We have snowmobile parties. dances. euchre games. quilting parties, spiced with lots of op- inions and ideas on the con- ditions in the world today. So lets get together. Your correspondent wishes all a Happy Easter. This time of year when hope and faith are renewed again to all hearts is the time to again start to church, bring your families. get in the good fun and fellowship that the community church of- fers you. The late Mr. and Mrs. Arrhle Huffman will long be remem- bered in the community for their delicious garden products which many families had gen- erous samples of in season. M155 Barbara Veitch was wel- comed as a new member by con- ï¬rmation at Carrville United on Palm Sunday. The service was conducted by Rev. Stanley Snow/den and communion folâ€" lowed for everyone. Just a reminder â€" the UCW meeting time has been changed to April 5 at Mrs. Irene Bowes. Ladies. bring your husbands to hear Rev. Dr. Frank Fidler, Executive Director of the Rich- mond Hill'and Thornhill Area Family Serivces, at Emmanuel Anglican on April 4 at 8:30 pm. Mrs. Herman Fawcett of. Brantiord spent the weekend with her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson and other friends in the com- munity. Neighborhood Notes David Huffman of Weldrick Road left this weekend to live with his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman of [mamingtnn following fhe death of his mother. W9 wish David a happy future in his new home. Birthday greetlngs to Heber McCague, April 2; Laurie Tyn- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber have returned home after spen- ding three weeks in Florida. Congratulations to Miss Peg- gy Leitch and Brian Geddes on becoming engaged. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Step- henson. married 50 years. March 29. They will be holding open house in the community hall to greet all their friends on April 1 from 2 - 4:30pm. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson. Nelzhborhood Notes Ydall. 12 years. April 2.: Lauralee Colin Cowley is spendingiBarker. six years. April 4 and three weeks in Kingston. Jam-iRoger Petty. nine years. April mica as guest of Robert Strud- 6. wick and his parents, Mr. and Wedding anniversary greet- Mrs. Sam Strudwick. Robert isings to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser a classmate of Coiin's at Apple- Gee. married six years April 2 by College, Oakville. and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chad- Get your instruments out. the horn. the comet, the pipe. the harp. the clarinet the cymbals. the drum. the big bass drum. This coming weekend. get on the housetop all Christians and shout for joy. This is a day of good tidings and we do not, well. to hold our peace. This is Easter, the time when we re- member the death and resurw rection of Jesus Christ. HEl could say. “I am the resurrec-j tion and the life. though a man be dead yet shall he. live and‘ whosoever liveth and abideth in Me shall never die." ‘ Last Sunday week we wenh for a walk across the fields. It! was like a desert of snow and yet only an oasis in Deep Freeze. It. was lovely to feel the crunchiness under your feet and to be back in ‘boyhood days again. It was the time of} the morning when the sun is low in the eastern sky, before rising to its peak. the time when shadows are long. and even a chihuahua would dwarf an eleâ€" phant with its shadow. My‘ small son and I walked in the puddles as we came around the corner by Karl Wallace's place just to get the cracking ice. We thought it may stir a few mem- ories around to hear this ice cracking. This laaf week has been quite bright, although it has been Correspondent: Mrs. Arlene Parke - 884-5051 260 Weldrlck Road STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications 25 Ruggles Ave. Thornhill BA. 1-3344 Easter CARRVILLE VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Headford Community Happenings CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE ER. 2. Gormley â€"-â€" Telephone 887-5421 Many other articles not men tloned. A. S. Farmer. Auction eer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tatton and family of Winnipeg. Mani- toba are spending this week vis- iting relatives in the com- munity. at Lot 59. Con. 1. west side of Yonge St.. opposite Summit Golf Course. The property of MRS. S. DUFFY Terms Cash. Sale at 1:30 sharp Household Furniture. Bedroom Furniture, 4 Burner Electric Stove, 5 Piece Kitchen Set in good condition. Electric Sewing Machine. Blender, Professional Riding Mower (4 11.11.. good). Viking Washing Machine with Wringer (like new), Telephone Table. Quebec Heater. Large Quantity of Carpenter's Tools, On Thursday evening of last week Mrs. George Rumney held a miscellaneous shower with relatives and close friends at- tending in honor of her niece Miss Colleen Stephenson. who will become the bride of George ‘Young on April 1. At the Easter Sunday Ser- vice at 11:30 am there will be special music and the message will centre around the happy occasion. A service will be held In the Victoria Square United on Good Friday at 11am. The Headford Choir will assist with the music. It will be a joint service in which the two congregations will participate. The euchre scheduled for Friday will be held tonight (Thursday) at. 8pm because of Good Friday. Ladies please pro- vide lunch. Church News The recreation night for the young people of the community has been cancelled for March 31. as it is Good Friday. How- ever, it will meet on April 7 at the regular time. All young people please note! Mrs. Gertrude Wilson of C01- lingwood has returned home after spending the past two weeks with Miss Mabel Sand- erson . Mrs. Faye Wills and Vincent spent last week holidaying in Florida. Miss Mable Sanderson is able to be home from the hospital following recent surgery on her legs. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee. married six years April 2 and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chad- wick, married 27 years April 4. Incidentally a male at 40. ac- cording to the. insurance com- pany ‘has a life expectancy of 29 years and 25 days; one aged 50 has 21 years. 37 days: age 60, 14 years. 50 days: age 65. 11 years, 55 days: age '70, 8 yeam, 99 days: and at age 80, 5 years and 6 days. We've got {very cold and is remaining very cold. We're all longing for thc spell of cold weather to break so we can get out in our gardâ€" ens. I was having a chat with Cummer Lee who mentioned that this was a very late start- ling spring so we look as if we are going to be behind for this Iyear. Neighborhood News Sorry too hear that Forest McDonald has been in hospital. but he is now out again. and I believe is making good progress. Carl Wallace was telling me that he has seen the grackles, and the red-winged blackbirds and some mbins. so that's a real good sign. and while talk- ing further with Carl he told me that he is intending to spend more time in relaxation in his garden and curling now that he has retired from secular work. We wish you. Carl and Kay.‘ many very happy, vigorous and brimful years. CORRESPONDENT: FRANK TUCKER We were Very sorry to hear of the passing 'of Blaine Mac- Kay's father. THURSDAY. APRIL 6“! AUCTION SALE Sorry we didn‘t have our turning on. V1 felt a bit like a olumn last week. I hope I did sparrow alone on a roof top ou in there sgrpelvhgre Carl. 'not turn anybody off; by“ not PHONE 889-2000 Sorry about that. lular time. a very beautiful bed- Don't forget. April 8 there spread, hand-made. will be abazaar and tea at Head- THAT‘S FAITH ford United Church, commenc- Looking away from my sin and ing at 2 pm. There will be my shame. home baking, flower arranging. Looking away from my sorrow sewing and crafts. There will and pain. also be raffled. at that partic-PLooking to Jesus. the Lamb that was slain-â€" That‘s faithA Looking away from my knowl edge and pride. Looking to Jesus my Shepherd and Guide. Looking to Jesus and Him crucifiedâ€" THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursda That's faith‘ Lacking away from my gain or my 1055. Looking awaw from the world and its dross. Looking to Jesus on Calvary's CI'OSS Looking to That. )king 1 March 30. 1972 not, backâ€" Is faith. ts lack. . g to Jesus. 5 not slack Jesus and t W