Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Mar 1972, p. 16

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For DH 8: A it was Dave Tay- lor with a goal and an assist; Geoff Blake and John Mariciak, a goal each. Other assists went to Brian ‘Hay and John DeJong. Superior Propane 4 Rival Appliances 1 Superior played well and deserved to win but the game has marred by a demonstration of roughness on the part of one player which resulted in his being suspended for two games. Superior played well and deserved to win but the game Was marred by a demonstration of roughness on the part of one player which resulted in his being suspended for two games. Chris Plunkett notched two goals and an assist. Chris Stewart had a goal and an assist. Robert Wilmot had one goal for Superior. Other assists went to Jeff Sandford and l Maple's loner was scored by Gord Parrott and assisted by Bill Edmanson. JUVENILES (March 24) Maple Blues 3, Woodbridge 0 The Blues outskated and out- hustled the Woodbridge boys. in was Dana Coxworthy, Pat Mulligan and Barry May blast- ing in singles with Martin Bromley. Rick Hartwick and Carmelo Notario with two each.,Len Hughes assisting. Rival‘s single was Fenton assisted by Paul Clou- tier. 7 BANTAM Fred’s Shell 5 ‘Maiple Contractors 2 by Bob’ (March 25) Maple Blues 4. Woodbridge 2 Maple put the pressure on again and didn’t let up till the final whistle taking another wellâ€"earned win. Fred’s Shell 5 Maple Contractors 2 Denis Riley and Gord Lloyd combined for two goals each for the winners with the same twosome also adding assists each. Geoff Shaw got. the other goal. Gord Cameron camé up with three assists. Dems Riley and Gord Lloyd: For Maple it was Barry May, combined for two goals eachlLen Hughes, Rick Hartwick and for the winners with the samelPat Mulligan with single goals. twosome also adding assistslAssists went to Martin Bromley. each. Geoff Shaw got. the otliei‘;1\\~o, Hartwick, Mulligan and goal. Gord Cameron camé uplGraham Cameron with one with three assists. ' Special Note: Contractor‘s goals were by; The photographer will be Steve Jones and Al Reame. ' at Doublerink this Satur- Maple Lions 7 day from 6 am until 6 pm Disposal Services 0 with the pictures of the The Lion’s really hung it on. teams and players. These Disposal in this no-contest shut- are wonderful mementoes out. _ A, I well worth having, and in- Anyone interested in joining the club should contact the assistant agricultural represent- ative at the Department of Ag- riculture office: in Newmarkel. “s -V- H... “ha, The Town of Vaughan has‘initial production of 500,000:r '1‘ugsday,march 21, the Dot: authorized Duncan Hopper 8:,gallons per day has been re- cas unit of the LTCW met in the Associates to prepare a report duced to less than half thatladies' parlour with \'ice â€" Pres- on the capabilities of the exist-Iamount. This decrease first be-lident Mls. Alice Darlington in in: water supply system to sup came noticeable in 1969 andithe chair. The worship service plyanadequate water supply forllnternational Water Supply at- was under the leadership of industrial growth until the. fall tempted a chemical treatment Mrs. Evelm Evans and Mrs. of 1973, when it is assumed ad- on the screen to increase theEPearl Jarrett. Plans were dis- ditional water will be available flow of water through melcussed for the rummage and fromsMetro. Estimated cost of screen openings. lbake sale to be held in the hall the study and report is from Although this treatment was‘API‘il 22 at1530Pm. ' $500 to $800. successful initially. the quantity The UCW Is Sponsonng "Love year. Members for the Wood~ bridge club come from many areas Including Nem'narket, Schomberg, Nobleton, Maple. King, Oak Ridges, and Wood- bridge. Everyone in the club is very glad that 4-H is again underway. Steve Lemoine was the big gun for MFS with a fine three goal effort. J.’m Rotz tallied one and added an assist. Single assists went to Shayne Croft, Dave Clendenan and Ian- Hunter. The Woodbridge 4-H Club held its organizational meeting for the current year at Vellore Hall March 23. After the spec- ial events for the coming year were discussed officers were named. Suspect That Deposit Of Sand Clogging Vaughan Well Screen During the past two years, it was reported. growth of the in- dustrial area has put an increas- ed demand on the water supply from three existing wells, Osler, Edgeley and Concordt Lois Atkinson was unanim- ously elected president, the new Vice-president is David Sch- wartz and Tim Henshaw was selected as secretary, the offi~ cer who does the most work and gets the least credit. Two press reporters were elected this year. They are David Field- house and Catherine James This year's enrollment is quite small compared to last Maple Farm Supply 4 DH & A 3 A closely-fought contest with the lead changing twice before Farm Supply came out on top. Woodbridge 4-H Club Elects New Executive Crestwood’s loner was knock-I Dighy Bourke slapped in two ed in by Wayne Boudreau un-jgoals and took an assist. Gord 355i519d- {Parl'ott tallied one and one. European Delicatessen 1 :3111 Edmanson notched one. Automotive Supply 0 7 Ricky Brooker also picked up Both teams were penalizedhn assist, for rule violations and this (March 24) game was nullified. Maple Clements 3 Paul Hutchison scored and( plattsvine 2 Ron Hay assisted for European Mame had to work to gain Peewee- this one in the same Hespeler Maple Farm Supply 4 EToumament, The game went Dug” A3 ito one and a half minutes of A closely-fought contest withgsuddeu death overtime before the lead changing twice beforeithev could Wm it, Parkers Spray Paint 2 f ' on Crestwood Texaco 1 gnlDGETs Inasmuch as Parker's scored (March 21) two goals and Crestwood one Maple the game was awarded to Crest- wood because of rule 'infrac- In their tions by Parkers. I H e s D e 1 e Pal‘kérs scoring was by Mark Munshaw and Brian Hasselfelt with an assist to Robert Smillie. Jeff March led IGA with two; Oak Ridges 5 big goals followed by Blairl [,3 Riviera Coifl'ure 0 Ivens with a goal and an assisLl La Riviera couldm‘ get u”. Scott Wright. Dave Plunke“ tracked and played one of their and Michael Jones had single poorer games, oak Ridges assists. A simply over-powered them. (March 25) NOVICE IGA 3, Continental Shoes 0 This was a well deserved shutout for IGA \vhose offen- sive and defensive play was ex- cellent. 16 MAPLE MINOR HOCKEY RESULTS Ron Guidelin and The'Concord Well. with an Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News Maple, please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in HOUSE LEAGUE “The Liberal” is always Willi": to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, C THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. March 30. 1972 I Gord Pari‘ott led Maple with two goals and an assist while Bruce Bailey scored a beautiful effort. Assists went to Digby Bourke, two, and Bill Edmanâ€" son, Gary Leonard and Mario DePiero. (March 25) ' Oak Ridges 4. Maple 1 i This was the H‘espeler “C” championship game. For the first two and a half periods it was a cliffhanger but then iMaple sagged and Oak Ridges i went on to win. Although this treatment was' successful initially, the quantity of water obtained from the well began to decrease again within six months. International ad- vised a surging program which was commenced and has been continued until the present. Although successful for a time. the quantity of water obtained from the well has been steadily decreasing. It is suspected that. sand deposits are slowly clog- ging the screens decreasing the! flow of water from the aquifer. With the increase in demand for water and the decrease in supply, council decided that an analysis should be made. to dev termine if the supply will be April 22 at 1:30 pm. The UCW is sponsoring "Love That Style" on May 9, and tick- ets will be available from any member, The ladies are also providing 50 loaves of sandwich- es to be delivered to Fred Victor Mission in Toronto, April 10. Mrs. Margaret Andrew was ‘the guest speaker at the meet- ing and brought a most thoughtâ€" provoking Easter message on the theme “Thanksgiving and Praise â€" Have You Anything To Declare?” The meeting closed with refreshments and a social hour. no: i- t It Friday morning of this week, the congregations of St. And- adequate for the sunimer‘frf’w‘s Pr'ismteria‘.‘ and Maple months. and whether water re-zLWted “I”. Combine for COM Suictions “.111 have to beiFrlday SEI‘YICGS. \_\'1th Rev. Stan- applied [for the first time in‘ (1123’ S“°“d°“ gl‘mg “‘9 ad' Vaughanl and to what extent. L E551)”, ‘ 'The Region of York. which is now responsible .for the supply of water. has been in- formed of the potential prob- lems and has asked Vaughan to undertake the study and make recommendations. Metro is establishing a water reservoir on Duffel'in Street, just north of Highway 7 in the Town of Vaughan and it is hoped that this will make a further source of water avail- able to the tovm. through the effor _ of the region. by the fall of 1. 73, it was noted. In the meantime. Interna~ tional Water Supply is at pres- ent conducting tests at the Con- cord Well to determine if the water supva can be increased by other methods. 1055 0: their ume son, Jimmy, Maple 21:3??? Rad 4 [aged 5. at Sick Children’s Hos- In their first game of the‘pltal early last Monday morn- ling. Jimmy was the little broth- H e S D 919 1' T°umament’ the er of Wilco and Tina. Maple team “’35 Shaky at the The service was held from St. outset but settled down and wonlAndrews Presbyterian Church. handily. , [Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 Digby Bourke slapped 1n twolpm with interment at St. Paul's. goals and took an assist. Gord‘Vaughan' Rev B. F_ Andre“, Parrott tallied one and one-[conducted the service. The Bill Edmanson notCh'Bd One-ithoughts and prayers of all Ricky Bracket also picked upltheir many friends in Maple an assist, ‘and area go out to the family (March 24) 1in their loss. Smithers whipped in two goals each. Singles were tallied by Ron Doran, Brian Murchison and Glen Leonard. Murchison also had three assist-s with Randy Tinline and Peter Pflug taking one each. MlDGET “B” expensivev too‘ OMHA HOCKEY rum; people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord. Edgeley and Kleinburt. Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole. 889-4379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. Shirley Gloster. 893-1725. I The lessons for sewing in [stretch fabrics have ‘been well [received, but several more wo- men could be accommodated. The lessons are to run for three weeks, April 4, 11 and 18, be- ginning at 9:30 am, and will in- clude instruction on bathing suits, lingerie and sewing with stretch fabrics in general. For lfurthei' information call Mrs. ‘Mary Lamont at 832-1589. After a long grind and a lot of hard work, Mrs. Cave is justly proud of her accomplishâ€" ment, and received her certifi- cate from the president of the association, Given Anderson. Present at the presentations and banquet were the secretarial teacher Mrs. Marcelle Stewart and terminology teacher Mrs. Joanne Bennett, to whom, Mrs. Cave gives a great deal of credit for success in passing the course, equivalent to two years at Seneca College. * s * * The lessons for sewing in stretch fabrics have ‘been well received, but several more wo- men could be accommodated. The lessons are to run for three weeks, April 4, 11 and 18, be- ginning at 9:30 am, and will in- clude instruction on bathing suits, lingerie and sewing with ch‘pfnh fahrin: in annnrnl Fru- {W111 be givmg hourly demon- ‘strations for firefighting. Although a good turnout was enjoyed last year, it is hoped that this year will break all recâ€" ords, particularly since the Lions are working hard to realâ€" ize the dream of most residents, the new ice arena, and they must have the support of the whole Town of Vaughan for the everyone? Senior Citizens Monday, March 20, the sen- Tcommunity hall, and extend ;their sincere'thanks to the hall committee of the Lions for their courtesy in opening the alleys for them at minimal cost. Thanks also to Barb Gautier for being on hand. High scores went to Hilda Allen, Roly Keffer, Mar- garet Penlington and Ross Rob- -son. Liors enjoyed bowling at thelpowney‘s leaving them with two. With only one game left in regular season play. Mavericks are out in front with 33 points, Wildcats with 28. Impalas with 24. Falcons with 21, Cougars with 18, Barracudas with 17, Mustangs with 14 and Firebirds with 13. Joan Slusarchuck took high single with 341 and Alice Abra- project. Pancakes and Syl'llpyil1am took the highest three to date with 767. Det Palmer still holds high average with 199. Pioneers â€" March 23, Orne men took three points, Len Weeks four, Pete Craibe’s took five, leaving Jack Gooderham with two. This puts Downey ahead with 87 points, Len Weeks with 85, Pete Craibe with 72 and Jack Gooderham with 63. Ted Smart took the high triple with 640 and Alex Bishop the high single with 239. There will be two performan- ces of the Messiah by Handel, given by the Richmond Hill Ec- umenical Choir and the York Regional Symphony Orchestra. The first will be Good Friday at 8 pm at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. The second presenta- tion will be April 7 at 8pm at Our Lady Queen of the World Roman Catholic Church, Bay- view at Crosby. Admission is to be $1 at the door and tickets are available from Ilsa Thomp- son, 7 Welton Street, Maple. 832-1250. Church News The Maple Branch of the Canadian Bible Society is plan- ning an active program for 1972 and invite all interested and concerned members of churches to co-operate and participate. The annual meeting will ‘be held in the community hall. April 9 at 7:30 pm with a thrilling movie on Thailand “The Finest Gold.” The Bible Society walkaâ€" thon, such a great success last year. is being planned for a re- peat performance May 6. We would like to extend con- gratulations to Mrs. Jennie Cave, who recently passed the medical secretary course, of the York County Medical Secretary Association. Friday morning of this week the congregations of St. And rew’s Presbmerian and Mapl< United will combine for Gooc Friday services, with Rev. Stan ley Snowden gin‘ng the ad‘ dress. Sunday morning. regular ser- vices will be held at St. An- drew’s while at Maple United the morning will begin with We would like to extend the deepest sympathy of our com- munity to Mr. and Mrs. William Oostveen of Maple. on the loss of their little son, Jimmy, aged 5, at Sick Children’s Hos- pital early last Monday morn- ing. Jimmy was the little broth- er of Wilco and Tina. “The Liberal” requires a Correspondent for the Kleinburg area. If you are interested in serving your home community and earning some extra money then please phone KLEINBURG MARY DAWSON AT 884-1105 CORRESPONDENT of this week, of St. And- 1 and Maple me for Good th Rev. Stan~ .°_\.â€".. ,senta_ April 3 is the deadline for pm at Maple members to confirm World their wish to visit Ottawa May Bay_123, 24 and 25. After that the 1 istmseats on the bus will be filled tickets frqm the standby list of Senior homp_ citizens. Mm“. ‘Scouts and Cubs 3‘33: The Voice - Dm‘» m1: Of Concord 1972 Along with the leaders, ACM and Ron Wilson, Charlie 'Wilmot, ,ches Vic Flynn and Don Bedford pata were David Plante, Paul Wilson, held Peter Snowden, Mark Gam- mm‘mage. John Flynn. Paul Rotz, 11ing1Tim Smith, Eddie Wilmot. John inachWilmot, and Richard Bedford. .oth_ A social hour will follow this 100th anniversary event. 1 St. Pancake Festival Irch~ Don’t forget this Saturday is 2:30‘ille big day Maplefor the Last Monday the members! NORTH YORK; Road deaths entertained Visitors from them this borough have doubled in recent bUS tl'iP to Florida and the first quarter of this year. on Wednesday had a trip to theij people have died up to Ontario Science Centre plan- March 1, com-pared to three the neg; first three months of 1971. The next outing will be April 27 to Hamilton to tour the plant of Proctor and Gamble. Costs and details later. The buses will run, as last year, each half hour to the sugar bush for demonstrations of the maple syrup process and the Vaughan Fire Department will be giving hourly demon- strations for firefighting. Sunday. March 19, the boys of Muriel VanVught‘s Road Run- ner Cub Pack enjoyed the ram- ble at Frank Robson’s bush. St. Luke's Roman Catholic Church, Thornhill, March 26 was the scene of the baptism of Edward James Cole. six week old son of John and Carol Cole. Father Thomas Chidlow performed the baptism and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flatley of Weston were the godparents. Also in attendance were Kelly Ann and Andrew Cole, grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. William Lacey of Concord, and Mr. and Mrs. William Cole of Thornhill, great-grandmother Mrs. Eliza- beth Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Cameron and family of Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brasier of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Camp and family of Concord and Aunts and Uncles Timmy. Debbie, Lacey, Kevin, Sean and Debra Sweeney. A buffet luncheon was served af- ter the ceremony at the Cole home on King High Drive. A country cookie bar will be a feature with home baking for sale. and for the small fry Mr. Dress Up of TV fame will be on hand from 11:30 till 12:30. Your correspondent would like to wish all her readers a safe and happy Easter week- end, and to remind everyone to call 889-4379 for any news re- garding guests or trips for in- sertion in this column. Don’t forget this Saturday islther infomnation, call President the big day in Maple for thelMorley Plante. Maple group "Pancake Festival” at the com-icommittee at 332-3993, munity hall, when pancakes” special thanks to Brian sausages and syrup will be se1‘-;Thul-ston, pC, who recently ved from 9am till 5:30 pm. [gave the “3" pack Cubs two A country cookie bal‘ Will be"lectures in first aid. Everyone is a feature with home baking for grateful to Brian sale, and for the small Mr. Bowling Baptism breakfast from 9:15 to 10:30 am.’ The Scouts assisting were The Sunday school will unitelMark Bousher and Bob Wilmot. with the congregation for a; The boys held their “Scouts family service at 11:15 am. :Own” ceremonv with David Sunday, March 26. new nlem-Kenting. hers were received into the fel-i‘played lowship of the Maple United bylsigns 01 confirmation: Barbara Veitchlto find (Carrville), Ross Anderson. Dav-‘ning 31 id Fraser, Linda Gilha, Sheila A b Irvin, Stephen Jones, Margaret Frank: T be Village Of Map/e Ladies â€"â€" March 20, Wildcats took all seven points from Bar- racudas. Mustangs took seven from Cougars nil, Impalas took five from Firebirds who were left with two points and Maver- ‘icks took five from Falcons, ‘leaving them with two. With only one game left in regular season play. Mavericks are out in front with 33 points, Wildcats with 28. Impalas with 24. Falcons with 21, Cougars with 18, Barracudas with 17, Mustangs with 14 and Firebirds with 13. Joan Slusarchuck took high single with 341 and Alice Abra- ham took the highest three to date with 767. Det Palmer still holds high average with 199. The boys held their “Scouts Own” ceremony with David Plante and John Wilmot pres- enting. They cooked a hot meal, played games and looked for signs of spring. They were lucky to find buds bursting. sap run- ning and lots of crows. READY MADE DRAPES Regular $12.98 NOW $9.98 PER PANEL NYLON POLYESTER BROADLOOM Reg. $8.95 NOW $5.95 SPECIAL READY MADE DRAPES MAPLE PLAZA "If? Maple Drapery & Textile Co. OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY Want to become a skilled secretary Or brush up on your office prabtice, English, shorthand ortyping? Secretarial Training a SENECA COLLEGE Daytime courses in these subiecls are open to you right now â€" at the Sheppard Campus of Seneca College, 43 Sheppard Avenue East (near Yonge The fee is only $12 per month. I-‘or further miormahon can deneu Occupa‘uonal Training Divxslon a 223-9661 Ext. 74 (or 28-29) 43 NikPPARD AVENUE EASI’ WILLOWDALE 441 OhIAKIO MAPLE, ONT. IRatepayers’ Meeting currently about 35,000." } An important general meet- Regional Councillor John ing of the Kleinburg and Area‘Gilbert suggested “that Klein- Ratepayers’ Association is call-iburg and Maple, might better ed for April 11 in MacKenziei’grOW to 10,000 persons in order Senior School at 8 pm. ito provide a full range of com- The program will include aimunity SEl‘ViCES". _ presentation by the Ontariol Vaughan Planning Commit- Regional Development Branch1t99, “We support the DOSSibility concerning Kleinburg’s role in‘Of a satellite City (10,000 per- “The Design For The Toronto-fSOHSJ. between Highway 50 and Centred Region”. A report‘HighWay 27 along the CPR from Vaughan Planning Com-jtl‘acks. making me of the Hum- mittee will also be presented on‘bel‘ River as a l'eceiVing stream.” what is being proposed for our “The Parkway Corridor, con- village. Is it to be an “Hist01-ic;taining Highway 407, Should be Village”? A third item on the;n01‘th 0f WOOdbl‘idge-" program will be the latest in-‘7HELP Here formation on the proposed san-f A group 0f Persons under the itary land fill operation (gar- Chail‘manShiD Of Dr. Peter bage dump)‘ {Granger met at the home of Centred Region”. A report from Vaughan Planning Com- mittee will also be presented on what is being proposed for our village. Is it to be an “Historic Village”? A third item on the program will be the latest in- formation on the proposed san-i itary land fill operation (gar- bage dump). The notice of the meeting which has been circulated in the village contains some inter- esting quotes, which follow: York Region Planner Murray Pound was of the opinion that “little expansion of Kleinburg could be anticipated beyond the existing population of about 1,000 persons.” Vaughan Mayor Garnet Wil-v liams suggested that Vaughan iHighway 27 along the CPR Jitracks. making use of the Hum- iber River as a receiving stream." “The Parkway Corridor, con- taining Highway 407, should be 3north of Woodbridge.” $HELP Here A group of persons under the chairmanship of Dr. Peter {Granger met at the home of ‘Bill and Dorothy Trimble, Rosedale Court, March 14, to .plan a new organization in the Kleinburg area called HELP. Through a telephone service 'HELP will: 41) Befriend; listen sympath- etically and sensitively to prob- ‘lems, with due regard to con- fidentiality. (2) Provide information about iactivities and resources in the Dr. Granger will be the med~ ical consultant and chairman; Dorothy Trimble, the co-ordin- later; Helen Matson, secretary; ‘Ian Mitchell, treasurer; Flora |Marshall and Helen Murray, |telephone convenors; Shirley Cruikshank, social service agen- gcies liaison! Pat Guthrie, sen- ’ior citizens services convenor; iEvelyn See. volunteer service .co-ordinator; Bill Trimble, training co-ordinator; Gail Mc- .Cormack, information officer; Janet Berton, public relations; and Joan Bishop, Help Mate jliaison. ' A number of local citizens ‘see a real need for this type of‘ service here. a need that will in- .meals there are no agencies available. This network hopes to provide. visiting, reading. shopping and driving for the elderly and shut- ins, emergency babysitting. on wheels, emergency homemaker service and to fill other needs as they become known. The new service will need many, many volunteers and will be successful only if it has the support of the entire com- munity. Every household in Kleinburg will be contacted in the near future to invite a rep- resentative to a coffee party where the new organization will be explained and discussed. Further inquiries can he crease as the village grows. It. is believed that the services ofâ€"l made by writing to HELP, Kleinburg. Ont. The notice of the meeting which has been circulated in the village contains some inter- esting quotes, which follow: Vaughan Mayor Garnet W114 (2’_Fl‘0Vide information a liams suggested that Vaughan actwltles and resources ill should be “permitted to catclum% up to the present populations of Markham and Richmond Him}. _ “The Top of the Morning To You” was the greeting of the day Citizens honored St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland. The afternoon games and a singsong, all with a touch of Erin, and the large number wore a big green shamrock, in keeping with the theme. Left to right in the above picture are Forrest Oliver, Mrs. Flore: Penlington, convenor of the program committee. ‘ 832-1515 St. Pa trick Honored By Senior Citizenk A group of persons under the chairmanship of Dr. Peter Granger met at the home of Bill and Dorothy Trimble, Rosedale Court, March 14, to plan a new organization in the Kleinburg area called HELP. “The Parkway Corridor, con- taining Highway 407, should be north of Woodbridge.” HELP Here the above picture are Forrest Oliver, Mrs. Florence Ella and Mrs. Margaret [3 LL- “unmuw.-- .A__r__.:LLA, Kleinburg Klarion 8 ft. base and wall cabinet completely finished with counter top (your choice of color) - e, SOLID VINYL GOLDEN-RED ANTIQUE ELM, 4’x8' . . . . . MAHOGANY SELECTED, 4'x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . WALNUT RUSTIC. 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROSEWOOD RUSTIC. 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VANI'I'IES â€" 36" 8 to 10 colors to choose from â€" 4’x8’ POSTFORMED COUNTERTOPS in 5-6 colors 24” 30” 12”x12" VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE . . . . FLOOR TILE Hours: 8:30 am FORMICA & ARBORITE $15.95 FINISHED SHELVING TEAK â€" WALNUT â€" OAK 8”x3 Ft. . $1.55 each 10” x4 Ft. . . . . . $2.20 each [2” x 5 Ft. . . . . . $3.20 each ANITIES â€" Your Choice VANITY â€"â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . VANITY â€"â€" (‘OMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . VANITY â€"â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . LESS THAN HALF OF MARKET PRICE BONANZA SALE WALL PANELLING Yop" was the greeting of _fihe day March 13 as Maple Senior to 5:30 SEE OUR COMPLETELY FINISHED tin, and the large number of seniors presented each -5-6-7-8ft.lengths (4) Uncover gaps in commun- ity services and take necessary action (directly or indirectly) to fill these gaps. community. (3) Provide information about, and make referrals to, existing social agencies and other organ- izations which will help. (5) Keep in touch with the elderly and shutins. 12”x12” While They Last PHONE 832-2271 KITCHEN r CABINET DISPLAY - Friday 8:30 a (5 Different Colors) 10’x20’ North of Maple Sideroad on m. to 9 pm. - Sat. 8:30 am PREFAB GARAGES was spent in contests, per ft. 49¢ Each [ered by HELP will bring a greater “sense of community" to the area. A 24-hour hot-line service will be set up to answer calls. Volunteers will be needed to, man the phone taking regular weekly watches. Another service of HELP will be Dl'oviding help directly by the Neighborly Network where there are no agencies available. This network hopes to provide, visiting, reading, shopping and driving for the elderly and shut- ins. emergency babysitting. meals on wheels. emergency $6.95 â€"- Reg KEELE ST., of Color Top $31.95 $39.95 $H.95 SALE $184.00 (Photo by Photique Studio) l4!’zc Each Reg. $19.95 $395.00 $425.00 REG. 97c Keele St. to 5 pm fl 0 0 VJ Fl Fl. 00 9 0 1 $$$

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