The minor peewees at 2pm. followed by the juveniles at 4 are playing in the All-Ontario "AA" Finals. The major pee- Wees are in the North York fin- als at 6 pm. All these games Can‘be seen for $1. Early in the third period Scott Howson took a long. lead pass from Mark Haggerty and went in for the score. hm Wayne Grant opened the scor- lng in the second period. as- sisted by Scott Howson. Ching- uacousy scored late in this per- iod to tie the score. untario. The third. hopefully the final game will be played April 1 at North York Centen- nial Arena. Game time will be 2 pm. so come out and support this fine bunch of boys in their once-in- a-lifetime opportunity. Thornhill 5. Ching‘uacousy 3 Both teams opened strongly in the. first game. and although Thornhill had a definite edge on the play. the first period ended in a scoreless tie. Wayne Grant opened the scor- lng in the second period. as- sisted by Scott Howson. Ching- St. Luke's Fraser Dunn 2 Trinity Copper Kettle 1 Although ending in third place in the regular season. down 10 points from first place, St. Luke’s was able to push through to the championship. Steven Tschipper scored the lone first period marker for St. Luke's. In the second. Robbie: Humphries tied it up. Tschip- per then managed a sudden death overtime goal, assisted by( Marty Kidwell, to win the game and the cup. Finals Tykes Presbyterian TARC 3. United 0? The major peewees face {Ilia for the secong! time in 6 pm slot. av These Thornhill teams de-f Don’t f serVe our unreserved support as‘the Thor! they've downed all the compe- yourself a tjtion on their fight to the top. day at 2 MINOR PEEWEES COP Arena. TWO 0F FINALS lcnURCH "l‘homhill Minor Peewees met! Every 5 Chinguacousy (Bramalea) twice the Thorr on the weekend, winning both League wa games in a tremendous display games altl' of skill and determination. ’best two Mkuh L‘I\' vux. These were the first two There will be games in a bestâ€"of-five series hockey on the for the "AA" championship of‘Finals Squirts Ontario. The third. hopefully St.Luke'sl the final game will be played Trinity Co April 1 at North York Centen- Although e nlal Arena. nlunp in tho The minor pééï¬ees downed Bramaiea in their first of two games 5-3 in overtime on Sat~ urday and 54 Sunday. Next Saturday the 'crucial third game in the best of five series can be Seen The juveniles will be playing London in the second game of the "AA" finals. An exciting triple header of Thornhill OMHA hockey can be seen at the Centennial Arena (Finch and Bathurst) April 1 beginning at 2 pm. The. Town of Markham is working with the softball as- sociation to expand the playing facilities in the area. Over 600 of the above mentioned 800 r‘egv isti‘ations are from the Thorn- hili Green area Inorth of John‘ Street) which has only fouu school diamonds at their dis- posal. two at Royal Orchard and two at Baythom School. Lights have recently been installed at Grandview Park on Doncaster, but lighting in the north would greatly increase the use of the diamonds. The Thornhill softball pro- gram has been a tremendous as- set to the area for the past four seasons. Don’t let its growth and success he the _cause of its failure. Call Bob Adams im- mediately to keep the kids hav- ing the great summer they've always enjoyed. OMHA Triple Header If any boys or girls from1 West of Yonge Street have not 'registered'due to a mistaken boundary mentioned on the registration notice, call Wally Maxwell 889-1042 to see if there are still openings in the desired age group. Every 15 or 16 players registering requires at least two more adults as coach and assistant, without consider- ation of the expanded score- keeping. umpires. statistics, jer- sles. sponsors. etc. Obtaining over 50 sponsors is in itself a difficult task. a hard. fast game with Chin: uacousy taking seven penaltie and Thornhill five. Grant and Howson wer standouts for Thomhill in lhi game. and Buchan was alway dangerous. Greg Warga rush ed well from his defensive pos ition and Eric Coyne played . sound game at centre. Thornhlll 5. Chinguacousy 4 This contest, between two 11 year-old hockey teams, wa. about as well played and excit ing as a hockey game can be. The Thm‘nhill team :nnrmnr The registration of almost 800 boys and girls has made a serious shortage of coaches and assistants for this summer’s softball program. General Man- ager Bob Adams of Baythorn Drive reported that the Thorn- hill Softball Association must have volunteers immediately for coaching and assistants or further arrangements must be curtailed. Coaching experience is not necessary. With so many families ready to take advant- age of the successful softball program that Thornhill has de- veIOped. many more offers of assistance must be made. Call Bob Adams at 889-1295 immediately so he can com- plete the rosters and arrange» ments can be started for sched- uling, ordering jersies. etc. once again Chinguacousy tied it up. Late in the third period Chin- guacousy went ahead for the first time. and with three minutes left Howson tied the game, assisted by Grant and Dave Johns. ‘ The 10-minute stop-time ov- ertime period was all Thornhill,! as they showed the benefit of; their conditioning and scored two unanswered goals. Grant scored the winner on a passing play involving Scott Burkaz’c and Ricky Buchan, and Buchan took the pressure off when he stickhandled from the corner to the front of the net and ram- med the puck home. The big red team outshot the boys from Bramalea 34 to 16 in this game. Both teams played Recent completion of the Seneca Sports Centre, Finch Campus, has created the need for an ice machine operator. The successful applicant will report to the Manager of the Sports Centre and will be responsible for the operation and daily maintenance of the Zamboni Ice-making Machine; control of access to Centre facilities; supervision 0f permanent and‘ part-time staff ; and various other duties as required in the operation of both the gymnasium and ice arena. The incumbent should have at least three years experience in general arena operations. including experience with Zamboni ice-making equipment and maintenance of same. Please apply in person at the Personnel Office, Finch Campus. ARENA ICE MACHINE OPERATOR SENECA SPORTS CENTRE SENECA COLLEGE! HBME\1 /5ï¬Â£â€˜5 5 THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE 3 1750 Finch Ave. East lat Woodbine'. willov for the 59011-2: bu'thvrérs ilié‘ggéii-z‘e‘gï¬ex' BY MARGARET HOUGHTON Softball In Jeopardy h. 'oaching Shortage Critical OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY l The Thornhill team. sponsor- 'kham lsfed by H&s Reliance Ltd. Photo ’tball ans-[Engravers had an edge on 1119 9 playing play most of the way, and put OverinO forth their finest passing dis- O r- the ! Every single final series inï¬tie. It's only fitting that Ber- the Thornhill Church Hockey1 I games although scheduled as al S best two out of three series., League was won in two s11‘aight‘i i‘iifï¬'ï¬y‘i‘i ‘::e"§a:?;:f‘â€3:,ct;::;:i: REGULAR $12-00 ICHURCH HOCKEY LEAGUE Currieâ€"managed ye’t 'Snét’ï¬Ã©} A steady season by the Pres- byterians, keeping in first place or one point short of it all season, climaxed with a shut- out over United. Donald Dale In the second period Chingu- acousy scored again to take a ‘44; lead. but Thornhill quickly lfought back to tie the score, with Buchan scoring from Howâ€" son. Buchan appeared to have scored a second goal in this per- iod. but the referee ruled that his shot had hit the post. The score remained tied until 19:59 of the third period. when Coyne scored the winning goal, assisted by Grant. Chingua- cousy pulled their goaltender but Thornhill managed to hold on for the win. Ricky Booker played a great game for Thornhill in this con- test, and was particularly strong when back-checking and killing penalties. Tim Coughlin played a strong game at left wing, and made a beautiful play to set up the second goal. l Scott McCarthy and Jamie lDavidson shared the goaltend- ing duties for Thornhill. both playing well. ' The Thornhill defense of iWarga, Haggerty, Burkart and, Johns came up with another lbig game, limiting the hard- Eskating Chinguacousy squad to 17 shots on goal. Don’t forget, ithe Thornhill boys and give ,yourself a hockey treat Satur- folks. support Dave Rozycki and Bill Dunn. Ugo Fuseo put St. Luke's ahead until Rob Scott from Gary Fleck and Mark Danton tied it up again. Into the second period the game belonged to St. Luke‘s on a goal by Walter Mairer. Ian Craig assisted by Scott Cowie tied the game for United. Cowie then notched the winner, the rest was icing on the cake. Danton scored two goals in the final 30 seconds, and the cup was United‘s. Finals Minor Bantam St. Luke‘s Thornhill BP 6 Trinity Al Scott Plumbing 4 An exciting battle in the minor bantams was undecided until the final two minutes as the game between Trinity and St. Luke’s was tied four times. Trinity‘s Brian Laxton scored the first goal of the game. as- sisted by Steve Cashen. Paul Bernardi tied up the game with the first of his four goals. Cash- en then put Trinity ahead again with George Vandermay assist- ing. St. Luke’s Bernardi tied it up again. Bernardi‘s hatâ€" trick put St. Luke‘s ahead for the first time until Tim Currie from Steven Adams tied the game for the third time. Joey Fobert, assisted by Mike Scott McCarthy and Jamie Davidson shared the goaltend- ing duties for Thornhill. both playing well. ' The tide turned quickly. how. ited's Scott (:Jowie was assisted ever, and by the end of the first by Peter Spll'a in the opener. period Chinguacousy had tied St- LUke'S Pat FObel‘t tied UP the score 3-3. the game at 1-311. assisted by In the second period Chingu- DaVe Rozyckl' 311d Bill Dunn. acousy scored again to Iake 3mg? FUSCO put St. Luke's ahead 4.3 lead. but Thornhill quickly until Rob Scott from Gary fought back to tie the score, Fleck and Mark Danton tied it with Buchan scoring from Howâ€" up again. The Thornhill defense of Warga, Haggerty, Burkart, and Johns came up with another big game. limiting the hard- skating Chinguacousy squad to 1'1 shots on goal. Thornhill opened the scoring Peewee Finals and within 10 minutes had a 3-0 United 6 lead. Burkart. Carl Clutcheyr 5L Lllke’s Canac Kitchens 3 and Robert Greiner all scored A seesaw battle until United for Thornhili, wiih assists 20- tOPk COHtI‘OI 0f the final seven ing to Johns. Tim Conghlin, n1lnuï¬es ended the peewee fin- Ward Williamson and Coyne. .2115 With United as champs. Un- The tide turned quickly. how- “Cd‘s Scott Cowie was assisted play of the season, but had to come from behind for the 5-4 victory. Grant and Howson were standouts for Thornhill in this game. and Buchan was always dangerous. Greg Warga rush- ed well from his defensive pos- ition and Eric Coyne played a sound game at centre. Thornhlll 5. Chinguacousy 4 This contest, between two 11- year-old hockey teams. wax The big red team nutshot the boys from Bramalea 34 to 16 in this game. Both teams played a hard. fast game with Ching- uacousy taking seven penalties and Thornhill five. Late in the third period Chin~ guacousy went ahead for the first time. and with three minutes left Howson tied the game. assisted by Grant and Dave Johns. pm at Centennial Regan put St. Luke’s in the lead again, but Cashen from An almost John Kerr was assisted by Jamey Thompson in the first. Terry Howes was assisted by Eric Englesman and Billy Fry. Finals Atoms Trinity Turnpenny 8 St. Luke’s Shanahans 0 Although Trinity managed only one goal in the first period. by Alan Moffat. St. Luke's fell apart in the second. and Trim lity romped to an easy 6-0 win, and the cup. Nothing could spoil Martin Stokes‘ shutout. Two goals by Tom Fisher. 3 second by Alan Moffat. goals by Ted Fisher and Paul Moffat 4a team of relatives! made up the. total. Jim Bell assisted twice. Stephen Manzie, Alan Mofi‘at credit for the others. Peewee Finals and Ted Fisher gety ‘Bodogh scored their second ‘:031. A last minute goal by iHamm put the trophy in Un- ,ited's possession. Exhibition Sauirts St. Edward's 2 Presbyterian Woodhill NUI‘S. 0 The first period goals by top scorer Mike O'Toole. both as- sisted by Roy London and Eugene Sweeny. were the only scoring of the game. Mike Greenhill was the shutout goalie. Exhibition 'l‘ykes St. Luke‘s Miklas Assoc. 5 Trinity N. S. Smith 2 A hat. trick by St. Luke's iBruce Cameron controlled the game, as Cameron scored two in the first period, assisted by Ricky Seeley and Joey Mag~‘ nan-a m1 the first, Dan Anden‘ Trinity scored two goals in the first period. Barr from John Bell and Scott Fotheringham from Bell and Barr. Barr added four more points. with Father- ingham. Bell and David Wylie assisting before Presbyterians ruined Tom Morris' \shutout. The second period was scoreJ {less until the final three min- utes, when Stephen Herbert tal- lied up the insurance on an as- ;‘sist from Geoff Church and Linton. Stephenson from Herb- ert then made it three, and the game and the season were over. lrinals Minor Atom Trinity Thornhill Paint 6 Presbyterian Japan Car Sales 2 Five goals by Trinity‘s Randy Barr made it no contest as they trounced Presbyterian 6-2. Presbyterian’s first place posi- tion all season did not see them through the finals. Trinity scored two goals in the first period. Barr from John Bell and Scott Fotheringham from Bell and Barr. Barr added four more points. with Father- ingham. Bell and David Wylie assisting before Presbyterians ruined Tom Morris' ‘shutout. John Kerr Terry Howes was assisted by Eric Englesman and Billy Fry. Finals Atoms Trinity Turnpenny 3 St. Luke’s Shanahans 0 Although Trinity managed only one goalrin the first period. was assisted by‘ Jamey Thompson in the first; Trinity's Dan Harrison was asâ€"‘Queen 2 sisted by Steve Telford andlMidget Bert Geerling for the opener.‘ Tri. Gord Sutcliffe tied the game Tr and then won it for St. Luke's.‘ Joey Paul Matucci assisted on Sut- wood sc cliffe's second goal. .ros Bol Midget lJohn G United 4 :ers’ ass St. Luke's Sandrin Precast z (Fleetu'm Pete Cr A hat-trick by James Hamm1 won the trophy for United as they doubled St. Luke‘s 4-2. I, St. Luke‘s Bruce Rozycki open~ COWIe 5‘ ed the scoring, assisted by Rick 0nd Perl Micucci. Hamm answered from'ley HOff Peter Harvey‘s assist. PatJaCkSOH- Esaw, from Steve Davis and Atom 3‘ Scott Meddick put United ahead. T1 Hamm's second goal was the winner. assisted by Keith Web. ster and Esaw. The game seemed to be within reach for St. Luke's as Brian Ehrenworth. assisted by Micucoi and Larry Bodogh scored their second goal. A last minute goal by Hamm put the trophy in Un- ited's possession. Exhibition Squirts St. Edward's 2 Presbyterian Woodhill Nurs. 0 The first period goals by top scorer Mike O'Toole. both as- Hugh Vi and Ed Thorn playing hibition balance Queens“ ieoke H Thornl ponents Egli's p the Qut with the to Doug Thorn] before tl nannv "I scoreless first period was op- ened up by Peter Linton. with assists attributed to Eric Steph. enson and Malcolm Cole. REGULAR $12.00 SPECIAL $9.95 ST 5734 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE - PHONE 223-3592 NORTH YORK Early Spring Cleaning on your Furnace Complete inspection of all furnace requirements such as oiling motor, removing burners, adjusting fan belt, checking and oiling fan bearings. These are only a few of the procedures for safe, effic- ient operation. All work done by licensed gas fitters Call 881-2706 for appointment 24 Hour Service Phil Major’s CONVERTIBLE PEOPLE'S NATURAL GAS INDOOR SHOWROOM DO-IT-YOURSELF POOL KITS VINYL INGROUND 14’ x 28’ ................... $1325 16’ x 32’ $1625 18’ x 36’ $1825 20’ x 40’ ................... $1995 30 MIL SANITIZED LINER 14 GAUGE GALVANIZED WALLS AND RA CORNERS TOP LINE JACUZZI FILTER SYSTEM MAIN DRAIN AND HYDROSTATIC VALVE AUTOMATIC SKIMMER RETURN FITTINGS 7" WIDE WHITE VINYL COPIIVG 4! SEE OUR 310.09....- nun-coon... ocaotQ-oocu Ion-0.....- POOLS Trinity Trans Metro 2 Trlnity Vanguard & Norde. 2 Trinity Trans Metro control- led the first period with goals by Dave Barr from Paul Pos- cente and Sam Billich assisted by Barr. Bob Sickenger then answered for Vanguard assisted “same, as Cameron scored two ,in the first period, assisted by Ricky Seeley and Joey Mag~ nacca on the first. Dan Ander~ son and David Morris on the second. Trinity's Andrew Hold~ ing. assisted by Mark Wiltshire, answered. The second period belonged to St. Luke's also, as Seeley scored from Cameron's assist. Danny Cyr was assisted by Ian Mackenzie and Cameron com- pleted his hat trick, assisted by Steve Johnson. Mark Wiltshire was assisted by Paul Feather. stone for the second Trinity goaL Exhibition Minor Atom “tune.â€- vu-cu \ncll iPerreti was put in the clear by Bill Buckler. The fourth goal was Jim Bell's as he drove around the opposition defence to score. Glen Perrett got the assist. Martin Stokes went all the way in goal and made several fine saves early in the game to fire up his team mates. Thornhill Atom B 2 Pinecrest Speedway 1 Thornhill kept their winning streak intact, by playing well enough to win the game. but ithey were less than spectacular against the Richmond Hill team, who stayed with them until the last buzzer. Presbyterian Blues walked over the Stephenson boys as Ricky Herbert completed a hat- trick and an assist. Sean Hogue. Gary Geoffrey and Stephen Beattie scored the other mark- ers. Glen Levine and Dennis Flemming got assists. United 4 Trinity Anderson‘s 1 An opening goal by Trinity's Scott Martin. assisted by Eric Wright and Drew Broadbridge. was all they could manage as United downed them 4-1. Doug‘ Heron tied up the game and‘ Jeff Churchill. assisted by Glen Perrett put them ahead. Heron was assisted by Mike Parkinson‘ for his second goal. Ferrell was assisted by Heron for the final. Exhibition Peewee ed‘ Exhibition Atom Presbyterian Blues 6 Presbyterian Stephenson Con. 0 lnardl‘s fourth goal should be minutes. Regan however wanted the cup in their hands and a final 20 second-mark-goal asâ€" sisted by Paul Wyers ended 'Trinity's hopes. Bantam St. Luke's Shanahans . Trinity Marshall's Shell 1 { An exciting overtime game went in favor of St. Luke's as they tied the game 1-1 until the sudden death overtime. Trinity's Dan Harrison was as- sisted by Steve Telford and Bert Geerling for the opener. Gord Sutcliffe tied the game 9 .4 Paul Matucci assisted on Sut- cliffe's second goal. Midget United 4 St. Luke's Sandrin Precast 2 A hat-trick by James Hamm won the trophy for United as they doubled St. Luke’s 4.2. St. Luke’s Bruce Rozycki open- ed the marine. assisted by Rick the winner in the final twoi and then won it for St. Luke‘sW by Steve Fuller. Dave Lovett tied up the game assxsted by ‘Paul Burnham. Exhibition Minor Bantam F St. Luke's Disera Motel 5 i United 0 l, St. Luke‘s Disera shutout ‘ljnited 5-0 with Dan Bell doing the goal-keeping duties. Goals ‘were attributed to Rick Craig. jGavin McQueen. Neil Briden. ,2John Devenz and Murray Lowe. .Briden assisted twice. Devenz, Joey Poltz. Lowe. Greig and Mc- Queen assisted on one each. Midget Exhibition ‘ Trinity Fleetwood TV 5 Trinity Trans Metro 2 Joey Bagg opened the Fleetâ€" ‘wood scoring. with Trans Met- lro‘s Bob Adams answering on John Greenfield and Bill Petâ€" ers' assist. Glen Valliant put Fleetwaod ahead. followed by Pete Cowie. Dan LePage and Hugh Wilkinson. Drew Warga and Ed Cunningham assisted on Cowie's goal. Late in the sec- ond period Trans Metro‘s Char- Both game sheets disappear- Days a Week AND RADIUS $1125.00 $1325.00 $1625.00 $1825.00 $1995.00 OPEN Paul Moffat opened the scorâ€" ing from Mike} Parkinson. but Richmond Hill came back to tie LICK and scored two more: The Department of Trans. EOBIS- {portatinn and Communications Thornhill's third goal came has cut the 1972 normal sub- nn 3 2-1 situation when Glen‘sidy fnr both consrruétinn and Perrefl was put in the (-learï¬mamtenance, Vaughan Council by Bill Buckler. The fourth learned at its March 20 meet- goal was Jim Bell‘s as he drove ing, around the. opposition defence‘ For construction a subsidy of to scm- Glen Perrett got the $175,000 will be available this aSSiSt. ‘ "M, “amnuna 4,. «av mm 1'... Thornhill spotted their op» ponents one goal, but Mike Egli's persistance in front of ’the Queensway net paid off with the tying goal, assist going ‘to Doug Heron. ‘ Thornhill scored the winner before the period ended. when Danny Tuckey took Bill Buck~1 ler's pass but at the point. and} rifled it into the lower left corner of the Queensway net. J The Queensway team wilted in the final period as Thorn- hill refused to give them the puck and Scored two more goals. Thomhill Atom B 4 Queensway 1 Thornhill's Atom Selects. playing their third Clancy ex- hibition game. showed great balance and depth in downing Queensway Atoms of the Etoh- icoke Hockey Association 4-1. ley Hoffeldt was assisted by Miriam: drawn to R. Fusiwara 167. Jackson. $10 winners were 353 - W. See~ Atom B ley. 334 - T. Bailey. 204 - C. Thornhill Atom B 4 Ephgrave. 47 - M. Gould, 311 - St. Luke's Disera shutout United 5-0 with Dan Bell doing the goal-keeping duties. Goals were attributed to Rick Craig, Gavin McQueen, Neil Briden. by Steve Fuller. Dave Lovett tied up the game assisted by Paul Burnham. Exhibition Minor Bantam St. Luke‘s Disera Motel 5 United 0 One coat covers. Dries in 20 minutes. Brushes. roller easily cleaned with soap and water. Cifléne 97 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill SALE BAKE SALE & CARD PARTY £5“ Charlton Hardware 884-1331 (Bring your own cards) April 7th at 8 pm. . at Holy Trintv Anglican Church | Brooke Street, Thornhll Sponsored by the Thornhlll Lionettes Tickets $1.25 each available from Mrs. Ann Berlette, 889-3451 Proceeds for the Thornhill Community Hall $8.88 GAL. SPECIAL BONUS BUY $5.95 GAL. However. the municipality is! asked to submit a supplement- ary request for subsidized road work by the end of May. The true picture on subsidies will not be available until the de- partment has dealt with these supplementary estimates. For construction a subsidy of $175,000 will be available this year. compared to $187,000 in 197]. For maintenance the 1972 subsidy will be $144,000, compared to $205.000 in 1971. The new wash’n wear paint. Dries to a beauti- ful flat finish. Brings a rich appearance. to your walls. $9.95 Vaughan Subsidy Roadwork Cut J. Poland. 75 â€" B. Rodda, 347 â€" ‘K. Newton. 302 - R. Berryman, 170 - J. Stephenson. 150 - K. ‘Jennings. 337 - E. Stankiewicz, S7 - W. Cotton. 118 - S. Wool- nough. 314 â€" D. Baker, 271 - E. Ast. $25.00 to 53 - R. Herbert, $50.00 in 123 - T. Harwood. $75.00 to 17 - A. Panza. $100 split between 194 - R. Spafford and 297 - Mrs. C. Moore. Seller‘ of the winning ticket $50 split‘ between L. Moore and J. Dav- idson. ~Other prize winners during the evening were $100 for first The proceeds of the Club 400 car draw were for the Thornhill Minor Hockey Association. The Thomhill Minor Hockey Association held their Club 400 dance and car draw March 17 at the Fire Fighters Club in Thornhill. The grand prize. a 1972 Pontiac LeMans. was won by the last two ticket holders who agreed to share this prize. The winners of the. car were Mrs. C. Moore of Vista View Drive and Mr. R. Spafford of Uplands Ave., both of Thorn- hill. The evening was a huge success and was attended by approximately 200 people. Thomhill‘s Glen Pen‘ett scor- ed the winner early in the sec- ond period. assisted by Danny Tuckey and Mike Egli. The teams then traded play for the balance of the game. Club 400 the game before the first per- iod ended. Cilfone Flat ' he Enamel TURN SPARE ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH ,BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Allencourt Hardware Markham Rd. at Bayview Richmond Hill This is a special of- fer~ on CIL Paint. Now . . . for a lim- ited time only you can purchase this high quality paint at this special bonus price. Act fast the price will never be lower. 884-5331 16 INDUSTRIAL RD., RICHMOND HILL a 884-884I - 773-4444 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS ~â€" Get Results - 884-1105 The RENAULT .12 offered more passenger room. with easier access, more trunk space, better brakes, more comfort, Radial-Ply tires ‘as standard, and front-wheel drive to get and keep you going on snow, ice and mud. The RENAULT 12 was tested along with all the other small cars in its class (Import & Domestic) and came out on top. 301 Markham Road at Newkirk 884-6428 MAYFAIR TEXTILES GREENWQOD RENAULT PATCH WORK COTTON 1.39 Yd. COTTON GINGHAM 59c Yd. â€" OUR CREPE CRIMP IS NOW $3.99 YD. -â€" - OUR DOUBLE KNIT ACRYLIC IS NOW $5.49 YD CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY OPEN THE RENAULT 12 CAN BE SEEN & TEST DRIVEN AT SCIENCE & MECHANICS Magazine Tested and Voted THE IBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. March 30, 1972 Find out how Seneca can help develop your full potential with part-time courses starting next month. Discover for yourself the remarkable opportunities for adults in personal enrichment and vocational Senecaâ€"your community college. BATIK. Learn to make wall hangings. dress lengths. scarves, ties and pillows by this ancient art of "resist" dyeing. Thursdays,1:30-â€"3:30 p.m.. King Campus, April 13â€"June 1, $15 EXPRESS YOURSELF! Develop balance. rhythm and form. through a variety of media: charcoal. inks, acrylics and oils. Tuesdays,1:30â€"3:30 p.m., King Campus, April 11â€"June 13. $20 FAMILY CAMPING. Land and water safety, preparing and cooking food are-among topics to introduce the whole family to camping.The tee is $7 for the whole family. Wednesdays, 7:15-9:15 pm, King Campus, April 19-May 81, $7 FUTURE SHOCK! What happens to people'overwhelmed by- change? AlvinTottler’s book provides the basis for discussion. Wednesdays, 9:30â€"11 :30 am, King Campus, April 12â€"May 31, $15 PATIO COOKING. Surprise your family, astound your friends and be the envy of your neighbourhoodâ€"classroom and outdoor sessions. Tuesdays,7:30-9:30 p.m., King Campus, April 11â€"May 30, $18 WORLDS OF WOMEN IN MARKHAM. Gain knowledge, confidence and awareness of yourself and the world around you. Discussion, speakers and field trips. Thursdays, 9:15-11:45‘a.m., Markham Arena, April 6-June 8, $25 York Region residents, call Zenith 31200 (toll-free). OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY Markham residents call collect. SENECA COLLEGE For further information, call 884-9901 KING CAMPUS DUFF-ERIN STREET NORTH RR3 KlNG CITY ONTARIO Seneca’s new King Campus Start a part-time course next month at “SMALL CAR OF THE YEAR" RENAULT 12 WE HAVE GINGHAM FORTREL COTTON PRINTS 89c Yd. from Richmond Hill POLYESTER 8: COTTON GIN GH AM OPEN MONDAY $1.89 Yd. COTTON SUEDE 1.98 Yd.