. apricot juice 1 pt. vanilla ice cream ithis year on May 3 from 10 am ‘to 3 pm at the Lions Hall, Cen- itre Street East. I ‘ Convenors Marg Collett and; ‘Sharon Gaffncy report that Kay: Smith and Helen Pipher are Ihandling ticket sales and F10‘ Road. On that evening 13 -. tPhOlO by Stuart's Studio) A Breath Of Spring Saturday. April 8. is showtime for Mayfair Textiles of 301 Markham at Walter Scott Public School Mayfair will be showing the best of the new spring fashions â€"â€" on live models, ranging m age from 18 months to grandmothers. Dissolve jelly in hot juice: Add ice cream by spoonfuls? stirring until melted. Chill until‘ thickened but not: set, about 15 summation of the CODL Travel-INesbitt will convene the lunch-1 ling‘ Festival in which ten little‘ieon. with the various booth con. theatre groups participated. inâ€"ivenoi‘s to be announced at a cluding the local club with its'latcr date. Little Gayle Casselden. 4'43 years old. will be wearing this party dress proudly as a highlight of the program. Entertainment will be provided by the Malcolm James Group of Bayview Secondary School. There will be a free draw for door prizes . . - . . I , ‘ ' ' i ' ‘ - - 1381:3113": 21351115 tag}? 10561:Ior 20 minutes. Turn into cool- gfiggftmn or The Gmcondai , i *V _ v . ‘ and no admission charge. . 1 ‘5 e pop Ied baked pie shell. Chill until » . ' 1"? lSt Be‘e‘ley A 6' es‘“””" '" ‘ _ ulanty of this annual event. ,firm Garnish with Whipped After dinner, each group 15 Scouts, Cubs and Venture-rs , . . i This year it‘s being held on cre'afn and waved Chocolate presenting a three to four Group had a very eventful: A Spring Dance is being held. Apl‘i1294at the Holiday Inn on} “Mrs A Her er't minute excerpt from its play Father and son Banqugt on‘bl' the WA or the York Central. Our Ladv Queen of the World Dixon Road with the festivities. a it. 'i- g ' and taking Part in the Curtain February 2 at Bayview PlazaiASS‘mmum f” the Me“ta“y.Re‘i ' beginning at 7 pm with cock-l The Consumersv Associa_ CiUb Presentation “'in be LOUISE Restaurant. Itarded on April 2] at the Lions» tails, followed by a buffet dinâ€"I“0n of Canada Richmond HULWIIitney, DEFBk Miner and De“‘ Prizes were won by Al Harâ€"iHan' ‘. ne1‘_(liot or cold) at 8 pm. Branch Sponsbred a publicInis Stainer who will reâ€"enact the rietha, Terry Cameron, Mark! Tickets at $3 per person may . MuSic for dancing will be pro-Imeetiné on March 7 in the towniscene in the prison cell. The Hayward, Tim Cameron, Robin‘be obtained by calling Mrs.‘ t'lidedStby1i Miltchl Duncan \‘l'ltl‘l‘lhan excerpts will be followed by the Smalley and Drew Ryland andIMary Downie at 884-4225, I: ie u 0 we ve Sextet so TQW speakers were present3presentation of awards and ;, pail-offickets forlwaple Leaf; \. * t . everything is set for an evening - . _ .‘dahCihg. ho k v g. m v nt u k ‘l of fun and entertainment. gggtngégltl§fisplgefn E332": Joining in the festivities will Miiee'galibqelf \e to 1 C y! Duplicate bridge winners on: ThurSdaYl MarCh Why not make up a table andjand about 20 "heresth people be Mary Monks, a former resi- The group extends its Sincere Monday last were Peter antli. coma“ Ruth Biggm at 884'1515iincluding several local business-ident 0f Ric‘hmond Hill, who ar- thanks to everyone who contiviJWilly Molevelt and on Friday 6 h today for reservations? Ticketsmen rived on Wednesday from Van- buted towards the success of evening. Stewart and Marie : t are $25 a couple and an 910' some of the problems involvâ€" couver to Spend the next two the evening- ‘COIe' . coeds go to the auxiliary to-ied in fighting pollution were weeks with her daughter and The boys who (listributedi Games will confinue as usual‘ W" _ , H ,_ “al'ds furnishings and essential‘discussed as “.911 as ways ofISOH-in-law. Louise and Tonyipamphlets for the local A & Wion March 31 and April 3. Visitâ€"i fgglfiggglil‘ttalfm' the new “'lflg 01159“ng up collecting depots for'Whitfley iii Toronto. * were rewarded by this estab-lors to the area may obtain fur-. . ’K ’7‘ t a... The appeal of Handel's great Messiah remains undimmed and opportunities to hear this tre- It tin, glass and newspapers. It was decided to start a collection of newspapers throughout the 'town and to include tin andI glass in the near future. An organization meeting was heldI recently to work out the de- tails. I Anyone intersted in helping the association is asked to call Mrs. Beth Samuel at 884-7898. 'of a presentation. small group _ I ilishment on February 28 to aither information by calling Mrs.‘ “wilmond H‘“ M a r Y i a Z eitreat of hamburgers 'and drinks} Marie Cole at 773-4280. ScliooITâ€"gnsfiizes off foeur I 1'"- 5” M t" ’“Former Rectors Warden Buried. From St. Marys Anglican Church. merit time. mond Hill Ministerial Associa-l tion. Each session will consisti The school is being held at} The funeral service of Wil-District of Ontario Hydro for 14 Richmond HHL United Churchillalll Taylor lBilli Charles was.years. then for Prudential In-l discussions. question and corn-i LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY Come learn to play and have fun on the piano . The first lesson and coffee is on us . . . and if you cannot play two pieces, both hands, after first lesson we will give you a whole month‘s tuition free . Mary's ESTELLE MARKl-IAM ARCT RMT of America ices with the Lord‘s Table being noon and evening of April 9,! served following the evenin g,\vith proceeds for the missions.‘ mendous work will be given on A survey was conducted by two OccaSIOHS When the YorkI'the association at the Richmond service. On Good Friday alTickets are $1, with wine 25 combined service of the con-,cents per glass. 2 grcgations of Willowdale, New-i Father Robinson spoke on1 I tonbrook, Bayview and Lang-teaming events including the re: staff Baptist Churches will be:ception 0f the Sacraments 0ft held in Richmond Hill Baptist.iConfirmation, first Communiofl The Service will commence at and Penance, and afterwardsi 10:30 am with Rev. Ellard Cor- answered members’ questions} Regional Symphony, conducted Heights Centre during a recent by Plllllp- Budd, and the Rich-.weekend. Everyone was most mond Hill Ecumenical Choir‘helpfu] and below are the re- under Ed Luka combine to pre- sults of the survey. sent Handel’s major oratorio. I1. Are you concerned about pol- Good Friday is a most ap-ilutionâ€"Yes 161; No 13. propriate time to listen to this . I _ I 2. Did you know that news- stirring masterpiece and if youtpapers glass and tin can be are at St. Mary’s bett bringing the Good Friday message and Rev. Gordon Step- hens leading the service and conducting the Communion service which immediately follows. He then drew the names of the‘ nominating committee â€"â€" Chair» man Mrs. Claudette n. Wintzes] .Sr., Mrs. Stella Dickinson and Mrs. Cissie Riswick.. The meetâ€" .ing then closed with prayers. YCB ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOC IATION STANDARD FIRST AID COURSE BEGINNING APRIL II For information call 884-8101. ext. 25 or 884-1363 ' GLASSES - CONTACT LENSES "Hum 10 YOUR are 0 884495 .‘\“M‘ dam/L Si Wood PRESCRIPTION UPIIBIANS WHERE YOU WILL FIND ‘ FASHION ‘ QUALITY ' SERVICE Hour, Mon. Tue. Wed. 9:P.M. - 6.P.M. after 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 9:A.M. - 9 P.M. OCTOR‘S PRESCRIPTION" 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL i--.u.o.o-v.o-o-<.c.c.i- ‘ ' l I s i i : l i ! = Town of R i By resolution of council passed at a meeting held I March 27. 1972, I hereby Dl'Ot'lall'll : THE MONTH or APRIL ;. i l 5 CANCER MONTH IN RICHMOND HILL : j .1 j . . t :- WI/llam C lazenb y g : MAYOR i‘ at Qie"9 â€" ~câ€"a I32 g-g‘ a-wâ€" raâ€"-¢‘â€"re ’-- e a gig Anglican Church on Yonge Street at 8 pm. it is certain your interest will be well rewarded. then, perhaps Friday. April '7. at Our Lady Queen of the. ‘World Church on Bayview Avw 'enue, will be more convenient. Tickets at $1 each may be obtained from any member of the choir or orchestra. If not‘ irecycledâ€"Yes 151; N0 17. 3. Would you be’willing to isort out garbageâ€"Yes 155; No 7 1take newspapers, glass or tin to a central collecting depot in: Richmond Hillâ€"Yes 152; No. 15.. 3 Would you refuse extra wrap- ping on your groceries â€"â€" Yes. 122; No 41. I '4. Would you be willing ml 4 ed resources material. on Sunday evenings from 7:30I1191d at St- Anglicanlsurance Company to 9 pm and included in t11e';ChiIi'ch. Richmond Hill, Marchgfor 24 years. holding various program will be. I18. Rev. James O'Neill officrat-Ipositions. , Apl.i19_..Fitto be Tied» *ied and interment followed in He is suriived by his wifefi 884-3787 ‘ introduction to mal.l.iage_RevfRichmond Hill Presbyterianithc former Mabel Patton: a son. Dr Frank Fidler_.R H and‘Cemetery. .Ray: two grandchildren, Janice‘ IThomhill Family Services) . The son of the late John andland Ste\ en. two biotheis. Veim April 16_Phy5iologica‘ am{Alice Charles. he was born inlnon of Summerland, B.C,, andi Emotional Aspects of Mam Vaughan Township, August 5.!Harry of Toronto: and two} riagbnn John Bate__gynaec_ 1903, and died in York Centralisisters, Mrs. ‘ ologist, York Central Hospital. April 23â€"“Marriageâ€"Its Ups. and Downs”â€"Rev. Bob Smith,; R. H. United. I April 30â€"“Points of View”â€" .panel of married couples. ‘ The cost is $5 per couple. This covers cost of course and print Further information may be obtained‘ from your minister. I Gordon Bennett‘ ‘rMaryl of Toronto and Mrsw. Fred Ormerod (Jeanl of RR 2.‘ j Amherstburg. He was preâ€"‘ ideceased by a brother. Stllal‘t.i Jof Stetler. Alberta. I Pallbearers were Harry" Charles. Wes McClellan. Royi Smith. William Buchanan. George Patton and Morden Car- ‘ter. Honorary pallbearers were David Millcn and Frank Hospital, March 16, 1972. OR. .-\.\'I) MRS. FRANCO SGARI)EI.I.O To T a/re Up Residence In Italy The marriage of Deborah Victoria. third daughter of..\lr. and John Beresford Anderson to Dr. Franco Sgardello of Milan. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferruccio Sgardello of Paularo took place on March 10 Mr . (I: in Toronto. The bride is a graduate of Trinity College. Inhersity of Toronto. graduate of the University- of Floreni-e. and the Q‘l‘OOlll IS a Dr. and Mrs. Sgardcllo will reside in Milan. l \ Mitchell. PARTIE CHILDREN $1.50 EACH Everything Included; Food - Beverage ~ Favours Complete Supervision PHONE - 884-7005 “ SPECUTLISTS in CHILDREN’S RIDING BILL CHARLES l Former Insurance Agent i Mr. Charles had been a life-; Ilong resident of Richmond Hill. 887.5905 lexcept for eight years in _»W_H‘_ rÂ¥____ \‘Villowdale and four years in . I iWoodstock. In recent years he ANOTHER 3000. WINNER IN Y.C.A.M.R. ” 50.0 " ,lias lived at 54 Bedford Park ‘Avenuc. I .\ member of St. Mary Anâ€" glican he had been very active TOKEN N0. 2.37 as rector's warden. chairman of Catherine Ramsom the chapel committee and, in Toronto Ivarious other church offices. ‘He worked for the Bond Lake '7 W» .flfiLLBfiflE lIIlilllllllllllililllllllllllllllllllliilllltlllllIlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli (/3 i. 5’ i mama New Rector WOTOAMWY g. . 9 â€" ,, a _. For St. Maiy s a var are a WEDDINGS BA. . .. . r n . n v George's Church in Ed- E1 "0'5 “mg? South nionton has been appointed Richmond Hill. Ont. (g as the new rector of St. E 884457“ E Mary's Anglican Church REESE? and will preach his first â€"â€",h;ih_~7 sermon on May M. . . . )lr. Barrett became a lpho'o h} smarts Nudw‘ priest in l954 after com- pleting his education at the Anglican Theological Colâ€" lege. l‘niversity of British Columbia and l‘niou Theo- logical Seminary in New York. His wife. the former Pauline Reed. daughter of the late Bishop of Ottawa. and his three children. Kevin 8. Braunwiii 6 and Karen 3 will be joining him ‘ here in Juli“. THE DRAMA ('I.I'B OF RICHMOND HILL THE PLOUGH AND THE STARS hy SEAN O'CASI‘JY at the Auditorium of RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL Wed. = Sat, A LEARN HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT ANDKEEP IT OFF Join WEIGHT WATCHERS OF ONTARIO LIMITED THE All-CANADIAN ORGANIZATION FO R MENâ€"WOMEN-TEENS fl ADELAIDE DANIELS Founder and Director ConIinuous registration. $7 to ioin. 53 weekly. No contracts. Join any time. Ask about our maintenance programme available at all locations. NOW IN RICHMOND HILL Every Monday Evening - 7:30 pm. at St. Mary’s Anglican Church (Wrixon Hall) Inn YONGE STREET SOUTH For inlormolion and location of classes near you, phone (area code 416) 789-7676 or write WEIGHT WATCHERS )U U( AA OF ONTARIO LIMITED HIGH SCHOOL 49l Lawrence Ave. West Toronto 20, Ontario [II'E‘FE’UI S pril 5, 6, 7, 8 8:21“

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